| Devoted to the interett of 1 County in General it j '{■ fton in F»rticul«i \vt;;i«K- Q. Number 3 . i L IN READINESS > RED CROSS DRIVE . t i' '' r.stniaJ KcHI Call of the \ , .v ink place during the c wet'K beginning December 16th. j r , ;1 a "i.i ran lor members of 'toss u.r ihe year 1919. K ;.t -iohly have the people of , h, in >A.'M'd to their names lien jaiieil on for service during c ~. .tar mil a half. But 1 r ; .1 ~j,s whiii wp were threat- t iod t a cruel and relentless £ t; w hen our men and boys t , ;i i 1 bo>» from our own „ i v (fid firt'fcides were in need j # • . help und eiicourage-j ( er.* l-.atO'U'd be given to en-|, i r • •:t. to perform the dread- ( I c t. .-ti at were theirs; when { ihe c uel hand of the throat of ( ( r -.li f-; when his heel was ( •inoinT to powder the fairest | i ,ds ,it' Europe; when dark and s t, i-'ja c ling clouds were hanging , cv e r js I . h.Mi ,ve could see the need «-i ; K tiLr vs service Wounded men ( , ,ist b>* attended to; prisoners | n , Jbt o.- looked after; the starv- t i : n u. t "e fed; the naked must I/ civ ihed morale in our own ar- ( lines and tlie armies of our allies must t* kept up or else defeat i Would settle the fate of the world f,,r ages ..to come: democracy would be a name of thing that h. d been tried in the world and had h iUd; kings and emperors i v utd flourish in the world and tl • r. n.mon people would sup- 1 t t it mes and build prisons to I i arcii ite themselves and their ( li'r ■», O.i >ea. we could set i , k e.' of the Red. Cross a yeai »n ). Our very selfishness de mand. d that it be given the most ii ,*jilted support, and the num i ot ti embers jumped almosi i nei ii telv from less than hall t iill;>Htu more than twaaty-fiv* j lioi . i he condition of affairs appears v. y different today. Germany has been conquered and is ap p alin lor help and mercy; the Y ser is ti fugitive; the war par t, ,ias tven dispersed; anarchy, rui.ning mad in Russia, is raising i-., dreadful head in Germany and Austria and is threatening the rest of the world. The wor; o tht- allied forces has been thoi*- oughly done. The war is over; it rernfains only for the peace con ference to impose its will onGer ma iy and her aliies vVe know the part played in al this by the Red Cross, or at least w know in part We know tha millions of knitted articles hav b u t n made by the Red Cross b k> t | cur ,-uldiers warm when th> I..clone* could not furnish them iVc know ti at millions of garm •envs have been made for Frenci a >o Belgian refugees; we know that e&untless bandages and sur jjical dressings have been furn ov the Red Oross and for •v»rde-i tu our armies in France; * - know thousands of starving fits e en fed; we know that - C' Of-* surgeons and nurse: J »vt r '• aur wounded; wc |.i v \ n«-ii ii«fe at hotne the Ret ss ; a rendered a service tha i* eyi.nu ail praise in fighting t p.a/ue b; Spanish influenza tha' ha.- taken Mich hold upon us. Right ht«re at home, in Martii crj.Tty, grateful hearts , ' i>»t f.i- -.as sent the devotee ■y in; tff.thisl orgnnizati n' int. t. • of our i e iple a - - K\ w as n c o'.her forms of ser Vic.' inav. tIK R d CfOaS IS capa hit? of rend.rintf that it ha> rendered cajmot 1* enumfratei h«re. We kn r '»v an thi.*. Jho cjues lion remains. "\Vi>atare ive go irig lo do about it;' We are not now appealing l«r millions of dollar.- . \Ve appealing for work ers to g.» out and solicit members for 19*9; * « are appealing to all who "have a heart and a dollar" to«nroll at members. If jouare aljgady a member renew your membership at on«e. The slogan for this' —toll call ia "Universal .Membership." That mean# that THE ENTERPRISE we want every man, woman tod child in this land to become a member and remain a member at the Red Cross Every appeal that has been 1 made to the prop!" >t Martin j county luis been .inv»*red ro>t merely to JtKI per I "I whltt has been a&ked. but : t nil things our people lmve gone over the top. Is it time to hesitate now? " I am toe hus\," 'I have dine enough." "There is no iurther need," are but answers of ignor ance and selfishness. la your patriotism dead? Is gratitude only a name? Has selfishness closed up the bowels of mercy? Has your heart hardened against suffering that you canuot con tribute a dollar t" aid others to bring relief? Are you so little interested that you cannot give n day. a week if u«ed be, to a»ki"g friends and neighbors to join in this Kreat work? It would seem so, so many refuse to give of their time. The people will re spond if somebody will give them the opportunity. Notice H living qualified as udininistra I tor of the estate of William I) Rob erson. deceased, with will annexed, late of Martin county, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un lersiKiu-d at williamston. North -arolina, on or before the 9tli day of December, 1»19, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covcry. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imiucd uite pay mem. ..... This tne 9th day of Dec , 1918. J.C- RAWLS, I) 14 M Admiimtratcr. Notice Under and by virtue of the ail thoritv conferred in me by a cer tain deed of trust executed to me by W. T. Hadlev and wife, Annie tladley «n the sth day of Decern »er, IVI7, and duly recorded in tin office of the register of deed* in Martin county, in llook U-l page "5, to secure the payment of a cer tain bond bearing even date there with; and the atipalations in said leed of trust n»t having been com •lied with, I shall expose at pub ,ic auction for Cash oil the 7th day of January, I*l9, at 12:00 o'clock VI ; at the court hcuse door in Martin county, the following prop rty: Beginning at a bridge on the Robersonville and Flat Swamp road, running a northerly courae .vith G, W. Wiggins' and H. A Cray's line; thence with the vari ous courses of the llryant Chance and, J. D. Martin, W. A, Rober >on &Co to the public road; thence with said road to the beginning, containing 25 acres more or k-»s, tnd being the same land convey 1 >y Henry Moore to W. T. Hadh y tnd wife, Annie Hadley and the .aineland conveyed by W. Stan oil to O. P. Roberson. This the 6th day of Dec., B. DUKK CRITCHPIR, i) 14-4t Trustee. Notice Having dual fied as administra ir tij>on the estate of Granville -vfoore, deceased, notice is hereby fiven to all persons holding claims tgainst said estate t-> present them o the undersigned for paymetit%n >r before the *nd day of D«c mb'r, 1919, or this «otice will be plead iu bar of their recovery All per ■ sons indebted to said estate are re* ' -jueated to uiakt amediate pay -1 ment, ' This «fnd day of December. i918.i W. C, MAKMKC, f Admiuinistrator. i Miss Maggie Sparke, of Rober -1 Bonville visited friends here this t week. Williajnston, Martin County, INL C. December Vf 1918 To I'eople of North Carolina | Christmas is coming and will: find a large numb r «.f soldiers here in Camp Jackson, munv of' whom vs ill be lonesome and un-| happy Now, it is my wish to ■ do everything possible to give} these men a taste of real Christ-1 mas joy. lam appealing to the| good people of this stat? to send I for them, through me. whatever | they feel that they can contribute to the euccess of a happy Chriit mas day. 1 will be glad to have smokes, good things to eat and money to be applied to purchase of fresh fruits and other delicacies. In addition to these men in camp, we have between five and six hundred Red Cross nurses, the finest girls in the world, and I want to 9ee that thev have h happy (Christmas, so I am also making an appeal for them. Whatever is sent by any friend of our k'reut citizen army will be us-ed for the benefit of the men and will contribute much towards giving them a joyful occasion. Address all communications or packages to Dr. John D. Weber, eneral Camp Secietarv. Y. M. C. A . Camp Jackson, S. C. A Card Though the clouds of affliction hover around us, we still know that it is God's hand that directs and that His tender mercy if vouchsafed to every heart with sorrow broken In His own wa> He gave to us the untiring devo tion of physicians, nurses, neigh mrs and friends of our own ani' a..-o of the colored race all gh ng of themselves to aid during he weeks of suffering and at th. leath of our loved one, Charles E Baker, who answered thf summons, as all of us must whet air pilgrimage on earth is over. For these friends and their ten ler ministrations we are aeepi> grateful and each one will be hel • n faithful remembrance througi all the years and may God's attend them always: Eloihe Mkadows Baker. W. T. Mi;adows and Family. Statement of the ownership, man agement, circulation, etc., requir ed by the act of congress of August 24, 1912, of The Enterprise published weekly at Williamston, N. C., f°r October, 191^ STATU OF NORTH CAROLINA I COUNTY OH MAKTIN Before me, a n*tary public f>t the state and county aforesaid, per sonally appeared W- C, Manning ,vho having been duly sworn ac rording to law, deposes and says hat he is the owner of The ICnter prise and that the following is to the best of his knowledge and be ief, a true statement of the own «rship, managemenf (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the dat:- shown in the above caption, reqtiir cd by the act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postai Laws and Regulations printed on the reverse side o. this form, to wit: 1 the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: W C. Mahnino, Williamston, N.C 1, That the «wners are: W. C, Manning, Williamston, N .C }. That the known bondholders mortgagees and other security hold ers owning or holding one per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgagees or other recurities are: NONK. W. c >. Sworn and s«bßcriby«t to 1> fort m»;thi»6tli day of December. ;''lß. J E. Port, Notary Public. My commission expires December 21* The weather for the past weak has been pregnant with pneu monia germs. It is absolutely 9 xessary that people care fop th>. ro-elves at thiß time. Nurses are not available and the situa* tion is more alarming than ever before ia our town r WILLIAMSTON LOCALS Mr. Simon Rotenburß is in Rich mond this w,'*ek for a minor operation. Mrs H.G.Gardner of Murfrees borois with her bro'her Mr Clyde Sewell who is ill with influenza, at the A hmtic H»tel. Mr »• I Mra. W \ .iame* ente rtilin»*.l the of the hical tohtw ■. m -ket *" t m wt deli«h'-' fill .ti i 'V i--«.1'4 -wn'iii. Mr in! (Mm .1 G (J.xtnrd went t. NJJ- folk 1 :.>sd«s shop ping. - :it home from liWUbtirß C'dletre lor the holidny?. Miss l,alln VVyfn." is at hone from Hender.'on ville fur the Chriatnms holidays Mrs C. H Hawell is in Raleigh this we k Alfred Ellis and Heman I'cele havr received their discharges and are at homafrom Camp lack son, S 0. Vt Miss Annie is with her brother, Mr. John Lamb, of Wil s»n, whose family is ill with in fluenza. Miss Janey Freeman of Wilson is with her siiter, Mr*. I'. B. Cone, whose familv is ill with in fluenza Messrs A. R. DunninK and Harry Stubbs are representinn Vlartin countv in the Boone-Bank uead highway naeetinß in Wash in«ton City thi»6ieek. Titu9 Critcher Is at home from \Vake Forest. Mrs. W.A.Jaines ,vas in Norfolk this week shopp Kijf. Collin Paele and Arthu. Kerry are at home from Camp Hill, Newport News. Clyde AnderiOn, Roland t'ruw ord and Jim Ed Harrcll came iome tha week from State Coi .ege. Raleigh. Tbaae boys were irf the S.' A T. C oT that colleßo tnd have just received their (lis charges Mr. Harry Jones of Raleigh las accepted a position with thi Enterprise Publishing Company, de has been associated with the dobersonville Herald for soni. ame and is both a man and a printer of hi«h repute Application for Pardon of KDGRtI'FIN and WIiST rouhrson Application will be made to the Governor of N'ortFi Carolina fortht >ardon of lid (rfiffin and West Koberson, convicted at the June •erm, 1918. Martin county superior •ourt for the crime of illicit distil lery and to be confined in the stnte penitentiary for the term of one year. »nd lav of December, 1® • **, Kt> Gviri'tN und West Roukkson, [)j4-2t By Attorney. Charlie B. Baker Dead Charlie B. Bakt-r died 'vV* ln« s day nißht, December 7th, of pneumonia frllowing |ir.flu m He was the son of the late Ch.'.p. H. Baker and Mrs Bak'-r who was Mjga Molly Sherrod he'ore her marriui;'.'. He was horn in Hamilton April 15th, 1H95, ana was educated a' W.irrenton, com ing to Williamston to live after wards. On December 7th, lo 14 he married Miss Kluite -Meadows daughter ol Mr, and Mrs, W. 1. Meadows of this place, und ha* made his hom* witl'i them He has been book Keeper fir tht Roanoke Wurehous>: for uevt-rjl years and has mai y friends in the tobacco bu-iness. Ho leaves a .wifi',-m..:iirta throe Bisters. Mts: L.lli'' »'•'« • and M r;', Srurio. 1 SiNbory, of High Point, Mrs. K- H Dardcn, of Norfolk, and two brotVr?, Messrs. A Sherrod Baker, of Detroit, and Robert. Baker, of Tennessee The rem tiua were laid to rest Thursday afternoon in the Bap tist cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. H. assisted by Rev J. F. Carter, Many beautiful floral trilu e covered the newly made grave Mri. R. W. House Dead Mrs. Ralph W. House of Oak City died Monday night of influ enza. She was Miss Susie Bur nette before her v marriage, .laugh ter of the late Thomas B. Burn ette of near Oak City and mar ried Mr. R dph W House five years ago, leaving one little son to mourn her death with his father. S'h l was a woman of splendid character and had a host of friei.ds in her community. Be sides her husband and little child she leaves two sisters and three brothers. Miss Louie May Burn ett and Mrs. W, Savavje, and Messrs Thomas 8., Sum. I L. and Marion Burnett. Many people do not understand that th»'y themselves are re.spon rfiblo for the control of whooping cough, diptheria, scarlet fever and other diseases among their children. They expect the quar antine authorities to stop the spread of contagions, when with out the hearty co-operation of tin; parents the authorities are as helpless us the children who get the disease. Before any ap preciable amount of good can "re suit from the efforts to control diseases among children, parents must realize their responsibility mid folloA' the advice of the quarantine officer. It is only by the co operation of the people with the quarantine officer that diseases may be controlled and the lives of many children spar ed. This responsibility rests on every persod to whose care God has intrusted a child. Co-operate With Him Through tii(.roused production not connervatlou w« will ho »hlf this voar to export ««vtn UUJP* our pre-wnr average exports of pork products. With the hf*vy tlemunda added ti» cur ing for th« millions who tuivu beau freed from Ovrtuau opprotalou, the Pcparttueut of Agriculture and tha Pood ▲dmlntatrutlofl are Justified to day In our every action of stlmillation of hog production. In the coming year tha grenteat world shortage will he In fata, and pork will help to save this altuatl«n The offlcacy of tho pulley of aUmulnted production litis hnllt up lu this country auppllaa which will en able us to supply a very largo part of the fat deficiency of the world In beef there must be a ahcu'tagc In Ku rope, due largely to limited refrigera tor «hlp capacity. All freezer ahlpa available, however, will be tilled by Ainorlca, Argentine and Austrullu. The contribution made by the pro ducers of this country to the wnr pro gram as applylug particularly lo anl tnnl food products Is Illustrated t>y ilie following: Report* complied l»y tho U. S. I)v parttnent of Agriculture Indicate nn Increase lo cattle of 10,238,000 head and 12,441,000 hogs. These ttgurea were r*mplled to January 1 last. lo this period there was a decreiise In sheep of 810,000 head. The indica tions are that this decrease will show an Increase, according to recent re ports. Since January 1 unofficial Informa tion tadlcates an Increase In bogs of not lea« than 8 per cent, mid not more than 16 per cent, as compared with one year ago, with an Increase ID the average weight. Following the request of the U. S. Food Administration for un increase In hog production for marketing-fin tho fall of 1018 and the spring of 1910 the Increase may yield not less than 1,000,- 000,000 pounds more of pork products than were available last year. With out this Increase the shipping program arranged by Mr. Hoover regarding an imal food products would have beeo Impossible. The dressed hog products during tli» three months ending Seplomber 30. 1817, amounted to U03,17i!,000 pounds, while for the corresponding months of IKIB tlie dressed bog products totaled as Increase of over 374,• 000,000 pounds for the quarter. purine the same parlod for 1017 the records of Inspected slaughter of dressed beef skowed 1.W.000.000 pounds as against 1,4.">4,000,000 pounds for ttie three month period eudlug September 1, this year. HHUHHBmmmI • : *r% *' ' ' MB-SMS mmST* mm WIDE I State's Task to Raise $48,000,000 Not to Be Affected by PtN* Money HAS Been Spent.—State's Honor Stake. Even though the war la over and peace will soon bo doclaxwd, the War Savings Campaign Is to b« made a success la North by raising Its |4X Stiti.33o by December 31 Sec rotary McAdoo has naid that railing tin; Slate's War Savings alWHm«nt Is Lho lul aU of the Government for war finances tlUa year and should be thu people's urgus tbe people to redseni their War Savings pledges by Christmas and to keep on baying « Lamps until ths State's entire quota Is raised Tbern are three reasons why North Carolina must rails her War Savings allotment this year regardless of tbe coming of peace and the end of the war The first la because the money nail il for In tbe War Saving* allot tnem has already been spent Lost Jul)'- the people gave the Qovsrameat the i' word that it coald depend on them for the purchase of thalr quota of War Savings Certificates The Oovommint took their word as therr bon I und spsat the amoant In oqulp pdn>; the soldiers with needed rune, ammunition and rsppllee. which act brought the war to a speedier close than would hare been possible had this money not baen spent. By giv ing their pledge tbe people not only helped to win the war, eartier tkaa would have been the case otherwise, bat saved millions at dollars and thousands of ltrea. Now the OoTernment nomas to the cJtlaens of the State wKh the reqneet that they make good fhalr word und redeem thalr War SrTlngs pledges As patriot is Americas dtitans they oan do nothing leas. This s a debt of honor they will be glad to meat. IT for no other reason, they weald re deem their pledgee In appreciation of the services and secri flees the boys have made at the front. They wooM show thalr gratitude In a more oab ntantial way than Shout!nx victory EiOMT REASONS WHY WM SAV INOS STAMPS IS SeST INVEST MENT. There arc eight good reasons why money Inverted In War Savings Stamps in December Is tbo best in vestment that a psraon can make. Stamps cost in Deosaber 9413 and are rmlHttmable la lU3. four years hetK e. worth »N The eight rev hoq* arc 1 Money invested In War Savings Stamps huara over 4% par cent com pound Interest. No rther Government •ucurlty pays as great a rate of In terest 1 h Is nontaxable Oaly whea Money Is invested In Oaiwaaioal ae onrlUeti Is u free from tare a 3. It la not *ab»aut to judgasaat creditors or to execution of any kind. 4. it li redeemable at any tlsae. If a person who has is vested his money in War Savings thai— finds himself overtaken by isdwarafcy., Wrknees or other emergency, he can. by giving ten days uotice to the postofflc* where fate Hteinps are reglstared. get back the esaonnt of money he originally In vetted with about 3 par oent Interest. 6 it Is redeemable tat Installments. If a person needs a part of the money he has Invested la before the date of maturity, he can nash to tbe item pa la instalment* st (liferent ttaoes (. ft enables the small taveator as soon as he has $4-13 to become nanoi of a Ooverosseat bend nnd a partner of tbe Government This is a privilege the average citlaen of the State has never before had. At the beginning of thu war only one person la 300 owned Government bonds Now at tbe (floss of tbe war one perssa fa eviiry five owna a Government bond. Are yon a bond-holder by owning a Liberty Bond or a War Seeing* Cer ti Scale' 7 Monej Invested Is Waj- Savings Stamps Is an investment made when money has a redaced pmrhsslng power to be paid hnofc whea It will have a large purchasing power To la? a dollar has the purchasing pow er of oaly sixty ceats an a pre-war baalti. whereas. In 11)1. or alter the war. a dollar wtll have at leant the purchasing power of 100 cents 8 Registration of Stamps at poet offices Insures absolute safety After a person registers his Stampe at tbe poet office tbey are redeemable apon demand even If the 9taaranaJ|hem selves have been mutilated, •^liiw* —ir lost by fire THRIFT BITS. A man who -won't lead is the Kada> er's friend I>end by buying W. S. S. I'ay up your W. S S pledge and get It off your hand*. Thu fellow who feels best faaia a War .Savings cerUbcale in bis pocket. Unttor than money ti a nan nri thay oara tnontiy -War Savinga Stamps See® for oW ag« and Old Glory. Bay War Saefchgv Stamps. Ail 1M par cent Anariam an ashing good their War Savings pledges Von arc a better American K pa* keep year War Saving pledge. J 1 ' •" Alfcyou n;ed is "Heart and a Dollar." Join the Red Cross, Advertiser* will flail sag Column* a ItfftkKvto.tUD Martin County Hem. Established 1899 and hurrahing for peace. They woM themselves make some self-daatel Hi show that they are worthy of ths m» rifloes made by the boys. Another reason for selling ths State's full quota of War Bartags Stamps even though the war hi over Is bacauso the expetvuea of ths war mm> still going on. Tbe sokllers over there as well aa those over have as—t be fed and clothed for levarai smlfes to come. As a matter of fact, the work of the soldiers ever there Is mK yet done and theHr expense*?, a log though aa armistice has been rensh ed, con tin so to be enormous. Nst sn til everyl American soldier la nib again on American soli afl ths «*• pssMos of the war be over. A third reason for mabhig a sus cees of the War Savings Campaign hs North Carolina ia becasss dm Stated repstatiou is at stake. Ttrna Car bar war record la 100 per cent patiMh. She has made a euccssa of an of bar liberty I»ens. her Red Cross, bar T. M C. A. and other war missarss. and now it remains to her ts maks a success of her oaly unSataliei war )ob. The task ef (he people is u com plete this task and give tbs Mats • 100 per rent war record. Wfll they do it? North Carolina saver has faOed her country, and WtU m* -fall this time. Tfsr clttseas win ha caked est to redeem thatr War Sartngii pledgee and to bay an ad- Jltbisl amooat aerwimry to oa» pMe the State's allotment by Dooms ber SI. Tbey win do tt. Two -ondltlons in North Oarottaa aasare the State a War Savings vlo tory. The first is tbe nnnusatlmssil pnfrlsrtam of her and ths mb ood 1* the great wealth of her H WUh this comblnaUon North OSSo lina win rass ber entire War ««**a and maks a 100 par cent war 1 record. STATrS ftePUTATIOW AJ STAKE I North Care Mas'a rsgutation lb st atabe. Her war record which ia now 100 por oent perfect is te be esvsd sr loot by the aim case sr fmians ef Om War Ssw> lag a Csmpsiga. Tbas far ths etnts hsa succeeded in Its four Liberty Unsaa. hs Ha Red Crosa, Y. M. C. A. and United War Fund Campaigns, and If its res* ord Is to remain 100 per oeat perfect. It must stdks a suoosss of its War SaiHnge Csmpsiga by December 31. The rarerd made hy the boys at the front hae been a com plete eigoose They have saads a perfect score In effloleney, in oourape. In patriotism and In whatever else was rveoeaaary he wtn the war end bring peace to tbe world. They have nobly re sponded to avery oail of their Government, to every demend fer justice, to every ary of wvoiitfod sad suffering hsnnan fty. Gen the people at boms 1 afTord to bavs their record of war acthritlee besmirched with tbe fattwre of the War Ssvings Caaipalgn the g» ashwat war of fbrt of the yearf If the Stshe'a Sae war rsoard la te be saved. If tbe makers ef history are to ehrostde a per. Hot acors aa the eMma' re sponse he every war oall of the ttSKWiawoMb than they rm»s* make tbe War Savings Cam paign a ssccess hy Deoember St. IT the State's envious reoord of the peat la to remsli untamleh ed In ttve futane and If Ita oitl nne ere to cootlnus te bosst wfth pride of its accompileh menta in war ss Weil aa bl pence, the one remaining war effect of the year most be sae cesafsMy flniahsd. The State meet raiae Re fun War Savings quota by Deoember 31. North Carotins hss never failed, and will net fail thie time. STAMPS Alt! FOR R»CM POO« No ■—" or woman who b ' JlUwd a ldhsitj Bond ia reHsreu .ooi the doty of buying War Savings Stamps. To leare the Stamps plan of ioadlag money to the Government to thesa of narrow means and to ths roung psopia Is to be caroleas of the oaaaa of America and her allies Does the average man or wsahg who earns a substantial salary as good -wagis bavs any idea of ths aac rihres made by Me small Investors la war Savings Stampe to do their "bit" in the waT? ft is often a stsrt of silent heroism. If those In fairly easy ctrcumstances emulated the very posr, whose soots are filled with unyielding resolutions to do their share to win the war, what a boom there wonld be hi Mte Government's receipts from sales of War Savings Stamps ' Maw la the ttaa for everyoaa. go matter what hfe station ia life «My ha. to make as great a sacrifice for Mi risi 1 ram sat and for humanity aa la made by the a*mt hamble ef oar ■ -' Renew your to the Enterprise now

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