Dtvoted to the Interest of Martin County in Qansrtl It Williarntton in Particular Volume "20. N timber |3 '■» New Vaccine Said to Prevent Influenza ' With 4tK),000 human lives in the United States snufted out by influen v za since tiie scourge pained a foot hold Jnl> t- few months ago, with au thorities i/i ting a further loss of 750,000 husran lives in the next year unless tin epidemic is checked, the loss to Aim rica from influenza is al ready ten Umc* greater than the loss which.Was . utl ored on the battlefields of Europe. Like smiilpox in the middle age* and typhoid in modern warfare influ enza is th • scourge bred on the lat est battle!.elds of Europe and when the hi store of the war is written the losses in American military canton ments from tit is scoui ge will be foun J I to exceed American deaths in Euro pean warfare. With leading medical authorities claiming that a heavy percentage of all the people are naturally suscep tible to the disease and that normal ly the epidemic will not end until vir uallv every tucepfible person has bee stricken, vaccination presents the on ly means of stemming the tide of a scourge which otherw.idbvwill claim a ....staggering toll of human life in tin.-, country for main iniftittTß'tn rome. «.f;tii»» individual in .impossible. Prevention of crowds, IIASUI sprays "flu" masks and other experimental measures have proven unsatisfactory. After the scourge wanes it flares up again suddenly and then rages at times with even greater violence. The cur., of the - liHease is uncer tain P-rev( ution is better.. The Rose now vacoin" offers refuge not only to influenza, but protection from colds, pneumonia and-other respiratory dis caKCi". The infl'.enzu attacks the old and the young of all walks of life. Expos ure to the disease is universal —it is particularly fatal to the young—ages, ranging fiom tewnty to thirty-five, tin! it is no resiiector of ages, locali ty or previous condition of health. Smallpox was the scourge of .tlu" armie sin the middle ages, but was eliminated by vaccination. Typhoid "fever whs The- Scourge the-"armies' in the Boer war and the Spanish- American »ui'. but it in turn has been eradicated by vacillation. Influenza, has been tl'V scourge of the great Eu ropean war and ha» sj read to the ci\ ■- ilian poulaiions throughout Hie en tire world, it can bo stopped. Scientist . have developed an influ enza vaccine, calculated to stop tho spread of influenza. The vaccine now endorsed by leading medical men is called the Rosenow vaccine. It ha.-- been recently developed by Dri Ed ward Carl "osenow, professor of ex perimentul medicine in the I'nivers ity of Mini., sota. A serum treatment employed . ral months ago is open to serious objections,' but the Rose now vaccnv ; employed Without pain or danger usually without |i conveniencu and olfers immunity that is characteristic of preventive vacci nation for' smallpox and typhoid fe ver., • In the city of St. Louis, where up ~to the pre.-- nt time fewer cases and deaths bay l»'cn recorded per capita ofrpopulatkn than in any other great city of tl't- I nited States, the ' it;, physicians f- i six weeks or ir;ore hav? been vaccination and they attest to t e most remarkable pre ventive efT 1 Usually in the ease' of half a" cubic centimeter of the Rosenow vacc'irte is i.dlhinistered at the first of the treatments, three days later an injection o one cubic centimeter is given s and • n the sixth day an injec tion of one and one-half cubic centi meters. In m occasional case in which -tho .paction .i««sSveiy the sec ond injecti. a is .b'ferred slightly be - yong tin- t-iir.l day. Physicians in private practise -sometimes follow the pßWtlse of giving injections at five day intervals, while many physicians are giving ejections at forty-eight hour in ten als. - The van re is believed to lie with out effect in the treatment of the dis ease and ir recomniended exclusively as. a preventive. The exact bacteria of influenza has not been isolated, but the Rosenow vaccine i.i the result of cultures de- eloped from influenza pa tients and ' a fluid in which is sus pended the dead bacteria. It is pre ventive not only of influenza, but is thought to be preventive of colds as --well a* catarrhal, pneumonic and other kindred diseases, a fact of par ticular eori.eouence insomuch as deuth is nit thought to be caused by influenza itself but by the ensuing ' complications principally of pneumo nia. No one should be deterred from submitting to vaeicnation by-fear of pain or unduly disagreeable results. The vaccine itself is painless when it is administered by a competent phy sician and seldom is followed by dis agreeable symptoms. Where the pa tient is unusually susceptible to in fluenza a more or less severe , but transient reaction may take place. Disease Recurs Violently In those localities where the dis ease appaiHitly is subsiding there should be no false sense of security Influenza hares up from time to time in thA same city, the epidemic recur ring suddenly., The scourge was sup posed xcf he -waning in Chicago and "Boston, where ft is now spreading anew, and the end of the scourge all over the country is not in sight. In ■>, 1899 pandemic influenr.a lasted in the Sjaitei' State over a period of two years, subsiding at times and flaring, 'up again, and thereafter for some years it recurred in sporadic form. ~J—- fit 1 ""'s with its comparatively fa vorable mortality alfbrdir interesting statistics, tremendously convincing of the efficacy of influenea Vaccine as a preventive. It was in St. Louis that ' DrT~A. W, Evans, Of Chicago, a fore most authority on preventive medi cine, made the* prediction to Dr. Ma. C StarklofT. city health commission?' of St. LouU, that only sixty per ceni Tif the peopte are-hmmme-to influenza and that the remaining forty per cent would be stricken by^thtfvdisease he fore the plague runs its course, un less of course- the forty per cent who are naturally susceptible may avert the disease bv an immunizing agent. Seientist- sav that some men aro naturally itu. :une to a certain, con- Cuntinued on page 2 THE ENTERPRISE and How to Make ►the Income Tax Returns i Although no general extension of itme will bo authorized for filing fed eral income tax returns due March 15 the commissioner of internal revenue lias approved a novel feature of tax collection which will serve for all practical purposes as a possible ex tension of forty-five days for the fil ing of income and excess profits tax returns in cases where corporations are unable to complete and file their returns by March 15th. If a corporation finds that, for good and sufficient reason, it is impossible to complete its return by March 16th, it may make a return of the estimat ed tax due and make payment there of not later than March j 6th. If mer itorious reason is shown as to why the corporation is unable to complete its return by the specified date the collector will accept the payment of the estimate d tax and ngre*» to ac cept the revised and completed tax re turn within a period of not more than 45 days. tinder the plan adopted for corpo ration payments and returns, the gov eminent wil be able to collect approx imately the. amount of tax due on or ,b«jOu: March l. r >tb, thus, meeting its urgent needs and the corporations actually needing further time for the full preparation of thair complete re turns will be granted ample time in which to do so. One of the advantages of this plan is that it relieves the taxpayer of one half of one per cent interest a month that vfould attach to the payment of the taxes extension granted at the requesraK' the taxpayer. The tax pi .Ver Will, of course, not be relieved of the payment, of interest on such amount as his payment may fall short of the tax later found to be due on the basis of his final return. Should the payment on March 16th of the estimated tax due be gmater than the ta.v eventually found to be "due oil oxamTnation of the -rompletecL return, the excess payhient will be automatically credited on the next in stallment which will ho due on June 15thi * Provision for systematically handl ing this new feaiure will be made in the construction of the new return I blanks for corporations. The new form will be a combined income ami excess profits blank, embodied in which is a dacthable letter of remittance. Any corporation which finds tliat, for suf ficient reasons, it cannot complete its return by March Ifith, may deatch and fill out the letter of remittance ami forward same to the collector on or before March U»th. together with .» check, money order or draft for the ■UX due on that date. If the exact tax is not known, the estinwted tax will be paiil in this manner. A statement in writing of the reason why it is im possible for the corporation to com plete the return by the specified date umst accompany every such rftnit tanco. Individual taxpayers will be given similar privileges in c.mes in wh.cb it is made clear by the taxpayer that the time available is not sufficierti to enable htm to complete his return by March 16th. No reason exists, ac cording to the internal revenue oftic ials, for delaying the filing of the re turns of individual incomes, except in unusually difficult cases. Forms for returns of individual in comes up to sr»/)()0 will be distributed by collectors within a few days. The forms for larger incomes will be availabb? about February 24th. Cor poration blanks will lie diAributed by March 1. Regulations governing the administration of tho now income tax will also lie availahlu liefone March 1. Boy Accidentally Killed About three-o'clock Saturday after noon in the pctinut field on Dr. J. S. Rhodes' farm, just back of his home, the two smaller children of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Patrick were playing on a hay stack, when John Oook, .Jr., and some other small boyrt Who were go ing hunting joined, them, laying down their guns to play. Duck Patrick, nine yeaj's old, pick ed up a single barrel gun and while handling it the gun was accidentally discharged, almost the entire load striking John Cook, Jr., in the n«:k, severing the jugular vein, and death resulted almost instantly. The hoys ran for asistance, but the child was past help when older persons arriv ed on the scene. A part of the load struck Ray mond Roherson on the chin. After hearing the details of the accident, a coroner's inquest was deemed unheceawy. John Cook was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jutin Cook, Sr., and was twelve years itf uge and a very apt and lev able child. The funeral services w.'re conducted by R«jv. H. M. Eure of the Methodist church and Rw/J. F. Car ter of the Baptist church, interment took place in the family plot at the Baptist cemetery. ""Tile large attendance at the funer al and the beautiful floral designs spoke eloquently of the littlo fellow's popularity. The tomunity sympa thize-: with the l#reaved family, as well ijs with the. family of tins little Patrick boy. MR. RUT.HNBF.RG LEAVES Mr. Simon Rutenberg of the dis solved firm of Rutenberg & Adler, tint gone to New York to live with hi* mother. Mr. Kutenbera had been ir business here about eighteen montlis and in that time had renewed friend ships with people he knew here whten in busine* thirteen ytears ago and V has made a goodly number of ifleW friends dnrlng his last stay here. iHc was a promoter of all civic improve ment.-; and has been a great help and inspiration to' the town in all patriot ic endeavors. It is with regret that we CARD OF THAiNKS I wish to thank the friends who so kindly and genrousfy assist ed us during the sickness and death of my little child, Albert R., and mv husband, Benjamin Prfre. MRS. MAHI&t FESCS Williatoston, Martin County, N. C. February 21, 1019 " % LOCAL HAPPENINGS Mr. H. C. Hemby has four children in Johns Hopkins hospital in Balti more for treatment. It is an unusual thing for *o manv members of one family to be in a 'hospital at the same time. Mr. Robert Salsbury will arrive on Sunday from the base hospital at Fort McHenry, Md. He was hit on the forehead by a piece of shrapnel ni October and has been in New York for treatment since. Captain Julius S. Peel is in Wil liainston for a few days en route to New York where he wil join a party of friends for a trip to Bermuda, anil thence back to his station at Camp Jackson, South Carolina Mr. Kerrell, of the Burton Brothers Auction Company, of Wilson, is in town this week arranging for tl.i sale at auction of n portion of the Jones farm near Hardens, and of a number of choice town lots in J#nws ville. Read the advertisements of these sales in this week's issue. Mr. Jack Biggs was host to a din ner party in honor of Mr. Simon Rut enberg Thursday night. The guests weie Mr. and Mrs. Warren Biggs. Misses Anna Tope, Anna Crawford and Daisy Manning, Mr. Rutenberg, the host and his mother, Mrs. Sallio E. Higgs. Mayor and Mrs. B. F. Godwin re- - turned from New York Mondaynow turned from Norfolk Wednesday, at which place they had been visiting their son, l.ieut. Commander Donald C. Godwin. He Mailed Tuesday for Buenos Aires, South America, on his cruiser, the Chicago. Mr. Berl Duke Crilcher is at home after having been discharged from the army. Mr. Critchor was station ed at Syracuse, N. Y., for several months, was sent to Newark, N. J , and was located at Camp 1«. V a., just before his discharge, He wil 1 re sum i' his law practise hero with his brother, Mr. B. A Critcher. Mr. Maurice W. Watts, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watts has beon made deputy clerk of Fayette county court of West Virginia. Mr. Watts has been associated with the district attorney of that county since receiving his dis charge from the army and now that he has l>een promoted to deputy clerk of one of the busiest courts in mining regions of West Virginia proves that another Martin county boy is making good. The following is a Washington, N C., dispatch to the News and Observ er—Sam Winslow, a well known far mer is out SBOO as a result of visiting his home Sunday afternooi while he was in Washington. ~TI robbers having evidently been inform ed that Mr. Winslow kept a large sun | of money in the house thorough I ransacked the place during his al> nonce. They discovered the spot ir the chimney where ihe money wa concealed and made good their escape. Mr. Winslow has no idea who tly thieves were. We are publishing in this issue the annual report of Mr. J. (i, Godard, president of the Martin county Sav ings & Trust Company. We are doing tills to show the sound financial standing of the. institution and the benefit that is and could be derive!l by the people from it. If the business methods of the American people are to be criticised it is upon the ground that the average American wants to get rich too quick anil expects too much from investments. , We should grow by degrees, conserving and sav ing as we go. We must not go money and pleasure inad. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY BOOK CLIHi MEETS The Twentieth Century Book Clul met with Mrs, J. S. Rhodes at hei home, "Rhodesia Place," Wedncsda afternoon The program which wa planni'd before the armistice wa signed and composed entirely of win topics was continued. "The Return of Alsace-Lorraine t France," was read by Mrs. li A. 'rit cher. "Lorraine," by Fred Fisher, \yo sung by Mrs. J. S. Rhodes. . —"ftow tho War .Came to America,' a reading, was rendered by Miss FTiT en Maynard. ■ "Spting," an instrumental solo I Miaa Mainard. "Current Events," by Mr.i. Harrell. Mrs. Harrell,dwelt upon the fori) ation of a league of nations now bo ing di.scu.ibed at the peace conferen. and in concise form, made a ver pleasing and instructive talk Mrs. Rhodes served a delicious sal ad with potato chips and devilei 1 eggs The guests were Mesdames A. R Dunning, J. W. Andrews, J. W. Man ning, Frank Barnes, J. L. Hassell, Leslie Fowcfen, C. M. Clay to 1 Moore, and Miss Fannie Manning, i MRS. BETTIE C. JONES 1 Mrs. Bettie C, Jones of Hamilton ' died Monday, February 17th after a lingering illness of Bright'* disease. She was the oldest daughter of the late William H. Carstarphen and wife, and was born January Bth, 1868, ■ being the same day upon which the i late President Roosevelt was born, i She married Mr. David C. Jones in i 1878 and moved to Hamilton, where , Mr. Jones died in 1917. • she leaves two daughters, Misses i Annie C. and Maggie Bell Jones, one > sister, Mrs. Mary Bell Waldo, of Ham ' Uton, and a brother, Mr. C. D. Car ! atarphen, of WllllamstOn. Mrs. oJnes had been an ardent and I faithful member of the Methodist church from her childhood. The fune -1 ral services were conducted by Rev H- M. Eure. of WilHamston, and in terment was in the Hamilton ceme tery. [ DEATH OF A LITTLE BOY On Wednesday, February 19th, Let L the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Griffin r died of influenza pneumonia and men ig-itis. Mr. Griffin has two other chil dren dangerously ill at thin writing. GRADED SCHOOL HONOR ROLL The honor roll of the Wilfiamston graded., schools will be announced every month. Students can secure a place upon this roll by being studious and punctual and the places are awarded according to ability and at titude toward school work. Parents should encourage their children to gain a place of honor while young and by so doing develop l that essen tial element of syccss ambition. There are three honor rolls for January, A. B and C. To secure a place on honor roll A a pupil must be neither tardy nor absent and average 95 on nil re citations. To secure a place on hon or roll B, a pupil must average 85 or more on daily recitations and be nei ther absent or tardy. A puil will be placed on honor roll C if he or she is neither absent nor tardy. Recitations are not considered on this roll. A pu pil gaining a place on roll A has gain ed the highest honor in schoo I dur ing the month. The following are the pupils honored: First Crade Roll C—A. J. Manning, Jr., Grace Whitley. Carlton Liverman, Edwin Peel, Julia Ward, Edwin Smith and Jasper McKeel. Second Grade ..... Roll A Robert Brown. Roll B Pattie Wynne. Roll C—Annie Mae Williams and Daisy Whitley. Third Grade Roll A —Susie James, Henry Man ning. Roll B— Thomas Crawford. Roll C—■oFred Eure and Craw- Fourth Grade - Roll A —Trulah Ward Page, Bruce Whitley, Martha Legett. Roll It —Eviflyn Harrison, Charles Peel, Mary Melissa Andrews and Jas. Herbert Ward. Roll ('- Paul Godwin. Fifth Grade Roll A—Margaret Manning and I.aunt Orleans." Roll 1! Ruth Manning. Roll C—Wm, Howell Williams. J no. G. Sykes, Francis Barnes, Bill llarir son. Sixth Grade Roll B—Pattie Harris, Velma Har rison, Carrie Peel, Bryant Car starphen, Robert aMnning. and William Hodges. Roll C—Ellen Cowan, Harry Clin ton James, W. T. Meadows. Seventh Grade Roll B —Louise Crawford, Marthii Harrison, Estehr Harirson, Herbert Peel. Roll C—Elizabeth Hassell, Mary I.eggett, Minnie Roller son,- Jessie Stublis. Eighth Grade Roll A—-Beatrice Rurrell. Roll B—Virginia Taylor, Howell Tfiylor. Roll C— Ethel Harris, Rosa Melson, Mary Gladys Watts, Derail Stublis. Ninth Grade Roll A— Sarah Harrell. Roll B—Elizabwth Hurras, Martha Slade Hassell, William Carstarphen, Howard Herrick, Martha C. Crawford an.) Eva Eure . Rol C—Francis Manning, Nine Up ton,, Louise Harrison and Solomon Orleans. Tenth Grade Roll A—Mattie Lou Anderson, Km telle Crawford. Roll C—Charles E. Knight. Eleventh Grade Roll C—Fannie M. Williams, and William Ellison. Any pupils on honor roll A or B are also considered on Roll C, since they must lie neither absent hor tar dy if they are placed on any roll. N. C. Heady to Push Out the Cattle Tick New Orleans, La. -A distinct ten dency among the people of North Car olina to pu*b»-tfae work of cattle tick eradication was reported today to the tick inspectors. The report was by Dr. Hartwell Bobbins of Washington, N. _C., inspector in charge detailed to North Carolina by the bureau ofc»n imul industry of the United Swtes lepurtirient of agriculture. Tungibh; evidence of this tendency is contained in the fact that three counties, Martin, Bertie un.4 Pasquo tank, have agreed to do systematic tick eradication work. Martin county it was reported, is building an aver age of three dipping vats each Week. . It is believed that more counties will follow in agreeing tfi 'ln systematic work as soon as the matter can be presented to the county commission ers. Another encouraging factor, as re ported to bureau officials, is that a live stock protection bill, expected to facilitate tick eradication, was report ed favorably February sth by a joint committee from both houses of the state legislature. It is felt that the operation of such u measure js essen tial before the tick can be driven out sufficiently to justif" the release from federal quarantine of the nine teen North Carolina counties still un uer restrictions. It wa" also reported by Dr. Rob bins that it also woul probably- be nems-iary to replace the federal' .quarantine on Craven county. Thb 1 county w'us released December last 1 hut the county authorities, Dr. Rob bins reported, have failed to provide 1 the co-ope rati on necessary to clean I up'the small amount of territory still . infested. ! • North Carolina was one of the first states of the Union, if not the ' fir t, to undertake systematic tick 1 er dication work," said tho report. "S nee 1906 have 1 been released from the federal and 1 state quarantine." "The larger portion of this freed area was freed by greasing the cat tle and spraying with the standard ' arsenical dip."* - 1 "Tick eradication in these counties ■ was accomplished with little or no • aid from the county. Because of the • lack of local county aid und because ■ of~coatit range conditions, tick wradi- I ication in the remaining nineteen ' quarantined couiftlos has been practi ' cally at & standstill. > "we hope to free two or more coun . ties this year und secure the co op'ei ■ ation of the county commissioner? in ■ d kiftiontrf co'jnVes »o that we Wfy be in shape for ayetematic and effective PERSONAL MENTION Harry Higgs is in New York thi week. , (Srover Hardison fs in New York this week on business. Garland Hodges, of Washington, was in town Saturday. ♦ • • * Dr. John D. Biggs is in Richmond and New York on business this week. Mr. John I . Hassell went to Halti iiore Monday oh business. ♦ • ♦ Mr. B. M Koonce, spent Sunday in .Cocky Mount. •♦ * / Mrs. ,J. 11. Brift is in Tnrhoro vis ting her (laughter. Mrs. Myrtle Evans spent Tuesday in Jamesville. ** * - Mr. 1,. G. Brooks spent the .week t'nd in Wilson. • • » Miss Johnnie Sparks of Roberson vile, spent th«* week end here with her sister. Mis -Alma Sparks Mi sses Estehr Gluyas and Flossie Tilley ipeiit %'Wfk end with frtrnris in Rolwi'^ort-.^lhv Chief of Police C. I'. l'age, rheo. Roberson and Dr. W. E. War sen went to Baltimore Monday. • ♦ ♦ Mrs. Alonzo Hassell and Miss Anna 'ope are in Richmond this week shop ping. Rev. Morrison Bethea is the guest ■l' Mr. and Mrs. ,1. G. Staton while in own Mrs. J A. White and little son. of lobgood, are visiting Mrs, C.J). Cai tarpben on Sinithwick street .-.Mia .. Elizabeth Wads worth, ol Ireenville, spent the week end with •Irs. J. (i. Gbdard, Jr. Mis. Henry Wobbleton, of near Ev M'etts, died Tuesday of influenza an. 'Miromomnr"—"— —J Sampson I ladles, spent the week ■nl here with his parents and return ■d Mondav to resume his studies al Aake Forest. Miss Fannie M. and W. C. Manning Ir* attended the annual Phi Sigma Tail Sororiety Banquet and dance in Wilson Saturday night. COTTON Wil l. GO STILL LOWER SO LONG AS Cotton will go still lower so lung is the farmer.-, HI the south let I lie west and the northwest furnish tlieii corn, hay, oats, meat and flout. We ihould be tlie most independent farm ing section in the woild, yet we are lite most dependent. Why do we 10 inain dependent when we raise the greatest variety of crops of any place in the world Let every farmer in Mart hi count., pledge himself to plant enough 100. and leed ciops this year for his own use, It would hi' better to plant just a little more, than enough, for when ili.l the Western farmer have to beg some one to buy his products'.' Uet every man pay just a little more at tention to his hogs and cattle than lie has heretofore. Have you ever about an eight million bale crop of cotton bringing tho Southern farmer more money than a sixteen million bub crop? Vet that is exactly what it will do. 'Then why raise more cotton to bring up your income? A sixtv per cent tobacco crop will being inon money to the Southern farmer than -wrttr-a ninety per cent crop. A sixtv per cent peanut crop will bring the farmer more money than will a nine ty per cent crop. Plant fewer acre,s ol these money crops as we .all then and plant more acVes of corn, bay oats, potatoes and wheat and raise just a few more hundred pounds of pork than you ever have before and in the full you will have more monc\ than you ever bad before. this he the slogan of the farm ers: "Plant less cotton, peanuts an«i tobneoe und plant more corn, wheat, oats and hay. Raise more hogs an. .cattlu and Jie richer in the fall " " TiTLBIIRT-TTrrt: KENTUCKY" TOBACCO BRINGS A RECORD I'ltlCl News has reached here of the mast remarkable sale of hurley tobacco in the history of Kentucky. The '. sale occurred in a Warehouse at Danville Kentucky manned by two Rocky Ml N. C., tobacconists; W. E. Fenn. i ami Ralph Pitt. Two prominent!- Kentucky tobacco Tfower« a few days ago sold a lot of •\7SU pounds of the Burley weed at an tvoiagc of $82.08 per hundred pounds The sale netted the farmers SH,BKS. l(i The lowest basket sold for $75 pei hundred and the highest for"over S9O Burley tobacco as a rule does not average as high as the bright leal ol this section and for a lot of over foui thousand pounds to bring 82 cents i pound is considered a truly remarka ble sule. The Danville papers char acterized it as the record breakiht sale in the history of the common wealth. , Mr. (J. H. Godwin:went to Wash button Saturday to accompany Mrs Qodwin borne. She had been visit i iq in Washington since leaving the boa pital in. Plilladelphia. work in all the quarantined couhtle next year. Dr. Rabbins would b' started wherever possible early n March. He believes in killing the tick has a chance to multiply. cp-operation J'roill till state bdgrd of agriculture was report ed. The' North Carolina counties un der quarantine are Beaufort, Bertie Camden, Cartaret, Chowan, Currituck Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde,' Jones Martin, Onslow, Pamlico. Pasowtank i Kujouui, Tyrrell, .uiiU Washing ton and most of Pitt. Policeman Shot in Both Elbows; Gets His Man kinston, Feb. 18-Henry P. Hart, a' policeman who was shot in a revolver duel lieiv yesterday with Berry How ell, has hern taken to a hospital in Goidshoro where his family resides, Hart ha. buh-t wounds in both elbow* and the hones of his right arm are so badly fractured tliut permanent in jury may icsult. He is a middle-ageu man, llait has several notches on his gun but a record as a model officer, quiet and ctlicient in the performance ol his duties'. Fiji- .surprise of his life came to Kerry Lowell, big country youth, when after winging the patrolman in his right ann, the latter drew with his left hand and calmlvgS-exhihited his own handiness with a revolver. Hart is one of the best left hand shots 111 the state. \V hen officer Hart got his gun into plav Howell turned, upon.l'a irojman Norman Crane, who was slow in drawing and banged away nt that ollicer. When Hart's bullet landed, Howell fell, badly hurt, but sti, game. Howell hot Hart in the other elbow and a mo'.ient later found him self looking into the muzzle of a gun in Patrolman t nine's hand. Crane was allout to |, il the triger when Howe 11 held up In's hands. Three, young giants I loin Greene county 'st'oiVd to. ions. Hart and Cr. ne inarched the four, men Seve i\i I blocks to the -police sta tion. Other ollicer.i seized the party', automobile and found therein u fan cy, Hims\ gown and two phonograph records, souvenirs, the polite assert, ~ef.y gav night in a gay teuri.tor>. Annual Report Shows Fine (irowth for Hank I'o ♦ >ll l Stoi kholdel The close of our second fiscal year find- your bank in a very prosyperoiis condition. Ihe past twelve month' liav«j b-( 11 the most eventful in the millilv mill flin |i l-i'Ht ["'Ilil Ve mi nt accompli bed by our country nave be. n unlet tally helped through the loviiltv of it., banks, Your little bfink hit done i t full share in thi >VWJL'fc- W«' bought twice tht. amount oT I on I.'aTlottei'l to lis, huvY helped to -ell the county's allotment, without co t, and have donAted to the Ked Cross mid other organizations. In addition to performing all of the functions of a regular bank, we are acting its guardian for orpluui cliil I lien '..nmK.' writing insurance an) kind, nuj where, at any time Your specijil co operation is solicited for tlit . branch of our work. . Our deposits for the year have iMl'ued 10 | '-1' cent, our profits from ihe insti atice department » have in • ie;t ed Mm | ei cent and our patron i:t\e do ibW-d in liu-ober. 11l aceptillg iiu.l .. ion fot the nmnagemenl of ,\(iut bank for past year, we >ad many mi.-.'hiving. as to our abil ity to live up to out splendid HtKceu of tlie year before. Like the para ble of the talents, we knew that .oiiie of you were hard masters, reap tng wlteie \ou had not sown, and gathering where you had not strewn We took vour talellfs ( money I aIK pit', it lit inU-fe ,t and guilicii othel talents (Htonevi which we hope will meet Willi yout approval. We ligtl thai we have earned mi excess of ;!l pel cent over all expense.?, whirl lias lu'eit done in the face of the fact thai everything il ..oil in the operatlie of a hank has advanced in pi ice, froitt a postage stamp to the clerical lorce, while good olil SIX pel cent is still oil I legal rate A ttailiu Intent of things is goini on and •for the immediate futifre, ill least, we advise a conservative vourst with a view of holding ourselves it' no itioll to alii 111 llegltimate lines ol business and to occupy as strong i: position as possible fimiticially, for n few surplus t+iounamf-wtH i'oiho Itrmdv. luring the summei imiiitli.- •We s'houhl adVlse nut I t lend ' against ev Iravagant e and discoiii .u 1 ' tile purthil e (if lilltolllollih'S 1.1 I'll! titil we liouhl manage mil imli\in 1 hit.' inw, as economically jis | o : i|»h (lining the year. Vour mumtJff me nt desiies to t' alt vou I'm youi loyal .support v..i! >i j which till i statement vvollhl have heel tnipo ."ibl.e, and to pledge ouftt'lves lo good service and courteous treatment to merit jrtnir-inirtiiiued iiippoit. v\e do not' own the llriest banking • luarters in the ccmntry I realizing " TniT""a giT'di'-d tfifitiH'', not nmhr— in ei lint bur place i s com fort aide ti which you are invited whenever we caii stive you __Ai/am thanking vou, respectfullv - n 111111 til I. ■I, G GODAICD, I'resitlent. Mlt \ (iIAV GKIFFIN DEAD Mr A. Giay Grjlfin, one of Grif fin.-. town-hip's best men and one of the county's most progtessive titi -/.ens, died at his home February 16th. !le had been sick for several week with influejzu and had partly recov • •re I when a nlap.e ' and pneu .In>nlV "on ovcicume him. lie leave a widow mill four children to mourn hi. death Hisifunei'd) was largely nt' tended', sen ices being'conducted by Revs J'no. N Uogerson and 11. S. ('owing, assisled by Llder W. H, Har rington of the Primitive Baptist church. Mr. Grill in wiv a leading membei of tin I'l'imitive Huptist cbuvch foi a number ol years. There are few men who can have so many goo filings said about them and such , a few bail things agaihst him. He was one of the best farmers in his com munity, a farmer whoso..: plic) was a jeasonahle profit ami not reckless ex penditure. NOTICE The birthday of George Washing i ton, the father of our country, will be ? celebrated in the graded school audi torium on next Montlay uvening at 8 i o'clock. A program has ween arrang • t d ami will lie renderetlTiy the pun If ; of the Williamston graded scHool, , Everyone is invited and it is th« , duly of .-very patriotic cltiien U , show theii inspect for our dead hert , hv otteruliMg Hi'' exercise.-' given ir - i..einor> yf him who placed our coun ary on a saffe foundation. Adv«tti*W Will fad our Colurim* LTFAK K« Y to 1 OO Martin County Home# Established 1898 Eye Shot Out By Shell, Officer Puts It Bj^pk Fhe following is from the New Bern N. C., correspondence of the Norfolk 'Virginian I'ilo*: Wounded on three different occa sions and bcinit, literally shot to pieces when a Big "Shell burst near lim, Lieut. 1 homan C.' Daniels, one of New Hern's sons, who volunteered for service in the am y ;nvi helped to put the Hun on the run, tells a thrilling story of the fighting in which he was engaged and in which he received his wound;. Ihe first time Lieut. Daniels was wounded he received a piece of a Hun shed in his left thigh, 'lhis wound, al though a severe one, dh. not keep him t rom fighting on for several hours, in fact, he says that he did not not know that lie was wounded. How ever, when a big shell which had his name upon it, came his way early one morning lie got all that was coming to him and a little hit more. It was about four in the morning, says Lieutenant Daniels, and he and a number of other officers and men were on their way toward the Hun lines. Suddenly something dropped in runt of them and that is the last the lieutenant remembers until he recov ered const-.ousness and found that he -wits- tying lieiiesUt the bodice u£ ..-jfcv i'ral of lus companion* who had been killed bv the shell. He managed to dig his way out, ex pecting every minute to he his last. Finally lie was free and to his horror found that his right eye had been shot out and was hanging from its j ocket Wiping- the blood away" from :iis other eye, be called to one of the nen in his compan;. and he told him ' that several .of the officers and men lad been killed and the others were missing, With the aid of this man l.ieut. Daniels managed to put back the remnants of his wounded eye back in ts socket, bandaged up his face which had been tilled with fragments of the shell and not until live hours later did lie start hack to the rear. In making the trip hack to receive uu-.l ical treatment Lieut liauiels was sup- 0 ported l.y two comrades, lie having one arm around the neck of each and walking mi between them, liefore they hail gone a hundred yards l ieutenant Daniels saw a T>!ff '4rcH'" tirtTt"*— few yards up in front of them. "Drop," he romiiiiuu'ed and all three of them fell Hat on tl.e ground, but not before the shell hud -done its work The heads of both of Ins comrades Were torn off their bodies and Lieut. Daniels* right shoulder was shattered. Woke tip in Hospital It was then that he lost conscious ness -How long he remained there he does not know. When he regained his selves h • was lying in a hospital and surgeon .and were all about. They were preparing t» operate on him and he, so lie says, knew that he would never be ablfr- to undergo the ordeal. Hail it not been for the fact that thp surgeons aroused his angel he does not jwlieve that hi' would to day be alive. There were two men. at the table ' near linii, an Amciifun and a French man. The American looked at Lieut. Ditoicls and remarked to his compan ion that there was a man pretty near gone, ao-l thht lie believed that he would give hi fir a strong livpinlerpiic and let him pass out in peac+» The .Flench surgeon protected and said that there was a chance of saving his life. I,nut. Daniels -mid that it got his goat that the American surgeon wanted to give hllll a passport over tin- river Styx and that the Front 1 b nan was standing by him and that i loused up and told the pair that they could just bet there was a chance and that if thev didn't do "loinolhing d n (puck there would be. a clean bouse around that place, lie took the anaesthetic ami .stood the >peration successfully. Lieutenant Daniels says of all the things-he hated about the war was— the wearing of the gas masks. He |.| mil of those on for an hour and .•l\ minutes one tune and he says i 1 he bad had to remain in it for i-.llim live minute's he would have ,i>i • I it fiom his head and took a l ai i- on the gas. I'hosghene and i t id gas were the pet gases used ! lermans and of these two the pliosghene J?as was by far the worst and those/who got a good whiff of it turely ever recovered. This phosghen iras, says Lieut. Dajliols, struck the 'ungs and immediately began to tut into. them. The victim began spitting Tilofivt ir short* time later and this cun-- tilled until he died. With the mustard gas, if a njan who hfid been gassed with this could get to a bucket or pan of warm water soon after the attack Hid wash It-from-his body, 4t did little damage. Otherwise it ate into the flesh until the entire body was a mass of blisters. Huns Long Kange Fighters Speaking of the Huns, he says they are the most treacherous people upon earth,; that they can fight like Old N'ick at long range, but when it came ♦ town to grips they were the biggest owiirds alive. Let them pet behind i machii.e gun at a hundred yards vnd they, are something to be feared, .ays l.ieut. Daniels, but when the Americans mixed it with them they cried for mercy and asked to he spar ed. However, the Americans weren't in the sparing business. As an instance of the treachery of the Germans, Lieutenant Daniels tella of an in ident that occurred soon af ter he reached the front. A squad of" Americans had run up with a squad / of Germans. They commanded the' latter to surrender and the Huns at ontc threw down their guns, raised their hands and came walking toward tliem. The Americans, not suspecting treachery, walked in their Suddenly the Germans dropped flat on their face's and from their rear a dozen muchine guns opened uii, Every one of tl e Americans were killed. After that incident the Americans along that section of the front took no prisoners. Helps Wounded Germans Another time a Ked Cross mift hSd gone out in No-man's land to look far wounded soldiers. He ran across a German officer who had been wound ' >d. "For God's sake, give me water," 1 uiv Goiman mon.Oil. The Red Crosa Continued on page 2,

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