COTTON CONVENTION I - HELHHALEIGH I Resolutions Adopted At This Conveition lieafti Much For Cotton Fanners. Ig'T The South is confrontad with a fi ov aster unless tire cfAp fif 1 *>e re duced and the balance of the i rap of 1918 be protected and held potfl m*r» ket conditions Justify its sale To en able ail people in the South interested In cotton, and nearly all are. to adopt a direct and intelligent njetbod of meeting the situation, this Convention earnestly recommends that fhe fol ► r lowing plan Im> udopted: (1J That the crop of 1319 be ase, and that the fertilizer on the two third area be not mcn i-id, hut this does not apply -to' any farui of loss than five acres to the horse. Provid * ed. that in carrying out this rcnnn mendation the following *r h dule of reductlou laJiaU Im wiV Any man planting five acres or leu* to the hors» to to reduction; 6-7 acres, reduce, uw acre tn the IMW; eWMV- WW* tif-ffi-. the hofse ; l/i ! I "13 .xra., I'oiince three acres; 14 reduce four acres; 15-16, reduce Ave .icro ; 17 1 ? fe'dju e s ; * a'eres. Tfnder no circcm--Hun i-s will any farnm>r jWant core tlwin 1? acj\« to the horse. (.2) Tlittl ou nil Uic. col ton bind l«ft 1 out and on ftic balam e .1 'he. farni, ample supplies of fond f i d and oili er crops he planted. (3) We believe that tin existing sit uation justifies the holding of tvr* ow Southern p'rfple. and we urge our fanncrs not to sell the b..lan'n-of the ri'esent crop for less thai- r, it> u-nti per pound, basis middtii c (4) Tkat to cin v JMI t L : I I'IIII pose We call upon the hankers : nd hual-' ness men of the Si le for Uieif. hinrty co-opera thin (5) We recommend that every mvn r of cotton Imni( ''i if' V put his ot ,ton uikde.r shelter, or in. a- w-irehouae. and will not permit it to luavc the warehouse until the owiker shall so specify, (6) We earne Tly' warn tli" farmer that if he buys high prie d fertilizer, ' and a largv a reage I f « I t-m is he must pay next Ml. wit u. cheap cot ton for the tugh pi n . d t ■ i-i 11 -r-r and etiier supplic (71 We roc limine nii o'i thr f ireit'T 'hat he h'TIV e 'Mi t 1 • a ■ ' '■ n vegy acre - " '»lv i *pect-«o mil." i 'e-1 •'> ■ ' - '' Id - ■;> profi&al re-iscn I" i ' V.'- •'«» ' rot belief, that all mrr • 1 ••' l l'i.e.' legs than Iwailh'rds of i hi-' :I! J icld a profit t o the grov. i nil ei r\ i uch acre, sh' ■ 111 •1 * ii"' i'l "ill"I i' cotton , f?) For the putposi f • curing the . CTirted rII opi' I.HI of II fin.on iil .in ». .. •>!—tprealji.. amilluUo.' H'i_'.o;la."J»lU.C- f -. the- nn ii hauls. I. n l.i i ' 1 mil lords. I'erl ill r *-1 ib.ilcr. .aid oth»r Vll'lness men nr. all I • ' uti iol . rridlt and to to .'►.*• f rciini on ttie - df a- k.iln n.Llili,U,ng full— | roductiOn of food an ! to d -ralhc'r' 1'I!:n the |l|'|.|l'l tieai of -tt.-» alone I T9) It is |. cogni?cd 11: ' 'V" wiirld ret d fur cotton when ' nil - lie i i T"ie alivthiil;." ii' w'" ' h lie normal V ill, without llon'.t, he- i- XI I e l,nv ly | • great, and it is I'.i rt' .i lm;i - .,r>-"it j 1 ; : t those who'cafi hcrtd -Cnj- i ."-n i. . inst that time ; nil t' it hi I' e I c intinie Ihe till';- ' , 'n 1 I i o h cr.d by i oiitr. I f fut.nci 110) We reimil ■ I'd tb ' orei cut ft all r> 1 -V of ill* T'c ! * 5T erT a l tin S'liith li it ■ .if"' • ■ ti c i bar Biter of, cotton ilnliv. ijitil. i.i-i.'l I lit ton exchanges (11) We recommend lb t the le(Hrj b.ture pass an adei|uate \va relum ■ i • b'll for the State of Niotli Curolin i. (12) We iH'coinniend 11/ it. the (•.*- | b sing day for individual la.xpnycra I b made June Ist "■->* (13) We recommend thai a commit t » of seven persons • nling I' e : f; r;nin(t and business - i>u«. '•••.»• i f the S'a'ft be named-l.v the. a.-c to] • r~ '-Tr'iiigfl'rale '» n-n-T^-r-1 -"•1 -TIT ■ ei r eet the purpo . s sit f ■»■'-. h -. ccmmiiU'c to no i i Imineij...f. c and j tc have full to i! \ i w i.v ai d means to '"any ' ut, I^'. m.. yi. _u-n«i ~of these recommendations. This committee j ;i ant ibr..trd to | rtise money, employ clei cal a.,si-it ai ce, and to put' on an ftjti n-»i.e yam , p: i|;n anil to do any an>l all thinps I necessary to crfect the purpt ses this meeting. (14) This orgi.iwzatloit shall t« . ki own as'Thf North Carolina Cut nu ) - A B'jciation, and every per-.m ni -eut , is asked to enroll fis a men her before leaving. , s v The following committc w i>- aj>- j • Pointed by the governor: ' li or ' reli, Moncure, chairman; \\ . t; ( lark Tr.rboro, S. II Ilohhs, Clinton: K II ; Crow, Raleigh; Oreeri. -Matsh- ! Ville; O. Newsimu>, Gobtshiiro: ) L. Clark, Clarklou 3 f ' The committee derided that the as ■essment on farmers Showld be twen ty cants per bale for .ill cutnin on hand and ten cents per at re fir cot ton planted In 1ft1.9. which wot-id eir title bin to membership In the North Carollia J Cdtt3B _ "ASSIK! lit Ion" rlrty ! jer cent of the furid ralahd.are to bo forwarded by the. local, tr« .i.,ufcr to the central organ : Dr., IV W p| toigare, I'reaaurer, Raleigh, N. V These funds are being used for printing and advertising In this Stata. SI ewarkec Lodge No. jo i t P. &A. M., mc«t« ever/ s«»nd am Tuesday night at 8 I up ' at * | Pfe',,-,, ... . I FOR THE BENEFIT 1 OF ILLITERATES !Pf —. J Introduced In Senate and J ,Hpusp In Belialf—The ® Church Organization Will i Alio Pracfie&l Aid. -j WILL PfiOtfOfE EDUCATION tji. . > r Tlie Significant Movement of the • TiiiU'B Is Ti tai oi the Centenary • j of tlie" Methodist Kpiscopal J Ciiun li Sijul i WiN Spent* Mil f lions A'inong tlie Uneducated. j The fait that scvoraljhousßtid soi " rllciH were mi.liile wi undiirstan'J,tlif i tiriiee iin n 11.. n' itoin lb *!r siip'Tini: Unit tiianV, niaa. thonsanils cuuic ,' not tbcZi tu. iheji - eiiestioniialn r. L>j i■ i„ hi to light h con iilion so M-rliias iliut two tliurji I.ei al U a.sUiiijjtnu are lain ■inlroducinjit iiillo to t iroflioi • tfle . j, # iiltlJt'.Oll of illiterates t liioujihoilt the • 1 'ni?th and -l«r»s«otli cf America, Menu ' ' t:'i; ej "a I)ill .1 ihi p.euale ''o pri'inine t.c ediioitlnn ( ! Illi.ei; t : c of in rsijim , tnalde to utujei ,till and use ;t,•- Knf > 1 Ji li«ifr.tb»ie. and oihor r Hident per t |in of Itirejf ii t.U'll c" and llto sitluo r - eri'irre h«- he I. intro.t'i'i»l t-i the lloii'io In Hon William it llatikhead, of Alabujiiti The liitrodm turn of th 8 -important ' 1,111 mcallH 11 h'ioiil ileal to tlie h-outli, 1 . Ul.u.ii, UCI ,11,» U .1.1. ilia Ul.a lillll ~ p.nun 1 a 111 while-, lets lolm hoana a ( r..put.'.!ion for it, 11 , nut of propur ■ tiy. .In t w'c.l i-i'i -. will l.c- luiiiiedl ' id ly t|i! 1 a a,-, tin 11 nil oi Ihe pa nat:fl ' ol the edihat- r 1111 (i' I! ..I'm 101 l at' V asliiiiKbm c.iiinol in .« ,11.,1 i;t thin . ;'rue, hut, cei taiaiy. ju acin ai larmi ~urtiji...>vUl.l/B,i'i|i (ain upci'iiiuu !»• Uui ii e.Jahlleiuneui id. liouia in lull, ruiai 1 diitricis add 1 ir».-" llt her ul'ra '1 1 nil - I.CHhll'K IllMt of ti'' }' \ e 1111111 ■' it a 11) .u t vv (1 ill oil Ihn '«i no' | ij. 111 1 1 111 I;,. establishment of mi I.IXIIk iii |ln* heart of leneiiieiit i|t» triclH and rural eoiaiiiunitien I i - i«K a lit.liter of flint iuipni l,ain Willi : 11 ot . linn: One of tlii' IIIIIKI 1 nut lnnvellielitb of tlii* times ill til S* ( oil 111 I 11.. 11 Is III, a ' ..of" 11 i-■ 1 elilen;, 1 y of I the Methodi. I Kliisi npal Cliiirch, Smith, becail-r thai ih inMiiillHl mi_W.ll 1 ' c.',|ieinl wII Ir-11 Die next live yearn over aai a. 11 111>. I ii' - iinu lin at i'.l iii 1 . in ihc Southern and Western p '.i,.,- TI-.. . '-nr. Ii I- rah.' 1. fun.] (~l 4 "(ii! .11 1 -lit in in .v >' 1.1 1 April, the rill "n Ia 1 .am pafrn' lie ti- a I, 11 ,1 tn,-' - * . .it 11.11 v I 'eh bratii 111 of the lii'iioiiilnat oil l ie' money i* be tr" - rni«i«ii ,- vtrTT tn"i.-irnTj; n.r .w rl> "f ihe lii'.rcli 011 liiisiiieaH bids."the chorfh conHiilerins llk iluty ' (0 the illlteratc« here Hi America to b« an one the mat tern of rimt import ,ui'e , wiiicli it Khonld A survey j him been made and the result of the! cunipa if 11 will he tin' appoTliotiinent of I$" UH>,(*ol) ninotiK the vai : IIIIH illiterale piiiHilntion a* follow*: Mountain pop | ul'ition s7iV».iirt«>: ihimlKrunt, 1900,000; ; !if'.:roen, SROH. Indians, fiaO 000, . | eoitoil mill p'lpolaliiin, s'.F'OOt)Oj Ciirin tlaii lit«ratjire for all of tllepi/SIOO 000 Willi the definite stcpu uinlei »;• hen | at WnpliliiKtoli. with one deuoin'ii rt j ati.-adv 1 nintdotiiii! ils pl.iim tor fur 1 + ."fi.Tine tire work I'luonn tlcni. null ■ ill oi Iter church, s and .ircani/.HI .>nr j • i-'llllready to 111111 hhinf* in their : i.e'rilf. tr (k mine than poetdldo that jiiii , ,1. i of Hie Vllllllh lire in 11 'l, w.'.v I.' noun t.econie educated oltl cn ~f Jlu' l ulled State* , 'SEW'PIST LEADERS RETURN FROM FRANCE j Three prom Inenl Ic.idorn of tlie : ML' .".I - - lad-, "pal t'bnich, Sm*h I » La,■■ L'jLgJ tnii'l' il 111 America. ailei ~,; 1..1 i- 1 .1 n aiiam.ha. in l'ii.o|ic.-W !i''ii', . I tlny went for the piiii'c i' ol itneol ' j Ja'i'.u' a. 111.1 l , .indljh ,S ami doi"|itini |. jiiii a pi o,' lati 1 forjlhe eypeiniltnre of 1, II hi, n hicli kl l ffi will he ulliilteil 1 to 1*" 111 opci» 11 upbuilding by Ihe 'ent« i'i.u) ('lunmissiou of the denuiiiinat. 1 n ' *'. ii,. tliicc letui nint; church lo oieri [; ]. | -■1 11 .lame* AU,ins Chairtiia of I i«.. r.-nt.' ary Ciiinini»*ioii; Hmh ip I Ui'tVr 1 anilaith. wli6 has licmi in I'll in, • for in .nl> a year In the Interesi ] if ii.-> church i and l)r, \V W.'l'inaon, 1,, era I Secretary of the 4 - Mission | r.. id - • . 1 i i . Pin,on and Hlaliop Atkins re j tur.icd tin the headi|UttTtnr* of the da ! 1 in iiiiati y,al Nn-llillle the latter part j of ihe week, and llfshop I .anthtjlh' went • directly to his home at OakdalaT Tall 1 to rnia While the plana for tlin Kuropean work, have not been announced as yet I the returtiinpr ilieniliera of thu commi* f sinn say-I'liHt 1 liey Ttßve in.-.piird in: r.~- very satisfactory program mid 'line ' I five million dollars Vif tlie ('lijtei.ary ' fund v. al be expanded in iiphuilding achools and ;hurchos in Ui» devastated 1 lands of Hel«lun», Italy and Kraueo , NOTICK Havitie, qualified a* Administrator uj'O tbe tistate of Li/.inie Wynn le iM*e«l; Notice is hereby jjiven to all persons huhlinn claims against said ft* lute to present them to the undersigned tor payment on 01 before the 9th day el i p|ea lln hit of their recovery. i All |*rsonß indebted to e*id Katate ate rqne*ied to make iuiin. di«te pav * meat. Th k 9th da; 4 J.timu y 1419 A. U. A,ers ' jaais ! -i ■- 1, ißnir'- jut Present coi m SITUATION • A Suggested Program For Dealing With It (By B. W Kllgore, Director, N. C Exp. Station and Extension Service, Truujirer N. C. Cotton Ah.shi iation ) The Sceirh,-arid North Carolina par tlcularly, wrought wonderfully well (luring the war period. Large crops, except cotton, iiave* been made, par ticularly food crops. .The cotton crops of the country for the four yearn of the war—l9ls to 1«»18 —were 11.700,- 0(>0 bales, J 1,302,000, 11,450,000 and 11.182.00 ft, or an average of 11 (jhloh against the four pre-war crops of IHI 1 14 of K,136,000, 14.150,000, 13, 703.000, 15.683,000," or an average of 1*.922.000 hales, which is an average of af.HUfin Ifflli'H Hl' T" unniiallv lyinr to. than during the war period. The. acreage of lust year wan hill OfS.OOu r lejss tlfiiu for 1014 when tut l bumper crop of lfi, J 35,000 balea was produced.. The low production for iho pant four years has hewn due rnainlv tOf bad .seasonal conditions In Texas and Oklahoma, flood winter ruins already have been had in these States, and with the_ same acreage as til tfl'lfr, near 3C.Hitn;r>W-'-au«f uood sea sons, a crop well iiicb as large as our laj-Ki st can and Hkelv would be made, which Is far beyond what there are any reasons to (hlnk the world will consume. Eiirj Crop, Low Price. Oiw lnuuiiej nutJuii yjop of lfj.000,» 000 hales Uj 1914 l«rouslil tXMI dOO.OOO and our 11 .Mlfl.OOO. bah' crup of 1917, brought the South f1,600,000.000, or twice as much ap the bumper crop We know what this tneani- T "liig crop low price." Cotton at present prices is at. If not below, the cost of produc tion, and not an inconsiderable mini her of North Carolina farmers have cotton of two years cm hand. It would Hecin that the world needs 1 nnd will consume at cost of proline tion, pi its a fair profit, the small crop of 19IR, especially as this is'otie of four small crops In succession, the av enp' for the fmir yonrn heinß 11.411 ftoo hnles. or 14.0O(T,flO0 lons for flic four year war--period" than for the four year prewar period. To Make This Effective. * What can he done to make this ef fectlve? A 1, \ id it defined eo operapro pram *• part of the the mori 'i md the farmer for holding nnd KelJiMf. should bring . 2 Alonp with the movement to on able lire fanner, the merchant and the hanker, or whoever has cotton, to nold It till the rlglit time to sell, must Cii a |iriigr:ifn to house the staple. 3 W'lrat Is perhaps more Important when measured hi lornis of Its effect u(ton the future of our farming In ■ln try tn a plnn for preventing the production of a nut ton crop this year cn ater than the world will i "|ii!re. A ii diictien In acreage of from on "Hi 111 Jo" one li'lCd lii)S Itenp imn-eslrd U the mcttiod of doing tills. Till, i would ino o fir North Carolina in round 111 >t> I! • i'" ,i lii 111 ion a res Instead of a i: 1 , iiiiin ml a. half of cotton This w-rrrrht tr LYR TI half 111 lb on iter*-* h'M '- liifuii il' V.oted to cotton available for fmiil fi ■i| iml s ill improving crops Better l and for Cotton, fnlli'ii should lllfclv, in must cases, he put on the bettor -land, including >i oic nt leant of tho land planted to • soil Improving crops during the past voar It should he fertilized with the .A'low of ccontiinv so as to meet the i the In ml thus used and the increasing the acreage pro 1 i :in• I reihiclnir the cost so as to Zii Hi : Tt>i• i ,7 ;.• rf •»fit lower price >ci (ton m il f ill 4 Another*-matter con , i i a Is Ho- prl"i> of The pr'ei-j- of fe rtili/ern are the highest wo have evivr known, and while the rnttirii grower cannot. afford, if possl-' lib I.v iillow Ms nc'reagi' yields to i' . til", fi iltli/.ers must he used, as,to ilU'intitv and kind to best meet the nrr»ds o( the siiil and tho'crop Fooct and Te«d Crops r, . tt will he ensllv agreed that nil r •fueliop iii cotton rhpiild cn it,to j .^j.:d-^ermiA-and p:i sliua Jn | o, opijrt to pick' l all tlu\. fin ill md fi nd f.r tbe State on the farms of J the SMI*. so as to (lave I ran snort a tion ( li-icrc'i ;111ft Intervening' Oi'oflts to in 1,, »' .■ lioli'Mii? of col I oft. fo | li.-ceo n mills.and ether money crops. nnil I; i ii,,oirace r.n j our g -owiiiß liv'stiick industry--boef rati tie he poiillrv, sheep and dairy ecu fur tlie fainit. - cow, our dairies an.l it. merles nnd- for our .lew rbi CM I industry these, together with our farm aiifl tnwimroople nnd our an imals, inaUo a practically sure mar ket it remunerative prices, for all the food and feed cr'.ps and- roughage that I all lie grown rn titled to Better '-ivinfl Conditions. fi I'iiuilly, we must have in mind AS a whole people n readjustment of our w age mill livint, scale Wo should not want tic go hack fo the old 'coil ditions as regards t ,ese. Cotton, pea iruts, tub i. cn and money and general cr ps In thf whole South have B MMI produced with low pricwd labor with me- 'i j-litl.t 1 ihor, On pa id or 1 underpaid These t-rops h.iv« been | sob! in \7crld cit a basis of tltla k i o bought pToilin i f. mrift' i pftrts of Mm cnrmtrr cn basis- »* a higher lahoi at>; i t.sbor livint; defile lb«"> wt own. rn-.itl/".to the dfltrlmens of out j own at'ind'. -l of li*inic as a section. NOTICK TO KVKUVHOriV I forliid anyhoily from bunting:, fish ing, feeilmjf hogs g-oing on or across any of my land known as the Warren Nock land or any other tract of my l»nl in Martin county. All my land is posted nnd everybody is duly warnad to keep olf. « FOK CEIIJNG, WEA ther tiourding, shingles, laths and othor material, call THK WIIITKIII KST LUMBER COM ■ Trustee's Sale ■ By -Virtue of au*hofll> - conterred »'i i TIIC b» H ' */t " executed me by Aim ZJ u li«s 1 i day ! of Muich 1918. and duly recorded in the ieKHtif ol De i'i 1 'ifi't i!i Murtiu I County, in Hook 6 1 |a ;c ifij to wcure j tne payment ut « ecitsiti bo. il bearing r eve:. date ilicretfllb,, and tho t>'ipuu i ious in said lJetii i f ."rust not having l»ecii complied with I -bail'e«pose at public Mucti'ii!, lor cmmi, on tviturday the l*t da£ ol Match '9'9. "t tlie Court lloiiM' {at li MI. ) in Mai tin Comity, • trie .tollowil'K profett) : ; 8.-ii'li tbe h.itil land c mveyed to Alutt- L . Hanliso'.i 1>» F f» H.-vrdtsou and wife prbiuiiry 2s, iiud wmie which i» 1 licwn as tbt Mobley l.i id I*'''ll/ on the J;. m.V- ol Kttjrn Branch, t i;iit.nnin« i i6.ucr*s more or less, i Fur full dev.'4jr'J 1 11. rcfere'i.'.* w urute Tt ilinvf tiiiiiied deed, W. C. Matinlnii. Trif.tee. J. uiiiary aitli I4JV- ' Of- (iooib.l Nest Town-hip Road I . Bonds J .Sealed prop il will l«; received l>y | It i - Itoalii ot Kuad I'uistei-V- ot J. e.l Township. Martin Ci>o nt. North t arohnf, at tlittr oftii ■■ jii H.'i'ik of O.V I (. it v. Oak Cite, N C. ilHy' l - t.iuicU 17tli la n o'ci i' kl7 M l>i tYiej ] iichase of. fls iio >;oij TV o c Nt 1 1 jvviiblnp Ko'jil Boud*. which will bear | i 'il :i rale uo. exmiliiK ;ix pel r nt neini nnnu;tll; with both principal a to Interest p lyabh- it lome It) j v *!'.• City of New V irk if ilwircii bv flip I 1 I in Baser. M Saiil lion Is .will lit itsiii lin the «le 1 r noniiiiHtioii of eilli r #51.100.00 or #1 0 -0.00 at tin optiOil of the; pureh.ver. II ddel jllliKt deposit with tilt Ticasnr ' let »f the Hoard-nt—Ruid « cer . U ied check, diaw.i to the.onlt 1 ol the , .Treasurer ol a.iid Pna'd 01 a sum sf money for end in equal .ono'inl to two ' I per centum of the Jnrr amount of the I l> .nds. Said bondt. *ill he iiwmled to the ' ! I.: /hi kt iii'li'i r "iTmitT-ss than par, ntl |K- satl bids n-r rejected. 115 orikr of the Boaid 01 Uo-rd Trtistees , •f ti iosi* Neilf T »v*iisliip, )tk "i'itf, N C. I'ilirimry foth lyrtj, B, M, H r oi -ley Tnff.'iarer; c Notice IlaviriK (qualified as A• i 111) 111 mti«ttor up I the Estate of (}iandv HIOWII diceased; it ice ia hereby ivcu to' all person t. ldi»K claims a|aiiist said Kstiae 1 ■•enttbnii to the undersigned lot pa> n';-nt oil'or before the (1 st day of j.m 11,io, or this in !ice will be plead 111 bai • I tin ir recoveiy. \il persons' tndelited to said Ks'r.le II ■; r (piested to make iu iiiediate pay til' i.t. I'lils day of Jan. 1919. llciirj Brown, Admr VI rijOWKHS! I'LONVKItS! I'LOW y•: j_ Kor sale p'rirnit. ti c Mrs. licno'Bntith. . It j 1 Notice Of Stile , "utlti «t 1h 1 *T lu Luiity lOuunireri itr that tVilau* -of .fc ' JiU ' jti'lgmr t rif ttixr S^i-tor * v rrj7t >f Murlin Cc»imt>, t iMtreil in ft- in •hi Special I' s »»> iIK oiV i* eiiUtlcl Vara FhlUt v Ruth ill. oomuitsbioner, will t»u M mlns the j4\.\\ «l ty '»f I'oh igli) nt - w 1 vt»"o'cUnk ihmju, at thtr couilliutiM* •ID »r of Mat tiu County, «t - AVtllraiiiston C. » Ifer at public audio i, to-'the »hest hithler for t\«.sh the following 1 Ici.eriht 'I laud, low it: — : ltuhted in the town of Kobifrcouvill'e, n'- C , ami on the South hi«W of K *11««»m«1 Sti iu saul town, ami known an I,ot No S iu the division hetv\ecu M A. Ko >eti»o:i ami C. (»i i"'eM, nut at a stake on Kailroa«l Street, ruuti •nj. S il i i 1C .v* : ,hainh'i6 i J linkh to r ilt* te; tlu-Ut r N JS 2 l', i chain .fS i 4 in s le the be^niniiif, oo.ttainitiK; * one ha f arte in »ro «>r les.s. 'i his iHtli thi> jin iUtc#. ) \ A. K I» Com in i I • . g . w j , - -- - '. ' Notice ' f w Waving ipiailit'd nn ndiiiillistr atot i ol I lie estate of VV. li Daveiipoit" ile i ji cij, late of Maitin con nt \ , North 1 »'at ilina tlmt- n-—to notify—all— ha\ inn claitns against said estate to pit* -cut them to the at llain "»»■ W'M'tli4i« «-• -tin-m— brfrtre - thr lih day'of January, 19)0, or this notice '' Ail lie plead in bar of their recovery * All prisons iiiililiud to said "estate will f pU-.tse make unu'ediatu payment. 1 Uiis2otb day of Jinuaty, 11);9 J. A. Ilaveiifiort, Admin J 21 st b t i> c Notice Having qualified as Administratrix 1, upon tin H tiVu of W. 11.I 1 . Howeii deccav- .-.ivNotiie is Hereby vtvetl to aH persons f OldiiiH claims agsinst stild Kstale ti I ,ic elit Hhiii to tl e ulidersißtied fm pay riielit oi) or livlt tc the 2 ind day ol 1 lannaty, or ibis notice will b 1 deial 111 bar of lu'ii recovery. I Ail persons ludehtei'l to said Hslnte b are eipiested to make iiuined ate Jin)'- r jneiit. f This Jlllll day ol n .Mll He J. Brown, ■ A.lii'iniati'atrix R If interested in the purchase of the best quality of Lime at t attractive prices. See . —• - ( Jno D. Bißj?9 FOK SAhH A fine ( Jersey - cow,. John Gray Peel K F. D. Washington, N. (!. 1 . ' 1 nhleuched inuslin, ;18 incites wide. s nt 16c per yawl ul \V. it, Orleans. Mrs. Mattie Speller ' Dtittlur In ( ÜBNb*/AL MBRCUANDIS Also a full line of wall paper, phone m WUllttinston. N ti r ■/. ••; • ; .«,v. £■■■. »- rrr'-.r;r... .. :. : > _ I I , Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendn^s- Jay in each month to treat dis easeti ot the EYE, EAR, NOSE -tnd THROAT and FIT GLASSES S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law i.t •iivlllf N. C. - Willlamstoii, N. C. , >ieenville.lA>uK Distance Phone jaK J. IJ. BJ.ADE UikU i taker and Lic«nscil Einbal mcr '' - N. C. Photic 37. Willianiston, N, C Dr. E. N. GORDON Veterinarian Calls aiisiver'ed day or Of fice phone (.lay) 196, Rfsirlonce pliniic (n iylit) 167. J NOTH'K - ' % I I nder ami by virtue of tlio autlior I ity l ontaiiWirl in a certain deed of J tru. l i recuted on tlie 12th day of I NovMfiber, 11M7, by Kddie Walrton land recorded in llook 0-1, pajfe I(i". jji n county registry to .socui l^ the certain bonds of. even data- -the 11 •- I with alld the .stipulations of said deed !of trust not having been compile' I with tlie undersigned trustee will wn fcpippimiiwi at ' ttir l ' "cwitt j hou.(• iuor to the biddei' t'ol cash iit 12 o'clock, M., on the 7th da.* of April, 1919, the following described ! tract of land: Hi i/;juiirw .on the nn. j VVastiinictori roal at the bridge belav ! tne ol I ftawls or Peel Mill, thence north 17 1-4 -1 poles'up said road to an iron stake thoßcr north 177 1-4 east KO poles to an iron axle; I thence north 88 1-2 east HO poles to a post; thence south 11 1-4 west 42 2-Ii poles to a black i;um in a branch; tiience south ITi 1-4 west about fiß pole • more or less to the mill run; thence up the various courses of the said mill run to tlie briJjje, the beffin n'nK. containing by estimation 7,' i icr inore or less, and beihf; the lame tract of land sold to Kddie ston and Hen HiKKs_ by Clayl^j Mom c. » This the 'iril dav of March, 1919. K. G. lIAIiKISON, We can save you some money ow j adie.i' dress hats, as we carry n .... line of them. W. It. Orleans. 3 I ! ' - i"f •••'I . ✓ i i '.l'- ' . • -J • , ~ • I ■ K ' 1 I f- T . 4 ' • : 1 f Kf&J •: 'lll * '»• A ■-tW **fc■*•>•*.- • ONh ■ • '**• \i '|?V . BlSflSj XV-. I Rl ' Bfifii! - \.Bp' - ; ' i , . Bftry" "•." i > -*» r**i-~y «:,V pf|4 . • —-»—• JfU "' I . y wt/J, 35 • ■*•'v*> ¥ lfei "" '•■ -i J? w * & S&siS ISF T 1 * 'w " /ia • * ~|J - Br - kß'- E .^.aa^ n ..fe t . _. _ —_, ~, ' w . •■ jgy ■' . AT LAST' c A SEED PEANUT SHELLER THAT CAN- l\ NOT INJURE THE KERNELS Bhis machine does not even scratch the thin red skins of the kernels or injure the germ for planting. It shells and cleans per- fectly fifteen bushels per "hour. Only three v horse engine required to operate. Does ab — ——-'-'• slutely perfect work on every variety of ~: peanuts grown. Write immediately for complte information R. W. House & Bro. OAK CITY, N. C., or 1 HOYT HARDWARE CO., Williaimton ' ' 1 ■ ■ " - ■ I I. ,r. - : Dr. G. C. Godwin PHYSICIAN I'uaaioi; A Moorc'f former O J "j Legfeft Buildup s 5 Telephone* No. 161-2 and 161-3 PRO]! Jos. H. Saunders, M. D Physician and Surgeon ' Day phone 63 Night pho«_:? 4* Williamston. N. (■ Win. V. Wt.r-ti ' . Drs. Warren & Rhodes !j Physician? and Surgeons , iti Kin ' n>r I* 1 ..- 7« Hugh B:'York, M. D ' i Hay, Diagnosis, Specialties Office on SuiitH**' % k St . »e;»s Rlctmt Uro —lOflict liiMii l - —** : " \ ■ —«i —". , 1 t«> —m Odic? •pbiti r Nij«!ii '\iht tie 63 ' Wheeler Maitii* Mnrftn, 1 Martin & Martin .At'oriicys-at-Law ! Williamsto'i - North Carolina 'PHOWH 7% Dr P. B. CONE! DontiM ; Office over Farmer* aini Mer-' 1 cliants Bank Hours I» to 12 and 1 to 5 1 Phone No. 9 Hes Phone No 156 ) •: " ■ I A. R. IKinoir.j; Clayton Moorfc " DUNNING fl MOORE Alti«nr)'n and Couniellois AT LAW Oilier, m the Pciijilr, Baqk Ruiidmg Williamson, N. C. Phone I 35 . ~ "R. A entfCHKK H. if. ORITCHER CRITCI IER ftfCRITCHER ATTORNKY-AT-LAW TMATN STREET PHONE 11. Williamston. N, 0. When in need of TOMBSTONE ' or MONUMENT •See B. S. Courtney —j —»- We Carry at all Times « Complete Stock of Mela lie and Wooden Burial Caskets Latest Designs ANDERSON, CRAWFORD & CO. \ Money to Loa > On Real Estate From One Thousand Up For Five to Ten Years ___ Critcner « Critehcr I'nbleached shp«»t|npr, 81 ;:i ;h wide, l ent quality at f>3c per y;.r 1 VV. U. Orleans. Come to ses B.S. COURTNEY Sole' Agent for EDISON'S PHONOGRAPHS New Records atv\a\s J on hand

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