QUICK V N L/I A WANT ' PAPER X s- • - y: • y - VOLUME XXI NIJMBEU 103 CAMERON MORRISON INAUGURATED AS GOVERnOR OF NORTH CAROUNA Cameron Morrison was inaugural- j ed Governor of North Carolina We(?»e | day 12th at uv*l>e o'elock. Toe oath i of office was administered by Chi fj Justice Walter Ciari£ Associate .!iis-| tice Piatt D. Walker administered | ->■,* the oath to the other officers as t/»l --lows: M. 1.. Shipman, Commissioner' of Labor and Printing;-A. J. Maxwell, Corporation Commission; William A ! . Graham, Commissioner of agricultifre; - J. S. Manning, Attorm.v General; K. j C. Brooks, Superintendent of ft'uldic! Instruction; Baxter Dlijftnni, State J Auditor; It. 11. Lacy State Troasuicr I J. Bryoy Crii'ies, Seer-'tary of .State, I W. B. Casper, Lieut. Governor. After the officers had all hren | wnin in the Governor ma'o hie In j - Dili j mistic for the future progress of the I Stnte. lie urgeo u strong oducational | ii'i« u'». lor tl t» entire State wM a\ | enhrrfi >*■ nntof th.State Institut , : ons. | More Mies* wu* •probably placed on r ik.,-tetV' of Ijigbwa"s than'anv ot -1 et»*ll'*;Yt. pis. plan is for' the State! as u uiul '" in fn» expense of a Sys tem of ; oan.s connecting Coint Seat i. and ii mportaii trt lWMS. Mam J othei important proposition* vvm j ili'Mt Mil at length ard the general I npir.i- n wjis that the address whs {, j »tror.it ne. ' John W. Manning has. been in I'ly mouth this week in"lhe intercut of the j Williamston Telephone ( n. ■ - j REGULAR SESSION OF RECCBDER'S COURT The week I > -e-ion of UI-COMII I'.- I Court convened Tuesday, anuary lit) I with Judge Calvin C. Smith presiili'j' and Attorney B. Dul e Ciiteh-r pnusf I cuting for the State. 3.'State vs Disposal of Mortujrei' Property—John Wilki.i-. No I. I'm . 5 State vs As.ualt-J. > . Sexton Defendant comes intoceuit ati I plead guilty. Judgment suspended upon pay . ment of cost. 1. State vs Abandonment- —Adjudg- ed by' court that defend»n» is u' I*y Prayer fo'i; judgment Praver c ni' n■ > ed tili the Ist. Tuesday in July, 1921 nnd the defendants entering into bond in the sum of SIOO,OO for puyiieol ' on the Ist. Tuesday of each and ever month hito the office of the Clerk of this Court, of sum of $I0.(MI for th support of his-wifo. 2. State vs L. ar.d If. 1 Mar Jo i j son. It appeared- to Court that tli• case is not under its juris liction, it si ordered that the CUM- lie transferrer'J to the Superior docket. instate vs L. a il l(* »j-»rjn» iW-'j field and James (iarfielvt ConTnuc,. till Tuesday, January' lstli, 1921. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOiHi ** Having fjuaLfied as administrato: of the estate of (.cargo \V. Marti, late of Marti count;., Noith Catihn all persons' i idehteil t» 11 iO• fci'l e tate are hereby notified to pay sane immediately and i>l! prr -o s boldin claims against said e tii* - nre.hpreh | i Notified to present same for pa "men j I within one > ear from this date or thi L notice will Ikj pleieleil in I'll "I the i , recovery. P Tt,U9l>th in Vof Pee-lTibel, 1920 j LI It. (). MAItTIN, Admlnis'rut". before the 2f»tb of January, we wii' be forced to- cut tin n out. Fair wa i n { Ang. W. T. Meadows, Tieauu -r. 1 PLANTS FOIJ S M'F. J; "Wood's Early Jer ey fl'l'l. hundre(i, SLf.O per lliou-arnt: A - gust us Willia»n ; , 11. F. 1». 1, Kobei #«ville. N. C. J 11 lino E'piWlglau MacLtun & floris May "j "MARY'S ANKjpF." I F. TDEBI)A% ■BIDE {Fatly) ARBUCKLi: | K»"»THF ROFXt) UP' WEDNESDAY FF.BC.I SON in { ■btlL BOUSE IN ORDKll" U ■Bte and NUISANCES" I ENTERPRISE FINE REPORT FROM 1 ROBERSONVILLE I „ ' \% e were jntetested To learn"" thai Mr. At,rum Uoberson of lZobersonvi le Township had on four acres of per- J-manent pasture grown hogs enough i to weigh six thousand-pounds of die r I ed pork. Some of his hogs weight-, f two i unthed and ninety pounds at | one year old. Besides cn.tr ing :i'• | breeding stork of hogs-valued nt I $ lIiO.OO, two ?ows and calves, a herd I bull anil six work animals also were j run on the pa-tine all their idle time Four thousand pounds of the po k was sohl for 14 cts. per pound givn a money ineomt' of s.T(J(l,(*io, iT ton o pork for home use, milk and butter,, tii-ef, ami bae»n froin four iteres oi | land beside, ;i nice sum saved on feed ring of each animal and a nice lot oi I erazinif on the land today, the lit I fo January. The above report was given by M Augustus Williams,r. Robersoit' I neighbor. Air. says that he j Tia stive acres oT~pasture on his HW I farm anil expects to plaht three inoie I acres this spring he thinks the In I -1-hn— )■ . ;m ■j and bulievs temporal) pasture of so, ; t> '.* ins. velvet In nfl . alhrui'./i rye and crimxm clover best, lie now Jias nm [ avre of allru/,7.i rye an-l rlurci i'i.i-" I has It en r VIM for two months and hehevi s (lad it will car them (liroiigh tbe winte Should the remaining Ml nth be t'ayi.t J :dile in (lie irrowth of rve and clover. I Thihe how easily these men are ii.uk. I inir thin if s count for them anil hov I eas) it is for any fhj-mer to mak. I the same work count for himself. I'\ li tuiini' stock we can eliminnt I muili loss from disease ami with sop I idemi-nt fee«f anil the glear.ings cf harvested fields add greatly to the .wealth of ourselves and the commtini • y. The Enterprise welcomes such, r ports and gladly- passes them on to its readers. » JOS. 1.. HOI.LIDAY NEWS FROM IN AND OAK CITY Mary Kverett who ha- liti pending some time with Iter son i 'auvhter letuined Monday. Mr. Master Carson wa -in t ) Taeil.iv Mr. liurras A. ("riti her of Willie r-» ton was ,in town Monday on prof «• I sional business. _ ' I \1 r "TV'"'.TJlTfes Taylor of lioberso I vill,e spent Tuesday iind Wi ilnc.- 'v m Ua' /'l j Nri\ Ko -ell t'ar,-iin spent TUCMI-P II *1 U .1. Me Ki-v. ,| Ucick and I'. M Tin I of \V i-liinrton were in town Tues ' Mr H. liuke Crit'her of William ton spent Tuesday ih Oak City. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. M. llurrell ent'-i taineil Mr-.. F. (). Barhee and tie teachers at dinner on Sunday, Mr. a I Mrs. Harrell in turn took supper n lhe teacherage". ' , Mr. I!. 1,. Mines of Norfolk is d inir some time in Oak City. '""Mr. "W. Cannon of Ayden s|"-n r I Wednesday in town. - Miss Ruby Move has retui nTTTrorr" j Gold Point where she has been spe> d ine some time with friends. r "r — X 1 \OTKT: TO CONTRACTORS 'STATE HIGH WA > (ONSTRKT ' ION ION N. C. FKDERAI. AID PROJECT , No. Kt-11, j—Sealed Imln for thiyf-onstructjm f 1 the Williamston Bridge and approacl ■ Viaducts, Project Sfi-B between It r tie and Martin Counties, N..C.. wiH [lie received by the North Carolina i Stlfte Highway Coinmls-ion at ,th' f Division office in Kinston, N. C. on til 12 o'clock M„ 2-th da- o' ! January will lie open is will be received after the f hour fixed. ji The pHncipnl. items of work appro* j riiately as fotlnwTST" 3,210 Cu. Yds. Class "A" Coftcrete I I,2W> Cu. Yds. JCluss "B" Conefet> J 800, (KM( IbK. Reinforcing Steel. 31, 730 1h.4. "Tljrtes and Bolts. S 4 Name Plates. !' 1K5,n0(» llm. Structural Steel. 20,00(> lbs. Machinery. 448 Lin. Ft. Pipe Railing. I 2 Safety Gates. ! 6,900 Sip Yards Asphalt Wearing Surface. j ft. B. M. Creosoted Lumber. M' 7/MMi Ft. Creosoted Fender | Piling. /* I Lin. Ft. Untreated Timbet- Piling. 800 Lio. Ft Prp-Cast Concrete Pil» | 17,770 Un. Ft durtria-Timee or Pre ? Williamston, Martin County. North Carolina, Friday, January 14th, 1921 OAK CIH STORE IS ! VICTIM OF BURGLARS | ' . On Tuesday night the plate glass psindow in the front of the Oak City Supply C'o's. store was smashed with | a brick and the store was entered I an drobbed of a large quanity 'of merchandise. When the discovery was made there was no suspicion resting " "against anyone, however before the i I'oodhounds arrived guilt was so evi dent on the faces of William House, Edward House and Alphons Edmond son they were taken in sustody und soon confessed their guilt. They an .til yoitkg white men, born and raised ifi the Oak City section and the two House hros. who are twenty-two and tvKenty years old have hud fair op portunities and some schooling. Th( Edmondson boy is only about sixteen years old and has not had many ad- 1 vantages in life. It is thought that WjlTiam House Was the captain of the gang as he was the most capable of the liunch. After the ai rest ntn confession goods vulued at about s:r.o.iio were fopnd which may in clude about all the lost sustained, merchants are yet unable to suv definitely whether or not other articles are missing. The boys also confessed to break ini' into fTie stole oT S W, (*Jlspt'l sometime in December. They wen taken to jail to await a hearing h■- - *'.o-i.i I tie ' unit SKRYICKS-AT BVPIIST t ill Bill ,\. V. loyne.- Pastor : unday School, :• t ) A. .M Su"day School, 9 - 4* i A M 111 P. I! ('one, Supt. Sonnon by the pa to , It A. M. Sermon by the "a dor. 7 -M> P. M. Piayer me-tina • •e.oay o en *iii)' 7 ;.'!o. '«■' Sou are cordialh in iter to at'io' :1! these services. MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH The Murtin County Board of Heult met 'l'uesday, January'llth in th* Offices of Dr. William K. Warren and held its. annual meeting. The follow ing members were present, Major B I'. Godwin* Superintendent of Publii a.d nation Asa J. Manning; Chair man.uLltoard x>f Cuuntv. (,j>inmissioa >.is Jno. L. Hassell; Dr. J. E. Smith \v,i-k of Jamesville; DI.AE. M> L° n of Hamilton and Dr. W. K Warren. After the old business was deposed of Dr. Warren was unanimously re elected County Physician and Quaran tine Officer. Cast Concrete Piling. lijds may be rendered on any one, .r ail of t ln> following three pro|.o bitions: Proposition No. I—Covers the w spun, i eluding machinery etc, complete in place on the substruct-. ii p.y "swing span" is meant al: tin >t natural work, machinery equip ment, centefand end wedges safety •Mies, lights, an dall other materials •lece.vsary to fully complete the struct ure for operation and traffic. Proposition No. 2-—Covers the con crete superstructure complete ready for traffic, pile caps, Piers 10, i). and 12 on the Roanoke It+ver, Piers 148, 149 and if»l on Conine Creek, aW r ( ll fi-ndei work. Profos'tion No. 3- Covers all the reinfoit-ed concrete plli'H. I'mlei lht»- o|-op isitoi i alternate bids will lie con -i.l * No bids will be considered unless •c *i| allied by a corporate- sur t Jiood. or by a properly certified check made payable to Frank Page, Chair man, for amount given below. Proposition No. 1--$2,000.(M); Propo sition No 2—18.000.00; Proposition N. 3~$;i,(«M»,00; *ty- SIO,OOO 011, on entir " ifojei t A corporate surety bond, or othei satisfactory security will be require'' for the complete fulfilment of tjr Contract. Specifications, forms of contract, proposal blanks, etc can he obtained by wiring to the office of the Stuti Highway Commission, Halefgh, N. C. Plans may be seen in the office'ol the Itivision Enginoer at Kinston, K ■ Cr, or in the offic»; of the Bridge Fn gineer at Raleigh, N. C. or will be mailed upon payment of ten dollars. 'rhe right is yserved to" reject an or all bids or to accept any bid deem ed best for the State and the County By order of the North Carolini State Highway Commission. % Thia 10th day of January 1921, V . W. S. F'ALLIS - STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER. I will offer for sale ot the Hardison iMII on Saturday, January 15th, at one o'clock P. M. one Ford touring ear, the property of David Griffui, to satisfy a, lien for repair* on said car done for said David Griffin. This December 20th, 1920. JOHN P. MTTZELLE. _ Local News and 1 Personal Mention ; Mrs. Jamas Riddle of Petersburg, arrived Wednesday night to visit hei i husband whi is stopping at the Briti I Hotel. f '*)«»♦, f Mr. Alonzo Hassell has returned : from a business trip to Baltimore. » » • m Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Dunning re , turned Tuesday night from Aulam'.e. • where they, had attended the funeru 1 of Mr. Dunning's nephew. They wer ■ met i n Hobgood by Mr. Herman Cat I low. ) ♦ • • » i Attorneys Wheeler Martin and S. Peel spent Wednesday afternoon in Jamesville. i • » » ♦ Mrs. John I). Biggs, Jr., went t( i Scotland Neck yesterday afternoon i r visit her mother. » * « • Mr. W. C. Munaiug returned Iron Raleigh yesterday morning. ♦ ♦ • « Mr. It. K. Jeannette of Kli'/.aTietl ' City was in town lust night. • # * » Mrs. J. D. Biggs, Jr., spent WVd nesday in Rocky Mount. r♦ » ♦ • Mr. Augustus Johnson Went to his ' home in. tiold Point yesterday. • • • • Mrs. Oscar Anderson and son and ' Miss .trephine Davis have been vi iting Miss Corinne Smith in l'lymouth this week. • # • ♦ Mi'*. E. T. Waller and son, Vi, >d. Norfolk are spending the we*k v.i'ii firs'. J. A Mizell: • • • * J. A, l.eggett motored to Washing 'on Wednesday on business. ♦ • * • / Messrs, John A. tnd Oetavius Man ning are going to open a cash grocery sto*e in the place formerly occupied i.y llrott'n's 'Barber Shop. The bar is located now on the nj.nt side of AndersonCrawford's est itdi .1, It ent. * ———X I>A VI IN SON Mr. Stephen Davis and Miss Neva SwinsQn both of Dardnes, North Caro lina were quietly married on Ttiesday night, Jan. 11th by Justice of Peace J. Raleigh Manning in Jamesville. Mr. T)uvFs~Ts' TSWlflnwii' throughout -Umh. section and holds a position with Wil tz Veneer Co. of Plymouth, N. Cl Mrs. Davis is the daughter of Ml', 'and Mrs. Dave Swiryson a*id is a ver charming yount* lady, they both have many friends who wish them happi ness. They will make their bnine ih Hardens. FAKMKHM NOTK K! (iround limestone in car lots ptC up in 200 lb. hags a quoted todu at S7.IH per tiin, delivered in Willi m st;n. .Those interested should pi: c their orders at once, N. C. Depc >1 Agriculture, Raleigh, Yours very t rulj^ J. L. HOLMDAY STOCK I. VW NOTICE This is (o notify till pet .on • It ing '.. j&a the North side of Tar River, I'tf countyi living within 'he district ie ;cently voting on the Stock Law qties ' tion, which was carried, that the law. effecting stock law territories, wil go into effect Murch Ist, 11)21, am" •notice—.tp_. notify all pciJ sons of same, so that they niig', d n bide by the law. This the 6ti day of January, l!»'i By order of the Board of Cimet Commissioners. " J. C. GASKINS, Clerk. NOTICE OF SALE I'nder and by virtue of the au Iwr •ty conferred i' nthe power of -ul« '•ontained in a certain deed id' rust executed to me the undersigm d t in» tee by R. T. Tuylilr and Wife S-ta' on the 3rd day of April, 19011, Said deed of trust being of record in Mar ; tin County Registry, in Hook 77. ag Sfiß, aid the stipulations therein not j having been complied with and a fh request of tb' parties interest'd, I will expose to public aulcion in Iron of the court'house door in Will ain ston, North Carolina at 12 oYlocV M. the following described tract of land Bein ga certain tract of land k owe as th« War** Taylor tract. Boundeo by the lands of J. E. Robertson. Ily man Warren, J.\D. Wypne and others Containing 26ft Or res more or less and being the same tract of U.nd forme-! ly occupied by tIW tiaid R. T. Taylor and wife Stfsan Taylor. This the 23rd day of December, 1920. DI KE CRITCHER Trustee. L •» • LOST: ONE BKOWN and WHITE setter dog. Answers to name Bob, offend for return. J. D. BIGGR. 50 PER CENT CUT IN i ACREAGEAGREED ON] ; - Tin' Tobacco ;m«\cr£ Association of North Carolina was held in-'the I , City Auditorium in Wcdtie day. There were. huVvn-til.. of (Me- j gate.- representing all of the tobacco I counties of eastern and central Car olina. The question of a reduction of aci eage about .'>» p, r cent lia bci n! generally agreed .upon- and Will pre- 1 v•»11 for this year. And the need for [ a pooling or forming :t marketimr oi gani.:atiop was dix usM'd \t gieatl ■ length by a representative of the C;(l ifornia and North We tern l-'iuit t!rower- Assmiatioii win went ioto the marketing detail of In- own coin i pally. The bed, pa.-scd by un.mi nion- veie i r -dution to enter info sil li an oi )>aili :it ion in time to han dle the lO'Jl crop. One of the main reasons given I'm vva. 11 iii>, I .-,ui li a marketing systeoi vva- thai ol llu laii'.e nuielier of fanner.^vpresent not one ol' them had vvaud to a\ Ml had been able to do the le.a-l I lull)' in li\uu; prii es on bi> tobacco, it i all ii|i to the buy ers. Ihe farmei who sow , the eed, set tile plant , bnak. the -ncker and „. pulls the worm.-. |eime-. the tobacco. sits up at night to cure H, t'lades > packs ami haul betore • I;i-a and after ihitk has not In lie. I" do uijh ti\T; i•; the price, but has to Take jut vv'iat I ever amount i - meted out Ti> him, ltk so 111. 111 \ Cilttle. ' I'he farmer "iiel only ha" no in selling his tobacco bnl if he wants a "chaw." or if he i fooli li enough to .-.moke, he ha - not I mg to do with tlje price he pay s. It, is li\ed. by the trust. The till t will not Iru-t u*. we should not lin —t tlieni. N ea, the farmer has to be careful of the ground upon which lie-spit . MEETING OF MODtR'S CLUB HELD THURSDAY l llliee tillltv I'.'.M , till f'l'ai'iit 'ixiclie. A octal on and lb"' rvvenlieth Cintury Mother' t'l.'i, whirl.- ,oe iembiiii'l now, had t' i • • i ree'h:.. ouililg at the Auditorjiee (! the Cii'.l'd ;■ hool. The meeti|'g wa call, d to "i.li-ib; tie lent, '.Me . W h.-rlei Ma. i n .Jr. .nfn l tl>e minutes ol Hie la -t be-et leg vveie icad. by Itie ,SecH'!.a'y- Tie i ■ wa'- no tar tie. . ti;ln acted r\ C?|it that Mis. J. 1.. Uoj'.eK oil hale] * in hei i■ ■ aiiat o>n a is' iel ai v ie-1 "lis. A b. Dunnine wa electe : i her nlr.'e. '.Mil' .iVloxjillg pnpet 1 wen- then read: " "The, ill !..t ion of a I'ei let D v • .ope.l lit of tl.e « 'hi Id ' \ ppill.lt II 'O , D'eetliie to His Crowtll," by VI, .1 11. ' III!' II s. "Care of the Ti etfr," by- Mr*- J'. .W- A ||. '; »w ■ ' r'aidt ■' ■li •it HOI by Mi 'A. li I )unii'ig. '*( 'utslooi I 'eli I- r h M i I I • Hu> ■ in "Mind and Mm al 'be Mi I llovt 'i hi! next, meeting wiJI be leh I a tin school auditorium jit«i'oui o'cl- c. I'. M., Jailliai'V 2a. . 1 va-ixbody ij. co l Hi all y invited to attend and it is hop ] ed by the members that eu li a every one may be pre: , lit at li"' in;'-' " neetiiig. The "pi.-ojri a.iu,-, a i e.' ai'-lolt piepaieil by one of the create t e ~" e Vpe flin —AI n»■II ell iind aip waniil—Lli_. every child's niothei- Mi . A If I luiiiiini-. Secretary. NO'I ICE il S\ rf J l ivl. r and bv virtue of the atolT r i-'y jn a c rtain d. . I id' tin t -\ cue I'll on the 2!Mh day ol All)'' (, I'.MH by J. A. Joije and wife, Mollie Jones alt'/ rcgi ''teied in the public registry 1 of M.utin t 'oiinl \ in Itook A-2, page Ht to.a cure ciilain note: of Vven date tlienwilh; and Ibe tip ' ulat ions contained .jn aid deed ol tl'Ust not hevine been cloniplied with and at the ivipieVt of the nvviK'-r ol said notes, I vvjll on Monday • 7lJ'. day of l-'eb. I»2U- al/'l2 o'c OCK M ' at the court house ' door ill li" town of Williamston, Nortti Carolina offer for sale to the balder at pub blic auction for cash the. following • described ■retrl f'-d'Hlj^ Beirrg part of J. W-. Briley. I'arm in Cross Roads Town hip, Martin 1 County, North Carolina, and being farms No's 2 & f! of said division as made by J. L. Moye, E., iid 1 divis'on of plat being of record in the ■ public, registry of Martin County in " Land Division Book No. 1- at-page 416 and being the same land this . day conveyed to said J. A. Jones by A. L. Raynor and wife. This the 3rd day of Jan. 192t. > WHEELER MARTIN , Trustee. , FOUND: ONE YALE KEY, in front of Harrison Bros, and Co. apply at Enterprise office. ! 'i , V .. . if. ' . •. NORTH CAROLINA LEADS IN VALUE AND ACREAGE OF TOBACCO IN 1920 NEW SAVINGS CERTIF ICATES NOW ON SAU A- supply Of Covet nmcnt Savings it's "I' Tin* I "set it's has-been-- received at tin post. office here uc I cording to tin l announcement ma i • f byPostmaster 1.. I!- Wynne. Tlto post.offic A ill handle tin* -fall' oi the eipw securities, Mi Wynne, a I, precisely in the past. " l'hc scries" said the pot Hur ler," consist* of five forms «, savin-,; securitie-, two of which have ne\ei been offete.l. The. new forms arc a '*l I'l i-a uiy S;i\ ings Stamp and a fJ'i I n a ur\ Saving- (.ortificiite The thicc- other foim-., wlrcli hrfve hveit provel mi popular tli'c 2. r i cent Thrift Stamp the *'> War Savings Str.mp an. I ttie slllll ami fl.ono Tre-isuiy Sa villi:' I 'et'il'iiatcs complete I lie el "It r ilie plan of the Treasury pailiiie I to t" courage regular. .a'-t; .0 ,r i. I-, -mil investment in goveip m ieni ... uri' es " the po-tnia let said; ".."'I I I .111 Ii I to letlll t llliulus *|| I li, me mo ijeitl .it ha put init the ' '.mi Mi , i-.in , the* *1 ain I the $'J& «"«•n 11111 -. V rnntrnT —n+ —the ——T ten nn'y Saving* Stamp is that lout of them plus a small additmnal amount cash con- he exchanged fm a full in ti'i'est licat inn .ffi V\ at' Savings Stamp. The additional cash amount required is olilv 12 cents ill Next month il will he I", cent*; in March it will lie I I cents, ami so on. "Of course all War Savings Stamps and Treasury Savings Stamps and Certificate- vill lie redeemed in cash wltenevci; the owners want the money, aiiil the government," the postmaster explained, "will not only pay baelP the full purchase, price hut-all the in • 're t earned. The rate of interest, i>a eil on the five year period, for which the securities are' issued, IS 1 ' per cent, icontpounded four times a year. j A FARM ARTICLE TO BE PUBLISHED EACH WEEK -i W i' hav«.' ai iwith Mr. Jos«* pit I. 11 • >ll m lay lor .a weekly article on -tune farm subject. The futility Demonstration work ha been discontinued in the name of economy. hut ."fti. Ilttlliilay says his a octal ion with the farmers of the county has led him to that lie wants to dit all in his power to proniote their interest, ami that he will gladly givp tlipjn the benefit of a.ur,. l-a peri CiU'e that lie has had The Isntt rprise is glad t> -pieaA t i -Iti' i ioi I inlni mation, . MjM Inlay will wiite'it free, so we I i|Mk I lie people- will freely read. This department will also free to all to a k tj'jfstioils ami give an cwec- and cany nitidis from anyone If you know .something good, tell it; if you don't,, ask. , NOTIt H UT SAI.K I and by virtlii >f toe att'hoi'. t\ T ontai'tid in ac • l*tt>ilk tleeil ot trust To ffe TißiteTiynert" till. te? l r-eXtSUt il "hy Nil on Mason and wile, Mitt'e Mason, ilatetl i'im\ tlnv or Nov. t'.HM ami of iccord in the public registry of Mat tin founts in Hook I>-1 at page 4«8, to .secure the |%.vment of .ml note of even date and tenor therewith; anil the* stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with and the undersigned having been substituted as trustee un r ijet -i in I h.V tit till- of a judgment ilatetl fit It day of . 1 an. 1921 and at the ret pi est 111 the parties interested, I will oil Monday tin-"lb. day of Kelt. 1921, at 12 o'clock M in front of the court- ' lti.til.se door in the town of William ston, Noi llt Carolina offer at public sale to the. highest bidder for rash the following described real estat >? IU ginning at the intersection nf. • butcher Street and the Washington Road, a stoli; thence along Critfcher Street to ,ly R. Mobley's" corner on tlu..lut cotnmftoly known as the Ben .Spruill !ot; thence at right angles aid along J. R. MohleyV lin> 89 feet to a ptob; thence at right angles with the last named line parallel with, Critcher Street to Washington roatl;: 'thence along Washington road to the beginning at Critcher St. and contain ing one-half acre more or less an''l being that )(,* bought from Peter 1 Davis and wife by Nettie Cowen on the 10th day of Nov. 1913 and of rw ord in the public registry of Martin County in Boojj E-l at page 260. This the 6th day of January 1921. WHEELER MARTIj)[, Jr. _ Trustee. ■ - - -■ SUBSCRIBE TO THK EKTERPRIBR , • l ... .'! •' Adrertisero Will IU Ov Columns a La tea Key to UN of Martin Coaatf"a Hnm ESTABLISHED 1898 Tobacco is kirrg in North Carolina, and it entitles her to first rank a inotvg all states for this crop in acre age and value. Kentucky has long held the first place, hut the 1920 crop ha.s put her in second rank, by $27, I MMi,OOO below that held by North Car "TTtttra; Our total of 582,(K)0 acres, produc ed a- $97,1112,000 tobacco crop. The acreage in the state was increased II per cent, the production 11.8 per cent, and the total value decreased 44 per cent since 11H9. Hie quality was poor, it being ua pery or devoid of wax, quite spotted and iiTqaßlar iu coolr, with much ev- unripe curing. The col.ii' was but fair. The Alaraaue* :,nd Caswell counties area productttl the best and about the only good to hucu in the state, a slump in I t n-es occurred late in N'ovemher aad Ueceniber, excepting with the best • malities. I'lte l'nited States stop was incroa i e l four per cent in production nnJ yielded sixty-five per cent less in Vttl t'e. The national average for this cam was 796 pound .. valued pt r acre at 21 cents per pound. ' 'The state's tobacco crop averaged i'.tfi'i - per acre,' while the average of all ctops was if-l&.Oii. This menas " t "lit the tobacco value -is equal to tt• bout thirty per cent, of the total valur. i of all crops, while it had but twelve pel cent, of the acreage. « IS A CHILD'S LIFE WORTH $10.00? •tT a child's life worth ten dollars? II you think it is, you ait; given an Opportunity to buy the lives of a« ii many children as you desire at that price. Tehre are three million, five hun | died thousand children in Kurope who will tlie front kuagwi, cold and tlisease unless is im mediately. rained in America $33,0* (),- 000.00. mtk 110.00 will insure life to one of imH of those children until the next halfl vest. Kemetitfber that "All 1 can he«ll my cold, deatl hand .is what I havp ■ -r'N'on away,'-'— , - Jf you desire to have a part in this glorious. work of saving child's lives, the opportunity is yours. Would you not welcome the privi lege of receiving into your home one, jut five, or ten of these children as your 'invisible guest," during the year II so, send your check. (SIO.OO for each guest desired) to Mr. Henry A» I'age, chfiji'tTuin, Aberdeen, N. C., with a request for an invisible guest cer t ftcale ceiU^^M t JUT. TrW ir.lfTrflri • •, tut. "Tht- • itvit.title guest" iweiv'ed into | on comfortable home from the ter» J i ,'ile desolation and misery and »uf% reting of Kurope will be an ambasiia !er of that other child, who came into The world nearly two thousand years jigo, who no one would receive. Would you receive Him into your home? Then take in one of these hungry, cohl and sick children, for did He nnt say, '"take heed that he despise not one of these littln ones; for I say uirttt you . . . :. Whoso, shall receive ine such little child in my name, receiveth me," NOTICE Of SALK I'ndt-r and by virtue of the au thority conferred in the of sale, containeH-'in a certain deed af trust exevutctl to me the undersigned trust ee by John Williams, on the 19th «t*y of October, 1916, Said deed of trust being of record in Martin county reg ' istry in book M-l, page 2!i7, and the I stipulation sthercun not havin gbeen complied with and at the request »f I the partie.s interested, 1 will expose to public auction in ftont of the court hou'.st' door, in - Williamston, Nor|h Carolina, at 12 o'clock M. on the 29th (lay of January, lpjjl, the follo««ic described tract of land: Being one house and lot Situ Mod in the Town of Williamston, Ktfrth Carolina, arid adjoining the lands of Robert Johnson, Ransom Red dick, Annie Hescoe and others. Containing nue half (1-2) acre more or lots. This the 29th day of December, »20 J. B. DUKE CMTCHSft- T«iutoe. , 11 «■!" ' . , ■ Watcli tlve label on your paper Md send in your renewal hefors it wipflW LOST IN WILUOTTON ABOUT Dee. Ist, an o}4 leather suit eft*, _ containing a newly and paifft' ed salt of bitto Wonted dothos. _ FMdor flense ttn ■amfplte '