MgMjjßr _ THE NATIONAL FARM LOAN is now ready to make nns to farmers. ■f you are in need of a reasonable ■n call on the Williamslon Nation al Farm Loan Associdiion. See j | 'W> -»-•*** - BIGGS OK WW. C. MANNING Wa X E S: 1 MUST BE PAID taxes ure puid by April tin* 5 to Z " —V expenses and costs tfc ti • f'« -TRuyer. fMJ i' ' T HSI .•*S\. I hope everybody will Fee me JM promptly and make settlement. > - ■••4 ' ' t|M M] m " '/A; lie member, the law forces ine t" _ OT make collections ujhl 1 have no power Ml, to extend the time. wflC Kespcctfully, sfj 7- ■ W " NjN 'i. T. ROBERSON - L SHERIFF. W AN *KNGIM:i'U—: DI.SICNS STKM'T.IKKS, SI (II AS UK IIHIKS, 1H ILIMJVGS, VV AI 1..5, K'l'l . I'OK SAH'.TV l' IHS.I — - x'IINSI I >K|{A'UjLjN ls ' f OKI' i\ \1 1 1.1 >W MA I l AI NAT>rrm'Tyr: A CONTKACTOK ' cgnstki ("is ntku.ti i:i . As i»i:sh;\i;i» i« ai« iiitkct ok i:)\;i ni i :ic - « • 0 I a constiuction i:\uiM:i:ih IS ONK VVIIOHK THAI MSG, IN I'KlillNi'K AND AHlM'l'Yyt AIII \ HIM 'I«• I'ISICN AM) OJN STRUCT. «. mi Mm R. L. GRAVELEY Csrtified Member American Asocial ion of luitfincei^ CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER WILLIAMSTON - N. C. -v . * K • / SCIENCE uses the Ne\iu Edison, —- ' to detect vocal defects' in metfi ocre singers. • Think againj Music-lovefe use the New Edison,— to enjoy the vocal perfections of great singers. ' " - Surely, its marvelous realism can bring you the world's finest music ► at its finest ? , •That only 22 ringers, out of 381X1, %ng pui. itolca ■ b— hM> r«v«*i»d by lb* N.w UJtabu. B. S. COURTNEY 4 Furniture Cash or Credit \ I % I^ EW EDISOM / j&H " ' •'•• • isWrawlWr' SAYS HOTjWATER WASHES POISONS I FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It, before breakfast. I j To feel as fine as the proverbial I fiddle, we must keep the liver washed II clean,' almost er>ry morning, to pre | vent Its sponge-like pores from clog- King with Indigestible material, sour bile and poisonous toxins, says a noted - 1 physician. f If you get headaches, It's your liver, i If you catch cold etfslly, it's your liver. If you wake up with a bad taste, furred j tongue, nastv breath or stomach be ! comes rancid. It's your liver. Hallow skin, muddy complexion, watery eyes all denote liver uncleanllneas. Your liver la the most Important, also the must abused aud neglected organ of the body. Few know Its function or how to release the dammed up body waste, bile and toxins. Most folks resort to violent calomel, which Is a dangerous, salivating chemical which can only be used occasionally because It accumulates lu the tlnsues, also attacks the bones. ' Kvery man and woman, sick or well, should drluk each morning be fore breakfast, a glass of hot water t with a teaspoonful of limestone phos ; phate In It, to wash from the liver and bowels the previous day's Indigestible j material, the poisons, sour bile and ( toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary I canal before putting more food into ; the stomach. i Limestone phosphate does not re strict the diet like calomel, because It \ oan not salivate, for It Is harmless and • you can eat anything afterwards. It j is Inexpensive and almost tasteless, and ( any pharmacist will sell you a quarter ' pound, which Is sufficient for a detu- I onatratlon of how hot water and llme j stone phosphate cleans, stiuiulnius and freshens the liver, keeping you leuliug fit day lu and day out. GRAY HAIR BECOMES ! DARK AND BEAUTIFUL ! Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. j Almost everyone knows that Bu»?e ) Tea and Sulphur, properly compound -1 ed, brjngs bark the nutursl color ana i lustre to the hair when faded, streaked 1 or gray. Years ar.o the only way to Ret \ ttils mixture wu to make It at homo, j which i» muasy and troublesome. T Nowadays we simply »-4 at any j drug store for "Wyeth'a Bai « and Bul j phur Compound." You will M' t a Isrgs bottle of this old-time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients, ut Very little cost. Kverybody uses j this preparation now. because no one i can possibly tell that you darkened ] your hair, as It does It so naturally ] a lid evenly. You dampen a sponge or I soft brush with it and draw this | j through your hnlr. taking one small * strand at s time; by morning the gray - hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and I you look, years younger. Wyetb's [ iiiid Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toilet le.iiiixlte It Is not Intended for the cure ,mitigation or i>r*\&pUon of dtseiL.i ' 2? MC-X-X-X ft Pains ft ft Were ft Terrific ■ Read how Mrs. Albert ■ ■ ■ Gregory, of R. P. D. No. ■ ■ ■ 1, BTuford, 111., got rid of ■ ■ p her ills. "During .. , 1 | | | was awfully weak ... | ■ ■ My pains were terrific. I ■ | ■ thought 1 would die. The | I p bearing-down pains were | | actually so severe I could | | ■ not stand the pressure of | | | my hands on the lower | I ■ P art ol my stomach .. . | | / ( I simply felt as if life was | ■ ■ for but a short time. My | | | husband was worried ... | ■ ■ One evening, while read- | | Jg ing the Birthday Alma- | ■ ■ nac, he came across a ■ | ■ case similar lo mine, and | ■ ■ went straight for aotne | | | Cv/ul for me to try. | K TAKE IK CARDIII The Woman's Tonic |UB "I took K faithfully and jST the results were Immedl- I I gte," adds Mrs. Gregory. ® ■ ■ ■ "I continued to get bet- g j IT ter. all my ills left me. | I B and 1 went through ...IB -1 _ with no further trouble, m* h r i wM #nd I | ■ strong, and myself—thanlc B_ B I God—am once more hale _I _ '® ■ B and hearty, can walk ® ® | B miles, do my woA, g | | though 44 years old, feel | I B like > new person. All 1 B B -' _ owe to Cardui." For _' m | m many years Cardui has | | ■ been found helpful In | | I building up the system I _ ■_ B W hen run down by dls* * | B Ardfrs peculiar to womeo, |Q| !;■ Take Si ft Cardui ft .1. - ' V. ' . "&:■ "tl; THE ENTERPRISE SALTS IF KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOTHER HumlM to flash Kidneys and nectral i» irritating acid*—Splendid - tor system. Kidney and Bladder wahM mdH from urio acid, say* a noted authority. Hip kidneys Alter this ackl from the blood and |«im it on to the bladder, where it often reuiaina to irritsUe and eausing a burning, scalding sensation, or eettirg up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer ia in oonatajit dread, the w»t»r passes aoinetimea with a scalding sensation and ia very profuse; again, there is difficulty in avoiding it bladder weakness, most folks call it) because they can't control urination. While it is extremely annoying and son-a times very painful, this is really one of j the inoet simple ailments to overcome. Ot about four ounces of Jad Halte from your pharmacist and take a table s|>oonfu! in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three diiys. This will neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer ia a source at irritation to the bladder and urinary or puns which then act normally again. Jail Baits •« inexpensive, harmless, and ia made fioni the acid of grapes and 1' iiimu juice, combined with lithia, and is lined by thousands of folks who are Hul'jert to urinary disorders caused by line ui id irritation. Jad Salt* is splen did for kidney* and causes bo bad f 'fits whatever. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent lull in water drink, which quickly relieve* bladder trouble. , , m » «-»■>. e-e- ». ». «-i DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD GOLD JI (jet n f mftll package of Hamburg lirimM Tin lit uny pharmacy. Tuk«: a tabU*poi>uful of the tea, put n cup of boiliiig water upon itypour through « sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day er before retiring. It i* the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the jxire.', of the skin, relieving congestion. Mmi loosens the' Ix/wels, thus driving u void from tfu: system. Try it tl»e next time you suffer from u ooid (tr the* grip. It ix Inexpensive und entiroly vegetable, therefore safe and harmloas RUB BACKACHE AND LUMBAGO BIGHT OUT Bub Pun and Stiffness away with a small bottle of old honest Bt Jacob* Oil When your Iswk m »>re and lame or lumbago, Mciaiwa or rheumatism has you ntitfeiu*i up, tU>i»H aulftLr! Jet a 3fi «mt bottle of old, ImiM-sl "St .Imoljs Oil" at any drug store, |««ur a little Ui yisir liaial tun I nib it right into liie pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the wortniess sisl Vuueii. sn is giUie Don't* etty rripplid! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to he uw-d only once. It takes the tuhe iiam right out of >'«ir hack and end* tlie nuwry It is mag mi J. yet absolutely- liariule-s juiri iks'sn't burn the skin. Notfiliu' elwi HIu|IM lunihagii T« littles and lame back misery so pimuptly ' SULPHUH CLEMS UP. ' ROUGH ORJIEII SHI* Neck and Anus Easily Mad* Smouth, Says Specialist Any breaking out of the skiu, even fWry, itching ecsema, tan be quickly orercome by applying a little Msntho- Sulphur, dedaru a noted skin special ist. Because of its getm destroying properties, this sulphur preparation liegins at once to soothe irritated skin and heal eruptions »u«-h as rasli, puu t>lts and ting worm. • It never fails to remove the tOmtent and disfigurement, and you do hot have to wait for relief from embarrassment Improvement quickly shows. Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a •mall jar of Mentho-Sul[>hur from any good druggist and use it like cold •crsam. * ;; HEAD STUFFED FROM****! CATARRH OR A COLD ;; '' bays Cream Applied in Noatrils J! , Opens Air i'aaaagee Might Up. > i 'inMMMtMniimnini' Instant relief—no waiting. Your dodged noatrils opeu right up; the air passages of your head clsar and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuf fling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for 'breath at taight; . your cold or catarrli'disappears. Get a email' bottle of Elv'a Cream Balm from yuur druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air pesaags of the head, soothe* the inflamed or awollsa mucous mem brans Jud relief comae ia-, atantly. It's just "flns> 'Deal stay stuffsd-ug with^a.cold^cr. nasty catarrh, " K\FC I'TOK'S NOTICE Having quulifieti as the estate of' Mrs. Margaret Taylor, de ceased, notice is hereby given to all persons ' holding claims against said estate to present them to the under signed for payment, on or before the 24th day of February, 192*2, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. • All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 24th day of February, 1921. V. H. & M. P. TAYLOR, Executors. "WANTED—A representative in Mar tin County, one capable of becuring business. Fast experience not abso lutely necessary. Designs and samples furnished. Gssd commission. Address— DEES MONUMENT WORKS ftrMavilU. N. C. . ■ 1 I An ordinance authorizing the issu ance of SIO,OOO electric light bonds of | the Town of Hamilton, North Caro | I lina . and providing for payment of 1 the principal thereof and interest I thereon. I Be it ordained by the Board ot Commissioners of the Town of Hamil ton, North Carolina. Section 1. That negotiable coupon bonds of the Town of Hamilton be issued, in an aggregate principal a mount of SIO,OOO, to be known as Electric Light Bonds, for the purpose of establishing a system of electric lights in -said town and for the use of said town, and to beowned and controlled by the town, the said bonds to be in denomination of SSOO each, to bear interest at 6 per cent per \annum, payable semi-annually. Section 2. tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. The probable period of usefulness of said improvements is thirty years. Section 4. A statement of Debt of the Town of Hamilton has been filed with the Clerk, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, and is open lo public inspection. Section 6. The assessed valuation of property subject to taxation by the Town of Hamilton for the year 1920, as shown by said Statement, is $400,000. Section 6. THE NET DEBT of the laid Town is nothing. Section 7. This Ordinance shall be published in The Enterprise a news paper published every week in the town of Williamston in Martin Coun ty, in which county the town of Hamilton is located, the same to be published once a week for four weeks Section 8. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first pub lication, unless in the meantime a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under the Municipal Finance Act, and in such event it shall take effect when approved by a. majority of the voters of the town of Hamilton at an tlection as pro vided in said Act. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the first day of March, 1921, and wa.i first published on the 11 day of March 1921. Any action or proceeding , questioning the validity of said ordi nance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. H. S JOHNSON i Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Oeorgo W. Martin late of Martin county, North Carolina 'all persons indebted to the said es tate are hereby notified to pay same immediately and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified t0 present same for payment within one year from this date or this notice will l»e pleaded in bur of their recovery. This 20th day of December, 1920. H. O. MARTIN, Administrator LISTEN!! i i ———B It Has Come---A Tremendous Drop of 25 per cent in Fertilizer making it within reach of all farmers. You know you can't raise a crop with out it. I have what the majority of farmers and the Agricultural Depart- , _ ment consider to be the best fertilizer made. Some one to wait on you every minute at No. 5, Storage Warehouse. y "* . ( ' \ ' — 5 —- 1 also carry the old time, cotton seed meal—the kind you can sow in a gu ano sower. Not a feed mixture (or cows I HAVE THE RIGHT PRICE ON EVERYTHING AND CONSIDER QUAITY ABOVE PRICE EVERY TIME. ' Lei me do business with you. Phone 53 LESLIE FOWDEN PILUAMSTON ... NORTH CAROLINA JL. i * 1 —— i i ' •' • LET ME DO YOUR JOB WOIiX IF YOU NEED ANY— LETTERHEADS NOTEHEADS ENVELOPES BILL HEADS STATEMENTS CARDS f INVITATIONS or any kind of printed matter, write or phone me, and > J will* receive prompt attention. Prices reasonable. SIMON 1.111 F Y PHONE 184 WILLIAMSTON, N. C. > \ The Finest Thing Ever Said of i This Bank i It wsa not in praise of our great strength— • ' j"" It was not in praise of our system, which is most modern— Nort was it in praise of our growth, of which we are very proud— No; it was in praise of our "human nes.s" if we may use the term. "I enjoy the same intimate rela tionship with the Farmers & Mer chants Bank," said our friend, "that 1 enjoy with my closest friend, or my business associate. Invariably I have founil sympathy and kindly counsel tirst, later if needed, translated into terms of material help when the rules of g-ood banking have warranted it." We Believe Nothing Finer Than Thin Can be Said of any InHtilution "The hank where you feel at home." FARMERS&MERCHANTS BANK Williamston, North Carolina