Advertioers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key. to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 57 FORMER CASHIER OF LOCAL BANK HAS 32 CHARGES TO FACE NEXT TERM OF COURT Noith Carolina—Martin Cotiuty. In the Superior Court. State vs. C. H. Godwin. In above cause, pursuant to agree ment between counsel for the dtnfetid ant and pie State made at the June Term, 15)21, the Solicitor tiles here with the following bill of and the state alleges: l'irst: That on or about the ,'Ust day of December, 15)11), there was on the General Ledger of the bank a coiit ingency account approximating the sum of $4,000.0(1; and" that on ot about the same date C. H. Godwin cnarged this amount to expense ac count and thereby reduced the ca.-n to that extent; that this was do'ip without the knowledge or authority of the otticeta or directors of the bank, and tiiat there were no expense tick ets to justify this transaction; and luitliei that no expense tickets were eiei made for the - ativ; and that tais amount, or a large part theieut, vas wrongfully misapplied and ap propriated by.(.'. H. (jodwini. o4 January, 1921, the individual led ger .-.beets of ('. 11. Godwin had been misplaced, and there are still a nunf lii i of individual ledger sheets of the account of ( . 11. (joilwin trussing from tin* tiles of the" bank; and that t'u> vas done for the purpose of conceal ing the true condition of bis with the bank. Third: That proir to the .'Joth da\ *ol July, l!»2o, and thereafter, (.'. H. (Jodwin was u silent partner of (J. li. llasseU; and that as such, he dealt in various stocks and bonds on a mat gin with J. Leon Woods &i Co., of Norfolk, Va., and that during the continuance ol said partnership, ('. 11. (Joilwin used uioltey belonging to the Peoples Hank nrid in said drfals appropriated to-his own use money of The I 'copies liank vto the amount of $4,000.00. In tlii- connection, there were two items j>i $2,000.00 each; one bring a vlieck 0 (!. 11, Ilassell, and the other being u draft drawn on I'. Ilas-ell In J. 1 .coii Wood and Company, 'both oi vvloch were paid by the Peoples Hunk, anil caiiu-il in the call until .lamiaiv 7th, I'Val, aira wbicit WJis done with out the knowledge or authority of the orticei.i or the directors of the bank. Fourth: That on or about-the 4th day of Junuai v, 1921, C. H. Godwin, lor the purpose of coveritig up fui'd-s of the I'eoples Hank previoUsyl mis appropriated and taken therefrom, put in the bank certain notes of himself and others agK legating 1 the sum approximately $•'(»,000.00, the major ily of said notes were worthless a«« ■Mime spurious, including -1 he note ol W. I-. Stalls for stl,l>oo.oll and note of •stalls and Company fm -f5.1)00.0n, al •••hich »'a.i done without the know- if the officers or director;- " i; that without the knowledg oity of the officers or direc ui-the bank, C. 11. Godwin, for nsiderahle time prior to J miliary I *2l. carried on a kiting buiKlnes* witl ther banks, and individuals, whirl iting business was carried on tin loks of the bank in the individua ■count of C. 11. Godwin, as a resul which leaving a balance ol $5,50(1.(i( >w carried in the cash as rr re-uh the kiting dealings with til. f*li n s Hank of Stokes, N. C. Fifth: That as a result of ,ie kit g transactions carried on by C. II > .idwin with the Peoples Hank V ust Co., of Coleraine, N. C, 11, ( idwin got credit on his personal ac . nut for the sum of $2,490.00, monej l' 'onging to The Peoples Rank, which j. ount has never been, accounted for. •OTRANn J THEATREU —THI'BSDA Y— MARION DAVIES in -»hh restless sex:* ' "te and GOc —FRIDAY— LARRY SEMON in I THE RENT COLLECTOR" m m liiiic Comedy—'The Slick« r' B", c and 30c L —SATURDAY— M GOLDW #N SPECIAL , n Beach's Famous Novel— "(i OI N G SOM E" , I ilh of the Rockies' —Epwod»7 £ .! and 30c THE Sixth: That all of the kiting tian | saetioiis with the i.iiioli bank, and individuals wen? run through ttie ac i count of C. ii. (ioilwin on the book: ] of the bank, anil the items of kiting lie would hold in the cash until a large numher accumulated, a'Hl then would chaise to his account, to such an ex tent that on the 7th day of December, 15)20, his account showed a balance ot more thaji $135,0)0.t»0; that on the 4th day of January, 15>21, this account was charged with more than s(>6,- 000.0(1, which would have overdrawn the account in a large sum, had not more than !fXO, worth of hi notes been placed to his credit on that day, all of which was done without the knowledge or authority of the of tit ers or the directors of the said bank. Seventh: 'f'liat for a long time prior to January 4th, 1921, C. 11. Godwin had carried in the item of the; N it rate •ncies Co.nipuny in the sum of $7,367.66, and that for the pur pose of concealment and deceeption said, item in June, 1920, or therea bout was tnken out of the cash and transferred to The Liberty Hond Ac count, and thereafter returned and carried in the caslv" as before, said item being in truth and fact a "dum my for cash taken from the hank." Ki{?hth: That on the 6th day ol January, 1921, C. 11. (Jodwin charged to the expense account of the bank items aggrejfating $H6H.77, which saic 1 items were incurred during the year If 17, and that said items were not proper charges to this account and had been misappropriated bv (\ It Godwin. Ninth: That on or about the 4th hv of January, 1921 there was charg- I to the expense account as ."lost on unds" the sum of $1,r.00.00, whicJ aid charge was not proper, ami tin ooks of the hank do not show such n :>s.s from the sale of bunds, and C. 11 lodwin is responsible for the trail Tenth: That on or about the HI day of January, 11)21, an ijteio of M, 000.011, at the . dileitioll of li. wim avus chained to expense account -- n 1.1 it.mii ai'i inj' out of all an i"l. with J. 11. Tyru, antl said itj'iw-j-'. — In i n carried in Hie cash improperly as u ilehit ticket. In tin. connection J. It. Tyre held a deposit ticket eil by.'C. 11. Godwin, Cashier, dated February 7tli, 1920 for $i,ooo.oo; that on January 12th, 11*21, J. It. Tyr drew the $.1,000.00. Written memo rand urn instructing the Asst-.~Ca.440i to charge to expense account, to,ul just by H. tioiluin, was done (■ ■ conceal the true facts of this traii-.ii' Kleventh: That the same memo randuni as above mentioned by C II Godwin instructed i\ credit of sl, 000.00 to the -account of Nam Ko^pr son, and that same he charged t expense to adjust, which was done foi the same purpose as set out in the pre ceding paragraph. Twelfth: That proir to January 1, 1921, C. H. Godwin appropriated t( his own u»e funds of the bank in the shape of a note of I'. W. ard Ida Williams in the sum of $1,400,00, which said note is included in the loans and discounts of the bank. Thirteenth: That on the .'Jrd day of January, 1020, a cheijc of one Edd Walston for sH44.oi payable to the order of Farmers & Merchants ltank was charged to said Walston's ac count without the endorsement of the Farmers & Merchants Hank; that this check was given by Walston to C. H. Godwin to pay a note of Walston's at the Farmer's and Merchants Hank, note was not paid and Walston's account was rharged with the cheek, and "the amount appropriated by C. H. Godwin for his own use. Fourteenth: 'l'hat on the 31 st day of December, 1919, without the know ledge or authority of the officers or directors of the bonk, C. H. Godwin appropriated to his own use the sum of $600.00, this amount being i" ex cess of the salai.v that he was to re ceive for that year. Fifteenth: That without the author ity/or knowledge of the officers oi di rectors of the hank, C. H. Godwin ap propriated to his own use th« nvm of | $500.00, Kb me being in excess of his I salary for the year 1920. Sixteenth: That on the 41 h day of January, 1921 C. If. 'Godwin, f i the purpose of covering the amounts i»re yiousSy fi/sai p'opriafed' and misap plied pii'Pfl to his credit a note of W. L. Stall t for $6,500.00; ami also a | note to be rfprned by Ktall & Company (and in this connection, no such concern exists) in the sum' of 15,900 00, and also other . noU-s of himself aggregating $23,000 00 or more, all of which was done without ENTERPRISE VVilliamston. Martin bounty North Carolina, Tuesday, August 8, 1921. the kho'.'ledgo oi authority o 1 " the otticei. 111 .t'lectoi of the ti'ii k. Sev.-iitev th: That on or ili.vul lh. day of January, 11)21, without the knowledge or. authority ot the direc tor- id the bank, II tiodwin ill. counted for his brother, G. C. Godwin, worthless notes approximating (HKI.OO to rover overdrafts und othei indebtednoss of his brother which had bee" incurred without the authority or knowledge of'the officers or direc tors of the bank. Kighteenth: That without the knowledge or authority of the oil! cers or directors of the bank, C. II Godwin delivered to his brother, (i Cud will, U .note of John Tettertu! in the sum of $400.00, which said note had been discounted at the bank urn was the property of the bank. I pun which said note, (i. C. Godwin, bTothei of C. 11. Godwin, caused suit to lit brought in his own name, and tha« no record of, the transaction is show" in the books of the bank. Nineteenth That C. 11. (Jodwin prioV to February .'ird, 1921,-r c "i\y I •f.500.00 from K. I . Little, >ame In ing a payment on his note which wa attached as collateral security to note of Wynn & Williams for $(5,00(1.00 that the note of Wynn and William' has not been credited with $800.00; and that ('. 11. (Jodwin has ufiproprtH ted this'amount to his-.own use. Twentieth: That ('. H. (Jodwin without any tickets to-support tin items, has charged to expense account items aggregating Sf>,IMXI.tMi, alining which items are one January 3rd, 1921 item marked "Krror dilference s:i7fi.Oo and on the same date item marked "differenece cash shortage S42M|O." On August 17, t920, item of shortagi SIIO.OO and.on July 20th, !920, item "adjustment Raleigh il i F«- $106.00; on July 6th, 1 A. T. I'errv sl(M».2r». On Aprril iiMli { 192(1, Mci chants National ,$:i79.17; 0)1 March 2' 1 !l2() M. G. Ilnjlock "error $1(10.00.' February sth, 1920, "error Merchant National $1211.011" ami vanou otliei items charged to this account. Twenty-first: Thai contrary to lln expressed instructions of, ilif- I' dent ~ ami without Liu khuv\ ieduc.. lit authority «*f t.|n* otlu-r i. m di rectors of the hank, ' II (ii.iluin per uJMfc'd I lie account id the William-tot Itasehall Club to lie u\enl i ;t\v " tiii> $5,5110.00 squandered. Twenty-second: That under the in structions of 11. Godwin, Jim lied Hobcrson whs permit IcL L° draw.' tin sum of $115.00 of tlie liahk's -money without authority from any-biidy, ftn• thereby the hank lost that amount. Twenty-third: That without tin knowledge or authority of tin 1 "IK cent, or directors of the hank I' Godwin permitted his brother (i. (' Godwin to take from the hank a note of * : irv the sum of $700.00, because and on account ol which, the hank lost that amount ol money. Twenty-fourth : That C. H. Godwin in reading over to the Finance Com mittee loa'is that had been made pre vious to the time said notes were read out to the failed to dis close to the Committee a number of loans that had been made by the hank, without the authority of the officer? or directors of the bank. Twenty-fifth: That shortly prior to the 4th day of January,. 1921, 0. 11. Godwin, without the knowledge oi authority of the directors or officers of the bank, ceriied concealed in the vault of the han't letters of Collection from the Fedeiul I.c-serve Hank at Richmond, Va., which said letters in volved many thousand dollars. - Twenty-sixth: during 4he ym*~ 1920, 0. 11. Godwin improperly charg ed to expense i cc-iunt various and sundry items aggregating many tlioo and dollars, for which said .items ther.- were no invoice.i ,er .tickets, and, in fact nothing to show what said items were for. Twenty-seevent li: That duritn? the yeur *1*920; C. If Godwtn -4»errowe4- from customers of tie hank wh* h.wl money on tima deposits, in the hank many thousand dolalrs and used same in personal transactions of hit own. Twenty-eighth: C. rl Godwin was negligent and careless in keep ing the books and records of the hank, In that numerous transactions were not recorded at all; that mimeteou>; transactions with correspondent hanks were handled, ami "that Rart.e were never entered upon the books of ttie hanks at all; that records weie .so kept so as not to r»*efle4 the tru4! condition of the various accounts carried in the hanks; that reconciliations. with the correspondent banks were not I, cent up, and in the case of First and Cit izens National Bank of Elizabeth City PEANUTGROWERS RECEIVE CHARTER The peanut grower sof Virginia and Noitli Carolina ha\e scored the chaf er for their new and eqlaiged oiyalu v.atioon, which will bear the shoit ,e expressive name, "Peanut (iiower- Exchaiige, inc." The minimum capi ruT stock is placed at slf>l,ooo. Of tlii amount Ji;.M,o(i|l is Common and sl,tN)o preferred ->tock. The imiXjUVtiiu capital stock is si,f>oo,tMi More than fiOOO growers have al ready signed the growers contract which obligates each signer to take one share of conion stiick al the par value of SOO. per share. The direct ors have also been l>y the signers in the various districts and will'be duly fleeted at a meeting of the stockholders to he held in Suf oik im August 17. In ordo rto assure a fuHi*'e|TiesMi tut ion of (lie Common stock, which alone has the right to vote, at this initial stockholders meeting on Aug list I?, meeting* of thy County I nits wil (he held Friday August 12 at Surry,. Court Mouse, Surry C. H :t.l' M. - Sussex, Com* House, Sussex C H. :t. l\ M„ Mi'itie, Court H uise, Windsor, .'1 I'. M. •"I'uwan, ChoWim High Sc 001, Si tails >'i. - lioad;, :• I' M. t •:11 •s, Court I'oii •, p. in. I')' V Ctlllie, ( 'll ll t i I'»II. —'|'l I ItUl'tl; —rT" Halifax and Nash, Opera House, ICn -11. Id. :i. I'. M. Hertford, Court House, Winton, I'. M. Martiin, Court House, Williamson, :t I'. M. Northhampton, 11 School, Con way, :t l'. M. Perquimans, Court House, He it ford, .'{ I'. M.. Washington, Court House, # Ply iKiutli, ,'t I'. M. Th" nominee ilireclors have held cveial important meetings anil will have a good line-up for definite action as M»on us they tilt 1 qualified and in a legal position to uct. the account had not been reconciled since it was opened in Juy That loans from the correspondent banks bail been, made and renewed without charging up the interest on l lid same; and that various antes w.eie rediscounteil which were never enter ftl lll the books or credited when fliarnftl ; That inteiesi- chain-- tl over #2,(MMUMI |,\ 'lit* ('oal aln I Iron * r alional l!;ii'lv of New Yolk l ily hail 'lot been calcred, and Iton.l Coupon.- aggregating more than sl2,""•'•'it) pm i nil cliarfeil li\ New Vork cm ie->;ioiid ■lllweie nut credited to them,- ami .aid coupons were not converted into orient funds, bill were held in the ,iuilt of the liiink; TTiirWM id ef the loans and discounts .and reiils mints were kept in .-lub-ji v\ay that lie true cnnditioii of same could no) l«f ascertained; that the registei foi •*allateial and rediscounted notes bail nut been kept up, and were in . lirh shape that a true statement of the -anic could-Hot be made frou the rec uds of the bank; that bank drafts had been sent out without any Iv oid Iniiig made in the draft register or the remittance sheets. Twenty-ninth: That the Liberty and Victory I,oan Hond account had heeen kept" in such a way so that it could not be ascertained as to how this'.account stood; that this account ik short approximately $.'1,0(10.00, and because of the manner in which this account was kept and because of the failure of the Cashier to keep a rec ord of numerous transactions involv ing this account it could not be as certained with exactness how much more this account will prove short. Thirtieth: That the reconj of the bank- showing its assets a"d liabilities ha snot been kept in such a way as to show the true cdhdition'of this ac count, nun could the true condition thereof lie in addition thereto and in addition to all charges hereinbefore made, there is a net short of $2.'t,2.'{4.ft2 between the assets and liabilities of the bank. Thirt.V-flrst:. That the record* of the bank of notes rediscountod, be cause of the way in which this ac count has lieen kept could not be reconciled and could not be cheeked up; that no many credits and charges by correspondentn and so many trail sactioiis not recorded on the books at all, made the account* unintelligible. Thirty-second: That because of the failure of 11. Godwin to keep the books of the bank in prof T shape and condition, because of the mannej- in, which they were kept, and because of the failure! to record transactions of the Trnnk, which should have been re-, corded and because of the improper nnt'i" Hinder In keeping the books, it ?o t the !»:»nk $2,000.1X1 more than ordinarily to get its books audited. Filed the 4th day of Augtfrt, 1921. ALLSBKOOKS, Solicitor for the State. ♦ Local News and Personal Mention Mr. W. J. Whitaker left Monday for a month's vacation in Ashfeville. **■ 0 * Miss Eva Peel returned Sunday night from Chapel Hill where..-he at tended the six week,* summer school at the University. • • • • Mis. J. (i. Statou left yesterday foi Newanee, Tenn. ♦ » t • Mr. ami Mrs. A. I>. Mlzelle anil haliy of t'urbotv were the guests ol Mr and Mis. 1,. H. Harrison Sunday. • * • • Mrs. W. 11. llarrell has returned from Chapel Hill where she attended the Summer School at the I'iijversity. Mi. Jack Hunter left Friday by automobile for Black Mountain where she will attend a houseparty. '•• ♦ » Miss Eva l.ucus of I.ucama returns to her home today after visiting Miss I'ruceda Rose and Mrs. Z. Hardy Hose at the Atlantic Hotel for several days. • • t * Mr. J. 15. Taylor of Raleigh is here this week in the interest ofthe State 11 ii/hway Commission. • • • • Mr. Herbert Slomttn representing Isaac Hamburger and Sons of Haiti more is at Harrison Him, this week conducting a clothing display. Mr. ancf Mrs. M. H. Dawes and Mrs. Rogerson of Hichniond are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John 1.. Rog erson. Dr. Joseph 11. Saunders has moved his office to the building on Main Street just below Dr. Knight's office and opposite Wheeler Martin's law offices. He Jifta had the building re novated und It Ih now in fine shape "Doc" looks quite at homo in his new quarters. His telephone number is 2CO. Mr. I!. S. Courtney will begin short ly work on his new residence to he erected on the h>t purchased from T)r. J. D. Higtrs adjoining the Graded School building. • * • * Mr. and Mrs. |{. II and children of Wilson are visiting Or and Mrs. P. 11. Cone. Or. .1, I). Hift's is- ttll-rall■>tin Pernio) ,ro\y'nrs K\ cha niy in. Suffolk t his week. * I * • Mi Hessiv I'ajve and Carrie Dell While are spendim? Mini etiiof at Wni-htsville lloach. • * * • Mr Ifohert Hogart of Washington iil'ent in I town, • • * * 'lhe Kntei[irlse correspondents tuke tin oppoitunit'y to thank both Messrs Charl«u and Joseph 1,. Hol liday for some very nice watermelons donated to a mighty good cause last week. • • * • Mr. T. !•'. Harrison left yesterday fin New Yolk and Philadelphia where he will spend two weeks making pur chases for the fall and winter. Mr. Harrison believes in always having K>ods to accomodate his customers and in anticipation of a good fall und winter trade expects to huy in law quanities as is the usual custom of his firm. He will he joined by Mrs. Anna Harrison in New York where she will huy the fall stock for the millinery establishment of (lut'rispu liuothers and Company. Mrs. Harri' h«s been visiting her mother in Blacksburg, Mouth Carolina. • # • • I,ot of people aif asking us al>out he Fair an«l we only have time tc ell them that the premium list it nurli longer ha" last .year, that it th6y expect to net u cash premium or a ribbon fhev will have to prepare early and bring something. The will be awarded on what you bring to the Fair and not on what you have at home. The' Judges can't pass or something you say you have at home better than the other felows. Fix it up right and brinK it along,> Septem ber 20th—24th. • • • • We have information from a local mill man that he has an order foi lumber to erect several residences iiij the near future. WilliamMon is now KettiriK ready to grow. Wutch the on ward march. - • • • • Mrs. J.. S. Turner of Weldon has been visiting her and Mrs. J. C. Kliem for several days, *. • • • Mrs. Oscar Anderson.und son, Oscar jr. ,and Miss Irma Woodhouse -will leave Thursday for Willoughby Heach where they will spend some time with relatives. • , v '. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE JURY LIST NEXT TERM OF COURT JURY LIST Jury list for September term Mar tin County Superu.t Court. Jame.sville lown.-hip, J. K. Manning W." H. Muclle, K. 1.. Stalliugs, J. L. liiuwn end L. A. S>ke.;. William ton lywusl/ip, \V. I. Huk i'i , I fS. Cunninul'Hm, S.'~Rf. Biggs, I'', t . Humes. (iitflin. lowuship,, Alon/.o Kolierson 11. I'. ,1-illey, -Stephen l,'. Manning, I W. J. I.|||4.V, Joldail li. Peel, .lain. A. lioherson. Hear (irass Town'Jvu), W'illjs R Harris, Mc. l>. I.eggett.V Joseph L llolliday, Kit ward (1. Taylor. Cross Koads Township, William A Moliley, W. W. Mallory, Geo. W. Taylor. Kobersonville Township, C. Arthur Koberson, Jno. 'l\ Savage, £.. I. Crency, Durwood Kverett, Jesse L. Warren, lester House. Poplar l'oint Township, Fred Clark. Hamilton Township, T. F. Pippcn, !>. I'eibin... Hamilton Township, T. F. Pipped 11. Perkins. SKCOND WKFK J. F. Mill-tin, 1,, M. Umber, A. T. I.illey, N. K. Griffin, 11. 1.. Hurdison, J. J. Manning, John 1). Mizelle, David I! W hichard, T. ('. Cook, K. 11. Craw ford, Fdwrad House, John H. Kverett, Henry I'. Sobersoii, 11. nry ('. N'orinan, U. 1.. Smith, Ashhy l>. Wynne, C. Ik Nelson, 11. F. Cfutt, I'KANUT (• ROW Kits MEETING All members of the Peanut Growers Exchange of Martin County are re quested to meet at the Court House at three. P. M. Friday, August 12 th. Several important matters will come up for consideration and especially the folowing four: Ist. To have each county arrange for its full guota of proxies. A re port. will be presented at each county meeting showing the number of prox ies already sent in from each county, ll' this report shows that your county has not sent in the required number of proxies, then committees will have to be appointed to make a canvass so 'as to iinsure its haviing proper repre sentation. If each county has its full representation, there will be no trou hie about the stockholders meeting in August 17th. lil. Arrangements will have In In m:t!«■ I'm a systematic canvass of the count\ I'm securing additional sign i .mil aim fin collecting oiguniza ti»n lie nf any.signet« who have not paid by cash or not* l . .With thr pro per rooperatioon on thr part of the glowers themselyes 'these important items ran be handled at little cost to the Kxchange anil cont rihute lal'ge- Iv to its future success,. Hnl. To receive report nf the pro gress that is makTng fm the perfec tion of (he organization and making tho Kxchange effective this season. The nominee-directors, through their special committee, are carrying on important negotiations at this time anil hope to lie able to have a special report for the meeting (if the (,'ounty I'nits. 4th. 'l'o keep 'em talking. Hy coming together in these county meetings the growers will not only arrange for their proxies and the transactions of other business, but will also have the opportunity of evchangiug opinions and current reports. Through these meetings the growers who attend will have their own Interest awakened and will carry hark to their-fellow-grow ers inforntion that will inspire confi dence. If for uny a member can not attend he .should sign ftni ' * p nd the proxy recently sent out from the head offices at Suffolk. Kvery fann er should he as much interested in the price as in the production of pea nuts and should attend this meeting W. C. MANNINC . Chairman Organization Com. . 1)1 NN KK I'AKTV Mr. ami Mrs. Hardy Rose enter tained Saturday pight with a dinner party at the Atlantic Hotel ii" honor of their house guest, Miss Eva Lucas of I.ucama. Between the five courses a Shakesperian contest was given and Mr. J. W. Starr won the prize after drawing with Mrs. A. 11. Dunnijpg. Those enjoying the hospituliyt of Mr. and Mrs. Rose besides the bono roe, were Mr- and Mrs. A. R. Dunning, Mr and Mrs. Elbert S. Peel, Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Cone, Misses Daisy Wynne and Ttucenda Rose, Messrs, J. I. William and J. W. Starr. WATER TANK 24 feet in diameter, about 3000 gallon capacity, in first class condition and fully guaranteed, for sale. Apply to The Enterprise. 666 cures Malaria, Chill* and Fever, I Bilious Fever, Colds and L&Grippe, or money refunded. IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 REVIEW OF LAST YEAR'S TOBACCO CROP AND PRICE Alartiu County as well as a large ectun of Lujteiu and Central Caro lina is depending in a large way upon the price o( tobacco to bring is pros- IMiH). It j., u jtrange thing that i will place their dependence up «'ii a Uarticle 01 commodity that has no i»-al \ alue of any kind, yet since are in the deal it i.s up to us to get nut the best we can. At present indications arc that the crop is better jthisj car than last. Judging from the j'lirici-s now being paid further south, we may reasonably expect fair prices thi* fall. We are giving the total sales and a\, rage prices paid on several mar kets in this section last year, rown Founds Ave. Williamston 1 4,405,188 $18.38 Washington 6,059,106 17.11 Kobersonville 3,732,218 19.00 • 4,126,014 18.15 Greenville 38,820,000 20.«tt Plymouth ... 182,775 16.2S Windsor 1,856,224 15.99 The foregoing shows that tobac«o IjSells at practically the same price on every market except in the old tobao io »ectioUs where *!ie crop is tjtfceu better care of than among those who do not know so well how to grow and I handle it. The rumors that are fre |uently heard going the rounds that one market pays double what another market pays is uever true and while the prices maybe influenced some lit tle the tobacco on each market is bougt o nu basis of a well regulates rule or grade. If a farmer puts his tobacco o na convencient market he will generally come out better than to run here and there where somebody says prices are higher. IN CONSCIOUS LOSS IN LIFE" t'nconscioua los., in life was the text of the pastor uf one of the lead ing churches in town Sunday and it can he easily applied to a large "um ber of us today in a great many ways, Sampson had supposed hi* strength was ample /or allocations hut when he turned aside from the Lord imd dallied with sin he found that his power hud left him and the Lord departed from him. The sad feature was the terrible loss and se vere punishment meted out to Samp son by the Philistian hosts. I'Kr.: picture shows many of ua in our town. Today men in th*ir re: ligious vsalk have suffere( an "I'n con.sdjous Loss in Life" by not hukd i»g first to and pressing forward l«i --ward the mark of the High Calling Men tn professional life huve failel in a large measure because they have no clung close to the principles of their profession Men in political life have lost their strength because they have falen so far short of real manhood. Men in business life have lost their strength because they have fai'ed t« apply those principles of truth am' life to their business affairs (s taught by the Word of Cud. Jlu* many of us are Unconscious of our Loss in Life? What have we lost?" How did we lose it? Can we regaiu it? BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. T. F. Harrison entertained »- Iwiut forty little folks Friday after noon iu honor* o fthe fifth birthday celebration her neice, Myrtle Woolard IlrwoA. Ice cream and cake wore :;erved after the guests had en joyed outdoor games. Little Miss Drown was the recipient of many hand some presents. WHOSE FAI'LT IS ITT Residents of Williamston and Mar tin County who have been traveling by automobile in different parts of Eastern Carolina are hurling a heavy bombardment of criticism on the Mar tin County roads. People can't under •;tand whywho pride ourselves «n our progressiveness nj natural Abili ties should permit and allow such roads as are fovnd in Martnn. Why cun't theie be som* con entrr.ted act ion made? Why does every indivi dual in a eomrauntiy want to run and manage the roads in it? That they do wan clearly ahown at the taut road meetln gheld in the County. How many years of serfdom are we to serve before we can hava decant roads? What is wrong with us that we haven't them already ? Whose fault is It? How shall we begin re medying the cause? Oar columns are open for suggestions. WANTED: Five or six boarders and lodgers. House located opposite the A. C. L. depot. Mrs. T..W. Thomas. All people who worf for MM ea automobile* or track* must pay a license fee of SIO.OO or be liable to the law. H. T. BOVmON. Sheriff „ i

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