Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME i^II—NITMBKH 70 COOPERATIVE MARKET ING IN A NITSHELL Rapid progress i.; reported in the "Sign-I'p CampaigiV' for cooperative' marketing of cotton now in progress ■all over, forth Carolina. Whereas the contract called for a minimum of _'O0,IMI() bales to be-signed up by Janu A ry 1, growers of nearly 300,000 hale have already signed up.« In a statement ju:t i sut'd by lead fis of the Collon (.'rowers' .Cooper litivc Association from the Stale head quarter*, italcigh, they ask cot lon growers everywhere to study the fol lowing comparison ot\the .present marketing system and the proposed cooperative marketing plan. These leaders say;that thi• parallel presents the whole case in a nutshell and t the most concise statement of the eo operative maiket'ing program '. e\«i printed: . "PKFSKNT MAKKTIN'C SVS'I KM Who coift col - present system"' Spinners, speculators and gamblers. Cost of operating present system ? The producer pays the profits and expenses of all the long line of buy is and dealers who operate between him an«l the mills, and he also pays for an average of eight samples per bale, for weather damage, and many other wasteful and unnece^ary charges. What Is the present selling plan? -"Humping" as soon as .harvested, which forces a year's supply nt cot ton on the market in four or five months, and enevltubly "breaks" the market. What is financing method of pres ent system! None so far as the producer is con cerned. Cotton buyers utilize the bant ing resources of tho coun l .'Hue the purchase of cotton, but pro -ducera ; are without any system foi Using banking credit for orderly Sell ings (irading are) Stapling, present sy's I em. Kntirelv in the hands of buyers. 1' Is a matter of common knowledge that cotton in the hands of farmer is alost universally under-graded am' staple values ignored in local markets which aro th« markets in which farm ni-v Weather Damage, present ®em From MM average of sf> to more th.n v;'i j,e' (vile, all paid by fal'liirr-:. l'o\i -ilv, child labor, hard-hip, di> tress, poor churches, poor whnidx._anil unsound and unstable business. .. ( OOPITITIWE MA"RKI'.riVC Who controls Cooperative Market ing system ? A —Producers actln gthrough their co opi-rat e sales, agency. C.» t of opirating Cno|M-latiyi Mat'ke'iug s> stein'.' produce, to the ol In- sell jug ttgcncj without any co t except transportation char g'-s. When sold In t'.o A -01 i.iiion the lull amount iiieiv ed, less Ihe actual co-1 of .maintain jng the Association, will be returnei to t i»- gruvi T-. Wsi-TetHt- >Trrrr|4Htg weatlu i damage and the prolits ol many handlers, will be entirely eliini . hated What is Cooperative selling plan'." Orderly and systematic selling Una out the year according to demand, which will be a factor in stablizinp the market and minimizing "bear' i aids .and efforts of speculators ti biea market and lower the ptue. V hat is financing program of Co, operative Systam'.' The Co-operative Marketing Asso ciation, using negotiable warehouse receipts, will utilize banking resource, of the count!" yto 'ina! e advances t. members at time oi .leliu ry and mark ft cotton in .'in «.rd ii and -ystemat.ic tn inner. Grading and stapling, Cooperative -tem. ln the hands of experienced and comj>etent tnen in the employ of th Cooperative Marketing " Assrwrat n.n Kvery member will get the full bene fit of tho grade and-staple value ol each bale he produces. This alone will mean an average profit much in *x-- coss 4if $lO per half. Weather damage, Cooperative Kv\- teirr. --None. ./VII "cotton of all members v ill he insured in lionded watehouses t# ({esults, i y\.erative System. --Fair and stable prices representing cost of production and profit. Inde j endence, comfort, good churches, good schools,' 1 and "stable business. .. - FORI> UOADSTCK for sale at acil fice. In A No. 1 condition, can be teen at Atlantic Hotel at a'hy time, HUGH G. HORTON 3 »9 LOST: Wednesday afternoon between (.'rftcher a office "a~tftverenrd- e»*a with engraved initials 0. P. C. upon it. Finder pleas ereturn to Mrs. B. A Critcher. /-'• . ENTERPRISE - 1921 Peanut Crop / Showing up Snort i*| The peanut crop fro Virginia ami e'| North Carolina will be about , ..ti, ; ! 000 or three-fourths of a million l.a>, ? short of the 1919 crop aioordnu- t PI the latest iepolt of the I nite.t Mate l t'.uieau of Markets and Crop I ti | mates, notwithstanding the incie.i i jin acreage for these two tate pievi - ou-ly lepioted. \ liginia I credited ! with a large crop condition of pei - I cent and a yield ol ;!,a-4,iMni bushel' '(North Carolina's crop condition i. given as til pet cent and her yield i. I ! placed at H,7!1fi,000 bushels. Counting I ; four bushels to the bag the combine«. ' yield for these two pioneer peanu. - growing states of America will l» - | only l,s|. r >,ooo bushels or 2fio,ono hag*- j shorter even than the crop of 19110. i I These Government figures are for the week ending August Ml. The do : tcrioration. since that time as the j result of tho continuing drouth in -j most sections is most marked, liven in those' communities where there have I been local -howersl the yield will not ' lie materially incrjensed as the vine were so far gone when the rains cane 1 as to have hut little come-back ti ] them. According to reports now coming into the office of the Peanut Grower? Exchange, Inc., the shortage in pea I nuts for Virginia and North Caro lina will lie decidedly more than that ' indicated fry the Government figures Keports from si large numhei uf mow— ers- scattered throughout the * tei ri torv sent in response to a specin questionnaire mailed out last week indicate an increase of 1-t per cent in acreage and a'decrease of 1M -pei , cent in production a-- compared witl. la-t year. On this ba is the 1921 crop would fall oOn.tHM) bags short of tin lioit crop of and 1,000,000 bag short of the heavy crop of 1919. In addition to this shortage In th' J_ present crop, which'now promises ti IM- harvested unusually earl), tin carry-over from the- last two ctirp will be so small as to lic negligible I bis complete clean up of old peanut.- appiies not only to these two states, which grow practically -nil the lnrg> type peanuts of Airierfra, but also to the Southeast, where the bulk of tin Spanish peanuts are grown. The sup , ply of.imported peanuts remaining oi ' the 1919 ,eiop, which had such a de pressing efefct on (lie l!)l!> A nil-1 ii. u crop, will also be so near out of tin way as- to reprove, thi-s bean hr fluence. -Qtin:r_J!uctors 111 at should hav • ;" _ upi I helpful bearing on I lie pm-r' j for the t'J2-Kctop are the better ton* of the vegetable oil market, which ha made decided gains 'he past Iw■ months, and the increased demand '■ i peanuts for confections. These in flliences have carried No. I Virgin): - uttnlln.l po-ipa|t fnnir the low inJTfl of -1 H-4 to h cents each in the vjeai 1 to 7 to 7 1-2 cents,--while No. I shell ed Spanish have moved up In 1 I 1 to (> I-2 cent-. The price.-, on cleaned goods and the extra large Virginia -helled remain steady at about the -unie level for the st-ir-nn. The pi ce ' on farmers stock Virginians are \ i\ variable according ti"grade, running from fi to siv cents for Virginia ri n ' r.ers and North Carolina hunch, will good Juntlxis going at 1 1-2 to 7 cent ' Farmers stock Spanish have moved up from the SO ceriTHevel, of six >veele ago to sl.(io a bushel, though the . ply is about exhausts AM these conditions , Coupled wdl ' tin easier tone of the money n .nki-t and the larger funds available for the movement of crops resulting f-en * favorable legislation on the pait (I Congress aid from • modification* in regard -to agricultural loans on the part of the federal Reserve Hoard p would indicate larger returns for the 1921 crop here in Virginia and Noith Carolina than for the 1920 crop not withstanding the greater shortage in ' the productiou. NOTM KOF .SAL.K I'nder and by virtue rr fth-* authorl -1 ty contained in a certain note exeeut ' ed by S. »S. Hailley, beting date Janu ' ary 2nd, 1920 ,the conditions in said nnt not having been complied with ; the undersigned owner of said note \, will onthe Ist day of October, 1021. s tho Court House I) »or in the towr ■I of Willianiston, N. C. aii 12 o'clocV ofefr for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the follow if ing described personal property: ,(5) Five notes in the sum of (S4OO. i, 00) Four Hundred dollars each, dated November, 1916, executed by W F. Barber, dike January Ist, 1921, 1922 - 192.'!, 1926 anTf 1927. Said notes Ireing p secured Try deed of trust on real estate ~ This the 7th day September, 1921. f» FARMERS * MERCHANTS RANK H. WH«W»KR MARTIN Attv. i : f« !— !♦ ynur children are ffoing away t n school or college this year, he sure to ' .. -end the Enterprise to them, so jthey can keep with thfe news at home. ' VVillianistoii, !\lartin County North Carolina, Friday, September 23, 1921. GREENVILLE TOBACCO MARKET IS TESTED tin I ucsday , Sept. .!l i, -Mr. t.oui.V 11. IYe I of (.nftins iounship canted a loait ol lol'.icoo to i criii lite, ulie giade of whicn weighed Ibti pound-", ti HI t .-old lor _\S cent pi r pound. Vill i die |>u ; i i had pu-sed to tl.e otliei end ol the warehou e All. lee; mined the pile ot tobucco in the set oud low and it wa -add a -cconu I line. Mi. I'eel repeated this process until the same pile of tobacco we sold ten Uines as tolows, 2Sc, olc, I-2c, :t-l 1 -2c, 28c, Hi. 1 2c 21c, 2f> H ,Ic, and 3(i I -lc. This shows a difference of Hie between the high and low ah of the same tobacco, and it sold a. one time 2fi per cent lower than it did the first tune and sold lU one tie .'(7 1-2 per cent higher than u did on the first sale while the liiglie I sale* Was, , r i7 I 2 per cent higher thaii the lowest sale. Ibis i stlie sjinie tobacco (remained each time), sold h> the same loan and bought by the saute buyers on the same market. Ho you wonder wh\ so main people aie dissatisfied with their sales'.' If Mr. Peel and a neigh bor had been selling the same glade of tobacco and one had received 2li and the other .'i7c, one wotil knock tin market and the other boost it Itut there wa sfavorat ism shown this transaction hut the fault was found ti he inthe system of marketing lobar CO. ihe thing we 111 lit have, i- a s lent that i sbaseil oin demand Jilld and this can only he hail on tie- Co operative Marketing basis. Tin: F. VSTF.KN CAROLIN A ( H \MHi:i{ OF COMMKKtT Gohlshoro, N t'.—The seeretaiie of the various ( ham I nirs of Coin merve and representat iveV of the va lied interests in Kastein .Carolina in chilling- Hoaril sof-Trade, Marchants association, hankers, land owners and manufacturers held an enthusiastic meeting in the rooms of the Chambei of Commerc etoday and made tenia live plans' for the formation of ai Kastorn ''arolinWChainber of Com merer'. W. t", Henmark, secretary ot the local Cliatnher called the meet ing to order, and stated the i hied Kenneth Royall, president of th (iohl.sborn Chamber, was made tem porary chairman, and took occa ioi lo accord the visitors to a w.i|ln *W el come. -Mr. Uoyall bounded the Jfe\ note .kt hi sopeiiillg aihlre .- in wl ic! lie stated tliat fh» VVfiiiv ent.itive present should have fiee -and Iran' discussion of the ihatteT and ""if' ~tl i how n tliat we need a central rirgan i/.ation to combine our efforts, ti e: 'et's organi/e as association Hi: t v\il lie a militant factor in the affair.- o our tide and nation, W A. McGrit, manager of tin Ninth ('aTplina l.andovviiei;s A una Tion, endu'l - eil —the- —movement » a■ .said such -4111 organization vvou'd I'r a long felt need and Would pu'vi n great value to Ihe farinei u.ei chants, hanker- and iiiaiiufar luier. o the con tal plain region. IJ. W. Gait he i ,of the North ('aro linn Kvteiision Service," explained I'm in ing coiidit ions in Hhn. state and appealed .to the commercial organiZil tion- to organize a unit which would .insure the success o ftlie cooperalivi market eflort now being advanced by the extension service. Secretaries . Y. (' hamblis , o I Rocky Mount, . W. Denmark," oT GoblsTmro, N. Scott, v of Wilson If, . !•). Harlow, of New Hern, Mi Price reprosentating the Southern rail, road, and Mr. I nilei ■ > folk Southern railroad, made intei esting remarks and endorsed tin movement for the organization of ai Kastern Carolina Chamber of CmfT merce. The speakers referred "to tin natural advantages-"of the Coatal Plain and declared their determina tion to assist in any movement whirl . would hasten it* tlevelopmvnt. RefJ erence was made to our Ideal climate condition's, rainfall arid soil coml- Tions which UTe —crm*«ftHtl+e4-4>v—:uu. section of the wrfrhl. Resolutions were adopted at tin night session which sets in motion tin creation of a real militant organiza tion which will be known as the Fast er Carolina Chantt>er of Commerce and which will involve all the con morcial and agricultural interests, in this section when the organization is completed. CAR FOR 111 111-" Day /ll* night Of fice phone 12.'1. Re ( s phone 244. Price reasonable. CITY TRANSFFK COMPAN Y lA'on Stalls, Mgr. Car load wire tencing ami nhib. also curload No. "1 Timothy Hay, just, jeeeived. TJhe.ap for the cam r IK CARSTA R I'll FN and >. Watch- tlwriabel on yntir pap' r, In ' sure t orenew before yoyr t üb: cl ip tion expires. I Local News and 11 Personal Mention Mr. Leßoy Andi'iion I 'm|«.ii ia t Va. is at home visit»ln. parent* ' tins week and attendin £the i V ** • Mr. Joe Hamilton leit >e terdas foi 1 Itll l[ill lil whole III' w ill Inn h liis . course at tho I nivei iiv of I'mii jl vania this .seal. Mi Hamilton liu. i l)een with !>•> Hoj le hol.oit mi Cons - truction I'umpaii) for -r\ months and in that time made a )i> t ol who runlet .•.eeniK loin I•:i\«■ F . Mis. .1, , |)li it e I la\ i sol' Noi l oik i I i visiting l"'r aunt, Mi . (A M i (in I Mi. John (.ray ol' Savannah (ia i- I Msltllle |.aivnr,, Mi. an,| Mi \\ i I Hunter ol New Town tin-. week l di. I. ' lias lieen living in Savaniial i '"I •• vi .'al years. Ilr is - 1111 ■ i:ii -i> 'i l l '■ I t on • i ui( t ion 9[i Ihe S:i\ I'.i ,i! | 1 1 l • ft o 1 .I he Soli 11 it* 111 liel I I • i , • 11' >I i I ol 11; i.. i .y. »•» " ♦ I Francis M. Harm'.-, 101 l tin work , to enter Augusta Militai) Aeadenn at Fort Defiance, \ irivinia. This is t . said to lie one of tho host school , in i the State of Virginia, located neai Stanton. promi \knt vol \; minister \r haitiKi' ciii rcii The services at the Kaptit i'liui ' , morning ami evening will lie conduct I'll r I,V Rev. Uichanl 'l'. Fountain n 'l'arlioro. Mr. Fountain is. a sua. I'ul viung ininistcr liloti|>inM to . prominent l'".!istefi. (..'ulina fai.iiU Since receiving tns decree at the .■ Southern I'.nplist I li. oioi;ical S-1 i nru\ he has diine o ■st aiYcpla' . *unk as |i istor in :ln. State and al io South' Carolina. Every one is cordl' •illv . invited to hear the. • splendid young man I'r.uhi our noij;lihoi my town. t mi:, j. \. n.\i,.,i:i! \ isrrs imi; Mr. J, A. I laltir of-Ivlkim, 111. \i ilr. lie tail 1111. week and niado aiiani;r oeiit to have SOIIIO of thr ejiilut , . i>|.la>ed here taken to Illinois Stati , Kair which will hi held in I'eOria, tin /a t of September. Mr. Mailer ha bought thirty five thousand acres ol land HI Eastern ('anflina and i-- now developing it. His Company, Tin I'aiolico I .iillllii'i and I lev elopiin r ! iniipan \ renti-il upace in tin* fail '/roiiiids hi 1 ',' i ri", paying 11 II it 'or lin I'liiposr ul' adi". lis i ui' larn i pn.-i'ocl I'l inn En '•■ir jLuJuiel. J Ills v. ill | lean much i , I his- eetii. '.a il ' 1.1 put our I.; t point ■ 1 ii'li n* .on o ■ t lie woi lil' lli I j .i*r., •Ii ■ alul ui'l . i iuht 11* IK.', lie In ir; H |' . i i ir ii ol thi in lo i St Ito 101 aII "• I I Olne. 111 Whs Id I RIENOS AND PATRON- I i Ii 1«r ; IciTiK 11 v fi ii , fnl ~"' T T t' • »?• t i'f ia «.f the chool wjio v«, ].i• • ll' I fit Ml 111 •Mil'lll Ill a il* .'lilt oil lohjll* I il'm ! Ihi tint inorvunjr lor tlii* i • »' tin children I fed mik* Ihr i'lhl -In n • ri jo\ i d tin- rule uiiil I .i|>i», • I ate lli»* j K'-julul >|»ii it niiinifi-sti'il l»\ I the* M;ii t iri ('mint y Fair As iM iati.ii f«»i |i;i.s*i'- to the school «11•! I 11 «*11 and teacher o rtl.r ('ountv. AT ' hildren at ■•chool on time that morn j an opportunity to i i«lo for 1 I^ft in tlir liist car. M. .1. DAVIS, inli-nili'nt. I'KKSIIV IIKI \NS (> \ KM Kill •SI'Ml \ V I |{rv. .1. T. Wiltnan will pri-aih in thk morning at ll:i>M'll, and at I'arnM'h* at ni^ht. Sunday sclinol at I'«*••! School at thrcf* 'thirty and at I'arniHc at three in ,thc artcriKMiii. Hihl«* .study class at Mrs. .lulu. I Ward's in I'urmcltf Monday ni^ht. fT\iu> si iti \c ko i((i\u mi:i:t --| i N; On held in tin* town of Hamilton al which the "'Halifax- Willianistgn lli(fh way Association" was organized ti work in the interest of a hard jnirfac ed highway between the capital ol Halifax County and the capital Martin Counly, routed through Scot land Wck, I'almyra, Oak City, Hainil ton and running iiracticallv paifdle' i with the Roanoke River. The folowing officers were elected Harry Waldo, President, L. J. Maker. H. T. Kverett, M. I'. Taylor, Mr 11. I. Ixinjf, Vice-Presidents. I'. 1.. Sals bury, Secretary and Treasurer. IX (i Matthews \\*r a pointed with I'. I. rialsbury tii draft, resolutions and pre sent them to the ollard of County Commissioners of Martin County e . ipiestinif that this proposed road be , adopted. That a copy Of these re so . lutions l»e sent to tjie County Com nvi.ssioiierH of Halifax County anil to the St#te Highway ■nmmmmim """ . SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERI'HISKj — ' I TIMES GET AWAY /MWITH TWO FORDS f On Wc»lnes4la> a I I»F.1 tiiuiiin car bflonpiiiK to Mr wu i tolen from tlu» Fair liiounil The car was a 19'J0 V nuult l aiui ha.i ; small dent about th«* itntpi » r 11• • rear ol the botlv. 1"h«* ».ti tiullll»«.*i was ami the lueii v IUIMIIm-i was. It LI.NL pruct U alls ll W tire.s all l'ouiiii. Mi, on will p i\ a suhstiuit ial re\var«l t«»r 111• i« iuir i»t* the far. On Ihui silav nu-ht .ML. I. I II. HI «'l II i «I! lost .4 lit \\ i 4 ha«l I"111 L* ft11 Ii thaii a \\«ik ;n»i. !.j;rri' w a n«> Jjve.ii ' \ 111 a t k4«I Iu■«•»» «• a|>|>l i«*«4 •«• i, I'M a .i 1 1' 1 \\ i»»«»11 •• I 1" t» 111 wit li' • iir: rlit , >ll«»ti>i iflltii!»«*i l ll.u I I w ill pa\ a I rason.IHLR M*VN .»I»! i«*i tin* i• •t ui n til iu> cat «m I t>i iin I'm matinii lentlnur t«» the capluir .tn« lit ui no ft ht % »ar ami Ihr pai!\ v h> -tole it. r. II IUKI>SO\; \IM \\ \ ;I.K L»K\M'T KS I N ( II \N4ii: I Siiffnlk, \a , S«• pt«• 1111 M ■ i JJ, I jrj I. I'. II I'anl NNT', IF |LIT• KML r«• nr S11»» a i •»* ('>.. wa- t«»«I a \ »• I«*4-1 •«I l«'heial Manai'ri «» It In* I'• .Hint • t •»w ••i I - . \« ha 111• i•, hit , w,llit'll It.i • inn Im'l ship -mC n\«*i .I.IMHI j.- r«»w r i WIN rrplnriit o\n f»0 pt'i, filil of t I.« |-« not I'M'Wn m X an.i \oil! , ( ai nlii.a. I n a«H* Ii t i«»n t«> hi • lai | nut —1111 in■ ■ '*"i nt ni u■t ■, M— I' ■»• 1 1 >»"■ ■ 'largely in a huinl i «"• i" « in er 111 nil ■ ' «• 111erpiiM 1 • In if in Snf I nlk antl .it t'\rral pfiit - in nei"li enuiitlt's. In mi x inti\c »l." tin' h«'tt«'l liirnt of In ot\. ft (Hit \ ain sect inn, Mr. l»irl>oiU' has laken leading pajt ami In- tan.l- out .i mil of tin' t'oroino t hrisiness incii c»l Title wuter \ Mr. ISitilmiir i largely associated with hi- two hioth ers. in tin* wholesaln im im in I'hiludelphia and Now Voik. 11• will a >uino control of tho allan «•' tin- OctohoiAJ t ami UIMII'I In wi oth i oft n m tin \nrfn ft it-YT of Ihe I*) \ch a n t'i v aro ronfnlrnt that linn ,oi'tfani/at ion w ill IHTOII'IO a powoil'n ar»in\ lot the hitti i inai kt ine •> peanuts. The pee ia I. liant •• iuininill«> ap pointed to nejrot late wit the r*i anee ('orporation iepntei| tlii«-ii"li Cliait I.UiUI II _AlL*\vUUii;U . i Scotland Neck, \ ' . I Ira I il had tal • i this matter np with the anthnii « ;il W.i.hinj'ttm and had hej-n t-i.e» every a. . urahce that the neeo. -'m fund f\»r flain inc the pe.innl t lep t»l the momhei u«aiM I•• pro\ ided up to .ifijiMitMinii if lie much w a net e . ar\. A nol In i impotlant act nui ol ■ I'nanl tif I h iet| iii at Iheii lilt". ' todaj w aiianeinc Ini i jin inl.t i lup campaign to Ir nimhnte'tl he I I I tn I , 'th. While the ifcei "tn" the KiiiwiM^' —rnnt raet i e)on « n;'. more than per eent nf tftie |.ea nut e i own in the e two • tale pecial I Will lie' «1111 11 • ' Ihi campaign In al*l at lea I I >' aiMitiollal U' nol -, ni. In yi \ e 'I. I\\chanj>e rnlltlol nf llnl . Wt*" t It'll" •or ci i.t of tin peanut m i»w n ii Vicuna and nil h ('a inl ina. fill olhel' 111 fieei I hi- l'i i l,7nh-. ~ ■ in-. I'M i.l. nl. \\ .1 Sl..i v , I' , i liiiin, \a , \ ice I'll- ident M ( ' II . ill, I hit t lebol o, \, I ; Seeietai : 1 1 . i' In-.e uiei, .1. f rank 100 he, Sill folk, Va.; I'ixecutive ( oiiiiiutlee; 1.. I i; 1111 St ry Franklin, Va , I. 'I I'r,ml . C Ivi i, \a , -I II .\ len a 11• 11 i I S' «tland Ker'k, N. Hi. .1. |r. |[u-i-' '»'. il iain ton, N. I K\ PI.OSIIIN AT IIKM It \l I \( TOIJV IN (iKKM.AN^ Cennany failed to feel the effect of and .shell on LIEI own -oil dm in gthe war but INN-1 leel the effect.- of the terrific cxphiHon which look, place at Mannhejm, oiie ol' her mall towns, 'LLIE town of a population ol about (J.IMIII people and ITF\ principa ry IN iln chemical work-. The, wer-e" working a rlouhle cfe\V aiul wlrrrr the --hilt was about to be made 'II, lin early the explosion o cuuu. killing I bout 1100 men outright an.' wounding over 4,000 of the nthei (ITIC RIS of the coiniiurnity. T+IT- V LIE most (Ii; usterous explosion FLV'cordei! in history It tr.W n and DOUIANED the >utiIIII'HI'II • territory forty iiulen away. 1921 MARTIN CLH'NTV I VIII PASSKS INTO II IS i >L( \ The i!»2| Martin County Fail -pa I D into history and was lit"! I with re ma'U'ihle I|uietness, On*- LL.NT RT MEV hat .marred the smo'/tln - . M it was that there were, A very large number of drunks aml V among them TERI' wlllie fnifly decent looking peo frle. Thin 1* just a little strange when 'WE take one view of it, why men will, go to a place to have -a good time an lt hen GET. too tlrurik to have any [ kind of a time. R L Another Doper i Gets too Much \. I . ,i.l .1 I • i'l In ill (.«' .1 •!( l 1-1 aii (1 ||H I t 'lll \ alt >\ \V ck o. . !» V.l -li'tl'-il WillU'' I*.4 .I. >!. . uat \, . l.i ) l Jh Oil I liiii?, I.i • •'> in on t»> .illt ailing |ul .•• i.4 . i an I a l . m cau -e he had th link I« •. , ... .. k . 1.1 lI!I. • ' III.' !■ >.!■ 1 \V ,| . I,M. »-.■ k .« liM'.',..«\iH'\\ it man who on '. t» V\v r i;i"» li-ii \\ ii 11 . ih. of tin* !.• w I'l l « 111 N« \\ 1 ill li ia t Ml, ... ..i'l \n ho \\ a U»|'|iiim .«I 1 iidii.a 1I"Ml 11 HIV lama' .111.1 lan Ll> r\riillu» II was ham.l »ail\ in the attcii.i.oi 1 liial l ilt TO \\ u* . 'tiling WiOllv Wit. him an.l Ih. Wain m s\ a Miinino, . . i ll«' Imiiiiil Hie man ai a weak comb Minn, lirait -rrlluM -tI «• 11 J.' I'llt le-|u-| nation \\a-> Ml \ low . 111 i ; 111«* i• • wa I.'\ ■i \ miluatioii of iliuv |hi i II 1 'in-.I a low howi latei . \ tow. I'lllli.' hot t I«* i'l |t.| I •i u found and ahont urn thn-l . I pound ..lit lulu a • 1111*k1111' « 111». I•«- •Mr that oiiio ot lit' I inoiht ihr \\*a I omul on 111 IM I oil I ||r I 111 I Mil' o 111 • n»oi phtne I h .1 11. I\ in i.; lit a\ laa •ii Moii.lav nll'lit tin -an i- man i aim I to hi I 11» • an.l silked loi moiphini • i ho I i.i soii m • killn*\ t i ouhh I \\ In hmijioo hi n-l'ii oil an.l CUM- Inn I'n' two I'iiini' Li.Hl.' | »;i h'l'oi ir. I'hi • nan ra\ e In . nam.- a I• in| k hut In* w a 111• *llll fu-.l I• \ niii- ul tln how nun . "Wiiu\" ami In honu - a ITIIII •• i , |'a. ||i w:i tillin .1 o\ oi • lo Inf v I mlri 1 akini' I t ah[i I,in n. —auj w a.—lnn i in! «■» I'»t ■■ i >• i. 1. _ W Vilnc 11 a v a t jfuhlic ili HIT I mi aI'I .' .'n a 111 i ■ tin null) W a I nun.l !"i It \ n-ai' oh I, w i a n i |>|»l« . one lout had h. i hetl oi l alnl ho w a oa th t ivo Momiits bcKvmv. hut «»111\ II I'l«»i• n rout . wln n foimil. I build lo tln w a ;i c;i .• of hnhit tai to.I inch h\ in. hunt i| it loil to I hint** inn I bo ilonc to chock tin w handling -of niercutic.*- llu , I lay at the Rate an.' tlio cnih, h.'1.l to illlciulor In inoiH-N. to |ihn-1110 on(olhini' that ki11..1 hue ! iiiil ha.l o|i Ili y fifteen cont loft MI:, nni.uim II \s mm u \ I I MIC Ir i! IJ' on. nf 111.' 11l- I 1.1111 mil t A\ 11 11 . i i!i' I•oo i oho Ial» If fat in at i I II rn Xi'i I h ( 'a. o||||il ' a n'i }'l• i\ • *•! In Ml \ I lloll„la.\ I |.4 4, | lu-. a'lami that the IUI H.l'LiJ f HI il |' ii ;t• 11 I- ol tin w m t'l i I..rate, a' I . 11 all \ i»i Ihl'al o11n: i Ih e vane -a.-I i. I- pin,ln, e.I i o lai y*' that • i n i until nrroimd Mr HollrdaV I:, iin \\ itj, ~» ln lie •, wall afnl li • "H.i T~iTu~T k nu~ Tii-""xCnTitn T, rrr li 'a I.w II I' nil, liiol. h"U « am mil r\i i v 11.41" in. .I. . | mi flu-, t0... i ii. I . lot In ii)' 11 lie Willi 11 a |'. •. i hli r. |it ion n| a hi 11.- . a w at. i i oil who h t" i\ti a. I a'l ami ma \ hi- ;i low 11in 11 mil I n-lia vAiiioin' th.- aMi. l. how n in .Mi -- 4 4U+ Ua-v-'—Lxixil Ma I'.'liowiin i lai in .ml ra i. It'ti .i • n lie 1.1 |.ra . hla I Ul"' K'»«'l. « hi\ ' hlarko'.o'l. I'i unit li. \ «> i. tll ■ ran''. Wiit | > I ali.o . I m-.i Imml iia|i l.i 7 ai~ A nler^TTat— I"I n. pi oil till- anil' l:. • .1, .ol'l." |V.,,T ..i T 'n.Tr : . la an. Ilah. i V a.-.m . ,i I M imn, Vn,- V 7 HoV . V , | a e t\". aili tie ajitiiloiij'i II an i , 11; irona 11 • I "i k . • Siirillowoi Hay, Ml vaiietie , \|j'h Imlrnr 7 rl» vei an.l 3 r.'isV-e . . li' \o, Ahi a/./1 • I vai it-Lie - .. I I I. |tot at oi . l a'i' . hoi h n ami white as oil I 'n in plcins. lie.l | e|»|»«• i , t vai let ie . IJoet . ( 'hi haw. « v llaw he l i , with I i nil nn \ ine 'l'ii i nips 1 \ a i let us. I ensinte, • a ha\ saitl to pnwliice 2 ' toiLs per acil'. IJ i v hoi I rot I mi. May wheat. . Apple, oat , 1.a1e.l lifln ha\ . ;il ■ ' -linW ii r.V U .j„ck lee.r anil TTaTrTT " Sriippei linnv. > r l ftp«* Wat ci inolnp •, loin Wat tin an- Kntahe^^a. I'oars, Varieties. A pples, .\ in icties. 102 tans of vegetables ami friiit that hiitMieen pie>oi veil, 4m kh-il, aiu canne.l in almost o\ery conrejvahl. manner. Of this (lt k oartnieiii of the tlisplay is to bo ereiTlteil ti M i.m. Mr. Ifnllitlay Is a bard wt»rkcr but I there are many farmers in Martii (,'ounty w])o work much harder tluu ♦1. % Hollithiy but perhaps tl>ey dn r Aoik as systematically jus does* Mi' Ifolliday. So much of our success 1 *nmes ffom thinking unci planning- Indeed, a nnni cannot live by work 1 alone,\nor can man Jive by thinking ah»lie, the .-urt t; ■ I'n! nan 1 he who • ntixes.lthe twu i proper proportions liday's success. • v -" ~ _ p -a ' IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT AI) IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 ; COUNTY FIRMS FAIL TO HAVE EXHIBITSjAT FAIR Mic l.u.m. s., f lrmjl of t(iß County Uile.l to Kpo.'tunity to dj» I'lu jtheir giioii.i at the We ."'li. t'.l ~nlj a lew exhibits. Ha>*t 11 uilu are Company had a good ai i ui«. incnt of ~tovc6 and rang« i; 11.111 i.-.nn tliotheis and Company had' ■' '"I"' display of Ladies and Men's "" . hut , and shoes, B. S. Courtney "•"I S'l' n.lid displays in'both the Main •'i'* U"inan-.. Huj|dm K s; W. G. I'eeJ ■ 1 • • Lai.K tin- Dekii Light v.j. had •1 pirn. lid demonstration; Watts '•""■'i> Company showed a frne K*'".'i'*-iit's m the l.adies l Uiifi 1 injt. llu Fisheries l'roiuct Co. 'n-ial bujfs ot Fish guano on rvliilntmn and samples of farm cropT" «■>«•» 11 l.> its fertilizers. We ui* nut I'ai'tii-iilai ly interested in Th« Msh 'i'i'. I'loduit Co. hut wm hav» to a •I""! that they have good t'ertilizer-i. A ciuiipai ison n fthe an iltlu. Woman's Huilding showed aKMin that women ur» more ife l»ii'lahle than nieji. Wo ha»en't the I 'utiles at hand hut it is ijuite wife t" say that there wore three times a* hmii \ .women exhibitors as there were mens. The ehuiyh booths served the lie.iple with both K"od things to eat •""I ' >-fresiling drinks. Those who know taring sa yit was good, a large iiuinhei' of horses were entered an.l tliej were ol' an exceptionally good 1 lass. Miss Qtimry the famous hrigti 'liver performed her part splendidly w.-H I m > 1' 111:ir wll 11. l'ha live stock was not filled hut lite |Liality was good ami shows that liter.' air a few Martin County farm ers who air thinking of good stock., lite l'oulti;y I'epnrtment was better 1 ban la t tear and embraced a large miinber ol t liu better breeds of poul try. nil lit >l.l WFKVII. MAKING -anrin aih am ks lite Hull weevil is making .. * I \;. 11. . t'.wai d us. It is now Items; louird iti Tiu i'i- i|imnilits in l.enoir, Wake, Cia\en. and many other lies nrai h> It is not doing much lam.'ife tln 1 e hi.wevei as it dhl Hot ' e.tcll llu H- until lair but it will star! n nr\t \rai- In .lean those fields in ''' lltr ail) sea.-011 and will reach us a. .it 1 to In* hoped too lat.* for -t- vl 1 .1 lb>\\ evfr it 1-. eyi- Iri.t I fin all 1 ndicat ions that cotton 1 "Wiiii' Mill li, problem in tint ret tint ten -I".II, 0111 larineik niU-sl not: .nut tor the limit weevil in tilnu' •'> i' a 1111 (• a betti'i diversity of crofts tii.i 1»; 1 in ** iiMii7l—; nTtcntidn to live * r..rl, pi mi It 1 \ and such things as are * • 111 V nrrded b \tlieni'. It,will lie hard ".1 tbr tanner who has - p•ll colton solely for a living when the Mie boH weevil strikes us thoroughly. i: Ml Id 1\ I »S. SFKK TO t;KT Ol T "F I'\n\ti I'AXKS AS Ait.NKS-.MI llu- .Stiiiiben Railway has pi neur it I an 1 njunction against the state a . 11* 1111111 -loner to prohibit the «ol» let in,l, of taxes niult-r ,|iis assessment li 1 brlieved that the Atlantic Coast I ine and the Seaboard« Air Line will .nil follow suit in the v'ery near 1 111uii'. Their is no telling what the re ult will be. The railroads have goi 1 In- most powerful grip on the country that they have had in twenty years. I.onk at your freight bills ami rem pare them with tliose of five yearn .igo. Tr.ivol a bit and see what it re ipnre:,. Then look at the papers anil >mi w ill _also see_ them with their ami on the throttle in Washington? l gi imling the cash out of the public treasury whenever they want H. Ho I'nr us we know the railroads are the only things in all creation that can go to the public treasury and say our tin sinttss fs bad and we are in need of money and have it sheel.t out to them in large (|uanities without hav ing to givi* notes, bonds or anything, and with the understanding that it'is a gift. Think the matter over. If we have "ortiETSTKißfortumite then-we-will niak* correction of this statement. _ Jiuy the Magic Metal Silver Clean ing, I 'eat from the Dealer and save all the Rubbing. The No-Kub Silver and Gold Cleaner. Hu.v from Leslie Fowdeii Drug Store. SIIOK KF.I'AIKING For first class Shoe repair work: Come .to the Kxj.eit Shoe Shop, on Washington Street opposite Atlantic Hotel. All work sent us by Parcel Post will receive prompt attention. 4t • E. G. lI'OCK, Proprietor. NOTICE I have taken up a heifer about two years old, color, red, ear mark, cvop over and under bit in rifht, smooth crop slit anil under bit In k/t Owner can gel same by payiac BEN SCOTT, Wiiliamaloa, pd. 1 * " -***