Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latah. Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME xxijl «BERB4 -RoanokcßWr Bridge Is The "Missing Link" To Carolina (Uy Julius S, Peel) The Noilh Carolina Highway ' mission undertook its greatest fit at the time uf-closing urapMfl ments for the Martin-Heit .e. oke iiivcr bridge and roadwfturaHj with its completion, this mark iin important epoch in the Wl- : tory of the Counties comprising ttie | extreme eastern portion of. North | Carolina. The Noith Carolina High-| way Bulletin gives ou ithe informa : tion that this- project extends in a| northerly direction from the carpet ' tte limits of the town of Wiliiumstur | towards Windsor in Hertie county, tin | total lengtn being 3.'J miles and con sists.of 8.09 of causeway and 4,:iS."> linear feet of viaduct and bridge. The costi of the bridge and roadway is estimated uround half million dollars, anil the bridge work is being dor> hy the IJo/le-Robertson Construction Company of Washington, D. C., ar.d the roadway and general supervision of the entire project is undei the-con trol of the'resident engineer, Mr. A. K. Haxstun, with several engineering advisers and assistants. , Duo to the fact that the Kuaroki Hiver is a navigable stream it wa necessary to provide a draw -pan in order v'i'at the bridge might Ik* qnn j ed at any time to arcomodat" t.veij traffic. As designed, this spun cor,>i-t I of a 220-loot througn steel Pus, swing : pun,of the center heartm; I type, with a creosoted wood. Moor up-1 *on which will be. placed a weaiiinr ar I face of rock asphalt. It will be oper ated from the center by one oi l»w ilien and is designed so tha*. it cm. be ojieited, uniier normal cmdit'onr, in two minutes. Safety gi ti s, ar ranged so that they can be raided oi lowered from the center of the In'idgi will be pfovided in order t'Cpre vent I an far as possible any accidents I Ue Jy to occur from carelels oi re-ckle- I driving. These gates will bi'lniii'. i abo.ut forty- five feet from either • m of the swing i.'V—. There are two sepaiate stmcluio' "in this project .oue.'fcing the iliaw over Roanoke river, and then lie |an over Con inn, together with tlm an proacht s at either end nl these mail - approacj spans, the length ol the Roat.oki river bridge is 2,773. feet and t» inche.-. and that of the Conine bridge i.s I. 584 teilt and C inches, making a total length of 4,H58 teet or nearly a mill'. The bridges are designed to curry »• live load of two 15 ton truck j lus an impact load of HO per cent oi the live load. The clear roadway uvei the entire project is eighteen feet, thus giving ample room for two cats to pass. *• One has to pay a personal of inspection over this big project to ap preciate its imnien.-itv, and to reab" the great effort necessary on the p.;it of the construction forces; ti this special work. lloanoke mer is a very tn.achi ;ou stream and the work iif clearing tin big caisson of water ha* been an im mense undertaking, and with t!'-* rap idity of river freshets, special ,mrnts have to be made to «>ve• any evil effects therefrom. Mr. A. K. Haxstun as re-iilent en >ineer has nearly completed a na lei stretch of road building through Co nine Swamp, and this bit of improve merit will be a lasting monument to engineering efficiency. * With the opening up of tins state project sometime in 1922, the "miss ing link" of Eastern Carolina will b overcome, and thousands of people every week will find this great piu"e thoroughfare a continual Miuixe of lenience and economy to traveller ugh this section. Ith the paving of the national way, between Wilmington am! -STRAND -THEATRE— —MONDAY— BK'«E DANIELS in "DUCPUf AND DRAKES" !0c and -10 c > V* .'l* —TI'F.SD. ,\— MONTE BUT. in ? JblE KENTI'CKIAN" )0e j —WEDNESDAY MAY ALLISON in -HELD IN TRUST" and 3°° THE ENTERPRISE [News Letter From VVie State Capital W Kuloigh, .Nov. s.—Tho usaeinbling .1 of the legislature in extraordinary session four weeks henfe is causing j renewal of its purposes and pns. ibli Ui'giskition and attempts at legisliitiou, ! witlifit the twenty days to which tin ' -es>ton is limited—with pay. It is a iare thing for the regular session | of the General Assembly to cOntmu. I wuik beyond the sixty days for which [pay is provided--except where neces sary tinishing touches on bills reijuir nig another day or two to complete the legality of their enactment. Kvoii then only about half, and sometimes, less than a quorum (the point of "no quorum" not, being raised) remain to perform that work. So, it is entire ly improbable that the extra session will continue beyond the r Christmas holiday. I'anion Board Doubtful The propaganda started by the Asheville Chamber of Commerce for the submission of an amendment to tho State ('ontsitution creating a Hoard of Pardons, with the Lieuten ant-! iovernor as its president, and j four others to be selected it- the Leg islature may stipulate, in framing and presenting the amendment to be I voted on hy (lie people next Novem l her, doe snot meet with hearty ap fpi oval generally. No good reason is obvious in making the poorly paid I Itieutenanl (lovernor chairman, and In obTiously would not relish the job Besides, the present Goveriulr, de spite his recent unpleasant exper ience in the Harris case, is opposed to a Pardon Hoard and he is likewisr opposed to abolishing the death peti ally. lb. lu'limes, with tnfirty good citi zens (including mnisters of the' Go spel, who have recently' print hI com ! inunication in Kaleigh papers') thiit there aie some crimes which only tliel prospect of the ileath chair will pre vent from becoming more prevalent. As to Stale l'riin:ir> Next Year It is probable that there may be nc state Democratic primary next year. It is a costly luxury at best, and as there are only two state officials to be elected next year, and neither of them may have opposition, there wouh seem to l>e, no need for the primary, anil the consequent heavy tax on the ■ State and eacTi of the" one hunilit'ii counties. It is time that ten congressmen, nine Superior court judges and twenty Superior court solicitors must be elect ed, hut none of these is subject to u state primary, as the respective dis tricts nomiate eaiich candidate in dis truct primaries. Justice Adams, of the Supreme Court, and W. T j,ee,'of the Corpor ation (Commission are holding the only two state- offices to which a state pri mary would apply. It is conceded that there will be no opposition in the party to Justice Adams, and no one has so far offered to run ■ against Chairman ljee. SAVINGS STAMP MI ST STAY ON CKKTIFIC ATH:I Washington, Nov. 9.—Removal ol a war savings stamp from -the certif icate upon which it was issued con stitutes a crime, the Supreme Court lieht The question arose in the Federal District Court at New York, when the government failed in its effort t convict Paul Sacks of purchasing cer tificates and removing the stamps. The government contended this wa: in alteration of a government secur ity prohibited by the laws agai/ist counterfeiting. Norfolk, and Kaleigh and Norfolk, much of this stretch of road will trav erse Martin county, and cio..> the l(o> - anake at whim .is. jJx'- logical plae4 'and it will naturally make Williamston a more ioipoitant business and social center ami connect it up more directly with towns ai.O cities Kastem Carloina. The people of Martin county have just cause to be proud of then - natur al advantages, and with the abolish ment of Malaria during the l ast fei|v years, and the greater activity of the citizens in gereral, Martin Ooenty is becoming ntore Important each ye®.) as one of the greatt counties of the state ,anii Williamston .in particular ;'s coming into its own, beinjf the natural business, farming and social eentjr of this immediate tection. ■ —■ . If' a man does not like his home paper you may mark it down that he is mean tp his wife and children. ■—' V *S» *—-T --'. Watcli the label on your paper, hi sure t oieiK-w before your subscrip - tion expires. - Williamston, Martin County North Carolina, Friday, November llth, 1921 NEWS FROM IN AND/;* / AROUND OAK CITY Mr' W. T Davenport is '■ im'.ijj villi' attending tiio Christian iiion'l v .mention. .Mi.-s Myrtle liowun nl' I'iio'.uwm- t— aili-ii.''ng school hero. i Ali tiuy Forrest ui' tirevnvilit- -| cut the *iek etui in Oak City wit'i Vr. Ja.-jiir Muye There will bo tt meeting i r lie '>. l. (i . : I'.i Ui'i ntrtit Association in'i ii .1; a i.ight at 7. .10. A |iatt ..»tU* KCiuh iii be rendered. All. Dennett of Atlantic CHhsitii' Mr. Liennett of Atlantic Christian held services at tho Oak I it> Christian church Sunday a.-. Mr. Iltl lary llowen, the regulai pastor is il with typhoid fOever. Mrs Sponcer limes will entert. in tho members of the Ladies Aid So ciety of the Itaptist church at hei home Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. An oyster supper was Riven Friday evening at the school house for the benefit of the Christian church. The friends id' Mr H. C Chesson will In- sorry to learn of his serious ill ness. Quite a number of citizens of Otik City attended the Coastal I'lain fair last wee kat Tarboro, uniong whon., were Misses Ji'llie House, Melissa Worsley, Kssie Haggettc, Lei in Yar horo, Nannie Hurrell Kuth Hudson, Louise Scott and Dare Daniel, Messrs Henry Karly, Durward Smith. Iluti Matthews, Francis ltlown, Ernest Harrell,.! immy—4'ounetl—ttnrl tinbi.'rt Kveiidt, Mr. and rMs .1 II Hopkins, Mi. and Mrs. Spencer llinev, Mr. and Mrs II M Worsley. Mr. John Philpot oi William.-ton was in the city last Saturday on bus iness. Mr. Julian Smith spent the week end in (ioldsboro. " J f NORTH ('AMOLINA'S WORLD « AR KKCOKD . Seventy-three thousand lueii in tin army, 11,000 men in the navy and mil ritte corps. Sixteen thousand men gave theii lives. OiU' man awarded tin- con git-sssional nietlal of honor. 'Jntl tnei awarded the . distinguished .-eivici cross. . Twelve men awarded the diction uishetl Mtrvice medals. Five generals Five admirals. Josephus Daniels secretary of the Navy and Waltei Hiiies Page, iimbassador to ti+*at llrii am. One hundred, sixty million dollars loaned to tli cgovcrnment in Libelty bonds and war saviifgs stamps. Three million dollars given to tin Red Cross and other welfare ingaui zatnnis. J Two tltousatd tnenf bei's to the American Red Corss. Two million, five hundred thousain articles manufactured by these Ree 'rn'-> workers for the soldiers. NOTICE OF SALi; I inlet anil by virtue of the powei i fsalc contained in that certain, ilen of trust executed to me, the under -igned trustee on the Mtli day of Fi It. I'JIH, by A. J. Hritt, of record in Mar tin County public registry in book 0 1 at page 2!Vf>, said deed of trust lfav ing been given to secure certain bono, of even date iind tenor therewith, din. the stipulations therein not having been complied wit hand at the reijue-t of the owner of said bonds, I wdi expose to public auction in from > . the court house doors in Williamston, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M., on the 14th day of November, l'Jiil, li the highest bidder for cash the iol lawing descritx'd lots of land. Lots Nos. and nine in Syca more Park and being the same latin conveyed to A. J. Hritt by F. K Hodges and wife. This the llth day of October, litVil W. J. HODGES, Trustee NOTICE Ninth Carolina, County of Martin C. V. Carson, Nicholas Roberson am all r>ther stockholders and creiffWiTtTTiT the defendant Company who may sei fit to come in and make theniselve,' parties plaintiffs hereto. Vs. Parmeli Manufacturing & Motor Co. All stock holders and creditors oi the defendant corporation, l'ainiel Manufacturing uml Motor Conipair •ire hereby notified that an action en titled as above has been instituted ii the Superior court of Martin cm and by order of Hon. C. C. Lyon tin undersigned lias been appointed tem porary receiver of said conip that hearing to make said receiver" ship permanent will be had before Hon George W, Connor, in Wilsor, N. (' on November 12th, 1921.' *• All persons having claims again., said defendant company are not ifi to file same with the undersigned on or before the 12 day of Nwemhf. 1921. fi This 2"th d ■ of October, 1921. W. A. Darden, Temporary Receive Local News and Personal Mention / —- 1 Mr. Garland Andomua spent a tew ] days in Ralegh this week. ■ • • a Aliss \ Wynne is In Pantego this the wedding of ! M iss Alee?. Ayeock. • » » • Mrs as. S. Rhodes left this morn ing for oNrfolk to spend some time with her aunt, Mrs. Herman Hatnthal. • • • • Mr K. S. peel went to Rober-on ville this wovning where he will take part in the Armistice Day Service. • ♦ * • Mr. anil Mrs. Roland 11 Robert >on and children of Suffolk visited rela tives in town this week. * • • '• ■ Mr. Julius Peel left this morning for Norfolk to spend a few days with friends. • ♦ # » Mrs. W. li Watts and children, Itillji and tiWendolyn will arrive today / om Plymouth to visit Mr .and Mrs I W. -Watts at their home in t)he Grove ** * y Mr. R. AI RiddiMr'of the l'eo|.h».- Hank is in Gatesville today visitiiif; his family. . v » ♦ » » Mr and Mrs. J. I Williams left last evening for Norfolk to speno a few days with Mr. Williams' mothar. » • • * Mrs. Jessup, who has spent several months here visiting her daughter. rMs. R G. Harrison and Mr. Harrison left this morning for her home*in Fay et lev i lie. • ♦ • • Mrs Hunter Price and Mrs II M Stuhhs are visiting in Raleigh this week. f , V ,-.,\».H.^ ,V ' V '* • Work wanted by the Leaguers id M. K. Church. "Anything that we can do, we will do." Call phone No. for further• infortnation. FWFNTIF.TII CENTI'RY ( LCR The regular meeting of the jtwen tietli Century Club was held i®thi home of Mrs S II Higgs, Jr., Wedne ■ lay, Nov. 2nd Mrs. K H Crawfori' read an interesting paper "Ralph Will lo Kiuei'son, thu. • Philosopher ani' Wtiter." Mrs h' (' Hariies read ar extract from Oliver Wendell Holme'. 'Appreciation of Kmerson." The pro .cram was concluded with "Current Kvents" by Mrs. Jus. S, Rhodes; De ieiotr- refre.-huients were served li> he hnstes. Minuture black cats rem niscent of Hallowe'en decorated each si ju ice. VRFSHYTERIAN MISSION NOII S Rev. J. T. Wildman «ill pleach in he Methodist church in Willi-u -,-t m lext Siiiulay'morning, and in the af ernoon at Peel School House. Last Tuesday w ereorganized t. t i id R oanoke church near Oak ( .'uy ith sixteen meinhers. We 11 i k tnen - a fine prospect there The burning of our Foul car \lt I Friday night is a severe blow i i t* • work, but the Lord know.-, jti 1 when to (!-el i Ul'e ll 1: i Hilling soon. . " --ERVICES AT RACIST CHURCH A. V. Joyner, Pastor Sunday School, !):4. r > A. M.—Dr P. 11. Cone, Supt. Sermon by the pastor, II A. M. ft Y P i:4s P. M. Ilenjaniin Courtney, leader. Sermon by the pastor, 7:!() P. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesilay ' even ing, 7:110. We Earnestly hop«' that all our mem bers will attend, and visitors are giv ■„ en a cordial invitation to attend al these services. ARMISTICE DAY Martin count ytakes less "pride iii her history than othe rsections. W« are paying very little attention to tin celebration of Armistice Day. We 'ar* not sending a word nor a line to ou: State Historical •o(.'mmisswin, i»i»l stil we have ma/iy tilings of which wi should feel prouij^and theie ate many things that should be written. W may think about these things but oiii thoughts ure not history, our nets an history. / TIME FOR ACTION t Williamston,seems to be sufferinj |iome from a scourge of lawlessness.) Too many folks around doing noth ing. Some visitors coming who seen to have no particular job, but man age to get in the game somewhere Too much liquor is being sold in and around town. Thetown authorities, must tighten up nome. Just nab a few of the vis iting gamblers and a few bootleggers, we have already waited patiently. J 'SALESMEN WANTED TO SOLim orders for lubricating oils, greases'" and paint*. x Salary or commisfioD. Address Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland, O. DON 7 FORGET THE > ORPHANS ON 20TH November 2t>th has been set apart as "Orphans Day," in the churches of the State; the contributions received i on tha tiluy wil Ihe given as a Thanks giving offering to all orphanages in the State. The people have been so liberal in the past that orphanages now include the Thanksgiving offer ings in their calculations in making up their budget sfor the year. It is earnestly hoped that this year each person who can possibly do so will give a sa Thanksgiving offering, ont day's income. This contribution may Ih> sent directly to the orphanng.: ol 1 one's choice, or through the Treasure] of the Publicity Committee of the N C. Orphan Association. It is hopee that the offering this year will be suf ficient to enable the various Home, to receive more children as there are hundreds of these little homeless ones scattered over the state who should be in some institution where they car. 1 have advantages of an education and industrial training. What Other* Think of I •» Mr Cummins of the Federal Hoard for Vocational Education in Washing ton was a visitor in North Carolina last week. He wa.. delighted with what he saw in the state and said: "I have found in no other stat» ucl ' fine cooperation and 1 could not havi ' accomplished as much as 1 have had it not been for the assistance of llu superintendents of public welfare. - Your plan of county welfare work in! unipue and I have seen no state so well organized and doing as effective work as you are in North Carolina." CO I NT Y Ti: \CII I :RS The Martin County Teachers Asso ciation will meet a ttlie Graded School building in Williamston at Id A M. aSturday, November 12th. Questions of vital importance will be ( 'discussed. i.s very important that all the teachers attend these meetings as mat ters of great,interest to all the teach ers will IKS considered. Reading Circle work raises the cer tificate and increases the salary. Com pulsory attendance is a live question in all communities. Every teachei worthy of the name should he inter ested in his or her pupils'enough to use every means possible to go tthe pupils at school every day. Toucher, sas delegates to the Touch ers' Assembly at Raleigh, Thanksgiv ing will be elected at this meeting. The County Sirpermlendeul exfiects you to be there. & NOTICE OF SALE. Fniler and by virtue of the ordei of the .Superior Court of Martin coun ty made in a special proceeding en titled "Simon P. Mooro. Administra tor vs. Luveinia Lawrence, et al," tin ..ndi'i'.iigned commissioner will on tli day of November, l'J2l, at 12:00 i.'clock M., at the Court hou. in N. ('., oiler I'm sab to the highest bidder for cash tha icrtain tract or parcel of land lyin, and being in Martin county, N. ( , am i more particularly described as lollow. Ih'niniiirig at a large kuiii in Gray running north 00 degress, - 15 minutes west i!.'t chains, not 111, west IM 41-100 chains to Reubin .1 ■ • t r ■ corner thence south U degrees, !lo on. utes west .'I 'JO-100 chains to a "stake; thence south fit) east .'tfi 601-00 cliau ' to the run of Gray brunch; thence tq said branch to the beginning, contain ing lli acres more or less. This 21st day of October, 1021 K 1)1 KK CR.ITCIIER, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue o ftlie power of sale contained in that certain dee of trust executed by Riley William mid wife to the undersigned trustee and beurin gdate of March Ist, iOI.' and of recoup in biiok .11, page '(72 of the Martin County public registry " siiTiT iteed of trust having hern givri to secure payment of certain note ol even date therewith, and the terms am. oinbtions tTierein contained not Lav ng been Complied with ,und at tin request of the holders of said notes, the undersigned tiustee, on Thursday, the 24th day of November 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court house doo> of Hamilton, N. C., offer for sale at . public auction ,to the higliesf hiddei for cash, the following described prop erty, to wit: All that certain tract of land lying situated -and lieing in the county of 1 Martin, "fKato of North Carolina, and, being share No. 4, of tho«J.. J- Wil -1 liaiTis' tract of land, by J. E. Williams, WUhoii Eborn, Jnd others, . containing 26 acres, more or leßs. . _ j This the 24th day of October, 1921 ' T. B. SLADE, JR., Trustee. /FOR SALE: 30,000 CABBAGE plants. Ready for use. Price 26c .'per hundred. Jos. L. Holliday. I Good Roads Will iff ark Dawn Of New Era For The County Too Many Folks { Do Our Thinking The commodity called "filler" is ex tensive! \ used in many ways. Thp fertiliser people use it to make their lain. us g-iades into tons, In this ca„e it does neither good nor harm. Ves sels sometimes cairy it as a rrvean of holding the ship am! keeping it from being top heavy. Newspapers use "fillers" to till up space and often do much harm. The politics of this country have largely been run by "fillers." It is this way the people do not think that they have time to bother and leave it all to others and all they do is to curs* when things go wrong but the man has a personal interest can we)l afford to think and device ways and means by which he may he able tohold his job or position In looking over the Hal»i«h lettei published else where in this paper it is very clear it is more than an administration booster. It argues a gainst a pardon board nad whie it states that the people do not want such a board it does not express the views of tbo people and even fails to reflect them at all. In the special boost of Mr. Walts, the lax coiiimisHioner, mieeiiis a pity to the country newspaper for them to use as "fillers" without more thought than' that they have some thing- to fill the paper with. So far as this paper is concerned it reserves the free and independent right to be or against any citizen of North Carolina who presents Inm-.elf for office. Let Mr. Watt* and Mr. Morrison and all alike statesmen tsand !or fall by their works. The railroads Hood the country with propaganda, boosting and praising themselves. The Federal Reserve Hanks, a few of the governors of whom came near bankrupting all the people of this country except HIP rich, their friends, who profited largely by it, they get out lots of stuff to gaip the favor of tho public. For a long time, big politicians at Washington have sent grand ami glorious news of their great achieve ments to the newspapers for no othei purpose but to get votes at the next election. All of this should disgust clean, lion est, thiuking people, hut it is jusfai bud to have a boosting machine for inn state politicians. And most of this stuff, is put before the people by the little newspapers of the country in a thoughtles sway, thereby, creating impressions for or against men ami measures as the teachings may lead. We need more free thinking. Ite mejiiber when we permit others to think for us. they require u to work for them. I udei and by virtue o ftlm power of sale contained in that certain deed oil net made and executed by, Mamie l*rico to the undersigned trustee, and hearing date August 15th, 10111, and of record in (Riok A-2 at page IKO of Uie Marti nOounty I'ublic registry, s lid deed of trust having been given to so-- euro the payment of certain notes oi even" date therewith, and thfl terms and coijdiions'thereiir not_hftytni; been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said notes, the under signed trustee will on Monday the '-'H day of November, 1!>2I, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door of tin (,'ounty ,at Williamston, N. t'. of fer lor sale, at public auction, t i the I, lif he. t bidder for cash, the following described property, to wit; - I'hat certain tract or parcel o f bind, ljing and being in Martin county, be ginning at a stake, I.ue.nda llardi- K.II'H corner, on the nortli side of the Williamston and Washington road, n r iir F i). Warrt'iT residence, ani Horn wlich point the chimney at the east end of said house' bears N. KH 1-1, 1!,; thence (5 21 E M 4-1 poles to H dal: in the path near the tobacco 'ibrp t tliei oe S 71 E 11 1-5 poles to a stak« at the Southwest corner of the iriave yard; thence 21 Fast 7 l-.'t poles I* a i-take; thence S (14 F 16 poles to u stake near a persimmon tree; the'icf 28 3-4 East 32 poles to a bei d in the (filch; thence N 2.'1 1-4 E down said ditch to an iron post thence west erly along a line of marked trees to the Reed Millpond run, to J E. Greens coiner; thence southwardly along- said .! Green's corner or line to the \V il lia'r>fiton and Washington road; thence along the said Williamston and Wash 'ing ton road to the beginning, contain ing forty three (48) acres more oi less. For further title, see »bov.» re ferred to deed of trust, and deel from I.uenda Hardison to J H B Price. Thia the 27th day of October, 1841 CLAYTON MOORE, Trustee. 1 # !• IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USK A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 r \uy juiiu.s «. reel) If the plans of tho Board of County 'Commissioners are carried out, as re cently voted then Martin County iriJl soon have a net work of public hard surfaced and sand clay road* surpwis *d l>y none in the State. Already the Commissioners hare voted for a quarter of a mill on dol lar bond issue for the building of a concrete road to tho Beaufort Connty lino from WilluuastoD, a distance of mile-;, and negotiations an- unJer way for tho early construction of a brand new r»ad leading from William -ton to Tarboro, via Everett' Hoher >n\ille, Pannele, thus conne«tfng the Kdgecombe County line with Wlllam -ton, and further, there will be a hundred thousand dollars spent in building u modern, sand-day taugxi rury highway from Wllliamstou to Hobgood, vi a Hamilton, Oak City and intermediate points as well as a Stele highway gjoad froin Williamstusi tm Jarnesville, Hardens, iuul Plymouth. Maitin count) is ta>t public notice a, one of the finest farm ">« counties anywhere in tho SvuU), and innii) farmers aiv ivturniug to tin- county who" were lured away by the promise of cheaper anil bettor land elsewhere. H ith \\ illianr-.ton as the logical cen county funning und mess operations, one can only tiurrnisv the general steady and prosperous growth that will be felt In and around this City for the next decade or more. The people are fast overcoming the recent great depression and business is txuhg conducted I on a cheaper and more successful system of operation than ever before. The farmers wre learning to he more careful and eco nomical in crap production, und the uUMin ss nun ;iiv realizing that lea* credit und cheaper foods is far letter for mutual satisfaction and prosperity. The Bonking, institutions of Wil liamson have all successfully v, ed the financial tightness ,ond are pro ceeding on a safe, sane and progres sive system of bunking, which will l»- felt in the coming prosperity of i section. The people aro a new do gi» eof carefulness at the present time in their speculations anil invent ments, and absolutely, no money is " leaving the county for' wild-rat stock ventures. A number of new homes are t>etng constructed throughout the county, and Williuimtton finds itself crowded for residences just us much tu. dur ing the greatest inflation of the tim*. A project is beii.g developed on the ,'xtension of Mam street in Wllliam ■iton ,and popularly known as (Jarden I'errace. The promoters expect to make this one o fthe beauty spots oi the community, anil also engage id a general wholesale and retail farm and building supply business, wlueh jrtll meet with general approval from pa t-roiis all ovei* the county. A bus iness devoting its time exclusively to this line of business is something long-needed in Williumston, and no doubt will meet with instant ijuccean. People who have art)' confidence la the future are certain to see the great prosperity that awaits the Citizens of Matrin county, and with the pi ope r advertisement a/id boosting there is no doubt but this Immediate section would (mi soon the garden spot of the east, us the Mil and tempejatures are not far different from the choicest valley* of Southern California. The farmers as a whole have been agreeably surprised at the amount of profit made on.their farming opera tions this year, and with mora courage to tackle the crojr of 1922, It is need less to state that w ewill have beifore us a "banner year of business and farming activity. The tobacco and produce markets of Williamston have made a reputa tion for high prices this year, ind thousiuids of pounds of tobacco haVe been hauled and shipped to William ston by prominent farmers, living closer to other murkets. This speaks well for Williamston, and next year it is proposed to have a Produce Buy ers Itoaril of Trado for the uniform ity and satisfaction of prices paid to those selling on the local marietta. The |ieople urged to deposit their money in the Banks of the ooun ty, beware of speculators, and pay cash for their merchandise as far as possible. With careful spending and careful home-buying it is safe to pre dict a greater era of sound prosperity for Martin County than ever before. STRAIGHT SALARY: 1*5.00 PER week and expenses to m«n or wo man with rig to introduce Eureka E|kp Producer. Mfg. Co.. Eaat it. Louis, 111. 1■ i i •SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE

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