Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 92 Everyone Should Buy Red flflSross Christmas Seals H a Uel Cross Chiistniad .seals through the oiaf! ? 'Die North Carolina Tuberculosis A make i the follow ing rotate rnfept relative to these seal's: We have asked you to donate a poi - titSa earned dollar 10-btj u. t coming > ear in the tubeivulo-i -. Naturally your minds by what make request. We tto make a senti nTflHPpeul to you, but merely place the rn Alter stjuaiely before you and rtlj on your good hii-iiie-* judgment . *«uic jjour support in this work. Is taere need for such work'.' Tuberculosis is curable ami prevent able if proper methods at"' used, yi t one deatk in every ten that occurs the I'nitod States is caused by tuherc losi;. One person in the l.'uited State, .lias every four minutes from tuber cu'osis, 15 every hour and 3(i(> ever., •lay. This can be prevented. Dutiitf tli(j war two diivj from tuberculosis i lliis country every time one soldi, i was killed in France. In North Car ollna there were 2,908 deaths I this preventable, disease in 1920. It has been demonstrated that f>. death there aie nine active ease "o raMterculosi.- that Ir'i'd attention This means that in the I Sua there are over one million cases o open active tuberculosis Unit are liable * to infect you or nie at any time, h ".means that in North Caiolina titer, are over twenty-Jive thousand in need of treatment. Naturally these twenty fUv thousand are incapacitated fo. work all the way from tout inenpuciw a small per cent and an a liiut*i4n 1 burden to their rolativi and friends. At the olwest posslbb figure their economic loss and experts/ is costing two and one-half millioi dollars each year. As stated above, every one of the unfortunates i.s .suffering from a diss pare that is preventable with iunttf to teach the principles of pii'ventiaii,: treat the curable case-, and so k'Mu 1 at" those that are so far with the «llMar«>Minr)t re cover, that they will not n, W-t others we can, in a few years practically wipe out tuberculosis :i> a im nacc ti our-people. The first stop in this program is t frod the case* that lire in'the early stage of th«* disease and secure treat ment for fhem at the time they can be easily cured:" To detect tuheicu losis 'in its incipient slaves require an expert in the diaV.nysis ,f tul.i-rcu losis uihl this i. one of the tnajo functions of the Association. Duiint the past year tlie'examiner r*m|il ye by the "Association has made 1 ,Tl'. e> ai|iiuatiotttt Of fill:- number 30 per cent wi■ it; -f'iulid to have ttihereill• »M, 'lie cxHiliiaei' cannot pus.ably inuk« all tl.e examinat : >os tha taWi|U st d. \\ wish ' ery much to e Ji'i- .-•» vice lift f .'in ai t-Xi.iiiiniM fur mi\ cumuiun - l.i . t ; r\ call for him. There are at least 15,1 Mm» e.- in i \,' tuborculor i ■_ among tl.e negme* 1:1 -liould be found and ivgulatw' to prevent infecting others. A kiou r'n.itiy of-these negroes wink in home . a'- 'do-nestie -.eivtmt.-, rontinf* in c|o-» coot :"t With •ei; young .child i"n, ay.. :.** curf.tuht menace. V* . h;d" t ■ \'i gliili Inndl head\V#y 'W'tihg ill , ,|o until due iO''oj>iiiti«>n is giv en the important previdinr fo t' . c .loved -■ ir oo.iit iv.>. 'j; As'Ofi. ' ] ' Ijl il l.'Ot' il t ii Kan- educ ! .''won;-, tl.e nogvoe. , .at ,ov. the Stat 'I:! r.pi roprinted a . to bjuild a .-Jn v to -ium for tK- 11.• :.t,;yent of patients, and 't i ntiictl; no '■ to find the cn-'-t arid reinoPe this j-fiui'.e of dai'w'r 11u' tv I. placing them in a :>";: ! 'ouh. i '•••- the disease can be cured. * r*" r - . "•" ; - ~, STIiAN!) - . T M E \TR i: , - .MONDAY NO SHOW *_ - " V ~TI'KSi>A V-r>- ; lil.Mli FUKGIJSON in "LADY ROSE'S DA! OMTIiK" ;2«o . 4ic , . -WIiDNEM METRO ALL STaI^^VIAI. "THE r,ItEATER'^^B» H V'ioc and 30c wL THE ENTERPRISE PERSONAL ITEMS / FROMJAMESVILLE I Mr. W G was m tow aat f tci.din gto business last Ftiday. L Mrs Jim Sexton and Mr. and iii. ' Clatonce Wallace were in town Fn ' day shopping. Messrs. A 1- itallings, Abe Ilmi kins, J E Smithwick, Geo. t.'oouei J Clias. Davenport, F H Aiiko, J mo. ' Long, Elmer Lilley and Seth Nee.! ' ham have returned from a hunting trip ut Camp I'oiitt. Mr. Mevo MizelW and Walter blown 1 were lie iv Momßiy. ' Mr. Darrell Dame land Mi.-se- Miunie and lallie Hell weiv-ur toWi. Saturday uitcht Miss Sutlie Martin wa sin James ville Saiurday. Kev. NV If liairiiigton was a \is it t>i hoio Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J I) Mizelle were the ffuests of-Mr and Mi's. J K Manning Sunday. Mrs. (' C Walton was the o ■ Mrs. VS H Lilley Saturday nitflit. Mr. H T) '-Mtu't-iw «>i>toml to Wil liamsion Monday. Miss Vera Askew spent the mil | end at home. Mrs Frank Sexton spent the w lend with her parents, Mr. and Mr | S K Harilisoit, near WillUiniston. j Mr (' A Askew made a liusmi s trip to Williaiiiston Mondav; | Itev. A Corey and Mr II F Lilley j spent Sunday in Uoberspnville with friends. • Mr. and Mrs J W M artin were ii I town Satuixiay shopping. Mr J, A (letsinifer-sjMsut souie tinu here Monday. Mr. G H Mi/.ellj' was in town at | tend in jrto business Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. 0 G Carson, Mrs V C'Jfkcksou an dMiss Kohda Peel mo tored to Tarboro Sunday. • n, Mr. and Mrs. J I. Coltrain and cbil I Stiren aud Mr. and Mrs. \\ K Muiaiiuji in town-with relative -1 Mr Sylvester Davis and son, Josx-p) | were in town Monday. Mr. Clyde Owens of I'lyinouth wa. a business visitor here Monday, Mrs. Kate Wilson'of Norfolk is tin j pruest of Mrs. ■ J F Sinithwick thi' week. ' » - , | Mr. J M artoii tiriltin wit in towi I Saturday. Mr \\ II Morris of Norfolk ua, i business visitor lieu 1 1 ue.sday. Mrs. J E Smithwick, Mrs. Kate W i son, Miss LeOnline Davenport and M Elmer Lilley motored I to Mr. i Iloberson'.~ Sunday ufletnuon. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. 1; |{ (\.ok, ilaUf/hteij Deiembi r lib. Mis. T i'i liolliilay bus letuined ti after a .short visit to !ii motli-r, Mrs. llairi.-on llolli.lav. Dr. J I, Smithwick has retuiii" | fiom ,\*oi folk wlioii he tirade u Ini ! iiM'ss trip. Mr and Mr-. I'tiylou Syke and lit i tie* daughter, V ; Mr. and Mrs, Syke Satinda Mr. and (' (' WeJton anil Mi loWiuay wehe 11 • ■ ' t t A,latil tt:ise.i)-' Wedtiesday. will hold -.ervi. ■,j at tlfr liui • h Suuday-ullA noon atf/l.tiO o'clock, also Sii'iw'ji ! cventh^at 7:'Jh o'clock. You are e.>W | dially inv jte.l to attend J m»I i* i : ok s \u* ' ,7l'iidei and Jiy it!tie of the authoi |-tv eoftta.iird in tii'e power of sale in i ::-i t .;«■ t of trust t-xecuted to nu e uit Vr :iJrt-H tnia-ti-e b A! I. ,t Toi.,; veil and >,'ife, Sal ail C'jom.v. . yt the -Ith day of l'ebruiiiy, I! mi! ill ic. or.! in Martin county pub ic resistiy in" hook A-J, pa«e 4-'.' aid ihci! of ti'ust securing certnn . i londst oi" even date and tenor there j ivith and the stipulations therein no' ' having been complied with and ajf,.th«. request of the owner and hol/fer o ♦aid bonds I will expose- to public au.;» I '.ion 0.l Monila' , lieeeiubcr . r it!i, lfflil it l'.!o'cloel: ,vl„ in front of the 'out doof in Wjlliam-ton, North far dina, to the highest bidder for casl the following desctibed land: j A tract of land in I'oplar I'oint lownship, Martin county, Where Ash ley Cromwell now live? r adjoiniug th -j VV. M liii Hut.i farm, .J«niei A. Everett j Doit John.-on and the Spate farm, m" J taining ai d being the Wiom I land Ashley Cromwell purchased of I B A Critcher anil YV T lladley. Kot | full ilescnption of said land see mort . gage from Ashley Cromwell end wife to the Fede»al'Lard Bank. This November 4th, I#2l. B. DUKE CHITCHER, Trusteo. NOTICE t 1 J. G. Staton'« gin wiil gin on Mot> day« and Thursdays, starting Novem ber 14th, 1921. Martin County North Carolina, Friday, December 9th, 1921 "JUST LIKE THE GOOD OLD DAYS'. Tile re will bo a big auction sale in Wiiliatnston Saturday uioniuig at 11* o'clock, conducted by the South At lantic Land Company, successors to the liurton Bros. Auction Company, of Wllioiu N C. The miiny friends of Mr. W T liui tiiu and lus ions- will be glad to nicl come Uiern to town agani after ilu long period of defies:' ion and absenc. of laud sales. They will have on sale some attractive pieces of property, especially to the home seekers. There are four or liw residences tor white people and twelve business and resi dential lots for colored people. UK VI. KST VTK SALES FOR IHI WEEK .lullus S. I'ivl, real estate operatoi reports the following sales during >li. week: Julius S. i**>t"l to J H Sauudeiv, of lice building, Main street. Julius S. I'eel to A O ltrown aiu. J. I).' Slatlc. Tenement pro|»rty, or l'eaile street. Five options to lots i nand aboui town. Wise people are buying now 10, the big boom that will hit \\ illian, ston next year with the opening u to Norfolk; the building of eoncret roards to Heauol'it connty, 11 all la: county and Washington county. Tin Williamston Insurance rate will be n terially lowered next year, the tovvi taxes will Iw less than this year, lb Mam and Washington streets am sidewalks will be paved. Williamstoi is due for a great future prosporh, and part of it is coming iu 1 word to the win' to to get on UMajtuui'. w Agon'and buy all the tate tluit you can carry. K«lu ctataU migyMHH in!U ' e >ou poor in 1011 get hack your inoni'j you lost it. Hoy now. NOTICE OF HALE Under and by virtue of the povse of sale contained in a certain deed o ttMhtr executed to the und.'r ugnc j trustee by Martha J. Campbell mi I Ist day of Januai"y, lUIto, and of rec oord in the puhli"' registry of Maui County in book (J 1 at page ie 'curing ceitain notes of even date am tenor therewith ami tho stipulation therein contained not having been co plied and default having been mad in payment theiv.of ami at tie i iues tof the owner of sai dinue shall offer for sale a tpublic amlio to the highest bidder for ca.;h on .Ii | 4th day of January I'J'ilt in front the Planters and Merchants Han! Ev'eretl s, N. (J., at in o'clock M . t follow!ll gdescribtil real estate, In wd lleginnic; in the inn id' Cow f»r llranch, thence N lo V\ 'Jlo pi. 1 , long a line of in: iked li-en t"H. 1 All'brook land, thence Nfi'd. ji.>i• tin nceStisE 'jfi poles to an o'd In el| in the Cowforil llranch, thence d n i the Cowford Urani'h, to he beginning being the, same and allotted to \\ A Fleming in the Fleming land iie i, ion id' record in land division bou No. 1 al page 17.4 . and, which ai ■ humbured 6, fi and 7. ' This .'l d dav of Deeemb-i, 1 tl_i I. J l> WOOI.AJUCI'ru tee.' TRUSTEE'S SAI.E OI I.WH North C-arolina, Martin County. Hy virtue of power vested in m by that deed of trust executed lo in* ou tlu- 2>th day of December, J!H by V 11 Moore, I will ou Friday tin 6th day of January, 11(22, sell at i uh lie aucton, for cash, to the highes bidder, at the court house door in V. i -'iamston North Caiolna, betvo «-ii t'i liodrs of one and two o'cio. !,, Jn: f"! lowing (le.-riiled lots, tiailr.' or pai •el (If land, yling, being and siiu.'ri in the county and slate afore a t near the town of Hobgood, North Cu olina, and being tracts nuinl «r ♦ (01, seven arid ten (10) an I l« ing a portion of thd 'farm foimer!, owned by Murray» .Whtchard, a"' known as the Eli Hopkins fan. which was surveyed and plotted 1> A K Jlritt, Civil Engitu or, a plot i which in on record in Martin Count;, in the Register of Deeds office in plo Hook :i, .at page 5, to which plot ief erence is Ivncby made for a more p fect description. Tract No. H contacts 2> acres. Tract No.Tcontairis 21..1 acreT;," Ti-tfct No. 10 contain*: 15. ; making a total in the three tract.* 8.1.8 acres. Thi sthe 3rd day of December 1921 S. A. DUNN, Tru.sJee. WANTEJPI: MAN WITH CAR T( sell low priced Graham Tii'en. $ 130.0' per wee kand commissions. Grahatv Co., 2483 Rouk»vard, lientoi Harbor, Mioh- The merchant or business man tha advertises is a booster and a build- Local News Personal Mention r Mr. Will Stone arrived ui town W eduest. Ny and is slocking well una •vvearuig pic vdl smile. Ho and Mrs. Stuue a. « occupying the ottices re cenUy vi cntdo by Messrs. Julius I'oei and Fra®s* hitch.,, Mr., l4>yull \\ hiU- of Aulandeu u la-re attending to busmes. Mr. DftWuil ttiurough- of luilk.o was heiJthis IK. Mr. aiui Mrs. C li.on motor ed Ko ky Mount Weifttesdav. * * * « Mt''\ J !S I'eel and It J I'eel, Jr., spent Wednesday in Washington, Ml. Cj O Moon- made a hiwinev trip to Wuslungtoii yestoidHV. Kev. Walter It Clark and liisho| i hos. C Dui st spent Wednesday u Hamilton. Rev. 1, C Larkin has returned (ion Sunford where he attended the funor ul of Mrs. lArkin's futhei, Mr. ( i Hatch. M la. Kennedy returned yesterday after visiting i dative.-* in lleilie to. several wo-'ks. Mr. Grover W Hardison leit this morning for Fnrmville, Snow Hill am. Selmu. Last Wednesday, Mr. .1 S I'eel, id Everett.*., killed in eleven months old pigs which yielded linn 182N pound of meal dreaped. These. pjgs ■ wert raised and fattened in a dty lot. This dues look like the No-Kef ice law will brim; " shortage of meat, ♦ • • « Miss Myrtle Griffin ami Mr. Marion Griffin nf Jamesvilk' were iu t >wi. shopping yesterday. Mrs. Ik'Mry GrUlin and Uavenpofll'of Jamesville, were between wains yesterday aftd'iioon., Jk|M Mr. ('has. W%|Teu Cahoon and Mr. l.ynwootl llassell of l'l.\mou',fi speipl Inst night in town ♦•• » * 1 Messrs. Wheeler Martin, .1 0 .Sla ton and A K Dunning are in Washing, tun today attending to liusiness, m 0 m > . Mi. I' G Column of Griffins is u town toila). • * * * Mis. William Littlo and J E Moot of Robersonville wi re in tow n I bur day. • • • • Mrs. Minnie HallanCe is in Koeky Mount this week where sin i alien >ng a patient from Oak City. • • • « I>i Warren returned yesl> nla. irom Nofrolk where he att -uded i Medical meeting. m ♦ • • Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Wan; an bounce the birth of a daughtei, Mi Martha Rhodes, on December .'lid • • • • I Social Commiltu* of th • J'hila ihea Class of the liaptist church whirl, is composed of Mrs. / Hardy Uom;, Miss Mary White and Mi s Salln Hams will entertain tonight al tin Atlantic Hotel at 8:30 oVIoi k Mi. and Mrs. Tlios. I. Smith, Mis, Stella Avers and l.ynwootl Hassttll, oi l'lymouth are in town today Mr, Russell Sykes of Norfolk wa. in town last night. Mr. It O. Martin of Jamesville i in town today. S. H. IHGGS IIAS VTUCACIIVI. WINDOW DISI'LVV The show window of S K 11 >UK- Drug Co.-, is attracting the crowds Not only the children are enjoying the display of toys hut even tin grown up.s enjoy watching the elec trical train and cms that have beet,- so attractively displayed in the win «low by Home l!igg,-t.' I Their line of toys i, very compleU this yaer, everything to. delight tn> hear tof, the hoy find girl and play things for the tiny tot, as well Hi appropriate gi ft.-i for th" older mem tiers of the family. SOMETHING UNUSUAL Owing to a break down in our plant we were unable to come out -at out regular time on Tuesday and our pa per was one day U||£ i ,__We regret tin delay but there was an engine trou ble that was difficult to got fixed. FOR SALE: HOGS, GOOD CONDI^ tion to go Into peanut field*, _,JOc w 12 l-2e and 16e. J B Cherry and Bro. Phone fl, Williamston, N C. « _ SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE] '', a ' • ' ' , J ... v " \JteM CONTINUATION OF PREMIUM WINNERS I Continued from last is^uei Dept. J Jell) Club. Pi-iy AU'i F \i iruyt, ut ape .(i 4V. .Mrs E H Maatung, apln.' i>3. Mis; VV hlti«>, uxliibu canntMl fruits i tiO. Mrs J 1' Koss, display pickle» 1 t>3. Mrs. II C Green . 63. Mrs 11 C Groon, uaferment ed K'ape juioe t t>4. Mrs 11 C Gru'n, scuppernong Rtape juice .] tit). J F Weaver, 1 tit). Airs J C Koss, chili sauce f 70. Mrs W J 1 bulges, catsup 1 Martin Count) Club Members 71. Mrs .1 T Hoss, beaiui 1 7U, Mrs J T Uoks, linui beans 1 72. Mrs W K Jenkins, corn l 70. K Jenkuis, huckleberii»'.s 1 77. Mrs J T Koss, peiis . 1 77. Mrs T F Harrison (teaches 1 78. Mrs J T Hoss, cucumlter pickltvs 1 7 I J. Mrs J T Koss, onion 1 HI. Mrs W H Jejikins, strawbeny preserved I 82 Mrs W K Jenkins tig pi«.-*>r%e,s 2 82. Mrs J I Kimhi, watermelon pita servos I h.'l, Mrs W K Jenkins, pie M»rves ....... I 84. Mrs W K Jenkins pickles 1 85. Mrs W K Jenkins, 1 88. Mrs W H Jenkins, relishes, 4 jars t Special For Club (iirls 91. Miss Margaret Manning, ex hibit, four jars I 1)2. Mi.-s Martha Harrison, peaches 1 Miss Esihor Harrison, peaches 2 dit. Miss Martha Harrison, string beans 1 »;t. Miss E.'fther Harrison, string beans 1 Department K 'V 4. Mi •Si S E Hardison, palm 1 5. Mrs J ti Godard, fern display 1 6yMrs L(' Bennett, ferti display 2 # Frances Gufgantnv Ifc'n 1 7. Mrs J W Hight, pottVljilants 1 Sallio Biggs Ti 9. Mwt Clayton Moore, cut flowers I 9. Mrs W A Jamus, cut flowers I 10. Mrs J G Godard, Begonias I, 10* Mrs W A James, Begonias 2 11. Mrs J W Nicholson, bulbs i Department L L Mrs A It Dtmtming, yeast I 21 lUm W J Hodfos, rolls - r "T 2. Mrs A It Dunning, Rolls 2 3. Mrs W J Hodges, bakiiiK pow der biscuits ... V I 3. Mrs Lucy itoborson, Inking pow der biscuits 2| 4. Mrs W C Manning, buttermilk I it. Mrs VV t.' Maiuiing, cornsticks , I Id. Mrs A It Dunning, black fruit cake 1 I j 11. Mis A l( Dunning, white fruit cnfco . . ... 12. Mrs E (' Stone, pound cuke 12. Mrs .1 E Gtirganus, pound cake 2 1 f». Mis J I, llassell, gingerltl 4 ' ad lfi. Mi-. II M Stubbs, Angel Food I IH, Mr«- II M Stubbs, ileco.mtod , I Layer Cakes 2li. Mis A li Dutiniiig, cocoantit i-ako I 21. Mrs Will Taylor, caiumel cake I 22 Mrs Lucy liobersori, chocolate cake 4 I 22. Mrs W E Warren, chocolat • cak" ... j ♦i».ki«M or Drop Cakes 26. Mrs Lucy Hoberson, ginger snupo 27. Mis Lucy Uolter,-.on, ilooghnuts 1 27. JVfrs lawrence I'.«•!, doughnut. 2 28. Mrs A l( Dunning, oatmeal , cookies 30. Mis Lucy lioberson, t '4 J i'aalrle* 32. Mrs A li Dunning, lemon cus ' tard 1 12. Mrs Lucy liobeivon, lemon cusUiiil '2 36. Mrs. A It- Dunnin cheese straws i 37. Mrs A li Dunning, patty shells ' Homemade Candies 441. Mrs W J llodgvvs, i«a foaiu 1 «tl. Mrs A K Dunning, fudge I 42. Mrs A It Dunning, fruit candy I 43. Mrs A K Dunning, fancy I •13. "Mrs Mary E Leggep» fancy MincellantMiuH -49. Leggett & Duvall, comlf honey J SU. Miss Blanche Everett, dried fruit • 1 Department L 55. Mrs W C Mai*tuig, soup I Homemade Butter and Cheese 67. Mrs J.'L. butter \ 57. Mrs J 0 Stat on, butter ? sft. Mrs W R Rotierson, ham 1 59. Mrfc H C Gro«n, ham 2 60, Mrs H C Green, bacon 1 Department M 1. Mrs S R - Biggs,* Jr., embroid end waist . sr.l 1. Mrs J 1 Haasell, ombr iderel waist 2 8, Hiss DeSergJi Fleming, Right . dresa 3. MUk Blanche Everett, night dress I 4. Mlm Penny Biggs, Emb. skirt Tobacco Market Closes on •- 16th;jWill Not Re-Open m CITY NEWS AND PERSONALS Ml- T W Doweu oi Wilson conduct ed service* at the Christian chuni. Sunday, on account ojt* luj Mr. Hillary Bowen'i sudden illness. Mcmi- K £ Early, Henry Earl>, truest Hwirell and Kdmond h.utL> went tn Tarborv last weok to hear "Cyclone Mai 1 ." Ihe Ladu»» Aid Social.) uut Tuwi day evening at 7 :30 at the hotro «>l Mrs. K K Karly. A A Hiblo Study Class was ooctum«*« Tuesday evening *t the h>xi>e .>!' l'i and Mrs. K K I'ltUuaii lies. I i WlUlnUui will lead i - l*.-»sf-. The betterment Society will nuvt Friday evonin «-ut the town hull. The honor roll of the. Ooak Cit> School for Nov ml )«r containoit the following name*: High School: ItertJia IMliuul, Vjr- KinU tliim-.s, lieati ice Whit field, Duilie Daniel and Selina Johnson. Seventh Grade: Surah. long John son, Hazel l'dand, George SUinveu son. Sixth Grade: Ultima Daniel, Willie Johnson, Augustu Stevenson, OJiviu Johnson. Fifth Grade: Itlanoh* Ayeiv, Ul lian I'app.s and Ethel t'app«. fourth GraiWi Kduu Sullivan, N'a onii Etheridge. Third Cin*le: Hilton Kawl.i, Prunce* Kartell and Emily Casper. Second Grade: Rul>y Davis, Mary Ruth ROM anil Ruth HarreiL The funeral of Mr. Kenneth Mit chell took placo Sunday afternoon ul him home near Onk City. Mr. Mit chell, who had only nscentiy moved hero from hia home in Bert'® count> ( wan a man 4f j|pk4|§tent iikWecter ami was both lovfed SUA tladidta by hi:, friends and acqunintaim en. He ia Burvivetl by his widow nd one ^lld.. SKW HARBKK SHOI' 'ig*n of Aulunder have opened a barber nhoji in th»> building recently occupied by U*» Harrison Piano Co. The town welcomes another shop which has Ix-ca needed for a loud time 7 NO'IICE Ol ADMJNISTKATnK'S SALE 1 (.hull offer for sulo to the highest bidder I'or cush ut 12 o'clock M., on the Hth day id' I)ec., 1021 ut my homi in William* township, Martin 'county North Carolina, the personal propert> belonging to the estate of Jordan *•> (■reun, deceaned, oensixttng of the fol lowing, to wit: One Homo Comfort rango, mode. 1915. One seeing machine. All hold and kitclnin furniture ami ul farming utensils belonging to the e t tate of the said .1 H (ireen. This I Ktl i day of Nov,, I'JiM. ELIZABETH .1, (i KEEN', Administratrix of J S. ;n«en de ce-u-sed. I am ulso offer for sale one two horse farm. WANTK: SALESMAN WITH CAh to cull on dealers with it low 0,000 mile fabric und ll),lHKi mQa cord tiie. SI(MUM) u week with extra com missions. t'nlversal 'Hi* and IfObber Co., Mich ; min City, Indiana. U ruffle 4. Elizabeth White, Emit,, skirt ruljie A ..... i 6. Mi's G W Yelvei-ton, Freiich embroidery -I {I. Miti K It Crawford, Hilkf. KinJi.'ll K. Mrs W S Gufganus, baliy dross hand made I, 'J. Mm S It Biggs, Jr., baby div.vs hand made, short .. 1 11. Mrs Wurren Biggs, l*iby cap 14. Mrs Fannie Biggs, baby skiit 1 16. Mrs J G Goilurit luncheon set 1 1 r, Mrs Hunter, luicheon set hi 16. Mrs. Grey, cut work % 1 10. Mrs Grey, cut work 2 17. Mm J Eason Lilley, centerpiece 1' 17. Miss Onu L/eggett, centerpiece .2 1 17. Miss Deborah Fleming, center » "piece $ 18. Mrs Clyde Anderson) table cover I 18 Mrs J J. Ilas.sell, tabf* cover 2 19. Mrs JoH«le Whitley, table runner 1 20. Mrs Ed Ruffln, lunch cloth 1 20. Mrs Warren Biffs, lunch cloth 2 21. Miss Debbie Fleming, pillow 22. Mfeci Mittie Jiarrell, sheet 1 "23. Mm H M Stubba, towel - 1 23. Miss Emily Whitley, towel 2 '24. Mrs J W Ward, scraf .. .1 24. Mra W J Hodges, bureau scarf 2 26. Mrs U S Hassail, pin cuahton (To Be Continued) ury and one ef the family aeeeeaitier The town neapaper ia btfth a lux- IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS ÜBK A WANT AO IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1896 Next Friday will *ee the dote ot th« Tobacco MarlCet for tfxis "ieajou. Furm#r» who still h»ve tobacco on hand and want to km. _ 4ood pries for it and not Uaveto r > 't u tfgou diitance but ecll rifbt at Lome «hould ftt it graded aad in U» market before next Friday. Yesterday the market w *4 good .w* it has been during Uie present m »on, und tliw buyeis my that it will stay up during the next week. HAMILTON ITEM* f uu unusual sight wad VMfWtd by the piu-i-sorsby on the atraota at Hamilton last week. In fruat of iff A* J>hiw«ta's rtode there wu4 m «k --hMuon a bald eagle. Tt*» n|tf tueasuivd nine fy«t from U# to Up lUul «'i!l killed by Mr. W A on the Win berry farm Mr. I'wl -*pt —1 that tht> first .shot wounded the bint and he awooped dowu to attack him when ho fired the shot rfuvt brought him down. Mi. and Mil J 1' ttoyW 40Wt week iu Richmond v. hem JQr. Boyle went for a medical examination. Mu.h Mollie Manning and little last week to visit Mi's. I' H Daven- JHITt. ' Mrs S L> Matthew,, is k p*T)ht* some time In Mdtehead with her daughter, Mx*. K 0 Councl. Mw :uy Kobenen ha* teturead from u visit with fri»»uK Hi.thop and Mn. Darat were the guest* of Mrs. II L lA>ng WtdwudiyJ THiatK WAS A GIRL WHO SjKID: "1 shall never marry a man who uses tobacco in any form." Her husband is wedded to a P *P*. * "All I euro about is Intellect." She marrnd a prixe ftgtitei. "Give me a successful business man." > Shu nuurk'd a poet. 1.-If a liutn i« just and honest it is all 1 ask." ' JslVe marncri a lawyer. "After all, money isn't everything." She married a millionaire. "These bookish men are such awful bores!" \ , She murritxl a librarian. "Wlbmi 1 u marriage contract it Will be divorco-proof." \ She married a popular .screen tlriri. "1 can't .stand these big, brain® me* who know everything." . She married me,—Life PKESBYTEKIAN MISSION NOTES Kov. J T VVildmun will preach in the NUjthodiA church in VS ilLi«m.sto9 on Sunday morning and ut Peel'e school house, in the afternoon. Bible Class in I'armtAe on Monday nights and at Oak City on Tuesday iiigh/s, Sunday .school at Punuele u&d at lVel's School ut three o'clock Suhday afternoon. METHODIST CHLKCH SKKVIOM There will Ivs services at the Math-. odUt church Sunday evening at 7;St> o'clock coivluctod by the the |astor, Kev. 1. C Larkin. KVv. Larkin will hold his regulu i appointment in Hm|, ilton Sunday morning. SMB VICES AT BAPTIST CHI liCH A. V. Joyner, P«lt|>r Sunday School, 'J :4. r > A. M.—Dr. P. B. Cone, Supt. Sermon by the partor 11 A. M. B Y P U, 6:46 P. M. Sermon by the pastor, 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting/ Wednesday even ing, 7:30. You are most cordially invited to attend all servtce«. FOK GOOD ROAM! HAMBONE'S MEDITATiOKS DC OCI OMAM MOFPtft , UP Wi* Vit PIS MAMNIM* fN DfcN SAY SHft TJ*y Wilt ei% AMU. T3Lk j>e worl' 4k surfer LOOKS LAK AM'* THVI w' d r.i ->ry - ■'

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