NOTICE!! SELLING ('iKNIINK FORD PARTS TO ALL CONCERNS ENGAGED IN RETAILING FORI) PARTS. FOR FORI) CARS YOU CAN SEtfIJRE FROM ME x GENUINE FORI) PARTS AT 25 Per Cent DISC OUNT; OR I WILL ORDER DIRECT FROM ( HAR LOTTE FOR YOU AT 33 1-3 Per Cent DISCOUNT. Carload of New Fords Received r r . , f , PLEASE TAKE NOTICE VAM) COME IN OR PHONE ME. B.R.BARNHILL THE FORI) DEALER j J. E. BARNHHirHOME PLACE . . . ■ •; • SI 151 >l\ 11 )i;i). ON WILIH AT ROAD FROM WILLIAMSTON TO HAMILTON, TWO MILKS FROM EVKRETTS, NORTH CAROIJNA ; AT AUCTION Tuesday, 13th 11:00 A.M. L()( A 11UN: Tin 1 J. E. Barnhill Home Place is locatciLon.Wildcat road front Willianiston to Hamilton, two milch from Everett, N. C, in a splen did neighborhood convenient to stores, churches, and good schools. Also convenient to good markets fr crops of any kind grown in this section. 1)ES( RIPTION: The-J. E. Barniiill Home Place consists of apprximately 225 acres, about 160 cleared and in a high state of cultivation. IAI PR()\ KMEN I\S: C onsist of 1 (i-i com dwelling which is known as the Home Place, located in a beautifuloak 1 3-room tenant house,! 12- I room tenant house, pack house, tobacco bains, bains, stables, etc., all of which are in good repair. * . r • 1 j T he C. E. Hardy Tract | TO l>E OFFERED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SALE OF THE J. E. BARNHILL HOME PLACE. 1 lie ( . E._ Hardy tract is located just across the road from the -J. E. Barnhill Home Place. This property consists of approximately 51 acres, a bout 1M acres cleared and in a splendid state of cultivation. There is one 5-room (knelling - located on this property. ;*' •• - . t . _ . , n —_ _ -The Burroughs Place . , WII.L BE OFFERED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE HARD TRACT J • LCK AT ION: flie Burroughs place is located on the W illianiston to Everett Highway, one mile from Everett, N. C., in a splendid neighborhood and only one mile lrom stores, churches and good schools of Everett. N. C. Convenient to a splendid tobacco market at Williamston, N. C. " L)ES( R11TION: 'Die Burroughs place consists of approximately 197 acres, about*97 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation. , ' j IMPRO\ EMENTS: ( onsist of 1 2-story M-room dwelling. 1 2-story 7-roopi house, 1 3-room tenant house, 1 2-roo mtenant house, 1 "2-story pack house, 2 tobacco barns, stables, bains and in fact all the necessary*ou tbuil di n gs, all of which are in splendid repair. II ' All these properties have been subdivided so as to give each tract a road frontage. Possession of all properties to be given January 1, 1922. 5 • Remember that the sale will take place Tuesday, December loth, at IT :00 A. M., starting on the J. E. Barnhill Home Place,- then tiie 'C. E. Hardy Tract; and the, which is the order in which these properties will be offered. Meet us on the ground without fail. ]•»„"t,• ' f , r ' " , 1 " * TERMS: All of the above mentioned pioperties will be"sold on terms within the reach of everyone, to be announced on of the sale. | For further information confer with J. E. Underwood, Jr., Atlantic Hotel Willilamston, N. O. - ~ 1 ' SALE CONlrt't'TKD BY JMfc '/ Atlantic Coast Realty Co., Ageifc , "The Nainc That .lustilics Ymii- ('oilli.K iu. ( >i]„-,-s: I'KTKKSBI'RIVA., and I VILLK, N. C. TIIE ENTERPRISE NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the povcr of sale contained in that certain Jeeu ! ol trust executed b> Jmne A Ho.j sob anil wife"fcva Rodger :i»n t bearing; _| date oi Octob» i 3) arid recorded ; in tl>t public ir-gistfry ol" Mai tin coun ts m book Aat page sain Ueeu | of trust having ij* n given to .secu.e , the payment oi a n-itain bon't of even date theerwitb, any tii«- tem.s anu "stipulations tho»|'in coritainett net lutv complied with and at tin: ro uesl ol the tiuldel rl .-aid bond.-, ti»C Under.- t|u-U-e will mi the _3i I day ol Dtconibei al 1- o'clock M. a! tlfe ui*t lioo ->• dour iif .Martm .■ u n t> at William Im), N. ' . -ale to the highest bidder laii—ru-di the folowiiiii dese I ibe.l prnpci'l •., to wit: That rrrlain d 'arid f i'>H and being in Hear li.i tnmr hi]!, Martin rofjrtty, North ' ■ii'l'n;. md bounded on tin* north ny tin* iands ol Will Knox: mi the cast by tbi> hinds ol ('laud#* 1 ,rr : on tin' >oi;lli bv 'The I ,V-hle\ Martin }'la.■" :ii n "» the iv. -t bv the lands of Joe |{oh'(;i>, eorilam- one hundred thirty?>•; tlf.i icm more qr lens and being 4 ho aire prem i':s now occupied by .Inines -V liod : osii and u'l Y\u K"direi. in. 'I hi- the 2:ir i 1 :; \ ->f "\o\ en''ir»r I . A. I' I'' XMN'i. I m'tee Mil U K OF SAI,K I'llll■ • i and In virtue id' the aul'or ity contained in the power ol sale it'| a certain dt i d ol' tru«.t executed to the under trustee by SS K Whitley and wfie, Minnie W hit It*v on the 1 4 day of February, IWIO, and ol' iwonl in the legister of deed' oilu in M'JI . tin comity in hook M-l, pujje I'iH, s;.id deed of trust securing Certain bond, of even date and tenoi tlieiewith am 1 the stipulations .therein not hnwnf.' | l.een ron.plied V. til and :.t the rej ie : I of tin holder"and ounei of said ho'iil-, I will expose to pulili cauct iiiii on .Von lay iH'i'embei « r • t)i, 11121, at lJ:' l '* o' . 10. k .M, hi 11 otil "f li e i mil I In", 'i* do.'i in William t N'"rt> 'hi>>!in:;, to the highest biddi I foi rash tile fnl | j lowing newel died I; 111«1: ; I'ir t tract: Adjoining the pa>tur* i Well tract, of laud 0:1 the ninth, W .11 I W Intakcr land on tin- ea-t and south, « » *i m »111» rii-ck «»r I 11J * • \vc t. t'fl j taininj.' M7a ;u i i , limn ot l* i», :tf»«I I ! roMi|»iniil\ kiinuu;i. thr S" A **Y\ liit l«\\ 11; i«■ t »f Intnl. It ln*intf t h«* aim 1 pri'in ( I «-f% UpUII V\ H* jIN «'!' a t till* tlllM; ill let •!»*nth ! «»» fuil.ln'i « • ' H iVii'm i n»;i> i»» had In" iU-« ; «T «»I »•.- ; oml hi |> llMic n 1 11 > «'l Mart in *'oui , ty, Hon!: \\'X\, ]». k l ' U»ok, j pa;;«' ;.lso l»noks KKK. .»!!>, j I A \ i 4th H:iv of NovmlKM-, 1 If2l - n w sTrnns, Tm t«T. Hart Schaffner & Marx Fine Ovrcoatsat Special Holiday Prices There's the spirit of Christmas in rtessjjjbf Overcoat values; we're .uivinp- lots more than we Ret; much more than you ; give-. Smart style; fine fabrics; rich ■ colorings; Hart Schaffner and &S* Marx quality tailoring thi-ouph out. (JET "HIS" CHRISTMAS (JIFT HERE Neckwear Shirts Robes Hats (iloves Hosiery Collars Caps Mufflers Handkerchiefs Dress clothes Underwear Harrison Bros. & Company FOR THOSE WHO WANT THE BEST