Advertiser* Will Find Our Columns B Latch Key to 1500 ot Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBEK ; 1 Says State Officials Must Fay Their Income Tax I in 1 Hi.. -■ 1 1 11 ■■ 1 Jr Tho Commissioner of Revenue holds that, 'i dt. the income tax provision of tic is'.; i: constitution anil the stat ute enacted in pursuance thereof, all 1' !ite State including Justices of tho Supreme and judges of tt • • Sup.', it 1 i jnr'ts, are required to and 1 ;f. ii.fL'iiH- tax on their sal. rie.-. 'lhe v .xi.s; ioner holds Nljat this maitci i.u: no 1 >r been doe'ded 'mi. by tie S..pi nv.eXcurt. The .case of Pur ii'.'ll vs. I'. {•'?,* 1 13 N. C 125, does no' decide i. IK inly question present - 1 1.1 ~ . t_«e was the right of the Suite 1 th • salary of a Federal judge. . h rig it of the State to tiu. li e sa.' v' 01 a Federal judge. The r.ght of i Uit. to tax its own judge .d 'j. .- • .eii'is was not before th • ...Uit ii v:n i >t argU 'd. The State was n ."ty ov represented bi» it A, ton'i jrol. What is s aid in th> v.pinion en ne subject of taxing llv sal at ie- ■l' >'.ut.» judge* and ofli. ial are mci i. ol.iur ok. 1:111 —onl\ th MOWS of t'.» ' T er of the opinion. Fl>«. Commission _r dues not recognze that case a t k :.-g J.e mnt-r. Wlier. t;. vostiu: - .up rlv presented to nn.l ■ ''ii;e. 1; Supreme (,'ourt his de I ..rtinei t v. id , ' tout t ob"\ it. Ie c' ion. 1 nl' 1 th' 11, iiie department wit: ■ • dea ■ 1 ev 1 j l.guT way to >*•- II .e retu n nul (Ke.payt ioet of taxc ilua from -i'! the stvte ollic.a's wun lit 1 x ■ it ' 1., i i 011'er that all n'.ti.y 1 »ti. 1 'in t urouortioii under thi i.vA to " • L pp)»'l of the State gov -j e I'lTient he V-iJ'.i 'ii.-' el;.'l' dies I.'t th':,). tnM lovyi. ; tin .anie tax upon the •allies if .• •1' 1• • ",i 1 « 'u '« »• 111 oil .'ill* lilike :>■ »ny ntrri'it • ii t! 0 s.i' io ' ti ec 0,..cial • by-ih 1 I'gi-jrt'iro \ itl'in tin 1 leaning a;.u contemplation of the constitution. , >t«nogi. p ) rs, elcks :.nd othor .u --hurdinate > Hicials in the dillerent uf partments who receive a taxable sal ary are oipinoiTanil do lTst tin i' Sill priiv !i d -p:y ti.x t'.iereon. The high er 'ifio uls, from tiovernur in 1 'u,! . I'liil'l ; ■ I .11 do till' S .111 u t.ol A. I'. .V **v t"'>n misii'ioei 01 Tevenue 1 .ii ma uling returns of -state ollicials for 'tati? income tax seems to advance a good line of reasoning and we can v-e no tesoir why he should rtpt bp 11 tallied in law. \OTICB OF SALE I ndi i ana by virtue of the powei of sale contained in that certain deed of trust exeruted to me, .the uin lei • ';'n«d 1 'i'-' e by J. F. Jones on the 27th !a 01 September, 1919, and ol record in Martin county public leg i.-try in book A-2 page 26(1, said deed of trust securing certuin bonds of ev en date ;ind tenor therewith. And tin stipulations therein not having been complied with, and at the request o the holder of said bonds the umlei' c'friipd tii . iee, will oxposc to pul'ln auction, to the highest bidder for on the 1•! ;-li day ol' February, 1022, at 12:"» o'clock M., in front of the court Koiise ' Mir' in Williomston, North C. ridii . • following described la id: Itegirc I,;'- at the head of 11 brau'l nenii'W old ,>'>cco barn; htenee down pid brand' to & f'ritclier's lint thence aolag Wll on &" Critcher's line to Joe ft itlakei'V line] thence along hi.s line to tho public road; thence tip s* id ro ie : like oil aid load *ip posite th ibcco barn; thence,to the bed of I T rich, the bi ginning, con taining C* acre?, more or less. This -4th day of January, 1&22. li. 1)1 KK CRITCHICR, Truster. NOTICE: 1 II VVK MOVED MY JEW dry 'op to tie room adjoining l'onninr • Moor's ufllces over 'he l'roplc F".. i»V. Call on lue for repairs on watches, clod's and jewelry. J. L. TVel. ■ liAMEONE'S FiiEbiTATIONS TA.LK f-OUT A , JMOKE HUT YWON' RE PEACEFUL- EP YOU 61T5 ' HOL.' OliE r>EM SE-6ARS LAK WHUT PE STO-KEtPUh 6IMVIE WEN AH PAIP 'IM UP VIST iPtey.',' Ow»n»i. it 21 *» fccmw THE ENTERPRISE NEWS FROM IN AND / AROUND OAK CITY The Oak Cltv (traded School re -1 opened last Monday with a new Sup erintendent, MK Hilary Bowen. We are glad to have Miss Kstelh Wayne, the first\ grade teacher, back .with us again. iShe hrt» lie'n at hei j home ia Prince Edward County, Vir ' | ginia, since Thanksgivirg on accoun ' j of the illness of her mother. Mi. A. J. Manning, our county sup erintendent, paid agreeable call last Thursday, besides visiting eacl class room lie addressed the student body at Chapel exercises. Mr. Julius Smith has returned to Farmville after spending several day here. Mr. Hilary Doweii made a busines j tiri to Williamston..Saturday. r | Miss Eva I'eel of Ro' ersonvilie wa ! in town Sunday. 1 i Misses Ruth Hudson, Eelia Ynrboix ! Mr. Wheeler Daniel.and Mr. and Mrs. ' Early motored to Robersonvillc Sun lay -' ' . Misses Louise Scott, \ era llarrell ! Messrs. l'aul Hyman and Durwan ' ' Smith spent Sunday in Hamilton. Miss' Sarah Pollard i.nd Mr. Ruber i Everett spent Sunday in Hohgood. IITIX ENT7» AR A t.RU'H S / You gotta hiiinl it to Will Rogers ' I Sox h»': "I i|iiit the movies with the saute wife I started with.'' Most 01 '! 'em ipiit their wives with the same j movies they started in. ♦ • • • The fellow who can crank a Foiul ■ enr in winter and keep sweet, eouh"! lie down and let a pet snake crawl al over his nuked body.. • • • • I Joe the Ploiliier sys it doesn't pay to be crooked. Even the cork serev , .in out of a jol^. • • • • If you wish to avoid the annoyance of being pesteivd by your relatives, ' spend your money as you get it. * * * * ' I Longfellow wrote: "She knows hovv I much it is best to show." The mod 1 em maid is vindicating the poet's ob servation. -. I An editor was'murdeivit'in Arkan ■l sas anil the murderer W/Us sentenced ' to !)'.( years in prison, While a fellow I 'that killed a lawyer got olf with sever, years. Prospective murderers, pleast I take notice. 1»• • • Protect the birds. The dove brings 1 peace and the stork brings tax ex emption. • • • » Ono good thing about this bobbed [ ItUlr full, is that your wife can't- finrl I any hairpins in the auto. • ■ • • ,' ' The truant says when the baby ■ .-.wallows a .nickel call the i he'll get it. • * • • 1 ; | It takes til muscles of your mug . | to look cranky and only 14 muscles , I woik when you smile. /4 m m m ) ' It lon't look right. Here's EOl h . j with eleven I.E. D.'s wjhile lots of Us . j have to go through the winter .with- I out any at all. NOTICE OF SALE | Coder and by virtue of the authoi - I it> conferred to the Uiidersigru'd" trus k, I tee by a certain deed of trust executed [, | by' R. A. Lloyd on the Ist duy of May J 11H0, and on record in the public reg ' i.rtry of Martin County in book H-2, j ; page 141 to secure a curtain note ol j even date therewith; and the stipula tions contained in said deed of trust ' not having been complied with and at I the request of the owner of said note. I will on the 13th day of February, 1922, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door in town of Williams-ton, I N. C., offer for sal eto the highest ! bidder at public auction for cash the | folkrwing (lecfjribcd real estate; Bounik'd on the ast by a lot Ite j longing to S. R. Higgs Drug Co., o: I the south by the A. C. L. right 01' ; way; on the north by the Huff land, ! and on tho west a cross street, j containing one (1) acre more or less. This the 12th day of January, 1922. R. G. HARRISON, Trustee. j FOR SALE: ONE OLIVER TYI'E . writer, practically new. Will sell ! for less than- half price of new one Can be seen at Enterprise Office, tf ' SIX PIGS A HOLT 4 MONTHS OLD, 1 sandy, 5 white and black, marked the right ami unilerkeel in the left ear have been in my field about 60 days. Owner, please come for - them an Ipay costs and damage. C H Cowan. 4t, Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, FRIDAY. JANUARY 20th. 1922 MORE ABOUT 'LETTING OTHER FELLOW WORRY 1 Editor of the Enterprise:— / In your issue of the 17th you fir ricd an article "Let the Other Fellow Worry," which struck me very forcibly —This article speaks the truth from many standpoints, it even pictures ii) detail many god fellows of whom we have heard in the past. It gives us a picture of the ancient prodigal tliut threw away all he had and thJ fellows hit in the said article are only fulfilling the natural desires of men to have ease and pleasure and the re fori aie only following the natural im pulses. It may be in many cases that the clas sof people referred to liavi not had the opportunity in the lilt that the rich have had and therefor* ate not capable of keeping down thcii passions and staying in due bounds a. those who have always indulged tlici. desires for good tunes. After viewing tho other side of liu amrfollowing the grand cycles there of ww can discover another picture 01 mankind. We are talking about tl>» fellow that never owes. He stands 11 an entirely different class. He ha no need to restrain himself. He cat indulge himself and live suniptuousi; every day and under the laws of tin land and is entirely within the law ( l!ut perhaps there are other idea, that do not bear this idea up. Jcsu. said in Luke t>:.'tfi "lend without in to rest, never despairing." Some o ■ the lexicons describe this verse a.- meaning "Lend without interest, neve» ' taking away —the luipe ol tin —wm'lr ; and never doubting that Uod will \v/ ward your obedience." Nehemiuh ". Ins story of his conversion as a lead . er of the people of God in his com mandment against interest is thrilling and in accord with what Jesus said 01 the same subject. Ho rfuy* there arosi a great cry of the people ipid theii wives against their biethreti, tin Jews. We are oft- .ticliHt, and our vineyards and our houses (The true meaning of mortgage ,i» "death grip," and wheiutmen are un dor mortgage they can withoilt doubt fuel the grip. j. ... 5 ( There has always been a wide gult between the slaves and the master. One is made without thought, tin slave; the other by careful study )in diligent work. Roth exist for a few years and are gone. Men call them selves free and independent hut the) are not. Money rules' them. Sotvn of thosf ! in debt are hut little win si than those who are not. I nfortuila'e ly tlu> lower a man hows, under dob> the touder he lu«- -to call-for help am the higher file load of interest thai is heaped upon him. Many ol' thos unfortunates ai'e those wlio have gom to their ruin gecause they gave 1 mortgage on their farms that wa paid for in order to fix up their home for the women they loved and w In> deserved a better home. HOY Ad IDLNTALLY KILLED Scotland Neck, Jan. IH —As the re suit of playing with a loaded shot gu Robert llaislip, H years old, was slio and instantly killed Tuesday by hi brother, William, aged in when tin weapon was accidentally discharged SERVICES AT B.VITIST CHI ID II A. V. Joyner, Pastor Sunday School, !t;4. r i A. M.—J. t •Anderson, Superintendent. You wil rfeel better if you attend Sunday School and Church 011 Sunday. Sermon by the pastor, 11:0(1 A. M.~ Subjeet: 'Christ's Prayer ofr Himself. At 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, the pastor will preach,at Biggs -Selioo House. 11. Y. P. L\, 6:45 P. M. Sermon by the pastoij 7:30 P. M.- Rubject: "Ijost Strength Restored." Special services Wednesday even ing, 7:30. We exten dto you a hearty invitation to attend all sep^cts NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County, In the Superior Court. , Alice Brown vs. Herbert Brow 11 / The defendant above named wll take notice that an action entitled iK above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, for an absoulte divorce, and 1 the said defendant will further take 1, iioticc that he is required to appear liefore.the clerk of the Superior Court ■ in "Martin County North Carolina, on the 14th day of February, 1922, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the, plaintiff I will apply to the court for relief de manded fn said complaint, fc— ■ This 14th day of January, 1922. R. J. PEEL, . Clerk of the Superior Court I ' ' - - ' t I HAVE A FEW FINE PLYMOUTH ' Rock Roosters for sale. Thompson 1 Strain. They gj;e extra large ones and I are beauties ti HAYWOOD ROGERS, City '• ' -T - • Local News and Personal Mention / ________ Misses Sallie Harris, Carrio Dell White, and Rev. A. V. Joyner, Messrs. H. B. Hollaman and C. B. Holder at tended the Baptist Young Peoples' Union conference hold in Wilson to day. ♦ • r Mr. F. K. Hodfl®s went to Washing ton today. From there he will go to Raleigh. » • • » Mrs Robert C. Hogart ol' Washing ton is here visiting her mother, Mrs. Sallie Biggs. • • • • Mrs. Sallie Biggs has been ill .foi several days but her friend-, will bt glad to know that she is improving now. • • • • Messrs. J. S. Pyl and J. G. Godaril Acre attending to business in Rober sonville Wednesday. ♦ • • « Mr. and Mrs. J. W llight and son, Boyd, returned Wednesday owning from Tennessee where Mr. Hight went on business, • • • • Mr. W. T. Mendows has returned from Tucker Sanatorium, Richmond, Va., where he has been for medical attention. His many friends are glad to welcome him home and very much improved in health. ♦ * ♦ ♦ Messrs. E. Si Peel and J. D. Biggs spent yesterday in Plymouth. , MOHI.EY-BORKRSON At the home of their pastor Rev. A. J. Manning, Mrs. Lucy Roberson and Mr. Clias Mobley were united in marriage on Wednesday afternoon, January the eighteenth at two-thirty o'ctock by Mr.(Manning. Tiie m»rrittg4 service was quiet but very impressive and pretty. The only •atrenrtants WPJC Misses Sylvia Upton *hlW-nossie P4ge and Mrs. Manning,- Mill's. rte/. (ireen, brother of the lilTOe, NuuiMr. Herman Taylor, lm mf(lhtte!y>Wter the ceremony, Mr and Mrs. by motor for Wilson 'fmiT Raleigh to visit relatives. - Mrs. Mobley has resided ir. Wil liainston for the hist few years and for the last year has been an opera tor for the Williiiniston Telephone Co. She is very popular in the town and county as :i young woiniiii and as >in operator, Mr. Mobley is - i World War voter an, having served in the Tiit-itlet 11 Di vision and was one of those who broke the lliiufcnburg Liue. on Sept. .'tOth, 191 H. Mr. Mobley is also the only Williamston boy who received the Croix do Guerre and the I). S. C. for unusual bravery. Both Mr. anil Mrs. Mobley have a liost of friends in Wil liamston who will be glad 10 knotv that they will reside at their farm about one mile south of Williamston. They will be at home after January 2Kth. ' ■ / I'RESBVTFRIAN SERVK ES Rev, J. T. Wihlman will preach in- Ilnssells next Sunday morning and at Pannele at night. Sunday Schoo lat Peel School House and at l'annrle in the afternoon. TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB MEETING The Twentieth Century Club held its eighth semi-monthly meeting with Mrs. 11. M. Stubbs Wednesday, Jan. lltli. Study of Eafcadio Hearn form ed the general topic for the program for tho afternoon. A sketch of Hoarn's life was ron tribdted by Mrs. J. S, Rhodes. Mrs. Clayton Moore reaid some interesting data as to JapancsAl'eculiarities tak en fro in Joseph tjrk's recent book, "Japan at Firt Hand." Mrs. Titus Critchei; closed "the program with curivnt events.' De'rcious refreshments added fur ther enjoyment to a very, pleasant meet in.— Mrs. Clayton Moore, Report ■er. n.ITTLE KNOWN FACTS OF HIS TORY Milton wrote "Paradise Regained" after his mother-in-law dieiK • • • *, A blotter absorbs everything and givett- out nothing. Don't be a blot ter. • • « * The man Who«used to have his hair cut by his mother now hits who has his finger nails rut by a while the barber is shampooing his bair and the porter is shining hi.s shoes. • • • • Old Fiber Hubbard went -to the cdpboard to get himself a drink, and when he got there tho cupboarfl was bare, so he took one from the sink. • * • • After all,-Brother Zilgfield is the first man to succeed in making money on lis follies, / NEWBERRY HENCHMEN TO GET FEDERAL JOBS Senator Newberry's henchmen in Michigan who were indicted with him nr enow receiving; their rewards in • the way of appointments to prominent Federal positions, accordin gto a state ment made recently in the Senate by Senate King (Dem., Utah), who said: "I have on my desk two of the let i tors to which I referred. One of their, states that Mr, Henry ('. Myers, of Caro, Mich, who was indicted at Grand Rapids ,has been nominated for post . master at Cro one of the best paying offices in the county. The letter says: Is this a reward for distributing mon ey to gain a nomination for office?' "Myer's name will soon be sent t the Senate for confirmation. "Another letter which I have states: " 'I understand that five major Fed- I eral appointments have been made in Michigan under the present admini;; tration, and with otto exception, i.e., the collector of internal revenue at , of such appointments hav« been from the Newberry organization, and by that I mean men who were indicted with Newberry by a gram jury composed of 16 Republicans ami I 7 Democrats. Such appointments aiv . as follows: I " 'Karl Davis, recently appointed I United States attorney for the eastern 1 district of Michigan; James R. Davis, appointed prohibition officer for this state; Fivml Cronenwett, division pro • bfbition officer, with offices in this / city; and Edward ,). Bowman, district Michigan.' "It seems as though the President 1 of the United States, in making hi 1 appointments, is more interested in re • warding the friends of Mr.Newberry than the supporters and friends of th>- senior Senntor from Michigan (Mr. : Townsend.)" ' PENROSE LEFT QUARTER MIL LION IN. CASH IN BOX \ —— Washington, Jan. 12—There is much ' astonishment being expressed here at 1 the discovery today that the late Sen ator Hoise Penrose, of Pen n sylvan in, had $23(5,100 in idle cash in a safe ■ defosit vault in one of the hunks bore. Tho deputy register of wills of tin District of Columbia had been request - ' ed by the executors of the Penrose will ' to open the safety deposit box and it he found $28(5,1(10 in ensh, tin five SIO,OOO notes, tho balance in de nominations of SI,OOO, S6OO, SIOO, and ' sf>() hills. How long this big amount of idle money had born laid away in ' tho deposit box without drawing in ' terest has not been made known. / FRENCH ASK FORI) TO PURCHASE WARSHIPS Washington, Jan. 12.—The French ' government has addressed Henry Ford ■ by cable, asking if he would consider (the purchase of battleships. In an nouncing the request late today. Mr. Ford said lie had replied that unless he could buy the entire French Nav> ). he would not be interested in job lots, i No answer to his cable had lieen re reived, he said. PRICES ON FERTILIZERS The Fisheries' Products Company gives out their spring prices on fer tilizers. They ofl>r 8-3-2 ut 52-I.Sfl I r.0.8. Wilmingtor ano Norto'k, S-3-." i tobacco special at The f.eij'ht . i r ded will make thiol about s;i t'l'l per (on higher. Tht'f price on S-2-2 i i tt0.62. They require !•" per cent payment - lo accompany the o di-r and Mic bal anre to be paid ti"or the arrival el r the goods. The Fisheries ''> luci. . is very will kr.wi, i th; , eetinn of the i there k;** nian\ • stirk i.o* 'ers of t'l C 'inpm y scntter i ed. throughout the terriory. Ihe prices indicate that the ruling prices ol all guano will be about the same t as that for last year. NOTICE North Carolina—Mai-tin County, in • the Superior Court. Evn Humphrey vs. Pete Humphrey The defendant above named will ' take notice that an action entitled an above has been commenced in the Superior court of Martin county North I Carolina, for an absolute divorce, and the said defendant will further take notice tht he is required to appear be fore the clerk of the Superior Court i in Martin County North Carolina, on i the 18th day of February 1922, and r answer or demur to the complaint n filed in said action ,or the plaintiff s, will apply to the eourt for relief de manded iji said romplaint. This 17th day of January, 1922. ~ : R. J| PEEL, I , r , Clerk of Superior Court - " I*. REMEMBER I SELL 8-3-3 GUANO for plant beds at s.'t,oo per bag. e Quality guaranteed. If you want v; larger quantities ge« me for special /j prices. J. W. WATTS. u ' .i. * > —i. • Send in Contributions To I Wilson Foundation Now BRIEF SUMMARY OF INCOME TAX RULES WHO ? Single persons who had net income of SI,OOO or more or gross in come of sf>,t>oo or more. Married ' couples who had net income of $2,000 ' or more, or gross income of $5,000 or mo iv. : WHEN? March 15, 1922, is final date for filing returns and making 1 first payments. WHERE? Collector of internal revenue fo rthe district in which the person lives, or has his principal place ■ of business. HOW ? Full direction on form 1040 a ' and form 1040; also the law and reg ulations. ' WHAT? Four per ivnt normal tax 1 on taxable income up to $4,000 in ex cess of exemption. Eight per cent ' normal tax on balance of taxable in come. Surtax from 1 per cent to C 6 per cent on net incomes over $5,000 ' for the year 1021, TIN CAN BANK TURNS OFT TO BE DANGEROFS 1 Washington, Jan 18.—Here is told • how a Mitchell County man nearly lost s his money by putting it in his cellar, and who finally succeeded in getting Uncle Sam to make it good. In Wash 1 inyton yesterday was D. A. Green, cashier of the Merchants and Far mers Hank, of Hakersville. With him 1 he brought a mass of paper that had once been paper money. He was here to get it exchnged for money that would show itself to ba money. It appears that an old gentleman of Hakersville, whose name it has not been possible to secure for publica tion, took $1,196 from the bank in which he had it deposited about a year ago. He put his money in a tin can in his cellar. When he went to gel 1 it, the bills—for it was all paper mon ey—had stuck together, the dampness in the cellar making a solid mass of ' the $1,195. The Treasury, by some process, separated the bills anil gaVe Mr. Green new money. Kepresenta -1 live ltulwinkle took charge of the mat ter for Mr. (liven. I / NEW ANALYSIS OF CITY WATER Sent by M. S. "M oore, Supt., Watei I I wnrkfc. t Location: Williamston, N. ('. i Source: Mains Well, 230 feet. ——— Marked: Williamston. Collected: 1-13-22. Received: 1-14-22. Reported: 1-17-22. i Sediment: none, l Color—Platinum-cobalt standard, 0. I Turbidity—Silica standard, nonv. i Odor, cold, none. Odor, hot: none. In terms "f Calcium carbonate: s kaline. Chlorino: 90. " '' Nitrogen us nitrite: faint trace. Colon bacilli in 1 c ; c.:. none. Colon bacillia in 10 c.c.: none. J Total number of bacteria at 38 de green C. per c.c.: 2GO. y Total number of acid-producing bac teria: none. NOTICE OF RE-SALE ' t Under and by virtue of the author r ity contained in a certain ileed of trust executed by S. W. Mizeljo and wife, Bertha Mizelle to the under t signed trustee and bearing date of the 16th day of January, 1914, and of f record in the public registry of Mar tin county in book H-l at page 43. deed of trust having been given to J secure note of even date and tenor - therewith, and the terms and condi e tioiiH therein contained not having f been complied with, and a tthe request e of the owner of said notes, the under signed trustee will on Monday tht? 13th day of February, 1922, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door in n the town of Williamston, N. C., of fer for sale to the highest bidder f»r > cash the following described real «>*- II tate, to wit: » Adjoining the lands of Albert Rog e erson, Henry Rogerson and others, be ll ginning in a gum in Jesse Mjzell's line d thence a southerly directions nloi-tg e Henry Rogerson'a line to a light wood ■- stob I-. K. Rawls line; thence a west t course along L. K. Rawls* line to a n corner; a pine in the, run of thin branc d then up the various courses of the it run of the said branc hio the begin- AT ning, Containing thirty-three acres, '- more or less. This the 2tth day of January, 1H22. A. W. BAILEY,, Trustee. •t FOR RENT: FURNISHED ROOM— for particulars call phone 254. 3t [) r . FOR SALE: ALL ROUND HORSE it Good for plowing or road. Gentle d and in healthy condition. Satisfactory price. Sm Mrs. W. C. Manning. 1f v ' IF TON WANT QUICK RESULTS ÜBX A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 Mrs. Joasphus Daniels, chairman of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation for North Carolina requests that all the citizens in Mattin county who wish to contribute to this worthy cause will please mail their checks direct to Mra, Claytoon Moore, Williamston, N. C. t who is treasurer of the aMrtin county committee. There will be no solicitation of sub scriptions. The committee will not call on anyone for a donation. It should l>e a fre will offering on the part of tho men and women, of this county who believe In Woodrow Wilson and in the contributions he has made for the advancement, progress and peace of tho world. The idea has prevailed in some quarters that this is to ba a personal gift of the American people to Mr. Wilson. Thfii is not the case. It is to create a trust fund of oae million dollars, the interest on which is to be given to sach person or par sons in the future who has made some notable advancement or contribution to tho peace and welfare of the world. It will be a monument raised by the American people to one of the out* standing figures of all history. Let everyone interested in this great movement, send their check to Mrs. Moore at once. Martin County has taken the task of helping to raise money for the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. Our State Organization is headed by Mrs. Josephus Daniels and la doing good — work in most of the cities and towns of the state. Our good county of Mar* tin was Just a little lata in orgaaiz ing but we ara glad to say that we are now fully redy for the work. While our quota Is oaly two hundred dollars w emust something or we will not even reach that small amount When y» think of the meaning of this - fund—"Peace— we should feel inspir ed to put forth some effort to make it a success. Our children throughout the future generations will then think of Wood row Wilson as the He ace President rather than as the War President we get all tlie people to think in terms of Peace then there will We no wars. I)o not forget to send a contribu tion to Mrs. Clayton Moore. Let Mar tin County raise its full quota. Suppose each school raises a fuad of ns much as one cent i>»r peuptl. Even that much will help. Remember you are not contributing to Woodrow Wilson. You are con tributing to humanity an dthe cause of right and justice. All contributions will IKS acknow ledged through the Enterprise. ■ \ NOTICE OF HALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of truf,-t executed by N. R. Grlflln to the undersigned trustee, and bearing date of June 10th, 1919, aad ol record in the public registry of Martin coun ty in book W-l, at page 685, said deed of trust having been glv«h to secure tho payment of certain bonds of even date therewith and default having been made in the payment of said bond*) and the terms and conditions made in said dede of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the holdor of the said bonds, the undersigned trustee will on Monday, the 18th day of February, 1922, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., offer for salu at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described land, to wit: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and situate and being in the county of Mrtiri, and the state of North Carolina in the town of William ston, and being lots numebr one and two in block A on plat of land for merly belonging to J W. Watts ,plat of which Is of record in Martin coun ty, register of deed's office in book one page 322, to which said plat tor a more perfect deseripiton is here made. Also a map of survey made by R. A. Coburn May 80th, 1919, aad of record in the public registry of Mar tin county in land division book No. one at page 484. This the 12th day of January, 1922. A. R. DUNN INT», Trustee. FROST PROOF CABBAOE PLANTS —From our South Carolina coast and South Ga., farms, big stocky plants will stand very hard eold. Early Jersey, Charleston Wakefield, Succession, Flat Dutch, prepaid Mil, 200, .60, 400, 91.00; 1000, IMi. Ex press 2000, $3.00, 6000, $6.26; lOyOOO, IO.OO. Count and delivery guaranteed Parker Farms, Atlanta, Georgia. J LOST: "SUPERTTE" SILVER PEN cil. Has "Jack, IW," engwved near the peiat Retarn to Jatecftfse office aad reeeto reward. ,*• V v ;,- "" I *

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