• N. - • . . j The Peoples Bank SAFE SOUND PROGRESSIVE - | Offers every convenience to the people of Martin Comity for domj.'; a banking; busi ness. "The Boy With a Hank Account Becomes a Man With a Fortune Youne; Mian, old man, jret the bank habit learn up-to-date methods of doine; bus iness, establish bankin.tr regulations, so the hank may assist you some times. The i'c opies Dank offers thip ru'.e t'orsav- j iip;: "Spend less lhan yoil earn, deposit a " j part and watch your bank account urow. Notice how fast the litle money Rets out of your pocket. Your will appreciate your bank account some day, as it will you credit as nothing else can. ii Your business solicited. V THE PEOPLES BANK - t 1 I'I.IM'KNT P Ml)" ON THIK -DEPOSITS .J. i, Staton, Pres. .J. L. Jlassell, V. Pres. K. M. KuMk !: jr, Acting C.^iier V K. Taylor, V. l'ies. John L. Kod.uerson, Asst. Cashier . I ii January Sale! j •/' l! 1/ Wo have just rHirned I'nTo \'oi tin, rn markets. wliei eWe -Worn* hi •-(■(yci y t• !ITrvi't":ii:(l are i.o nm a,special Janu ary Slile. He low aie L .-»t'l seine special b'li.'ams, ( nine in to see us: I lot Ladiesv.ane Misses ser.ye dresses SI.BB t 1 lot Ladies' and".Misses scree dresses 55.88 Dross e.ine.hain and apron dindiam 10c yd. 1 lot o'i inch Ctinvltain 25c .yd. Yard wide yellow tinniest ic 10c* yd. Plaids, homespun, extra .u'ood 10c* yd. ()ne lot curtain scrim . 10c yd. 1 lot Ladies' voile waists . 50c * 1 lot Ladies' voile waists Bc 1 lot Ladies' and-Alen's hose _ 10c pair 1 lot children's ribbed hose 12 l-2c pan 1 lot children's i \tra line ribbed hose ' 25c pair I lot boys'extra heavy rihbeil hose, Msc; o pi for Jj?l v Plot Ladies' tan shoes, rubber heels 52.50 1 lot Men's tan n ress shoes, rubber heels . $3.50 One 10l Men's d«'oss'shoes . . *• $3.25 1 lot Men' 3 hea\y work shoes • $2.98 1 lot Men's imoo heavy overalls !)8c • 1 lot Glen's heavy Wot k shirts 78c - 2 lots.Men's dress shirts >. 88c and 08c 1 lot Men's sweaters .. 08c \\'e are offering Tots of other mood bargains that are too numerous to mention. We only ask fhat you come to see us, even if you do not want to buy. Harrison Bros. * , & Company FOR THOSi: VMIO WANT THE ItKST NOTICE ' By virtue of power vested in me bj I! a certain dee! of Hurt executed to int | on the 16th day of January, 1915, b\ Alack tlogira and wife, Laura, and which i* duly recorded in the office ol j the regi.sOer of deeds for Martin coun 11 ty North Carolina, in hook I'UU at 11 page default ha', int? been m'adi 11 in the payment ol _>he bond c-euria thei' in, upon request of K J Shiehi-' j the hold> i and owner of an> bond, 1 | will on the "1 t day of January, .fW. sell fHi a h at public auction to tin' ' highest bidder in tlie town of Oak til; I North Carolina, ii■ front ol the pot I office at 12 o'clock M , the iollnwnij j described land, to wit: ! A certain tiact of land, lying ai. I being in Martin County, North i a. I olina, beginning at Claia Lnirh'; cm ] n i, in the run of Middle .Swamp, am j runniiiK S. 1V 1-2, W ~M poll's, tin i j S7u 1-2 VV l.'iH poll- , linn S •'!•! i 01. | then 1. 12 poll- , then N 71 E J>" j | pult., to the edtfi- of the held, Uuu_ j ' N 4K 2 i 1! >•) pole . to the 1111 > o j Middle t'leck, then op I lie -aid cicel j 1 to the lir t station, coot,lining in I Ij acres, mole oi I (vs. This the 2-' lid day of I lercluber, I \V, (j ANTHONY, 'I in I.e. |i| ™ 77 !» i I inter and by vrtue ol the potto, I of sale contained in that coitum net' . J of tiust oxvcuteil by I . 11. (nMiV.ii ( i | and wife Mary Pendleton (nidv. in t ( j the undi r.-igned Trustee and bearing j | date of .lanuarj 1.-t, ltlfli, ami id re i j cold II I look M-1 at page at) 7of tin I Martin • ounly Publi* Registry san I deed of tru. t having btvn given to se ! cure the payment ol certan* notes o. | even date tln ieuil.lT, and the term ,( and condition.-- therm contained no? I | having;, bun complied vflt h, ami a ! | the i'ei|Ul St of the holder of the -an li j notes, the undesigned liu.t-ee nil; ij on Mondaj the 2.'i rd tlav of Jaouut;. ' l'J22 at 12 o'clock M., at the court | i l ouse door ol Martin t uunty at Willi j amnion, N C offer for sale at publn j 1 uucUui, to thu liiddei tor cash j j the following parcel, ol land sltuat' i | ; f ' o'intv of Maltin. State e 1 | North I'uiolimi and bounded and de |1 .;ci ibed a.-> lolh/W.-, to w it: 1h st trait. I:•: 1 a tou n lot, he i i till ill)',' .»l ' 11. 111 roll H'l "i ' f.ycann re .Stud, limning tlience a long ,-ani -ti.et o2 1 2 kct to an 11» i | stub, a corn r; tlienc a northea course parallel with Main Street t ( ' jJ. A 'leel'.- line theme along .-a | Teel'fi. line to J. 11. Mi/ZI la s line, I tin nee a southwe.-l couise along .--an. "! Ml/.elle's . line "and others to the be I ! ginmngl Col.t a irrrrg~ i ini-tht I - 11- I. j acre mini" or le ami In 'ing a pait o 1 la l"t vvhall va,-- deeded to K 1., 'nut I | in |,;. J. Even tt, COlllO. which I tlcOll iS'oi lei old 111 the poiillc liegs J ti\ nl .\Ja 1 lan I ountj. . . . j .Second Tiiict. lleginnig 01 .'I ill . .Street, William-ton, N ( 01. tie - ' s.iiithwe.-t coiner of M. li. in'.- half-acre lot. I'l janh on Main .Si and d'i yard.-? dc"p; I lie j-outoce-t ' ! | erly along-/Main Street 2a ;."at»l - to- Ma toh, tin me .-oolllea tci-1., .1.1 ;.,lil.- | (parallel to-the soiithvte-l .bono l-ji/'y. { 1 line .'I ,M I!.. iMi't inn an'- i'la-ii acic ioi I T * 1i a line pattrlhd* nn th -,Vl.;ni . Ajjjiil — I thVrn ~1 1 !h. a -t. 1 1\ ~ ale, I* -id line I . M I!. Met lov. an - - half .■ i i III' I. .■ north.Vl' It'll' .Ih 1;IU M ('i I VJcleiw.an's half acre li t • ■ ; 11 d.- I to' I'u oe,-.'lining. oil' I 111' 111 llletnil' f 1 1.. an acte iooie 01 '- 1 tll d i'i act . I lei lie. lot 111 I lie ToU j 1.1 V ,!l:m to|,,N. «" , i'lW belli;' f a lilt I |I "1.,, -C ile-ci llied i 1 ' a !' eI "I inn j ' " i. 1 1. 1 T '■ -j-1-1.1..1' ,n, v. 111 . , I, »,! 1.. oL t c'o .1 in i■ ok 1- i ll.''. p. gi '1 of the Mai I n juint\ pnhli. I I .... tlx at •> i ■ I'e t ij\ I ell I I I'd t I J ,1■ ■ i inadi a part lieiv n lot the pot j II . e e l ' .-.ln AN nig the no'.llniai i - " j j II e land 111 I chv lilt"' 'l' ' to lie , o'. ;: uMii. Al the t inie and plai 1 1 tent on. '■'( i tiie al" ol t li.' .'•• i 1 til' , tin uiiik'r igra d Triune,' will offer at public sale to .the highest* bidiler loi j cash, the following peisoii.il property to-wit: { Ten (In) shared of tlu» I'np'tal Stock of The Citizens N'.n una 1 l.ank | of llaltiuiore. Ten 1 In) shares' of the Capital I Slock of the Am.'lran lAchang.' | National Hank of tiieensbmo, North i Carolina. j This the 2nth day of Oecemhe.' l.L'l. jl[Signed) A. It. 01 NNINC, Tru.-tee NOTTCIC t»l' SAI.H | I and by virtue of the authori ly vested in mo in a ertan chattel mot tag efiom 1. It. Strawliridge dated j April 27th, HKil and recorded in tin I public reg -try of Maitin Comity in . IJook numlmr 4ti ut page 41-1, 1 w ill sell to the highest bidder .for cash at the iilount Manufacturing Plant in •U tllianisiini, N. C. at 12 o'clock M. 011 Monday Jan. 9th, l»iiii the follow | ing deacriboU personal property, to ! wit: ! One lluick Fiva Passenger Automobih j b»'ing the same car sold to L It ' Strawhri4ge ..by F' K Hodges. This tht 17th iiay of Dee. 1921. •11 B.JtAY, Mtgee. AI>M 1 N*ISTKATOM'S NOTICF Having i|iialifl«xl.as administrator ol the of Susan J. 'Tetterton, do ) ceased, late of ashington County, N C , this is to rnvtify all persops huv - ing claim sagauist the estate of naiil I dycentjcd to exhibit tlifin to the tin | dersigned op or before th» Ist day- I of ,lanu»r.vlß2U, or this notice will i be pined in bar or their recovery. This CUh day of December, 1921. E. W. I'KTTKItTON . Administrator of Susan J. Tatter ton, Plymouth, N. C. H. V Austin, . Attoi-nay. SHOE REPAIRING PRICES CUT IN HALF Come to ree u.; and bo coiftiuteil. Ltidiei.' half stili j, aOc and up. (.«•.-1 tlemen's, •; c up. Childivii'.-. in pro J pOition. Mud oidfti: given pro:: pt aij t exit ion. Addre- EXPERT SHOE HO 1 Williamston, N. ~C. » NOTICE OF SALE > I nder and by viitue ol' lie; power | uf iule contained in a certain i'eod j ■ if Tiu.it u\w it> il ti? the viin:i.-ited trustee by I . >ac Mizcllv and Vtun iej Mi/ file on till; 27 td: n. ' t,' l!»21, . ecurinii teituiii note - ol ever late and U noi thei With ai. i i'.c.,:ut«J. in the public regr ti ) ol :11 till '..e.lity; in liook li 2 al page '■'••••j ami thej tenor, and conditiiMis tl ell in .o.'.t.'.n d not ha\ ing bet." complied v..t • , and at the I'l ip.int r> tile bolder 11m \ 1 aid note-, 'he undersigned trustee j will on in*. ' 'th da) ol .-i.-uai >. I'J22 , 11 12 fl'i ioc!- ?.! the ' •• ii ,e in W Ili. •>.. to. , >. V' ol i flu ,itle to the lig'oi t hidoni lo n al, ,allele illation, the 'TC ' I .>'' ' ,eid e.-tate. to Ait: l!i ginning at a gum innl :. it » '> lie.' 11l Til ill Hi alien, iUno i ' .1 coin,-e to a slob ill t*i' ■ . .o '/ii 1 ■ nne, 111.'flee a 'north cour.ie wn t,'i VV. M Mizelle line in. I A. \v -i 11 lice .'ill ea.-t I ll,r e \\ 11n ... 'i. llaiU-y to ( lull lie Wn.tf.. hi e/i - r,' line lo :i coini'l in J. lliiiley i r.', j iheiice with said VVhitf»\'l«i inn to a j corner in" Thin lJrauch, th'-in's vrli •ahi branch to the bi',;ii;iiing 101.1.m i -1 ..ng ti" acres mi"" or le-s 1 the 19th (lay of Dec. I'. . I ii, t., In. tii Elbert S. I'cel atuiiiiey. NOTICE H \ ITA IIMI N I Noitli Caroina m vl a i tin 'ounly James I! Itoliel.-01l " | —vs . • 1 lv Eiehberg, 1 l ading as '1 he VV il ;a,n- , Inn I'J jiiihing—'Hid ll' 'I '";-, ' i. Tin' above nuuied d'. l■ mlaiit \. iIJ ! j .iike notice tiial a summon. 11. loe . ..hove entitled action is-ucd a; ... t .aid deleiMhint on the Mb u...> . I' c. | 192J, .li> ii J. Peel, Clerk ol uii i Itecorder's Court of Martin > unty,!| North Carolina, fo ittKZStnujiij ; da, duo -aid Plaintiff, by uiiou!-l,|| which said suiiimoiis la letuinab e he- j fore .--aid Court on the 27tu o, . ol 11 January 11)2i, ami Uie DcicinUa t mil | ah o take. Jioti'.e that .i .wario: t ol ' .ittaciilin nt Wile lSsliC'd by flnd court on the I .All day ot DcceluUji 1.21 against the propel ty of the cai i •!«- j j t'endiinl, winch warrant i:> ret-.i.iia. le J into said Court on 17tli day ul Jai .j| l!»22, when and whom the i.i»td oe j feiid'nit is reipiiivd to apjiea l aniil an.sv.tr of di'iiiui to the compli.,: al or I ; | lite i« lie/ licin.'.inlcil v. ill iie gunl. .. j li. J. PI I il • i. leik of liecintier's Court, eg to Civrsjl ... - . I . NO IH i; 01 SA EE I mlii' and, by vrrfue ol the i ii\ei | ■ uf * ale colli anion ir_Llii.Lt ci'itum m.ed II ol 111: i (":ecul.'d lis iViie;, .'int mny I r.iL wife. M i. I.oai i. Ai Jo.. io| .In Ullilt I - igi.l ll II J. ice, .lint I l l illy dale of 2'itJi day of Septeniiiei .InS, ami of record in Hook O I ni p. "e 11 (til of the Martin County Public j; {I isiry, said tleed of tiusl haw: . I en given to seen re the nayn iiiL i > • i jn laiir imti s of even dale tlici i'v it... ...nl I the ii'i ins mid cniidilioiis thern 'im- I laiiied ni thaviiig he n co.np!;i I v\" !. j and iit the li'ijut'-'l ol 110 ho!,' i.I | T said Hollas, the tilde t-It' In. I lie t> . . will I'll Monday till" 2. in 1i..,. I l . ..'I l I m y P.rj'j al 12 DVI.I lv M . . I « j court IIOII.m tioiiv ot .ii tin- ( f'.J "I j VV 1111 i 1111 st e 11, N. I'., li I'll 1 fol J . ! the highest' bidder I'm cash, t.« '"' j! lowing de.-eribed pro pi rt\ to \ il. That cfitr.in tt'act oi pa-»'ce! : .u • I-' situato ill the State of North Cat in..) County of Martin, and being the tract , >f land known as Lot No. ho, t,n llvnian land, in.nl fully deuM ii»• .1 in , the niiip of saitl laud '.v l ici: . - up. tt -I , nil in the Public Registry of .ti, i in (anility in Land liivi.-ion I took N >. t it pagv 11.10, refi re:iet« to which sa.o | map is hereby made A i a liel l i >i. | 51'l'iption of-saitl land; -aid tract con |j holder of .--aid bond the uiideisi; ne ij trustee will expose to jiublic ructim; i on thp .'tilth day of Jitiunuy, li»V2, m 12 o'clock M., in front of the intir' house door of Martin County to tin j highest bidiler for cnsli, the follow og dcsv'i'ibt'd Inntl: Hoainled on tlie north by tilt' hum i of S. ,1. r». Aiiire, W. O. Mm* l ' iii.>•' J the lieui.ijs Simmons l.uinher Co., *n I the south by 11. S. Davis, on the .ft.-t ! by VV. Jackson Holliday and \\ '! Mizell,.contains -16 acres mote or h Tim; the i.Utli day of, Dec., 1 !•'' . C. W. MIZELL, T rush >3 J| When a merchant advertises his ov n gootls he expects to kling peop'-J v. town. He is not selfish. -He know ■hat others will get pal-t of the Pen efit. Cot your next supply of coal from ID I i Ciurganus & Son. FOR SALE: ONE SMALL RIZEH 1 -uiule v Cheap for quick cash sale. I See S. C. Rayj Williamston, N' C. tic FOR SALE; IIC»GS, COOD CONDI Uon to go into peanut fielils. 10c, 12 l-2c and 15c. J B Che'rry and Ilro. I'hofte 6, Williamston, N C. 3t , rT * j If you save your pennies the dollar? Jwjll take car* of the lawyar who' t bwats your will. !g >.lilliHlif ■■>!! IW I— aJM—MM—I li in i one eleven Bui Ci^ir^ teS r T/irec %I?.M [l)l Fnt tully A -//1 111 i-. Gentlemen Jjli&X gf Hade to SuitYourTaste V't hive for years entered to the cigarett# smokers of Americ i. W.th (hit *«perier,ce. we created One Eleven "111'' —"Made to Su't Your Tjtte,"of the world's three grutctt cij .rttte tobaccos I - TURKISH, lor Aroma * I VIRGINIA 'or Mildness I - HURLEY, for Mellowness We naimd them One Eleven—the address of our v home office. We are proud of their success. Have You Tried Them ? Bfc'2o ff.s ;^.v, A 111 FIFTH AVE. " Mil NIMf T««M CIIV \L|'m i— ITT I ' " ' 'TTTw*— BMg" —Tucker & Clark Co. I JUST RKEIVED | . - [ . " BKST CAR LOAD .MCUvS . KVKK SIMIM'KI) TO \YIL •LIAMSTON. KYKiiYI'»()I)Y SAYS SO, 1.1 T vor COMK AXD SKK FOU YOIkSKLF I Hi! CHS ivl Uri\ ALLSOLI) I XDKi: GL Ak- ANTKK. * ■ • : Dif. J. F, THIGPEN \\ illiamston, N orth ( arolina — . Give Your Money ! The Resped: It's Due . I • " Your respect foi: money will increase when you see what your dollar wilL-buy at this store during this January Clearance | Sale. I Extra grood (liiality apron gingham 10c i Rest grade Sea Island ..., 10c j Rest grade outings "J 14 l-2c I Percales " 10c I Men's dress shirts, values to #2.00 . ......87c 1 lot of men's shoes • $2.98 ! 1 lot of ladies' shoes, values to $4.00 SI.9S I 1 lot of ladies' shoes, values to sl2 $3.98 A trip store will be well rewarded. _ Tlte above ar£ not merely leaders but every item has been cut to the core. Ask those who trade here. MARGOLIS BROS. AND BROOKS "Your Money's Worth or Monev Back"

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