\ertpers Will Find Our C 'ujj/iid a Latch Key to 1500 of §Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 104 Negro Kills Wife; Then Turns Gun on Her Sister Satiuuay nigut about eight o'clock! Entmu it i.aatnj and her sister, Hat-1 to Liu.;. n. were returning iionn iioi.i! iownt own and when within a few | ;. ai'us ei n.eir home was stopped by v Hums, the huib'iril of Em ma, win- :• .ted that wo wanted er eon - • versatile with ids wife. When asked| to go on to the hou.;.' wl.eij they I could _§it down ho attempted to i.ni | ;JI i,-' i a pistol and begun fir j in?. One ; hot struck i.is wife tr» t>l sight. : ' , >ae in the arm and a third I {•.razee, in r face. She ran about fort> | \ a ret ; t.i the house of a neighboi an | died within five minutes after h-jin- j • ot. : .itier girl was struck iicai 'he cC.ci 1 i ! tie buck abyut six in. he I below lii-r .i.-ck and.alter being he. ■ au. r.ii. to thi ntsi'ti .»ee of W. C. Manning, . lien she was emplo/cd, .foie ? I. In. HI ode* made ar . in 'in , . 4U in: lion 'u.t could not! h ate l . . 'T?'. but from genera. in ! atn i; t' ' {. I I it pi'', ced tin- rijli ■ aig • '■ 4 sonic where in the 1 . ij Irl ■-. t'ti r coming fi>m undi i I tne hoi'- • ..pyi'ui-i-. to re.it well] .r i le iul fever developeil ;:n | lae * -1: t. quite uncertain. Williar. . i'.i i e.-eape, going up I ... i.»i. .. i , '.u. Ie wa> held-up b\ i cos • ' -re ts win' liatl been no j liiied by /hone und they exchang i i sev. i.i. (it.-, out he iiuide a seconi i get. a'.v. 1 . Mid was not heard from again 1U.'.1! uiid.iy afternoon when he I \ int to I i wboi le of a colored mar 1., .-it- Kt i. u\ i, i e and - asked for an i ('p;R#.tva to rc.-t nti.l .Jeep. Of -r, At . ncs oi. Uooui.lOttville ai | ■ u'l.i ' .I t • 1 ■ no-, in the c ,n ; I ! jail. '■ iliatis is lroni Km. am. v, as mi.'iJiCle eight ye'ai's ago aim 1 two i ,-. He and V.i fumij I hav l.ved ia for ' some, time bat Jo is s-.e ' liave tieen '..-r> cruel to f. i.rn t >"' '• rxte-nt :h;.t -npTWiiywww- I f. to have hint mi o. casioa.. vbout a month ago .hi 1 it hit.i >i,.» raw here -to live .v.jtli 1 -I' mot 1 ' , step-father. William followed* i in a Wee and lias bee-n working; ,>u the highway since and 1 \!ii>. ; i . y with hiu family. Mi h;u> W3( iiii d .to be anxiou - to return to Raich; ■ . ■iwever, an dwhen refii.c.i by his wife to 'live with him otliei tiuui lie ■ I■' r her people'll" thro it (. .|" he I s'e\ ei a I tines. I. t x.ill'i.t • ■ i.- *WS ai hecau-e 'll I would not i' , with hint a-d .ho ur . - i;> lri"Wi> tm other mn-.i -fl-vy fur thp rune eoul«l have pfgv«i4*-| ee. "Hut' t1 —-wiiinan killed ami 111« one ..l ot ii. tmustially ijuiet and ;o J du- trioiis in ioe . Williai i:id Ilis b.'trrs packed in rt tiMfie > ~-_;e,tve Sunday moinim':, a l he Stated, fi Kinston. lie hfid stoi I ei t)u* !w -lit hi. father-in law had, I a 1.,0 his ; i 'I, 'lie one lie did the j vjiii, and had bought car tndges f,/> n.Uio Jloyr Mnrdware" t"n.r| oi Satui- 1 n' al lof wliieh would in 1 djeate that he had his dot d Well plan I nod. M'.EII i » 1 SHIPS TO CATC 11 KIM Kt NKEKS j I»i ohibitioff nforcement conditions in; North C.. o'iea are improving, Mr. j K> hlois, Stale pruliilioii officer state,s.. lie state ti at over »>0 stills weivj seizcti ia the >t..tv ilurmjf the past) month. The >• Hi• • f enfoieenient dif j fieu'ty »ilo:ithe North and South ! Carolina -or I are th e.uni runner.-j oreiatinc fi-m Nassau in the Da-j haiiiab, t; liiiec'or said. "If 1 had a couple of .submarine! eha-ers, 1 e. aid japtutv so much li- s ci'ior that Ur; \ouldn t know what' to do with it." F'»U fs-V .I HKAVY ToßAC(' n ' m h. ( H. Cnr.stwi'phen & Co. | * jlAtiEOf! S HEDiTAfIONS Tt CLt tvA,NS MN FOLKS OINALLt' FETCML-S LONG ! "" A PECK 'O' TATERS WEN DEY CJ.'AES T' VISIT wE - ALI. —P.N PEM OEY--j . STAY' I oNG 'NOu6H T' ! EAT I* A BUSHEL^ m Copy-itM. mo b) McCura Nonptpw lo Hlllfc • . /*-- j THE ENTERPRISE ALABASTER SERVICE I - AI ROBERSONVILLE A very pretty and impressive ser-1 j vice was held in the Kobersonville Baptist chuich Sunday night. The! ; church had been decorated with ever- J greens and ferns witli potted "plants |to help in the appearance, i tie hou e J was tilled with people and the newly ' organized choir which war- ju.sl -t ai t injr out in tlie work, nad >een trained | by Mrs. T. A. I'aUick. wr.s aft at then j post of duty. j Rev. A. Corey .[ Jao esvillc who 1 a • been supo • a i jjtne ci'irih sm i .N.nember wa.- with a.- :v.ti took !r> j part of the well-arrant? I [ They rendere da modley of ..oni;- ai.d | I 4he scripture lessen was .• -.al, then j the evening offering was take i, aiei 1 a special i-ormon fiem the text in , NumU'i' 10;2'J: "Come Thou W t!i l">. We Will Ho lhee (Jood." A speci-ii j duet was rendered b\ Messrs. Olevo ! land Tayloi ami T. A. Patrick, afte: f whicli Mr. Corey explained the pur i po e and plan of the "Alabaster Ser I vice." A jft'eat number of button-hole| i bouquets-had been prepared of ever-1 ! green with a bow of white ribbon ami I | pins for use and as they wi re ar ranged at the front of the rostrum any and all who wished to express i their appreciation of any favor or | kindness from any otliei person were requested to come and,get a bouquet ami fn and pin tin nine on such per son as a token of appreciation of such kindness. More thaa two hu'n -dred-4iuik(uets were used ami a great number of people wont to others and spoke to them a an appreciation of t)u-r fuvoi'. A gioat mimber of haiul kerch]" fs were . eon in u e removing tea 12; nf joy anil gladm'ss. A gii'iit many who had never.tak ee an) interest ill church work bel'ori w ere among" the first to inove and ex press ttiomsvlves with oouquets. AH "present expressed themselves pleased with the service and though they did not know what such a .service was, weie heard to say that' it was the best •en ice they had ever attended. Mr. ('"l'ey who ha been with ijs for several weeks "will finish his slip ply'work next Sumlu.N. and has an riinmced his subject- as follows: Koi j the morning hour the subject will be t "The. New Itiith;" and at tlie night .-.en ice the "I'npardoaahle Sin." Hi, J will use a chemical demons-tratiou j at night showing the power of sin to | darken the life, and the power of Crate to save. Our people have Indeed enjoyed tin sen ice of Brother Corey and regret t that I||' has to leave tl . - Reporteil \J THI: .\rm* NIGHT mnr [ We are' in receipt of a letter pot mailied at Williamston and signed "A flirl Friend." The trend of the let ter was a warning ag.finst so mud j night riding by young girls at late * hours and reference was made to tin ; seeming thoughtlessness of the oldet i people in allowing it. We cannot print j the letter in full but we nevertheles ! feel the need of more restraint and ; care. One of the 'most common cause.- of murder oclay is automobile shoot ing. Men take women out driving i and .«ome suspicious friend or lvlative ■ comes along and somebody is killed . The best cure for it is to atop so much night ruling. A /jAMESVILLK ON THE MAP /The smoke house was unlocked at .lupicsville, Saturday the 21st. The first herring of the season was caught. | The people look forward to the fish ing season with much" interest as th. | ind-ustry is of considerable impoi-t --j ance to them, it not only mejui- a ! good supply of the best-food at cheap prices but it also affords a fair in- I come, to the fishermen of that lerri- ! tory ' - y STILL CAPTI KEF) \ Hugh Pitts, of brought ! before U. S. Commissioner W. C. Man- I nipg by Deputy Marshall John | It. Williams on the charge of manu facturing liquor and bound over to the 'Federal court to be held in Washing i totr April fßth Uncle Hugh is sixty | three years old and the, old negro I made a desperate effort to. escape barefooted in the snow when his "sins j were found out and the officers on j duty were to bring him f to trial. 6 J The only explanation of Tanlae's j great succeits is Tanlar's true worth, J Sold by J. 8., H. Knight. FOR SALE? ONE OLIVER TYl'E writer, practically new. Will sell for less th»n half price of new one Can be seen at Enterprise Office, tf T - I Williamston, Martin County. North Carolina, Tuesday, January 24th, 1922 BIG QUESTION NO W IS WHAT TO PLANT I Remember first the old ruie about something to eat, it has never noen I found untrue and leaves us independ ! ent. Then comes the crops we are j best able to handle. So far a.; what j the price of any particular crop will be this fall, no one knows. It is'sel | dom that all of our leading moneV | crops, cotton, peanuts and tobacco, all sell well the same season. Yet there are fow years that any one of them brings a fair price. We generally try to look well to the law of supply and demand which should be the base governing price but that theory has been largely set at naught by the experience in tin last cotton crop, a shortage of 5, 00(i,(lii(l bales in the face of a growing consumption and yet cotton prices fail |ed to respond. The rapid spread of [the boll weevil did not affect them, even though the nr-rthern limits have been reached and we have no new territory-to open to cotton" after the weevil has gotten full possession. Thi peanut supply seem to be larger and though the lust crop showed a alrge yield in bags the quality was pool and trashy. The peanut grows in a bundatice in the boll weevile territon and can take the place of cotton. I . this should occur the peanut supph will be large and prices will not Iwv i much chance to IK 1 high. However, the good grades of peanuts will hard ly he grown in that territory and oui • own fui'mi'i'.s who raise real pcaiini and take care of them, a thing whirl has almost stopped, may expect a fail price for them. Tobacco frequently gets us in debt and often gets us out of debt. It a substance of no intrinsic hut of "nigh commercial value and is valu able because people want it and not because they need it. There is some uncertainty about the' supply of to batco miw on hand. It is quite tru " that the production of tobacco ha been very largely increased wilhin tin last few years aifd it is also true that the Consumption has also increased but the public does hot know the I"'" portions nor do they know the need for this year, consequently the I'ai mer does not know just how to pro ceed. Still there is one lesson tin farmer- should have learned by thi time ami that is that' a small goo, crop is always better than a I'liV' poor crop. Then why take chance by spending too much in laboi m expenses on a large acreage who feWer aereii .with more utteniiuii-xv.uiih . produce more income. From all in "dications there is no special ivasoi, for farmers to j>o tobacco era> am plant enough to .seed price below tin ci, t nl production. HI: PLEASANT TO % THE STKANCER your gates. Lots of times thatls fine of the best investments you evei m ade. Ju.-t think what a boom a town would take if everybody in it made ii pleasant for every stranger w ho show ed up. The v trouble is that so many folk grow careless in this as in lots of other thihgs that ought to le looked after. This is a mighty good time to start a new policy in the town-building game by never saying anything iliout •your''town unless it is omshutieTir *our town unless it is something t'oodv f Thih will work in neighborhoods jo t 7 as well as in town, and your neigh Besides that, you feel mean aftc bor will return the compliment, you have done a mean tuck whether it is saying mean things about some body or otherwise. So why not keep pleasant and do good al 1 the ti.tie when it is so easy ? Try. the suhshine route aw hile, then. Tile - tax Ts off now and-there is plenty of room aboard. —Sijofire Spring, .( Ark.) Herald and Democrat ' ('OR KESPONDENCE COI KSE FOW TEACHERS Teachers and those wishinfc to teach have the opportunity to take the Uni velsity Correspondence course foi teachers. This will be much less ex pensive than attending a summe; hchool. Those interested ° and many of them should be, can correspond with Pi o. Chester I). Sriel!, Director Chajiel Hill N. C. I*/»ST:- A 'SI PERITK" SILVER PEN cil. Has "Jack, 1021," engraved near the point. Return to Enterprise dffice and receiMa reward. SIX pA,Js ABOUT 4 MONTHS OLD, 1 sarLv, 5 white and black, marked the rignt w«.l underkeel in the left ear have been in my field about CO, dajis. Owner please come for them an lpay . costs and damage. C H Cowan. . 4t f - Local News and Personal Mention uT Dr. Yei-non A Waid, of Roberson-, i ville it} a business visitor in town - j »\\ * » * • ■\ ' s Mr. Will S. Rhodes of Hamilton I' ii in town on legal business this mom . ing. ] Mr. John R. Williams of Elizabeth , City and\W. J. Manning of Bethel, , were in town this morning on bus i:.ess relating to their positions as , Rewnue oracers. i}, *' . » * Mr. Hollowell. L'nited States Cov , eminent representative from Rich mond, was h«e last week adjusting inheritance taxi problems for some of our citizens. % 1 \ * * |- Attorne) ElbeA S. Peel is in Hob good this wtek on legal buhiness. •\* * \» • Mrs J. W. (light spent Sunday in Rocky Mount vith hei daughter who is ill at St. Mary's Hosjjital there. I , . * * * * Mr. W. T. Hunter is at home from I ! tiohlsboro to visit |iis family for sev eral weeks. ** \ ' Mr. and Mrh. James Durfey ol Norfolk are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton'-. Liverman at their home on Church s,reot. • • • * «... Mr. W, Henry Hardisorkof Rocky _ Mount left yoxtorday .after\ viwit tn his sisters, Mrs. J. W. Watts\ul Mrs. W". 11. Crawford. \\ • » » • Mr, and Mrs. Marion Inge are vis visiing relatives in Rocky Mouid\and Tarboro this week. ♦ • • * The Enterprise acknowledges wi'Hi thanks thft, visits of Stephen E. Man'a ning, W. Rogerson,-J. M. Hope _,welL A. F, Tfltj'lor and H. I). Coburii, our friends on -jural deliveries, al.-o 1). B. Harrison "t»f Palmyra, W. R. Hopewell of Tnrbor'o and other friendr We always' welcome them and will gladly receive others. • • » • • —— i Keniembor tit get yout tickets in before February Ist. That will he a big day in our town an dsixty-niiie people will receive prizes. • » ♦ • ' l)r. J. S. Rhodes is to take Mr. John l>. Ward to Tuckers'' Sanitorium in Richmond for treatment this week. ARE YOU LI'CKY? - -""The- Pny-I 'p 'aiid Trade in Wjltinri stoli (Tampaign closes . Wednes'dav, February Ist. Those having to buy hould do -II at once und get a chattel at the prizes. By paying old accounts one ali o gets tickets and maybe some gold. Somebody will get the lixty nine prizes why shouldn't it he von? MR. AND MILS. 11. M. STUHBS I \ " ' ' ' TKKTAIN On Friday evening from rt to 1' P. M., MiVand Mrs. Harrj M. Stubbs graciously entertained a few of theii 1 friends, progressive lit-i Ige In ing played and prizes a win noil for hi{ I scores. During the evening refresh merits were served, consisting of Home-made ice cream, cake, celehub, r and shelled nuts. 'li e guests pri-,ei t Were: Mr. and F.i« Kader B. Cv'i, oi l Mr. and Mr?. 1 Frt'nk U. Barnes, Mii Aona Ci awfotd Miss Virginia Heirsk an I Mi Julius 1 S. 1 eel. ' CHARLES C. I AGAN DEAD ' Charles C. Fagan, one of the coun ties' most prominent citizens died at his home Saturday, the twenty-first and was buried on Sunday. Mr, Fa gan was sixty-four years old Two year sago he was found to have high blood pressure and suffered slight strokes of paralysis as a result of it, wide haffected his brain and from that ■ time on has been practically an in valid, gradually growing weaker until a filial severe attack caused death Mr, Fagan had been recognized a a leader in his community for more than forty years. He had taught school, acted as Justice of the Peace, nm a store much of the time, etigaj. Ed in the milling and ginnin gbusine i and always worked with the interest of his community ut heart. He ha ' represented Martin County in the N C, legislature one term. His father, ' the late N. ft. 'Fagan had also rep resented the county in the same dapac ity several yeahs before. Mr. Fagan married Miss Mittie Wynne of Tyr rell county who with two children,. I Mrs. Hernice Jordan and Carroll B. Fagan survive him. He also leaves a brother, Mr. M. S. Fagan of Dar dfns * » v I Mayors, bankers, lawyers, promi t nent government, state and county of -1 ficials, promineht business and pro ) fesstonal men and Ministers of the I Gospel have endorse fanlac. Sold by t J. B. H Knight. I 1 WILLIAM HROBERSON DIED MONDAY MORNING Mr. Willinrn H. Roberson, ono of Williamston's oldest citizens died at his homo on East Main street Mon day morning at three o'clock. He suffered a stroke of apoplexy on the twelfth while at work on his planta tion and was found in a helpless con dition. Since which time he gradually grew weaker until the end came. He was born of Sarah Moore and William Roberson naer Williamston, October 10th, 18H8, which makes him more than eighty-three years old. He married Miss Mary W'ateis in De cember, 1866 and o them were bom nine children, six of which and the wife have long since pashed into the beyond, leaving Mr. James R. Rober ;on and Mr. L. C. Roberson of Wil liamston and Mrs, Mary Hawes of Wnhsington, D. C., to survive him. Mr. Kcbcrson herved during the Civil War in Company K, 3rd Cavalry, 41st Korth Carolina regiment and has served ns a member of the Martin County Pension Hoard for many years assisting the clerk of the Superior Court in passing on application!) ot the claims of widows and ex-soldiers. He was a strong Democrat in poli tics and was once the candidate of his party for the office of Register of Deeds. Ho served as Mayor of the town three terms and had been n Jus tice of the Peace for forty years." lie was of the old school type of business man, always taking time to do every thing right. Few people could write as smooth and steady a hand as he, his owrk appearing as that of a younger person. He had been a mem ber of the Methodist church for "many years and had been . a lorigei than any men in our town. The fun eral will be held "day by Rev. 1.. C. .Larkin, his pastor and by the Masonic i Lodge ■ 'WH-L FORD GET MUSCLE SHOALS jTVViII Henry Ford get Muscle Shoals, twit if certain big interests can help yf Who wants him to buy or lease the property? .Ninety-five per cent o! the American people; those who want to buy cheap fertilizers and electric power and the hundreds of otner things produced by electricity. Who does not want Mr, Ford to gei charge of the , property ? The few men who are profiting out of the folks. Watch the fight being waged by the National Fertilizer Association, 'l.he.i are sending out broadcast propaganda against; jt, they Say the Government will lose money and that no one will gain. Both of tlie.se statements are made contrary tn the facts an dfor rlo "other reason tfia nto prejudice the people again t Ford's olfer. Let*Fonl have the .property and let him make the to.es bloom in thui South the whole year long. NOTICE OF SALK By virtue of the authority confer red in me by a deed of trust execute*! to me by Henry Wooten on the 27th day of June, 1!MH„ and duly iwcordod in the Register of Deed's office in Martin County, in book 0-1, page Hi! 1 to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations in said deed o ft rust not having been complied with, I shall expose to public auction for cash, on Monday the 27th day of February, 1922, at the Post office door in James ville N. C, >" Martin county, the fol-. lowing property: One lot or tract of land lying in Jamesville township and being part of the same land as was bought by tl Enterprise Land Company and suh-di vided into lots of 1 and It-7 acres each; anil being the same lot that \va deeded to Thomas Revander, same be ing lot number twelve (12) ««f said plat. This 21st January, 1022. J NO. D. LI I.LEY, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority conferred in me by a deed of trust executed to the undersigned ti-ustee by Reddick Mizelle and wife, and duly recorded in the Register of Deed's office in Martin county, to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been com plied withT I *hall expohe at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash on Friday, the 7th da" of February, 1922, at 12 M,, in front of the court house door of Martin county at Wil liamston, N. C., the following describ ed property, to wit: Beginning in Bear Grass Swamp and running a line, around the tract of land given to Reddick Mizelle by his father by will of record in tl\e clftrkh office of Martin county. Ad joining the lands of Hardy Miiolle, and others containing 118 acres, mojy or leas.. , Thi? the 15>th day of January, H>22. H. M. STUBBS, TrusUe. Fobacco Growers to Elect * \ Delegates Here Saturday ! A 1 : -4 THE FARMER WHO / CAN GET CREDIT Some of our fanners are upuiuk their plows, harrows, sowers and planters in order. When the good weather comes, bridling the mule will be the only task left before begin ning work in earnest. Some people are. cleaning out the ditches, cutting down the hedges, and mending- their harness. Some are building pastures preparatory to taking caro of their live stock. All of the above men will be able to get credit if they happen to need it, anybody will trust them. Some folks are waiting for the blue bird to como and sit on last year's corn stalks to announce that spring has come. Then the weather will be pleasant und they can go to town and get general repairs for the tools and machinery. They can get out and look after the usual farm needs but the time has come for real farm work is no time left tomake tho little re pairs in. They have not decided in which fields to plant different crops. Thfy hardly know which is best adapt ed to the production of various crops. That farmer will find it hard to get assistance because luh success is doubt ful ami he cannot hope to win ex . Copt on fin-p iri-:isirni The fanner described last feels no better, his farm is not so good and his team and toolh are not in first class condition. A large part of our success, lies with us. BRYAN-YORK Hocks Mount, Jan. I!»th.-—A pretty and impressive ceremony beautiful in its simplicity took place Thursday > afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen liurgesfl on Pearl street, when their cousin Miss Mary Bernard York was united in marriage to Mr. David Bryan of Portsmouth, Va. To the .strains of Ixihengrin's Wedding March skillfully played by Mrs. W. C. Man gum, the bridal couple entered the reception hall from th eside parlor,, where Rev. H, M. North, pastor of the First Methodist church of this city performed the. ceremony, while M ts. Mangum softly played "Melodies of Love." The home was artistically decorated with evergreens ferns and sweet peas, the bridal party standing under an arch of Southern Smilax from which wns suspended a Wedding bell. The bride was handsomely dressed in a brown traveling suit With suitable ac cessories and carried u corsage of lilies of he valley and sweot peas. She "is the youngest daughter of the late Mrs. Mary Gilliam York ol Martin county. The groom, a valued em ploye of the Atlantic Coast Line rail road is a young man of sterling worth and has many friends in this state a'n.l Virginia. Immediately after the cer emorty Mr. and Mrs. Bryan left for a trip through Florida. I'pon their return they will make their home in Portsmouth Va.—-Mrs. H. I!. Kinlaw. Tho account of Mrs. Bryan's mar riage will be of interest to William ston people for she is a. sister of Mrs. J. M. Oakley and Dr. 11 B. York here, besides having a large circle of friends and acquaintance 'sin the town and You will want a bottle of the won derful Tanlac remedy. You can get it from II H. Knight. NOTICE OF SALE I nder and by virtue of the author ity contained in. a certair deed of trust executed on the 20th day of De cember, lUIK by the Martin County Fair Association and registered in the Register of Deed's office for Martin county in book F-2 at page 8, to se cure the paymentf-of a certain bond of even date therewith, und "the stip ulations in said deed of trust not hav ing been complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will on the 27th day of February, 1922, at 12:00 o'clock M., offer at public sale to the high est bidder for cash the followihg de scribed real estate: A tract of land in Williamston town ship, Martin County, North Carolina, beginning at an iron stake on the Wil liainston and Everett# road; running thence along said road 50 poles to the McGaskey road; thence along the Mc- Gaskey road in a northerly direction 111 poles to the Atlantic Coast Line railroad company's right of way; tin-nee down the ACL right of way 81 polos to an iron stake; thence a straight line along C. A« Martin's land to iron stake on the aforesaid Wil liamston and Everetts road, the be ginning, containing forty acres, more or less. This being the same land con ve\ed to said Martin County Fair Association by C. A. Martin. This the 20th day of January,, 1922. WHEELER MARTIN, Tru»tee ; IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 ) All members of the Tobacco Grow.' ers Ajsociation of Martin County are requested to meet at the court house >■ in Williamston on Monday, January 30th, and cost their ballots for four delegate* to the district meeting to be held at Washington, February at ten A. M. Remember Martin County elects 4 delegates who will help to elect the member of the Board of Directors from the First District. The voting will be closed at twelve o'clock and all members of the Association ar« requested to attend and cast their votes before that time. By order of: J. Y. JOYNEI:, Chairman Organization Committee. DECIDING WHERE TO BUY (From Human Interest Editorials) The success of a bu > ru-o* uecevls on itj wbility to a'l'il);* the uieoUU oiv.i.ons of the pakl't a;, dti* de ci.i "e how oeiole decide •« to wlm* t/.,*jr shall buy goods Tim inerduints who read tho public mind most ac curately gets the business. When one find that ho needs some- 11 tiling, the question comes up where tlmt article should be bought. From some source back in the mind the sug gestion comes that such and such a place would bo a good store to visit for that purpose. Whence comes that suggestion ? In the majority of cases, it Is cre ated by tho store that has made the most effort to impress its reputation on the public mind. People remem ber the things they hear about con stantly, and they forget other things that are rarely called to their atten tion. /rhc advertised store conforms to the laws of psychology, by con stantly calling public attention to its enterprises, its goods, its methods, its prices and the advantages of trading with it. Consequently the inner con sciousness, when asked what or where a person should'huy, is apt to respond by suggesting certain advertised good. It i of course true that while a 1 stoie by advertising can always draw in a lot of now trade, it can't keep it unless it really , does give good val ues. But advertising helps a store do that, notably in these two ways: I. Advertising encourages mer , chants to handle big lots when such i are offered to thorn at low figures, i They know that by appealing to the ■ public by-advertising, they can swing tlieso big- lots and turn them into money in a short time. Thus baying in a large way and taking advantages of special opportunities, they are able to' offer special vulueh. A 2. Advertising increases volume of trade, thus reducing the operating and overhead expense per article, mak ing it possible to cut prices to the public. The advertised store buys and operateh at low figures, and c§n thus make low prices. •LEST WE FORGET" Don't forget to send a contribution to Mrs. Clayton Moore for th* Wilson Peace Fund. We should strive'to put Martin County up to its quota which is only $200.00. We have several thousand Martin County citizens who especially admire Woodvow Wilson and now we have an opportunity to show our affection for him in a mater ial way. Besides admiring Wilson we all want peace, the way to get it U to work for it, pray for it, talk it and pay for it. Send a few cent*, a dollar or a few dollars to Mrs. Moore this week. Mrs. Daniels, the State chairman, want sto close the campaign by Saturday night STOVE FOR SALE: ONE SLIGHT- Iy used Cole's Hot Blast heating stow. Bargain. Julius S. Peel. 2t STRAND -THEATRE— THURSDAY— Cosmopolitan Paramount Special "P K O X I E S" HAROLD LLOYD IN "THE RAINBOW - 20c and "10c —FRIDAY— f "Tlty BIRTH OF A NATION" Admission—ll.oo and tax • , \ -■ —SATURDAY— Sennett Comedy—Be Baa—»He Sunshine Cevedy—'Wke'a WW "YJELLOW ARM" Eplaede II 20c aad 40c '* - \