The Peoples Bank SAFE — : SOUND PROGRESSIVE f Offers every convenience to the people of Martin County for doing a banking" busi -1 - ness. "The Boy With a Lank Account Becomes a Man W'th a Fortune *" , Young man, old man, tret the banlj. habit • learn up-to-date piethods'of doing bus iness, establish bai king regulations, so the bank may assist y u some times. The Peoj les Ban ; offers this rule for sav ing: "Spend less t ,an you earn, deposit a part and watch yo'ir bank account grow." Notice liow last the litlc* money gots out of your pocket.. Yjur will appreciate your l»ank account .some day, as it will give you credit as nothing (-'so can. j Your business s.'kited. \ « r THE PEOPLES BANK \ PERCENT PAID ON TIM 10 DEPOSITS '* - .1. (.Staton, Pres. j J. L Hasseii, V. Pres. "It- M- Riddick jr. Acting Cashiei VR. Taylor, \ r . i'res. »!ohn L. Rodgerson, Asst. Cashier ' * * ' V ■ 'I January Sale! ] We have just "returned front Not tbern \ uat'luits. V-lici e we bought -mods,wry cheap ai.«l arc goino to run a special .laiiii v ary sale. I-'.elo' arc listed sonn' special bargains. Come ii to see us: 1 lot Ladies' and Misses serge presses 54.88 I lot Indies' and Miss -s serge drosses .X 5.88 I )ress gingham and apron iinghanY 10c yd. 1 lot inch (iingham . 25c yi(. Yard wide yellow doi 'estic 10c yd. Plaids, homespun, extra good 10c yci. One"lot curtain scrim 10c y!. 1 lot Ladies' voile waits 50c 1 lot Ladies' voile waists 78c ! 1 lot Ladies' and Men's hose - 10c pair 1 lot chiklcen's ribbed hose 12 l-2c pan 1 lot children's extra line ribbed hose 25c pair 1 lot 1 toys' extra heavy, 3f)c;pr for iiVi 1 lot ladies' tan shoos, rubber heels 1 lot "Men's tau dress : hoeS, rubber heels SV>o One lot Men's' dress >• ;oes . ,/• $3,25 1 lot Men's heavy work shoes S2.J> ? » 1 lot Men's good 'heavy overalls ' 98c \ ] lot Men's heavy woi k 7Sc | 2 lots Men's dress shirts 88c and 98c | 1 lot Men's sweaters. 93c *,' ' • ' i We are ottering lots of other good bargains that are too numerous to mention. We only ask that you come see us, eien if you do not want to buy. _ iHarrison Bros. J * : • & Company FOR THOSE WHO WANT THE BEST f; , , ' '• ? ' '"7 j"i illiW'^JuOlLlalaJU—i KlTl'ih mMim NOTICE I • By virtue of power vested in me o'. ! a .eitain duel of trust executed U> nv J-| on the 15th day of January, 101&. bj !! Muck Rogers and wife, Laura, atu I which in duly refolded in the office o' II tin register of deeds for Martin coun j ty North Carolir a, in book L'UU at 11 pi.go 421, default having been rnudi , | .n the payment ol the bond yecurei ' j therein, upon leque-t of K J Shields i j the and o . in-r of said bond, | a. 11 on the ;>l.t liu; of January, 192. I ! se.i for cash at publi auction to tin I j highest bidder in l it' town of Oak Cit; i ith Carolina, .upfront ol tin po-;' j tine nt 1-' o'clock W, the fo!hwir.| . i.p-cribed land, t«> wit: A certain trac' of land, lying an leinir in Martin County,-North Cm ij'uaiia, begin:..rig .-t Ciara Lynch'? coi | i ci', hi the run of Mil 'He Swamp, nr.* ! I tunning S. 17 1-2,;W 68 poles, thei: j ii 70 \-'i \V 138 pel. s then S .'!! polo ■ t(T IV s !. 12 poles. ti.'-fi N 7i K IS i j oit-G to the edg of the field, thei 'j N -1S 2-4 E HO pMcj to the lun o" ! i 11.-.i'iU. ( r.•*•), tin nup the aid creel it) the first s'.atio , o..:itainii.g l'» 1 1' I ucic:, more or le ■ . 'i'h. the 2Cid dn (.! I>ec mher, 192! W. G. A - I H'JN V, Trustee. *1 nder and by vitue of the powei of -aie contained m turit certain dee of tiu-t executed »by C. 11. Godwii nn i wife Mary 1 > nd'eton Godwin tc | the undui3igr. d 'iiiv'T :i ii ■ f beaiinj date of January t, 9H>, and i l it L m.l Hook M 1 .it .uire r.»7 of tin I V:llUn County I' -•>:* Registry -aii Jdo ,f tuist hnvi; i>, l»i' : n given to -e I cum- the. payment of certain note-, o 'even date tl.'-rev itii; ami tin* let m j and conditiuds ti.erii. contained no. I hu.' ing bev-ii cijn.jltril with, anil at | ti:» i f|iie -t of tin hoidi.r of 11 • .ai note s, tin' uiidi.-i ,'lii I I I u-t''if w ill. ji o.i Monday tU 1 2'. id das of .laoum; i♦.J LI at 12 o clock .M , at Ih court j| l.ou c-.door of Mai tin ','ounty at Willi | a- ton, A C off* i'- fi"- ale at publi. i.4 a, to '; hIK" ■•' l bidili I So' ca.-l ! tai , o l.iwmu p.u .. i.' o| land li u, if ||i.. li e County o %i.«i tin, Stnte o -i .11 i i aioli'o.t ;i 'l I. on ! •' and h ..... it>. I as follow , I- i': I !• ii a ty. t. I > hi: i t ■■•an lot, lie i.. i.. i,- at C 11. GoO.yiii coinci oi, } | ■* ..vairr ii' SHeet; mailing: tiuuice a | |i.|i>; street f._ I . t. i't to an noi I c i'f, a corner; I ju*».* .i inn t »r;i.•»' .I 1 ..1.1-1' paiullel 111 'dam Mn-'t ti J. A Tool's" line thence along -an 1 "I'.-, lino lo .1 11. Mi/.zcll>' inn t 1.1/ MI a a - V-TTml' '||\V.' ! Co. U ftp -!«TI | A I'.eiii- -i line am. oli ' i- tin- lie gl.ilij. C'ontr.iiui •' '• loiutli it-l I ,|. ll' i„oie or ikj - , ail.l 111 a | to a lot N.mch ai t'l'ii. tto I , 1.. ( ioi( ■ v. iu I>v S. J. lisi i-clt, Con.iii. v. hicl ' ' d. i d is of ifi ord ill tlie |iublu li yoi .Martin ('oi at) . . jcn ad Tract: !!ij',' oi *-1: *i i _ Suvel, William- on, N C. or tii aouthu.' t i or mi' l . I !\t. 11. Mi'tioMin'i I haif lire lot, -I. r i \ai.:.- on Main St " a ~'j , ;.ai'd d.'e|., til nee -outl Wo t • e• I> aioiiK Main . ; tre,-r 2f> yial.i !• 1 a . toll, soi .lioa t» cl\ -i.» yaid: paialle! t-. lie snatln.-t lunl lii I > ! * , k Tiif"" i'f M "li. McHn\':ti-~!-4tTtfl iiei.i' hit [ to a parallel witn Main ->-ieet , jtl elice Jl' i tll".|-te \ ■> J ll'ds idllllj , M'ld liao t . M IV ?!cti'o\\an'> lialf aci( !lo : .; 11.em *' 1 -oill .'ri; al-niK M I Mctiowan . hall ncie lit • • aid j in lite '.I Con' uii'in: u.- ; ! ... .ai ai ie n.oie ji !c ! ' Ha. i Ti net: 111 iii|; lot in' tin I o\* i -—' '— l -1 1 1111 *- trf N, : a.■ neillu alii ji "mi '■> ile , i TTie I i.i .1 I.'el 1 i ell .1 '. li. Un i-toi .ii lioiiwm, wJiJic! 1 . .: ill 1.1 i ' li'.-.I .1 111 : '| k I i I |. ; . '.i ..I ilia Mart i Count) ; • , i i i i - i;i\ ii'fi 11 t I I , 11. Ile;r I ill i.i-K I 101 tile |im |p.i. .. ' .-iiov, ,ng lae I"•Mimai i> - ■ I li.- land la .. I.) ill!.: e.c i V. \e,l. | At and. pi,lie lie it io. • • i / i tin- .sale of tii.- . ■ . e.-lai* , fin I uiidk'i'signod Tm 'iN' will offer at j public .-ale to Ih? hig!'e- v bidder for j cash, t'.ie following peisonal propertj : to-wit: ] ien (TO i . linn i of tlis' i 'ap tal ] | Stuck of I ne ill/ "in \at oiki) l.ank of Haltillioie Tin lo| hares „f the Capital 'j Stock of tho An era an lixehangc ; National liai.i: of iiie.'iibhoro, .NUrth : Cnrulira.. |TI is tl e Until daj T leeeinbe. ij'Jl. I A. h. I'd v .S'i\C, liu tee Mill* K ill' VI.K | * I tuii I : lid b\ \i lie. of the autlrori -I t; M '.o 1.1 la; II a lliUl chattel it ft ..ii I I! Si i iwbiidtfe ilatei' j 7• 11. I JI ... d i'-eord.'d ill 'lo | i I.lie leu*.-1i vof M.i-tin County it. j ill Ik' I la.h. I -n; : t p.'Ke 414, 1 Will . I >vjl 1 ' tin- oi>;U' i ladder .for cash , lat tin iilouul Mai .ifaituiaUj,' I'iai.t in ij \\ illiaiii; ton, N. C. at 12 o'clock M, II on Mo iday .lan. t'tii, l:» 22 the follow j , j iiik descrilii'u per.-oiiai property, to- I I i one ltiia-k Five l'a soni'ei Automobih I ! V - I | tl.i :-aine' fur- sold"' to 1. K , i Sir i\ > i ii...■ K tl,.i.Utes. 'r This tin. 1711, li,, of I left 192 It 'll F.. KAY, Mtgee. AD.MIMSTK VTOB S NOTICK I admiiiistratia ol I the estate of Susan J. Tett'erton, do ) ceased, late of County, N C.', this is to notify all persons hav I injj claim sugainiit. the estate of *:»!■ ! deceased to exhibit tlicnr to the vm ■ dersigned on or before, til* lat daj of Januiuy, 1923, or ti;U notice wil he placd in bar sr their recovery. This 18th day of December, 1921. » E. W. T£TTERTON Adnunii»trator of Butun J. T«tter ton, Plj-mouth, N. C. H. V Auatir ■B Attorney. SHOEREPAiMuFidcES ; CUT IN HALF . * Come to see us and be convinced. Ladies' half soles, 60c and up. Gen j tlfemon'ri, c up. Childiwn's in pro j poition. Mail orders given prompt •; i mention. Address— ' EXPERT ili O E sII O I Williamston, Is. C. J . J NOTICE 01 SALE I Ciidei' und by viilue ol the powe» | of -ale contained in a ceitain Dees. A Irusu execiited to tne undi-rsignei •.ruitc-e by Isaac Mizeile and Wiiiiut di/.elle on the 27 th day ol Oct, i'jzl, securing certain not.e.. i f evei , late :.nd U'liOi the;-With at.U .recoil.e. j ii the public registry of ailm Count) j in liook G-2 at page M'o and tht j , a-nor and conditions therein contain j i i ;d not iiaving beh.". complied \sith, am j ! it the reijuet o the holder oi tlic i i- l notes, !' s undersigned trustc j j, vvili on nc ' 'th ot Ju..uary, JJ2.; i I it 12 O'cloeV 111 the COu.-'hoUs. 100 I' ill W 1.1. t0... >. C of?" I fui i >aa. lo '.lie hgi*' i oil'icr fo. ca.>n :i j public auitiou, the follcwint describe , .eal estate, to-.vit: , ileg,lining at a gum and a H'jU I'iee in i'hin ilrancn, l-uruiing a \ve„i i , ,'OLli sc to a .;tob ill the \V. M Mizclh | L une, tin nee a north course with th' i \\. M Mizille line ai.d A. V* > Hailc., , I.h nee an ea. X ._•>ur. e with J. C. | ) iiai.i .. to' I'fialhi; Wl..tiielU coKi.' i;', .ii. 1' a ■ 'orner in .1. liadey hue j h- lice with .said \\ iiitla-ld liiie to . j .oViK'i' in i lua Uranch, thence wit; i ■ i a d tlie be,, Hilling contain-1 ay *>i iii'lei inei - or leS.> ( I In.. I .ie i 9th ilmj of Dec. 1921. I ' ' 1 i i l.liieii :'. I'ei'l i'itorney. . . NO iiv'i; (l| AIT .v iiMi .N'l North i aioina Mai Un i 'ounty Jaine i Iboliei an . I.n-i.l eig,.^iad : iig :r- Ihe Hi.'a:., j" -.ton i'h iibiiif r and lli'i.ting Co. I ill abi.'.i named defeinl.ini \..1.| .i .i ie. ice tliat a in .lie ( ibo.e e i,( iih d action issued ayailiflj -aid ei«Ti niianl on the btli day ol' Dec ' 19.i1, i.;. K J. I'cjjJ, Cieik ol' th. j i itecoi ik .'a ourt of Mai til! County , .mi tii lo itlni .-uiii oi 4.1.1. i I 1.1, iiue said I'laiiuiit by account. • I .viii« ii buniinOiiii is leturnaoic iki | I 'liu- _.s., .1 I o.rl 1,1, the L'7L' 1 ■ liinoai. lii«l; aliil UIC Defendant V.aii 1 j .1 o 1 .u.i. nutice 11.i.t a wari 'nt S1 ' 1,1 \va. 1 . led by a.ud coun m tin Ihth, day 01 DcceiuLe'. ll'Zi | iK'iui t the propei tj of the t.aid do [ iendaiil, which wairant i« retuinubU 1 into said ( ourt 011 17th day ot Ja.e ) 1 1H Jv i.■ 11 and v. uere the . aid nc cloiaul is requiiv d lo a:e : in >v\*.'i' oi (lemur to the 'complaint 01 j llio lehei ili'mauded will be granted. K. J. TELL ' ' .hik ol Kecoider's Court, eg to | NO'I K'E Ol SALE —t "ird r r iiml liy-firttte ol the powei j if ale contained ir that certain deed 1 it tru -t executed by Wiley Anthony i iiiil wife, Mary Louisa Antliony to, j Jo iiiiderMni.ed Tuhtee, and Deal ing | I .kite of liiitn day m* September ami of recmd 111 Hook O-l at pagi I j .)(il of (ho Martin County l'uiilic | I islry, said deeil" of tru L having beer I given la secuie the pay 11.1.'lit of cor I lain 11 (7t77~i7r "evenxjnsg4lmiHj\viUi,,l 1 lie tenm> and coinlvtions tlurin con i .ained n » thaving be,-u complied wit l and at the ivi|uest of the holt' r o. •aid ii' to-, the nnlersi(»i.e.i l iu. tec, will 01. Moniln> the 2.!ul day oi' J.inu ary 1922 at 12 O'clock M., nt th- I .'ourt hoiiSi door of Maitui County at I Ailliam ton, X. ('., offer lor .sak? t the higl'.est bidder for, tiic fol ! low ing dos-cribod pro|vi"tv to wit: t J That certain tract oi : parcel of iam r sitiu'te in the State of North Carolina , County of Martin, und being the tr;t of land known as Lot. No. N of t'.i I llymnn' land, and fully ilo-cril ed in j s the map of said land which reni-ter- j ed in the Public Kcgistry of Martin I County in Land Division Look No. 1- ! at p:ifc\' Ml-.Oj reference to'vxiiich! j I i.iap is hereby made t'ei a bott 1 do | j .cription„.of :'iiid lioi l; s:iid tract cmi I holder 1 f'bnriii the tinder ;>.*»ie t will expose to public auctioi i I on the roth da> of •lautuiiy, 1922, n j j 12 o'clock f.L, in front of the con: I hen " door of Martin Coiinly to t'. | I niuhi st bidder for ( tsh, the iolluwiv I i i(.. ci land: , I lout ied on the iioith I.> tne lam l j ~ of S. D. An K o, W CT* Ml. oil an I ij the Peliuis Simmons l.uiuhei Co., er . the. south b> I>. S. Davis, on the %» s n by W ~l;u'k?(in Ho'Hrfay ami W. 1 [ i -Mizell, contains 4(> acres more or les . This the HOth-day of Dee., 102;.' '' .C. W. MIZEI.L, Trustee j c When a merchant advertises Ids ow I. goods be expects to bring pcoplo t j town, ile is not: selfish. He know j 1 that others will get part of the bei r i efit. I Git \ our next supply of coal from if Kli Gincaiius & Son. ; ,* ; FOR SALE: ONE SMALL SIZED mule. Cheap for quick cash sale. .1 See S. C. Ray, Williamston, KC. tfc y FOR SALE; HOGS, GOOD CONDI II . tion to go into peinut fields. 10c, Rro. Thone 6, WillianutoiT, N C. ijt r i If you save your pennies the dollars n.'will take chi* of the lawyer who '.' | Ureal , w ll. NOTICE OF SALE ' Undsr and by virtue of the authori ty contained in the power of sale in a I certain deed of trust executed to the i underpinned trustee by Clyde Waters 1 on the 10th day of November 1919, | and of recor din Martin County pub | lie registry in book B-2 page 374. | Said deed of trust securing certain j bonds of even date and tenor there i with, and the stipulations therein not ! having been complied with, and at I the request of the owner of said bonds | I will expose to public auctino, on ! the 20th day of February. 1922, et { 12 Of) o'clock M , iii f>" ! £Ni the court .it u .e door in \\ Car .;/nr., to the highest bidder for cash ,!ie following described tract of lard: ! Being lot No. 13 of the Con ho f«ii-;n I ,üb-division, containing 50 acres more j ' V lei', and for a more complete de j cjiption we refer you to map of roc i »ii ir) Register of Deeds office in bock ' 'y «..OSIS I*SS ItIAN Jo A MC'li K> OPF.RATI ■mFr /Cs \ /'\ A» iThii wundvri li nt-w Lamp »p*hTf» .in lev i!ian ry V / / / > IJBa hall the fin 1 and ftlve® air.i'|'»o ilihh iror-: Mulif It is Im JPy . tP| Ir u i.jit. white lifltt Ideal I »*• pew/n-i or p/ jl/T \ll rniilnit. Km • n ih«cvM ind tieauilluPv brilliant 'V ■k 1 1 I'urrf KerjL-«ne or (inline* -Ah*i, ittly ■* ■. V ,\| i'he l/Ainjt »ti"» or 1» to* -nt >r i.sHi* \\ v i 'I IF \j Irtfl flit* K li I••tUi •c r U;» •» i 4' " ill J- ■/ * '' \1 *' her fo- l. It i.« Jr I«1AM I I~\ \\ tiv-v> v?n l ipci i i. be % t td i V I V| urv «h» r#. 'ma > and i-» oiM-ra •. "i.l »• d« \J | 1 »"P i l>r ii u. I.' no -.' tenil i * w if»i kvj., - ral lili. >l - \\ J iv. wicks to t'i'ii *i-> r' imn-'i to « it if/, J A A \i *moktlui» anO .'dori* »K. t TJ: ""*"**» vV 'v ru ' V.-'U ln»vv *"»r ||i! t aud • il.lm I iUlm V# |V vV\. J©o catid,# po\%« r t ifl in to VOIR ho m. A Jemm*.irallwO J'.ein'l oolitic ,ou In any v *y *f L Hi J it drop a p-K cur.l to— -4 I.J& !|J .V. HUOWN, WiiiiaiaMuti, V (.. Koute 2 (Bt'ar Uraftu) : "^"""1 # ! l ucker Si Clark Co. I a RECQVEIi iii" ■ ' t , 'll ir: (' •' . ~%• ' 7; - BEST CAR LOAD Ml'Lltf! EVEIi SHIPPED TO WIL LIAM STON. E\ ivr; ?jGD\ |! SAYS,S(), BUT YOU COAIE !| AND SEE EOK YOURSELF j|i I'RICES RIGHT. " ALL SOI D I NDEIi (lUAR- r • AXT EE. r i? ' \ 1 6 i'| V I V - »- . - 1 . i Will ianiston, -- N 'orth Carolina ' _ || lili —OUR — I! 11 I ||j January Clearance ii', Sale Ends Saturday s ! Night, January 28th ! i " Have you enjoyed your share of sav- I 1 i n.v>r, the store of Margolis Brothers and ! i Brooks has offered during' this sale. I' . ■ - , i Take a tip from U3 and buy your dry | II j -oo'ds and shoes? now for early spring wear, | and for qukk clearances we have marked | \'> i everything* down that no salesmanship will j i | he necessary—the values alone will speak j r i for themselves. •" ' c"' ' 7 j FOR THIS WEEK ONLY A $2.00 pair of silk hose will be given h , gratis with cah pair of Ladies' dress shoes. | Now, you can't afford to pass this up. :|j MARGOUS BROS. AND BROOKS s "Your Money's Worth or- Monev Back" 1 1 page 489, ,' This 19th Jay' of January 1922. WHEELER MARTIN, Trusts. North Cnrolina, Martin County, In the Superior Court. Alice Brown vs. Herbert Bro\rji The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled above has been commenced in the Su- v perior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, for an abcoulte divorce, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before l lhe clerk of the Superior Court in Martin County North Carolina, on the 14th day of February, 1922, and answer or demur to the complaint fded in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief de manded in said complaint. This 14th day of January, 1922. R. J. PEEL, Clerk of the Superior Court