f- Job Printing. f YOU WANT-si:!:, OR CALL 1 SIMON LILLEY PHONE 184 \MLLI'iMSTON. N. C. — ' ' t "I ! Come Tc Us \ FOR FIRST CLASS REPAIR WORK OF ALL KINDS I;; ~ ; I 4 Iron, Wood, Leather, I ]»liolstc iin.u', Done AUTOS PAINTED, CI HOLSTERED AND RE-TOPPED I We Manufacture and Repair carts And Wagons W E REPA II ? A N TII IN C THE BEST MECHANIO IN TOWN.,; Blount Mfo. Co. i THE SOCTHSKN ACRICJLTI KIST 1 " r Naslis file, Ti mi THE il A N'T >ETI 1E ' >1 Til It.-. ininiPtme populaiit\ r lu> »i■ • ■»11» ('■ In fact ( ii'i v line J j | in it is written for Soutln in lam 1 mthi I , men and wmiien who know uu>l appreciate Southern eoiulit urn . but to the practically un limited personal ei\fce \\!, i- c\• ii _t" nl l ' c.lm'i -• without rljarj;i' I'm ry year we an.-wi rl-h'.;n■'«+>4-...i#l' t >i- '«••> of • 1 if fi*llt übject all wll li-• lit , luiipe V.I ■ • !•« ki'ik ii mlk-J i ilu'r j th : - l'l\lilunl'lc pel e'T.al ,C!XI! 1- i '• I I 'I i . . lit lea •p. v.h\ V\e I ,_h» v £_ ! ; ' 375,000 CllH'l I.A'IION BRING US YOUR .»()!»► S\ORK Kader B. Crawford — everytiiim; in j\st fifANt'R . •! CALL PHONE NO. 4!) | STOP LOOK AND ' LISTEN ~ , - X We offer for sale po_i •'(■(• tly new ! Chevrolet Touring cars, model I'our ninety, j jat $450,00. Remember.this will entitle you 1 j' to 450 tickets trfthe Trade ami Pay Up Cam,- r j I p&ign which gives 69 prizes anyrcKaJiil i^IOOO rTrj —T HE - York Garage '*• ' i I COfNTY STATEMENT Continued from a j receding isme) { January, Ili 1, (Con.) Joseph 1. ilolliduy, County pein on.-jti atur $ ■ 5aK( J. C. Smith, Judge Kef. Court 75.00 H VV. Stub.-, County attorney 26.0 V R J. Peel, C. S. C. Recorders G. 27.48 f H. ; .T. Ruberson Shff,, it. C.\ 0.2 B J Myers, ii C Schedule : 1.70 I J E Edmondson, 1 C schedule . ...2.2U I.iliie iiullock, R C schedule 1.10 • J II Everett R C schedule ... ...8a VV G Gurcanu", R C M-hedule . 1.2 a . VV C Manning R C rchedule ':-l0;Y .1 S Roberson, it C -chedule . 1.2 Geo. Wynn it (*' .schedule 1.2- ' J V\ Hint.-. R-C SclK'iiule 1.2. W A Casper, R C Schedule . 1.2. Dennis Hyinou_ R P Schedule I.'?/ ■ .1 K I>'hvii-,. 1! C Siiiedule 1/4- W C Mai:nn y, R. i' Schedule .7' .1 I | I A Syke . J! '' S lei-iuie. . l.lt I M Sexton ){ C Silii'dule 1.1 J J .1 liovien, R C .Scl edule I.l'' U H Sykcs, R ( Scl edcule 1.11 l l{ t> All-be 'ok, S'd. Superior 'ouit / 40.1 i' jR •) I'eel, '' SC. 1 i:i.7' II I Rolm i'mui Shll.. Mipel'ioi Court .Co , I II Kverett, Superi ir Court j i . Jaine-, Superioi ( '.Uirtlf V\ il Allklll-. Supoiior Court ~J> I Ii A \ anleii, Superior Court 2.. r >t I I' N 4>ull. Superi.if Court 2.f»( .1 \ Moy, Superior (s'ourt 2.. r it | 1 H I J'i'!. r ''t t Supeno) Court U.«»t• i N 1 i .c^'tt. Supeiior Court 2.'i.C |I! I. Grime Superi i Court 2.. r >' | l.il 11 a rrinjrU''), Su ieri,r Court i!.K' I'elzcoa Ila ri ni'ton -uperici f'ourt | ' iet. i'j 1 i Will- . ( i. pi»o I .i.Oi ; .1 11 W .I'll l,i i.ive- 1.»«»! J. \> \\ aril, I i ii!j'e- !»8ll.«' 1 i.ailry A- • iHill. I'ppuijr vats I'M.'. "Tia.ley A I: .1 lull. I . .It" - 15.;,1 S Mane, !• ■« • • 111 e r''ouit I Vi l | II I, I, il )', t 'Hum i>• mill i I l.'i I i M il K ni'l-t. ■«•'«■ H i IT.::' .1 G Suitiii,. Ini'ili •' 1 4 >i Rliein | hnu •. R K h.•• :i.-M ! I'll S':o! .u a if i(' .1 , ■ 1 I - ■' .R Chen , i! K bridge - '"iL.l't' 1 1 M|i mil • liup ' i I' . ..I ' t .l I, ('olt rain, eli'i tinn I .1 1) luiay, Su|i'. (".init'. >• 11.■ fi.tr '■ A ri4 l*'i -4111, CiaV. lii i A' ''o.,'Mip. I 1 ii .I ■ "ine -1 i ' "i7.s i \\ iII lain-tin, ' i,a I ,V Ice '"i... coal (« . u!.i ' ' It .1 I'll I. I l':y 'up .111 >ii»ii4,ii I In. i ii., lui ibel hrali • ■' 1.1 • • iVdu'TuiT- A Mruuv ht >ti l 'i. . S I ' i S. ( )tllfi ■'i ul,4l\vaiil- ,V I '.. 4iurt4j i, plll1 1i• i; . .I' I .1 Ii |{ol,ri "ii, mat' rial R Ki • i In ,111' I' lull .1 I lakhlii -t Fai in, lull bCI bridges Hl.'.li i IJj. Ul,\\ ai en. Su it. Health IlO.lin 1.1 I-: Killiiulai oil. Cii'i\e\illV pri.-- oijei l.'M> I he I nti ipi ' I', prrit me 'JI ."J; ( I;i\l,,ii M . I ii. ' Itti.l l,v\ ."ill.'ll ( A 'I I a\v| ■■! ~, , I lI'C'IOI, - tl 111 I .10-epli lll' . In |.| e r p'.oi '.lf S'mlll'. I 'lie R. , I ...yt or,.| M , ■ j ,Mi -s, I 14■ 111 , w.'ik ■ "7 •> j.l .-ii" SpTTi *hi lljfp +tr4i i. II .Ml. I it. In iibfc- 1,1.11(1 " i J.i ihp M'i in.' 111 ii i ' ii •i' bridv'e.- *lo."(' I ebru i r> ' I i.ink Xewiran. coiPity pool , ! Mam-Ma XiV- lean, i "imtv'pom J .00 Nil an M.• i-T 1.-, rimiiuv poor li.ol ( Morgan i Slip mi, cmnty poor 1 | Siniiin ILii'l uii.\ pom i!.ui M, tii. th « i:i i .-1 11. «•«.» ui• I v fi'ini I.r» j L_l Ktnma I'.i'lk* L '"M p«m»i 1 P' ; , , I «•- t |ih,ne 1.1, on i.t\ (mm.i 'i.iiii SI;kl«'. eoiint\ pom 'I.OO ' Met I irk Sl.it .r. \ po«»i 'J.IMi «Ii \t I'iii ki i. count \ pooi J..»n Emelihf I'oitri, cou ity pool 1.00 I • liuicil IvifU 1•. «'olll t\ pt't'l -LOO .mi: .in Ivau E ,'rount pool I.«»«» ( M;II \ (till l e !\, ( ouiM \ pool 4.1 mi | ).»•• I'm iiii«• 11. count> p«»or 'J.''>o, Saiali C|i» ii \. count s poor !!.•>' j Sai al» \\ Ii 11 ley. covnit\ p»oi 2. Polly PuHy, county poor | \ ina An« Inn .'courts pool. '.l.oic \lmoi Px niii .t. ««unit\ poo, | I .ii nio Stok. . colli t\ pooi : «»(♦ | Aininic \S illi;»ms, county pooi * '--O". if( hanip liolci «mi. ccintv iiooi * ;Vou > I-»ii! Shfiioti. counts po ». , f (.ou. nowoi>, county pooi ».oo , | Harnett Moore, counts po« »» 4.'H» ' Kichartl Tlu»n p>i)u, counts po«»*' 4.00 Uoicas llaxs) oi>, countx poor . Charlotte .I« ,sil?«oii. counts" pooi .'Mmu J J dh»oH, county poor# i Lloll Smithss uk, roi ot> poor o.'Mi-j I >aviil Clo.so, cotints pooi 4 «»o (100. \Vhitley (col) .» or 1 ( Hannah lu>l»ei,>on. counts pooi l.o n I ilLhal>l»u-ry, count s poo« 'J •) j l.losvdlyn \\ hitakor, .jfount \ p'ior ;».no I ucy Cojtiam, counts pooj - 2.00 Noah Tecl, county poor 2.00 .lames Jones, co'intv* podr 2 i c s j Handy Roller or., counfv poor 2.00 Mary l-'rances nkii, , *o. pooi 'J oi> - Js'iinie Toolf ■•ouuts p.»««r i.• r Winnie Rol>«i tm, oo'inM |K>or 200 ('harlo.s Lewis, county pooi a.Oo Jane, I'svel!, county Lucy Kwcl> r iiinty' poor a.tis* i Charlotto Colti.iin, even's* poor 4.t0(, J Hurry Clark,.c-iunw peoi roily Clark, c ni'ily poor Henry *Jone>. count* poor- 00 ' Alter Taylor, o »j,t • pnci—. .?.00 I Chfliity Han >ll, eminty poor 2.00 i t" Winnie Evan . .miiity poor 2.50 ! Robert 1 1 a'.j} inur.ty poor. . .V.t.O | J.-P. Sm'it!', Ju-liip, Rec. Court lo0.f«) R j Peel, R",y Jni-j court .19 f; II T Roherson, SUIT. Rec. Court B,t*o. j Geo. t V s eiurt . J 11 Bfttfi "d, Jt'ecoidttfti couit .' :J G Man.i ig, Reccrdeif- coi rt 1..'! Bull.l lici'uiderr; court l>o 'G C Ja-ircs, Recndei's couit fli J H Ever jtt, .Recorders? court - a O g C James, Kec unlet is court . 2 7t» John C C'rnw r ot l, recorders l oyit lis Mis Lyda Crawfoid, Rec,,court MS I 15 F Myres, Itncoi-i wuii J.4''j •I E Edmondwm, i let urdqra court 1.2- I J D Chandler, Recorder* court 2.7(Ji Porlie Harris, Recorders court 2.7 V Ely Lynch, Recorders court 2.70 j Herbert Lynch, Recorders court 2.70 J. H. Roddick, Recorder's court ..80 ,| li I. Long, brides . 2.76 Town of W m-toii, lights, 'tofk ade, Ii ft bridge . 25 Towit'of WmPtofi, light . C H 1 G.IC j Toiyii of Wm-.ton, li( r ht : , R R bridge, Jnnuary .* 58.05 j VV W Keel, bridge 21.71 |J W Hinex, capturing -till .s, 2(>.of i S R Bigg* r»rug Co., mod. Co. poor HT>" Margolin Uro- . k Ulooks, tow | * Ij>» jail 2.22 j Aii'k-JMMi Cra..'ford 1 1 Co., supplies j county poor . 7k.()1 ! John I) Chern , Supt. Co. home 00.01'j (line & llopkui.-, bridge.- I.l' l H S Storr Co., offn'e\ uppln - 17.2> H S Storr Co., office supplies 2.0 H S Storr Ciu.ufljcp supplies Id.Mi Hoyt Hdw. Co., stoi'f for C H 10.:,. I S Whitley & Uirrr. —hrtuber foi bridges \.'i. K J J'ei I. C S C , Je.,se Keel, bridges :{X.7i p \ R Daniel, bridges" B.n •Sherrod Lbr. Co., bridges 52.51 ,H I'";ol«'in. hoard of health K.M I )>/ \V E Wit£ilsjij£.fftrpt, Health .'JO.oi |; Simon Lilley, piinting • V.m |J Winston Telephone \'o., phyiii-s, I K river bridge i The Entorpri.-e, piinting S'.-!. 12' I! .1 K Robertson, tiling for i'O.'il I* Win sum Tel. Co., phone-. I! J "•. i ■I I Sunthwick, bridifes ...> h H I, Long, enmiiiissioiiei 12.>• • i S S Hrown, f'lk. to l!'d. oft re supplies, etc "I'. l j [ J.'is. R Kvi'iett, li.mbii. I!, rivii i bridge I "'I 1 J 11 Hritt bo"rd ('apt. Rhein, I!. i river bi id e el.' '* I W lliirmon Dude', btidgei 1'.'.0l | V. 1 Cherry, iC ri\ii bridf',t j 1 "H-■ » i" 1 I 1 if Ti Rober-oii, b(.. r dfoi ,:11' s;r2') II T Ruber or. i f..i >:i. II T Roberso*. ca' tu. ing >ti!l ' I (Hi ) •I l> Wan* iill- ■ .171 !H | j ..' I > Ward. I i • lion -e ,i • R. ll\ r i I»» *f l '(• 77 »n> I!! M 1»21 ft ink Vewrnrr.. i"!in' y poor "'.'''ill \l:.liel'.a Newi '.an, r. nut > pool 2."l- | Stf nil Morris. CMMit-V fIUUJ . _ '' | MilSimjiMiii, vnimt\ |m*»m SuiiOU llai (!' tnUt t \ poof " M.»iiab Ci aiwl- If. count \ poor l.'Mil - r.ioin.'i l':i'l« t . cmintx pool i ,'M. | U)>fpll 1 110 I'l'i i. county poor .'l.uo j - Mcrnck Slade «»uot> pom 'J.nujv Ka niir Sl.o|i\ coulll\ pi»oi , ! ( lc\ c I'aikor, count \ pool Kmolihc I'ortci. countN poor I.om( IIIIMJI Kan l>. « ouol \ p»»or 4.n0 I S't an Kawli y ouoty pool '>.oo | | N 1 ; •i \ I'aillock, count a poor li.OU | h>. Hrniutl. coun's poor ii.onlj! 'Sa»ali ' IHTI'V, coin.ty pool l'u!l\ I'u'l) , « 11 iil > poor- J.JJi V i n:i Alll ♦ n '-w -rrttfttfy-pimr- r j-i lUMi'nctf, coufit\ poor \j I \in• ij* count \ pool I Co) | \i ic William , county poor Champ KoT»oi «kn. county poor r».i>* I, 1 mil s|mm ii'ii, ♦ i.'i■ it \Si»ooi, :».nn II (' I»i"wi*i -. « oui.ty poor r».(M ll.irnctt Mooii* .county .poor -I.m' | I Kichattl Thomp on county poor 4.IMM I»c i« a II tv. Kmc. count> pool o.l»(l ,( en lottv I• ili t,mih, county po«• i 4"0 | .1.. I» Ca -«• ' 'county poor I • •11 itli\N ick. coiintx poor fi.no I >., v 1.1 (*!«»-«•. ounty poor I'M i iro, # \\ hitlcy. county poor Hno • Charlotte Simmoiir., county poor ::Tm | .li*- liuria.-. county poor .'l.ljo ,M. i \ Tom l\i n , county poor ,'i.lio J Ilaiuiah Ruber.-on, county poor I.oc Will Salsbur>. county poor -.2.00 j l.lrwellyn Wlntaker, county pool B.(Mi|| I.in ) I dlt rain, .county poor 2.00 I j Noah Teel. cejnt> poor 2.00 1 James Join s, county poor 2.00 ll. .inly Roht i>o|i. Vfuinty poor 2.0n ,Maf\ Jenkins, Co. poor 2.01) \\ mnie Rubers.in, ountv pool 11.00 Moi me Ti-el, county poor • TOO harles. Lewis,, county poor a.no Solomaii \S illi.mis, county poor 5.00 Jane Lutl!, county poor 5.00 Lucy Kwell, county poor .5.00 Charlotte Coltiain. count) poor *1.0" Hail) ("laik. i,ounty poor TOO • J 'oil) Clark, count) poor ~ 5.00 Henry Ju.es, county poor 'I.OO Alter Taylor, county poor ...3.00 , Cl arity Hai'M 11, county poor . 3.0" Winnie Evans, county poor 2.50 Robert Downs, county poor 2.00 J C Smith. Judge Rec. Court 100 00 Herold l'tg. Co., printing 2.00 A Corey, judge election ./ 4.00 )>r. Warren, Supt, Health 30.00 {•To be continued ♦. 1 lIA \ K"A STRAY KK.IJ MAI.K HOC weighs about one hundred i.oumu.l marked swallow fork the rifrlit and ue Jer keel the left ear, has been at my place about two months. Owner will please call for him. VV. W. (irif fm. W'.-VNTEU: HOARDERS AND ROOM I ers,' either orVliotli. Niee rooms. Call phoiM? 4S. FOR SALE: ONE- SOW- AND FIVE pits, two weeks old. tine milk cow mnl calf. Lester Ropers, WilMamston. R. F D !\V 2. ' '•'Hi l F?)K SALE: FORD TOEING CAR, in good condition. Cheap' fin rush See Rondell Wynn, Tlieo. ■tore, City; 2tpl , For Good Goods and Low Prices See Me I I H&V6-™ 1- c. I Sli'nides, ,0 x 18.\ 5 1-2 i~• • . --1,000 will cover more tl v an two j squares. U Cai ioad Ground Alum Salt. SI !| Tb i cai' loads No. 1. all bard bWcK Fe .u'zc' foi to! a.-co beds, o 8-o. i|l vV '' i -on luive on hand c?.i' of sceo -r'.tato" s. No. 1 Maine Irisl Ms. •|i ' !■ * 191 , . .ny u (j( us arrt onces betc/e you. do y LI bt.yii tr. if' foods ar( not e qiui.l :; id j ! ices lower, buy from the ill oth( " i « How. ■ I^¥~WA'fTS ' 4 .iitp'tiii /Aim'- f/ . iA t I |." ■ . I Be Prepared L! FOK "ILL: STATK SANITARY LAW 1 i ISO IT IN WILLI AM'STON . ON KKiIITH DAY OF APRIL, VXJrI - GIVE US YOUR ORDER, TI 1A i LETS YOU OUT. I m . 1 r WIVi. OUR ];XPERT MECHANICS, 'COM I ,TENT MANAGEMENT and li! "STA »AKI)" MATERIAL WE i ARE : I TTER PREPARED TO UViv UP TO OUR ; I T ARANTEE OF - Prompt Service and Satisfaction THA ' EVER BEFORE, AND OUR PRK INVITE COMPETITION. OVER ONE HUNDRED SATISFIED CUSTOMERS, OUR RECORD FOR LAST YEAR. ■ s 7 ' AND *■ —7 - " V- ' v Y \ * % \ . .4 . . •* * . V

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