jgp * " r * ■— fc • ir"" jj ' > . .. I I ' THAOF MARK v -£sfc~ ' } RE&ISTtRfcO | '".S.IiOVSTER GUANO COMPANY 4 Norfolk, Va. Richniond, V;i Lynchburg, Va. Tartoro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N.C. I v Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S.C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus,Ga. Montgomery, Ala. 1 Birm-niiham, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio r—— \ DO"'* FAIL TO READ THE ADS EACH WEEK i if CONTAIN NEWS OF INTEREST TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER ————— 31 —————————— » ■ jpecicd Timely Offer! I . • - "' i i. t - |k ' "v. i 1 - • o this week only, a beautiful, complete, •.■ flridly high grade set of cooking ware Fr f/" P \viil he tfiven lo you absolutely FREE *rA*s} )[,> " i I ±SSBfI|BSBSBB ■* upon your purchase of any style or j ( I | size Great Majestic Range : | B|— - Great Majestic ' :FlWP^[i fit . "* J [ Lg3l:■/ / !|j 1; RANGE BARGAIN WEEK | : Us' |j| ■ ■■- ~. J Feb. 6 .to llth^Plp^^^. NOW IS THE TIME TO Bl'Y VOI R RANGE. The prices of BEAITII I LLV FINISHED TIIHOIGHOIT, Great Majestic [J iv,.t Mijetsic Ranges are so low that it is a question whether or ranges are heautifu Ito look at. Also they are'unusually eusyto nit liiej can remain at the presefit level. By buying a Great Ma- keep .spick and *pan. The polished cooking top is burnished liueTp j| jefHc n>w you take advantage of the saving offered you by the rich lasting bluvj. No blacking required—up occasional application litf price. And in addition to that, if you buy your Great Majestic of paraffin*' is all that is pver required to keep the top blight and }• '•ei k you also profiyby the big generous *£ift offer—the :hand- gleaming. All surfaces are perfectly smooth— an advantage gained |jj •»">•'; $12.00 set cooking ware simply costs you nothin. through the Grot Majestic unsoen-rivet Constructio.i. '.lie trim «o >IK T(i 01"R DEMONSTRATIC>N THIS \VeEK. All this week ""j"* B Bre *** ,U!avll > niftelel for lasting .beauty i- ispresentative of thp manufacturer will be here to help us show BUILT FOR YEARS AND YEARS OF ,SERVICE. In every detail |E|.. t the details-Mid distinctive, advantages of the wonderful Great J"® Great Ma je.stic is durgbly constructed of the very highest qual -1 . ii.'v- -tic. Come and see for yourself every detail tlyit contributes materials. Bodies ar of charcoal iron. They resist rust and t e popularity of this well-known range. -- '» ~ • " as t three tipieg longer titan steel. Frames are malleable iron— -J j , • \ * »*. i*> : practically unbreakable. Heavy sbestos lining prevents loss of heat ii I' RANGE WITH A RKPI"TA,TK)N,~ Forloflfe and .satisfactory —conserves fuel. Heat-tight riveted construction i|i>.re.s perfect S -ec ii_e the beautiful Great t clnsiibv iUelfr lt saves n«sAt control throughout the long life of the range. >*j money on fuel-ft wtik ijTthi ifclenHl isurfri da- Coirte pi early this wevk-Llook the Great Majestic Over carefully ii /I' \ears°and vSrs last Take advantage of the present exreptionilly IwLcZ * | 4 J and jeais. 4fl f r Get the complete set of cookinf ware FREE! HOYT HARDWARE CO. - I - •'. . ' j ' f?l .' - i. LOST: SMALL I.ONoIIODIKD female hound. bIOD jn color If found (tloaso notify Fml liootmck Willminston, N (!. 21 TOR SALE: HEAVY TOHATVO Cloth. C. 1). CuiMtlirphon & Co. LOST: "SI'PERITE" SILVER PEN cil. HUH "Jackp 1921'," engraved Near thu point. Return to Enterprisi office and receive reward. N'OTICF, OF SALF ♦ . Under and by virtue of the power of-sale contained in that certain deed 1 otatrust executed by J W Briley and ' Wile to the untler?igned trustee, and j belling date of January- 2nd, 1914, ' and of record in book D-l at page 4111 ofi'tHe Martin County public registry, j sold deed of trust having been given toiweure the payment of certain note? I off even date therewith, and the terms j and conditions therein contained not having been complied with, and at 1 tl« request of the holder of the said I noiefc, the undersigned trustee will on I Monday the 6th day of February, 1922 | at taie court house door of Martin County at Williamston N C, offe rfor 1 at public uuction to the highest, bidder for csah the following descrtb-1 ed pjroperty towit: A certain tract or parcel of land' sfttfete in Crost; Roads township, Mar tin county, N C . beginning in Beaver Swamp at the Wild Cat road; rvjnnin gthence a southwesterly course up the road to a short st rawed pine in front of tenant house, Simpson and j, Peel's cornel - ; thence a southwesterly 1 course to a forked "tree, Burroughs', | I Simpson'* unit Peel's corner; them e a southwesterly course up tho branch j | to a post oak, Burroughs and Simp ■ son's line; thence a straight line to; the B«jar Grass road, Burroughs', Hob eison's and Simposn's corner, thence ( 1 u southwesterly course to the Atlantic 1 ! Cua.rt line Railroad; tliencx down the I railroad to Beaver Dam Swamp thence j down .said swamp to the beginning j Containing two hundred twenty caresj (220) more or lees. - I | This the 2nd day of January ,1022. i S. A. NEWELL, Trustee. NOTICE 01 SAI.F. By virtue of the authority confer-j ! rod in me by a clued trust executed to j | nwv b> J. A. Powell /nd wife, Y'ick I'lijvcll, mi, the Bth day of March, 102.'j jiuO duly lecofdod in tho Register of. Deed's office iu -Vat tin county in tool: . A-l\ page 484, t» t.c ure the payment j I >f ft certain bond of even date theie with, and the stipulations in said dcwl j () f -lruwt not havine '-rm complied with ; 1 «hall expose at public' auction 1" 1 ] ! ».• rll on Monday the 2.oth «!:>y of IVb i I'uji' y, 'J922,. at 12 .\l. at the court 1' t »e in Martin oo.ir.y, tlje followin, j)io|orty: j»ll of lot Mi. ii itliiee" 'ii Wo'li 1 .Stunted in 'Jio t'iW'i if t,.ik City, N C , on plot «>.' .Mopcr'y Wilier.*! owr. M i»y Mr*. Miiry ',\ hiteh'jrat knowi HS the Ci-t>f • Mi'od .i .• !• US', .".II vi,ed and pitted by O(, Jones AVI>.H.V i ..i on map .» >«c ncl« 1 •> b. ok 2, pam 1 21 of the ,'iulili: registry of Martii ice i.ty, bei>,j the. sumo lot lout,*' j ! /« Mnoro i it wife, Cora Moore. ' his Jan i.t r I »:k 1 I'. V/. iJalpLury, Trustee. C i v C ■ Onoe service Betterment is our aim We want to prove to you that you do not have to go through life with tired, hurting feet. Come to this sjore and consult rye Foot Kxpert I who It trained In the fl Dr. Scholl Method fl of Foot Correction ■ »nd will demonstrate . to you how eaiy it U Distorted toes ' , (bunion.) are to enjoy cotutant foot soon rejtored to comfort. UhMtTZne'x. Examination and Price, 73c each. Advice l-Y»* MARGOLIS BROS, and BROOKS NOTICE Having this day qualified a.s admin istrator of tin" estate of A. L. Wallace deceased, late of Martin Count, notice is hereby given to all persons indebt ed to said estat eto come forward and settle same. All persons holding claims against said estate will file tlit;, -!,ni» 1 lii .1 niiuaii "Till 1923. or this notice wil bo pleaded in bar- of their recover"). Tbi' i!7th day of January, 1922. HERBERT LILLEY, Administrator. TOR KAI.E: ONiJ OLIVER T\TE wliter, practically new. Will soil for loss than half price of new one. Can be seen at Enterprise Office, tf FOR KENT: FURNISHED. ROOM— for particular# call phone 254. 3t Ju£t Received Carload Cotton Seed ~ 1 V . . "**" y " ..... *, Meal and Hulls Also Carload No. 1 Timothy Hay II l« ■ ' I 4 >r . II '' "" ' ! if.i L~ill. *■ J. Cheap for Gash * , . j '' J *t-2 J *V£: , * « * ' I ; ~ i > 1 J '• JJ \ »;•. C.D.Car&arphen & Company • m W ' t '• •")- *"' • . ■ % •%' Jk ,/'• {■"' •' 1• " 1 •t> • . " - ... ' - * ' ,• ' V Fords on Field ~ wSf § iV M /kt VJA Does I rowgr I You can plow .disk, if Si/os * / harrow, harvest, I If —T7jlj\\ thresh, bale hay, H (Lj9^Ht^S3&I I eeci ' the U vßrflj silo, saw wood, vlH^k'^r"fl y P um P water, pull stumps, do road work or any other //fecd**' [ power job around " the farm quicker, ' J easier and at less cost toyouwith the xy^Srnrl*/ Fordson Tractor. Twenty-four hours each ever y working day in / MKAAWA'U |\\ t he year it will give maxi- MBifflf *T3JCOJ( ) mum service. Ligb* but powerful it gets from job ' 7iTljl> ~7' t0 j°k fldickly. Easy to V operate and control—efFi b*r citnt, economical and above all DEPENDABLE. Get in the power-tarming frame oi mind - now. Call, phone or drop us a card for facts. See the Fordson in practical operation. B. R. BARNHILL I