Adnrtlim Will Find Our Columns ■ Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Home* VOLUME XXin—NUMBER 23 Any Increase in Acreage of Peanuts Will Be Disastrous x.. "Any increase in the peanut acreage *' cf Virginia and North Carolina fur will be most diustrous„'' t.ays Manager Birdsong of tho Peanut Growers Exchange. "So appnrcut is the necessity lor the growers to cut their peanut acreage taat any ettoits to get ilieni to increase it rather tlian to jt must be taken as op posed to the best interests of the grower.* With a surplus for 1921 am. with prices at a low level, there is every ruasc.-t why the peanut acreage ihouid a cat 20 to bu per cent, to , „ bring it b-w ku> normal. The prob i.bihtiei are t' ,:t it will be cut thai much or i..'oie.' /"Aecoriung M carefully tabulated /eporu 1101.1 ever growf. s the total production for was about •iU pei cent more than in l!>2u. How ever, Witu al t.iis increase in pro luc tion our reports furtaer show that tne to.Ct oi jctoin for the:u two staler v. a. not over J( ( 00ti,00ll bags; whiiii is 1. i.uli-on bags than the ;xagt,eitiUu e. imate of four nuiiioi. hags, vhicu has been sca'cjred bi\.a! cu\t by tw ian» bearish influences, flu ,i.xchatii,'i lUcl had SOO,OOO bafct ieithet m ware louses or alieady re ported to be dilieverd later, the rt - Vorts oi t e 1 ireau of Markets up U Man h lo si.owed that a total oi' atO.OoO bags had been shipped out of Uiis section; and 400,000 bags aje es nmated to be in tiie )• »nus oi grow i a out ide tlie Kxchungu and of «cun try mei chants. These figures account lor 2, 100,006 bags. »So for tlicie to be a tota of iiOOOOuOOO bags the cleai.ets and would iiSve to Ltve in theii f&.i.ories and warehouses in vite >vay oi l'ata er s stock a.:d cle.i cd goods as num. aliuts as have a! ««udy b'er, sh i >e.i out oj' a totai of l 6 handle i lousand bags, li is itardyl piobable that tiiey have any -uch laige quantity." "'lie Vfc .. i vement of peanuU ji both t ie ut' stern and southwest urn sections -re r.iost favorable cun d.tioiiF lor bctt r prices later in the seu.'.on. Vhee sections for 1921 ac compaivHl with li»2u show that 10, « r.o.O'M' t ouaus more of the slid ci' peanut La "? I jr. shipped out and ;hat ten . nui >n pounds moro of pea nut o*i i"YiV3t nt ng 40,iM),000 pjpndfc of peanuts-lu'.ve been made. Tin ; i.i clease of tit'.,, milion pounds more in other sections much more than offset.-, tin: deceiase of 13 million pounds in this' section. Reduced to 100 pound b; fjs figures would show a to tal movement foi the first six months of the 1921 crop of 370,000 bags more 1 than for the same period with tl.e lUL'ti crop. "These same reports further .show tliut ia t..0 southeast* in section full> 96 per c«nt of the peanuts ere now tit of th» farmers' hands, The quan tity of peanuts held by >1« cleaner? wa cliouwrnen of Virginia and North Carolina refuse tr> furnish t'n i ie: h u J f «t .*ll M jts with reports of ti eir holu njc.i. if these peanut peo ple would oniy pive tliis informut n as the cut ton nils and prain eleva tors od, tne peanut grower* ard t 10 t.ade \v uld ,ik\e the advantage of dtting hu ■>'. it i terms oi' open know ledge rather than aecoi Jfhf? to i,i •- «ii?n secret.'. Such reports as the fc-o/- ernment now issues on peunut.-i v. jre made possible through ihe uctvities of the giowers, who plaCKl tiieii dc mantis beforeCorigress." CHURCH OF THE ADVENT EASTER DAY Order of Music 11:00 A M: "Welcome, Happy Morning"—Sullivan "Christ Our Passover"—Mornington Sequence-Anthem "The Resurrection" —Nevin "The Strife Is O'er" P^estrina Ott'ertory Anthem: "Christ The Lord Ih Risen Today"—Morrison. Sanctus - Taylor - Gloria In Excelsis Gregorian ''Come, Ye Faithful" Sullivan Much of the music will be sung at the Choral Eucharist, 8:00 A M. Choral Eucharist, 8:00 A M.—Thit is the Holy Communion for the per formance of the Easter duty. Church School, 10:00 A M. Morning Prayer anil Sermon —11:00 AM. chenu A M- —Sermon Subject: "The Easter Answer." A cordial welcome to all SCOUT ACTIVITIES The Williamston Troop of the Boy Scouts held their regular meeting last night. After the disposal of all bus first real hike of the Scocts will be 'enjoyed (?) Monday. They start from v here at six o'clock for Everetts, have breakfast some where between here and there, then continue their jour -1 ney to Robersonvlile, a total distance for the walkers of thirteen miles. •V --, _ - THE ENTERPRISE LEADER OF DOUKHOBORS cSffi P**PlL I'hoto of i'eter Vertgln, ucki.owl leader of the Doukhobors (a Russian rellgloua sect) of western Cntiaila. A cording to newspaper re poits, Verlgla has proposed that ehll dreu of less than ten years of oge, the and the lntlriu he toaeed In to the Columbia river—,|\i»t to enable the Dmikl.obon more en ally to dispose of their property and wander about the country in vagrant banda, its a protest against what they style ex cessive %ifi*l>»tlon. On several previous occasions the Doukliobors have singed nude parade*, both of young children ami adult*, ■ometlmeg In bitter winter weather. RAILROAD STOCK MUCH STRONGER The prices of atricles hauled by the railroads aie down bat I'm charges ol the railroads for hauling those articles is up. When following the lines ol the great Southern Railway; begiji ning at New York ami going tiouth thorugh our own state; South Caro lina; Georgia; Alabama; Mississippi and Louisiana and you see financial depression and distress written upon everything. You see storehouses per manently cloned, buincs firms strug giiig and property not worth fifty cents on the dollar. You see farms that can be scarcely sold at any price for cash. Take a train from New York to New Orleans and make a note oi everything you sec that is highet than before this depression and you will find none. The average is per haps fifty per cent lower but when you look at the railroad's property you will find that it is more than 2o per cent higher. Why is this? It must be that the railroads have a be! ter organization. They are at least nearer New York and Washington than we are. A twenty per cent rise in prices will pay every cent the south owes. tOTTON CONSUMED SHOWS GAIN OVER 1921 Washington, April 13 —Cotton con sumed during March amounted to five hundred and eighteen thousand, four hr.dred and lfty bales of lint and forty for thousand, one hundred and bcv t.ntv-seven I inters, 'lhis is in com- Liaiison to four hundred and thirty- eight thousand two hundred and eight bales of lint and forty-four thousand six hntired and f oily-seven linters last year according to statement an nounced by the census. BANK OF ENGLAND DIS COUNT NOW 4 PER CENT I-ondon, April 13.—The Bank of England has announced another reduc tion in their discount rate, making it four per cent now. This action was welcomed as aother step in the restor atioiv#f more normal conditions. f HAMILTON ITEMS » J W Counci lof Rocky Mount spent 'Sunday here with his mother Mrs. Lucy oCuncil. Mrs Walter Roberson and daughter have returae dto their home in Rob ersonville after visiting the former's parents Mr and Mrs J A Davenport. Dr and Mrs M I Fleming Spent Sun day with Mrs J P Boyle. Mrs Codie Purvis has returned af ter spending some time Edgecombe county visitin gfriends. Miss Lou Council is visiting her sister, Mrs F L Haislio. Mrs S D Matthews is at home aftp>, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Council in Morehead City. Mrs R B Watkins has returned to St Louis after spending some timej with Mrs J P Boyle. - MAMMOTH YELLOW SOY BEANS for sale. Riecleaned specially for seed. J R Knowles, Dardens, NC. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 14th, 1922 1 FARMER IN DISTRICT TO PAY INCOME TAX Charlotte New*. Only one farmer in Mcklenburg| Gaston and Lincoln counties—the dis trict presided over Tax Commissioner A. Morris McDonald paid an income tax to the state of North Carolina for the past year, that farmer being Walter S Pharr, of this county. Mr McDonald's records do not con tain the name of a single farmer in the three counties who was forced to pay this tribute to Caesttr, because his net earnings during the past year, above his exemptions. It was pointed out thut Mr Pharr paid the income tax not on receipts from the operation of his large plan tation east of this city but on sales of decorative trees etc., largely used on the development of tho estate ot J II Duk. The unique discovery wu3 various ly commented on when made known by Mr. McDonald, it being; generally agreed that it furuishes an index into Uie economic co'nditons of the fuimers of these 3 counties —counties that are regarded as far above the average in the number of productive farms as well as in the number of intelligent farmers. That not a single producer from the soil of this territory made enough money during last year above his ex emptions to pay this tax to the state was regarded by many as clear indi cation of the misfortunes that huve generally overtaken the agricultural interests. BIG FIRE AT WHITEHALL Goldsboro, April 13. —Nine stone* and their contents, three stables anti lve residences; as well as several head of livestock and a quantity of hay and fertilizer were -burned yesterday at Whitehall, a village 17 milos east ol Coldsboro according to meagre advices received here last night. The blaze, which authorities believe to have been of incn.liary origin i-tart ud in the stables of the Seven Springs Supply Company. The toial loss is estimated at from f .50,000 to SBOO,OOO yhich was only partially covered by insurance. The fire spread from one side of the street to the other and was fanned by a*«4o-mile wind, which blew over this section. The pntirc citizenry of hte village fought tin blaze but was unablo to chock it. The little village was practically wiped out by the fire, only a few homes being left standing. PARKER—KNIGHT Dr. and Mrs J liurke Haywood Knight announce the marriage of their daughter Frances Elizabeth to Mr. William King Parker » on Wednesday, April the twelfth nineteen hundred and twenty-two Wiliiamston, North Curoliua At Home after May the first Wiliiamston, N. C. The abov£ announcement will be of uitcrest to the friends of Mr ami Mrs Parker in Wiliiamston and the County. The wedding wa* at four o'- clock Wednesday afternoon at tin home of the bride in the preface ol a few invited guests and immediately afterwards the bride and groom left for Rocky. Mount by motor where they took a train for Niagara Falls. f' ANNOUNCEMENT Circle Number Five of the Raptist Aid Society will give a Silver Tea at the home of Mrs P 11 Cone on Church stneet Friday afternoon, April 21st. from four to six PM. You are cor dially invited to attend. GRASS HAS FOREST FIRE A forest fire, supposedly of incen diary origin, broke out in the Deai Grass section nea lthe Sam Moble> place Tuesday and left destruction in its wake. and feriWE suffered and had it not s>een for the almost superhuman ef forty of the people in the community homesteads and property would have been burned by thejire which was be ing carried in all directions by the high winds of Tuesdya afternoon and right. - •- •- ~ - CONVOCATION AT BETHLEHEM CHURCH There will be a convocation of thr people near Bethlehem church dedi cating a well of water to the use of the public. This is a gift from me in memory of my seventy-second birth day to all people, of any race am color. ' Speaker: W T Alexander; Music W V Ormond; Reading: W C Chance. Come and bring your Bible and take part. Time Sunday April 30th from one to three P M. JOSHUA L. GRIFFIN. Local News and Personal Mention Martha Cotton Crawford ar rived Tuesday night from Laxingtoii where she has beau visiting har father Mr. Ben Crawford sin.e leaving Salem College for the holidays. * * * * Mr and Mra John L Rodg*>rson and children will leave tomorrow by motor for Richmond where they wil spend Eastsr with relatives und return Mon day. • • • * Mrs C D Cars tar pheu went to Lit tleton Wednesday to visit her sister, Mia J A White, who lives near there. ■ V *' * Mr Jack Hunter yr«ll Wave tomor row for Greensboro tfi spend Sunday with friends. • • ■ • Mr. Charles Harris of Washington spent Sunday night jut Monday in town. • • • * Mrs Fannie Carstarphen has been visiting her aon, Mr Martin Carstar phen, in Turboio this week. • • • • Mr F W Craves is a business vis itor in Danville Va., tliis wwek • • • ■ Miss Minnie Orleans will leave to morrow for her home in New York City after spending a w>k hervj with her parents. • • ♦ • Mrs W B Watts and children of Willoughby Beach are the guests of Mr. and Mrs J W Watts. » • • • Miss Daisy Wynne is spending tho day in Rocky Mount with her sister, Mrs R S Critcher, Jr. • • * e Messrs Wheoldr Martin and Jesse T Price attended the Republican State convention in Winston-Salem this week. • • • * Messrs S Collin Feel; Edgar lionoy and William J Starr cxpocl to speud K aster with friends and relatives in Creswell. • • • • Mr John W Manning j)a. been ill several days this week at his home on Church street. i • • • • Dr J E Sputhwirk; Ivwtiß Miz«lle and E H Ange of Jame villa wore bus iness visitors hore Tuesday night. • • • • Mrs. John I. Hasj-ell and Elder Syl veter Hassoll returned Wednesday night f rom Conetoe where tliey attend tsil the Thigpen-Strickland wedding. • • • • Misses Mary White and Martha Sim mons Mizelle will leave Monday for Farmville where they will attend the Easter Dane*!. • • * • Miss Milly Sprulll will spend the holidays at her home in Roper. • • • • Rev J M Perry of Robers'rtivjlle will hold services at Bear Grass school house Sunday April 16th at three I' M. • • • • Mr W J Whitaker spent Wednes day anil yesterday in Raeigh. « • • • Mrs J L Williams left this afternoon for Grifton to spend Easter with her parents. Mr Williams will leave Sat urday night for Grifton. Messrs Juy Griffin and Howard Her rick arrived this morning from thn University of North Carolina for the Banter holidays. • • • ■» • Mrs Lawrence Stallings of Washing ton, D C., is visiting her sister Mrs Wheeler Martin Jr. • • • • Mr. Bruce Wynne arrived this morn ing from Trinity College in Durham to vi.iit his parents, Mr and Mrs L B Wynne during the holidays.. • • • • Rev. C L Read of Kinston was in town Wednesday to perform the mar riage ceremony in tha Parker-Knight jaiptials. > M•• • • Mr. Kadger Perry spent Thursday in Rocky Mount receiving medical treatment at Park View Hospital SHIPPING TIME FOR POTATOES The shipping season for potatoes in this territory is almost on and is In a state of uncertainty. The potato shipments this season havo been 207,- 615 carloads against 177,446 for last year. Already there have been ship ped 664 carloads of new potatoes as against 516 cars last year. The most noticeable thing about potatoes is the price which ranged early in the week from 40c per bushel in somt sections to as high as (8.60 per bushel in others. GOOD TENANT WANTED: WHO can handle two-horse crop. Addrea "W" Can EntoprlM. JAMESYILLE NEWS / AND PERSONALS f JAMESVILLE NEW ITEMS Mr and Mrs C A Askew motored to Washington yes dretayetaoinshdrinun Washington yesterday on a business trip. Mrs W H Stailings arrived Monday afternoon from Norfolk where she had spent a few day* with relatives aad friends. Messrs Alexander Manning and C C Coltrain wv>re visitors this week Mr Orlando Griffln and Miss F.thel Griffin of Williamston attended the play "A Prairie Rose" given by the Hardlaon school Friday night- Mr A B Babcock of Tarboio is tn :own this week Dr U S Hassell made a business trip to Williamston Tuesday. Mrs J W Mailin spent » fow days ill town this week with friends and relatives. Mesdames Herbert Lilley and Jack Staling* motored to Williamston Sat- MisfW.' Sudie, Gladys and Queenlr Martin were the guest st»f Mr and Mrs Archie Modlin Saturday night. Among the Saturday visitors in town were Messrs N K Manning; J J Roberson; L E Corey; W W Griflln; G H Micelle; K G exton; W G Har dison; Charlie Mi*elle; H M Holliday and J L Coltrain.. Miss Lillie Bel llrown spent a f«w days this week r.oar Mackeys with relatives. Mes.fra Arthur Koberson and Frank Robcrson were hare Tuesday. Mr and Mrs M C Jackson ap«nt the weekend in the country with Miaa Ll*- zle Mi mile. Mr W li Norria mad) r business trip here Tuesday.. Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Peel and chil dren of Stokes wero the guests of Mrs. J. M Lilley, Friday Mi It E McNoilie of Petersburg was a business visitor here this week. Mr. Elbert I'eel of Williamston was here yesterday attending to legal mat tors. '' Mr and Mrs George E Koberson and children were the guests of Mr and Mrs H G Griffin Sunday.. Misses Sadie and Myrtel Griffin hpent the weekend in the country. Messrs A L Marshall, A 3. Durham and H. B Holloman were in town this week The Young People's Missionary So ciety held its monthly meeting with Mrs E II Ange and Mitts Neva Holli day. Those pre Bent were Meadamea John Sexton; Jack Stalling*; F S Daw W H Lilley; I' M Holtiday; M C Jack son and F M Suxton; Minuet* Hazel Rober.son; Edith Stalling*; Sadie Grif fin; Efflo Brown; Rhodu I'eel and Car rie Edens. Artel* thfi tablh'AH before' Una merttng had bee'i disposed of de lightful refreshments consisting of ice cream and cake were served. The Society adjourned to meet vtih Mrs M C Jack son May 70th RECORDER'S COURT The regular session oi Martin coun ty court convened Tuesday, April 11, with Judge Calvin Smith presiding Kiwi attorney B Duke Critcher prosecuting in behalf of the State. The follow ing cases wene disposed of,; State vs Rufus Taylor—Larceny and Receiving. Scifa continued till April 26 1922. State vs Edgar llodgos—Assault. Found no tguilty. State vs Will Modica —Larceny and Receiving; sentenced to county jail term of one day and fined $40.00 and cost of action. MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETING The Martin County Medical Society held ita regular meeting Thursday af ternoon In the offices of Dr J H Saun ders on Main street. The principal business before the Socuty was the election of officers a|d appointing a delegate to the State Medical Society Convention which will be held in Win ston-Salem in the latter part of this imonth. Dr B L Long was made Pres ident and Dr William E Warren, Sec netary and Treasurer. Dr Long was also elected delegate to the State meet ing. NOTICE To E B Guenther and all others in ~ te rested i Notice is hereby given that I pur chased two hundred (200) acres of land In Jameaville township, the Gardner patent, Uste dfor taxes by E. B. Guenther at a sheriff's sale for taxes at the court house door of Mar tin county on June oth 1921 and 1 shall demand a deed for same one year from that dat unless redeemed before. This April 10th, 1822. A* ASA T. CRAWFORD. FOR SALE:* NICE HAMPSHIRE pigs, entitled to registration. Both male and female from tiro to four months old. W. W. Griflln, R F D 4. | Concealsd Weapon Proves { to Be Three-Foot Sword J J New York. Terence BbHOi. J , Brooklyn, *ll held la MOO ball J J for ■••dona on a cbarge t t of carrying a concealed weapon J J whi-o ha waa arraigned In Adam t 4 »t rvet court. J llouiegoere In the crowded > f Horoufh bull aectlen of Brooklyn J J wer« eunled at 11 o'clock at * ' nlifht wh« tlu-y aaw Polite J J Strut I'utrick J. Lee of lh« ' * Adam* street prertact walk up t t to Siulili npeu the miti'i eoat J ' and pull from concealment a p i tlnee-foot (word J Smith tn!l that he needed the t * sword to protei.-t hlmaelf, ao- J J cording to Lee, who aald Smith » » had been mixed up to a quarrel ' ' at hi* lodging hoitee and tke po- > * lice were notified to look e«t for { J hi in, t I NEWS FROM IN AND > AROUND OAK CITY Mr J T Matthews made a business trip to Seotiand Neck Saturday. Maura Eubanka ami Kdmoadaoa af HasseU warn in town Sunday after noon. Mr W N Wo relay and family speut Sunday in Seotlaad Keek with rela tives. Messrs Carson ami Brown of Bethel wara in town Sunday aftedaoen. Ajnong thoaa who attended oaurt la Williams ton Tuesday wara Maaara J W Hinee; U L Johnaoa; L J Davea port; Dannla Bunting and B M Wor alay. Mr H D Tew of Dartiagten, South Carolina wan Kara Thuradag aa kue inaaa. Mr Marvin Everett is hetae fron the University of North Carolina fe« the Eauter holidsys. Mr Jo« Early and aoa, Maurice, «l)ant Monday in William.iton. MISSED EMSIO Uaggette; Louiaa Scott Ent»lle Wuyna and Mr H S Everett attended church at Williams Chapal Misiies Vera llarrell and Louiaa Scott and Messrs J C Johnson; FauJ Kuwls and Howard Brown spent Sat urday in Gold l'olnt. There wil lbe a special Easter pro gram given at both churchea hare Sun day. Those who were on the honor roll lust month were: First grade; Floried Cox; Thelma Haislip; Hazel Davis; Marietta Ogg; Irene Harfell; Susie Johnson; Louies Council; Letha Harrall; Omar Hy man; Clinton llrown; Fred Barretts, Alfrwd Sills; Wesley Stroud; Benja Ciin Worsley; William Davenport; Ll« r ood Sills; Maurica Bunting; Ban Cross; Arthur Hyman; Samuel Price; Wilson Vlck and Haywood Vick. Second grade; Stanley Ayers; ltuth Daniel; Eula Vick; Larry Bal lard; Charlie B Council; Haywood Crisp; Mary Ruth Koss and Wilthui Council. Third grade: Francea Ilarrall; Nina Moya; I-ee i'owall; J B Davanport, and Velma Hinea. Fourth grade; Naomia Ftheridge, Hilda Tyaon; Hallla Tyson; Willis Sills; Howard Harrall and Milton Rob erson. Fifth grade: Nat Johnson; Blanche Ayers; and Rachel Rawls. Sixth grade: Emma Daniel and Olivia Johnaon. Seventh grade: Sarah I Johnaoa, Ha sal Pi I and; George Stevenson and Thad Co*. METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES Sunday achool U:46 A M—J E Pope Supt. Every member la urgda to come and bring a new member. Morning service: 11:00 o'clock. Afternoon service at Holly Springs Church, 8:00 P M. Easter program by the children, at 7:46 P M. Epworth League, lionday night at 8:00 o'clock. Every member la prgad to be present MANAGER WANTED: EXCLU siva contract; resident representa tive (Farmer preferred advertising agricultural equipment lor large man ufacturer. No investment required; mat have highe*?. bank references. Boa 212, Atlanta Ga. It WANTED: ROOMERS AND BOARD ars. Phone 00. Mrs John D Ward FOR SALE: ONE ENTIRELY NEW LaJlay Light plant. Kaaacwabla price and very easy terms. Sac W. C. Manning- "*tf CHICKENS AND EGOS WANTED; Wa will pay highest caah prion, write or wire oa for prices. Owens Fruit and Produce Co., Tampa, Via. It GOOD JUMBO SEED PEANUTS for wle. W H Regan, CNf. 4tpt IP YOu QUICK RESULTS Uftß A WjKT AO lit THE DTfAraUE ESTABLISHED 1898 WHAT THE TELEPHONE GIRL HAS TO STAND iaiwne el (he trial* ti*et ociae to tbe Uttle lady at the awitehhoard art tfcaa amusingly porreyed m the Scimitar, jut aa article called L» meiit of a Telephone Operator:'* "Oh! that I might get ra Uat; "From til* person who aita M tar from tke telepkoae aa tke eord wfl permit; and tea expect* ae to hear what he aaye. "P rem the jroueh, who if I de a*4 anewei wken he thiniee I aoald, M|( at aia "W ha Ike ye doia' 4cwa tbere ? Beem tryin' le get y* far a hourl' "Trem tke woman who I kftTe only her telephone ko answer. "Froaa the fiailuw who trice to MOM cae think he'a dropped hie to tke alet wbea I knew he haaat. "From the guilty party who MU aae I lieten la ea the lhae. "Freta the jealous nvsUn whe, Ml that hJa lady's Una a boey, toqafraa 'Cut me In Ml you!" "Frem tke laay gur whe wu*> see to aoaneot turn with Jaha Junm rmo - and gets mad If I toll Ma to look in the book fer the nsmhar. "From the parson whe laf—ai to anrwar kla teie£boMj outt he g«to good and ready, and whan ha hahl hto party («m, kewla Ma awl Fiam the patAea who sale a WMa har fr«n Memory |«W tt wmg mat kkues Ma far II And— "Finn that iaavttoMa *H y» leek as gee 4 aa yav velee aaaato yea*re aoaua kahy, ekUdl" A DOIT AN OUT MAN , Ta tha Fublioi Wa kara tha fstlowtag clilna raady far plaoeaeeat thla Month art if yaw are In parties to nrwniial any heaaea hi your wuntjr wha wtah otuldran of the agea meutfaned, wa would ba plaaaad ta (Ira thefr f pli cations prompt action; 1 boy I mon tha old; 1 boy 2 noMhe •dffl 1 boy 1 month old; 1 hoy twa yaara old; 1 boy 6 ycara old; 1 bay 7 months old; 1 boy 14 yaara old; i girls 8 yaara old; 2 girls 12 yaara *U. Thara ara ao many hotnalaaa (U --dran being o(Tarad a '.thla time that wa urga upon you tha importance af assisting u» in finding homes for tks above msntloned child, an aa #k mar uaa tha beds they ara aow oeatpytog for other chlldrea who are applytay for admission. Youra vary (ruly, JOHN J. PUOMNIX, State Suparlnteadeat, CMldrea's HOM« Society ef N. C. CONGRESSMAN BRINBOIf DftA* Congneeeroaa a 11 UrintH wt Mm third dletrict died tl a heepttal ta Naw turn yeaterday horning. He was eervli.g kla eecoru tarat ta CBB- Craaa. llr llrfneoo wu born 1* New born in 1870, WM a l o*n«d lawyaa 1 and engaged in practice then for arr erul yeara. I* lt»02 he WM elected Buperiatende»t of Inetrnotlea, wkic hpodtion he held for irt— ywn, until hi* •lection to Coarreae in 1818. He wu e fine citlaea ttd a faithful offidaL Mr Brinaoa kad baae aick for eeveraj a ontha and waa uperatde upon at Mayo Brother* Hos pital at Kocheatar, Mtnnaaota (MM time ago fer the trouble te whlak he finally auccumbed. SERVICES AT BAPTIST dOBCB } A. V. Jejaaa, ,»ei*m J uaday achool 1:41 A U.—4 0 Am deraon Supt. Sermon by the paater 1141 A ■ Subject: "The Living (lutak" B Y P 0 7119 P M -Mlm Mnßa Brown, I.oader. Sermon by the paator S.-fiQ P M Prayer meeting Weduaadagf treaM* 8:00 P M. Speda muatc at both nonkf Mi evening aarrloaa. We extend to yon a noat aardfel Mt> ▼itation to woiahip with aa at all (Mm aarvicea. CANDIDATE'S CARD - v To the voten of Mart* Cav&tyi I hereby announce my naiwUdaay ft* the office of Sheriff, auhjact to tha aa tion of the DamocmtM prima rf» promising that If nominated aad elaat ed I will perform tha dntiaa ef At office to tha beat of my ability. Reanoctivelv. „ 7 JOH * T - BDMOMMWf. -iui * % ADMINISTRATOR NOT!CI Having thia day qaaliflad aa atete Letiator upon tha aetata of ouah ■ Harrison Wynne lata of Martin MM# North Carolina, thia to to aettfy fm eona having tlaliqa ajetyM ja>4 to present aame to tha OmMhlmmN for payment on or before the 9th tkf of April, 19M or thia adttoa «01 ha pleaded ia bar of thatr lawmy. AO panona JneWrtad te aaH aetata M® pleaee mak atiniawllat aatthaMßtL Thia 7* adty etf April iMh RAEET A BIWN, Ate, J • j:f

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