Edison RE - CREATIONS NOW AT NEW PRICES $1.35 Series—Now SI.OO 1.85 Series—Now 1.50 «L\ 2.25 Series —Now 2.00 j; EDISON Re-Creations have al- 1 ways u em exceptional \ ■» 1 They p'a> almost tv\ ce t.s ioi-.tr as Ordinal*:/ talking-machine rec ords. Tb >y are so that, wl en pla *ed On.a New Hi>ison. thoy sust; in the tost of direct corn' parison v th 1•' im r artists. I hey ar? first with Broadway hits. x ''v roiv.f t 1 c-ao new i rk'.s. i ako I -1 i' ( tr -i "> \\ i i • ■ i' jnar f 'o ■ • x> (:> i■ and h(-ar tire r 'west ■ fl-Mi-vs : 1 oti e 1 ;■('. i"a .' ay. • a j( u i t, M: t: 'tv ■ . ..r ; ' .hli- : ■' • ana \.ins ai'tei* the lirst play ing. B. S. COURTNEY THIS,; BANK Will cooperate with any responsible man in any legitimate bus iness if he understands his business. Moral: Study Your Business. * This is the bank where you are made to fell at home. Bring your money and place it to your credit at this bank. We in vite you to do YOUR banking with this friendly bank. Below is a condensed statement made at the close of bus inosp- "n their annua 1 meeting on the sthof April, 1922. RESOURCES * IJABIIJTIES Loans and Discounts $597,790.35 Capital « $100,00.00 Overdrafts 2.593.12 Surplus 75,000.00 Banking house and Dividends unpadi... 18.00 fixtures 15,818.31 Bills payable 65.000.00 Stocks 2,500.00 War Finance Corp. 45,000.00 Liberty Bonds 2,()50.0o Deposits 475,590.81 Cash on hand and in ' Undivided profits.. 5/254.06 banks 130,811.09 Loss in Lib. bonds 13,700.00 Total _ $765,862.87 Total - .$765,862.87 c Farmers & Merchants Bank WILLIAMSTON, N. C. John D. Biggs, Pres.; C. D. Carstarphen, V. Pres.; R. W. Sals bury, V. Pres.; R. G. Harrison, Active V. Pres.; J. D. Woolard, Cashier; C. D. Carstarphen, Jr., Asst Cashier; Miss Bessi- Page Bookkeeper " 1 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in a certain deed of trust executed in tne 2oth «lay of De cember, 191«, by the Martin county 1 i»ii Association uiiu registered in the .egistei ol ueud'b oihce for Mam/. Luai.iy in book k-2 at page 8, to se cure the payment ol a certain bond ol even date therewith, ami the stipula tions in said deed ol trust not having uueu compiled with and f.t the request Ol tne pai ties interested, the under Mgned trustee will on Monday, the .Utii Jay ol April, 1922 at 12:00 o'- uock M., at the court house door oi Miu'tin eouiay, Vv imainston N C., ol ,ei ut public sale to the highest bid .jbi; lor ciisu, tne following describee ieai estate: A tract of land in Willianistoi. Martin jaunty, fsorth Car ....a, beginning at an iron stake on .ne W iluamston and Lveretts road, . aiming tnence along said road 6l J ,o l es to the McUaskey road; thence ,-.ung the McGaskey road in a nortix ...jeition Jii poies to t.io Atian.u ..oast L~»e laiuoail oo'a. right of wa.. down the Auantic Coast Lint • ight ol way 81 po»es to an iron stake, net a stiaight line alung C A Mai .mo iana to an irou stake onjthe eivad W illiatn.-iton ami Everett. „., iho beginning, containing foil., .oi 'uciei more oi ies*. 'litis bein t ...t aamt Ui .o tonveyeu to. said Mai .... county I'an Association by C - .vlartin. the I'th day of March, 1922 Wn.LL.LLii MAlt'fiN, Trustee . K ji i liuUi' C.-ililiAbtl i'LAN 11 -i.om our bouUl Caioiina coast .ou m Ga., farms, big stock} u.nL will stand very nard colu j . Jei.-ey, Chaileslon Wakefielu, ,ce ..--ion, i lat I- tel., i i-paid man, j, ...., -iuii, sl.u. ii/iKt 2.UU, hx . e -.o 2000, so.t>U, oOUO, ♦-...26; 10,00b i .00. Count and iielistiy £uaractceii rker l'arms, At.aata, b.orgia. J 'CE Having tliis day qualified a« Ad i ra-iixts ol tin esttiU of William i JioOer.son, deceased, he of Mar • i loanty, notice i> hereby given to on- in.it I.ted to sa d estate to i.it forward promptly and settle same. All persons holding claims a ..•uiiist said estate will file them be- I ore January 30th, 1923, or this no m-i) will be ..pleaded in bar of their li-covery. ih.. . i'th day of Janua y, 1922. I.VIA I WO I'LNKINA ROi .-ION, Ad;. lii.itrurtfxes. I* HHi —m a a | -ITired f I gS "I waa weak and run-down," I 1 relate# Mm. Eula Burnett, of « Dalton, Oa. "I was thin and V jnat fait tired, all the tlma. V ■> I didn't reit well. I wasn't M I ever hungry. I knew, by U M this, I needed a tonic, and H I aa there la nona better than—> R |UIM| | The Woman's Tonic S J ... I tn-gan ußtnl Card.il," j I contlnuea Mrs. Burnett. V "After my first bottle, 1 slept If n better and ate Letter. I took j\ £ four bottles. Now I'm well, js « feel Just fine, eat and sleep, M icy skin la clear and I hara ,J 'B gained and sure feel tliat B®| Cardul la the best tonic evsr made." l« Thousands of other women _ have found Cardul a'i % 9 Mrs. Burn«tt (11(1. U should / M help you. At all drurclsta. bißasffnssKtQij NOTICE Oi HALE Notice is hereby gi\t-n that uin.n and uy virtue of an order of the a t eiior court of Martin county male an cite 2lst nay of February, J.»22 in in.it tor ol tee sale uud«;. the. V\ Li Eaveti mortgage to tbt Jiid'.-rsigned tiu toe, nutd laud having iieuii sold twice heretofore, first un er tlie deed o: trust aid tfien untie* ail older id re sale of the court, the bid at the t>:.u iesule having again been raised in a«.- iinua ue with tne law, tl.e undei.sign •eu iiastce wil on Suturuay the 11 h .uy oi Match, l'JZii at 12 ocloik 1 it. the lourt lioum; doer ol Alarm, ounty at Williainston M C. ocer loi u.e to the highest bidder for ea. , me following defc.ciil.t4 lamia, to Wit I'ii st tract: liounuisd on the no. U, uy the la ids of Primus Lynch, on t a east by oseplt Long and fhotnas S:n .igt; on the weut b> the Latter Coun eil lands, and 011 the sout.i by the pub iic load leading from Oak.City to Gum ..wan.p, and being the same pn m.-e that weie convened to Elillun t. U.i >en|)ort under. tHe last will and U ; ment oi Joiui T. ' ■ ...eh slad Will is oi iccord 111 tia .1 rk's ollice o f Martin count} an 1 i.- ,ti«y 11.1'eied —. j »Secuud tract: ljegimiin gin the pub In (road at a dilel* hear the dwelling oi tne late Joaii 1 Hainan, a. i.n lion slob in feui dditch; runs thence S 80 1-2 E *to poles; tlienuc N V 1 1 E 20 poles; thence N 40 E 164 pole,. 10' me miii of cypress .swamp; themv ! up said bwainp to a cypress stuiiip; a I I oraucn; thence down said blanch toj ! the si> id. load; thence with said 01:1.1 | tu the eontainiiiK eight j I two taZ) aiies, mole or less. Tills IWrd day of Feb., IXI-, A K DI'NKINC, Trust. i- I NOTICE: A SOW AIiOLT 2 VLAK: old, white, except for a few 'sinaM bla. k spots, marked two »iits in tl. r.gnt and crop in tne left ear, li. - I been at my promises since about tne last of Noutuber. Owner will plea.-e come lot her. J. Mills, It 1' U ;i. lit NOIICE 01' SALE | Under :;nl by virtue ol the author I ;t> cout.ti ied in a certain deed id li u-l on tits iOtli day of Jan :,l'»i'd b) L i> Hoe buck and ILtrvej' I n0.,11 . (11 s. .d-ilee do! tiust u ing 1 I it tb!''.in lie regiider jl leed .- oi | ~ I. i|| ! i'a«e .If, to secure the payineiit ol .1 I eetlain note of even date therewith | and tne ttipulations in said deed ol I trust not having been complied with and at the request of the parties 111 I ton sled, UlO undersigned truaeo will 011 Monday tit* 20th day of Mar. .1, j 11)22 at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door of Martin county William -1 ston, N C., offer for sale to the high I est bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate: A tract of land in the town of l'urniele, containing twenty-two and two-elevenths of an acra, b-inning at a stuke at the right of the Weldon and Kinston branch ol ti.e Atlantic Coast line railroad Co., and the liocky Mount and Pyl.mouth - branch of the Atluntic Coast Line railroad Co. intersect, the starting point being on the left hand side ol the Weldon and Kinston branch go ittg towards Kinston; thence north 80 1-2 poles along the right of way of the Rocky Mount and Plymouth brem of the A C E Co. to a stake, J 1 I —: :U*L WARRENS IMPROVED COTTON SEED L'/" Educate tor business - Or 7~~ . , '' r>lll , /\c llrCM , Warrens Improved Prolific Cotton Seed for sale. Field selected forVen Thf BmfartH- Training oflrtT adim', i .»»> at..i mt xpcni'.vc rout? tol>uoce»». • , Practical stenographic ami *ecretanal given. King* gtuduate* years. Taken first prize in every Fair shown for five years. Less danger with leading Carolina • linnV'Studcnt* asM>trd «r«v to *ituaions. hales of tuition and board very reasonable. Enroll anv time. Write t »duy foi frorn boll weevil became it is early, tree (rom disease, will yield two bales •ere. Buy early as I .have only a limited quantity. Price SI.OO per bush (. S A //14 fl A / el order, ten busliel lots; $1.26 per bushel for less quantities. . HVMAN WARREN , • "'"Raleigh, N. C. • • Charlotte, N. C. R. F. D. NO. 8 " ROBERSONYILLE, ■*. 0i L L • ' * ' r • . - *' ' " • • - > . , -■ ' • S" -■ k ! Wynn's corner; thence soaQi 8 west j 9 poles and 19 iiinks; thence south 1 east 5 1-2 fcioles; thence south 1 I 19.'1-2 ea.;t K po.;i., thence i 16. '1 ! i-2 west 48 pol: ~ ttier.ee north 8T 1 | ea:t i.6 poies and e ; link.': tiieriit iOUt!. 1 | 4 ..Vit 29 pok-s; ti.ence north it east ■ 23 pules and G link?; tiience souih 4 1 west 29 thence north S6 west 06 poiesc thence nortn 4 east 19 poles, thence north 62 we t 1C pales to the rifciu of way 01 the Washington Dranch oi the Weldon and Washing 1 ton branch of the Atlantic Coast Lint P.ailioad Co., thence north 16 east db , otes and a links; thence north 2. ea:.U. along the tigiit of way oi ta>.- iviii.;ton branch of the Atlantic Coi.st Line raihoaci Co.; thence nortn 2. .•a.st along tne liiliston and Vv.'i ranch 39 poles to the beginning. Saving an dexceptmg fivm~the cp .lOtitti of t.us cor\tyance an tract 1 t lai.d 100 feet frontiij, on the iCoc Houi.i and Plymouth oianch ol' 1..0 coast L.re ];.*».imad bog.i.- .ng -it the starting pom' m the re' ;i,p..oh ,;8 above, running thence a ji.g the right of 'way of the P.o'..; 1 ui t and Piyrm -ih bunch of t . :.i :ic Coast Lu.v P. h Co., no):' ~ 1- . V'.ist 100 feet t j a i;take tne: v ■ j ,11- 21 ".ve:*. e,OO lciet lei a tta! c 1,1 le • aoiltii fco i-2 vest 100 t u • , theti'-e i.oit. 1 t> 1 ■et.il. nng. ih : loth day of February, H>?.2 lARIi:, CUI'NTV 'rAVINGS ALL IK I SI CO, Inc., Trustee NO I ICE OI SALE P.j \.rtue eoi tai authority coiifit ou I.- nie b., a duel u->t 1 ust ext-cule^ a., "ii.i ljtrvMu 1' Koourson and wit;, 1 hoOersoii on the. 3rd day oi 1. a, bet, i.ut>, alia auly ietorued .1. ' 1 '/» C. Oi liCClic ('ili(.B iJi Ma. tin cotin ii I.oOi. t 1, ail, to recu-' ic 1 - iiicnt ol a cc .am bond beat e ei.j ate ineitwr.ii luu Uie t.t ; ~.«ti' a .11 «a.a del., nf tiust nut h'-^ .1; n e'n t oinpiie.i v. .1,1, 1 Shall e ep. ■ .1 |U lie auction lei CSX ll Oil Mallli,'.. e . .tii «iit) 01 ALiicli, 1922, at 1.. 1, a tin court lie., t in Martin coi.i. ... , ti.e* ; iiilnwitig 1 : peitj . . lie,.inning at lot i,.lti»octjon of t _m: ... 1' i«:l \.,i ...i.g loir load, W ' 1 ta'.u L'aiu b.a..th. at Lifau.u . :ie .-..ii.-, ..ae; ti ei.. c up ti.e tan t... .i ll . laiuh to the naglo jiatii, at t-.*- ea l .'uitier ol Louisa L.ie\ .ai ...ii'iue we.,lwaiu> 1 along tne- DC; . a h to a lane in lront ol Louisa Lil-, .o,\.i'Miou:v; thence i.. rthwardly along re,- l.mg to the -pub;ic road, taenct tt;tv.aidly along said load to the 111 . 1 ~e'. lion witli a blanch ol thu V. am I a,..,, lat'i.e.' ~Uuti 1 u -h\.iu.t, .ih.iig .-ante to the main Jante. vt le ui'i \> ashiiigton road, Uieiice south n ,oag aine to tile U fining cont.tnlni I >a ttcic , more or ic , except 2 ac 1 e . I .old iC 1 Kobei'.on to L L Coie,\ i • lay 12 191 a,. 1 nis being the same ...i. J tioeuud Louis I. Kobet soil aim ii Ic hy liclti> liuln-i .11l and Wife Dee. 191 'J. i IJI. 21 ll» 22. LAI I'il.iS UOUEUSOK Tiustet NOTICE OI SALE I NUEH EXI U JIO.N .Soitii (.-urohiia, Mailiu County; 1. ii.e . ..jit'i 101 Court. j 11. ituneisoit iW Cotripaii> VS. l'iiu. .UattheW S. liy virtue ol an execution directed in Int. uniier.-igned lront Uie iSuperiOi eo.ni ei Mai tin eoiinty in the abo'.e j t-'iiiliedv tause, 1 will on Monday tin i .mi 11.4j of, April, 11'22 al 12 o'cioil. ; AL, at the court House ih-ol" oh Mar tin county at Y\ illiam&lon, North Cu' 0.-iia, sell at public auction to tl.t Highest bid.kit loi cash to sutisly tl.e .. 11.l ixiiuliuu ail the light, title an. ] uiieient vmiicli the sani Paul Mattiiew. ) In delenuaiit has in and to the fol -1 .latViiig lea estate to wit: I 11 I tract iiiginning at a po.it I oik,, I* ing tne ll 1. J. Abe 1 •u 11 lute uin. . 1 iiunnijg ta. telly witn. said hue witi | j.iia 011 loan to \Y 1 UoOei son s lane, j tj.eliee W,th said oKueisoil's hue . i 1 ;yrr , >"*l?bir"n T ~tP' ti:in tieetnvck" 1 ."" Uieiiet a westt I*4y course tti J P Nel f sons land; thence u southern tour.i. to thebe ginning. CuiitainiCK forty foul (-14) acres. '1 his being the faun 1 know n as the oj hit Mack Matthew'i- Ittiin on will. It he lived and 'lied. Second tpct; Containing 'sixty t6U I ucvos, more or le and being the wooden land that Jain Mack Matthews . v. netl, and bounded partly or wholly .en the south by It 1) Loburn's; on tne P west, by Ollie V.ft Nortwick; on the j north by Martha Jane Catson and on the cast by M!!«,« 11 June ',ai 01 . Tins the- 211 It d> el Kob„ 1.122. , H. T. UOLLKSO.N, Siteiix. CAN 1)1 DATE'S CAKD c ' To the voters of Martin .County: f 1 hereby announce myself a can . ilidate for the ollice of Register of 'j Deeds of M u tin County, subject to f the actiorf of UinnvorTiitic prim try c of said county. . 2 T. H. JOHNSON. Under an > /of u.. ; of sale _ at certain deed of tiust executed by B A Critcher to the undersigned trustee and bearing date- of October 27thr, 1919 ami oi record in book A-2 at page 223 of the Martin county registry, said deed >'- truii having been givvti to secure tilt - • avment of certain notes of even date therewith; and the terms and condi tions therein contained not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said notes the u.ukr gned tiuitec will,'on the 10th daj ;.f Aj-ril, 1922, at 12 o'clock M. at the cuvt house door of Martin county at ■Viii.arnston, N C. offer for sale at jjubi.c auction to the highest biddci or cash, the following described prop erty, to wit: That certain lot or parcel of land n Martin county, North Carolina a id y,'.:i.-.ed and decsribed as follows: li'e,!iK tiie hour.e and lot in the tcvr, of \\ .iiiamston, N. C. anJ bounded or. ' e east bj Main street; on the sort), by ILuvell stieet; on the wert by F 1 ■Vpfei and on the south by II B Jon .-s. . ul ining one-half acre more or le-.s. ill; j the t»th day of March, 19 !2 Dr. J. B. H. KNIGHT, Tiust'e CEI.TII ICATE OF DISSOLUTION fc'u te of North Carolina*—D pa t -it oi Mate: :o aj to wnoin tijjge presents n.-iy on.e gieeting: | Vv ie. ea::, it appeals,, to my .->at,s- I laith ii by duly authenticated Jc" ru of th • pi oceeUing.s volun.i ry da> .o ution tneieof b> th| Unanimous .•on scot of all ibtt .stockholders, .e posited in my office, that the Kouno* • and 'lur River Steauiboat oCmpany, t> corporation oi this state, whose prin c.pal office is situated in the town of \» lihainston County of Martin, State f North Carolina, has complied w.ta .r i ''-,-iiremei.ls of Chapter 22, Con >. " ted Statutes, ei titled "Coipoia -.0r..,,' preliminary to the issuing oi J ..!•> • nil'tcate of dissolution: Now Therefore, I, J Bryan Cirime«,, iHielury of tine State of Kortn Car-, o-iina oil hereby certify that tlie said 1 operation did, on ti.e loth day ol •larc . 1922, lde in my oilice a duly | i ted and attested consent in writ ' .g i" tue dissolution ol said corpora- ' i.on, executed by all the stockholder? 1 ine.eol, which said consent and the, i icoi iof the proceedings aforesaud are now on lile in my said oilice us' "provided by law. In i'estuiiony W hereof, 1 hasv,here-J unto >•{ my hand and affixed my of hcial ,eal iit Raleigh this 13th day of ■ 1a,c,., A. D. 1922. J.' BRYAN I.ld-Mi..-:, f*, rrc'tary of State 1 .. d. Maicli 14, l'J22 at 4 I*. M. .;ul recorded in * CoVpofition boolT in ; „ at page 7-2. ii. J PE.I 1., c. .s. (. NOTICE No ta Carolina, Martin County. io V. ll, t Little and ail other penani..: Noi.ce is heieby given that 1 pur unsed On acres Wilson land listed by vVhit Little in Williams township-at , sheriff's sale for taxes at the court iU» in Martin,county, Monday, Jane j ti., I'.i-'l. 1 shall, demand a de or -. af lanil at the ind of one year' ;run June Oth, 1921, unless soouei i. eciil'.d. Ma, eh 3rd, 1922. C. J GRIFFIN. TAX NOTICE Your town taxes for year 1921 are oi.g pa t d-.e. I'loa e p:.j. . ; .'iiin' «ri J ave co->t of adveitising. C. F. PAG I-:, Tax Collect ii. NOTICE North Carolina Matrin County. I'n.ler and by virtue of an order by the board of commissioners of Mar tin count) entered at their regular so on on Monday the 3rd day of April, 1J22 notice i~. lu-reny given that an [ at.oii will be held at the usual vot ( [ ,ii){ places in Poplar Point township,) Siait"ii'"c,"iinty| oil tlie ftth Tlay oT Slay 1 ' 1'.»'.!2 for the purpose of taking the sen-e of the qu'ililW*! voters of said township on the question of whether i lie board of commissioner" of Mar in count) shall levy ,u special tax for lie improving and maintaining the] . üblic roads of said township, said , hvy not to exceed thirty cents on ir one hundred dollars worth of prop it) according to the tax list of sail township. At said election those qualifiedvot ers whoare in favor of the propositi.n, i -hall vote a ballot on which shall ! Ijinti d or written the words "Foi f Special Koad Tax," and those opposed | to the proposition shall vote a ballot,j on which shall be printed or written j the words ''against special road tax. Said elections wil Tbe conducted at the time -and place aforesaid by M. 1' .. Taylor registrar; and C. D. Duvall and Joe Harris judge:, of Election, aim under the rules and regulations, are provided for the election of mem bers of the ijencral assembly under ,e general election law of the stat*. By order of the Board of Commis sioners on Monday the 3rd day of April, 1922. S. S-. HKOWN, Clerk the Board. "Tlie K.ila Around My Place Were Wise," Says John Tuthill '•'fried everything to kill them. I Mixed poison with meal, meat cheese, etc. Wouldn't touch it. Tried RAT SNAP, inside of ten days got rid of rats." You don t hnve to mix RAT ■ iNAI' with food. Saves fussing, both fi. l.iea ka cake of RAT-SNAP, lay .t where rat's scamper. .You will see no mare. Three sizes, 35c; Goc; $1.20. •soiii arui guaranteed by Leslie Fow .en's Drug Store, Hoyt Hdw. Co. and ilarriion Bros. & Co. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin i-,tiau x of the estate of Drucilia Mi z lie, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against tiio sai dentate to ttle tiie tame on or before February it, i'-.; or tins notice will be plead ed ii. Lai of their lecovery. All per ■ oi.s udcoted to'siiid t:;Uiie will please u.ake immediate settlemoat. 'lii't tne Ibtii day o» February, 1922. LLCI Mu.LLLL. Au.iiiiiistialrix of Drucilia Mizell. .iitue of the authority confer reii in me by a deed of trus' executed to id" by L M Long and vife on the 1.%t day of January, 1920, and duly recorded in the Register of Deed's ol uce i.l .ilaitiu count., ill btoit J-l at page o', 1 to secuie tne payment of a oeitaui bond dealing even date there with, and the stipulations in said deed of U ust not having been complied With, 1 shall expose al public auc tion .*or ca. hon Monday tl.e lutli day ; oi A.iri 1, X'JI.'S, at U ..1 in lion ol the iJaniw of Hamilton, in Mai ian coun j ty t,.e following pi\pi rty: I Beginning at the corner of Front and Smith streets in tht- town of Hamilton, N. C., tiiente up .attni l ront , street 44 l ti yards to M VV- Ballard's ( corner; tnence paral.'el wit). v ront St along M \V Baiiard line lfj feet to M V, i'.al.aid's wool liou e, tlience along M W Bahaid's lii.e H-'-» 2-3 yd.->. to y,o.|t.i st;i*et; the uce down. South i stieti 40 yards to Smith stiee., taei.ie ; along Smith street 16'S yards to Fiont j stic-et, tlie beginning. Containing two • (,2j aoe. more'or ie.ss; saving and ex cept.ng tlajtefrom tliat certain part t .-ii_- ! heretofore sold by il 1 Filmi ng ai d wile to M W liaiia: i by deed" of it . old in ti.e pui.ac l't g sti; of Mrrrt : n ororrty, wmof; .-bo- deed »... I.c»,eliy n*.cried to a. made a pait i u f !,>r the jiurpofe (l >ii-iwirig'- the d. . , ifji-ioir ci the »nt* tied to bti i.xc j -cu fn ni this u'ed. li .s Maicii S. l!i.!'a F. L. 11 \IiUJ», TuisU-e. Nuit'i Carolina, Martin Coui.ty. To tl.e Mary W'l.itlielii Ileiro: Vou aie heieby notified that 1 par chased one town lot in the town of Kobe ' --onvide listed us bclongng tti the -Mary, W'hit e- tnte ut 4 I lff's sale at tlie court liou.se door m Martin county for taxes on Monday, June ('>th, 1:121. 1 shad demand a deed foi it at the end of one year from that date unless soon redeemed. This March Gth, Pi 22. J H. H. KNIGHT. Adve 11 i j-v men t Ad vv rti se.ni en t , A.Mvo 1 (JH RIINOMIN AIION TO 'IIIE STA'I K SENATE ! To t. i' voii-r soi the Second Senatorial | Di-tiict: ] Ihe lie by annonce my candidacy for j ret,oi ,ination to the office of State Stnator from this district subject to. the Democratic primary. It has always been the custom of tlii» di tiict that each Seantor be erv I'-ced to two-erms, and I no wask hat ' I U -a.luwcd this same honor and 1 ! confi Itntly believe that -it will b« I : hall do my best to serve all the ! people as 1 have always done. My record statnds for itself. I am not ashamed of it. Thanking you for your past favors and the honor sohwn me and hoping to have the opportunity of serving you once more, 1 am. Your obedient servant, H. L. SWAIN, Columbia, N. C! Advert i i mont Advertisement NOTICE I North Carolina, Mailin County. { To Matilda Willhms and others": Notie eis hereby g en that I pur j chased a town lot in Williarr.ston, list ed Matilda Williams at a sheriff's sale for taxes at the court house door in Martin county on Monday June 6th, 1921. I shall demand a deed for aame at the end of one year from that date unless sooner redeemed. This March 6th, 1022. J. B. H. KNIGHT.

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