GINGHAM -» / GINGHAMS have "set their caps" to catch the feminine world —with qual ities that are l etter, styles that are metier and the lowesprices that have been nan- ed in years. Who could resist such allurements as these crisp ginghams present? Who would deny thecselves the joy of possessing just lots and Its of charming little frocks;, rir h as could be so easily made from these, t ie lovliest ginghams you'vs ever seen? ECONOMY? Of course i J it.. The m r " T c; phaiic kind. Ginghams are assuredly at their be-it during r.TNCHAV WKEK- i 1 is a cbnv o •i.e i itivariety of ginghar s t;.c -s which is to say that "it is the best time to choose ginghams fOr your spring and summer requirements. An a'ay of patterns from 12 l-2c un. Margolis Brothers and Brooks THIS IS OUR AI) AND YOU READ IT—LET US PUT YOUR AD HERE, - AND YOUR CUSTOMERS WILL READ IT. THE EN TERPRISE ALWAYS GETS RESULTS Carload No. 1 Timothy i| Hay Ju3t Received . Also Shipment of Screen doors and Wire Carload Wire Fencing O I j Come in and see our stock of gen- , eral merchandise. We carry every thing needed in the home and on the • • farm- -Our prices have always been the most reasonable to be found ana as for quality—the fact that it is sold by Carstarphen is evidence enough that it is the best. Shoes and oxfords of every de • scription. We carry every thing from the field shoe to the smartest in dress oxfords. Full line of women's and childrens footwear. Spring styles have just been received. * Clothing-Anything from Over alls to dress suits. Come in and see. C. D. Carstarphen & Company KSBBIBBEJ ATonic i For Women X "I «U hardly able to diag, I S( y was ao weakened," writes Mrs. y T W. P. Ray, of Easley, S. C. - "The doctortreated me for about ¥ two months, still I didn't get M p any better. I had a large faun- A KUy and felt I surely must do U , something to enable me to take X v. care of my little ones. I had . f heard of iCARDUII A The Woman's Tonic a X "I decided to try it," con- /J ] Unues Mrs. Ray ... "I took M M eight bcttles in all ... 1 re- M gained my strength and have pfc had no more trouble with wo- k# ▲ manly weakness. I have ten X y children and am able to doaH , T my housework and a lot out doors ... I can sure recom- mend Cardui." \j Take Cardui today. I! may *9 be Just what yoit need. if At all druggists. ft A E.W f\ NOTICE OF SALE Notice lis heioby utu'ei anu by virtue of an order of the t'j- I ' erioi couit of Martin county made on | fie 2l*t da.\ of Tehruary, 1022 in mat- I iei ot the tun: under the W E Daven I ~oi t njuiijji.j.e to tjie undersigned tia . | oujii ißiici having been bold twice I .ie»etoi'iie, tirst under the deed of ast u tut. en under an order of re -iite oi tne court, the bid at the said | eaaleuaviuK again been raised in ac | ordance With tne law, the undesign ed uuHee wil on Saturday the 11th uy ot Mai i-li, 1022 at 12 o'clock M., j 45. the coo i hou. e door of Martin ~ t at V> miam ton N C. veer i«i -ue to th'.- M«iieat bidder for ca-n, tin foi Jv, oc:,cubed lands, to Wit * Fu*L I ft- VL liounded OIJ the north ; ,y the lain of I'nmus Lynch; on tin.- «.it b\ ort , long and '1 nomas Sa\ , uit i. t- ■>. t by the linker Coun ■ii, in ion Uie south by the jiub | iouu it ui. ng iioni Oak City to (join .j aamy, an . being the same premise., weJk Conveyed to Lillian C udi.enroll under the last will and tes - Lament of John T. flyman deceased, winch said will is of record in tin. i . ieik's ollice o f Martih county and ' noieuy refeied «v. Kecond tract: Beginnin gin the pub ne road at a ditch near the dwelling uou>e of tone laie John T llyman, ai n iron stob in sai dditcli; runt, thence -» »U J-2 E 4U poles; thenou N 7 1-4 •'j 2U polos; thence N 40 E 104 pole, ihe iuiw-.if cypress swamp; tlience jap said ibwainp to a cypress stump; a | anCli; uieme down said branch to' I .e road; thence with said orau i tne begimrng containing eighty-J | wo ib 2) a> ie.-t, more or less. This &ii«i day of Feb., 1022. A 11 DUNNING, Trustee. I I NOTICE: A iiuW AIiULT 2YE AILS old, wiiite, except for a few email 1 j alack spots, marked two slits in the | | nght and crop in the left ear, hus I been at my premises since about the last of Novuinbcr. Owner will please come for her. L J Mills, li F D 3. ;ii NOTICE Ot SALE ! Under and by virtue of the author ity coatai led in a certain deed ofj mat ey C cuwid on tha .'OU> day of Jan.; l"20 by L D Roebuck and Harvey j itobersoTi si id dee dof trust being of i lecor' 1 in ti>e register of leed's of- i He of Ma't'n county in hoik \-2 at page 'ti, to secure the payment of a ' | certain note of even date therewith I and the stipulations in said deed of i I trust not having been complied with I and at the request of tire patties in- j terested, the undersigned trusee will, on Monday the 20th day of March,! 1022 at 12 o'clock M., at the court- j house door of Martin county William ston, N C., olfer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the following de- j scribed real estate:' A tract of land in the town of l'armele, containing twenty-two and j two-elevenths of an acra, beginning at a stake at the right of way where the Weldon and Kinston branch of tha Atlantic Coast line railroad Co., and the Rocky Mount and Pyimouth branch of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad Co. intersect, the starting point being on the left hand side of j the Weldon and Kinston branch go. ing towards Kinston; thence north' 85 1-2 polea along the right of way of the Rocky Mount and Plymouth brano of the A C L Co. to a stake, J C| Educate For Business The Business Training offers a abort, easy ami inexpensive mute to Success. Practical business, stenographic and secretarial courses giCeu. Kuigs graduates with leading Carolina firms. Students assisted fretf to aiiuu'ions. Kates ol tuition and board very reasonable. Enroll any time. Write today for catalog. ' "An AtaeJiud SckooT _ • Wynn'a corner; thence south 8 west 9 poles and 19 liinks; thence south 5 1-2 east 5 1-2 poles; thence south 69 1-2 east 8 poles; thence sout i 16 1-2 west 48 poles; thence north 87 cast 23 poles and 5 links; thence south 4 west 29 poles; thence north 87 euet 23 poles and 6 links; thence south 4 west 29 poles; tlieuce north B*s west 60 polesc thence north 4 east 19 pole , thence north 82 west 15 poles to the right of way of the Washington oranch ol trie Weldon ani Wasting ton branch of the Atlantic Coast Lin-: iiailroad Co., theace north 16 eat UO ami 3 links; thence north Z. ea*t along the right of way oi tiie Ainston blanch of the Atlantic Const Line raiiioad Co.; thence north i uust_ along tiie Kin&ton is■ *■ • uuntil &■> to the begiunii g. Saving an dexceptmg f toiu the ftp .iati6n oi tfiis conveyance ■un tract land 100 net 11 on til;; o i tiro lu>cfi\ .our.t and i'iymoulh iirench of tnc .i.antic Const Line Railijad begin ng at the starting pom - , in tin' «.e --iription a.-, above, running a -o:tg the lignt of way ol tiie Kuc.. .fount and liynioutii branch of t Atlantic Coast Line it If Co., noil'.' U'> 1-2 lUO feet to a i take ti M ■ outh 21 west liOO feet to a stake tlii nee boitn 85 1-2 i .stake; ti.erK'e noitn 21 ec.-st to t be ginning. This fbln day of February, I J:-- MARTIN COUNTY SAVINGS AM. 1 TRCST CO, inc., Trustua. NOTICE OF SALE ii y virtue eof tiie authority coufer cii in me t,, u dted oft rust txei uU me 1 iiobersun and ws.'e. cuilie 1. jUt joii oil tiie oiil day ui December, j;il9, and duly recorded/n register of needs oflice in Mat tin com «,y in book L-l, page 371, to sect le .he pay'mini of a certain bond bali ng evend ate therewith and t i- iiatioiiH in ueed of trust not hav iig been co.aplied with, I snaii e.\p . i at public auction for cash on Mono y am 27tli uay oi March, 1922, lit i. at the court house in Mariiu coun j, Una i'oliov. ing propcit>:: Beginning at the intersection ot t..' .aiaeivilu anj Washington road, w ' ' , lie Beaver iJam branch at t aiuii u .obentvus i.i.e; tiienc'j up li.e ru.i ijid branch to the negro pati>, ai sasL coll «r of Loai. a Cn- .. uitnce Wi_.'i»aruj i along U.e i , ath to a laxie ii. front of Loui a i. > houM.i locate uoitnwai'Uy aioi.», ,iu- tai.e to tiio public road; tin • uj-twaKi!) ; oiik f-a>d load to the icisettion w.lii a biancti ol tne Via n a feton roau, u.ence boutlieastWaii.i. inong same to the main Jame v .riid \saoiungton load; thwee i*ouin a ,ortg sainu to the Uginnig coataiilnK acie.s, more or less, except 2 acres old by C T lloberson to L t Coiej May 12 1915,. Tins being the tfsft'l tieetieti- wife b> iiciii y Robcison and wife Oec. a, 1919. Feb. 21 f:22. CLA.LiUiCS ROUERIiON lru.-Ui NOTICE OF a ALE UNDER EXK CLiiUN Noith Carolina, Martin county;" n uie Court. J. it. itoburson k Company vs. 1 «.u Maitiiews. ljy virtue of an execution ui reeled to the unuciMgned irom Uie oupjiioi court of Mai tin county m tm übou' entitlede. cau.-e, i will on Monuay "ttw old day of April, 1922 at 12 o'clock M., at the court door of Mai j tin count) at VVilliUiustoii, Nuitii Cai-' olina, sell at public auctiKa to tin highest buWr lor cash to satisfy the said execution all the rignf, title ana interest wmch the said l'aul he defendant has in and to the toi lowing lea estate to wit: First truct: Beginning at a post oak,, twtng Uie l> L line ur.;. running easterly with said line w.ti. I uth on road to \V £, HoDerson » no thence with said oßberson s- liin . northerly course to Uan Ko»bucks,' thence a westerly to J P Kel sons land; tiu;nco t> Houlhern coui . to thebe ginning. Containii'g lort; four (44) acies. This beiug tne latin known as the oJhn Mack Matthews farm on which he lived and Hied. Second tract: •Coutuiuiug sixty'(oo). acres, more or les«. and beaig Uie Wooden land that JoVn Mack Muttlicws owned, and bounded partly ol' wholly on the south by H 1) Cobui n'o; on the west by Ollie Van Nortwick, on i.Y north by ! Martha Jane Cdrson ami on the east by Mnrthj Jane Carsoit. This the 24th d.v of Feb., 1922. H. T. ROUERSON, ShenX. CANDIDATE'S CAJ^D i To the voters of Martin County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for tiie office of Register ot Deeds of M irtin County, subject, to the action of the Democratic prima i of said county. T. H. JOHNSON. ,v. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County, li. the Superior Court. J. T. Barnhill, J. G. Barnhill, W. S Barnhill and R A Baile, tadrinyg at Bailey and Barnhill vs. J. F. Bale, and R. R. Bales trading: as J. F Bale: and Son The defendants J F. Bales an R. R. Bales above named will oaf I take notire that on the 22nd day o'. I April, 1922 a summons in the Mid at tion was issued against sadi defend ants by R. J. Peel, Clerk of the Su perior court of Martin county, plain tiffs claiming the sum of three hun dred and fifty dollars ($360.00) dv> tbsm for a breach of contdact on pc co aat of the sale of a -car load OJ worthless hay, whch said summons i returnable before the clerk of the Sv: perior court of Martin county on th'. day of May, 192.. The said de fendants will also take notice that warrant of attachment was issued b; the said clerk of the Superior Cour on the 22nd day of April, 1922 against - the property of the said defendant . which said warrant is retusnable Lc fore the clerk of the Superor court at the time and place named for th' return of thai summons, when an. where the said defenlanU are requir ed to appear and answer or demur t« theeomplain, or thw relief demand* will be granted. This the 22nd day of April, 1 i)Z2. R. J. PEEL, Clerk of the Superior Court NOTICE In the Unteid States District Coun for the Eastern District of Nojtl Carolina. "In the matter of W. A. Perry, banl rupt." Pursuant to an order made and en tered n thie above mattr, th undrsign ed wil, on the 6th day of May, 1922 at 10:30 A. M. at said bankrupts iiome offer for sale to the highest bidder the followng described person al property. 2 mules; 3 hogs; 1 wabon. 1 Stewart truck; 1 Studebaker car; 1 Willey's Knight car; 1 cultivator; 1 cotton painter; 1 peanut planter; 1 leveling harrow; 1 corn planter; 2 guano sow ers; 2 two-horse ~ plows; 2 one-hot.s plows; 2 coton plows; 1 Willanl har tow; 1 tobacco truck; 1-4 interest in mowing machine and rake; 1 t.*in> planter (Cole); 1 pea weeik;r; 6 vn ■;! ing hoes; 1 shovel; 2 pitchfork.- hole digger; 1 dirt scraper; 800-I'. J meat; 160 lbs. lard; 10 butheis cct ton seed; 6 bags peanuts; 10 bauti corn, also other personal property. This 25th day of April, 1922. WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee. Statement Of the jCondtion Of the— MARTIN COUNTY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY N At Close Of Business April 24th, 1922 RESOURCES Loans and discounts $108,284.95 Cash and due from banks ... 36,339.66 Furniture and fixtures-. :.T. 3,331.91 Liberty bonds : 6,464.00 Insurance Investment 1,250.00 $155,670.52 LIABILITIES Capital stock $ 10,000.00 Surplus Undivided profits 536.00 Dividends unpaid 55.00 Cashier's checks 1,111.88 Bills payable . 19,000.00 Deposits .... 121,466.68 55-,670.52 We know your wants and want your business. Come in tq see us if we can be of service. J. E. POPE, Cashier. * r A OFFICERS J. G. GODARD, President. F. K. HODGES, Vice-Pres. T J. E. POPE, Cashier. )-' i W. J. HUNTER, Asst. Cashier Kader B. Crawford A • • EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE CALL PHONE NO. 49 OTICE OF SNALE Notcei is hereby given that under and by virtue of authority contained in an order of the Superior court of ' Martin county entered in the special procedings therein pending entitled: "George arrison versus Mary Howell, J. D. Howell, R. R. Hobbs, Sail) ' - Hobba J. F. Hobbs and wife, Hobbs the unfcrsiirne* rnmmis will day of May 192. I 12 o'etock M., at the court house door' 1 Martin county, N. C., offer at pub- j lie sale to the highest bidder for cash | the following described land to wit: That certain lot or parcel of yling and being in the county of Mar tin, State of North Carolina and be ing bounde dand described as follows, ( to wit: i A house and lot in the town of Wil iamston N. C., adjoining the lands of L. . Hanson on the northwest; Bet tie Gurgaus on the northeast; Main i itret on the southeast and Houghton .strete on the souhwest. Containing one-fourth (1-4) of an acre more or | less, being the same land conveyed to Annie D. Hobbs by N. A. ReddicV t which said ded is of record in tfc * public registVy of Martin county. This the 24th day of April, 1922. A. R. UNNDING, Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination to the office * of county commiosioner, subject to .he action ol th* L>t- nocvatic primary. C. A. ASKEW. MAMMOTH YELLOW SOY BEANS J for sale Ttecletned specially for seed. J R Know las, Dardens, NC. ' Needles, Needles and Shuttles Needles, Shuttles and Bobbins J i ; Courtney has them Now. Has what? * j Any kind of machine I neetPe, shuttle and bobbin; so start up | your machine, ana i • rnakp spring" work easy. B. S. COURTNEY