'mmmmt - >K " /yirertlwn Will Hnd Oar l ulumag • Latch Key to 1500 n" Martin Comity's Romps L - ~ " ' . _ ' VOLUME 23—NUMBER 82 ADDRESSES IY CCU FAKMEKS uwutwvl Ui bnu iuxiJVU 4k ilic Cvu*. v>n lati V cij hulib W* ItIO A UiiliClil AUUtKill lUUi i.o-iu* /wwiimuuii. ui. dU/liCi ifl Wit*. uT inAi Ulit i>4 un! tlllMV Utlll. UilK wti Hi UIC viwtlv iOIU iVUHU 01 11.s CUT* Mll.'kU iiua wwifc bu Uii iiuuj itcui V«u£* 3 i»C 10 t*fc V." in i«*ui iaii..ii. 4-m. iu>itei was seilk * ill oy ilie louutco ittiin em ui tub county wneu ilte inriilt... were uiv/Uiituiy pitcs 01 tuWUtii 011 mo WtUtllUllM) liOOib 111 iNOllll UM'Uiluil ana re. using 10 pel mil tiuitiA to uc jiiteilc. most counties bent wves. 11 wui no leutictiioemi Uun l*Uu -1111 county sent a leprcseiivaine. L>i. Joytier uuu many, ouiera have atom square to ttie nont mr iietver pncis every since. No inau luiowetll why to bacco went to low lit ll*Zo but. lueio •ne U-gion that Know it buste.i the .1 beyonu leputi. it is uoiiceauie iliai. wnen the tanners begin to organise tliut prices begin to ruse. It is almost a ceitain tact mat Uie fanners who gel good prices this season get it be cause ol the association. Or, Jojner is a director of the association anil a ineinber oi tne executive committee and his speech dealt not only with tlie I lumiaiiiental principles of the coop erative marketing hut dealt with the operation of tlie association, the ware housing, prising and drying facilities, Also the financing and marketing. L)r. Jojner gave the positive assui anec tliat nj'ucli of the tobacco is be ing sold and that prices are very satis factory. Tlie final summing up of his speech wa» that only one danger lay in the way of the association and that is loyalty of its members. His denuncia tion of that type was very severe and was very true. BETWEEN YOl' AND MK WHKRK THE HONEY IS— When e'er the keg starts leaking And the cider '(tins to drip, 'I hen comes the thirsty sneaking Around to get a sip. So, ,if one man can win you Into some wild cat game, fU'hey nil think they can skin you 111 manner just the same. Just weaken one iota- Dare ounce to risk- and fall, And every fake promoter At your front door will call. ■> For once the flies discover The plate that honey's on, They quickly 'round it hover Till all the honey's gone. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE Under arid by virtue of the author ity conferred to me the undersigned trustee, contained in that certain deed of trust executed to me by Henr Clark anil wife Eliaa Clark on the 3(! day of January 1918., and duly record ed in the Register of Deeds office in Martin County hook 11-2 pnpe 60 to secure the payment of a certain bond of even date therewith and the stipu lations in said deed of trust not hav ing been complied with, and at the re quest of the owner of said paper.*, I slinll ok pose the same at public auc tion to the highest hiddef for cat h, or* Monday November I3*h 1922 at o'clock M., in fi'ont of Plant"rs and Merchants Dank, r: fret's. N. C., the following describe ' proiert v; Jieing the same tnirt of land thnt *•: - conveyed to Anhf >• 1 r '«:• by J It lurrouifli' mti. wife hv .iec.l duie I January Ist, 1903 Adjoi.ing the lands - of Ota Forbes an I otert and ci.iitairi ing twenty-four and three fourths of an acre, more or less which deed Is re corded in Martin County Registry Book 8. S. S page 481 this helnig the same land deeded to Henry Clark and .ifjrit* Eliza Clark by J. L. Wynn and wife Maxrrie Wyrtn.. of October 1922 D. J. Meeks, Trustee ' CHILD DIES AT JAMESVILLE Ri sa Lee, the nine year old daugh ter and Mrs. Geo. H. Micelle of Jsmesville section, died Sunday morning at five o'clock after two weeks attack of scarlet fever and pneumonia. The little girl is one of ten children which are left wiUi her mother and father. She was buried at the Mi iclle burying ground near Popular Chapel, Monday afternoon. ■— 1* DIBTKIEC MANAGER WANTED for Bertie, Martin and Washington Coun ties. Permantnt and profitable busi ness. 100 per rent profit. Exclusive territorial protection. Small invent ment required' Expenses to Raleigh If contract signed Box, 72 Raleigh, N* C - 1 « I THE ENTERPRISE PITT COUNTY POINTS TO PONDER Settled in 1714; foimed in 1760; av erage elevation 60 feet; aver age temperature, 61 degrees, fahren heit; largest brigt leaf tobacco pio dueing county in the world; 20 tobacco warehouses and factories, in which are nicluded two immense le dryying plants of te Imperial Tobacco Company of Great Britian anil Ire land; Post Office receipts for 19U0,1 over $65,000.00; eleven types of soils abound in county. Pitt was the fiist county in the State to have a full-time health officer; building permits lor year ending Julyy 1, 1921, amounted to over $1,500,000.00. Pitt has 14 strong banking institutions. Pitt has 2 fertilizer factories; 2 oil miills; one large veneer plant; one cotton mill; 5, 937 farms; population of 45,569, ac cording to 1920 census. Pitt has an area of 401,280 acres or 627 squi re miles. One of the most up-to-date Pi.ir grounds in the State is in Pitt county. Pitt has a tax rate of 75 cents on the SIOO.OO. 1921 assesed valuation $52,- 62K,434.00. Pitt is the home of tlie East Carolina Teachers College, which has a student body of around 400, and a plant and equipment valued at over $ 1,000,000.00. Pitt takes pride in her large number of Clubs and Organiza tions. 35 churches of the different de nominations serve the white folk anil 20 serve the colord folk of the county. Pitt has the following; Arricultuiul Ag.ent, Health Officer, Welfare Of ficer, School Superintendent, Rural School Supervisor, Social Service and Community Worker under auspices of American Red Cross. SANDY KIDG'E NEWS Misses Eliza Coltrain, and l.uvenia Hopkins spent the week-end with Miss Lillian Griffin. Mr. ami Mrs. Sam Pate and Mr and Mrs. Chas. I'ate spent Sunday with Mr and Mi's, and Mrs. J S Andrews • • • • Miss Ixtuise Godard is spending the week in Jaemsville with Mrs. K. W Godard. • * * * Mesdames Jim Roberson and Frank Hopkins were the guests of Miss Ro tund Godard Sunday. •• • • . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of Wil liumston were the guests of Mr; and Mrs. C. O Godard Sunday Mr. Clyde Williama was the guest of Misses. Fannie Roberson and Mag • • » • gie Cherry, Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Riddick spent Wodnes • • * • day with her sister, Mrs. J Cherry Misses Stella Andrews and Louallie Hitldick and Mrs. Grover Godard and Ix'o Roberson motored to Winsdor Sunday, •• • f Miss Katie Mae Cherry entertained a number of friends Sunday • • • * Miss Mary Hall and Mr Ade Rob erson wee out riding Sunday Democratic Candidate* The Democratic Candidates for the legislature and County offices will address the votprs of Martin County at the following places on the dates given. Oct. 21, Saturday night—Griffins Township tfouse. Oct. 23, Monday night—Jamesville Oct. 24, Tuesday nis(4ty —Spring Green. Oct. 24, Tuesday night—-Sandv Ridgit. Oct. 25, Wednesday night—Bear Grass. Oct. 26, Thursday night—Oak City Oct. 27, Friday night—Cross Roads Oct. 28, Saturday night—Fairvicw Oct. 30, Monday night—Hamilton Oct. 30, Mondav niiflit —-Lilley'e Hall. Oct. 31, Tuesday night—Parmele Oct. 31, Tuesday night—Gold Point, Nov. 1, Wednesday night—llassell Nov. 1, Wednesday night—Brown School House, (Near R. G. Sexton). Nov. 2, Thursday night—Rober sonville. Nov. 8, Friday night—Everett. Two soldiers foraging for a meal behind the lines in Francef caught a hen. aPt was about to wring It* neck when he said "What luk, now we'll have a fine supper." "N»e, Nae," said Sandy. "Dinna kill It >'et mon—keep it for break fast—it might lay an egg."—.The Beaver. No matter what the fashions may do, you can always figure where the expense Ues, > Williamston, Martin Cot' ty North Carolina Friday, October 20,-2922. WEEKLY COTTON REPORT AU cotton markets have been ad vancing this week due to settlement of the Turkish question, lighter offerii. ;S in most sectons of the belt, private le ports of a smaller yield than the trade expected, and a good demand fr in southern mills. Sales in foreign in. r kets have also increased.' Tliis should be followed by a better demand fr .v» abroad. The Consumption Report for S .|- tcmber was publised to-day show 495,344 bales, against 484.718 hi !e* last year. The total consumption . i cotton during August and Septem' r amounted to 1,022,748 hales, against 951,777 bales last year. Exports to date are slightly 1 ■ than those of 1921. This is due to 1 n settled conditions in foreign countries, As stated above, sales of cotton In foreign markets are Increasing, 1: td exports from the Gulf port have be it much larger this month than last. Most of the crop has been picked, offerings are lighter, the demit * I geod, and unless something unfo sc .1 occurs, the market should continue !■> work higher. NEW DRAINAGE ENGINEER Raleigh, N C, Oct 20—Farmers de siring aid in draining ther land vil be glad to learn of additional hel|> ebing provided in the drainage div.'s on of the agrcul.ural extension s . vice The division has lately appoiti ed Mr J A Brophy as assistant drain, age engineer Mr Bronhv will wor with F 0 Bartel drainage engineer and will be at" the sei-vice of thoii land owners desiring aid in puttier 11 own tile or terracing their field Mr Brophy is an engineering atude.i from the Colorado Airrcultiiral Col lego and served with the Aviatii t. Corps in England during the World war He has hail considerable expei ience in his chosen profession SERVICE BY PUBILCATION North Carolina, Martin County, I the Superior Court. NOTICE. Isiah Dancey vs. Jennettie Dancej The 'defendant above named wii take notice that an action entitle as above has been toirumJnced in th> Superior Court of Martin county to secure a'n absolute divorce fron the defendant and the said defend ant will further take notice tha she is required to appear at the oi lice of the clerk of -the Superiot court on the 9th day of November 1322, of the said county at Wiliam sion, N. C.,'at the 'court house oA said county, in Williamston, N. C. and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action or the plnintii will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. y --R, J. PEEL, Clerk "of the Superior Cour' This 9th day of Oct., 1922, NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed of trust executed 011 the Bth day ol Jan., 1921 by Druilassa Mizolle, Jat E. Rawls and wife, Bessie Uawls and registered in the Register ol Deed's office for Martin county li book G-2, t page 81, to secure the payment of certain bond of even datt therwith, and the Stipulations in said deed of trust now having been com plied witli and at the request of the parties interested, the undersigiuvl trustee will on Monday, the 13th day of November, 1922, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door of Mar tin county, Williamston, N. C., of f&r at public sale to the highest bid der for the following described real estate: A tract or parcel of land lyinj> and being in Bear Grass township, Martin county, beginning in the rur of Bear Ghass Swamp as the Wil liamston road; thence alohg th.' Wil liamston road to John Wynn's cor ner; thence an easterly course al Bear Grass Swamp to the beginning Also one acre of land square in frant of Caleb Mizelle's home place on which is located barn and horse stables and being the same land con veyed to Caleb Mizelle by deed dat ed the 7th day of May, 1886, and of record in the public registry of Mar tin county In book MM at page 191 arfd being tho same land willed to James I). Rawls and wife, Bessie Rawls, by Caleb Mizelle. The said J as. F. Rawls was also known as Jas. E. Mizelle. This t he 10th day of Oct., 1922. WHEELER MARTIN. Trustee. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all the friends and neighbors for their and sym pathy in our went bereavement in the death and buria! of our wife and mother. Kader Lilly and Children. __ SUBSCRIBE TO TBI ENTERPRISE L ' " ■ Local News Miss Mary Xn.ith spent the week end in town with Mrs. Oscar S. Ander son. • • • • Mr*. S. R Biggs 'eft Friday for Washington to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Bog-art and Mr. ltogart. • • • • Mr. Owen G Dunn of New Bern was a business visitor here last week. • • • • Mrs. W. S Harris and Mr Boyd Highl left Saturday by motor for Ox ford to spend the week-end. They will visit Miss Ktrel Harris who is attend ing the Oxford College. * • • • Mr. I?. Duke Critcher visited friends in Richmond last week. « • • • Misses Martha Hlade and Elizabeth Hassell, Miss Martha Cotton Crawford and Messrs. Harry Biggs, Marriot Britt and 11. H Lawley went to Tar bo ro Friday. • • • Messrs W. 11 Gurkin, S. C. Peel and Robert Hyendrick attended a show in Washington Friday night. • • • • Miss Daisy Wynne, Mr..and Mrs. 7, 11. Rose and little son. Hardy and Mr. Miller motored to Elizabeth City to ai tend the fair on Thursday of last week • • • • Mrs, W. W. Brown of near Hamilton was here Saturday shopping. , • « • • Mrs. 11. C Chapman and little dau ghter is spending a few days in town. • • • * Mr. and Mrs. G. II Harrison and Miss Velnia Harrison and George Har rison, Jr. attended the funeral of Mr. Mec, Baswell of ltuttleboru Sunday. • • • » .Mrs, Mark Ruffin andlittle son Mar vin of Tarboro arc visiting Mr. and Mis. J. 11. Britt * Mi-s. Frank C. Lewis and Mr*. Her • to • • man Horntha! of Norfolk are visiting M i s. S Rhodes Mrs. Harry M. Stubbs and little son, Hurry Jr. are visiting reiatlves in Kington, Wake Forrewt and Raleigh. • * • • Mrs. Blancre Anderson has returned to her home in Leggotts after visiting her tmuj.hter, Mrs. C. A Harrison and Mr. Harrison. • • • • Mr. A. T Crawford, Mrs F U Barnes and Mrs. K. B Crawford took Asa Crawford, Jr. to Washington Friday for an examination and the doctors found that he is progressing nicely. • V • ». Mrs. and Mrs. Taylor of Winsdor were here shopping Saturday. • • 4 • Mr. Joe Everett who is attending St. Allians School in Raleigh was here to spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J A Everett • » • • Mr. and Mrs W*. G Spaulding, Mr and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Mrs. J S Rhode* and Mr. Bob Hyendrick at tended the dance at the Halycon Club of Washington last night. • * • • Mr Harvey Gardner of R. F. D No I was here yesterday. • • • • Misses Martha Slade Hassell and Martha Cotton Crawford and Mr. M'irriot Britt attended the dance at Washington last night. NOTICE OF RE-SALE Under and by virtue of the au thitrity Conferred to me by a certain deed of trust executed by Gilbert, Luther, Noah and S. G. Peel on the 11th day of April 1919 and duly re corded in the Register of Deeds of fice for 'Martin county in Book -A-2 «t page HO, securing payment of said bond of even date and tenor there with and under and by virtue of the authority of an order of re-sale, I will expose to public auction for cash to the highest bidder on Friday, 3rd day of November 1922 at 12 o'clock M. at the courthouse door of Martin County a tract of land in the town of Williamston, North Carolina and described as follows: On the north side of Main street, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Bettie C. Gurganus and others, beginning st the corner of S. H. Newberry's line on Main street, running thence down Main street 75 feet to a stake; thence a perpendicular line 75 yurds from M«in street back towards Church street; thence a parallel line with Main street 75 feet to J. A. Hobb's line; thence back on line of J. A. Hobbs and S. H. Newberry line 75. yards to Main street, the begin ning. * For full description see Book G.l at page 87 and G-l at page 52. This the 18th day of October 1922. W. M. Martin, Trustee. SUBSCRIBE TO THB ENTERPRISE CROP REPORTING SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICL LTL'RE KALEIGII, N. t. L , I (Released) 111 spite of the adverse wet and dry texrtenues experienced here this year, we have already reached the goal ahead of last year in several crops and sure to get tore wit others. CORN: Corn at 80 per cent of a full crop is better than last year, excepting 111 cer tain drowned-out areas of eastern and in excessively dry parts of central sec tions. COTTON: The large increase of 12 per cent in tlie acerage of cotton to be picked this year over a year ago doesn't net near lythe production -730,000 bales, made last year-776,000, but the average price is better, it having increased, whereas it decreased duiing the pie vious season. The 218 pounds this year mean a decrease of perhaps 25 per cent in te per-acre yield, but fif teen per cent increase 111 total value at 21 cents over 16.4 cents last season. This means, too, that the per-acre val ue may bo $45.75 as compared with $43.29 tlie previous season. Of the cot ton states, North Carolina leads in the per-acre yield and value. She also has the .most cotton mills. It i£ reported that 43 per cent of the mills in te 14 Southern states are hers. TOBACCO An nicrease of If! per cent in the to bacco acerage, and a slight increase ol yield, at 007 pounds per acie, insures an increased production of about 22 percent. The average prices 011 the auction markets are not yet equal to those of last year. The total value ol the crop is less than 2 per cent more. The \ alue-per-acre is $152.30, based on the pjesent information available. This tis over two per cent les tan it wai lust season. SWEET POTATOES The acerage of sweet potatoes was increased four per cent, as well an the yield. The price has declined rapidlyy and an over-supply is reacing many markets. The Southern sweet potato is not "appreciated in te Nort because they do not know how to cook them. As with the prunes and raisins, the de mand must be created. At 75 cents per bushel, tho aveiuge acre of 106 bushels will he worth $79.35 thin yyear if sold. PEANUTS As the digging of peanuts is just be gun and the previous weather was so unfavorable in the commercial liort easlern counties, it is difficult to es timate the results. The acerage was reduced; the yield expected will be perhaps nearly 900 pounds per acre giving approximately 115,000,000 lbs. production, which, at' 90 pounds, will give 1,280,000 bags in this state if all are marketed. There is quite a large acerage that is not picked and not counted in tho above. FOUND DEAD IN DITCH Mr. Simon H.Cowan was found dead in a ditch on his farm near Bear Grass Church last Friday. Mr. Cowan was forty-seven years old and hail never married and lived alone on his farm. For some tinje-fie hud l»een having fits occasionally. He was seen by a neigh bor at three o'clock Wednesday water ing his stock at his lot and nothing .more was seen of him until Friday morning his people became alarmed at not seeing him getting around as was his usual custom and,made search for him. They went to his home and not finding him there they began search ing around the farm and" they soon found hinn dead in a ditch and his body almost covered by water, lie very probably had a fit and fell in the ditch and in the absence of help drowned. He was buried Friday afternoon. The funeral sen-ices were conducted by Elder John N. Rogerson. Mr Cow ing was the son of John and Cashie Cowing and was one of eight children all of whom have preceded him to the grave except Hywian D., Dannie C., and John W. Cowing. y NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County, in The Superior Court, Bythel Lynch vs. Clara Lynch The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining a divorce A Vinculo; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County on the 17th day of Nov,, 1922, at the courthouse of said county in Wllliamaton, N. C., and answer or demur to the com plaint in relief demanded in said complaint.' R. J. Peel, Clerk of the Superior Court This 17th day of Oct, 1922, - Politicians and ditch digger* almost ■Have the same trade. Moat of their job la mud slinging. OI K RAL9IGH LE'ITER ( By Llewxam. ) Raleigh, N. C., October 17, 1922 Today the commanding general of the armies of the United States is in Ral eigh the guest of the State t»ni the State Fair. The widespread news tliat he would be at the State Capitol on Tuesday of the State Fair week hub served to attract thousands of visitor? fionvmany counties and towns of the state as well as a number of people from outside of North Carolina. Ti>- day, therefore, the opening day of the Fair findsmany tiousands more people in attendance than usual on Tuesday. Thursday and Friday as well as Wed nesday will be given over more to strictly "Showing North Carolina", the object and slogan of tie State Fair this year and many thousands of Tar heel people who intend to see and en joy the exhibits, the i.nusual fine races, and farm and stock exhibits will swarm into Raleigh later this week. COME ON, everybody. Tin grounds and onto, parking places have been made large enough tins year to accom modate all who come. EIGHT* DOLLARS AND COST An unusual action in tour here was that by which Judge Lyon at the in stance of Solicitor Norris imposed 11 penally of eighty dollars and costs on one of the most popular citizens and banker- of the state. The penalty was imposed because the gentloiman w;us not present in court as a witness when be was called. He explained that he'came here from Wilmington to respond to te summons and after waiting a day yor so was given to understand that the case would not be called till late in the week and returned home. While there th • case was disposed of. Mr. Thomas W. Cooper the witness involved, was penalized derpite his statement. Solic itor Norris stated that it was the first time an action of this character since ho went into office, some twelve y.ears ajro, or more. » TRUSTEES SALE By virtu, of authority conferrtd in inc by a "Deed of Trust" executed to me by 1'" M Edmonson and wife Abbie Editonsan on the 18th, day of Febru ary 1920, and duly recorded in the Register of Deed.* office in Martin County, in Hook A-2 page 4811, .o se cure the payment of a certain bond bearing even dute herewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, I shall ex pose at public auction, for cash, on Wednesday the 22nd day of November 1022, at 12 o'cloik in front of tht Hank of Oak City, Oak City, N. C., the fol lowing propedty: ' Heing all of lots no. thirteen and fourteen in Hlock "G" as shown on Plat of Town of Oak City, recorded in Book no' one at page 420 of the public records of Martin County This October J7th 1922 B M Worsley, Trustee NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Malinda Shepard to the undersigned trustee, and bearing datri of July 10th, 1010, and of iccord in Martin county reg istry in book A-2, page 100, said deed of trust having been given to Secure the payment of certain notes of even dale therewith, and the terms and conditions therein contain ed not having been complied with, and at the request of the holde? of said; notes, the undersigned trustee will on Tuesday, November 7th, 1922, at the court house door of Martin county, at Williamston, N. C., offer for sale .at public auction* to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to wit: All that certain plecrt, parcel or tract of land containing Ott acres, more or les, situate, lying and being on the Jamesville and Washington roads, about 4 miles south of the town of Jamesville, County of Mar tin, State of North Carolina, hav ing such shape, courses and distances as will more fully appear by refer ence to map thereof made by Syl vester Peel, surveyor, on May 10th, 1019, on file with the Federal Land Bank, of Columbia, and being bound on the north by the lands of C. C. Keys, on the east mythe lands of C. C. Keys, on the south by the lands of the eDnnis Simmons Lumber Co. and o nthe west by Deep Run. This being the same land heretofore con veyed to the said Malinda Sheppard by B. Duke Cri|cher, Commissioner, by deed dated May 20th, 1910, and of record in'the register ojt deeds office of Martin county in book —— page 40. WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee. FOUND: A NICE PAIR OF SPEC tades on Fair grouna last week. I Owtier can get same by applying to W. F. Gurganfca, policeman." , * .V . • . m ' v t v IT 0 t 111 '■ IF TOt» QUICK RESULTS USI A WANT AD IN THB ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 188 ABLE ADDRESS BY MR.iL M. DePONCIER Mr. E. M DePONCIER, sales and advertising manager ox' the Peanut Growers association, was in towa Fri day and addressed a good audience of Farmers and business men. Mr. De- I'oncier comes to the exchange from California and had been in the euuploy of the Fanners Organization there for u long number of years. He comes di rect from the raisin growers with whom he established a great reputa tion,, selling 40t),(HKJ,000 packages of raisins, lie lias been a great factor in building up that great state. In his address he gave a full state ment of what the books of the Ex -1 chang showed that Mr. Birdsong had done during his management, which seems to be good grounus for the suits that have been brought by the Ex change against him. lie seemed to fid dle for his partners rather tlian for the association that had employed him. Report of the condition of the HANK OF JAMESVILLE at Jamesville, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, September, I£>, 1922. RESOURCES Loans and discount* '. . $167,161.03 Demand loans, . • ( • 457.0Q Overdrafts, unsecured ?v, 159.21 United States bonds and _ Liberty Bonds, . . 250.00 Hanking Houses, $2,000; Furniture and Fixtures, $2,000.00 . . . 4,000.0 a All other Real Kstnte own ed, . . 2,500.0# Cash in vuult and net a mounts due from. Banks. Hankers, and Trust Companies . . 13,536.78 Cash items held over 24 hours, 160.68 U. S. Hoods dorrowed, 4,700.00 Total, . . . 192,924.70 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. . . 10,000.00 Sulcus Fund, . . 3,500.00 UndfV|dcd Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid, . . 750.43 Hills Payable, . .. 65,178.00 Deposits subject to check, C3 A 708.96 Cashiers Checks out standing, . , 972.20 Time Certificate!, of de posit, due on or after 30 days, . . 43,702. m Certificates insured for bonds borrowed, . 4.700.00 Note du- VV. H. Mizell & Co. 412.99 Total, . . . 192,924.70 State of North Carolina—- County of Murlin, Sept. 27, 1922. I, Marion C. Jackson, cashier of the above named Hank, do solemnly rweav that the above statement i.i true to the best of my knowledge am l belief. MARION C. JACKSON, Cashier. Correct—attest: R. 0. MARTIN, LfW. MIZELL,' MARION C. JACKSON, Directors. Suscribed and sworn to before me this 27 day of September 1922. MARIE RIDDICK JACKSON, Notary Public. My commission expires Dec. 27, 1922 NOTICE OF SALE. Default having been made in pay ment of the indebtedness secured by that certain deed of trust to me as Trustee for Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Connpany by James O. Man ning" and wife, Christine L. Manning, on tho 4th.. day of December/ 1920, and recorded is the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Martin County, in Hook J —2, on Page 14, et seq., I will, under and by virture of the power of sale vested in me by said ueed of trust and at the request of the cestui que trust, and for the purpose of discharg ing the debt secured by sr.id deed oi trust, proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Williamston, North Carolina, ON MONDAY, THE 13 DAY OF NOV KM HER, 1922, AT 12 O'CLOCK M., the followng described real estate, situated in the County of Martin, and State of North Carolina, and mora particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the comer of Warren and Burroughs Streets, n the town of Williamston, N. C., thence along the southwest side of Burroughs -Street 75 feet to a stake; thence at right angle* with Burroughs Street 176 feet; thence a line parallel to Warrea Street thence along Warren Street to the be ginning, and being the same lot of land conveyed to J. O. Manning by A. J. Mnnning and wife, Blanche Man ning, by. deed dated Dec. 27th, 1919, which is of record in the public regis try of Martn County in Book D-2 at Page 481, reference to which nay be had for further information. This the Uth, day af November, 1922. Julian Prtee, Ttuatee. Brooks, Hines and Smith, Attorney*, Gmnabtro, N. C.