FIND OUR COLUMNS A LATCH-KEY TO 1500 MARTIN COUNTY HOMES. VOLUME 23—NUMBER 85. COURT CONVENED HERE Y#STEKDA\ 4 ' ■ JudfjfFrank Daniels Mankes r Charge to the Coart That Should Do P»oule Much Good vTrnc ty and SaUciter' K, 6, Allsbrooks prose Paul was chosen forema: of the( grajgraßry. Judge Dnnieh charge 'To ttjj/r grand jury was om of the. besP" ever delivered in th« county. Most of the subjects dwel upon were those things that we huv failed to accord their true meaning and full value. First, the solemnitj of the oath. How often the peopl swear and kiss the Book and fre quently violate the oath, and it is quite a common thing for people t' twist and squirm in such a way tha they hide the truth. It is reall amusing how many times during : day in court people swear falsely which is one of the meanest of th crimes. The qualification of jurors and me thod of selecting jurors was define*l the most important qualifications be Ing character and intelligence. Th reasons given for a good educationa system was clear anl to the point an* • answered the tax dodgers' complaint.- Public education is necessary to th success of any community, and i must be universal to insure the larg est measure of success. Our country lost the opportunity t. educate its children during the day of and following the Civil war. An though many men have gained prom inene that had little education, y« it wuß a crushing thing to those wh carr e dthe load. No yoke except th" of tin itself bears heavier on th neck ( of the people than that of ig norauce. Judge Daniels did not fail to strc,- the *or kof the church in the build ing up of character, morality an' spirit jality. On« of the weak points t in on county today is lack of home pr ernmtnt. Too many fathers and mo then fail to realize that they an givin; their children too much lib crt> We ha,ve lost much of the pa rental discipline that we once hail. Ti* dance, the picture show, by titer ature and automobiles have go th* people by the throat, a»djt i> carr /ing many down the wrong roa> ant parents should remember that al me , er/, an.l use a little more can with thei rown. . It is a great pity that all mother an-1 fathers cannot hear such charge; ai Judge Daniels made here, oftew. Charged With Not Letting Man Vot W. L. Coltrane of Raodlei»an v and R K. White, Jr„ of Blenola, Are Indicted Greensboro, pec. 9.—lt was lean, ed here • this afternoon that th names of the two election officiul of Randolph county, indicted by f federal court grand jury here Wad nesday, are W. L. Coltrane, rout. 1, Randleman, and R. L. White, Jr. of Glenoly. They are charged witl refusing to allow a republican tc yvote in the last election. The mai they ere alleged to have refused th« ballot is T. L. Co*, route 1, Randle min. * According to F. A. Linney, distric attorney, he was given affidavits V the effect j,hat the two men, one t_ democratic election judge, the othei u registrar, would not let Cox vote. It seems that Cox is engaged ir a business that keeps him away fron "home »t times, but he claims tha' keeps his voting place at the pre ; cuiet where it is said He was no' to vote. MRS. ROGER A. CRITCHER ENTERTAINED FRIDAY EVE V r Last Friday evening froom eight tx elevn at her home on Watts street Mrs. Rooger A. Critcher entertained a number of her friends at a bridge party. ? Tables were arranged * or twelve guests and after, spending two hour* at the happy pastime, it was fount 1 that Mrs. J. A. Cheatham had H f the highest score. Mrs. Critcher serv -ied * dMicious salad course, followed by mints and black coffee. Tha were: Mrs. J. A. Chea tham and Mr*. Baskerville of Rich mond, Mr*. A. Anderson, Mrs. W. J Hodges, Mrs. W. H. Biggs, Mrs. B. A. Critcher, Mrs.-George Harrison, Mrs. B. W. Hardy, Mrs. Jno. A. Man ning and Misses Jewel Burnett and Daisy Wynne. Miss Mary Smith of Plymouth spent the week end in town with Mrs. Os aar Anderson, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wheeler Mwrtin. THE ENTERPRISE LOOKS FOR EGGS; FINDS NEST FULL OF 'POSSUM 4, Burlington, Dec, 9. —Mrs. W. X: Garrett of this city, had a rathe unusual experience yesterday, win' she went to the barn to gather eggs She heard an unusual noise in ofli of the nests in the left, and upoi examination, found two o'possum aestling there. With the aid o some men w>o were called to th barn, the animals were captured. They were large, grown and fat. I' is believed that there has not beei a similar incident recorded in th. history of the town, not in many years at least. County Agents Meet At State College Specialists of the Experiment Statioi and Professors of tKe College Confer Wi'h Agents Raleigh, Dec. 9.—AH of the coun ty agents employed by the State Col iege of agriculture and the state de partment of agriculture were at tin college for the short course and con ferenoe held annually by the agricul tural extension service. Approximately 70 agents were hen to begin the conference on Decembe sth. On the 7th, the home demon stration agents gathered for a thre day joint session and conference. 1" ihe meeting with the agents were tht specialists of the experiment statioi and professors of the college. A full program for the entire el even dayahasbeenworkedout and th. agents found each day filled to the jrim with matters of value and in merest. Considerable time for roun uible discussions has been allowed Some of the important matters be ng studied are those having to dc with the fight on the boll weevil, th« narketing of surplus products grown where the boll weevil is damaging tht, -otton, the marketing 6f live stock feeding hogs and other live stock, an nany other matters of concern amoni lie farmers }Ust at this time. ■' The agents are also outlining theii | work for the coining year. Plans an jeing made for carrying on some v the various phaset. of work now be .ng engaged in by the extension ser *ice, and at the same time an effort s made .to correlate the activities of all the . so that they may fit' n with the general agricultural pro gram of the college and the depart ment administrative officers. Judge Frank Daniels of Goldsboro who is presiding over this term of the iuperior court is a guest oof the At , untie hotel. ,'AKTIAL LIST OF NAMES OF THE COUNTY HCHOOLS For the benelt of those who wish a work out our puzze ofo the issue .f December Bth, we gits publishing i partial list the names of the school" >f the county, as follows: Ange, Darden, Coopers, Jamesville, Poplar Kun, Smith wick, Farm Life, Sandy Ridge, Lilley, Biggs, Smlth wick Creek, Hai-ris, Bear Grass, Ev ?retts, Turkey Swamp, Poowell, Leg ?etts, Keels, Smith, Cross Roads, Bur roughs, Whitley, Hurst, Hassell, Par meje, Hamilton, Oak City, Williams ton, Roanoke, Poplar Poin, Woolard, Gold Point, Robersonville. Klansmen Parade At Mount Olive People, However, Are Al Much M> »- tilled As Ever; Few Col ored Bped*or» • Mount Olive, Dec. 9.—Mount Olive folks—and hundreds from the rural districts round their firs) opportunity Wednesday to satisfy their curiosity as to what a Ku Klux (Clansman, officially robed, looks like. True to their ai.nouncement, pub lished in Tuesday's issue of the local paper, they marched into town aboui 8:30, sixty odd strong. Tis said they first met in the ball park, four blocks •ut West main, and there donned the Klux regalia, and formed their march. For an hour or so before the ajjr pointed time, the curious had been assembling o/i the streets, waiting and watching, until 8:30, the appointed time for them to make their appear ance, the crowd easily numbering two thousand, more than twice as manj as came to hear "Cyclone Mack,"'t . celebrated evangelist preach in th« Baptist church here a couple of weekt ago. Mr. Z. Z. Price of Janwwville called in The Enterprise office and p:iid us a little visit Mon la/. little Annabelle, running in from play: "Oh, mother, I have Such a tooth ache. Take ma, quick, to the Ailing station.*—Fayetteville Obser ver. 1 • * WILLI AMSTON, MAR tIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1922. Wiggins Released On x a $2,000 Bond Slayer of Clyde Moye .To Plead Self- Defense to Mansluußhter (,'harge Golds bo ro, Dec. 9.—Dave Wiggin? charged with manslaughter following lis slaying of Clyd»- Moye, at Seven Springs, was given a hearing before Judge Allen in superior court yes terday and is held under a $2,00t bond. Several witnesses testified to the killing, but' little was accomplishes at establishing the cause. The wit nesses declared they were frighten ed by the killing which came as i surprise ami without provocation The state has two other witnesses it is stated, who will testify that tin killing was not accidental as the do fense is claiming. Before the killing it is the gen eral talk of the Seven Springs neigh borhood, Clyde Moye went to th« home of Major Wiggins, brother o Dave Wiggins, to Miss Libb; Wiggins, daughter i> Major Wiggintßjr.White Hall. The had been keeping company togothe for some time, it is said. Other youn' men of the neighborhood testifie yesterday they were at the home an that Miss Wiggins left them and om of her sisters, got in the buggy an went with Clyde Moye to V(fhite Hall She was described as being a litth angry with I-ee Huffman when slv left to go to White Hall. One #lue o the state is that jealousy mrfy hav. Iteen at the bottom of the killing o Moye. " , Following the killing I-ee Huffmai and Dave Wiggins both were not seei in the neighborhood for several day* Wiggins came in ami surrender to SheriffG runt Wednesday. Huff man was in court yesterday. Otlie witnesses in the court house were Bryant Julius Sutton an> Floyd Whitfield. This is said to be one of a numbe of cutting affairs Dave Wiggins h»i been in. He was in con "t i«' 1921, charged with knifing M. Hus sin on July 1 of that year. New Battle Won - By Co-Operative* The Legal Victory In Virginia four Follows Successful Cases In North Carolina Halifax, Va., Dec. 9.—The Toba!c Growero Cooperative association scoi eil its first success in a Virginia coui yesterday. Judge Wm. L. llarksdule at Halifax court house, this morning continued the injunctions reatraininj four members of the tobacco cooper ative from making any further de liveries of their tobacco outside of thi association. In tJje cases of S. M. Arthur, J. It Cooke and Jim Briggs, of Halit'a: county, and T. J. Cleaton, fron Mecklenburg county, Injunctions wci continuned until further order by th court, which means that they will rt main in force until affirmative actio, is taken by the defendants. Mr. G. M. HoatetU»r spnit tH week end in Rocky Mount awl Kin ston. NOTICE OF SALE " Und*r an* by virtue of the pow«. of aale contained in a certain deed o. trust executed'Jto J. A. Mizelle, trus tee, by H. D. Nelson and wife, on thi 23rd day of Octob«r, J919, to secun the payment of certain bonds of eve? date, and of record in the publii registry of Martin county, in book 0-1 at page 629, and the stipulation* contained in said deed of trust noi having been complied with, and th holder of a pa it of said bonds rav ing demanded sale, the undersigne will, on Wednesday, the 10th day o January; 1923, at two o'clock, p. pi in front of the Bank of Robersonville in the town of Roberspuville, in sqii county, expose to public sale, for can' thft following described lands, to wit: Situate in Robersenville townshii Martin county, adjoining the land of D. L. Roberson, Jim Nelson an othera, and beginning at a lightwoo stump, a corner between H. D. Nelson Dave Roberson and Newson Gray, an« running thence witfi said Robernon'. and H. D. Nelson's line and the ol Mathews line, N. 36 -12 E. 113 pole to Jim Nelson'rf corner; thence N. 6' W. with Jim and H. D. Nelson's lln -110 poles to a clay-toor comer; am' thence on N. 47 W. 79 poles to H. D Nelson's corner, a pine stcmp; thenc 8. 48 1-2 W. 4 poles to a, pine, i> corner; thence S. 6 1-2 W. 103 polet to the beginning at the stump, It be ingr the landa deeded to H. D. Nelsor by deed from ha father, J. R. Nel son, containing 67 acres, more of leas. ,/ This, December 9th, 1922. f ,l J. A. MIZELL, Trustee. •SPRUNT SENDS CHECK FOR SSOO TO NEW BERN RF.UEF New Bern, Dec. A'exisiidev Sprrnt and Son, liv:., of V f',iii!>g ton responded to the call of the New Bfern fire relief- c'&nimittee last Wed nesday with the remission of a check foe SSOO through their local repre sentative J. B, Ball. The letter also expressed heartfelt sympathy for the people, and the desire to assist in any possible way. «. Co-Ops Get More For Their Weed W. C. Epps Shvh the Smaller Mark ets Averaged $7 Below Co-Op Average >■ r Kinstree, S. C., Dee '9.—."Only the larger auction markets such as Lake City and Mullins were able to gyt anywhere near the association lot South Carolina tobacco this year, and in many cases smaller markets aver aged more than se.ven dollars a hun dred below co-operative prices," an nounced W. C. Epps, prominent, bank fr of this state, in a stirring ad dress to the first county meeting ol Williamsburg Co-operative Marketing .ocal delegates held yesterday. "1 feel sorry for those people be cause 1 know they need the money, and co-operative marketing woulu nave brought them next to the salva-> tion of Jesus Christ, the greatest olessing offered southern farmefs in superior selling power of the co operative marketing associations,' hi added. Banker Epps concluded his add rest uy saying thyt lie believed growers who had for the Unit time in theii lives priced their own crops were lioi going to abandon this plan, and thai although he had seldom seen a tt> oacco crop bring cost of production ae never again expected to see om oring the growers less than cost oi production. Mr. Alton 11. Com ui Jumesvilb was a business visitor here yenU'i day. . 0 Friend* of. Mr. T. F. Harrison, win aus been. Indisposed lyr past sev eral days at his' home on'Haughton street, will be glad to know that' h>' s improving and will so'>n lie able to e out again, Messrs. Harry M. S'tubbs and John U Hassell returned Saturday from Washington, D. where they spent i few days last week attending t tusiness matters. "How far can your ancestry b« raced ?" "Well, when my grilfnd futher re signed his position ut the county bank t hey traced him as lar as China but »hey never found him." —Steubenvilie • lerald-Star. NOTK'fc Oi SALE Under ajul by virtue of the auUi jrity contained in a certain deed 01 .rust, executeil on the Ist day ol Jan uary, 1919, by J. It. Davenport and .vile, Carrie A. Davenport, and reg titered in tlie register of deed's of ice for Martin county in -l it page 24, to 4 »ecure the pa>me»i if a certain bond of even date there with, and the stipualtions in said deed rf tl'uwt nut "tying baen rompHul .vith and at the lequest of the par ies interested, the undersigned trus ee will on Friday the 11th day i>f January, 192!), at 12 o'clock M., at i,he court house door of Martin coun ty, Williamston, N. C., olt'ui r.l pub ic sale to the highest bidder for cash, .he following described real estate: Firts tract: Adjoining the lands ol Mary Gainor and Mrs. liettie Gray jurkin, et als, beginning at "the lamesville and Plymouth road at W. Gray's line,* (now Bettie Gray Gur kin'g line); thence with the Gray line now Bettie Gray Gurkin's line down the ravine to Gum Branch; thenct jp said branch to W. L. Fagin'a line, ,o Hardy Gainor's line; thence with tiardy Gainor's line to public roaii .o the beginning, containing 33 1-2 acres, more or less and being the ame tract of land conveyed to J. H Davenport by deed from Mc. G. Dav jnport and wife, dated the 4th day of January, 1905, of record in the pub lie registry of Martin county In book 900 at page 329. Second tract: Beginning at Rob rt Key'B corner; thence a southward y course with said Robert Key's 1 hie to W. G. Gaylord's line} thence a •■westerly course along said W. G. Gay 'ord'a line to Delia Moore's line; and thence with said Delia Moore line ♦o the public road; thence along the said road hw* to the beginning, and being two shares of the Isaac Moore tract of land, containing about four acre* by estimation, mora or le«K. This the 7th day of December, 1922. WHERbER MARTIN, ''V » Trustee, MASS MEETING ' AT THE COURT HOUSE TONIGHT Signify Your Desire ol Help Your Town by Attending. Be sure to Be Present and Give Your Personal Aeeistance! Have You Joined? Become An Active Member, Tuesday night there will be helil ut the court house, the first meeting of the great Williamston Chamber o( Commerce. The citizens have been very generous in responding to the membership drive and their attemlanct at this meeting means a great deal in the .life of the organisation. Questions that relate to the welfare of your town will be discussed anr the opinions of the many wil> be better than those of a fqw, si let every member he present and pre sent any idea that will be helpful in solving the problems that confront th town. The following new members liavt been enrolled since the list was pub lished in last Tuesday's Enterprise. Bamhill, John Brown, S. S. Coltrain, Chas. Chambers, Rev, Haxton, A. K. Joyner, Rev. A. V. .Tones, Paul Newton, O. T. Peel, Luther , Purvis, J. Hv u"tf Ron Perry, W. M. Roberson, Sheriff Stalls, W. L. Wnrd, Jordan Watson Pvewing Co. White Will Make Good #14,000 Bank Shortage Declares His Intention lii An Inter view Recently; Will Re inuin In Stony Point Taylorsville, Dec. 9.—News was re ceived hfere >e«U;ulay thut A. W. VVliite (formerly cashier of the Hank of Stony , I'oint, who disappeared from that place over a month ago, ami hail not been heart! from about a V'pt'k ago, liuit returned Stony I'oint ami wnll make K»uil u\ shortage of |H I,XM> of the fuhtl'tt which he i» alfaged to l>e 're niparnaUe for. " ■ * In a telephone conversation with newspaper men here yenterday, Mr White stated that the shortage in his account discovered in the audit of the books of the bank would be straight *ned up and nettled.- As to what ilis position State Hank Examiner l-ath am will make of thin cutjo nothing has been learned. Mr. White returned to his home at Stony Point lust Tuesday. Although he says he will retain a share of tin bank's stock at preseht ,he will not be otherwise connected with the bank. .The friends of Uncle Hob Moblej will be happy to know that lie is 01. the road to recovery now, and is out of all danger. Without any relapses it I* hoped that he will he able ti get out again before many more weeks. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the auth ority contained in a certain deed ol trust, executed on the H>th day ot tttfptjjjiilffll, W _ J j Anl ' eWh andwWe, Lula B. Andrews, and reg istered iii the register of deed* of fice for Martin county in book S-l at page 36, to secure the payment of a certain bond of even date there with, and the stipulations in said deei of trust not having been compljei. with and at the request of rhe fir ties interested, the undersigned tius tee will on Friday, January .5, at 12 o'clock M, at the court hous« door of Martin county, Williamston N. C., offer at public t-ale to the high est bidder, for cash, the following de scribed real estate: A house and lot in the town of Williaipstoii, N. C.,- known a» "New Town,' 'adjoining the lands of R. T. and W. O. Griffin and others and de scribed as follows! Beginning at a post on Warren street, W. O. and R. T. Griffin cor ner, thence with Warren street 12'' feet in a northwestern direction, to a stob, thence a line perpendiculai with Warren street and parallel will the line of W. 0. and R. T. Griffin', Une, 176 feet to a stob, thence a line perpendicular with the last named line and parallel with Warren street to a stob, R. T. and W. O. Griffin's cor ner, thence with the Ijne of R. T and W. O. Griffin to Warren street to the beginning, same being pari of the property that was conveyed to said W. 0. Andrews and wife by deed fro mJ. W. Watts, am( being th*t part of same on which the said W v o Andrews and wife nftw live. This the let day of December, 1822 WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee. FAlt HEEL DIES FROM PTOMAINE POISONING Lumber-ton, Dec* s).—Frederick Be-) thune, »on dtf A. Bethune, who livei near l.umberton, died yesterday after noon ut Auburn, Ala., where he was a senior student at the Alabama Tech» nical college, of ptatiuaine poison. W k. Uethune left yesterday evening, having been advised of the o' his brother. > The remains Will be brought honu for burial. rWIN CITY MAN DIES IN MOTOR ACCIDKNI Salisbury, Dee. B.—Thomas L. I*oß ter—,ot" Winston-Salem, was killed anil Mi»s Sadie Cant of Faith, wat seriously injured here last night, when the automobile in which they were riding: plunged oover an embank ment. The cause of the accident hae not been learned. Chief C. F. I'age, superintendent of the street cleaning department ol WilUamston has asked The Enterprise to request the citizens of town to clean up their premises early, or be tore the holidays. Chief agl'e wants clean town before the holidays, but he cannot do all the work liefort Christina* us he. has been ill and hi wants the people to cooperate with him. When you get your trash to 'telephone Chief I'uge at thi Mayor's office, number 252 and he will sontl "Jack" around as soon as pos sible to carry it out of town. CHRISTMAS BOXES FOR THE BOYS AT OTEEN •Those -Wishing t- Send thrittma Cheer to Our Ex-Service Men Can Choose From List Below will be found a list. of thi articles that the Red Cross is asking the people of the state U» send the Oteeu. Mw people will at Oteen. - Many people wil Iwan. «. send a l;s. t-> these svlilier.. w»" gave themselves for us in the grea. war, and for the benefit of thos. wShintfVsei l a box, *.U b. a receptacle i" the post office lieu until Thursday, and just bring y->u oox there Thursday, t'oi they w ,iave to be shipped Friday. The hospital authorities ask tha all boxes be uniform— that nothim oe added or omitted so that each sol Tlier will receive the same thing. List nunfbec 1, tor infirmary, pa Lients: 1 small pocket comb. 2 handkerchiefs. 1 nuil tile. 1 boox talcum powder 1 package cigarettes or cigars. number 2, for ambulatory pa tients: 1 pocket comb 1 pair socks, tWrmber H>. 1 tie 1 housewife 2 handkerchiefs. 1 knife 1 razor 1 package cigarettes or cigaVs. It does seem that one thing abov« all others that a successful meeting pot ought to hive is coal. EPITAPH Here lie two men, who we agree iriiv?"won tWHIHW." " The first of them blew out the ga» The other stepped upon it. —American Legitfh. • TRUSTEE'S SALE lly virtue of authority conferred in -Tie by a deed of trust executed to m« iv K .S. Stalls and J. H. Stalls, 01 he yth day of December, IDIH, an. luiy recorded in the register of deed'i .ffice in Martin county, in book X-l at page 20H, toesecure the paymont o it certain bond Rearing even dat« there, and the stipulations in sail leed of trust not having been corn plied with, J shall expose at pub lic auction, mj- «ash, on Monday, th Sth day of January, 1923, at 12 M at the court house door io Martin county, the fallowing property: All those certain tract* of land ly ing and situate in Martin county, near the town of Everett, and being tracts lumbers thirteen 118), fourteen (14V and fifteen (lt>j,/n plot of land for merly owned by J. G. Staton and known as the W. M. Ballard farm •is surveyed and plotted by Jno. B Repass, plot of which is of record In Martin county, register of deed'? office in plot book No. 1, page 460 to which said plot reference is hereby mode for more perfect description si 'd tract No. 14 containing 58.47, and tract No. 18, containing ancres and tract No. IS containing 45.M2 acres, the three totaling 162.84 acre*. This, December 8, 1942. J. B. BARNHILL, Truitse. THE ENTEPRISE COVERS MAR TIN COUNTY AND VICINITY LIKE A MANTLE. ' T ESTABLISHED 1898 UTTLE DANGER FROM EPIDEMIC Dr. Kankin Finds the Sanitary Work la New Kern Fire District Satisfactory New Bern faces little danger of an epidemic of any sort because OJ the disorganization of the water sup ply during the Are and the induction Of millions of gallons of raw water into the city's water system, or any widespread appearance of contagious diseases in the opinion of Dr. W. S. Kankin, state health officer, who re turned to Raleigh from New Bern Friday. Immediate steps were taken by the health department tp sterilize the water mains by chlorination as soon as raw water was turned on in fight ing the fire and continued use of the gas has practically cleared the water of any possible contamination, Dr. Rankin declared, thouglr a few casee of typhoid may devlop during the next few days. Four public health nurses have been detained for special duty, and a detachment of sanitary inspectors are at work on sanitary privies. Dr. Rankin finds that approximately 2,- (KX) negroes made homeless by the fire have been crowded into the homes other negroes, largely increasing congestion and multiply ing the poossibility of the spread of infectious diseases. Nurses make the rounds of the ne gro section daily and are on the look nut for any -evidence of contagion. Suspects of any of the infectious dis eases are immediately removed to emergency hospitals. Dr. Rankin paid high tribute to tl.e work of the New Bern peoeple, and to the sani tary office** of Camp Bragg, first on the ground in active work of sanitation. Didn't Turn Off the (iaa; Asphyxiated New Bern Osteopath Is Found Dead In His Room With Fii'.hfu! Collie Dog New Bern, Dec. 9.—Dr. Ernest W. Dunn; local osteopath, f° un d dpad from asphyxiation 'in his apartment at 52 Craven street, early today by hiH brother, Owe* G. Dunn, iad a member of the police force who a few minutes be-fore hail de tected gas '•> the hallway of the building anil Riven the alarm. Ly ing (lead near the head of the bed was the body of a large collie dog, constant, as a companion of the de ceased. » Dr. Dunn hail, apparently retired reading the afternoon paper by a gas light over his bed. It is sup posel that fell asleep with the light buttling and that during the night the pressure was lowered enough to let the tlame go out, later coming on full force and filling the room while the victim still slept. Every evidence indicated that the tragedy was purely accidental. tJHKISTMAS ADVERTISING • IS COMING PLENTIFULLY ChriMtinuH Shopper* Will I*o Well lu Wutch 'he Advertisments In Knterpritw) for the Next Two Weeks There will be a 6,0(K) copy edition oT The Enterprise on Friday of this week and shoppers will find the pro gressive merchants and business men of Williamston are giving some start ling values to their friends and pa trons during the Christmas season, and they will do well to study the ad vertising columns of the paper and find out where to get their Christmas (foods. ThP greatest line of Christum* goods that has ever been on sale In Wil liamston will be found here; gifts for every . member of the family 1 and loads of toys for old Santa's pack when he arrives Christmas eve. METHODIST LADIES HAD VERY SUCCESFUL BAZAAR The bazaar which the Ladies Aid "society of the Methodist church had last Friday night at the Masonic hall was quite a success. Many beautiful hand made articles were sold and avverty t nice supper, which was enjoyed by many families y the town was served. The ladies cleared about $l6O after all the ex penses were paid. The families and friends of the school girls and boy* who are away attending various Schools of North Carolina and Virginia are anxiously awaiting; their arrival for the Christ mas holidays. Morf of them will reach Williwnston the latter part of the coming week.

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