ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUR A LATCH-KEY TO . IMN MARTIN COUNTY IIOMES. Kl • ' \ 1)1.1 ML 23—NUMBER 87. W iiiiamston Streets Ai'e Capable of Much Better Appearance FENCES AND SHEDS ARE A REL IC OF THE VILLAGE DAYS SAYS A LOCAL MAN (By JAVELYN) number of leading citizens of Wil lian.sion have taken a forward step in. elding to the civic pride of the tow,i by removing from the front of « then rea'dences those obstructions in herited xrom our village du/s, ana siw 4 .eu r of familiarly as front yard fences. Where such changes have been mftu*, the improvement is so va»i tun. j noticeable that it is small won dei more ol our leading citizens do now iollow the illustrious sxampte as sot iorth by the lew. iuose things which we observe eaci. aiid eveiy uay soon become more oi leta oniiotice&bie, and it takes some output peispecUve, to awaken as to our own e.xi»Uug couuiUoitß. A lew housr visit to uti) liuinbei ol utTfflP' boring towns, wiucii are rated as pru gieooive, witn Uie, purpose ol uotic uig uie icsiueuu*! MCUwit' and u 4 e / business section* particularly, ai.u" tiien back to V» iiiiamston is aii one neeuo to liiiU out just iiow ttiiuquateu we are in this ol leuces ana sheds. -j licvure yoiiiseif, just how Matn street ana anuuiwitk street ana liau b ..bali oUeet sua an V»tne» tftiects wouiu look witiiout an> irout, lonccs, ana evtuy xfotiu yaid, ino.e ot ics*. a Uimg ol beauty. Vvny, >ou coulu haruiy betieve it was W iniamsi/on. The pride in your town would imiue diaieiy" scale up a hundred per ceiu ana beiore you were aware a it you Wouiu Una youi'soli blagging. on wiim. pretty streets we have Apioviued >ou coUiu overtook tne lact uiat bona-, were .once sold lor pavement..s am. we should be walking on ueceut siue wants at the pi&eiit tune insteau .ol gropuig oui' way through tnuu aim siush. iius is the day'inwhich looks coun. a deal, and u we ai;e to ceop eruie with the Cliambei oil Commerce an'ui'liitiact. lavorable notice to oui to>. ii, tnen the majority- ol us can begin right at Ivome —not a big -out lay ol tini\-no extra taxes to pay, but just a little exercise, and a larg er wood piift Vor the coltl winter du>b to cu vwvl taju tiie results ol eradi cating 1 elicit Vint sheds. One of the btat tilings towards re the progress ol our town is that lavowte expansion used by so amateur orat\is hereabouts, and thai is " Wiliianiaton is the best town in ue. world." This must sound t.ei ■libii auiuhing to any visitors "wno niigi.t happen m the audience, wilt, have previously looked tiie lowu over, an u also collided witn tiie depresseu 'buaiiiCsn comlitions and tne unsay or > criwi.«.iii one liears along the dan>. inat "best tdwn in world, ik a ueughtful lulp-'.y to those wno ait willing to lt/Aiud enough alone; MAd become soothed to our man/, ma ny snoilcoiiilngs. it is posbibie Uia. oui/or&tors nave in mind tiie iact thai Wiiuamstoii "can be the best." There is no doubt We hae a number of the very best peeopie in the world as citizens, and htat 'we have a great and wonderful location lor a Urnvin ginetropous. Some reai action, winch calls lor the expenditure of energy, less loaiing and bet ter ideas along civic lines will go a long way towards making the com munity wrncii we all love so well ■ better place to live, and a more at tractive place lor new. iwaideuts. A ceitein amount of new blood is ,continuously needed to keep any com' m unity healthy. 1 oat tract outsiders here as permanent citizens, with new uleas and new capital, we must olfei the proper,civic conditions. With the poMibiiUee oi W iiiiamston with its gieat back country and lU great water facilities, and its great network of good roads being built, there is no reason why any person cannot And within its borders Uie ter restial Arcadia without roaming in 'fo-fign lands. NEW ORDINANCE Fire works are prohibited from be ing shot on Main street between' Watte street and Haughton street, from Main to the railroad on Grab All and from Mam to the railroad on Haughton street. This ordinance will be strictly enforced fo rthe protection of the Christmas shoppers, and any one no . lating same will be promptly arrest ed. Z C. F. PAGE, Chief of Police. Mr*. B. A- Critcher and children, Alta and Burras r Jr., and Miss Mar garet Everett will leave in tiie morn ing far Baltimore, where they will vis it Mies Alta Proctor and then go to Cardiff, Md., to visit Mrs Catcher's • *««*• . » THE ENTERPRISE BEAR GRAS CITIZEN DEAD Dies Front An Attack of Heart Dts . ease From Which He Has Suf fered for lime Mr. Albert Rogersoh of Bear Grass .bed at his home Saturday morning at three o'clock. He had been suf fering with heart disease for aboil a ycfti', but he was-able to be up anu about of the time until Fridaj wli*: he Mas taken with an uttao. frui.i tgl.ich he never recovered. M> .Itiigerson was the son of Jame A. j:n,'erson "and wife. He leaves t> mourn his going: three brothers, Mi. aai i liogersou and Mi. Harry Itugtr sou of Beear Grass and Mr. Wife.. Kcgerson of Robersonville, also one sister, Mrs. Louisa Leary, besides his wife, who was Miss Elizabeth, Rawl>* of Beaut ort county and si xchildren. ihe interment took place at the Mi re lie burying place Sunday after no it with Elder J no. N. Rogerson. of* lici.itin gUie funeral. Mr Rogerson was a good citizen •i> u will be grodtij nussed by ever,* hi*., mmmNky.', Christmas Shootings btarung Early Here LAW BREAKERS HAVE ALREADY MADE SEV EKAL EbCAPADI'-S IN OUR MIDST Sunday night when the 6:30 train Was entering the switch at the edge 0i town aome one t>hot through the siuoivei - winUow and came near hit ling a man. The pistol habit coupled with whiskey is subject to make peo ple do many things. It is hardly probable that the party who hied the shot knew a person on the train and had no desire to hurt an yone on it, >ei had so little care that he careless ly tired and came near doing serious damage it no killing a man. Another instance of pistol toting occurred in town last week when a young man was going home and sud denly walked up on a negro, who flashed out tWo pistols and stuck them in his face. The negro was trans porting liquor against the pro tecting his illicit act by darkness and two pistols. No penalty short of the road should lie given pistol totert- All lioys Should Set Up and Take Notice Boys of Beaver Dam and Wild Cat Swamps Make An Exceptional Good Yield of Corn Mr. Jolin S. Meeks reports to u* that his grandson, Ira J. Meeks and his wife's son, Robert Keel, boys oi thirteen, and fourteen years, respec tively, cultivated on his Red Hill farm between Wild Cat and Beaver Dam swamps six acres of corn which pro duced produced fifty barrels, with an average of eight and one third lmi-_ rels per acre, and one acre of pro lific cotton which produced 2,314 lb.- of se&l and two bales of cotton weigh ing 460 and 446 pounds. Certainly, these boys ha dtlie ad-' vice and Assistance of Mr. Meeks, but it means that Martin county has two young farmer boys who are ambi tious and believe in doing things. Two things were necessary ia producing these results, knowledge and power. Every boy Bhouid be taught the im portance of the combination. If we succeed, we must know ,and we must dc. VV ashington Hard Koad Completed to Martin Uiunty Line R itd Expected To Be OpM for the Traffic Not Later Than January First The last yurd of hard surfaced road from W.iMimgtoo to the Martin coun ty line was f-rished last Friday Ihorn • ng. .'i is eleven nies in length ii 'i wi,l l e ope ied to the public l Ufli by Jatiuury flse fnta with favo. i >'e weather. Our highway leading from Wllliim ston is built aboht five and a half miles out and would have been con siderably further had there not been delay io getting the material here. SAME OLD STORY ? Mary Kiddick, a negro woman liv ing neaer the power house, pourec kerosino in a stove Saturday night and struck a match to it; her face and cheat were painfully burned. Ma ny houses and people are burned ev ery year by handling oil and Aw. ' Mr. Frank Carstarphen will arrive Friday from Christ school, at Arden tc eperd Lie Cli. >• mas holidays with Ua mother, Mr*. Fannie Carstarphen. yiLLLAMSTON, MAR. IN COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA, 'iUKSDAY. DECEMBER \% 1»- LOCAL MAN GIVES VIEWS ON FUTURE MARTIN COUNT\ SHOWS WHERE MARTIN COUNTY IS BELOW THE BEST BUT HAS OPPORFTUNITIES I notice in each issue of the North Carolina News letter for the pasi few weeks that South. Carolina, Geoer gia -and Virginia are seeing the goo > qualities of L' .J Old North State. Some of the things wnich they /are say ing are sufficient to atten tion of all Carolinians. First, South Caioiina says that our interest in ou' system of public schools are surpassed by none in the Union, and that many ol' die used to be greatest'states are pal.onizing after our system. Virgin ia notes that our agricultural suc cess in tiie last few years has bet., a siuiining one. Geoergia notes that cur *60,000,000 road bond issue ia to be the greatest boom for the state of any since the war between the states. but listen friends, flrst, all of these uie good, but the lasting influence f men of the calibie of the great and much lamented Chas. B. Aycock, iho educational governor of Noi'.h caro uia are those who started tin n' • t i hding story of success »>• o.i ititt A.r any other if j) i ,>"»■. It is tyue that North Carolina rank; Hi at' in ,pei acre value of crops with, even her shortage in live stock, which ■riuy be purtly accounted for by hei ji.u'i u0 and a fraction acres per t'anr., which is being largely over come by many of out western counties like Buncombe, which has won first •iiemiuin twice and second premium onte in our state fair for counties during the past three years. "South Carolina hits the key note." Bun combe is. a mountainous hill and dale county and as 1 remember, a count, of an average of 3b acre farms com posed of fock ojay and gravel. The apple from wfiffn are noted not O'.t'y in tiie si ate but nationally famed, un'J nl.-o t ne of the greatest potato coun ties in tRe state and famed for its diiiryii.g uidustry. She does not grow either cotton or 'tobacco. Note thi I, tho.-e who know Buncombe say that diverification with all the crops adap ted to her soils and cooperation with national an dstate departments of ag licuiture is wherein her great rirhc. lie. tome are wont to say, Weil, we can't grow fruit, but we can giow co'.ton, tobacco, peanuts, etc., aiel we are glowing these. This is true aiiil vary much like a nian who gave u description* of his neighbor farmer Si... ng lie wus just as good a farm •r ab he was twenty years ago. This is disturbingly true of we '"urmeif d'iwn Martin county. We u e just about as rich from growing crops of the money producing kind to the exclusion of diversification with crops of the soil improvement type as we were twenty years ago, no richer, no poorer. Struck the happy medium, haven't we? Not all dl the fanners are doing this and we are proud of this fact. As to fruit growing, 1 re j. ember when we grew horse app es, ri. 1 und white Junes, Winesaps, Shock ley s iiid others as large us • "i fist ami din it by punting out .tin wishiug tiieein well. So do i iemember when we jr»-,w Irish potatoes in most the same way. i, .i hmW Or potato bee e, ' e | iu>.u blight and scab have to be reckoned with and we still grow them by ap- P') i u g poison borde.'U fo> the beet't and leaf blight and formalin for the b( So we can I'l iu * d !'• only like ettort, lime sulphur for scale, poison bordeau for apple worm and bitter rat poison sulphur wash for peach worms and brown rot, and the peach borers in the fall and spring by using al Ithe advised metuods. Mogre eounty, which was thought, to be a worthless sand bed is now one of the finest peach producing counties |n the United States, Georgia and Jeisey not excepted. When this wa. learned, other crops were wisely planned and diversification practiced until More promises still new fields of venture. Another demonstration that "knowledge is power." Men and women have moved from North Carolina looking for new fields of wealth, and little did they know that the ywere leaving the best be hind them. What we are, ia what our ances tors and associates have been, and that which we have drawn from the school of experience, many of ua to day are stumbling over obsta teles that have long since been removed. Uwe would look over the record* on our problems, many of ua would advance ear business to the place that it would probably take fifty years to attain, in ' the school of experience. I - Mr. Henry Font has, in twenty years become a multi-millianaire man ufacturer. How does he aay he did | it? "By combining all the good of ] other manufacturers with Ms own ' LEAVES AND WOODS MOLD TAKE THE PLACE OK OLD ItKLIABLE STABLE MANURE Is Recommended for Use In Garden* Where Manure Shortage Is Experienced Raleigh, Dec. 18.—"A fertile soil is the basis of a good garden," says Fn-nk K. McCull, garden specialist, of ne North Carolina Extension ser vice. One of the best ways to build up this fertility is by adding humus or organic mutter to the soil. \ Mr. McCall finds that the lack of farm animals in the* state causes a decided shortage of barnyard manure iwid for that reason I wives or woods mold should be used. A good idea for the prospective garJener' would be to gather the fallen leaves, place them in piles and permit them to de cay. A better coniposit is formed when the leaves aro mixed with the barnyard jnanure and soil. A combination thnt Mr. McCall has found quite effective can be made up •of five parts of leaves, one part of manure and one soil. The gardner should allow this mixture to stun ua i cat on and then work it into the soil. Not only will this compost add the necessary humu» but it will also add some other fertilizing ele ment as wel., When this organic matter has been added to the soil, larger amounts of fertilizer can be used with profit. Alioskie liuys Some Large Koad Signs is Kinht On the lieels of the Larg «r Cities ol the Slute In " v Advertising Way J Our sister Ahoskie has bought Hfty large signs reading "It pays to buy'and sell in Ahoskie—Chamber of. Commence," with' the names of the of the town who took the j signs painted underneath the heading: The signs "are going to be used on the leadin groads to Ahoskie for twenty miles, thereby covering an area of about 100 miles, ihe larger towns of the state such us Raleigh,-Rock} Mount snd Goldsboro are using these same signs und it shows that Ahos kie is just as progressive und just as-interested in her welfare us the larger places, These signs would be very good ad vertisin gfor Williamston, as oui' ad vertising sign» do riot go very far out of town. lAKI-; tAUU OF Hit Arri.L TREES They Will l'ay Well lor the Time and Mon . ey Spent Raleigh, Uec. IK.— Now while the trees are in the dormant stage is the time to spray the orcharu, says U. P. Pnyne, pAtenSKU. horticulturist fur the .No.tli Carolina intension service. Mr. Payne stales that pruning can be done now without injury and that working over the old neglected frees will pay well for tne time uiid mon ey spent. It is also wise not to neg lect the new oichurd just set, because it is a lact that only about lb per cent of the trees sold by nurseries ever come into bearing. Tnis is large ly due to the fact that "the trees are neglected and not handled properly. the division of horticulture believes that North Carolina can be made the second California for horticulture if fruit growing and gardening receive more . and better attention. Fruit growing is just coming into its Own in this slate and this is especially true of the apple region of western Carolina. Growers in this section should take care of their trees now, urges Mr. Payne. f- He says, "the ultimate object of all pruning is fruit production. There are a number ot things to bear in. mind regarding this. The heaviest pruhing should be done during - the first four years after the tree is set. Then the tree is The next five to eight years, the tree should be pruned .only to keep it in good shape. This is the period of change from growth to 'heavy fruit produc tion and is the most critical in the history of the tree." (Simple I't'sigin are the most beauti ful., The best dressed woman is one of whom people do not say "what a beautiful gown," but rather "what a beautiful woman." genius, and keeping a strict watoh on I*is business." The road to success has been cleared of boulders and any business man may attain it by a close study of its history. It is obtainable i only to those who are studious and unselfish. Joseph L. Holliday. I i'AST WEEK WAS j uOOI) ONE FOR ; I . THE BOY SCOUTS WORK DONE BY BOY SCOUTS OI WILLIAMSTON AND WHAT ORGANIZATION IS L, Scout Muster Simon Ljlley reports | the list of the daily good turns that have been done by the scouts dur- I ing the pasi week. For the benefit sJ ol those who do not know the work ping- of U.e organization, we will ex plain what the term "good tarn' means. A member of the Boy Scouts • is supposed to do something for some one who is unable to- do for them selves, some little act that will make life easier fo rthe helpfess each day of their lives. Some things that have been taken from the list as handed in by the members at the last meet ings are as follows: ' Undoing a dog hung i insrfence. Helping an old lady up the steps. Took a paper to some one and then ran an errand. Packed a box'for a lady. Kept store for a man to get out on business fora few minutes. I'icked up an old man's hat. brought wood for an old man. Found knife for a little boy. I'icked some glass out of the road. Showed an old man where a doctor lived. Iluilt u tire lo ran old man. Helped the ladies prepare for a church festival. l'ut out cigarette stump. • Found dog for a little girl. Gave information to stranger. Brought a bucket of water for a lady. Cleaned up a yard. Carried Mowers to school for the teacher.. '{'he number.of good turns that were performed by the boys are as fol lows: George Harris, Jr., 7. Thomas Crawford, 7. Bill Harrison, 6. Geeerge 11. Gigaiiun, 7. Bruce Whitley, t>. I.>n llassell, Jr., 7. Way lord Harrison, b. Herbert Ward, Jr., 4. .1 e-:.t.i> Harrison,'b. Jolu'. i'oi ker, 7. \ vV P. Hodges, 7. . Bi >.u lii gerson, 7. Cl.a- ies I eel, 0. 1' fil-ijrt Peel, Jr., 11. I want the people of the town viuit tin* wout meetings, espectali.v tic i uro.its and those »iiiterested in tiie wclfan. of the young boys of tin town. Another thing that I want 'be pcuple t the town to do is to -help me .vi,.i Ihe boys; when you «ee a bn.i dourjr somcthin gtlmt is not e\a-".\ the rig ii linng, do not encourage nm m the at ', but quietly speak to hi n I'he hoys will appreciate your inter est for they are as line" boys as there are, and l 1 ey know when any one ;s doing something for their good Right id tnis so uon of the year temptation . beset them having to stay in duor-. und not being able to work oil then energjes by hiking, camping, etc., and such tilings as little seemingly harm less gambling devices take their at tention. It will be of gieat value to them in the future fo mold their character according to the highest principles and the help of the good people of the town is needed. SIMOND LILLEY, Scout Master. Miss Eva Peel, who is a member o fthe faculty of the Robersonville High school is ut home the holidays with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. R. J. Peel. '! ho i arm u scrub bull does lives alter him. lie brings down the vu lue of cattle and decreases the milk flow in North Carolina. He sh6uid be replaced with pure bred sires, say extension workers. Mr. and Mrs. lien Aiken have ar rive din the c.ty from Enid, Oklaho ma to visit Mr. Aiken's sister, Mrs. W. '!. W-ji.cws and Mr. Meadows, at their home on upper Muin street, Eve* thought of giving your son a partnership in the farm business'.' Present the matter to him this Christ mas. Messrs. Bruce Wynne and William Carstarphen have arrived from Trin ity college, Durham to spend the hol idays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Wynne.and Mr. and Mr». C. D. Carstarphen. A subscription to some good farm journal makes a good Christmas pres ent for the boy and girl on the farm. Subscribe to The Enterprise and you will get a Christmas present of a good farm journal. We only have a few hundred of these subscriptions, and the first to come will be the first served. CriKI.VIMAS CHEER.FOR I'OOR OF \VILLIAMSTON -jL — lowment lieing I'uslud tu Help the I ulurtunuU'H of W illiums'on tu fcaijoy Christmas Any one wishing to make joy for ijle poor ol W'illiamston ami the sur lonuing community have an oppoi tunity. Take your package of fruit or presents that .sou want to give 10 the Hupii»t, parsonage aud Hew A. V joyner with others, wil lsee that the packages m e distributed. , If there is any one who you know .dicul who needs to be helped, report lne:,i to Mrs. Asa loin Crawford and she will see that they receive some gift. Kenrvmber that "It is more blessed t'> give than to receive." tobacco (jrowers To * Get Their Christmas Money Wednesday CHECKS WIL BE-DELI Y FRED BV WAKEHOI'SES WHERE TO BACCO RECEIVED All uiembei s of the Tobacco Urow ers association will get their second j payment on Wednesday, the iJOtli. The farmers Will only have to go 1 to the warehouse where they made j- their tobacco delivery and they will ; get their checks. This applies to the f eastern Carolina belt. Mr. Harry 1.. Meador says he wants j the farmers to come promptly and | he will convince those speculators who so "wisely" warned the farmers that they Would never ,gel anything but the first payinenti-rfhat they will get I something. The second payment will I certainly be as large as the first, and I w ill most likuljy be larger. I Farmers, dont forget to get your J checks Wednesday, December 20th, at I any litme of the day. If you canuot come Wednesday, your checks will be 'waitirtg for you Thursday. STATE IS FOURTH IN COTTON YIELD I Intimated Production ol' 852,D00 Mil 1922; Last Big Year • V North Carolina takes another for j ward stride, m the agricultural fiebl, I by advancing to fourth lank among | the cotton states, Her crop is esti mated to be bales this year. I It should b£ recognized that this is j not only due to her goon crop, which "was made in spitu of our tirst serious damage by the boll weevil, but also fio tiit heavy weevil damage m ollie't states. She is for the first iHue I unit 4)robabl) last time making al mosl nine per cent of the souths cot- tun crop. Ihe noli foi the belt was reduced 111,00 ii bale" since the Sepleinbei forecast of 10,135,000 bales. while i\uth Carolina's production wua in creased by 512,000. >J(obesoi) county was hooting tile id':a ol boll weevil damage in July ami a month lulei their persence in great numbers caused widespiead appreliensio/i oi a flop dilute, then along came tne December guuier's report showiug that Homebody had lied. She had a big crop of -both weevils and cotton lint. k , The question since tlyey struck North Carolina IK: Have*-, these in sects decided to cooperate with the cotton plant*,'after realizing that one has to cooperate in this state to be in the swim? . Tliik year's total national crop, if madq into one bale of the usual shape a»d laid flat down would cover about 17 acres of land. The crop in this state has gained first rank among ull crops, thereby surpassing the K'hlen leaf tobacco, without tak ing into Consideration the valuation of cotton seed. The final condition of the crop repotted October 3rd was 50 per cent of a normal, or full crop prospect Much better than that has been real ized./ Immediately, the government gets "cussed out," when we fail to check up with the ginnfed figures, and those criticizing, overlook the fact that they and their neighbor are usually the ones responsible «y re porting the erroneous estimates. The final 'condition la»t year wa/ 6 per cent less than this year and/we have 12 per cent more acreage packed this season. Then too, the price is about 50 per cent higher, as it was 16.4 cents in 1021, as compared with 24.4 cents' this year, each baaed on Dec ember Ist prices paid to farmers. "Did you ever hear the ttory about the Scotchman who loaned a fellow u fiver?" J. "No." ./ . " "Ypu never will." Fayettevilie Observer. * / rm; smtbhusi covers mar- TIN COUNTY AND VICINITY LIKE A MANTLE. Jersey Calf Club Has Been Organized In Catawba County First Jersey Calf Club to Be Organ ized In the South 18 a ' North Carolinian Italeigh, Dec. 18.—The Jersey Calf club in the south to be organ ized by the Jersey Cattle association of America was organized during the past jear by county agent j. w. nen dricks of Catawba county, una Ciuo is the first in the south 1 to teceive an appropriation from the Cat vie association and is one 01, ..about six in tlie whole Cnited states to liius tie organized. According to air. i. A. Arey, dairy tarimu gsye«.i«»iist, .lie requirements tor the recognized cait club have Lieen mude so strict until tew of the so-called nave oeeli able to meet them. this club in Catawba county was organized on the "three year pian, and wifich proposes to grow out toe carves .o maturity and show tliein at, some ol tiie tails each fall. This ciub has iweuty members, w!u«h is the iiiiuin allowe dunder the new require ments. During the past year the mem bers received sio in cash irom the jersey CatUe ciub. lhe boys and gnls taking part in it snowed their calves at the county lair at Hickory a^td'three weie shown iu Kaleigti at the State fair. According to Mr. Arey this, call club work la doin gtremendous gooi iu r ' advancing the., dairy ol catawba county, and troni tne suc cess which boys and girta are iiaving there, it is felt that the idea will spread overtlie other uairy coun ties ol JSorth Carolina. Oastou and Mecklenburg counties are also doing club work with their dairy cattle but have not yet orguiuzuu their ctubs on the „ same plun as Lite Catawba club. Miss Sarah Hatred arrived last nignt tiKjm St. Mary's school, Raleigh, oi spend'the Christinas holidays with tier mother, Mrs. W. 11. Harreil. Foreign Dog; \ou must-be one of those American flappers,' I see you, c have your tail bobbed. • It is lalse economy for a county , to dispense with either the farm ag ent m The home agent. In ivttru times the fuuner and his >vife neeu uie»e two advisers more than ever. rood Prices Show Ah upward i enuency TWO FEW IMI Oh MOltb Dt KING NOV, SA\S HEIIjUT Washington, Dec. 18.—6oi|u retau ;.nd wholesale food prices in\reaMxi two per cent or embcr, according to figures maun puo ,,c today by tiie department! oi la- TOI. Notwithstanding HUH lUC reuse the departulent said there waa a ao- Mrastt of live per cent fo -line year en ling November 15, in logo prices while wholesale food prices 111- cieased about two and one null per cent during the year. The trend of wholesale prices of :t;iiJmoditie? such aa farm products, t.xti e.netais, building materia ( and hi u»e '"uruialung jun,' ca, ni'V.iiv, November iJ Ui# e icni hi one an n life third per :e. , \ J-'ujii pitijuiu led for uits,,;ear .villi an iiiciette i*i lb 1-4 pec >ci'l. CUnuculn. alone weie cheaper in NJV ember of this year as compared (.lie .ii..e inonliis il.'l year. Alias Emma Kober«oa will arrive lids week from Kinston to spend the Christmas holidays with tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Uoberson. "1 understand that you said 1 hadn't enough sense to come out of a show er of rain," said Dobson. "1 did not," replies | oi. "What did you say, then?" "1 merely remarked that if there was a tax on brains the gov ernment would owe you uioney." Tit-Bits.. Miss Mary Gladys Watta will ar rive tomorrow frujn Trinity collect Durham, to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Watta ip the Grove. - . v. Mr. Francis Barnes will arrive froji Staunton Military academy this week to apend the holidays with hi* pa ixilt*y Mi. and F.. H. Barnes on Church street. . • . e ' ■ A study of the question ahows that those counties which are winning out in the flght on the boll weevil art thoao with good home and farm ag ents.

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