Wfe MOW HAVE A CHAMBER OF COMMfeBCEI THE ENTERPRISE Published every Tuesday fiinl Friday by th® T ENTERPRISE PUBLISHINiB CO. WUliamston, North Carolina \V.~CT MANNING —Editor Subscription (Strictly Cash in Adv^:.Ci) A >ear 6 months -*• 8 months —. * Entered aWthe \'ost OftEi at V. il iiauiston. North Cai°'ina an secono class matter. il Erfl'AV, DKCKMUVH 111. 1922. Bj Francis Speight For every ten.that's talking •liout what is right and wioiir There ain't but one who's walking The chulk line right along. Most frvery one is babbling Tlout how we downward drift,-' Hut mighty.tew are grabbing A hold to give a lift. There's lots of people raving On how to save the land. Hut mighty few are craving To stoop and lend a hand. 1 liy pratling idle creatures The folks are perplexed. Lord, send us niot-e good prenchei s Who daily live their text. * ~ r t7. RE 111 CE COI'NTV EXPENSES.-. We ouffht to county ex . penses in most of our/counties, but it ought to be. done by better busi ness 'imfnngenieiif ftiul not by away "Vvith constructive agencies kucli as the county demonstiaiion agent l , home 'demonstration ,age®t and pub lie welfare- officer, u> by decreasinn the efficiency of the .couii,iy superin t( I lieilt (if sclwiols. Better business method in liu •.• nous county,office-s would id ten i;;c i l\ reduce expenses. Thtsie *i>|ral. •:> no excus«* lor piiyiiiß *i imhii , salary as county trt'iu»ui'er • wliri. a bank cati be bonded ami- handle th* funds without "X|khiS( to the.. couuL; Ajjain, it is. n waste of monev {ut..up expensive buildiltßs and I :* management for a poor house v t only Ifi or 2d inmate.-. Several coiiii should umti and Juye one pooi, bouse and one managenieeul lor th;' whole' group of counties, therebx sav much money. A \NKEE TKIHI TE Southern men weic unsurpas ed among the nations-ot' the Villi* in hospitalit*' iijjity to their equal.-. Ih Were apt to command and able to -...cctcii They were able 1 politician*, \iith the love and habit of tiuth, which be evinces brave men in all common con cents, t-hey weie* subtle and .-liilltiri djjfpnnats With diplomacy when it war needed t«i .accomplish any political fid. , My long e.i ntlict with tie !I leader lias impressed me with no e\er nj creasing admiration oj the creat and high i|liallties of. our soutliern peo pie. Their love of home; their (dm Iroits respect for women:" tlicit com age; their delicate sense ol dwior their constancy', which «j| jfill by an opiliion ot a purpose ait i,n terest of theii .-tale's. I .ud • \ ersity and through i^vl a ,"' through the year, -an iouifh hi generations, ftt'e. the jieeople of the itiore injflcurial 'ioitl loay take a lesson. sjt\ theie is all Other thing col rept nm, • the low temptation uw money has not y"t dapy |da^^' n our southen 5 For Christmas H A ruit Cake | V ' ' ' ' • L made, m tiii: wuuAMsroN hakinc. I ' M)MI»AXV I, Hits the Hungry Spot | Wf also hovt Ihc best bread un th«- riiarkct. I* - ' ' *.■ uC because it it "Home Made." You |tel a 1 lb. loaf for 10c. *" . 1 jf , IT*. * CAKES, IMES, UOLLS AND HKKAI) Ol'IC .v ' • ' SPECIALTY ... W w - LET I'H HAVE VOI D ORDERS •« . EARLY IF IN NEED. WILUAMSTON BAKING CO. A f * ' I? "« • « • ' 1 ' pities.—Geeorgf FriW '» Ffbar, sen pUr from Massachusetts, 1877-1904. TRUSTEE'S SALE By vrruc of the authority u>nfor red in me "By a tl«d of trust exe cuted to iflk by 18. T.-Jacksjji and Jackson on 14th day in the register oT deed's office in Mar tin county, irS book A-2, pafre 380, to lecure tht payment of a certain bond heaeriiig ever, date therewith, and tn stipulation? in said trust not naVing boon .complied with, I "*shali expow nt public aurttinn. fitr ca"h, on Saturday, the 20th lilay of January, 192.1, at 12 o'clock |M., at the court louse in Martin county, I lie follow ing: property: . Beginning at a water oak jti Deep Run an drunning N. S3 K. 82 poles 0 a lightwood post in the field ind thence» K. Mi K. 2V- pole; .o a jiine at the corner of th 'ence, and thencei.H. f>7 Vv. 108 pole .o Deep liun swamp, where it corners in a irum tree, thence down' the va rious. courses of the run of Deep Run 101 poles to the beginning. Con-. •tninintr "0 litres, more or lens. .JOHN l>. I.II.LEY, C ; Trustee.' Tlii. Dec. Mi, 19J>2. SAL.I+ 1 nilvt i 11.., VirlUC Ol J.Oivc ji sale comal.iccl in thill ceria.n deei.. 1 U ii:n, C-XCvUwCll !»,) A . V.UUVC\> AUe, ivi'.iry v. viruNgj-«ni oi re- id i> .it puisne i i.^ ul Alantil tJlifilj .a book "ii-id, at paye I'iii, sani dvei. >1 ttllM il.lVlliJf ULOil IJ'lVell- lo BcCUl'l tin* payment of certain notes ot oven .ditto herewith, and tth terms an l con Uilions theyeon contained not lta\ in>, Jeen (foliipln d wnh, aiid at the r. ipies ji the liolfii i oi Uie said nplft, tin. jiidersigticd trustee will on ihjjJsdaj,- ,ne 2Jsi day of "December, 11*22, at 1. /clock Al.,m front of the court housi Icor of Martin toulily at Wdliunittton, .v'l'., offer lor sale, at public auction the highest' bidder lot citsli, tin .itilowiag den ribed property, to wit: That certain tracts or parcels ot land situate in the town of Williams- J. ortd bounded and described as .fol lows: r " KirstTract: That certain lot of. andsit unie in tlit Town ot nn,N: ('.. beginning at .iron.sjjfb. .ocaluil- at the southwest corneal ■driveway on a ditchtan feet arid , Ut-itCv from the pillow from diti tin steam iilant; thence N" 27 VV'-willu the line of The ddriveway Vtat Iwi'fcn th'e steam plant and the liyfl|| oke Tubocco a ri , li(iitjjp 1 ii | i oaU^J cbes to an i roil. stake; theiiwj tfIHES I'aesierly• jlii iH'Jioli :ItMI fret 11» an TiTiX j . lake 'ocated.on tU' run yf t lie-In onef ,1. V;, t iodard's fiii«■ T lhem\e up the run oft hv' branch, and Oi-ieh a souChwert enui cito the nun stob, the Beginning. Second Tract: Beginning on th driveway 'at 'lie iron .stake / whieh is, the nortb\\;est corner of the first tract thence N 27 VV 121 feet and 10 in dies to an iron stob corner; thence N 60 K oOH fiVt to an iron stob in a blanch; thence along the saiil branch S 44 K 51 feet; S.6S f 4 E ,72 feet, S 49 W 4:s feet; S 23 lV! \V 22 4-2 feet to an iron stake in staid branch; •tlltnce 62 I 2 VV ilno feet, Ki tli*' iron stake, the beginning. . • ( Third Trace: Beginning at a .-take' ii) the blanch in the middle of the iliteli; thence ir sl.raiglvt line about 'R(> feel, to a s'take-, or stob. in .L ti. (iodard's line: tlieiid aloiip soid (iod i .M'd's line iiortlie.' Sti.cly a'n i.i 01 »_ot ' S inches to. n stob on Che bend I of tl'ie ilitih.-.1. Ujtiodnr 'ls ami I'" W. firave's corner: tlierce up the ditch to the bcylnninjr. TV,e said "three tracts of loild 1 \ i 1 v an'il In in prill-the town of Wiiliainsvm.. N. ("..'and beine the land whflfreon the 7 THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, MARTIN CXK, .NORTH CARUUNA steam plant is located and the lands adjacent theretyw i This the of (November, 1922." • ' ' Clayton Moore, i. , * . N. B- The ajjove property will be sold mubject to prior cieeds of trunt which are of record in the public reg istry cf Martin county. T iyton, Moore, Tn» ntPP. NOTICE OF SALE^ Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in a certain deed of trust, the Bth (lay- of Jul\, 1919, by Thad Newsom and wife, Ida Newsom, and in the register of deeds office for Martin county in book A-2 at page, 16P, to secure the pajrnent of a certain bond >f even date therewith, and at the rtque«t of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will on Friday, •,hc 29 th day of December,- 1922, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house dpoi if Martin couyty, Williamston, N. C., dfer at public sale to the highest jidder for cash, the following describ ed real estate: y> , * . All • that tract parcel of land 'ying and being in William'jjton town ship, Martin county,* North Carolina, uljoining the the Atlantic ;oast Line Railroad company., How ird Outer-bridge, George Blount, Da „ey Hodges and Thomas Koberson, con in'tving t)i 6-10 acres and being the nine land-Conveyed to Thrfd ilewsom >y llee'l dated December 29th, 1917, md of record in the pudblic registrj >f Mjirtin county in book T-l at page 199, being described by map on .file •vith the Federal Land Bank, made by I. R. Mobley, surveyor," on May,-12, 1919. . This' the 27th day* of -November,, . 1922. # WHEELER MARTI'V ' • Trustee. TRUSTEE'S LAND'SALK l ; nder asd by yirtue of• the power iiul • authority contained iii u certain leed o*r trust execute'd by O. P. Kob jrson, Harvey Koberson anjl' / VV. ,A. Kobj>r#ioh,".togetUer w.ith respec- Live Wives, on the Ist, day of July, 1921, same i being of 1-2, at page 2Q4, Martin county reg st'ry, sitid parties having-defaulted*in .>»(.Vnent of th'e indebtedness,secured } demand, having I >«*',» made j' for ' foreclosure. h"y holders .lot" said i; /Waited ness, XM undesigned wi)L on [ .^(W(ju^Hhej>t^day of ijjMjjAtfrLjb*lll j/ii f .soon,"; Kefoi t?ifiie ctiprt HjHrli flle • t o\v n. of ."jfr i\jis ii is ( oi>% tor ■suit- fo*; to', the .UJftdivided intjsrtpf a -certiiin tract '& ,'parcel rof* lajfljj* sitfj/te" .'in ltobei'sOnviMe .ownship, Martin eininty,- North ( al ' disa, adjolrfyig the lunds'.o.l J., ].! Pur vis, deceased, and ly ( i. and oilers, beTter dtiWqi>enl; as", follows: IWginnihfe at C()m^!^ , 'xf J. R- I'm vis running Henry- ("Dun ; oil's,-Delia Wnolui Mayo's Use to (lie count heading froth | Henry Counfil's' Mktssell road, thence^autßT'fry"with Volatile A Gas / *' . v "5 / TEXACO '• .*'■■'■■' 4 I if fi It % Means TKp : >Bes|f §ave You Money -•' : ~. * ■■ -- | • '/ ; c ... •■' TEXACO I TEXACO MOTOR OILS j GASOLINE TRY THEM 01JT Harrison Oil Co. % k - I T r — r iY Distributors '. 1 ' ■ - v •••••••••?-V-. ; Williamston, No rth Carolina said road to D. D. Overton's line, thence easterly with said Overton's and'Coburn's lipe to The John I-i ick Matthews line, a gum is Thomp n'« pocosin, thence northerly with :/akl Matthew's line' 116 poles to a «• net thence N. 36 J-2 E. 72 pole:; to -terec gurtii tn Cob»«'n't, swamp, thenee N. 11 Vp E. 1W poles to li. T. Andr. ws' corner ,thence a straight line 1 to the beginsing at old J. R. Purvis corner, containing 450 acres, more or less, being the identical land conve>e J - to Hartfey Robers?n by L. D. Builock deed recorded jn book V-l at page 200, Martin cSunty registry. (2- A certain tract of land in Robersonville townsiup, coun ty, N. C., adjoining the lands of fS. L. Andrews, W. G. Hathaway,.R. T. Andrews an dotheis lying on the east side of the A L. railroad from acres, more or less, and being the identical land conveyed to 0. I'. Kob erson by W J. As ii-ews by deed in book C-l, pate 7e, Martin county registry. This, December 2nd, 1922. NAN G. CLARK, • Donnell Gilliam, Attorne 1 ', 'iurboro, N. C. ' NOTlCii "1- SALE Under and by • nlue Oi the power of sale contained in tiut certainn deed of trust executed by Joseph H. Hollis and wife, Lucy lloll's to the Uiidersigned trustee, ami bearing date of December 30th, 1918, and of rue ord in book U-l at page 153 in the iffice of the legister of deeds in and for Martin count'.;, N. C., said deei' of trust having been given to se cure the payment of certain notes of even date the terms and conditions therein contained not having been complied will, and at the the request of the holder of said notes the undersigned ti uste will on Wdnes day the 20th day of December, 1!'22 at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door •of Martin county at Willi&mston, N. C* offer for sale auction to the highest bidder for cash, the ■ fyllowng described property to j» :t: Those or parcels of land situate and baing in Martin cou'i ty, N. C., and liounded desrib ed as follows: First Tract: h being the Mobley Mill and mill site, fuui acres, more or ,nnd Rfcing tji(- safte premises conveyed to James A. Everett by IV. C- Manning trustee bj deed of reroj'd in the public registrj of in book -\\XX at' page 22., whicb deed is herelij re ferrod to f>. .• a uioie accurate >'is sdription. 'S'Tond Travt : Com.nioTicln); a; tin' tl Hollis corner on the Hani ijton and Eeverett public road ihnici up with and aUnjc said Even-'am! ami Hafilton public roall to W. A pjdlnomlson's corner, a northeri" .course; thence down and alonjr sai> EdmondSon's line to skid Edmoiid.on': corner; tlience v. it.aiubt line in lim with said EdmftpnHoson's line here tofWe inenintioitfl teNji corner in Mil tie"ftawtes. ing marked by straight line ditch lend ing fro ra the public road as far a* said ditch leaches; thence up the' run of said branch to what is known as Glisson's corner of J. U. Cofie d's line; thence pp and along said Cofi!e;l'» Joseph Hollis' corner; thence ioii;r said j«i cjiii li. Hollis' lii.e Ut the beginning - , on the Hamilton and Everetts public road, containing by estimation twenty acres, more or less, and being that ccitarrt tract of land deeded to Joseph H. Hollis by Sam uel GliSson and Wife, Caroline, re corded in the public *egii}try of Mar- Lin county in book 35, page 8i». - Third Tract: Beginning at a post, Hen Glosson's and J. B. Coffield's cor ner on the Wild Cat road; thence Ijong said road DO yards to r post; thence a straight west course 150 yards to a post on J. B. Coffield's. line; thence along-said Coffield's line to the heginning, containing one-half (1-2) more or less, and being thaycertain tract of land deeded to •Joseph H. Hollis by amuel Glisson' aitd wife, recorded ir the public reg is try of Martin county iji book C-l at l>age 161. Th'n the lgth da> of November, 1922. A. R. I»'.'NNINCv 4 , Trustee. sU NOTICE OF S>\LB - Under and" by Virtue ? the jpower ot fiale contained in a deed of trust exacuted to the lenders inj?ned trustee by Floyd Hardisori, R. B. Hol- L'jdie K. Holliday, Edith L. Brown, 'Thoma* H lirown, Mary V. rftyon and Lewis St'yon, 15th day of February, 1922 on dof record is book J-l ot .saeuiinp a certain note of even date and frriior therewith and the stipula tionn contained in said deed of trust not haviiiK been complied with and default having; been madt- in payment of said indebtedna«B, aad at thje re quest of the holder of said note, 1 will'on the 20th day of Decern jer, IS>22 ot 12 o'clock M., in frpnt of the court housa door in the of Williainston, N. otTer for sale to the highest* bidder for cash $419 !Un divided interest in the following |die seribed real e-tate, to wit: . l>.yitiK and beiiljr in the county iof Martin, Jane«*#lle township, aid -bounded o» follows: On the ntaoh by lands belortßintf to Geo. F. Sr. and J. L. Hardison; on the ea»t b ylands 4>elonKiiiK tb J. L. Hardisori >n the south by the Gum pond, 3. L. Brown's line; on. the west by >elont>in(f to J. W. Gardner and Ceoa.\ F. CoHen and jeinjr the some land onvo>.id to Ilulsey Hardisdsi clntl wife, Mianii. Harr.ison by will from J. 11. Harbison, which its uuly recorded-' itl>c public registry of Martin coun ty. to which reference is here ir.ada for further description, contain 1 i'K nf ' y acies t nvore or less. Marion C. Jackson, Trustae. NOI iCK OF SALEts I'nner and by virtue of the power if" sale contained in t cci-Jin'de«d of trust exacuted lo the undejsingned I LET MARTIN COUNTY HOSPITAL COME NKXTI trustee, by F. W. Graces and wife, Mary C. Graves, ond bearing aote ol Mizell, administratrix ef jßssie llizrll, September 18th, 1920 and of record in the onblic registry of Martin coun ty in book F-2 st pages 64 snd 68, bakl deed of trust having been given to secure the payment 0 f certain note, of even date therewith and the term* and conditions therein contained not having been complied with, onti at the request of the holder of said notes, the undersigned trustee will, on Thursday, the 21st day of Decem ber, 1922, at 2:80 o'clock P. M., ot the To jacco Re-Drying plant, now oc cupied by F. W. Graves and Company, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cosh, the following described per sonal property, wit: One re-drying machint. COMMUNICATE: * WITH * «?OKE&SOK • V , NORrOLK,VIRGINIA . LATENT MARKET INFORMATION FURNISHED on REQue-ST FREE OP CHARGE-, BYr TELEPHONE - OR TELEGRAPH . - • r~ * ?!r ~ Our Big Xmas Sale Kesran Friday Morning, December Ist and - will continue until Xmas. SPECIAL- BARGAIN COUNTERS Pottery, Glass, China, and our stock of Jewelry is also complete. We will be glad to show you our line; tfive us a call. , f • I EVERYTHING GUARANTEED i * ' * . STEWART'S JEWELRY STORE WASHINGTON, N. C. 1 \ \ « .. COUPE New Price 530 I Detroit CM C—plaUlw ■ I ISW • an enclosed car of this type at a lower price. No car at any price has ever offered a greater value. Place your order now to in sure early delivery. Terms I 1" if desired. B. R. BARNHILL Authorized Sales and Service WILLIAMSON, N. C. One Erie City 126 horse power boiler. One Parker automobile tru^Jc. Also other personal property f'sit uate and being on the said premises of F. and Company, so as to include all office furniture and equipment, such os typewriters*, ad ding mdfctiines, chairs, desks, files and filing cabinets and any and all per sonal property in connection with the™ offices, and also all equipment that goes with the said tobacco re-dry ing plant, piping, belting, pulleys, shafts, connections and any and all euipment that goes with the said re trying plant. This the 18th day of November 1922. Clayton Moore, . * Trustee.

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