WE «JW HAVE A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE g Local Items | Mrg, Will Taylor was in town chop ping Monday. •• • • Mrs. H. iW. Stubbs .pent Friday in Rocky Mount. .»♦ » • "Mr. Alonzo Roben-on ot city, No. 4 was here yesterday » • ♦ Mr. Jack 4tirt.lick of Scotland Ned, Was in town Saturday. • • • » Mr. Colliilg Hurtling of Washington was here Sunday night. * * ♦ • Mr. And Mrs. T. D. Wilson wei here Saturday -shopping. Messrs. A. W. Brown and Jack Mm /tiesty returned to Washington, I•. t Friday. * « ♦ • Mrs. Marion C.'Jackson and ivli Riddiek of Jamesville were here day shopping. . ' •- » • • Miss Estelle Crawford .will an in tomorrow night lioni Hassels, wli ■ she teaches school. > • » Miss Annir. Riddiek ami Mrs. Cm field Jackson of* hardens weir hei shopping yesterday. » . » », f Mr. Etlward Passman of New Yini. was the guest of Messrs. F rank an Irving Margolin Sundaj. " • * * * Mr. Donnie Harrison arrived Sun day night to be at the bedside of lm father, Mr. C. 11. 11 arrisoli. » » » » Messrs. E. I'. Cunningham and E. Bert I'eel spent yesterduy in Wash ington ill ending to business. »»•-» jf Miss Ethel Harris w'il larrive En s day night from Oxt'ore college tr spend her vacation with her mt>tlit Mrs. W. S. Harris. • ♦ • Mr. Hubert Warren left yesterila-> for his home in Durham. Mr. Warren is local buyer for l.iggett and M;> ers Tobacco co.mpany. Mr. W P. McC'raw arriyed Salu day evening to visit M i Me(Aii\ l • a few days at the honn -of li«-i mi.tn er, Mrs. Mary E. Peel. ' Mrs. JUrover V\'. Hartlison and Miss Debonah F'leming .-pent totlny in Kock\ Mount visiting M. HaiOisoii's mother. Mrs. Martha Hartlison. » . ♦ » Miss Thelina Hrown arrived last # night from St. Mart's school to. spend the■Ji^li'fiytfi.h her. |.,int>, Mr. alio Mfs: I'. 11. Hrown. J-aine C. Manning' and \V. ('. Man i.inf, Jr-., will ai rue. I roiii Atlantic j Cnnstian college, at Wilson, to spend 'the holidays with, thei i parents. Mi. and Mrs. A. J. and'Mi .and Mis. W. I C. Manning. NOTICE Having" ijualiliC'tl a 'sadministratiix of the estate of David W.. .Stalls, latr of the county of Martin, notice fs hereby given all persons indebted- to the estate to come lorward and make immediate settlenient. All person" holtliiig claims"again*! said est..ic *m, present the same on or before the ytfi tla.v 0!' • December, l'.»2; oi this notice will he plead in bar ol their recover}. / ibis ninth day of December, TEMi'll. 1.. Adniai'iustrati ix Adniinistratrix, C. 1. A. of Davni W. Stalls,. 12-lti-4t: " .notice NORTH CAROLINA".- MARTIN ClON'l V. In Superior Court SERVICE 11V 1H ULICATION W. E. Little vs Mary ColUain Lit tle. Tlie defendant above iianied, will take notice that an action entitle as above has bee ncommeticed in the »u perior court of Martin county against her for the purpose of obtaining a divorce absolute from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of five cjn secutive years of separation, each from the other, ami the said defend ant will further• take notice that she is required" to be and appear before the clerk of the superior court for the county of Martin at his office in Williamston, N. C., on* the 15th day of January, 1923, and answer or de mur to the compluint which wjJJ Jje,. . deposite din the office of the said clerk of the superior ; l*ourt of said county on or before the return day of the summons in the action, or, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 15th day of December, 1922. R. J. PEEL, , Clerk of the Superior . Court for the County of Martin. NOTICE OF SALE Under ami by virtue of the pow er tf sale contained in a etrt&in deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by 8. T. Jackson and wife, Mary Jackson on the Ist day of Jan wry, 1918, and duly recorded in the peblic registry of Martin county in iKok U-l at page 40, securing: a cer tain bond of date and tenor therewith, an 4 drfaolt having been -n,ade ir the payment of saipe a»d ite stipulations contained in the said leed uf trust not haviag been com plied wjtli an dat the lequest at the owner oI the said bond, tlie under signed trustee will on Mondty, the 16th iin> of January, 1923, expose to iU.e. rt T'M'l'c auction to the -hlghes. at 12 o'clock M„ :n /vM ol the court house door in the '.mm of V. illiamston,. Martin cout.;.\, iSoi tl. Carolina, the following de -40 ilirj tract of land, to wit; Li_g i ning at a water oak In Dejp itun, tiience running N. 83 E 82 pole a. ;i ll| l ».\vool post lit the Held, the ice S, I > 1., 1!12 poles to a pine at the e ,rni'i of the fence, thence S. lii V 4 l'J* 111 eh to Deep itun swamp where ii come sto a gum, thence down the vanou. courses of the Haiti wait, 101 port to the beginning,* contain iiijl" ;t(i in > es, more or less and be ii. |; the same premises bought of 11. M Mizeile by S. T. Jackson. Tin:-', the 14th day of December 1!)22 D. DI KE CKITCHER, Trustee. WANTS * _ Jl ST RECEIVE 3.'i Ol THE I IN est Mules that ever reached Wii liamston. The price of teams i advancing very napidly. l>e wise and buy now. We cordially invite you to call and see them, Ayhethei you buy or not. Leslie 1. Fow den. i2-15-Itc WANTED TO KENT THREE OK four furnished or unfurnished rooms lor light housekeeping, prefer lui nished. Phone 4(>. I HAVE"THREE I'INE THORONCII bred Barred Rock roosters, spring luitch, for sale, Courtney, N. C. 12-112tc JI ST RECEIVE 35 OF THE llN est Mules that ever reached Wil liamston. The price of teams is advancing very rapidly. _lle wise and buy now. We cordially invite vou to call ami see them, whether you buy or nwt. Leslie T. F'ow tlen. 12-15-1 tc TOY I.ANI) IS NOW OPEN AT SUSS BRO. VARIETY STORE THE BIG DRIVE IS ON + • ONLY FOUR DAYS TO DO Y6UR SHOPPING ! Dorr TRY TO IMAGINE XMAS, WITHOUT TOYS Now, fhat is too terribleto think about, What would - the children do? Now, to do justice to yourself and children around you, it will be necessary for you to vis-, it our store where you will find the largest assortment ol toys to be found in the state. We make mention ol a few anion# the many hundred of articles we have to— i offer. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FEW REMAINING SHOPPIING DAYS TEDDY BEARS 1 TOY HOUSES AIR RIFLES DOLLS AEROPLANES BUILDING BLOCKS SLEDS STUFFED MONKEYS ROCKING HORSES KIDDIE CARS „ SKATES ha..« DRUMS TOY BI.OCKS COASTER WAGONS GOAT WAGONS FAINTING SETS GOAT St VULOCEPEDES Ft ASH LIGHTS» II VOI WANT TOYS THAT INS WITH QUALITY AND AT REASON \HI.K PRICES, JUST VISIT RI"SS BROTHERS'TOY LAND. ''' ' J Watches Free \ P Take a Bee-Line To every boy in knee pants To our store, get on elevator suit of clothes and go to To Land, on sec from us before Christmas ond floor. Electric elevator | r will be given a watch free. to all floors. TAKE ELECTRIC ELEVATOR—THE LADIES' REST ROOM ON SECOND FLOOR ; 111 II I I 111 II I | ■ ■ ■| ■ |-> ■ m U* | ||| | | ■ ■ ■ " ■■■■■■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■! W ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ THE HOME OF THE VICT ROLA , WASHINGTON THE ENTERPRISE, ttiLLUUHXUN, MAH'I IN U).. NO&IH CAROLINA JUST RECEIVE 55 OF THE FlN est Mules that ever reached Wil li are stan. The price of teams is advancing very rapidly. Be wise and buy now. We cordially ipvite ► yoti to call and see them, whether you buy or not. Leslie T. Fow den. 12-15-ltc ONE FORD TOURING CAR FOR sale... Harrison Wholesale Grocery. 12-15-B*c STABLE MANURE FOR SALE AT old roftvict ranifi. C. A .Weaver 12-&-tf FOUND SPOTTED MALE HOG, weighing about 150 pound*. Crop in the right ear under keel left. BLOUNT MFIi CI). Manufacturers of BUGGIES, WAGONS ANI) CARTS General Repair Work On All Kinds of Machinery. Full line of Ford Farts, Bug gy, Wagon and Harness Material. * General Automobile Upholstering and Painting. The Largest Balcksmith Shop In the County. GIVE US A TRIAL BLOUNT MF'G CO. WILLI AMSTON, N. C. NOTICE I HAVE A FARM FOR rent for 1523. Also a hou andj lot for sale. B. A. CritcheV li '.-4tJ FP» SAL.E A NICE LOT Oly DU rof Jersey Pigs, 12 weck-s old, both male and female, vaccinated with both scrum and vim*. 312,50 for quick delivery, f. o. b. Wasi.; ington, $1.50 extra for registrator! papers. Brood sows S6O each. Tj R. Hodges and Sons, Washington N. C. 12-11-4t|l NOTICE A MALE HAMPSHIRE hog, unmarked, has taken up ut "Martin Farm." Owner can get same by paying for feed and tlilf ad. Frank Weaver- 12-15 Jl ST RECEIVE 15 OF THE FlN est Mules that ever reached Wil liamston. Xhe price of--teams is advancing very rapidly. Be wise mid buy now. We cordially ifivite you to call and see them, whether you buy or not. Leslie T. Fow den. '* 12-15-ltc A CAR OK FIRST AND SECOND COAT PLASTERING LIME CHEAP FOR CASH. C. D. CARSTAI'HEN «* 00. FOR SAL I SEVERAL SECOND hand rVrc't. Pi ices are very cheapt Chiimpion Auto Ci, K' e'ett, N. CS. 12-8-tt JUST ARRIVED A CAR LOAD OF GROUND ALUM SALT AND CAR LJAD HAY WIRE, CHEAP FOR THE 'JASH AT C. C. CAR SIAI'HE*! & CO FOUND—On the rteets of Williains ton a Mnsn lie stick-pin. Finder can have same by dedscribing pin and (jfying for th's ad. iu.OOO MCE CABBAGE PLANT FOR »oule. 1(2.00 per thousand. W. D. DANIEL, \ i'hone 1141-E, K. F. D. 1, Jamenville. wl'BT ARRIVED U CAR LOAD UF GROUND ALUM SALT AND AU LOAD HAY WIKK, CHEAP KOK THE CASH AT C. D CAR. •STAPHEN & CO. A GOOD FIVE ROOM HOUSE, IN northwest Williams ton for *nle at a bargain. .See or Write W. Ilalber stadt. 12-8-4tp LOST—A RABBIT DOG, BROWN and vlule spotted, named "Zcb." A r* \yaid of $5.00 will be given if re turned to James A. LeKgett, \\ il l.iunston. A CAR OF FIRST AND SECOND OAT PLASTERING LIME CHEAP .•OR CASH. C. I). CARBTAPHEN * CO. J LSI ,UVED A CAM LIAIJ )F GROUND ALUM SALT AND :AU LOAD HAY WIRK, CHEAP i'Olt THE CASH AT C. D. CAR, STEPHEN & CO. 100,040 EARLY JERSEY AND Char leston Wakefield Cabbage plant*. The best ever at 25 cents per hun dred, $2.00 per thousand. Ready at all times, Joseph L. Holliday, East Side. Farm phone 1518 ; e. A ('Alt OK FIKSI AND SECOND OAT PLASTERING l-IME HE^l' .•OK CASH. C." ». CA.iSTAI'HKN W CO. AYS J'^KEK: —EVERY CHRIST mas gilts sfre bought more .ntelli gently. We are coming to real ize that tlic purchase of useless apd . meaningless gifts js a waste of money and energy. Your "photo graph is a reminder of thoughtful ' " * V s AMERRYXMASANDA u ' j I HAPPY NEW VEAR Is Assured Everyone Who Enrolls In Our Christmas Savings Clubj Which Starts Monday, Dec. 11th EVERYBODY-OLD AND YOUNG IS INVITED TO JOIN) ' i „• * >. ■ ' Deposit 10c 9 25c, 50c, SI,OO and $2.00 Straight The First Deposit Makes You a Member. NO FINES T —NO FEES—NO LOSSES And you will save enough by Christmas to buy presents and enjoy the festivities without stint or inconvenience Martin Co. Savings & Trust Co. J. E. POP E, Cashier / . . . • • . jL ■ wtdi ; • * - r t•. i~j, LOT MAICTLN COUNTY HOSPITAL CO Ml NUT ne«s that will last for yea>n to come, will spaa distance and brintr close those you love. A photo graph is not oiuy as. personal and as expensive a sift as yoa can find, but it is perhaps the moat econo mical. They mean much to those who receive them as well as those who sive them. Call at oar stu- A Carload of NICE MULES . . ... 1 ♦ Just arrived. If you are in the market for H Good Mule it ■ • » v . COME TO SEE US BEFORE PURCHASING ' Our Prices are Right J. H. Purvis & Son WILLI AMSTON, N« G•, * - Q■■ ' ' • 1 : ' ————— CLOTHES I PRESSING Jjjk waning REPAIRING We solicit the patronage of those who for one reason or an other are the valet service they are now gettii.g. We solicit thofee may be over particular about the way thfir work is done. We solicit those who appreciate care and attention to details. ' AH Who Come May Feel Assured of Service That Is Different IDEAL SANITARY PRESSING CLUB PRICE & THOMPSON, Owners I'hune 167 Williamston, N. C. 107 Main St. dio and look over some of the new styles in Portraiture n « w easel folders are all the vogm this season. Avoid the rush, many talc ing the advantage now. No prom ise after December 10th for Christ mas delivery. BAiEB'S STUDIO. Washington,-BjU