t » . f /(i • Pay ijp an.d Trade Campaign Closes February 15 Loco! Items j iriMWWWiiiuniiiiini'iiiiiii'i'in»»ut Mr. JM. L. Roberson of Plymouth -iipehl liifiluitfay inthe city. • • • • Mr. Lwter Rogers of Bout* 2, was in town Monday on business • • • • Mr. (J W. Uardiaun left Saturta, for Baltimore to spend several week" •~* - • Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Powell anil lit tie daughters, left Saturday for' Dan ville, Va. • • • • Mr. B. G. Carter of lUleigh, arriv ed last night to visit Mr. and Mrs. *1 P. Cunningham. -~ \ '•■*... * • • Mr. W. C. Manning attended the state board meeting of the Christian church which was held in Greenville yesterday. • » • * Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jolly, a daughter, Marjorie Jolly, Eebruar> 2nd, 1923. Both mother and child are doing well. V r • • • Mrs. Bena Cunningham of Pineville is here spending some time with her son, Mr. E: P. Cunningham and Mi*. Cunningham in New Town. • • • • Mrs. Albert E. Wadsworth left yes terday for her home in New Bern, after spending some time here with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watts, Jr. * • « • Mrs. J. Lawrence and Miss -Buth Peel left Saturday for Suffolk to spend several days with Mrs. Peel's mother, Mrs. Bullock. They will re turn byway of-Jtichmond. / ••• • / * Mr. and Mrs. fy G. of Pocomoke City, Maryland arrived to day to visit their daughter Mrs. Frank Barnes, and Mr. Barnes at their home on Church street for several weeks. • • ♦ » 51 Messrs. Harry C. James, A. Hassell, Jr., H. B. Anderson, J. C. Cook, L. L .Britt, J. H. Purvis, Jr., C. D. Car starphen, Jr., fi. D. Taylor, W. H. Everett, J. H. Edwards, and W. L. Mobley m >tored *£o Windsor Sunday regardless of the bad roads. FOR SALE ONE 5 HORSE POWER GASOUNE ENGINE / International Harvester Company make, in running condition with a few minor repairs, or will exchange for a two horse power gasoline Ht t.' engine. Must be in good condition. v , r . . - ' i Now is the time to act if you want a good en .. -* 1 - . " j. gine at a sacrifice price or have a small one you «, navs no use for. ' 4 ' f - .* . * * ' " ! ' ' * ' * * • jff % • *.* •*' y ■* Ine , - ■ , T- .-«• 1 , -• . - • • - T v Enterprise i Mr NORTH CAROLINA In the spring the gardener's fancy Often turns to thoughts of woe, When the pesky BjPLle cut worms Chew hit plant# jbff down belu'Cv; oji he makes his' poisoned # mix|jire Placing it bet weei. the rdWsy th* cut worms go ana eat it ~ And turn up their little toes. -tc. M. Brimlay. CHEBBY-HAKUISON The marriage of Mrs. Sarah£%)Uc> laruison ami Mr. Jon. 14. Chqtrf took lace in tlie "Mfethodist parsoriiifce, on vednesday evening at nine o'clock in iyraouth, Bev. Vv. Ci. Lowe, of tne jdethodi«t church of Plymouth officiat ing at the ceremony which was at | tended by a few relatives. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cherry' are Well known here, each having lived a short distance from here for years and the> have many friends wlio Visjj them much happiness. . .. They returned from Plymouth on Thursday and are making their home at the countr yhome of the groom Hwo miles northwest of VVilliamston. ' ■ | of Measles Cases \ et in Town v - —— MEASLES EPIUEMK IS MILL BALING IN WILLAMSTON ON A B(. SCALE The epidemic of measles which caused the closing of the local schools last week is still raging, but now it looks as if all the children of the whole town who had not had it before have had. it this time and are now on the road tot recovery. The children have heen very sick but very few dangerously ill, and the bad weather that we are now having necessitates their staying in that they ftiay not take cold as it is very dangerous to do so. The schools will re-open next Tues day unless there are further compli cations. KAISER NOT HAfTY wrnji SECOND WII \ m PRINCESS HERJUNE HAS MOVED' __L TO ANVTIiER FA£T Of" POOBN CASTLE LONDON, Eeb. o.—The coritjpond ent of the Yorkshire Evening xseWi. [ wiring to his paper from Doori. says: "In spite of the elaboite efforts W hide the truth 1 have uijicovered tyu.. the secoju; marnage ol tne lormt. vjti man efhperoiv nas been a comjjie.l i anure ana mat at tne prese»»i ul*. ment he is living in one pari, oi v... caslie Hhile his wile anu ner ciuiurto. are in another. lam told tnui u veij iew weeks st|oiced to bring aooui UK oreakdown. '•'lhose who are near the ex-kaisi i have been struck by the grave altera uoii not, only in hita moou but in nic character. He is sjwtfnu"tert bee.. alTecied very uniorfunateiy t>> ,«e op eration lor giand trJtaisrereace he un derwent belore his marriage. Mis own children have not forgiven lain for the second marriage aiid the I step-children avoid lain. •'111» means ate reuuced and Ills private exepnditure is strictly himicc ue is living touay unuer must un happy family conditions. He cftu com mand neither service, aliection noi companionship, and tne breakuuwn it. his domestic arrangements is pain -1 uily. appai ent to the very few who visit him." _ .. Mil. K. U. HAKKISON A n ENDS El NEKAL OE MRS. J ESS LP, EA VEITKV ILLI. Mr. B. G. Harrison left Saturday for Eayetteville to attend tlie funeral of Mrs. Jessup, motiier of Mrs. Har rison, who died early Saturday morn ing. Mrs. Harrison was unable to attend on account of the illness of her children, Miss V irginia and Ernest, who 4iave measles. Mrs. Jessup ha. spent several months here with Mrs. Harmon has many frietuis here who mourn her loss and sympathizt with Mrs. Harrison. THE ENTERPRISE, C. MIL JAJtfcS 11. 7AYLOK , I>IES FROil FNJtKMON L'. \ * nM WeJU luui»n aiai Uc4 I,.iked m Oyer -Martin Coui.ty; liiae** Lasted Leas Ikaa Week Mr. /ames H. layior died of pneu- j M j:aa at his at Ko person me, ougnday ( night alter aa Linear las trig oiay a lewfday*. Mr. Taylor went hunting about . wee* beiore h>s death anu waaeu ai >und for oC/me time; uie next day ne was taken with a heavy com Wiuc. .iri'ttea into pneumonia. • Jill, 'lay lor had never mained •oil Oi.e Diouier,4fti. Joe -am iuj.i.. .uin no snstero. lie nau sei vtu as deputy slie. Una tax corrector, ani kepi iv. several sea sons at tne lUcai una was well known aioural A rurarn, ston wnere he had many -i/ienua. —i lie was burred jionuay, at tat uu. i . layior laiui 111 rill count»; tin luneiai wore CUIHIUCMU u> w. td. I'erry. . V» rite Uie editor, .Agricultural t,\ tension service, itatergii, ior your coj-v ol ".\oith Cum»ii>a—A Laud oi_Jior ticuitural Opportunity." It's tree for cue asking. queen s Mmtesi ilie Labiern Car olina tliApobillOA LACd luVi.\ i.\ LAalJsdtN tAHO tiA.V io l»«. Ailk hKiIM.U IN IMb CAlMlt#>t lne committee that has charge oi tne piograui lot the Lantern UiioUiw exposition at Wilson, N. C., Jlarcn IJ-H0 nas worked out a very, unujao piau ol advertising each towu in Last em Aorih Carolina. litis will be Known as tne "yaeen s Contest ol tne. reposition." lne plan ui operation is a.- loliows: i.uch town in any ol the forty six counties covered by tne l-a-~tern Caro lina ciiamoer ol Commerce, is enti ned to enter a queen in tue contest, tttison county and twiaon will not | liave a contestant in tilts particular I I contest, iu*»cn town Will nominate iter i|ueen -b> any ineutod wmcli tue j.euj e may see in. 11US queen wui I Lie certilied to tne exposition by Uie local peopie 01 tne lown tioui wiucn £>he will be & To I attend Uie progiaiii ior lhursday ai | ternoon and Ihuisday night oi the e.\- t ! a PL IiLICbALtX We have purchased idz.lK'O pair L. ' Army .nunson |a.-l snoes, o 1-2 ! to i_ wliic'li was lne entile .-urp.us otocs ernmeni shoe contractors. i his shoe is guaranteed H>b per cent ■-ond lea titer, color aaiK tan, bebows i«iigue, curt and water proo 1. 'the actual value ol Un.~ shoe is io.OU. Ow ing to tins tiemenaoos buy we can same to the public at JiKj. tiend correct sue. i'ay postman on delivery or send money order. If the «ocs are. not as represented we will >hee|iui!> refund jour money upon j ieiuest. National iiay State Shoe Company 2!'ti Broadway, New York. X. Y. NOTICE! NOTICE! PRICES ARE RIGHT *, i—m Mm' \Ve beg- to quote you below prices for immediate contract and ac ceptonce. We do not guarantee prices as named below longer than Feb- { \ ruary 10, therefore we suggest that you buy at once. These prices are f. o. b. Wilmington, N. C., or Norfolk, Va. Terms 25 per cent cash with or der, balance sight draft, bill of lading attached, date of shipment ' 4 CASH MHCES FOR FAMOUS FUOO FERTILIZERS Baited and U(H f. a. fc. can, 11SCO Staadard Fiafc and Pot auk, 8-3-3 L_" 2&.W • , FISCO 'lakacco Special. S-S-3 ... 2«J# MUtmt ***** Wltabftaß, N. HM.X) Balaace Mixture, 8-4-4 29.0# M Norfolk, Va. \ FIMJU I'Mwmal, B-Jt-2 - 21J0 - ' - T . FISCU Tract**' Special, 7-5-5 32.35 p . VMP ™ a „ . ... FlsCO Special, S-7-j J, „... 5&35 PAYMENTS 25 per cemt eaak witk HSltl 1* per (mi Tapper, S-M-l 43.M HSCO Side 7-7-P 1 _ 35.7* j"? akackad wMaiti'nil Tfcaaa V FISCO Strawkerrj Special, 5-7-P 1 ----- • *4.25 "V" p!fc™ ic\tiT^l FISCO »kk aad Pfcoapkale, IP-4-# : "J™ 1 ? rISCO StrawhcrTjr Side Dre*aer, 7-5-k FWCOk J0....' StM Fisco. Arid rt-pkm> It per ceat ItiW * * Nitrate af Sada „... ... 1 „ SMI USELESS COTTON AND PEANUTS ARE GOING UP; WHY SHOULD NOT FERTILIZERS? V. G. TAYLOR, Representative for Martin County, Everetts, S. C. i C. B. BIDDICK, Salesman, S. C. u M. C. JACKSON, James ville, N. C., Will Take Your Order. THE FISHERIES PRODUCTS COMPANY, Wilmington, N. C. usitioii. At the afternoon program •ach queen will be introduced to the audience as Miss Kinston, or Misa _*•»» avmib WtiMeejstoe# Mm 1 uouuhoro, or wha&ew. *kp may ziave came (xcljz- Bmim M di*- aitwua ana eaca pwauo on tke , .at 01 tue exposition buildings will im enuued to vote one time tor ius choice. xutM stone procedure win oe loilow _u ai the evening program end tne .oung will close at V p. m. f Tbu sday .uguL 'the ballots will be couecteu Ju uie teuera w.u retire and t»n*.g w.e wiuuei 01 U»e exyoaii-ou. m c i.me uie out 01 lowu „ui oe \ oteu on, uie V> ason coun., «iaeen will be voted on ana eiecte*., w>ii be separate irom tire otne. voting. , k Friday night at 9 o'clock these two queens will be crowned and each wiu ue presented with a SSQp.OO diamond Keep Your Money Busy Building Williamston WE ISSUE PAID UP SHARES PAR .VA LUE SIOO.OO. i > ■ * ' t . * ''t' v NON-TAXABLE REDEEMABLE AT PAR WITH INTEREST > TO DATE.. 12th Series Opens March 3, 1923 . .. ♦ \ 0 N Save- Part ot What You Earn _ • ■ % • - Martin Co. Building and Loan Ass'n. WILLIAMSTON, N. C take Advantage q£ thje Mershwta 4 Qfflruigß ring from the Easier® Carolina expo sition. As soon as you nominate your qoeen please notify the secretary-man ager at uotdaboro, so that her name may I«r~ registered as a gantots.Tiu l'na enwance tor candidates wiU close jUftk UUt asd no qitwn will be al lowed to.enter alter that date. it matters nvt bow small the town, [you are enutleu to one queen, liev busy, select her and let your town get tea pubi~ity that r 'i a««.arali> ! along with this content. NOTICE UF SALL ~uut* is that unut-. mAI i>> virtue 01 tne power and auth ority contained m a certain note bear ing toe date of Apnl Ist, 11*22, ami executed by Julius S. Peel, the under signed will on Saturady the 24th day of Februarry, 1928 at the court bouse door of Martin county at Willifmstou, N. C, at 12 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction, to the hIgWW bidder, for cash, the folio win* de scribed personal property, to w*: Tan (My abates at the wj-tfj mto,* rf the Ftanqeg* atyd Merchants Bank of WUiiaawrton, North Carol in-., bnb g th« tep BhaiTß of stock repr&»snto.i_Ljr stock certificates nur.> er SI." and 8 1 i and which were given to Mrs. Lu » E. Page as collateral security to tfr' above mentioned note. This the Srd day of IVb., lClv MRS. LUCY V,. PACE, JT Mortgagee Dunning, Moore and Horton, Attorneys. ASTHMA No con lor it, but witness r«li*f is often brought by— YISM

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