M w «1M AtCaM taw a* g—)i hit icnabM a better l —— k(9 Ika sat af the Hit -«.» -»-. -- r - - • • I K kul ibe French picked i jIM . h giwm with a use thai to short ■MI «ht »• apcL L At a tHr. |ke aaaa wba tea * *^*d hvM. m**i «• ■ikt Ip tbf drfldt i / ■' * " ? * IT fM M*M lh* l««~ a» r; - ytoaa a, haallh *Mail>t Aad toy The chief aoiMt of a «n«lM#wa ti MB la to kKp his Btitbbmi (na dls i amli Mi rich he la. ' If. as reported, thai "day by day la mt] way" phrase is oat u* datei what M th? new slogan T Hsgnngi There are scores of reasons why •-• ■- FMnlnsMrtkNU It SU.MXU a kimiliM ■*■«! A tow rftkman kmaawtoM. nM h—#hha*to staMWnr caanaoocs ■urrtmaiaa cm Vaseline RAGL'SLTLOB PETROLEUM JELLY kmmmmfrn* li*i ■ ■ Europe wants ta hire Carle S»a 5&»- as an efficiency expert If he w£K pay hr all the improvements. The ma a who oprram « rredlt has la be mightt careful al*-«l what tbe sdlUwn say itmnl b!m Anyway. utibvd) has nnwpl oar M that you ran i»e*er win a !r!U»« » af fectkas hy trying to n-fwa Ma If those pointed shoes the Turks wear are made of •MM) or steeL the Tarfcs mast be Ji»»pr«l' Ikirt*. Matrimony settle* tosa ta awwsl a hen the wife sift's la resignation aad decides tv make the best of thliio A few uf the aar profiteers may be templed ta pat up a [>iea that tbe MM} aas vncUntl) farced oa tbcas. . „ ~ Cutkura Talcum is Fragrant and Very Healthful Frmhm! ~~ Dt KINGS PILLS jgf* /I wt* w 1 DM J»a.~ saM the dm yomag ■a* *tott that fell d aewa la the ' MW about aa Mart to havtog a tostia* af hetr MrsiSiSsvs ** -■»** tosseod sf dm* **Se ' mmmm ———a—-———a—. I i r iSii " MMIWE USED TO MISUSE CROPS I " J Addition of Acid Phosptiate WB ; j **» Almost Fourfold Re turn in Yields. ' ■ DBTOBCT H PHOSPHORUS p n.m *fis ei(s ■. I * w Necessary to ' Supplement Fertilizer With Lacking Element Best Methods of Handling Cannot Correct Lacking Material. Barnyard manure Is used by roust | sarcrssfui farmers as so economical ( means uf increasing crop yields and j maintaining soil fertility. Hot the | napaOlioß of barnyard manure as; related to soil building and |>ennanent agriculture is n«»t so generally known. To ret tbe largest returns from aiaaurr it la Dewewuiry to supplement It aith the element In which it Is de- Compoftillon of Manure. A tow of average barnyard manure contains ten pounds of nitrogen, two , pounds of phosphorus, and Hg)ii pounds of |«otassium. according to J "F. Wain»oott. assistant in the soils department of the Missouri College | -1 Ajrrtnilt are Comparing this com position aftli a standard ebmmrrelal fertilizer aucb aa 'Z-Yi-'l, one ran see that manure is relatively deficient In the element of phosphorus This ele j ■neat bas been sold In the graic or | retained hy the aniimil My and Is wot found In the manure tr such large as the i ltrogeu and pota*- slam. To Correct Daflcisncy. Although many factors Influence the composition of tinmyard manure, even, the best methods of handling ran not lunn t this deficiency. Only ooe Method of supplying tbe deflrlem-y Is laon. and thai Is to reinforce the manure with mineral phosphate. Many Bolls are deficient In phoe pborus fin many of them phosphorus Is thought to be tbe limiting 'lenient, j Manure Spreader In Operation. By sddlng 40 or 50 pounds of 16 per rent aAd phosphate to each load of > Manure, a well-balanced fertiliser My be had at the least coat. Results from tbe Missouri experi ment station show that $1 Invested In ptH«|iliale to reinforce manure will return StM per (vol on the Invest meat. PROTECT LIVE STOCK OWNER Federal Inspectors Keep Close Watch ta Prevent Entry of Foot and Mouth Diseaae The lire stock producers Unit ed States sre protected agamst tbe dangers of vsrlous plagues of dome* tic snimals existent In other countries hy quarantine regulations enforced hy reprearntativea of the bureau of animal Industry. Sever In »ur history has this country t>een so menaced by foot and amitb disease as In the last few yeara. It has existed In European, Asiatic and South American countries and still ex bt> in many of them, but our liuiper. tors keep a close watch and hope to prevent another entry. Other serious dtaraaes of domestic animals that hate leen kept out are contagious pleuro |«eumonia, rlnderjiesl. surra, sod Mal ta fever. GOOD ROADS HELP PHYSICIAN Accompanying Development of Awto- Mabile Haa Qreatly Increassd His EfAclancy The building of good, roads with the accompanying development of the aa tomotdle, has greatly lacreaseil the effl rienry of the practicing physician. • Be fore the motor reached Its present state of development, physicians were compelled to make tlielr calls on foot. a street csrs. or by carriage. In cities, and on horael>ack or by carriage in the onontry. As a result, the physlrlaa was limited tn his practice, snd tto esMMunity or portion of It. at least, sras denied the medical snd snrgtcal relief to the highest p-s sible degree of health. Lives frequent ly paid tbe penslty. and unnecessary . auffrriug was always the remit. LIKE HARD SURFACED ROADS Macadam or Broken Stone Material Being Discarded far Cement far Heavy Trafllc. The oedlnsry broken st>me or Macadam road. Invented by John Mac adam. a Scotch road enciaeer of Ayr ahlrto haa aatll recently been in gen eral naa. Theee are now giving Wly to the hard surfaced roads that ate better adapted to automobile and track : tiaMr. Seaweed, cotton, bay aad Mrac I have often been oaed (a the tswstiai Han af roads aad In rontraat ta awk I' malartali II la latcreating tn nete that Irsa aad steel have haea used. A steet iiaad haa base ta aae la fkhmto flpala tor SB years. Cimaat reads to Iblw «» "»• rommemtj batas ra tototed with Meat Feed far Oalry Cms hW t a tort „ • . ■ -f . .v, yr THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. WHITE GRUBS CAUSE | DAMAGE TO FARMERS j Crows and Robins Found Natural Enemies of Pests. I ■*- "jy, | u w laascta Are lajwtoua ta ' Lawrna aad Other Crape if Birds"' j Da Nat Fiwd Tksns—Destroy 4 Cranberry Plants^ .rrrparaa hy Uw raM Slaws CsuisM I •f ActfoAam.) Owes snd roiiias bave been found ; very awful, says tke biologies! survey of the Called States Department of , Agriculture, in tbe estermiaaikm of , white (rok. which sre the larvae of May beetles or June bugs. These , ' grubs cause extensive damage to : j lewna and cnia crops if tbe birds do ' | not and them. Oa cranberry bo„* they : J are atsn very destructive, as they re- [ Ex Crow Is Natural Enemy af White Grub main In the soil for several years and are difficult to control. A case is rited where every plant on port lows , of a cranberry b>« la Mas.vachaaetts i waa killed. All tbe roots were de \ stroyed. New vines were idanted. and . almost immediately numbers of robins were seen st work there. Tbey dug ; Into the sasd with their beaks and ; pulled oat tbe grubs. Some of the i roots of tbe vines were cut id by the j ! grahw. sad these vlnea tbe robins | pulled up snd dlsrsrded, sad dag out i ! tbe grubs. Tbe rabiaa worked so > diligently that practically BO grubs I escaped sad nearly all tlie vines aar j rived. GOVERNMENT AIDS IN I KILLING MANY PESTS - . 1 | Work Conducted in Connection With Extension Service. Mica Were Vary Numerous and Trou blesome to Washington Orchard Area—Paissaad Bait Proves ta Be Effective | Orchard Mice were very numerous 1 snd troabliasam last fall In the middle , Washing! 41 orchard area. The biolog ical survey of tbe Catted States De ! partaaent of Agriculture has here called «a to assist farmers against these pests, which often girdle vale able trees la a single nlgbL Tbe work is mod acted in co-operation with the extension aervice of tbe agricultural t colleges. la tbe Takima district am* - thaw 30JHW pounds of poisoned grala waa distributed over 9.0U0 acres of or j chard owned hy awrr than SHU grow-: era. la the Wenatcbe* district 730 ounces of strychnine was distributed to store than 300 growers, an aatouat sufficient for more than 15,000 pounds lof oats to cover 7.OUU acres. About -JUO growers were supplied la the Okanogan district with poison suffi cient for over t.OUO acres Wherever the poisoa was spread many dead mice [ were found an tbe surface, and a fu greater number were kaown to have died In t.VIr ruawsira. .l FIND IMBREEOING WEAKENING Department of Agriculture Conducts Interesting Experiments With Guinea P*«s. In the past 15 yeara the Called . Stales liefmfimrnt of Agriculture hat ' I conducted breediag experiments Is } which Si.«» guines pigs were used ' ! As a result of this work It has bees found that labnredlng weakens the , animals la Many respects and that by rrosstag the Inbrvd families there Is a rapid Imprwvement. some of the lifcv W pmtesaenls being at the maximum Is !I he Ural generation The enmbnd ' ' animals resulting were evea better I has 1 | tbe randosabred families that wen ' I used as cbecks oa the Inbred famines Yel lew Corn Is Bleb. It Is well for feeders sf hags to get / 1 dearly la mind the fart that yeboa " } com Is rictoer In the fat soluble vita j I mtn than white run and for that rea 1 , son the former la a much better fre | not only for, yuanf pigs bat also to J I fattening bags snd brood aowa. | Ka hard aad fast rales caa be tab ] ■ I dwwa tor the fu iWai af pa Bit If , Comanaa sense plays a large pan It tbe getting af wnrnawi profits. It to |i iwlllr to feed foods as exprasivr aa ta exceed the bownds af ersniaay WtoHsr Faadinj af Maraae. Dariag tbe amaMho that the fara 1 t haraea stand Me or bave comparative Ply tight ssaak ta do, a Mriac caa to. I made la tto feed casts hy feadfc* a { p greater paagiitlia af raaghage that . tbe batata get when at heavy msek. I af Pfyraatdh Bada | ' bcsw*'etgto" J powßda fs^* am o"ws Hsna Sbaltad Com. itof filiMßl at aigN. ' HAIR STATS ' COWED, CLOSSY "Hair ftm" Keeps Hair Cjnikfj WdNSroomed GROOM C§(^ Million* Um H-Flik far Hair!— Hat Sticky, Qruqr ar 9m illy. A few mil buys a Jar of "Halr lirmn* at aij dray store. Bwn stub born. unruly or ahaaapooed hair stays ronM ail day la any style yoa like. lUlr-Orma" la a dIpUM waWnf ' rma which (tm that aataial gloaa and THlynaaid ifert to ya mr hair that final toark to good dtesa bath la Ihmlmm and «a aorial occasion*. Cm aw I fa. stalnleas "fWr-flroid" does M do*, am the hair beraune U Is ahaorbed by the armlp. therefore tour hair ifnlns ao aoft and pliable and ao Mtml that aa oat can pon siMy tHI ym Mri lt- On the A vmw. Plrat Male HtruUer TV» twlaa ' have Sac IgWHi' Second Mala Stroller ~T«at about a aillka each." GRANDMOTHER KNEW There fa Nothing So Good for GonoMtaon and O*** as Mustard acted. LdMp^nd cZdtt«atet«dn* r " (H aSc^«Mii IsttvlftflifMAMfflßAv ■ i j. Mitchell ffeeiKM For SORE EVES Uaa( tha Talker. *H» telU everything he know* - "1 kn«. tat ha wan in hanly » lanlaw, 1 often make fad aaa of hint myseif -Too do? Hu*r , ■»Uwm I nut« gat a iaaw started I alaaj* gu and Ml it to Ua to strictest cvnidra». TVa all t hat* to do la to Ml bark and watch things *»»Uv* When to a artaa aaa gets at If pwftle. , K * CHARACTER TELLS THE STOBY! | hat ao one doubts ths pwity at Daetar j TtoZ MM»af pis * .hlaaJfafaSßsf Wafar ttm |1 Hi toaia | - BOY j&mns ! fCwdected If Cmmmctl «C Ab Bo» llllf Mi BOY SCOUTS AID OTHER BOYS Tiftj thonaund hay acoats JMI! cioaaiy placed la Chicago woald rir- J taailjr pat tha delinquent department j . of the Juvenile coart ant of bostneaa." ■ays Judge Victor P. Arnold of thai Juvenile coart. Coak county, Illinois. | "».'*The aroat program provides for tha j gloving hoy the opportunity of team ing hy doing; fills la bia leisare aa caus pieteiy that he artdua haa the oppar tanity or Jncilnatioo to associate with Questionable cwnpankma, or to do any of the hundred and one things that ■ " real Amerlcaa boy can do when time bangs heavily on the hands. It la the j must perfect program ever gives to ; the boyhood of the world, training ! for citiaenshlp through aenkt" 1 Scoutlng's powerful influence la character training nnd dtlitadlp j building is recognised b> observing I people everywhere The pretention of Juvenile del In- ' quency and the respect for law and order that the V»y aroat gaias la a j a •■nderful result of the training. t Scouting has completely turned ai onnil the old idea that boya and police are . Batumi enemies. Today the boy scoot j stands for law and order, and la tha ' policeman's co-worker and Mead, i Troop IN> of Minneapolis haa the privilege of holding its aieettacs la j the First Prfccinct Police station, and the police udlrtal in charge of the dto , trtct derlarea that "The acoats know the police aa their friends and help- ! ers_" Boy scoots have acted under Mrec tion of the police In practically every I city of the country, in directing traMc during congestion, in assist lag chil {dm xrata streets, la patrolling at | parade*, and In performing Brat-aid in I tlc.cn of emergency and disaster. Tha ' boy arout noteueai la converting "the gang" into groups of healthy, arhola- | some boys. and directing their energy - to community welfare and serTlce to , ethers. tiuardiaas of public safety in oM- ; j rial cooperation with the police la a I new role which arouts of Greater New York will aoon fill, ifpiaas mature Which are mum under consideration hy oArtals of the New York police de- , partment and oAciala of the Boy l J Scouts of America. The boys will . have opponentty to qualify through certaia regulated work, as manlcipal aides. A method will be worked oat j whereby arouta will In tarn be per mitted to do community work. Honor awards will be given to scoata per , forming oatstaadiag work In comma- , nMy safety. ■ ii m ■ ■ SANITARIUM HAS TROOP ' Scouting la for every boy. The IS j I are troops of hoys with all their Bsc allien and troops of deaf, dumb, Mind i > and crippled acoata. Sick or well, ~s ' bay Is a boy for a* that." with the 1 save h«pea and ambltiean. . At the West field (Mass) Sanltsrl ( ■at for Taberruloala. a most sat rim ( ful troop of 75 boys is la operation. ' 1 The patient arouta hail with glee' , their Instructors when they coasa to: • the sanltariatn. and bees use the scants have the entire week to stady ap, they hare btrime very predrient In nil tests.. 1 passing except hiking end swimming which are beyood their strength, nnd keep their carps of ev*miners very!' • ' | ™J- """" • '*' ■ 1 Authorities vy the program has 1 meant much to boya in Iheir Illness becaase of the emphasis on cheerfel-; ae*a. thought for others, out of-door | life and its Incentive to a boy to kaep physically fit. mentally avake and morally straight. IV ben a scopt Is cured, the seal- . > lartam keeps in touch with the local ■•-•Mil executive sees that the bay gets Into a trtmp in hi* home town, aa that! r be will continue his oat of-door life, r and become what sroutlag would have hiat. a stardv man fitted far citiaen Alp responsibilities. • GOOD TURN FOR DALLAS Tlie Dallas arrlhe smiled up se at her civic good tarn when he record- j led among recent activities. the aa i siatance the arouta rendered at tha City Fair association. ia delivering : , over 2UHO ballet Ins advertising the aale of thrift tickets aold for the par- ; J 4 pane of erecting a maaafactarlng and j automobile esSMtton hall. I ROY SCOUTS DO 0000 SCRVICC Troop L Haatlagtoa Park. Oat, r- ' centiy dlstribated 5.000 plecea of arks si . lit era tare and SjOOO ParsatTenrhenr inn Is lira noticen. ROY ROOD TURM I Oaad tarna hy radto am a Rirh»y with is asp s. IN*KRR. r- L ■»; centiy theae haya Installed n tad* art to tha barges* ward af the Rbade In-. ! land hospital. «d shifted the nerial ) ' tan time tu thne aa that all tha pa-1 uenU catM hi turn he entertained At vJhristnms thne the laya repeated this pood turn, and In sdMtli to | Mb the ddkta-s ward, and pee oentad R to tha snmfi patients for ' tkcftr fVB MB> SHOW RCVCRKNT PATRIOTISM R for ■ y Jg The Kind That Makes You Like Fruit Cake That trader, almoat juicy jat the kind yna lit mad cake with the rare flavor of ore IwHn at hone, delicious raisins and piquant TWac mdcr, joiqr. jptcr- AiMkiMtl rmmm arc adaa! Tkn rick. Ininy lndou> £ A-"" ** "** T cake that doem't crumble and YWI njn Mk cake aan The kind that you k»w *Mfl««aiieteM rf always liked—the kind you tnaad ndpn Myxntas^aema cake/* r ° U FUI Jaa a* j«r Ma akaf ar You can bmy it now—get *ar"a'aaa4a • Sun-Maid Raisins »y ' , . ' , / jfS ■»■«»■■« cv»...■>■■ r■> ■ . Mulw Dag*. N WII, Fm— w C.Hina jK f (I T THIS OCT ASP SEND IT UKJV I I^i^SShnk | Please aaad aa cap? af jaw fraa kaai, MUB' I •—-~r - - My }- 2 Cmr Inn It Is wrtl to be confident, beat to be SCNDS 2000 MILES IUK BEAR'S EMULSION Mr. John D. Bear, Cltutimk, V«. Dear Sir:— Enclosed find Post Ottce ans bottle of Bear's Koiahlw. I hare ■sad ooe bottle and I think It works ■ml What «n half a dm bottles rsst mm Mittwd to my poet ofiesl L daal Ilka to have tbeai sent by Ifrprs*. as I lire forty sdles fraa the railroad Year truly. J. & Stauffer. Keodrtck. Colo. The above letter shows what s won derfhl reputation Bear's Rmulaloa has ! •t- Far congha. colds. bronchitis, tec troshha sad liausl nu»-dews condl! tlon there Is satktsg more bsssdflal. Bear's Emslsfon Is for sale st laadtog' dtagglsls. price tUS s bottle. is rss ns as reus TV Sli* mm* s«« Cora Ssr pain* In bark. 2?SE Hsu* you I RHE - UMA X' ?T M I ■ AIUDnoM winoidT Areti»E«tot> I jjlT Iks Hiltil Ills Charts Is the MS Gtfalsg flhoosi s gfcsae ft* tuktoif dlsiAcls^s j Tka wast hstpfsl aatalag wo ksts I. soar hassi la issdy ts hs msflsd ts FKEE FLOWEH SKESS I *V. WOOD * BOMS, dnfcaw Bills it Ts. HUMS fs~flab|F AM Figured Out Altlx-uch Mrs. YuouKtMide x rooking bad laprmrd since she began taking s cnrre*p«ndcnce coarse, her baxband | hart no opportaalty of poking fun at her efforts. tine morning she asked ss he was leaving far the oflhv: "My | dear, what wvaM yes like far dlnaer this evening^ i "Well." he replied, "suppose we hsre I LMSSS i ha 11 ls> Item C. a little of Leases • sad the postscript of Lrsans 12 far irsairt." —Boston Tissai i Ipt. Mother Used Teethina for Twenty Years | -When sty hshy wss six dsys old." 'writes Mrs. L D. PoweU. of Barbers j Tllla. Ik, "hs began crying with I colic, whkh h* lad for three month*, lay SHIS, whs had used Teetblsa • ' tnewly years, adilaad me to glee It |to ny baby. I did ss ssd hs/esan got all right sad st fins sssntha weighed 25 ponada. Hs Is BSW ss Mg sad fst that «»ajhiiy admires hte." Caßr Is casaed hy tadlgastloa sad Is eftaa the itah of mdondtw I bnby*s stsmsfk srtth too orach food. I TeaQSss sssa rtliettis this eaadMsa. ) keeps the bsby wall ssd lassres s healthy gisnth ssd s good disposition. jar mm* We ts tka MtMt Labora tories sad get s package af Teethina sad a wonderful free booklet shsat ifWWk 'i . i "Is the Habara desert good for say thing T~ "Weil, yos can write sovals j A siaass cast mske a monkey mt every su she meets; snmsUsms she* too iakk. Cough Following "FJ.U" Check it Today! FOLETS l|ET#liß WATCH THE BIG 4 LATHROPt 1 1«*