get the ion or ■Aim county nna a to iy taking the EvmrnsH. «lml VOLEME k. .L jt« m SWEET PdiAfQ CQRfflipattß tea AMUfii TO 21 YOU inSB XU SBC A> in IVUVRfc. ... IX KSXIM All Sy • VkMla |k , —, «* tinul late tat >!»■■» « oik son >o id V*"«ifh >*i W* tt •«u fcjtmt ■ T >i j« uia Ua ao ««H M VbuU isoat kmc, *aui >mH a l.i ■ Jmim, * ata |.n j Mat aom fwt t* UK HKMI nuat.} Uu, J «tod by U« Acnajf>m I r»n a IITIM mt QM MM* to MM to—* to—ye M HMt puftia. Itoe |W e reed It fay *1 «d»a, to trtoi \Mtk CinliM lacz a«r ta m«e H*«w ■* toitoii, u.v ■I a total term tjiat, Wto «■ i« Utotot la*. UK4 pnex-, ta amui; ♦-'tpPtoj—W. r«M Mwtop) tor*. Lpiro, aad »nar, da ta: ■«* aaj fwfur utu tor iM et, aW to togen wto ait la ftgr itoi n nMtok fnee atot cm ta yttaitwn. im ito ftMta. Daattn Gtaatoa laiae^ tor* tatorn tow if |tatm i>> M yriUMKr-, it—linn tf tea* imt auc to x» ».>toi n. If toil kg mil pare 11 iWact tout Lt fct i»g ICpipiC la net fiyWllj • a,. i tiaaie) UMiM toi tl»—M Mkl b.'M mi :b t ijwtJlj P«*P - v • > IM aaaiu u« cw tut la Lac aaeet ftou, Kank una to* a put taaary cop ia tla aad toil ate Mcto ia attt NMira, to Ito ptaple ta tur m expect ta ctaiiaa ptmnwira ta Ml. er aactiens Uta wn fe*v* a wattku&f j If yen auk ta to nfi>i«ii j nam jttr ailt aad »»»u pitta* re wKk Wtm'WSbm* Mir: 1 If a Mt reretag r*M far aat M Mitof gkr »■ at yoa m«, Qanre af Ito Ota Aark film*. Tto finest mcu yaa ewer Mr. HM • tto ana to eta till reft Atk M* to itot ita fata frren aiaft ; lis to* fa* tto titat apa. (to chii- Aad I M' U w fniii 4a to, Far fifgit aad ctafat aal Bum uiU. FOLK MELD 1> DURHAM ON OH .vnaren uui vt W. T, J. L J. J, aai Itoa Da *> AJ ta >to ■>■ ssr. Caagta ta Irnut t# ikuiaa, Apt. IIL —l't*i C»|* tolatlto aa Ut tota M UK Mkta CHtoj j -t. Mirr i a**t, totrag a *p aaad* io oay by Uttai Mawi tarm, a.iat ta kg tto ton M tto nnaij to* tow* *C iaiis Mt a torn, acar tea* oi], jd*ins iir oad metal M Lataa Tftare b«MU} ta*«bMa«mred. " ' j Chattel Urns 4 tto aua im by a rtiitia to to a nil SSO Tto rekn win! aat. W. X. Dana, aim* Ma atta Sato Davis, j aatolMNM; J. B. Darts ata W bto; J-JL Ptato. tore ttor vba it aim tarter a «M«t toad AUifttotMiM lalh Garelia- Hyy A- Hi mis ehkf tto du. y" ii *"****** THE ENTERPRISE M£ETIN(i OF WOMEN'S ACXILIARY 1 * AROi HIAL DIOCESE A SUtCESS ' L mge Itathtriag mt Xeakm Pineal Iraa A4n, k'aatuk, Vutium, HiduuMua, MiaimiUto Vtaa^U|ta Oa antaoay, April 17th, tto Wt- j mat's Auxiliary Paracfcial autre ties of the hpitci-pal church ia Ay- ! Ota, FlaimviUe, (ihftun, Waahiigto. j WiUiaaato aad Kiataiti la ««n ta* gueslt oi tto Uremulk societies M a most delightiui "Gel Together aetuiic hekl ia tbe Rotary cldk toiidiii(r. at Orttaviile, Tuesday wLh klr». Lathaid Williams of tirtenvitte presiding. Mr*. L IS. Fickliu we+- cotued lititan alter whicn Mta. Jta* 4i. Statou of WilliaaastM, Dta uni president, of the Waaaaa't Am lot) addrfeted the acttitf, oa lia iag tbe work to be doae Uus y«ar. Mrs. L. T. Cvx of WinuniUt, chair man of tto District Get Together ncdißgi, and Mu« Re a Hardtnjr. fjierutavc tccitUry of tLt cfcarch school aervic* ieufrue apoke oa other Upia of th* work. It *ai a pleas ure to have present also Mrs. K. K Cotton of Cotton bde, «iu> tpde a her usual intenr* inj» way. A representative fiom each penal wieO waa caiie I oa for a report a: their work after which that* was |*a eral dianuniuu w.urh proved to to af real interest aud Leneht. A moat deliptw lurch waa aenau the ri«iton by the wwnen Win# the meetiuK adjourned ertry oae present felt thut it had not oaly been a mo-t eajoyabe day, but that Mch aoocty had received real help inspiration ELWTION OF BO.tKO OF SOOOL TKI bIEES TO UH IUO.II MIT IHI DAI (aad»dalfa for Mayor aad board M Taaa Coaiiaa»t*ocrr» Aka Ta lie Naaiiaated Tto vtaen of the Graded Schawl euAaict will hold a convtiM M tk* xhool awditonuai Fhday aifM, Aprt 2'ih, l*M, at o'clock im ita par pMa 0f titwir ating school truttees to fill tint timra All voters ia the aetoei daanrt are reqoeatetd to attend tki> aaeetiag I'tare will be a cnaveataoa of tac voters of the Itwi at tha saate tia> aad place to nominate a i iaiitli for mayor, and a board of tawa cut nuuiaoert. Impact fully, - Hugh G Uartoa. Ma,oa. W. C Manaicg, Chbinaaa Board af School Traataea. WHY TIS ITT Then is lata cotton in tto «wk today than on the ~au»e day ia Uta past tea years an.l tha price k (t - - —~ There is more sugar ia tto world now than at any time ia Are jaajna and sugar haa gone up nearly doa ble a* mueh aa it waa 4 tbtatto igk Thaae are caatd purely from spacalation, the bul.s aad Wea's —Kew York gaabUre, with a few tes ter lighta—calve* and cub* scatter ed tluoughota the woritf bate unaed this condition- Tto producer mi npr k a*t rat ting More, but tie MMMT af aa gar is gayiag ahout twice M atak Meters A. K. Dunaiag, i. G. Sk. tta aad Joe Taytor ape A ffrhif • jn ia Hyde county. Mr. Jtobert V. Lilkr ef rente oae waa a caller at Tto Eoterprke of Ike today. "Mrs. and Mr. Poll, T«c*k -ai ep idemic of laughter. MR. W. T. UL VTEE KE-SIGXS AS ASSISTANT CASH K Leave* Martha Cto'r fUreo to Trust Cypeay to Enti.r Fritaaaa M Graakn Mt W. J. Heater tot ki paaitiaw aa aaadaat c»kk af the Martin County Savin*; .= aad T at Cy. here, and will leave in atrr tmmwe far Citrnehtre where he wffl fen m»~ t atetatood ia tha cantse kg kk *. with Mr. Joka & Bk.l cf -Lat efey. take a place in tto kgk her* fior Greenvflla where to to ttkh tk* Ito pertal Tobacco romptdr. aad far to patrons oMW bank aad aak Many to *aa kto laanra WILLIAMS! OX MAITLN COUNTY. NORTH CAKOLIN V. I*l WAY. APRIL M. 1921 SUCCESSFUL HOG ; KAISING DOES CALL - FOK PKOTtfriON IMHtAThIXa POtXT TO MMEm UWHJXA BAISLXG .tlx ITS i BIIC MEAT | | RALEIGH, April J»—Xow tkat ike fanners are tkial rag Mere abau hag iauMg M Xtatb Crrakr a. it mitt ao. to x«*rprasMg la tod the title i_- r-i --*g ito eatai* p»ifc npfly nh tone to aeri lbttA Or. F. D. Of*., u. nuift af the hag chakra end kaiia* mock far the fftcial anu stale dt| i ilaaaal af agricuttore. Di. Oaen —ken the nscraatkn, ban lvc^ thai any *aa who goes iato hug pn, •nctiaa with tee inenght mt it tonp very ensy «s tou.«d to a nee awak rtbitnai aftctuf tto* kaanck mi faitot aback mil oaaae niian»ir ia *«ad mi prefci if tk* grvnM- ia not carefnL Of there dhemeu, ctoera aa tin Mtta *pu itkat Dr. Oata fads tfea. on the wbole, tto Kutk Cnrahaa fanner has tot ftitttll it ttol this k ahatt the aaly iMijT*. d» fttatoM and even vth «, if tew grv«- er wMI we trntry ptianif a « aaed have aa great fear far ton herds Dr. Oata data ttot cfc «e»a wil* kin atont s» per cat mi the ton ta e.ery tod that a iearbe> if the herd has ata toe., ptgtrt) •'acrioti «d If the aataral-t hare beet treai el sak nil tog chalet a maa aal virus Mtaaatai h> a t tew mm, tto l«r*Lt f toa the ■birate anua be dgkl, pratal ly not tr er ate half of aaa per cent. Eve tor* hgto lass k dae to t*aa* btg hp'lag sack a«Maftj to It. to this k aba at f»* k*g» m GraacM to MMMtber. caalinat Dr. Uwea that thas trntata aa pt .n ly pataecttvs tod wvß aat ewe. TV aa ta haga ttot have beta act toy length mi tmm . wft asSe £ atatota. If gtovt Whet ttoy bare Itoa reck otay a fear baa.: bat ito atly pauper tot to treat r, bag a before be gtL> sick. Dr. Oaea »iasn» ttot tha fedt: . tad state Matkira are ctdenvnci.g .« bate hag (nam protect data. treata-g v *—v aa ttot tk futin fananreg will be hotaa tub aa n aa* 'y af fata fear to su **ek». L tbe pc are ttoa Ucale f befa»e waa. - -sg, lit} aril bare preitctaa ap iu> tM they retch tto af !* lathe aiaalka Ttoa* *avtU]fo. atMtaed akea fiaa Ito to IhO p«a- > aeagkt atd this tkanto gne p«iu- Tbe nrea ata far tk a parpxae k said M eto bp the Store Depa t tod of Ipiatat red Ml mtmr ■alito tot be tiMti abtM proto*. tag bags Igliul tka ewd/ data „ by wmtag eattor Dr. Oaea or Dr Vitaa Marta, state reteraaariaa, a. If l lit# GIRL IS MELD ON AX INCEXDAIRY CHARGE Ttotor litoi— t U Year OM Edaa » iLSOK, Apt. yu-Eton Eruua t»tL re bka.ed IS year . t >m,Z *- af D k tmhmm. af 0 : *» • t ittoap wi. ckpad wi A - yaac tM BkkaM En* Tcaalto-a, and wata Maiiii at Ddtos aa Feb- MiPitaj kght lan, tor fathers atoto, atppaaM to to the task a * (the atgbd ia jad. Araaga.-M.ts brd \*-ju .tff ibtotoJ. btt tbre Maraltg a aareto was turn* to iktigir^ • he- ark aUbg nd tbetttog ia tin Mblnd. Trereg TtnJkrean k aa hr hut ay bardt far aAqged kMvp> atktog itot be ihtto Mtoto !m hk ttoA SIDE BADUOCR B % M A4UVC atyiaM, wm> «|H If«kv J*j jte-dvuiii al a lim *«.%'*» | jti ute CAUCLea at W itiimMi . « i ■«• >•) iuun.iii{, April T*md, Be , *' | .. j clock. ;.! 1 Mr. Mrtmiut ui • gafeflfcg tut-. | uni siory tw teii (I U»e paaatew-.i..i. I ui la- iwop.e and other CMtil - na- J ctM> by Ux Turk*. KAiIUhAL FtMttST fkUiaiMM WEtA £&*& .\Ut »U.fc| luk luKLdl iKUIU.HI' . ok ihl na rioM Forest finbcti* Week. Apr 22 U, ka> Uku oe.g-atea acd mf- *?*• •>> ihc pt«ii«.t ut Uw LiM sfcj»u i MM (tMHr «l 4/ 1M gUVCaMT at .&tHII CmMIIU lufUM (HipM •( inpi |.H m Ik a»tb •( Ike f*ap« [ the ratios tU ■ r raaily of p**ttog! kut >vie*l liNi» tnm dumti w !», iuci aad ukj ageacaea. It u ufi lean for mm pnfie m N'aalk t*r» Utaa to Mst; the need far IM ««t W« have «!««)> had aa toax | .1 baikt but tke fact a QS IT ifx pnrtt rate ai cat aad Ike (oio. | are uaiaaga cwiMie> ia flftae.. jvan MU «W umber will be ii«> l 4 at., uit . »i!i kwitt) bt itlf awfi «f. .g in the twfcti in Miry. fti a tao >tarJ» of tk stale ki« ialMtte .at jnki (kit ■> aa t\aa*f#HF a caadiUM except tkai (n«t tic ate twiki*! up i«at are** of waatr -*ati whe.e be atai-.i» .i young .übiaa aKuitj. Em) ..ui tia tkaigk t wa anu a u.ti a million, aiwatua front o.tH uo, aad *.U a k .nuiier ataiw apon its, t>c MHt Uf ua iic h a-Sf ika ba uer fawiiif Ike KmU laikka ate £>'.iim«wm Mitt) «* Miawst tke co operative fi.t |«c«t*lk— i-n i»( tke -laie aiKt nua»l U V* n. ta oaductal w a cut..-;- hun, U» air.*} a£ ua a. m> tke cMUi} tor la ta a... latt). At |XMtJ *taU uaa» kave M)ca La »».*, tail U* aat geaaral aatak> .U(i>. > i H» >1 toe app.opriat :■ aar; aaaa «aoi- ia» will be aikstd to i ale a/ jet Jaly i. CnHaAtet a»w ety, fcca-tact, batcuaLr, t miut, Cakl men, C besakae, Clay, Cra vea, Uaktkai Uaracti, ItayaMad, Ucßderab, Madaon. Jltl*. »cJJ, New iiaMtcr, k-amucw, h**j, I'rha « , fcwata, Tiaa>) I* «uia, au Maiaaga. la tbaperfi t caMtaea tke wait ia r—ihaud by a~ otgwin uaa at local aara. To Kifti ifa ika aaa k ta ue caaa iwf tke faeeatry kriiaa of ika aar »ey baa a pennaael ike state foraator, dirf fwtK auM aaa kahct fareat varkaa Atkingh tke weak tea baaa k> prtgiasa les* thaa a >«u ia aat «f tke fa.atin, 4il tke iraitt are qj ; u- aaticeatle feaCk ja a matki ia* Area aad tke *t*e of lit*. Moth of tkk aamre eaMared aritk Laiu4 fatal. kywk far ib .attatt at faaiaae apan ike attkade of tke pei»lr Oaer * per erat af aM fata are aa ta if aaraaoe or carrlaarr ei-. The fare* nrdoa are caratatrkg tketc as las they ran, bat the thM they cm apair from their auk ia iaiiiJ, caaet .{ueacJy the fMfitw a daar. Whet al the Kf * are amaah' aa araat tka Area aMW*. th«* m dw» aalj «i 3 the fata ire MMa* be a thiav af the paaC CWtTIASf tHI BCH A. J. II aaiilai Pata Statdky achoel »:4» a. at, W. C AS aaa i «Tbj '«M to klarf lbvaaHii.CH ftahf ■ ilwa - * "* WOJJAISTON TO HAVE CHAUTAUQUA j FROM MAY 23 TO 28 ATi RACTTONS CAREFt LLY SE- ( LECTED TO BE ENTERTAIN ING AND INSTRL CTIYE Aiiaouncemcnt that Wilitomaton to 1 far n Chautauqua to be here ' 'lire May 23rd to ftth will be ie. 1 ) ce.ved with interest by ciuzeas in Ji sections of the cuufcty a.- aetl a- . 0 Willitunston. Everybody knows ito adianta«es of having a Chaatatuiua, aad anxiously await the aiinoaccement of one in | their home town and county. _ Tbear laUractitos are organized for euaca tioaai benefits aa well dft entertaii. ueats, and artists are adertevi ak can educate and eatertaia at the ame 4'puialment. Aitiats of this character ate high er educated in the art than those ol other amusement companies, and al ways deaeni-e a higher eoan|ensatio-. thaa those who can oaly eatertaia. 1 rider the Chautauqua system aurections are furaished loan, aa>i j oias at a lower admission than ! the ordinary aunstrd of cheap \anue [ vale that traverres the countrj. Tiu .k to the average saari o. ] «»man who has not been explaiee«; J I the workings of the ay>tem. Tin j • hole thing in a aat shell is this the busineta men of a town guar at • tee a Chautauqua company a certain j amount, and the aitractian crenpanj ia rtrtaia of receiving this amount uhether the door receipts amount to i as much or not, coHse>tue»tl/ the at- j traction coreptny never lore*; where 1 aith th* other road attraction* they 1 take a gamble, and tanst Ktt a highei j price far their product to make up foi 1 their loaaet in tbe frame abt they show ta incapacity audience^. Remember the date. May 23rd to &tth, and make arraagemeni to r a Mtott fkktt far' all attract tea*, wkkh will reduce the cost per at traction to just one half the ataxic j adaaisaiva price. • OF MANkER HEDtakCuCh 1 lligj I'aiat Maa Maat Mne Three ! tear*. AM C— ptrataie Ca*M tl.Hid WitkJansCare UALEIGH, Aprd I»—l'tu cnnani to ■ —■■"■* by tb* suprenre court to day tltal all totocco c**pcraU« cares wiucb are sow Lefo>e toe u.U ual will be deewku aa the Jatm cm irare Mto la. t aerk adattarsHj ends th* litigatioba aad the stale meat is mi as much laletctt a= aay j of the several htodto Uowra today, ; among them being Ibal liatgtcucs, of Umlford, is which tto baak cash let must serve thiee years for false eatrio. The Hedgecawk cue waa decalew auaiumuusiy. Chief Juatice Clark, writaag Ure bhums., The baaker rectal h s hope of a tew Uml *a al kgataous of a fatally defertive bi. i mi indictment, but Judge dark knd.- ao merit in the severnl nupiai. Tto defendant adtcd aa arrnat of the judgment en that grauad aad coa leaded further that at the time a. the odenre the batat was aat calle..; a tank in tto prapcr ill ba it ma af the ttolM* Chitf Janice dark told. I that Ito Heme Bankieg Maapaay "is a corporation inex iparatM under U* , laa s af tb* State mi North Canal. I aa," qaotltg km lb* Ml af in*«t ] aaents. and that "tV defetdaat ba the fultad knowledge that tto Hon* alleged dim waa e> gagnd in th> j totoiag bnatactu A STATEMENT OF FACTS In view mt the fact that to* aais atont tto pmmium mt the Bapti>t rtorrh in regard to the Near Eat ptbkc ihaald knew the truth Tto laptist church aJTered tto Belief cam mittee its pulpit fer aa ereniag oi afkenmn reiki. The reiiittre m> fit to refuse atrh aa tier, and here. Horeover, the Baptist dantataalx.- which we snppret withata Mkktg any ' . (inni, wbatber Ctahthr. Fltaetaant I Jaw m Pagan. A. V. Japntr. Vtator. I Mm Oydt Sal Hn Mark featowTtoth Hr. awl Hre X H Brftt •tttohatoL Imarilvcoixty fakmebs - H A\E >|PTOKTI MTY OF A NEW MO.XEY C'ltli faaaUiTH Caa lit Kturd at a Praia la Narik Caroluaa As Well Aa * la New Kaglaarf A fear weeks a K « The Kntorpive the J. U. coaipar.y ul to u,dude Martin cvaa ty taiuiei. in Uteir program for can (org ftoiuc iiuicti tuiiolu.-, which tlv j UK at.C«l IO Uv aI.U ailuuU.C.-t .t' * Mm*** -i-Lt-' ctl wttia# V. .. C it.-K*l|ltl.ME .o Wtii tk.- I a. a. ju. MtJMii. luting luate ie.-l e>ai ;af.-iM-ti li ij> - uuu Oie count} I auitk toa uul.ri up ailn iDe tarnr ent, axyiiut a kuuo inati) cwiliacu. j the compab> nHinacu w-tn Lara.-1 »r> lo lurnt»n ibt ui pkub as weal I tta lv*ive.-tn.g «qui{iawoi au«l pays a H»itM pnev lor itie raw tunuUa* tk uveied aline laclor) . Tlus outs> uit P-l the laitner lo au> catra e.\peib« .a .euluiuiK i"lo Ihl new piu-lu- t ur., I aid a.-j»uu > turn a fair ptwt tor to I pr— lit. i utiwa marketttbie. the lcd-j money lhal lumatoo ■ a. I urtng to Uie lamer at a tune wbec. at irnMs lac mutt) and haa notkt | cbc to pul mi Uw market, make? toe lotuaio vet> ailiactive to «ct er> laruier in Martru county. V» ilit llie equipment to hantiie 3k laeaea piontau-n of tumatoeo, the J. 11. bhiiiticU company has taunrk *" a i pro|i*»iUon thai Stiouitl put Mttrk > dollars in cash immc> t l> | Uit hands ol Mai tin county lartaeia «ho lake ativantage of this opeautg i.o act|uire a little aiote ieati> cash •tea tl l most neetleti NAXI E.XiUV ULUitUII LL KNTKKT Al \ MEN T IN HON Ok OK TWO \ IS| lOK> ULitl %■ Mit. J. ta. Uodard, Jr, and Mix ». 4. llaaler Lnlertaia ia ll«Mt at Mi»*» 11am ana Hakaaik Oa rueala) alleiuuoa at four o cWtk, Mrs. J. li. Jr.. anu. blrt. V*. J. llunter ei>tertainetl at ] rook and bridge in honor ol Mr.» j Magtuti Hunt of tireenaboro. ako t» | uir attractive house ot Mrs. ! ItaKCTT, aaa kia Mary {al New kern, who is viaiUng her I after. Mra. J. W. Malls, Jr., at tke II • nae of Mrs. (.othertl. j Ibt lov c-ly old home aa r eve. | at. !c atliaclrve lltau It was !V j I «a.-loii. Ine color tcheute of >ct I iu* aiil white aa* carrteti out ii. I «tnialWM in Lite Irving rouut aou wii. I huor) tui kit- and apple i>U» »• in.- wete I usctf in lite dnting room. I lite guutU tteie nret al the tbM joy Mis. J. VV. Walls, Ji . «•*-- l«wk Jatu to lite living ivthu where ttay I acre received b> tin* W-tc=»ira iu j UtC guests of hobut. aeie ac j ranged for bulb britige ai»t nwk I a vcij pleasant hour was spent at I tkeac gainc ». M..iK-boiah IkaiH Lade high score ia iook ami Mr-. II rana Ililch in bridge ar>d fue> weie Ipreaeated with atti active litiuikrr I charts and Mis»e. llunt antt laor Hi aere gi.ea hand matie in I apruaa. | An Ke course was served aul la Ivors of p>nt|Uil bast|uels hiU«l aiil aere given each gue t. Iho t I lavored were: Mi»*s Saiite Hanit, I Martha l otion I'ratt lord, C))tle H-> ! ell, MarU.a Slatb- lla vll, Mary Ula IJj s Walta, lie bo rah firming Milk jSpruill. Nina i pton, Carrie Oelle j M bite, Veila Amirew.-, Nelle Wyai* lusephine Davis of Norfolk, Mr. I*. Cunningham, Mrs. Julian A&der- I naa. Mrs. Carrie Higgs M tibama, Mia ! Maurice Moore, Mra AJ*T. Irawtom I Mra. Wair-n lliggs Mr*. J. L. Wil j .lamt, Mi*. Titos Critcker, Mm. Lake I lairrh, Mia. A. While, Mra. C Gad ' arkt, Mrs. Clayton Moore, Mra. A. It j I Winning, Mrs. F. Hitch, J|/>. Bam.- |' fitcher, Mra. J. H. lfiaalm t Maa I L C. Bcaaett, Mra. a W. Hardy, Mra I h a Crawford, Mra. F. W. Grave* Mr». S. S Lawrence of Birbmaad. Mr | Klhert Fed, Mra. W. H. Pata, Mr 10. & Hadatatw aad Mia. G. HL Har —————— WHISKEY POI ND AT THE COI BT HOI Sk Deputy SberifT Lather Peel faaai Uaa tpiarta of "aiiialiy ram" earl) tkia rorahir when be aval to tke court houae. The liquor was lodged ia a little jaaa by the dear steps af the raail hawse. It is hard to Scare haw the liqaar gat there. It ta Ji sat bate beea put thaae for the aaa af the caaita aa they are toa loag tM, aad the Judges now In thia dbtriet ate aat drinking aaa; bat jt aaaat have baaa pat there for aaaae aae to gal aad the depaty foaad M befoae Ma Mr. Pii| pi ni|Uy iailnni the ■ 'p'T-r ■ ; .. THE HUT ADVERTISING MB • } - --- .«» TUK MKCnON WILL t — r . £ t>TABLI>HKD IMS RECLAMATION MEET CUBED StSSION AT NfcWlttXN YESTERDAY iMPOBIANT MEE TING OF R£- tXAJiATION Ol NORTH CAB OUM SWAMP LAMK> SEW BLUN, Apr. 19.—The North CaIWU (WDBg WS kciNMl day'; session this morn ■ng ju tea o'clock. Charlotte, Greens v. a. ii Uejiaveii ate i K4 ior me il'-i convention. U.La a ptvgnua liiai eclipsed any opecung Oay 111 its history, the aco«- t Jlue opened its two day session yes icray n.ui "u.g at ten o'clock. The convention was called u> orOer by Hon. Jkm 11. Entail, pieshlent of tne as wtiiUMi, utii alter the invocation raiaue by Ke>. U. V. McKae, Mayor bd*aii Ciark welcomed Uie drawage HespuMtng to Mayor Clark, Viator Pal JuUiiKti of pa.>t ptes ■Jr«t of the association and a nota- Mt icduauuu enthusiast, told the body Uul it mas not so much a ques tion of iiauu(f and legislation but lather at this time. I e-Kieil Small followed Senator Jo4.i*s«*u with las annual address ami it piwtexi to i-c one of the lwrllnht» of tlte day s , ngituu. lie opened his adurea* witi. a tesuine of what has been done in drainage in North Car olina kiiw 19U&. Notable in the prog- > ra»« of lije movement, he said, was res* of the movement, he said, was the fart that it had developed native drainage engineers iii North Caroli na. There were noUe in l9Ufc, be said, but today. North Carolina uoe out have to import her ex|erLs. The I snovement ha.- meant the reclamation I lof aries of old swamp land in I eastern Carolina, raiding its value I from one doliai to from faO.vv to •fJ#tM.«tf per acie, the speaker tieclar- K C«L Joseph Hyde Pratt, secretary [of U« association, in his annual re I port taxi that a new cycle in the his jloi> of t!«e drainage and reclamation lis the result of the amendment U» i .\orth Carolina's original drainage I act, made by the general xwb'y this year. Many points were discussed to in |tere»Ung length by. General K. K.~ Glenn of Guilford count) and Hon. Hugh Mcilae of Wilmington, cap»- alu ai*d development man. Condud- I •at: ike moaning session Hon. Char e- IL Akrattit) gave his a.ldress on the U-|*ct of national reclamation aitd dlkfijCOt CoL Pratt in owning the afternoon ' ruM» gate a splendid aMie-s on 'Utiat the l*r I Atnendment to the Uiainage Act Means to North Gii»- .tu." Among the other speakeis te«*ia) weie 11. M. I'otter of New lien and J. L liecton of Wilming ton. The final event of the day Wa> line motion picture exhibit showing idiul reclamation arxl settlement of wrUimtil lands in tlie In i ted States with a keture by Mr. Newell. >»Ji\ It Ls AY ttAnisr CHLBCH A. V. Joyner, pastor Niutay school »:45 a. m., J. CL An ■iei-aon. *uperiatt ndent. All clause* •r'l oipMMd and taught by splen ixl teachers. If you are not connect ed! with any other Sunday school we (Miluily invite you to come Sunday sulking and join one of our classes. .Sriwu* by the pastor 11 a. m. .Snhjeet. The Supreme Motive of .Snvw * At 3W o'clock in the af itr in. the pastor will preach at Biggs' school bouse. & Y. P. U. 7.W p. n. Sermon by the pastor at :4» pL n. Subject: "What Lift* Me lligtker Than I Am " Cmm and worship with us—the m«- sic kful be good, and the pastor will try to bring you he!pful me»»age . »1 M»AY SEBYKES AT THE mfi uouisr till Kill Bex. M. R. Chamber*, pastor. Sun day achool at 9:45 a. m, Mr. J. E Pope, superintendent. The regular to the wwrk ef the Near East ninf, as anaawaeed elsewhere ia this paper, i- rnisg services at 7:44 p. a At this kuiine the newly ilatiil efß eers «f the Epworth Leagne will ha oetalci with a ipltiM emeney, which should he witnessed by the w tire sirml rrahip and friends ef the i bninh There will be a spechl aer aai h)r the pastor en tha lltjut: The Present Need of POigenw.- The j'—a l»i|l» of tha tm am at par Wiiefiasiy society Monday. 4 |l a. JLesjae p. m.