GET THE NEWS OP MARTIN COUNTY TWICE A WEEK BY* TAKING THE ENTERPRISE, fljt VOLIME 24.—NTUBER 31. DR. J. D. BIGGS ENTERTAINS COM. CHAMBERS Speakers In Hehalf of Commerce Bodies and Boat Line Heard ENJOYED BY MANY LOCAL C HAMBER HAD A LARGE ATTENDANCE; ALSO THE COMMISSIONERS Ilr John II Bir». gjive a real bar becue to a regional meeting of tlie EaMeni Carolina O.ainlier of IVmi merte at the graded school campus today. The Williams tori Chamber of Com was present in a body, the board of commissioners of Marin county, the boar dof commissioner of Bertie count v. Messrs. J E. Per ry, L 11. Freeman. John Tarkinton. Ed. Skyles and M. L Evans, a>.d the boar dof commissioner- of Washmir ton coWy, L. Owens, Z ,V. No: man. Henry " Spruill. W J. Norton, E S. Bl»u-t, and T. J. Swain, were present. At 11 **» o'cloik Mr. Clayton Moore pre>ented Mr. John L Hansel!, the ne«ly elected mayc-r of Williamst'n. who welcomed the ho»t of visitor*. Thru Mr. N. i. Hartleit, serretarv and nianae r of the Eastern Cari.liita ; Chamber of Commerce nia|e a spiet;- 1 did avkt'e-- in which he pointed the nultilirlr of way. which the po>|»l- of this section can better their liv- i iijjr c.K.d>twith an increase of cap ital or labor. I* - speech was circu lated u> m..k a livin gman thii.k. At th«- ccnclu-iof; of Mr. Bairet V spear-ti limner wa.- ar.i»ounced. aixl all went to the festive boanl where bar l«cue. (Simon I ille>'s l«st bran..) real slaugn, lemonaiie. in fart, all the temperas.rr drink- freely flowei axi when all had beeti helped well by . alaout a dozen gooil ladies, all return ed to the auditorium and Dr. Cal«^-; well, set ret a r yof the K.ver, Harbor . and Boat Lute committee, was u tr« , duceal and leave an outlirie of the in- ' v Wtiyatiaa of >» enm-ittee. I» h** talk he squarely that *he t*ie water sueire-I>nn of tie stab- was sleeping on i'.S risrht* ant letti it> oppiirtunitie- fro *o waste. The 'easHH. was much en>->ed l> all pre-ent and rousing tha. k e*ter« .c- l to Dr Birrs. ciuac> ICOAIIS IAXJAI.II'tMb lli- Hailit KiOri -on i» *penuiii£ a lew days «iU> auatt. Mis. John Lcgsctt. Mrs Willie MuCoey wl Lun-lU ,-peoi Saturday lagnt with l«ei oaugu- 1 ter, Mir. ». A. Mobic>. Mi -I Lima awl Jal.M- Bigg» a.-.i Nma Jaine.- .-pent Satuiday wit«, Mias ileasi BntUou. Mr. and Mrs. Willie of Ev ertttts SuiMlay with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. M utiles. Mm. Anliur Ayers spent Saturday night wuii her aister, Mr% (Lhtstei kitacb. n Mrs. Bettie le»i spent the week eni wita her oawgntei, Mis. M. It Uurganus. Mi» Aleue *>n«r .-pent Saturday night with Grace Vky nne. Mr. and Mr.-. Chester UMI ichildreti aiai Mrs. Arthur Ayet- spet-i ' .>»nily with Mr. aail Mrs. M. R Uur ganus- Services at Christian Chapel next Saturday night and Sunday night. The public is cordially lartle.i_ Mrs. P. D. Manning and children specs Saturday night with Mrs. W. ' L. Wkiteharst. " Misses Vefana a tA Mildred Roebuck spent Sunday with Miss LHa Roe- Miss Viola Roebuck spent Suaday with MM Minnie Rofaersoa. Mr. and Mr>. Allen Warren spent Saturday i«te with the tatter's pa cuts. Mr. and Mrs W. A Bland. Mr. Gilbert Mohley spent Sandny with Mr. Ernest Rawrts. Mini Helen Taylor spent Saturday njftt with her grandnother, Mrs. Harriett Mohley. ' day mghtHth her LAnit Mr. JcHn Martin a € Ttßery. M. C, THE ENTERPRISE FISH TRUST JAILED ! I" " "si i* ?-jf ■Br mhmt' 'J I Wealthy (MfMlitailli In the tish trust ram*. M-ilfMvd to Jail at iHt'r Island »«r lUisliin. are atnnrii almve piliij; "ti l«'ard the llll>!iirl (iif a dotefu' harbor »•> ai;.- which eodnl it tho bouse rf currectlua. JAMESVILLE i LOSES ONE OF ITS BEST CITIZENS • ___ Dr. C. S. Hassel Passes , Away After a Linjr errinjr Illness Di. I . S. Ha.--ell. ii tl at his hone at Jame-. ille, Sunday morning, af ter lieiiiK confined to hi- bed fur two month* with cancer of tike stimiiirh. with u inch he haa s uliered since las November, tie was burn in Tyrieli county n*-a. fcoluiiiua, jiixl «u. To >eart old Atu ; wtii. ; tie Wfcn nraivtl on a fat tit and eo i««t>i uwniriil college when a yuun) Wiiit he complebil the couis M Iwgan tilt practice oi medicine a aanmeville, wheie he hud a very -u« ces-ful practice tor many year*. It? then euuied tne mercantile l>u ine--.- which ate ha>> since continued. j .Soon alter he came to Jame»vilh tae man led .Ml-* Virginia liatemai wno, with three children, Julian Si itanaeil aim Mis. J. S. tiodard, o Jamasville anil Mis. i.-lward E*»it o Milmii|ttuii, Survive him. "lhe 1 uncial services Were he!.l thf afternoon an.l inteiineut was made a> the Wallace grave >ard. Fnemis :ri i. all sect KM. a of the county alien. U Uie« services showing their last -U votion to a friend who lias long bee • in their midst. Mo'ft. llatokl Eveiett an.l C. 1> Car.-tiaphi ti, Jr., mulottd to Watli ' utgton Sunday. { Mi. KoUit Everett of Palmyra I made a abort Visit to Williaiii-stoii On j Monda). NOTICE OF SALE Litter ai'd by virtue of the pov. u ut sole contained in thai certain j teed of trart executed t»y K. H- *e»> Jei and wife, Aldie Weaver to the ■ uudei • 'rfi.ed tru-tee, and bearing daw of February M, lU2I, and of recoi in the public registry of Martin eoun- 1 1j in book G-2, at Jiage 191, W. . i deed oi trust having been given to .-cruit the payment of certain note.- of even date therewith, and the term - and conditions therein contained Ac. having been Complied with, and s.t the reijuest of the holder of the sai ■ notes, the undersigned trustee will o | Monday, the 18th day of June, 1925. {in front of the courthou* door of, ! Martin county, at Williams ton, N.. C., '■ at 12 o'clock in., offer for sale at pub lie auction to the highest bolder for cash, the following described propei - t ty, to wit: That certain tract of land in O.e state and county aforesaid beginnirg at a black gun in Little Savannai. branch where crossed by tile owned formerly by S. W., T. W. and Geo. T. Outerbridge; thence S. 34 3-5 poles W. to a corner stake; thence ,73 1-2 W. 23 3-5 poles to a stake )in the division line made between S. IN. and G. T. Otitterbridge made 18ii |to Price and Ellis old line; thence E. 1 {along this line to two pines and black {jack; thence S. 22 W. to a large pi e 163 1-2; thence S. 10 E. 96 poles to ja large gum in Flat swamp; thence I down the various courses of the said i swamp to an, agreed corner; between ! Joshua Johnson and B. L. C. Bryant; r j trance along a line of marked trees ito a pine on Little Savannah swamp: thence up said branch to the begin - . ning, containing 137 acres, more or lew, except 32 acres sold to J. H. i TajV>r and Are acres to Bryant An Tus the 10th day of May. 1923. A. H. PUNNING,^ r . rW. ifei HILLIAMSTON. MARTIN COl NT*? fvOLTH CAROLINA. Tl ESDAT. II NE 5. 112 X NARROW ESCAPE AS TRAIN Rl T NS INTO AN AUTO I Only One Remains a the Hospital for Treatment ESCAPE A MIR ACM NOKFLK SOI'TrfKI.N TRAIN N» 17 TO KALKit.ll Kl \s INIO AN AI 'IOMOItII.K W ASIfINGTON, J UIM* I.- -A- pa "Ct'W'r t rai l N". 17, with c.-n-luct i Toolejv an»i Engi'-eer ll.i- inyht on !l. Beihaven-lCak igli run, of the N«.«rt. Southern was ci s-itix the state hiv: way jus! tut-nle the city on t'r.«» :o lc;.li*ivli iiliout 7 :»ll this momitic it rati into an automobile camit-~ town, completely Wreckmir it. Tb aulonurlnl). ..which C"i.ta;iie«l Mrs F. lat ham. Mis*. l.ilKy W urnni, M 11. O. Warren and Mr M iley Warre via- bringing the l:nl«e into the W C. I. to attend the summer sch-« ! M>.-sion. II O. Warren ki> drivin the car ami says he rti.l not see th train nor li?ai it In-fore it was to late to stop. Miss.l.illey W'airen >« thai a collision was inevitaMc jumpeii out of tin- cai a- tiie civ-.- inif was rfiichiil. The le-t were thrown ouJ and strange to -ay, no one wa killed. Mr. 11. t> Warren who wa>! driving, su-taineil a severe injury l« ■ his knee ami li'tr. Mrs. I .allium a"«! and Mr. Miller Warren were had!« | shaken up and bruiseil The car it- I >elf was practically deitioli.-he.L Th conductor of the train, who stopi* [ when the accident occurred had the if; jured one- taken on the train sft , brought hac'kto the Washington h»r-j pilal after which the train ii|?ain pro t renlfil on its.way to l(.ileij»h lnijuirv at the hospital at noon ah out the injured revealed the fact t all hail left the hospital except M- Warren an dit Was n.»t known ex . actly how noon In- would lie aW- t ■ j iro home. That ill una not kill*i '.ras a nut I acle I Hit lit shows the necessity v J driving \yitH caution when apprvewb ! itij; a rkilwa\ ci"'«s-i't g. It is report , in ga railwa;!;g. It is r»-|sirt el tha' th«- i>ccu| ant of ths car - .-a | they heard n.. whi-th' or liell i,f th •»pp!»r»v! tm*- train, and not hr.iritf anything took it for prant4*l the would t«e clear. TURKEY SWAMP J ! PtRMJNAL UUb * * Mr. and Ails. t.. fc. n». ' Whanoib -peal .Sunday eveia. g » I ' .Mi. ami All*. M I>. Aycis. i Mr. Henry I'eel motored* to llaii illuu on husibe.-o Saturday. ' Mi. and Mm. J. 11. Jackson spet Saiuiay with Mr .and Mis. A. 1_ Jacl. 0011. Mr.-. Johnnie Coltrain of Koherso villi- is visiting her paients, Mi. ai l Mrs. J. S.'Whiteliurst. Le»ter Peel and Fiaikj Wynne went tu hvereits e tuuig un business. Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. ttjni.e -p* • 1 the week end with the parent. ! Mr. and Mn>. M. G. Uullock. Mi. M i>. Ayers, and 11 Uses K • ! telle and lSuilock wei.t to > EvenstU Satuloay e. oning. Mr. J. 11. I). I'eel and grandson j -pent the week end with hi- daujf.. , I ter, Mr.-. Ciaudit James of near Koc#- frpmville. i- —. —j I Mr. and Mrs. |i. L W hitehur.-t a*- I tended church at Hat Swamp Satur | day. —Mra. J. E. GurgajiiU" was the gne*rj of Mrs. Cora Kogerson Saturlay. Mr. and Mrs. Kdmoml Harris spent 1 Sunday with Mr, ami Mi>. H. D. j Peel. Mr*. J. H. spending a few, days with her son, Mr. Calvin Ayer-_ Mrs. Lucy Mob'ey spent Saturday | with her sister, Mrs. Claudie James. • * ' i Miss Annie W hitehurst is on the: sick list this week, and we wish b*rl a speedy recovery. ' 7 , Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Carstarphen, and Mrs. Sue Ewell went to Hamil- 1 ton Sunday where they attended the CUdwell revival. Mr. James Manning left Sunday for Salisbury where he will participate i* tlie wsddiag of Miss Berbaum and Mr. Paul Kick*. J >• » .- oJ ARMY BEAUTY TO WED J jk. TV encsgeuicnt la Mmmunced st pnrity Miss Mary Lnnlng Calmer, rt. oit.ii-r ot ItriiE G*n. and Mr*. John McAak-e Palmer, to Capt. Norman IVtiiUK (liawDer, nil of Mrs. Chandler ami tl* lata Norman I'. Chandler. Mis* l'almer matte her and I- intr of tlie most i-opular mem* k*r» of the j.enjpT set WILLIAMSTON SIIIOOL HAVINIi COMMENCEMENT RE\. t. t. JOTNEK UKLI\ EKEII SERMON lO GltAl't VII Mi C.LASS SI Nil \ t IHe VV High chool i.- giv •iu, as c-o»iiig i \clu.-«o in:- week. li>e seimo.i to tiie graduating wa--> |>Kvinii nj kcv. A V. Joyiiei, at iia Ui|ki4 .nurui ouiiday uigM iicv; ill. Joyia-i »;«ve class a.- »••• ■» wi sj«rl iJ*Jtf autneiici' aorvtce slmulil lie taken lor luit i*i ai«u iiiwlif a iiUiiiiK r of ierj i . s«gg«3>tMMis and i|r| to tne ria.-® n« it* next >tep, and al-. so ota ir.i»«.t:i linn 11,4 ser in-I'. wa> hiMad WiUJ po(itts that should -eeu;i .until thorough li.ougikt lioin • acs» Ait ifcveri mt-uiber of tin* clas- SKI Sa,- otltci - who - ar«i him. •la Mo l - -.i; i.islil lite giainmai rcooos clas consisting ol U U'}> ansa gill- rtiidered a very ptagiaiti wini l» was follow cd l>y a inn' cai pioidiu hy tlie pu ■pil- oi Mrs. li lue i Martin and Mi - •v ti Utf-'fT" and oteminga by Mrs. I. y lluivlau'- X|.ri---ion clas-. litis aOeiiomi tlie ici-'dualing clas it.- day i\. icises, and to ; night Ue ai'ii.xai a*iu#e s will b>- de | liTrlnl t»y I'l ll M. I'oteat of i Wake ron--', /oH ..->i I l.v the piesent | jte.ii ol aUplouia-. , NOVIC E tl FlllS.-MiH TION OF PAKINEKSHIP 1 - Notice la I. h |'|i en that th« part Be l -hup ol t luiltn ami Nohlt- i I hi- .ld> -n-olvi-i ami mat J. F. Crom r-r will coal in u- l& I Ml? mesa of Tlie . ir.fiterpn-*- at? le.-.-oi and manager. I That It. T- NohJe- witlMlraws from lhe lib>iM» ewi" e'y and will not pait.e i {ah in tlie 11 -r.e in toy Way wha". nil m ti> n. 1..1H 'iii ti" of tiie sai-i 1 Iki ik-i - aftel Uo= date J F. Cinmei B- T:- S'ohles.i The- city fatlrf-r- liavi the hearty thanks of ail for tie troet sprin kling on Main itiwt this morning. , V BILL BOOSTER SAYS Vk 0000 aiu6i RMO TOPS IJL UP A TDMM • rx OCMUM ! AM MFKOMUM OF MU&TC* IT THE MORMC OF -WKKDVLCimeOMCCM WUMfi CROWDS 'foWM 1 . tUfe tCHMk tVW OOMSTV OF A MUD SMCHXJD SOWOCER W I nw UM*. -cwt tiMM wntoiK OH£ SMouto at» conwmae m UK»CIM« to OfcT Ttttflltfa* " HARRISON OIL COMPAN Y LOSES 1 OF ITS TRUCKS 30,000 Ciallon Storajre Oil Tank Was Not Damaged NEW RECORD MAIM I 4- NEW THICK ON THF WAV Hi j FORE OLII ONE COMPLETE LY HESTROIED The llarri->n Oil CompanyFot-d gasoline liuck caught tiie Mo'-«tay a: their tank on the hank of the Kuan oke river herv an>: was totally de Mr. L 15. llaniy had driven the car to the tiling station of the company"* liy a|n|.w |are aavu jv U >'J H"VI atjiiu ojj yni| 3(UKS aqi Xn it caught lire and the dames rage.!. The fire companv was iiuskly on the ground, but louisi the flames Itck ing the bit: 3tM»m iraflon tank ais ; for a while stood shy, but iitally ven tured near enoueii to tie the truck with a chain, and it was pu led awav from the bii; tank by a highway truck, where it was left to burn itself out. The firv company found that a .--t/earr of water had but little effect upw gasol me. ITtf prevent any handicap in their •Jeliveri**. the llam-on Oil Companv I wireil for a new truck a- -oon a- I the ohl one wa.- con»alere«l ika moi, anil l-efore the old truck ha.l -top l ped hurnmtr. a new one was rolling | toward William stun to take its place ! This fact show.- the progren..-iveness of the Harnson Oil Company, ami a) so that they appreciate the (utruriiicr of their customers to an extent that they do not -top on account of r.\ . pea-e when serv we is at stake. MAY DEMANDFOR FORD PRODUCTS IS ASTONISHING FOKD PLANTS HOINC THEIR IT- MiaiT m fill tub cHttieir* - FKOM lIEALERS IIETKOIT. Mich. JUIM> t The re* eral prosperity now evi-tinj; through out the couatry is .-lnkini;lv n-flec'e-i in the ilemami for Fon| t tucks am; cars. lHaler re>|uuem. Nts for Mav , j'i-t aiuiounnil at tlie office of Ihe 1 on- Motor company, call for .'1IW,I»»I car and truck-, and ordera makinr u| this great total corne from every -« tion of the nation. The company's huce manufacturing facilities are leinir utilizel to tie- c most in an emleavor to increase th« daily output -o that deah r-.' order may lie fille>l as ijuickly as possible Tke proportion of uicreae in the •!» maud for Fonl prwluct- is al«ut e» ( ua!!y divided between commercial • e» tors an drural commumtie-, reft*, t Ui»r not only 10-tter comlitiotc- in the cities, hut likewise a growth of pr>* penty amonr farmers. A feature of the dealer imiuirfc ments is the larj»" namler of Ford one ton trucks. Sales of Foul truck have haen m -untini- every month tk year, estaMi-hing new- high mark- ami May brings on another record. -While bu*ine-» concerns everywhere are laily turning to the use of tlie Ford truck in increasing number«. th. sale- recocts also -how that fanner are availing themselves of the adv ai tages anl ecor.omy of motor tnkk transportation to a gieater extent than ever before. I'HILATHEA CLASS TO MEET IKIIIAi The Itiilathea daft* of the Uaptii. church will meet Friday evening at 8 o'clock at tiie home of M r»_ A»ru Harnsoa. All membeis are ux|(e.l t-- be present. NOTICE I'nder ami by virt-je of the auth only in a certain deed of lm.-t nwuU-1 oil tiie fclh day ol March, IX2, by ti. L Ellis and wif, J fiat tie Ellis, and recorded in the pub lie registry of Martin county in boo*. 112, page 96, to secure the payment of certain bonds , the undersign*-* trustee, will *• the lfth day of June. 1923, at 12.-00 o'cieck at tka twit house door ia William*.ton, N. (1, of fer for sale to the highest bidder for rash the following described land: Beginning at a point at the head of hraiich. Henry Key's cor ner ia the road leading from J. H Hardison*s mill toward Jamesville, thence north 19 degrees west perches to a point; thence south 71 1-1 degrees west ZZJS pervhes to a white oak; thence north 10 ihgncj west, about 180 perches to Galley 's run to the mouth of a small branch which follows into Galley's run nt the ot* Moore mill, than re up ths branch to the >nhuii, naliialeg SO acres, BMMarlMB a OUKB CRTTCHER, BRITISH ASTOR'S HEIR Hm F fl «■ tmlM E I wM | pm WF I Tfci «r!uit«- «»1 l.ltbern> utfuk llat-d piM*:*«cia}ali «f ll>« lion. J--tin Jaratu 44t4 ■'« iihl hrlr of Udl ill IbMWOk lilt*. | WOMhA lihUL\h I.N I lib \\ tLt- AKhi UOAKirS WOtCK I LDLR AriUN Ml UOMK.N'S tLt b LNUOR>LS HOARD; EXHIUiI AII RAI TS A ITEM lO\ A( kaH bi'lccu ihutiaaou u! iJti. nwirfl puUit tkuinoi in Uu - stale Urticit ttaulil} iu lite Murk t» Uw .\Jr iHuiu ol l&ailKs and Cut. lie ■rilwc ial give it tneii pumm taJui *a»rnl, if a resolution |aiv«u ii— ■ i—wnly try U«r N. C. fnitraUi». m %»amasa at ttv imnll ViSt Mg at! Vt .u.'luii Skleui >ali be Uin. '■K al Uu. l* Mi oi ra.n be u&et •WW,. Wiri. . Iwi, llut there >huuk '«• a UNMVU£U llllt-HlgillMia Ml tlM |«ul »2ku ol Noiilt Cdiulma, ac iffrilia |fl- Ibis nine resolution, which lutiuac "Kcjhiil»t«a. liult the \orlh Carols in li'i. «iiua of ti mm It' cluub eft •M -«i UiiriUKi Ma ■ i «.!• in In - l i» t itr-l lot a Ui«iwi«tr imp Hi; allot i Wl UMT LlltlfC |»f i SVJI ol lh« , late l»> liar Mal« liuaiil of LIUnIHV [ f niim, il- (utihikrm in th«- | IWi»l ol and Public Wei I Eat*. u> . ach Hite tiKjlii'ii n ! lair to all cued. I a ltd Ik 4ti>fac*ol) alt*t !~VK it c tJt «-ti. liuit ti any hfKisUUMi i«.|uiit.i a> a result ol -'mil la.- airalM-r., tin matter be rv [trtui M-giilaUie council" Mwt, at tie Uine of tin- meeting of lite Jr*lmit-a, Governor Murrbtm Kati MM »«jiiiai>'« las ntjunt that Uh boartl make Uu; investigation, lit. CvamiMtuarr ol I'ul4« wellare .-poke Wirflj to lite i iat* somen on the -ul> Jr*t- ; _ J let tie t lee hotel, ninth j Vat cwittiMii faea'ltjoarter-, It, , l»*tnl pbt t|> at* ex It it*: which at iractml iti««i«4i auti «>«tiueiit lru*t> the Mtt itro of thr )e-M-i at.on Ihi | ■■ihiMl cMfutoi of tin |:cttinal hi- I tor j of Use Hake county f.-eble suad : e>i faintly ui ah the l».aet has been I >ti*l>inr, vtinh ill uj-tiaU-s I i>e great . i-ljeib* to UK- rtalt, l>« only in crime i a to! tnr.ialily UJ( in harl a-h, thai [ re-all uluni tk mentally ••efeeti l [ i are b>4 pioperly teiriefaltil. Anoth ' Jer |a» Ifi in nJur at the exhibit il- I | tu-t rated ""14 fual North Carolina \e*-tl>j j f»r t hthl Arliair," Uo>t i>, a central i jl>iMi>i't haftu for trie V ul, inert I , tul atel physical aUtdy of the problem I ' tii>l witt. a i tetr to pn>(* i placement j I Cafiei of lie ffrsi iuw of the i«« ! t I'atUtr Idfait l'r«-»n . mhtae trail ; | irvjr MiWiial ma- msi "Women and I "lib I tke Welfare,"" sere aistnliuM among | the dwil »■ mm «i. —4 nan*-- mere lak j e far lis* I* rag re*' mailing U-U . CHILD AC 11DENTALLV KILLED NE%R HAMILTON IHI Fmi Cart »hei Male Beraa | ' r FmhitJ anl Gate a Se tere immp 3 J . Q | jt . j - Jia» Allot T»yfar,lW jffr ajilT la>. wa> ktilei Salvia)- iuguin|r, | ■ear l|»»iltn TW tUI vac rWiag is a nut wit! I ki* ancle, a Mr. C iwlwl. aritk arhorr j he lired, sin thr lilt tHieli be wm* «lritiag. jmH *4 tkrpw the little MUm mm mi the cart, ia fra« of Ik "keel mtmk rtrack aad Us shall, fraaa arkkk ht M vtickly. TWcWaai knal at Rich Sqmre UidlkaH;Mtafift«aMt. r -°mp »:ttTI3ING me- KALEIGH .V r uit .. SECTION WILL BE KOI ND IN' THE ENTERPRISE. e~>l ABLISHED 189* GREAT INTEREST I CONTINUES IN THE MISSION SERVICE Church Is the Scene of Many Help ful Sennons QUESTION BOX GOOD i»K. JOHN IIAK I I.KY I.S DELIVER ING ItIkCEFLL MESSAGES EACH UAY W ,-tn unabaUsd interest crowds con tinue to wait daily on the ministry of a remarkable mtssiouer at the Church of tiie Advent. At 11:00 a. m. and b «U p. ni.. Dr. John Hartley hohis | lorth undaunted and atisoluU'ly un afraii ii, strong denunciation of vice , ami crinie in high places and in toy. L»r. Ilaitley i> aptly described as "i walking eiicyclopetlia of Itnow tttige." I ndaunted by any notes he |i"urs forth ainazniK truth by the hour anti with Krippirig eloquence he car- | nes cwisviction. His morning talks on i hi-toi y and contents of the Hible, on onijtri and mission of the church are ill-iiuinatlniK and inspiring. 1 h- quotioii box, opened each ev , emng call.- out many intense iuterest -1 mg subjects, all of which Dr. Hart ley aaswvi s with gtvaU. courtesy, good humor, rashes o£ wit arid uuntailuig VlMtoOl laid a»nle by illness for two or three days last week, he took a new gnp on Sunday aud delivered two | \ery powerful sermons, the beginning i of a series on The Christian View of ' i National Stronghokls. luea«iay evening's theme will be: j "I'uipuse aiid Achievement," and on Utilne.xia): "Magna Cliarta of Our • j UighLs." Thur-atay night i>r. Hartley j will offer a« interpret.ULion of "Dr. | Jekyll aol Mr. Hyde.'* ; BEAVER DAM IXX AJL NEWS Mr. anil Mrs. Thurston Wynne of liear Grass spent .Sunday with Mr j AliMiw M ynne. , I Mi. anil Mrs. ,S. C. Hay and Mr. ' Muijja Ko)>eis motorvd to Ms. W. H. | K«»;«:rs Sunday. _____ Mr and Mis. A. 1- Hayaor aiul ; Mr. *n.l Mrs. I'ete ICayuor and Mas : u-i Koacoe I'eel inotoied to Everetts Sunday alteruoou. Mr. U-nlitr lloyers, Mr. and Mrs. J 11. Rogers ami Mr. William Cul -1 Itpher alteinled the revival meeting at ! Hamilton Sunday iught. # Mi. G. 1!. Simpson went to Wil i liaiiL-toii Satuiday on business. I lie un givea Hi, Out) times more i light than the moon. Artificial eyes are worn by about t A*i.Olfi j>eople in tliis country. !AN IITOIU CARK \ BALE r OK CtITTUN FROM GEORGI A TO NEW BEDFORD FAVEI lEVILGE, June 4.—Carry- I ing a bate of Georgia cotton from Augusta to New Hedford, Mas.-.., to : be transformed into SUO,IMH> Masomc | apron- for the Shrinera' convention • at Mashingloii, Captain Gray bill, and t Lieutenants lilakely and Georges, L'. jS. auny air service, left Pope field f tlus morning fur 1-angley field, Va., | ami flout theie will go to the Mas ' .aiu'huaetts city. The two machines in addition to : the bale of cotton carried a varied ) auMtrtneU of gifts and tokens for ! high government officials and Masonic I dignitaries, sent by Augusta citizens. These included a basket of Georgia peaches for President Harding. j t IT* (OMMISSIONERS ORDER ALL BILLS PAID TO THE MAYOR , ' At the last meeting of the board t of town commissioners it was order i hI that all water and light hills due the Towa of Williamston after June I II be pah! to Mayor J. L. Ha'yell, I checks being made payable to the I Towa of Wililamatoa. The pafarao* of these servieea trill I phim take notice to this change so ' that all finances of the town may be nan through their proper channel. V ' ii i. Messrs. A L Wynne and Dewey Copeland and Misses Louvinia Simp son aad Nalie Wynne mi Bmrmr Dkm west U Aulander Saturday. Mr. James A Evetwtt left for Rocky M—l yattity ■■»*« wtwa ha ** Pafk Visar hsapitaL