GET THE NEWS OF JIAITW COUNTY tWKX A WEEK BY TAKING THE ENTERPRISE. ILSt VOLUME 24—NVMRER & MEDICAL COLLEGE NOW OPEN HERE C N. C EXTENSION BURSAL OPENS BRANCH MEDICAL SCHOOL HERE .V. iiliamston is now the seal of J re-', medical college. The extension division of the I'm-! veeaity of North Carolina has ' shed in 24 cities in the state an insti- i tne in which all doctors la a givr radius may take a post gmluair course in aaedieine The doctors of Martin. beii.e a>«l KashinftM counties are attending the institute here which mmmif each Wednesday until September a, on the third floor of the Peoples Bank buiM *«r All doctors attending 9 out of the 12 lectures will be given post gradu I ate certificates. Profesaor C. D. Snell, Director of I the University Extension Divkioti, I was present Wednesday in orga aii'-g I the clinic, and l>r. Harwell is ti.e doc I tor in charge of the work. T)c fee I turer- will be amoni; the ir I the country representing M » Hop- I kini University, the New York am. I Chicago medical schools. Each doctor attending is charged I a fee of S3OOO which takes cure o' the expense and rives him the op- I portuniVy of receiving the best in- I struction the country affords, and at I the ame time giving him a chancy I to attend to hi* home practice. Thi> I is the truest type of service in nhra I tion. bringing the opportunities to the I people. tI:I>I:KAL RKSKRVK UHAKU MARKS THAI DOVI PLEASE TUB AC. SI'IA ULATO It I In the Kokial lornr Huar..V I June report it says that Carolina auu I \iiginia farmers alone saveu fMMi I UUO on the 1 tobacco crop b> cv- I operative marketing. Farmers remember tkis iur. I is not made by your aa«uUu.:, it t I m ale by the Federal Reseive Boaid. Tobacco i. daa*t l«i(H U 1 tell the fanners that this is the repoi I of the government and not a tuua b. I tne tobacco association. Remember too that the report Ik I South Carolina tobncco brought a I bout 1M per sent, more ia lmC2 undei I farmers' pools than it did in lxil ii I Ike slaughter house*. This report wa> j made by the South Carolina Depart-' 1 nsent of Agriculture. I 1 MRS. MARTHA JONES Mr*. Martha Jone> died Jm« "JO af I ter aa illness of about ( weeksup- I panel to be bright* disease and brain l , ti snbli. Mrs Janes was 79 yeais old. She 11 anas ths daagbter of Sylvester Taylor I of Pitt coumy. She mai|ie»l the late I ( Dha Jones who died about 10 years J, ngoi Since that bme Mrs. Jones made 11 her home with her son, R D. Jones. I" She hates foar sons. J. F. Jones. M || 6. Jones, W. -L. Janes, R. D. Joie* [ and J. T. Jones and two daughters. I, Martha J. Bennett and Mrs. Kmma , Reddick She leaves 48 grand dul , dm and M great grand children. Mrs. Jones ra MM a good to ■aa by all who knew her and she wa> a faithful member of the Methodist church Car many yeaia. The interment was made at the Holly Spring grave jraid at the Short place Thursday • The funeral was eaadurM by M. If ' Chambers, her pastor, moisted by A. J Manning. I | NORTH CAROLINA MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION FAVOR BOAT LINE 1 The Meichaats Association of North |' Carolina passed a resolution eadon-1 tag the proponed boat lines by Gov. I' Morrison at its innnaJ uniia at I* Statesville. Wedaaaday. ~ "• I The greatest apposition to the pro-1' Jar* is beiag made by railroad at- |j larifjn an Ahfir affliated paltt»can> 1 ha Eastern Carolina. Their power is avahrfal to beh aid, watch than ! L R. PARKER TO ENTER RACE The a i iMWiil h; LB. Parker ] that he wiH enter the race far cam- ] misaoaer af Agriealtare to tnweal ' Hoa. W. A. Graham ha the next jpga- I lar primary shaald strike tht farmer t with favor, as I. B. Parker haa baca , mmm of the aaaat pawdfbh friends the i North Caroftaa farmer has had i* this , lai naaiag grntleama I - ■ Mama the Sana, pi aw a aaga over hwla> a repot at ion far year pro- ] THE ENTERPRISE- IA VERY NOVEL FOX C vPiIRC IS MADE i Mr. Ilec.n Wuliam: of "Aiiu Sid ing is tae coain{.ion in hunt. r. Ose day rectnllj Mr. Wiilums was walking along the road near iiis home and saw a fox cross the road aru dasl. lirao the '.ushe . When he came u the spot he beign searvhi:*s aiouini j for Mr. Kenatd ai.d soon jua.ipetl hiiti I trom his hiding place. Taking M i Millian. . desenpiion ot tne chase 1 lead the wnter to the etc.elusion that I some real running ami tio was done Mr. Wilhains says tha. iie the fox both went over bushes anl I ur-dei bushes, log-, and u- deriogs. The fo\ uo.iglng right at.d lelt and h - cfcse on traii, most of the time nearly on his tail, fisally alter a b-a.. of about 2uo yards Mr. Williams landed on brother fox, and -till Uie I trouble not ended. Tne fox pre sented and «aaitiitel ail the dilpwir j j tiaa asd of a mad cat, bat . I was finally swduei! ami taLen home I wt.ere the chicken thief wat j- i.ed and 'I where he is doing well. Mr. illian:. .ays he is .>1 jear.- I old and it is the first time he ever I caught a live fox on his own legs ami • with his own hand.-.. Vet he ;.eed not I think it strange that he sever caught lone before. We know grown men 52 I years old that never caguht a fox. I The auiinial was one-third grt.un [ I and ia good health. Mr. Wi liams say s. I UKKTFORO asd BERTIE PEOPLE MAV SECURE A NEW RAILROAD I * Ahoskie. Jure -JO.— Announcement j of,, the recent incorporation of tha Flaaklin aid Carolina Itailrowl com pany, of Franklin, A'-a, has again eacouraged of Hertford ai»l Bertie counties to they may expect extensive de\elopruei>t as a I ■ result of the carry ing out of the I lannounced program. The new line is lac mpaniioo coipuiation to the Camp IMaunfactunng company and willl be built by them principally to serve i their lumber mills. However, plans I call for an extension of service to I I include passenger asd fieight fact I I •tie*, and it is from this stamfpoiut i these two counties look "with favoi I I upon the project, . f The Camps own cotsnlerable tim I I ber lands in these two counties, a- I have biliioss of feet of standing tim I I Mr in Bertie. To' reqgh t hem it wit I Ibe necessary for the construction of I I the rail hne. Repeated attempt. I I have been made to give Ahockie an. I I Windsor a direct rail connection witi I I the Seaboard ami Southern lines, anil I la move ia thai direction was m.j I I several years ago when the Car land Northeastern Railroad c.>mp I extended its line out of Gunil-eny tc I I Lauker in Northhampton county. A, I I that time a right of way for the line I | was purchased all the way from I I Lasker to Wimlsor, via Ahoskie. Haas were halted on acrouit o' I the depreaMon, and rot until the re cent news of the Franklir ami Caro hna were hopes of a line renewed I The socond link af this rail line i bring it iaato Hertford county, w! I with Bertie cousty will have to Is I I traversed in order to reach Williams I I tea. in Martia county, the ultimat I objMUve LONG—WEAVER _____ Mr. H. D. Long and Hiss Hellen Weaver were married in Richmond I June 17. It itemed a vi-it to the I Virginia city had been prearrange' I a d that they were quietly married I a«d with the intention to k*ep the marriage a secret far a few days j However the news leaked into the j Stale papers and the secret was tx I Mr. Long is of Concord, N. C. and ! laow engineer in charge of the Wash j | inrton-Windsor. Miss Weaver is ; I pnpalar pid aceomplishal yoa»g lady I Imt Draper, N. C. Mr. l>onc was promptly on the jol> i Monday morning aad Mrs. Long wil' I arrive ia a few days. They will make | their home iin WUliamstun. SL'NBAT SERVICES AT THE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M. R. Chamber!, paator. Sun day Mhaol at 9:46 a. at, Mr. J. E Papa. MperiateadenC Preaching at 11*0 a. a by the pastor. Sabjeet: "How caa one know his a ins mn earth forgiven?* This js another of the i aeries of sermons oa the fundamentals mt Chriatiaaaty. Aa important church , nsafireaia. will be held at the eon- , i l—ioa of the awratag service. The , 4mm* of tha church win be opened at | this service. Eveahag tabjeet: -Soma ■ asadera heresies aad their iaflueace ] Epaarth League Meadar » P. M. i Player mil Hag Wedaaaday 8 P. M ffdhjsil. -the Kingdom Dividedthis la a cattMUh mt mm atedy af Ihe i Hebrew i ijli I WILLIAMSTOX. MARTIN COCNTf. NORTH CAROLINA. TKHSDA V. JUNE 19. THE COREY-STEIN MLtllN(i 10 OPEN •" UK NtXI lUtMMK I lilt: bhift iCt \\ iLt. bt lli.i.Li Tt ESOAY .N It. Hr .iT ~ J AMES> ILLE e Plans au- about complex .>> W t gieat evangelism: meeting .v. .it s aureus ol Uie county and sunouiua ' , .tig it ■•iiuuuitie.-, to be cunuuclol u, t juv. a. Corey, oi Jame»viiie. 1 i.e vievs wilt lie nel.i m the sciwul a»!i iuuuiu, anu the fust service will i* L | he.ii i ut.MU» liigut at janit.A Hle, u. * gi.nung ai eigiit o clock. A. Corey, who is citizen of the couuly, u> not a Stranger lu to I people here, neither is tlic i-*- e nun "! strangtra tg ltitu. ua he i.a. ■ been pax Mug in and out lot a i.uml* lot' >euis. He is vi tiiin in 1.. * | Old Time Gospel I'reaching, aim not in 'tne clap-trap methods, or sii.atioo o. j emotional appeals or excitements. ' j lie nas with Inm in the work Pro |le .M.i S. K. Stine, who ha. bee., in ' j some of tlit Uilly Sunday meeting* jaud also worked with a number of tin [strong pa.-tors and evai.geli.ts in th country. He will have chaige of tht Musical part of the work a. 1 dire*.-; the peisonal work, lie is a .practical lAuit'i and understands the woik j which lie has chosen. For Uie pa->i > I nine months he has engaged a I nwiiiacal director. anu in- Jktnuiieatal, in the Mountain Glow High School, of Mouiilaiii Grove, Mo. ( The Corey-StiHe meetings have been well atteiMlel wlieie they have work ' ed, and they have been in many coun- I ties in the Eastern part of the State. They have alwavs dniwn ami hrki ■ large crowds. | n niany of the plate- Iwhere they worketl two yrars aw UiUe Reading Ciicles orgamzud b. the in have hecn kept alive and at tendance at both cliuicli aiul prayer meetings has been almost doubt. Their method of work leaves influence that lived. I Vie .--re sure that Jamesville aim J .'o.nm j .ity will appieciate their wo'-k jant! !*J-pe»ik for tfcem the hearty co j *)|eia:«»ii and suppoit of the com in o- Inilv. They always strive to strength lea «nt! better organize the churches land iai.-e them up on a bettrr l>a.> lof v£o k than they find tlie.n. Th II .-actual plan of organization which I they un.h-rta!:e with' the churcht.- I pats n. vv life in them ami c«ii:inmnit> I anil tne workers. The meeting will run until the w>.rk I -wu to be accomplished a>al the; I they w-ill go to WiJliamston Windsor I ami other places in Eastern North | Carolina. They have .Several weeks engage II ment.-, but ate making engagements for the fall and have some |iefi ilaU.. I which they might arrange for fall campaign*. REIITAI GIVEN AT THE SCHOOL Al DITOKIIi). fKe recital given at the Gratlfl I School Tuesday night by Mrs. Johi. | D. Biggs* class in experssion was one j of the most enjoyable entertainmenCs I of the season. ' The recitations and songs by the I several memliers of tlie chiss showeai J splendhl training. The pupils may ■ count themselves fortunate in having I the oportunity of such training at j home. Many more of our young I should avail themselves of the oj»- I portunity to take such training which I adds so much to their pleasure am! j usefulne~> in life. v The large ni)mler attending the re I cital were loud in their praises of th« I program. . CHRISTIAN CHURCH A. J. Manning, Pa.-toi Sunday school 9:45 a. m., W. C I Manning, supC Morning services 11 la. m., second and fourth Sundays, j Evening services 7:30 p. m.. Christian j Endeavor 6:45 p a All are cordially invited to attend all these services. As a special inducement to buy a range daring the exhibit of the Great Majestic Rarpe at the flare of 8..? Courtney, this week, every purchaser of one of these famous ranges ge»s of one af these famous ranges get free We have a presentiment that there are going to be many fate rev Majestic Ranges ia the kitchens t»' oar neighbors and friends before t'. week is over. The temptation to own a Mgjestac is irresistible when one leans the facts about Great Majestic la it\ relations to economy In fli home; many will ftad themselves sav ing It's aa aeto put up with an ol range any longer. Clean drinking water is easeatinl for all Mreateck. Foal water la a good place to pack np disease * MR. & R. STEIN ■HP V s f : fl B >k CELEBRATION OF HIGHWAY OPENING COMPLITTION OF WASHINGTON WILI.IAMSTON ROAII SHOULD Bi: 4 KLF.BR \TET*> Now, that the Maitiri coanty end of the V-aslaitgton-W :i r>ai is nearing completion, asd will be open to traffic hhWoh' next month. lit is being suggesteil that the two ciuntie.- ce-lel-raSe the fortual open iiig of the road with a mon.-ter bar- I '•cue and p:o ic August Ist. ' it im an- a c>'i i|... "i |ia ed stn ten lof hignway frpu tlmrvtiaity to V. •! liamston, a di-ta- .» of approximate ly 27 miles, all • Mine being on Itoute oil, whic i>i the S ate High way iruni W iln.init-il to Norfolk. This is !ha> !0.-i.-e • • oniaectenl pave ne it so fai co:;.«i >-ii»ted on tne en tire route Including tin (* of lite streets of V a hiiigtoj. :'ateixd by the road, there is 15 mik - of it in Ik-aufort ci'Unty ami l_ nai* s in Martin coun ty. All of route I) |u>iig through l>e:iufort ceu-ily L- now paveil ex i-ept fhe ft 3-4 niieS from Churwin ity to the Craven county line, a c.-u tiact for which I -ot»n to be let. The 27 nnle». ti. be openeil next month ha> l>f-ii Im.h in sections b - ginnini| in The first Fed. ral Aid toad to be Unit in the state un der the 19l» act aas o>e roil liei'i'' - ning at the Tout of the Washington bridge and gou tr '■ uaid Chocwini ty, a distance of ijt miles. This was built by Sinimo is W t.itton Company of Charlo'te-, thr«.u?l*. a heavy swamp The road if six i rfl«-- thick on the si'les an-1 X irrh* n. the center aid is re-inf>-ree«l everj' six inchts. The road from the- etvl of this section to Chornwinity Cro- lioais was built by BILL BOOSTER SAYS VtVUKT » «OMC OP IMCCK V PUBLIC tMPfto*Ri*»rrc DO tuctsAae -ocicsAumtl ■0«/R£ BORIH VT*. W A VfUOM WM wataift DMr ALONG JMIWt mt MM J MEO«AmfeS OP UFfi.M OOULD UM6 PWETtH CHEAP, fIUTVWOWIMinWUM Ul AQMCI m the I'iihlic Sen «f I'nuiutiiiNi Com paiiy of New Jersey. The section from the nnponte Inn its of W iuliinfiliin to lii«' Martin rnun ty line *■»» built by W. T. Ilaallow. of Florkla. while t lit Martut count - end was built by the Southern Willite ftrinir Company and later -ablet to the I'nktn Paving Company. The M til* roa.l is 18 f.-et «Me, the |>nt in Ifciufoit county being concre'e an-l the Martin part with ruir rl.' IUM- ar,.' to|x-ka top. It it said to be ;he oulv IB foot paved road in the First Rua Disrict. which ha.- been built b> the Stale. I!*|iurt» coming I torn Maitmiubi ty are that the |Kw|ile over there .1 t strong for a celebration which *.-a piobably Iw hebl near lUu> t'roj- Koads I!u!h counties woui.t expect their neighbors from l!erti«- to r\.n r over and participate. In onter t«- have a celebration it woukl ■iej.-ivl entirely U|n>n the cooperation of th, citizen.* in Heauiort at»l Maiti livinig alimi; the route. a> it *>oul. I#li' many barbecue*! piirs to l> j up in style. It »s eipMtfil that an eaily decision will be nta«le b> tl> authorities in Iteaufurt and Martin Mil Inn the next few day*. \ The Ihiily News will I* r!a-l to hear front the people in b»t!i c»-u * ties along thin route. It woul-l be a fitting demonstration of 114 cwipk tion of another ling in our -tate hit*- way system of hard surface r>«b. way system of har»l stttface road*. Washington Itatlv New*. The Fnterpri-e join- the lltail News in all suggi-stiorv- ma>te above, and will wager our (a t dime that the Martin couti'y fanners hav- llir i share of well fed hogs which will fc» freely used in the oielxatwu. Committees from both en*»ntk sliould lie selected at once t*> ru-w, the count v for supplier of differiti kinds. anil use a form-.of npnlitz tion for the contribution-; alt-i s cure good speaker* for (in ocr.i-i» ami aramge a program in detail. W* caiiiiot liegiq prepartkm too saun, k. at the rate the w»rk is f J ur dreams will -soon come true. For convenience w* would urr'-i i Mace>k>nia be selected as the pia« J for the celebration, whete aalrr. grove arnl shelter may be had. WOt Ll» I WOK HIIAT SCHhVi: Mate-vtlie. Jun.- JO--ißy A--» -ocial ed I'n'-sP- The support of Uuvrtm-i Morrison's proposed s ; lw| o« M >hi lire ami port deveiopinent. in event that the commi».«ioa now investiga ting it report* favorably, in an ail. lre-.* by President Kurt" of the North Candina Mema'ts As sociation at the ronW im he'e to day. The 21st annual conve tux uf Ik Merchants Association ope-ed hen last night with the Preskle« pr skiing. Welcome exercises and group meetings took up the tiir.e of the fir " meeting and following the Pre-wteaf* adilress this afternoon, the (prices meeting will be held. One of the greatest needs of farm en in Stanley county is more l*gw*« hay stales county Agent O. H. Phillip after three year* in the countv One farmer took this advice to heart a»d kept his livestock ia better la>t wiinter thaa aver before with «r« third leas graia. TURKEY SWAMP • LOCAL MENTION Mr. a..«i sii. V» ,llic \. nitei-yfet aoi Mr. 4ixi Mrs. B. F. Whitehall -pen wah Ueir j. imiL-. Mr. ar • M.>. J. s. . Mi-s NH'IK Janus ai..| Mr. irvii JinK.4v. il» itft e»«i with ineii iHi-iiMis Lucy UoUey Mi.\ed Mis. M. I>. Aver, spetH . *i»u..) with Mr. -»n.s Mrs. A. 1; ;Ay ft>li'f bear i.ra .v I Mr. an l Mrs. ( h_iles Bullui .Nitiin J.. ii:si ' a il >ai:>ia_« A ,t; their pare.ts. Ms and M>. M. (i Mt-s.»r». Yemen \\ hit« hur-t. U. ri V vnn. Funk Wytin. J..- »\ you, an ClfcirJie lUiilivk nmt-itrs! to live I'.ii Miil SILTIL V. Mes scs. W)> t>-)iurst ai«: I Lo)i! Ii :i. ami MK-telle aim j MJ»* v'—«er.e Lulio.k n.i i.-ifii to I>eai Sun.ay after oi n I Ms.J. S. Avets !JS .spenmßf; M.IIK , t:r uili. hf' "ijurli'ri, M 1 K Jjt:k >. sen Whartetis. Jlr> >1 . Uulork i.- .peiNiinjf mux • tint v.ith relative- near Sl»»kes- Mr. ..rot Mi. I! I*. i vel and M jU- :« r l'« -i a:il Mr. ami Mrs. J. H j J;tik »■!> church-at U'ar t. .•• ! 'Slißll.t; . Mr. Riuloit l!:t: : ev a * Miss Viol. Whstefcuist IIH4I>h-»! to Kveretts Sui ilav Mi. ar>-1 W. K Litley. Jr -pent Tue .lav with 'h-- lathers siv U'r. '■! i K-telle I'.uiKvL. Mr. -I H. I* I'eel »e».t l« \V iiliam >lii «»n IxbiOrnS, M>- >lay. . Mr. H«-»r> !'•*! spent 'a--t keek it \«.rf .-Ik- Mr. au.t Mr*. J O l'e« I nje. t Sur •lay With Mr and Mt-. Aurusta: Oark. RE WKK l»\M NEWS Mr A. I_ Kay nor went to FveiHt Moiniay on Iwnr-y Mr ami Mrs. J. 11. Hofip, Mi> J,e*.s-e IV.-I «IHI Mr. le..t«-r Koeer went t© \\ illiani»twi SatunUv. Mr.. J. £, Meek* went 4u William .ton Nocdlj'. Mr. a»4 Mi.-. *. A. liuiruUKii am f; imly ariivol home Mo' .lav" from tl* . forihem state- where they have l«"1 for |u>: several week-. Mr. Ira l'en! was tl.« rw-sl of Mtv \olie \\ . in, Saturday nifhl. Mr. and Mr... A. I- Raynor and M' axl Mrs. ■ Syieslrr Bavuor nuKoi*i to Kobe >sonv ilk- Situ Ity nip, it. \ Mr Moll.. IN el and Mr*. C W j lliiili.i>4i .jwnt Mosdav aftenmon w t j Mrs. \V II KuK*rs. ! Mr. aivl Mrs. Sylvester 'Wynn ' lirjr lim-j nWoinl to Mr-. A. I ' Kaynor's Sun (ay , Mr Alonzo Wy nn wet»t {to \\ itaiso Suifetay. MILS. MtIILIM BKNNKTT Mrs. M.i'il'Ui It. nilett. dauifUei « John aisd H-ther Straubii.i|re. *a •wn near W iliiamston M ntin tV N C. Aprii !♦. ! ~ IX; was married to Calvti Bennett May. 12, hS#, v.ho .lie-i Sept 19. IWi; ami five o| then children an livinr— Mr... I_ K. \ichoUon, Mr- J k. tiurjranus Mrs. J I*. Il.ui x Mr. Kstber V» mn. \V. T. Ben, .el t, ~n.i K I I iU-nnett- She rrlanl an exjeiience i jenkre to the Primitive Baptist ("hutrl at Skenaikey Satuoiav l«f.>t» tin erw,.| Sunday in Januan. IK'S. a:. was irrriieJ to iiirmla r*hip, ard bap lilr.l 'l«e nevt day by my fattiei, Kl.le C. B. Has el She wu.- an humlitr reticle, trap, an i ki'»l (" al the itm*.r»ler of h«-r life. She had tin infiuenui. *hieh mao.- her hmi fre.H-. allrulel l«er m»-etie,*r wl en .- lie tta- able'to ilu w. Slie IM -Moldenly May I?, I'XSI. at the h«-m {of her itaurhter, Mr>. I.u'her I! | WtHJSdi Ki.ler IS. S. Co* in aixl jhe'd tne fuiaeral M»r*ic»-s at Mis I* XietuJ-onS Krvlay, M.i> IWh, a «l ronurtel a -l.«rt enire at the srra*« • The n-maius a-ere l«m.' boiJr tin - ■of her liu-band at the b.ek of th I fiebl * h«ch was formerly own*>l b I Mr. Melton Ih-nnctt. ~ SYLVKSI HI: HASSKLL 1 • Why I-iiY a kitchen to IRuatw than a notM* It is when yaa hear anal n» how a freal range wi.l a reputataoa fume* into existence. Th exhibit of the Majestic Ranee at I jSt Courtney's. all this week, b, a rev e Nation in hew much thourht, skit I and ingenuity tror> into makinfr you kitchen ranre the Lest po»si>4e root er sad baker. It i Cirae well speM ti ■ attend this demonstration. Besides j vou have a rhane to ahtain the Aria lof two fine set - of rooking atensils I ahnoTtiteljr free, if you decidt to r» I place your aid rook stove with a.G real Majestic this week instead of later. Tbe cahhace wwnn is the drand el every careful cook and'housewife arc luuch sr a—ic las*. Write the rrttaiii service at Bsleigh far i copy mi its C Ifi, ~L«u*tin* Cahhßge V t/ rill, ADVERTISING MB l»ll * * MIS SECTION WILL c;£ KOI ND 1.. THE E.NTEEPBISB. V W (ESTABLISHED UN TURKEY SWAMP LUS£S HOT STILL PROHIBITION AGENT SNELL ANT; I I-U IVY SHEKIIT PEEL KINS ACBUSS POETICAL NAME Thursday Sir. Sam .Snell Mr. j Luther IV*! captured a lil.izing hot >'. 'i iu U>e Turkey Swamp section. Alter '..iking the*still an I all the equipment they went to a near by i and bfjr»n to execute a search ttarranl. Tney found a jug oi liquor uiHter a giape vine, also several empty jug- aiM« a keg bes«le» other usables in the liquor business. They were getting along very well until they questioned the lady of tho nouse. wneivupiwi she told them she •ixj n»t know that she heratlf TO from South Carolina and would only ho theie JL few iav s. Then they asked if .-i»e would mind telling them her •ame whereupon she came across promptly with the following: "Jl; name is hickory bend double. I ikm I care a damn who I give trouble, if yuji ilon't like it don't take it. Here is the bush come and shake II , n»i- was all in Martin county. We woi. -t-r if thi- name is of record upon tin- '•»**•-> of the county's vital statis *K . recolU ne story goes iliat Snell and Peel • -•k m bu-hr-, but moved away 1111- n.nliately which indicates that they were salt lied with tike name and that it of no use to make further in quiry. BIG DEMAND FOB ONE ONE ION FOBD TBtChS IN II BIT: I OKD SALES IHKroit. Muh.. June 21. Motoriza tion of delivery and hauling systems in the cities through agricultural sec tion* wliere miproved highways have £ieatiy facilitated tian.-portation con tinues to increase at a rapid pace. Vine-ton tracks will lead in populari t) by a large margin. 1 m.- i> strikingly shown in the sales of Foid tracks, the demand for which lias ntoe than doubled the of a year ago. luting tne fu»t four mouths 6t this* year, the Ford Motor Company delivered at retail in the I niled Stale* la total of tixak-, 31,682 mote than were sold duitng the same pei n«i I iant year. I'lte Foid Motor Company diaing Itiie vink rul.iig Tuesday, May loth, |rt up a new pit duct ion record by tuining odt cars and trucks fui domestic, it is announced by tne Font News This exceeds by i!oO the pievious h'th weekly record • 3V.I&J est Wished th eweek before. Tin- hi»;he.-t day vva» May *yth w.'ien a new daily production' of ti,- i.lo cars and truck- was i cached. At River Kouge tbe Fordson Trac tor plant's pivHlucti**ii for the week wa- 2. i l.e laiktiln tliv i-ion of the company pictured l->i cars dunng the week ending Tue-daj. The club womea of Iteaufort coun- P t> are contestiti|* for membership and att'-ixiance lecoiils until November • hen the 10-ing club.-. * ill tender the winners a ■•■e luncheon reports Mi*s My ttfe Keller, home aiienl The lunch eon Mill lie based on the work done in nutrition during the summer. That the mixlern way to sell poods i« to let the buyer know all about theia. is well illustrated at the demon stration of the Majestic in the utoie of B. S. Courtney, all this week. An expert from the factory is show ing how the Majestic has won it« reputation through its rugged cons truction, lieat tight* seem*, perfect ■ tamper and draft control, fine per manent fini-h. and other characteris tics. A tine set of cooking utensil.*, the choice of two sets, is being given away free, with every rang* purchas ed during the week. America has always preferred to take her great men from the soil. Barely has she bestowed her choice on thoae nourished where, city pave ments separate them from the mother •f us all—Calvin Coolidge. The old hog wallow is an expensive bath tab for all hogm and more es pecially the young piigs under foar npntks of age. Young pigs are «u«ce ptiMf to parasites and filth horn di sease say extension woikets of the State College and Department of Agri culture. Chief Justice Walter Clarit visited Mrs. P. W. Graves Thursday. He VMS and Mrs. Dora Nicholson of Raleigh and Mayor D. M. Clarh of Greenville. The party was «a ite ny to Oem aJl

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