•SAO Dmmitt ADVttiMaaaitlTS FOB BUYING A DTANTaub WORST AMONG EVIL SPiRiTS Atumng Otfter WtdcMt. Asmcdeus !• Saitf to Haw Usurped the Thron# of Sc'omer for a Tim*. In Jewish Asm xleus was an evt* spirit who was said to have what tods* woatd he railed X ray eye Asni."l« us Is eoiur:iaies >«--ularl« spoken "f «-s de ilr\» Df happlne?* In the ipwrrpltDl boi«k of Tobias, the Detroit New* Kstes he Is nftresented as lovtoy Sara, the lis lighter of Rapaei an-i Edna ano otuslnw the de-jit of se»e»s hoshai.d* on tlie bridal nlch: Tot-las ißstrurted hy the angel Ea;i!i»ei. bnme3 »tn- heart sn't liver of a tish thai be .-surbt ir. the '1 icris. *m! the sn»*-li drovr tt.e deinor. into Egypt- *bere Rapiote! bound turn, leaving T.Wa- nn.' Ssrs in l«ie. APt-"nlins to the tes^amrß , of S.>h» in»n Aani-Kleu* bMnjl.t '«• s>.;..:i.>>r. s ri,r Tj.scif »om! Stianiir. Atios* 1 tou- i. ..r.— l;t then for « tiiae B-u-;*: si,« thron. of Solomon jier font.:ne a-i.:■ -. 'f t!«e eWI tieeds st trit>ntei to Solon,.T. Ij> S«se lias nu>,.ie ASK-*«deus the l!tle rhn.rueter of bis "I.e Mabi* I«oi»e.iT- CTI..' l.ttnp hU IVrli, or «u Two Sticks"). - **. l as hm tut !»•*- come iaioe by t.rent tnj: hts ier He t.« > r.v-.! *T>.n; b s j.r'--n. e «>-Tie. I« .- h >.-'ini s- ,u.sh s-h«iar wh.-n- \--i».'» , us e»trrie> !t Ills Kixtsl "**t M»lri*l eivins him tlie ]m«»r •' •' -«u;h tt.e r.- .fs nod wall* of * f • js-- TO OUEWCH THIRST Ses of ScM D'li-s Corsumad by Tfriraty Ir Tfc.s Country in a Yeay'. T* r v - -t> r-.r.sv.c'.e'l !a this e«»':fr T » :ti ' - - y r+T make lip f "* f •, ! r»*f-H«hTti«'nt *- l.iii:** ttiKi it K 1«■ .; h .inniv'ii i*f s!i 1 h volume of i .r>«' Mi:-! liiridav.'^'il »s»'er- !• ~-jr ls»' wear's Mlppli !■«•! Mr.c!r.g * l'« . *?• v.* ,r- VtH. *1 li> > ! k • •• :• 'i. i)*-|>.'S«' >f n.:- •. •' • - ! ..«-«! span The f-s- • » .-I I t st»ilatt'!ans tt-!' u* tl■*' J r*. \f.ir thirvj N-nert I riTi rt-n--T!i« 4'"' ■«'.raK' «f 't s ' .•«; tif' In t v u «. i » :t l-"er rifc.V - This afM-k^n* f-V>> *r "ii. "f»n !>»• Tt'rj; es-^j-r,* OV.-T 1 7* > *'.■ **:- . * re* ~>n. ill ■ > * «« ''•. r,- v . t . U,r ; . I.eu.ist tt£*f : "iT** t«k«*n pia.f In i • h»- ' --nr r ;,-T- '» !s hardly » .* ,«■ li H *-e grown a*>d t' f Mctw. T*. \ r» ."-a >%+ ?»«>■« t '.t has taken ft-w wblrti tb»- world •v'sta V~r la-- Tl-e nj; jt* »v»- ei#^Tin'l> ."f. dr!v!:,g tip T\ -».|rt«ir*f »t«i jt r. m It ?*."• ii|M*n . », toam; I:i*l> '»f ; l» f'r .« fjt jir Jt.T 'rf-'T f north 1 »*.' r. a> *■*•■■■• E r Tk« v t*.>\e«i | i - t p'ttic IH her a**. - ■ • b. -r , *..f ti.etr h■— *■ t» .c » „ii ' inl'.-iit«M i "p" - - ' ■ ' l". 1 ' : t liei! I T _ ... t! r -. _. j Is-I I tie v rttet j ) «|!nf - .. .- •. * • i.t,-\ h»'lSl\ ! • » »• . ... n> ..f tilt 0- -v * * . % »- r « !«»! J \ *.' yontij t f* ' ' I.*! •• VS hat j A A t t: % s'«. -»\ i»f i ir- h! s«-1 j •f • C *♦ r**', t -r rliw* I *»-•* * i , > «;.ur ti « f i •* 'S !%. "•> !»? T.M'lfi" •») J H* * * j • IMnmiM. I* or\* j '•-* !i«1 'fgiN' !r srT " ' *T- - I f. r.l '!! Tire Jfr..p.i«ri I tt*" r 2 ! -I*.* litv>-kliifs Tslftj n.r«-» j-e rt.at, Vit faith i» no: j ere*' -y .»» :i j,,|i faith mils' | )-• re»».«ia!.ie st.-t worlttnj! j tililt*. is*'*! re* a rinnit , ~ tf a, s .-l.O' l> lli tw U*ed • !•:» «*»-. is «.f t-ueh n ns j t*• •* I r, t rra.'bed by tli» | I—>rf«. » V tt« will be place. ■ it' l- ' tt»- -ir, ..» t?,e*e >jww! b !vsh." h»eeei ts;at>: »h»a Rest Cura •-• -ui.k •! St*i-'.en bus hefii; the o'k'-i s ' eij nf « rts* cure f*»; w i,.-■ meijt «.f the *4". • ••• *-:\nl 'Hi l.er ►litletl 14rthda» •.»»>.yea r«s »jpft subseilbe-j i *y tie, V rT.e?, .«f ! ~f H>jntry ( and lieij pv|>Q art!} eua;:n»-.| moi.j t>mE i'V *|li|k Tl* «t*e f new n-st cure Is th. 1 pß*"f ures«n.«- f tl, i ut t Ili»n-i, .ill tfii I y Jus* «tf tl»- S4>athwe«t j«>a*t «>l I S*etrl. ,v.i..-r> !ti,- qiiwu'a !u\or.t» 1 moef villa. S".ii'drn,'" .» situated 1 She has ptrrvhavd u.jve h. usaa, whlcl) j aui L*- reca-Tu. -rj u,i the ue» a. atitf. I /x ! Outlawed Math Bsnaga Ijapty (tt!s l.ap hute been out lawnj Ir, Gcatemsla. their ltr|M>rY» tfae l-*4r.* prohlldted by -presidential tktrt*- The iisrptsc la to prevent the iatrodu- lion of a in..th. tl„ ""***■>«." f- uad In many of th« eo! f«efix4iK'E{ cuuotr.m ami very ImM b the odfae l«§a tifti hyiK 'n; and sixty-«-.e heail of bof> were inomlated hy farmers in Halifax nwy in one week at the santMioa of Farm Ajrent C. E. Lrt lldia Indications are that hofr chol era is am wader better control jJtan •var Man i> tha history of 'the AW, WHATS THE USE ' 1 Makes a Difference Wlio You're Teffing I>l CTCTTrtfC SIC* Sc fiCED OP Tut 6 Tf -&AP 0W cm-CQ SH)E Bt LICVt MC / *jfcU ALL I 'AU I togs ' BOACTDING MOD* LICE -t* ALABM FOR c EVECTf MOWING - AMD I>l OPP ttlf? "%i.L HcN ABOUT IT— 1 TtU. 'EM I'" ',A~- _ r * xT GOO" Ctxtt 6TAMPn' ti Ar TmGM - i WKBWI/ H 1 OCUOCK CWEITf n\CUT OR St* Mfi*S W4ILE \p*3 *JkS«wV UP ITf TUE BAV» | ! —J/ ; ^ — ■ ■ ■■* !_ J • ■ aocue AT my WINDOW T2) ■ ooftM /. > A\ ? 5 WIM IN / t. - J ' £ j i Local items | 1 1. aX > W . ii. U iIti.s. S. Ivevy. R. I*. Scovit, 1.. !'.tter:-i'ii, I). Kramer, G. T. I ' !.. 11. K. liowen ai»d S. C. Sut j 'ii are nvi.-.tied at trie liutt H'tte! . .ma v. • • • • Mr. ar.ii Mis. L. E Bandy and little I auij.'tiU'i Mis. Alice . visited Mr. and I. H, Sunday. Tliey * rr reroute from Wilmington to I Elizabeth City wii'-re they will visit ■'iends and relative- foi some time. • • • • i V i>s .'.Jlie Hau is and Mi. I'aul Wants ; TRH'IIA I WY >El.Et"l El» bloom lira 11. I Peaches. C-ate mx basket.- E. O. li. Siiip iiit nt ilay onler received to any ad iIK- .-. Send remittance with okri. A i l express if desired piepat I. LOSE.\PIX>OM ORCHARD Co.. IT-tff Aberdeen, N. is I—P \lt KEli i»i »• V) :U n i...ii Pei . vi ii rj*i e lacquered ..rrel i-' in iin 1« I ji turned lo Al,.tv:t-is .ti..i i,i-t.uk*- ' v 'v U uin-tnii, N. i' I t ' \ 11; OF (.OLD KI.M SPEtTAI 1.1 lound at Skewarkey. Owtier may pet them from J. 1.. Hassell. \ iIT I ( E \OT I t K \\ tM'l.li;- A SI PEKINTfcbEY. o: PuHic Schools for Martin Ooun v. \onii aroita. Election will l>e in 'ln- tnst Monday in August, lt»2.'{. Ad.iress all communications to K P. "iav i .pl, l liautnali, V\ .lliatnston, N. ( . 7-13-6 •i>u tjl h i\Lt REI.IEY ES KINSTI I \II«»N. III.AIt V« HES, LiLLIOI'S NE>S, OI.DS iaII LAGKIPPE. I t»i: S \ I I : \ 7". \CETY LENE Gas Plan', cheap for cash. 7-l!>-4t MRS. J. G STATON. I I'Ol SALE: ONt HOUSE. SEVEN I years obi. Good sadler, work any- I where. Apply— -7-11 Jt E. S PUUEI 1.. Parmele. N. C. j Pepwi't of t'.e condition of the lltNk »| OAK « ITY i At Oak ity in the Stale of Noith i Si. liiia, ;*• the close of business, i June ;««h. 1 'J2,. KESOI' Kt'ES lw : an> .in. P.lUJiit.O^ I t.-m i. d 1«. i s 591.31) I Ovei.lraft -.tiUied. tone uu-e. ur« J 21.y» 21.99) I niUil St .tes bonds ar.il 1 iberty imi l y.4. r >tl.(H) j Banking h. ;t es 5-4 tit Furniture af.l fix ture- 2,79*).00 7.J**).().t t"la.-h in vault and net am ounts u.;e from banks, hankers • and trust com panics 11,343.41'. 1 «*t»+ $ 149.759.67 I PIABILITIES apilal -to-.lv paid in $ 10,200 00 surplus f r;d 1>,222 Ot®* i nmvided profits, less cuV unt exiH iisej and taxes paid 32».6i Bills payj Me 25,000.0) j Deposits aL)je i to clieck t>4,372.:50 Time i ertticates of lepo-it, ! due in less than ' 0 days 3. r ,S94 21 !Cashier? check- outstand [ it.|f • t 3*K).f>t) C S. Liberty bonds de ix-it# . . 7,480.00 | Total $149,759.67 Stale of North Carolina—County of' Martin, July 12, 1923. I, B. M W6rslev, Cashier of the abo*e named Bank, do s»de«»inly swear that tlie above statement is true to the l>est of my Vnowledjfe and belief. B. M. WORSLEY, Cashier. Suli.-crib.i and sworn to before me, tins UitH day of July, 1923. F. H. JOHNSON. Rotary I*ul.lic, Com. expires March 15, 1924. Curreet —attest F H. S. EVERETT, *. B. HARRELL. J. C. ROSS. Directors. •Jones visited friends in Tarboro ami Scotland Neck Sunday. • • • • Miss Mary King Ellison, of Kel haven, is visiting Misses Hattie Thrower and Clyde Hassell for several days. • • • • Mrs. J. B. H. Knight left yesterday for New York City where she wil» visit for several weeks. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mangutn ami little daughter after returned front Durham whei* they the week end with frietffls. • • • • Messrs. L. Fascoe and J. W. Manning spent the week end ir. Norfolk. • • • • Mr. E. E. Boney, of the State High way commission, was in town yester day. • • • • Chief A. K. Haxstun, of Edenton, spent Sunday here with friends. » • • • Miss Carrie Dell White returned yesterday from Greenville where she visited Mrs. 15. T. Forbes for the pa*t week. » • • • Mrs. J. E. Done.v is visiting in lSethel this week. • • • • Messrs. Val Teel, J. H .Roebuck, atu' .1. 1. T.vndal went to Everetts th's morning. • • • • _ Mi.and Mrs! Walter Brown, of Haiti m»re are visiting friends and relatives here for a few days. • • t • Mrs. Era Cobb and sons Dillon and Marion have returned from Louisburg where they visited relatives foi tin past seveial weeks. • • • J c. Cutter, J. C. Kerm, L. 1» Ci rirtiti, H. I) Eicheleberger, W. .1 Jr., Joe Mathias, M S. Turner, W. I.amon, J. P. Jiend, C. H. Brown * - , IHINT NEGLECT YOl'R ■v EYES DR. HOWARD SMITH . . Eyesight Specialist, of Monroe, N. C., will be her? again on THURSDAY, JULY 18 If you are troubled in any way with your Eyes consult consult him and get the facts about them. We know his work anil not only recontme'ul but guarantee *t( n. Examination free A- •,!as--e: furnished at a reasonable price. Don't forget the date. BELL JEWELRY CO. WASHINGTON N.'J. WANTED! af-0 We have an exceptionally attractive propositi ii for an energetic man who is well acquainted \viu» , fylks in Martin County. Must furnish hijfh«ia !e releiences, small cash Itond, and must have an automobile. 1 -- * V are distributors of Delco-Light, the Depend able Light and Power Plant for fauns and country homes. *- - v- If you are interested in securing the Dealershi'i for Martin County, write us slating whether you sfte -. narrifd or single, and giving your ag\ business ex perietu'e, and refereures. /-. t • HOME UGHT & POWER CO, INC. RICHMOND, VA. THE ENXEHPRISit;, Williamatouii, N. C. are registered at the Atlantic Mote today. Mr. and Mrs. li. Goldstein, of Wind sor were the quests of Mr. and Mo Nathan Orleans Sunday. « • • • Misses Mary and Ea.iia Goldstein Miss Bessie Gol Isteiu, Mr. and Mr- Nuthan Orleans, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gobi stein, and Messrs. Frank and Irvirj Mai'irolis, Solomon Orleans, Raleigl Orleans and Mi's Orleans inoto ed to Kea's Beach Sunday. Miss Bessie i ■ Idstein visited Mr ;.nd Mrs. Nathan Orleans her» Sun day. | Special Prices 6n REFRIGERATORS IH Suinefhi'Hr you will n een || summer. II hase a, few left and lj| I .1111 selliun at a cost price. 5 HI Hl'V NOW WHII.E VOI I NEED ONE The saving you vi'ill afftct i.r your ice bill and the foot! you will save this rummer will :■! most pay the cost -f one "f our refrigerators at tie spe.-t.il price we are ' now offeriii)?. B. S- Courtney _ _ ___ V I fit MIL GOOli SALESMAN SAYS: WE SELL GOOD GOODS; WE I'KICE THEM RICH I. W. R. ORLEANS tL Misses Fail in Golds* em -nd Mar; Goldstein of Baltimore are visitinr Mr. and Mrs* Nathan Orleans their home on Church -treet. j Mr. S. C. P*«l lea.s tomorrow fr>! i Virginia Beach.— • • • • Mr. T C. took, of Rocky Mourr spent the week end heie. v.ilh t.i . family. l>port of tl.e condition of THE PLANTERS ft MEK( .lAN'IKi • BANK " At K\ fret's, in the Slate of North Caiolina. at tne close of business. June 3», 1923. I RESOURCES Loan- and discounts J141,231.Wi 1 I>emajti loans 7,00n.()0 Overdraf 1 #. uose cure.i $ 25.92 2!".,H2 L'nitct e- bonds and Liberty bonds 2.4 *0 f j j Furniture and I fixt art's _ 2.725.0# Wji2fi.lK) i ash in vault and net am ( ounts uue from banks, ba'ker.-. and trust com ;>anies : ix.lw. ('4 Ca?h items hel.i U4 hours . 1 -2.^ Total _.. . $ 1 .t^ liAKILITIES Capital stock paid in - .? I. r >,o: t'.'.f Surplus fund ~. . 7,-V I'ndivided less eur rerit expenses and taxe.- 1 1 > \!ilen»s ui pai'i '.H 5b Pills |c«y able I■' f0" -IJ OeposiUk iii:._ixt to check '..7,'",24..:. 11mc iertific»t'*s >f depo' i'. due in l«*ss 'h.i.i ...» da o''' Ca*hter'» checks ouU tai d mt 'i; > a *. >ne *-rt :fic :tes «f «iep ~r. due on or after 311 dav- ' »,!•' "■ !.»cn;e»l inteiest due de psjt»rs. re-er.«- for fca 1 i«4 t- .' ''l - Total «17. r ..;'li State of North Carolina— founty o I'ortii. July llth. 19 r. I. V C. Taylor. Cashie.. lh above :,:intel Itank. do soemnlj . k m. tie aitove statement is I.if t the l*-t of my knowledge a".! belief ! V. G. TAY 1.01:. i .i.diii Su' and swoin to before m : th:s llth «la> of July, 1923. C. li. RIOOU'K, Notaiy I'ublii Corrict—altest; J. H. !• PEEL, J. S AVERS. V R TAVI/tR, f»ire*tors. I ll„ " I * PL RE ICE IS A MOST IMPOR | TANT THING, FQR VOL OFI'EV TIMES V. ANT TO PIT IT RIGIII I IN VOI R FOOD OR DRINK • • • • ' A SATISFIED CfSTOMER U )I R WRB*OST AIM. A YRi C. . IS ALL THAT IS NECCSSAU *> « % • • Lindsley Ice Co. WILLIAMSTON. N. ( READ summit* ADVUfttBIOWTi fOt SUTUfA A^ANTAM Clark-Bennett Drug Co. Successor to Fowden Di ucr Store. PHONE 53 Complete Line of Drugs, Toilet Arti cles, Sundries, Sodas, Cigars, Etc. QVALITY SERVICE PROMPT DELIVERY C. B. CLARK L. C. BENNETT Report of the condition of THE BANK OE JAMESVILLE At Jamesville in the St.-'.te of North Carolina, at the close of busiress,! June 30, 1923. RESOURCES ; Loans and discounts $156,706.M : loans _ 713 i». Overdrafts, unsecur ed $ 66H.t2 660.:.2 I L'nited States bonds and Liberty l>onds ctioi«'i L'. S. hot els borrowed . ) "o Banking hou.-es s2,t)o Furniture and fix tures 4 imoikt All other real estate«l own ed . ... . »>.« i Cash in vault and net am ounts due from banks, bankers, and trust com panies . ... . 4,3..1.4'- i Cash items he'd oxer 24 hours lJi.l i Cheek for t'leaniiK . •*; , Expense? less undivided profits 2 ' i Total . ~.. >l7fe,V.C itl| LiAi:iLIT!ES Capital #tH-k paid in f lli.Qlll.Hi| Surplus fund 'l,. r >tO.Wi j Bills payable, \\ :ir E'nance Corporation 1 H,IS3": Bills payable ._ _.... r.:;."^atrr! Deposits subject to check '79 .0 ! Cashier's hecks outstand ing ' 441 »"> j Certified checks 2so j Time certificates of deposit, due on or after 3«' days 45.464-.'.- Swings deposit* _ ."»47^!4 Certificates ' issued for bonds borrowed . T'rfl.Ot Total $176^96.10 StaU' of" North Carolina—County nt Martin, July 12, 1K23. I, Marion C Jark.-on. Cashier of the above named li;ink, do solemnly .-weai toat the above -«lateni«n. is trae t.i the liest of my knowletljre ani U'bef. MARION C. JACKSON. Cashie Subscribed and swoni to hffore m« thi. 12th day of July, 1923. W. W. WALTERS, Notary Public. Correct—attest : R O. MARTIN. L. W. MI/E1.1.E. E. H. ANGE, Directors. INSURANCE and building materials ¥)FRMANENT types of coo- \''y\ ■ jia J *■ struct ion naturally reduce pT i:f» insurance rates. But their teal deterioration, upkeep and re placement eapenw. Your building MWiiJ dealer's experieaoe is an am a policy that coats you ao preaaanaaa, bat instead saves tbem. Follow his advice as to types of bokfiqg and building materials. ATLASiaA moMsmm 'lh* SUnuiartlbyukuk mil other BITES-STINGS Applj wet baking soda a* bountiokl unmonia.fnOo«tdbf VICKS ▼ VapoRUB * A I if I AJI i nULBRANSEN vJ Player-Piano I * P* t "L * B^L -*IMM. Tl.tf. IM *-*••«'■ .«; *r\»u. T»« STM —'Til UK h U.AKS TO PAY "Terms to Suit" SOLD BT F. F. Cozzen WASHINGTON. N. C

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