BRING YOUR TOBACCO TO WILLI AMSTON THIS SEASAON THE ENTERPRISE Published every Tuesday and Friday hy the tiNTEKi'KISE PUBLISHING CO. W illiamstou, North Carolina ! ~ W. CMANNING, Editor J. F. CItOMEK Lessor and Manager Subscription Price (Strictly Caah in Advance) 1 year $1.60 6 months ®® c ? months * Entered at the Post Office at Wjl iamstoii, North Cur-Una as aecond tas.s matter. * . FRIDAY JULY 27, 1921!. THE TAX PKOIJLEM We believe the greatest problem L love the Americun people today is lh " problem of taxation, say*- the Sht'iiu doah, la., Sentinel J'ost. Two sane methods of relief ar open. First discourage new govern mental fad.- and fancies which add un necessary laws to out statute booi. _ with increased numbers of «n.p.o,»t and more government overhead. CTili rial ism spreads like the green buy Hee if left to its own course, so trim 4t down to essentials. Second. see Uiat all propetry pay. taxes eiiually, which it does not do a present. Under our existing laws any I erson is at liberty, to convert hit properly* into non-taxable bonds and thus escape all lorms oi taxation. The necesity (if it ever existed) foi t;t> exempt bond is pa*t and the day here when iu> such loopliole as ihi.- hculd remain to enable tho>e ir • 1 ,\bit to pay to escape, taxation. Every dollar thai tax-exempt bo ibsorb cuts two ways—it doubles ill *• tax on other and lenioves a d i!;rn irow industries -which need it i i ex paiimi n and development. THE PRESS AM) THE PEOPLI. "'l'he most ell'ective medium of pub licity is, and will continue to be, tn. public press," say. Piiilip 11. Gadsden, president of the Eastern. State.- I'.i Luiileieiice and Vice-jiiesideul ol lh- Lttilfcd Ciu.s iinprox eiiient company t. I'hiladelphia. "Ga» coiii|iaiui:s liuAe -not in lh j a.-l spent enough tor uilvci Using ii -tin- local newspapers. A settled pole* i.l continuous publicity through pan' ti'i' . pace i n tin' daily pic..s, and 111 r• . i nl ui ini 'i and K'-enly mli : , .. ill' en.| I. >I s. Is v • .It nas >■ . ai.'l an r-i - •• s ni 1 U I I 1.(5 about'l e II ■ lai anT syTW~~ ell H'lalloliM. i«l 1 .1 publi .V .1 1 ■[? l S*t-Illial ') L« .' .- *.• ci\>.n. ARE WE A .MI.KCII l l. rhoi'i.r.. ll- must bc'-lllat the people ol \\ il lianiston are 100 bu.-y alioui ilieu ow ■ business to notae lliat many dunu annuals, which .may be ,-ien uaily, ai'i tieing I'iuelly tit'ate.!. Iheie aie .. nuinoer ol liot'se- and mules diawni>- hc.aviiy 'loaded wagoli.s through tin towli, and sonic ol them aje not i coteniioii to be worked, i'O.iceniai Guiganus had two ainniai.- taken oil because then back.- were raw, and an other horse which could scaicely walk has been put tn the stable. Citizens ol' the town should be obse.t \ ant, and report acts ol cruelty to tin mayor, font factors come here with the idea of making money, if ilu-y * can work broken —down team, it is to then ititeiest. There are some dray horse- belonging lo residents ol tin town, which aie so einavialed thai they resemble "Spaik Plug" umiei the X-Ray in Tuesday's Ledger l>is patch. A people cannot be unmindful of these things ami -live right in tilt, eyes of Cod and man. "Blessed an 1 •the merciful for they shall I mercy."—A Citizen. — The ditches dug for the laying ol _Cprbnig were rather handy in i-,ic re cent rains; for they carried s.w:i,v most of the water that general y hanks ;i[ >n the corner of Mai'i and Hiuuoto,' streets. However, there wi; enougl there fa get ni's ft r »t w'TT. Cur~Tid r enough to j> i swimmi l .,; ii;. According to farm demostiatoi Lulletius the town is threatened hj boll weevil, red spider and snakes The bulletin says that red spiders are usually present, where there are weeds The atmosphere must have something to do with their presence; for we have failed to see any arouiul town. A CASE OF ENFORCING THE LA> A few months ago a law was pass ed forbidding any person, who had nc • business at the railroad station, stand * ing nearer than fifteen feet from the rails. For a few weeks a line war marked off just before the arrival o each train, and as long as this wa> done the law was respected. Gradually respect for the law became less • aijd less and now it is ignored altogether About the same tiiAe that the law was passed the train officials were re quested to have the train' pull further down to the station, this request was granted and was of great benefit te passengers. With the law and the change the difficulty of getting off and boarding the train was done away with, but now" its is about as bad a it ever was, due to the disrespect for the law passed last March. We do not believe that this law is disregarded in tentionally, but disregarded careless ly. The coming and leaving of t e ! dinkeys of the Coast Line are, re I doubt, a wonder to behold, and we like to see them roll in and out our selves, but why is it that the police men do not care to see them? We consider it very had for the visitors to our town to have to get off and fight their way through a mob, as if they were going to a hall gan;c at the Polo Grounds.' SUBSCRIBE TO ENTERPRISE 1 ; LITERALLY DRESSED TO KILL ' Warrior* of Old Were Dandles In Tsheir Costumes, but Famous Fighters In the Field. The Greeks won the bHttle of Mara thon by h lucky fluke and were du/.ed at their good fortune, for never be fore that day had they dared to face the terrible Persluns, whose noblemen, formidable warriors, clad themselves In canury yellow silk trousers, em broidered with meandering Jade green vines sprayed with blossoms crimson -mid blue; their pluk silk Jackets were adorned with kppllqued lions and tigers, elephants mid rhinoceroses, os triches und peacocks of the gayest lines; the.v cased their throats wltb triple and quadruple necklace* of gold IHlgree set with every Jewel known and their iirins In similar bracelets and armlets by the dov.en; their lingers were"loaded with rings; their turbans blazed with Jeweled aigrettes; the hilts nnd scabbards of their scimi tars were encrusted with diamonds, emeralds and rubles; yet they were always ready to wade ankle deep in gore or knee In mud, at uny crisis ef baltle or match. The traditions of such fashions have, In tunny years of the world, lnst ed almost or even to our days. The boyars of Muscovy, the princes of Poland, the magnates of Hungary up holstered themselves with wadded coats sewed all over with seed pearls, such as the famous diamond-encrust ed heirloom coat of the Ksterhar.y family, which, according as one tulfc or the other turns out to be true, was either sucjjbssfully hidden from Bela Kun and his communists or treach erously betrayed to them andliy them scissored Into salable snippets. — Ex change COOK AND BE INDEPENDENT That Is Practically the Advice That Writer In Western Newspaper Give* to Men. Mun. left to Ids own devices wh« Ids wife goes on a summer vacation, Is tnfMueu to he a tttrte wild, lie mil he s an evening ntenl of such an -unholy combination as sardines - and crackers and onions from the back .yard garden; so we learn from a subm ban married friend who Is occaslonany left tn bis own devices. The unbalanced mtloti makes Its grisly .appearance lit once aa soon as the thoughtful care of the guardian of the household Is withdrawn. If .summer vacations lasted very long, to what state of wretched mal nutrition would home-staying nia-n be reduced, removed as he may be from the llfe-savlag station of a falr-to middling restaurant for ntornlng and evening susi'mi ii e? Itreakfast und supper out of a bo*. In many Instances. Why should not man add to his accomplishments In sports tlie art of simple cooklngT Tliat also 1m a sport If practiced only on occasion. The more complex, of course, the sportier. Amu ten r« have been known wlni did uu'. '..(adtlite ut lemon ielly |MEN;HOIATUM| mstops the ildiinf,nml M os coir lorL^^r j Queer 1 | Feelings \ \ "Some time ago, Iwu very I irregular," writes Mrs. Cora W Roble, of Pikeville, Ky. "I a suffered a great deal, and knew ■ 1 must do something for this KB condition. I suffered mostly H 0. with m v back and a weakness in H '/A my limbs I would have dread- ra A ful headache*. 1 had hot flashes I y. and very queer feelings, and oh, ■ v 0 how my head hurt! I read d CARDII | Tin WDIIIM'S Terfc I and o( others, who aeemed to have the same troubles T had, being benefited, so I began to use It. 1 found it most bene ficial. 1 took several bottles . . and was made so muck better I didn't have any mori trouble of this kind. It rv ulated me." Cardui has been found vary KB helpful in tlie correction of many e cases o( painful female of- I orders, auch as Mrs. Robto meations above. If yen suffer a* she did, take Cardui—• purely vegetable, medicinal lonic, fat use for more Mm* 40 yean. It ahould help you. Sold Everywhere. rake however ninrn those inviieo n ■hare It tnay have. And what » vlatory to achieve a really edible one! It Is really as Inspiring as a triumph In golf or tennis. —Bt. Louis Globe-Detne crut. Romano* Gone From Gold Field*. flold stampedes have lost their ro mantic trappings. An honest-to-good ness Htampede after real gold has Just taken place In Batavla and Kameel hoom district, South Africa. There were no slx-guna, such aa distinguished the mushing for prwlous metal In the western state# and Aus tralia. Boots, spurs, liquor, gambling paraphernalia have gone by the boarda. None of those once necessary ad juncts to the proper staking of a claim remain essential. Stampeders of 1928 traveled In automobiles and motorcycles. Within two hours of the time the first stake was planted .the Held had lieen entirely covered. The show was over and nobody was killed. The new field Is oonfMently ex pected to produce gold, hut the leiist observing can See that It will ne\er produce a Bret Hiirte. African Grapes Sent Hera. I>rleil black grape* are being pro. duced In South Africa at the present time solely for the purpose of supply ing the requirements of the American market, the growers hoping for a minimum price of from 10 to 11 cents per pound delivered In New York, Consul Charles J. i'lsar. Cape Town. Informs the I department of Com merce. According to South African authorities the 1022 crop of dried Muck grape* amounted to 890 tons, while the growers hope for an estimat ed yield of 1,300 tons this year. It is said that the shippers of theae grape* are goinu to the utmost trouble In or der to have the very beat poaslble quality produced, and there aeems no dosbt that the quality of this Sanson's output shows a marked improvement over the output of laat year. Canadian Farm Lend*. The average value of occupied farm lauds In Canada for the year 1922 la *44 an acre, according to a report Is sued by the Dominion bureau of sts tisttcs. improved and unimproved land together wjth house*, barns and oilier buildings on the farms. The average value In 1921 was S4O an acre, while It was S4B In 1920 and In litlrt. Average values are higher In lirltlsh Columbia, where the Ugure Is given as $l2O an acre. The other provinces vur> from SO4 In Ontario tc $24 in Alberts. 660 QUIcalY RELIEVES, CONSTI PATION, HEADACHES, BILLIOUS NESS, COLDS AND LAGRIPPE. Tf YOU HAVE •r "res dowa." yea vUI Sai I Tutt's Pills II wlutyoaaMd. Tb«y tua* the waak II itosiacli. uxl baikl up th* lystaa. f MH GOOD SALESMAN SAYS: WE SELL GOOD GOODS: WE PRICE THEM RIGHT. W. R. ORLEANS Williamston, N. C. PL'RE ICE IS A MOST IMPOR TANT THING, FOR YOU OFTEN I'IMKS WANT TO I'UT IT RIGHT IN YOLK FOOD OR DRINKS. • • • • y> A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS I 4. Dili FOREMOST AIM. A TRMI IS ALL THAT irf NECESSARY * * •v • Lindsley Ice Co. . WILLI AMSTON, N. C " k. THE ENTERPRISE, Williamston, N. C. CUNBURN Afrpty Vicka ««y Ugfclly fc soothes the wstmed tfa. VJSISS (wifwii i »■>■ riiirfr—» BUSINESS' CAMS | r A J. L. Peele, Jeweler i Second Door from Fodrden's j REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY j Agent for AH Standard Makes mi j Watches V J I ——————- — i : r _ SEE .; j ROEBUCK and WHITE ] FOR PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES , AND WALL PAPER PAINTERS AND i; DECORATORS 107 Main Street WILLIAMSTON, N. C. BETTER SERVICE THAN EVER j BEFORE : SPECIAL Attention ! Given to .auie* one piece dresses, j' ! fancy waists and all delicate fa- j ■ !; brics, such as silk, satin, crepe de * | ■ chine and georgette crepe. j j J. 1). GRAY : CLEANING, PRESSING, DYE- j ING AND ALTERING | PHONE US AT NO. I*7. Slating. Guttering, Spouting, and f Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies ' WILLIAMSTON TINNING AND j PLUMBING COMPANY ; G. W. Harrison, Mgr., Licensed j and Registered Plumber > Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work j Williamston, N. C. | Dr. ( has. J. Sawyer Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat Friday, 9 a. m. to 5 p. at. Williamston, N. C. Office York Bailding Dr. It. L. Sava?e \ of Rocl>y Mount will ba ait the At-1 Isntic Hotel third Wednesday I' J 1 each month to treat diseases et j the EYE EAR, NOSE A THROAT j ! ami Fit GLASSES. Balance f at sea and on land-gjwdMF^ A GREAT Jiip far out at s«a was shaken by an ominous I U j shud«l«r. One of the four propeller blades had been 1 thrown off and before the engines could be stopped the ( r V '-~"Tr|# driving shaft began to pound and whip. Sailors In a rope sling went over the stern and chiseled off the - opposing- blade. power but blhnff the veaael nsade port." . • ■' •*, « When a cylinder is missing your car goes by jerks. Its power plant is unbalanced. The gasoline that feeds your motor must be balanced. "A refining expert- nee of more than half • century aqd constant research have pMduccd a finely balanced motor fuel called "Standard the gasoline that "llafe right here ia the ICmHB gives you instantaneous starting and swift pick-up—maxi- Caraliaas at Pin^rr'— mum power and high, economical mileage. You don't s«U at psapi that carry . have to turn out of your wuy to find this balanced gasoline. this mark. Every pump you meet with the red "SO" on the globe das* . penses this ail-round motor fuel. Use it exclusively for , H all-season economy and satisfaction. STANDARD OIL COMPANY "STAN DAR D" ft 'The 'Balanced Gasoline H) "t ~~ - - . - '■'£ j -mvi- " . {.*■».". ' • - r ■ - rnV ' '"***" '■ - "U: Ty J .. ■ -SBr L ■jw w-- - ■ «*•- ■ . jl ■- - if|- J J*r ■+'. ...? •* | - Sarrtßott Sraa. . : - t | H ; (Enmyamj / 1 Some Wonclerful • | Bargains Left Yet j j ffl We still have some wonderful bargains !38 left in our July Sale in Dresses, Footwear, Hosiery, Voile, "Organdy, Lawn and Mil n linery. I Just Received - .... . _____ ,1 . . - _ • j j|j Two lots of Valenviens Laces at 5c per yard and lots of new laces for collars for sum jjjj \ mei- Dresses. |j Come In and Look Them Over I Harrison Bros. & Co. r COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK 1 WILLI AMSTOWS LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE TELL THEM THROUGH THE ENTERPRISE YOU'LL SELL THEM YOUR MERCHANDISE FOB HIGH MIICKS SELL YOUR TOBACCO AT THIS MAKKET