FARMERS. WILUAMSTON IS THE PLACE TO SELL TOUR TORAOCOI TRY ONE OP THE BOUSES HERE VOLUME 24 NUMHER 28. TREMENDOUS TOBACCO SALES IN WILLIAMSTON Here Since Farmers Weed Literally Streams Get Best Prices BERTIE CONTRIBUTE Is Very Noticeable On This Market During Good Prices (By J.S. P.J The three tobacco auction s subiai es in Vfc illiamrtoa tiwiay were vri fikd with ofenngt of tobacru. am. the e linutol amount of total pound age for all the warehouses will pi»b ably well exceed one hundred thou sand pounds. The market here this srmoa is one of the beat since the watehsaii. have been built, aad iadicatioas point to approximately five or six mdiion pounds of golden leaf being sold here this season. Several grades of the psore-t qua. ity of tobacco are bringing uahenrdof high prices, aad today in all the ware houses the farmers were practically unanimous in expresaiag their appro val. The trong force of warehousemen and the experiesced buyers have gone far to give our local market a great boo-t and tetonh. show that oa the opening date, aad numbers of tiaaes thereafter, that the pnees paid here have exceeded those ia the larger surrrounding markets, for the same grades of tobacco. Beitie couaty is sending a large amount of poundage here for Iota! -ale. and no doubt there is a h«h de gree of satisfaction, for each week sees a greater aumber of pifas from over the river. The warehousemen are rwaairg fast, snappy sales, which is what the fann er like-, and instead of the a net it price being started far below the ul timate price; the starting is close t« the price it shouid bring, and this mean* that the warefcou emea knew their hwttnest and will give the term er every cent that can be got*on for Maay old familiar fate- were sew mound the warehouse* today; peap'e oho for the past two or three year* have altogether taken their tohacro to other markets. They are highl) pleased, and it means a rreat senses far the William-ton fbarca marhe* — J "" \|»KTlZI\r, PICKLES I VUM GREEN TUMATOE KAI.KK.H, Sopl_ S.—These at* the •lays when aprtixin ga.oiaa of pickles is in the air ami the green tomatoes tnat w aid be left ou the vmes at the ead of the >««ni amy easily he made into an excellent relish to he eaten with meats," suggests Mrs. Jane S. McKimnton ii, charge of boose dem onstration aork for the State car tage ami Department c-f agiwaitaie. Mrs McK'nunoa states thai P AS»» wi kh require Ing brining, as do cw rumbers, are rather ledums galem the houarwie can secure them already tinned, but chow chow. Dixie relish, sliced tomato pickle aie done ia one proce s and even an mesperieaec*: housewife, who follows directions, should have success. Hete is a recipe that Mrs. McKunmoa has mcd with guad ra-wlta Half gallon sliced green tomatoes One pint onions, sliced. Half teaspoon ground black prpper. One small r*d pepper. Threo taaspoonfuls whim murtatd seed- Two table-poonsful celery seedL One poand brawa sagar. Half lalilaapnafal alia pice Half tablapaafal doves. Half eup salt. All measarm lereL rpnnkie dim/ Ijiartiu aad iMi oaton with salt. Let stpad 1 bsar. ia sparatt bawls. Ptome oofh h a thw muslin hag aad .|antt gent»y uadil Juice ia tuartd. / When ingredients are prtfM. place in porcelain kettle, mixing with them the mustard aad celery mad. sagar gnd peppgr. Cover with good vinegar 1 T-t* ptatal. ta wkieh the npiiaa tied ia a hag have been added Bod slowly until quite soft and m der. This pickle ia not goad if lemov p4 from the |R before the femodaee are tender. After tsakbu pour Into Jan and „ seal wUk hat. Be carefal ta aae was cookad whea packing. CHRISTIAN anna Sunday aiMMB a. m, W. C Maanhc sapt. T1 ' _ aatiiiaa 11 Evamiwg mnrfaaa - u. THE ENTERPRISE WOMAVS HAT WILL RE XOTARLE RYEXT AT MADE- I.X-CAROUNAS EXHIRIT ERdefta Arc Re>ag Made to Make It One d the Mort Interesting Day* of frpediaa CHARLOTTE. Sept. l-'kWi Day" at the Made la-Oarotmaa expo satiaa at Charlatte was designathd far ." iptembLi IT. at a meeting here to day of the t'liTTwthip committee of the Charlotte Woama's dub. the cit»- rhn mp o mmitteee of the expaaitiaa. and the heads of Ue various Mecklen county women's cine aad pa Uiatic organizations. The idea oi ttwai day at the exposition ong ■»->* ed with the Charlotte Woamn's cb»U ami was presented for tbh c ub s oxtnemitc and t iaawadiaa h.» al>s. T. Share, piesnienl -if ifce tab He r.'-riea of «• Charlotte A" e n*-u "s c'jfc have _e iu,aahfkd en Jw.inia for the Ii ,« ad Worn >'s day at tkg -itm the gaatai tars mi the iryinlm, who have as sured them of their interest aar prom ised a ipie ndid maiiral program for that day. Soaae details as to the deroratianr ta he osed for the lonrbeni were dis rnsoed. and Mrs. J. A. Yarhrougb ap pointed chairaaa of the decoratian SANDY RIDGE LOCAL ITEMS Mrsses Blanch llapkiai and Mane Ifiddirk spent Satarday Bight with Miss Marjarie Jones Mrs. J. X. Hopkia.- spent Wednm day afternoon with Mrs. J. H Rid Manes Glndys Rshenon. Sallie Mae Cherry and Messrs. James Koherson. I rung Caltraia and Fraak Grdh mo tored ta Washiagtoa Saaday. Mm Faaam Rdtriia spent Sunday aighc with Mim Katie Mae Chert;. Mr. Clyde Williams spent Saturday aight umh Mr. |L J. Hardtson. Mrs. A w. Hordi en gnd rhildrei. aid mather. Mrs. Nannie Manning, left today far Wilsaa. Snow Hdl and WafcAaahatg -7 Mrs. Henry Daaiel aad mother. Mis Lanier are at Seven Spnags for a while b , Mr. and Mrs. Layd Koherwo and Mrs. G. A- Wdliiaaas are in Norfol* thi week visiting. Messrs. Joe Manning aad W. L i Ktodirk of fahUahwt am hate on Sunday for a alide M » Emma Belle Wiflwma ->en« Saturday night with Mtm Maggie Cherry. Does the advantage- of mi ilera 'ife tend to make ptiplf get old fast, seems to he fairly we'l e-tablished by recent observations, acd opecalPr a m the ense of women. It has be came necessary for even foang women to carry walkmg sticks to assist tham m getting about- Girls, whose ano ther* and gtaadmathers da pat have •a no erther dutches or aalkteg stieks «nd it necessary to use walk ing sticks to get around. Of mane, science will -oaac day tgare out tb. cause for this luddea break dawn in the blooming youth of the land. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE LUST SOMItWHERfc I* THE VI cmty of Wditamstoo, am Chevro let rim ted tire. Finder wdl phase notify Xati anal Handle Co-. Ply month. N. a « > " NOTICE OP SALE Cader mad by ri. oe of the power of trust execWtod to the aadtr igaed trustee by Jahas S. M oa Jane 1. date and tenor therewith, and regis tered te t* pahhr regmtry of Mar tia i- bask 11 at p-»e aad ddM> bona* bean mate |a the and tha itlpalaHeo cwa*Mad ia tha and deed of traaf the of the balder of the aaid tha *(h dtl ai PP4*. 1' •'dock M, ia ftaad of the toart hauae C, offer for sale ta the hagbmft hid- Miaia| daaaarikad raal gatado, tp wßj eel of land lymg aad being ia Wi| ami J. N. Mai, eh the aaptib br Mi K h ¥_ «■>*»■■■ M"- the wwt'ht t R wS" and J. H. MiadL _and_ bateg tha Mt hmd Thia the Xrd day af Sagmmher. MM W. C. MANNING. MR ~ Tliiin WILLIAMSTON. MARTIN OOtTNTT. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAT. SEPTEMBER 7. im ASA MANNING FARM LIFE SCHOOL BENEFIT IS GREAT Much Activity Is Shown By Students In the Community TEACHER'S REPORT Shows Good Progress In Agriculture From That Section A simry of twenty two farms in U* Fhrm Life iriml community male mutlT showed the following Anw. Avetagc w of farm l«I.l Avtmtc aunbrr In cwltivation J2.C A««r aumber per farm in cotton ... ±b V««r aunber per farm in c-ia 9£ Aeri|t Banker per farm in Iniwro ii Avrijf* number per farm ia potatoes Z2 Amagc number per far mm peanats b-5. Awnj* number chickens per farm _ _ K ATrr»|« umber of swine prr farm AT Average number of fruit trees per farm ... 22.4 Average aomber bushels yiebl (4 per acre, corn .. _ 44 5 Average number pounds yield ed per arte., tobacco 7*7 Average number bushels yield ed per acre, potatoes . ICi Average number bag* yielded per ncre, peanut-- 2S-7 Nine burnt* oat of 22 have lights. Fifteen homes out of 22 hare tele Thirteen farmers signed ap the "119 Live at Home Program" ia this Eighteen boys are carrying out crop projects and twenty adult fanners are keeping cost acc"Us{- Fith crops on der the Mptntskm of the agriculture: teacher. The farm bajs of the tvn inanity have enjoyed soma recreation along with their work during the iam ner by baring a well orgaaited hose ball leans. Several boys are planning to at tend the Ststa fair this fall with their acricultaral teacher —Oeo. W. Smith. Farm Life School Agricultural Teacher. PERSONAL NEWS OF WILUAMSTOK Have you bought your Shoes? It not. when you are in Washiagton. slop ia and see our line. Abryvwnis Store. Washington. N. C. M l! • • • • Mr. W M. Haynes of Tarborn was m town WedncMay ya bigiums •» t * MM Mao Melissa Andrew- left yeotorday »ft«n»o« for Uiaearillr to »p»sd several days with nhlhrat ami fronds. • • • • T share a is Aill soiling well an the m—ha market. Attend a sale at this market and you will bring your* • • • • Mrs. P. H. Brown. Mrs. O. A. An and MM thslma *or»wn went to Wahmgtoo today. ' Mrs Albert Wadswarth. Miss IM plua Peebles and Mr. Albert Wads worth. Jr. jot New Bern a|e thg gaest mt Mr and Mm- J. W. Watt,. Jr. a• a o Mis* Minnie Orloaas la sxpectad to arrive Sunday from New York to em it her parents. Mr. and Mia. N. Or leans for a week at their hoaae as Cbauh -tree*. m --*■ o o —.—J Mr. Pasco{ of the asphalt lipl Hint of «be P*»»ag «aa»- paay has aftir*4 la the city i«d vi begin his wsffc la a few day*, o o' o Maay of the yoaag men of WU liamil i~ attended the dances ad Scot land Neck and Windsor Tharsday ,ilkl * • e o Mr*. W. J. Hodges. Mi» Ethel Har d Hima aad Messrs. William Hodges and Herbert Reel returned today feme dpys this wa*. ae s a Kha Oytto Wa—all apent Waßuh} • an* SWSRT2-. aabrtdTpap aig fa Wnihi'Ml atop la ad aae ear baa. Ahs j—i 9la«e. Washington, N. C M-M M QUICKLY RELIEVES CONST! patmn. naifm HUMS- SAVE ROUGHAGE FOR STOCK WITH MOWING MACHINE Waste of Time and Mon ey In Pulling of Fodder RALEIGH. Sept. hi— "A mewing aairkiae w2l save as amrh ia an hear as ®ae man can «avr m * «wk by priling fodder. an.i c\ery time a dsUar" worth of f.nUei is pulle*i- a dollar's worth of com is ••St.- as the way E. C BUir. cxten agroasmist for the' Stat, college and IVfartsnrnt if Agrkuitu-e ex ptews his rinndem iWioa of U.t hcni practice of railing fodrr u. North Carotma. He -During the latter part sf Aagust, 1 made an trip thrsagh ea-tern Caroliaa wHrte I saw away ine Mb of com with a staad of sot beans betwern the n w>. Mart of thmo brass wear about wai-t high or kotter aad weer excellent in every way. This honld prv\e to any aaa that a large aaaewnt of r«»ugh age coald he giowa sa an acre of land, yet ia a anmlrr of tin e tWI t every bladr of foddm had be,-., stn;» ped from the stalks. "It seesas that ally of our farm ers do am believe that gw»i rough age can be grown, or at lea t >juite a large ■amhii of them are mt tab rag ad«aatage of the fcta Or else why would tkey worry' w;ti. f.nUier palhng by hand whea a few acres of my beans or soaae other lejmni.- ro >' ■■■w irg machiae can save as much roughage ia rn hoar as a man can sate m a week by pulling * ■urik kip as furniiheil b\ soybeans aad other legaane crops aie morr nut tin »w and less co'tly to save than fodder Than. ton. every dollar'- worth of fodder pulled cause* the loss of a dollar's worth of cgra. «w» that the worb of polling fodder is thrown a way. Weald you pay a dollar a dajH for the privilege of w»tkinr at ? jsb that paid yoa oaly a dollar a day? IWN Jub* i■Mine faMe. mii't to. for the yield of corn is decvedaed as much as the fodder is worth. "The way l» get «at of pull >nr fid h i or caltmg lop-, whkh is just as btad. is to fdaat a hay crop. Oar - and vetch par I* -"W« this fail, soybenao. lanpea.-. * >tar» grass, sor (bum. and other crop* next sprinr " We kaiow that *P t'leae crops are adapted to North (aiolina and will give good results Try them." MISS ANDREW S ENTERTAINS IN RONtIK Ol MISS WATTS Mass VeUJa Ar-uues- entertained at biijji yeat*«MU> j'tTnooa la bono* of Maps Mary IJad t Watts, popultr bride elert of tie fa I sea on. at her hoaae in New Tmiii Tabic- aer» for twelve gue t> wk* spent a very pleasant hour at tanh at the c««rloM«a af which the fc sate I I prejeated tie gaM of honor with an dtiariitf (oecr of liagerie foe her truw *«au Pineapple ire with macraroons were -erred ad thsc err f4lowed by mints and saf.ed Those present went: Mrs P. I; Caw. Mrs W a Watts. Mr Oscar Anierias. Mr . Malice Watt.-. Mrs J. W Watts. Jr. Mrs H. D. Long. MHO Martha CoHt'-i Crawford, Mi s Neße Wynne. Mix- Jo-ephiar Davis, and Mim Marti a l-uise Anderson. Mr. nnyd Mr- C. K. Siceloß left tbia iik for we (era North Caro o o o o Mr. ftrlir Ge«>aAer of Grißns gas ia toraw tlu« gorw«g. • •so Mr. Jakn R. Coil ram of Grßni wa a haumem vi-itoi ia town today. o • • • Mr. W. H Edwards was a hasmes vwitm here todi). •O o O Lag |«t«ie- lead the way to ■see aea* ad a craaamry. Oo o o Mr. aad Mrs. M D. Ayers motorci to Warliimrtaa I'nday afternoon. o • o • ELSCnUC MAID CARES—RAISIN the heat gun) «v. Presh bread re cervad dady. —S. C Ray, The Ecoo aer Grocery. b-lT»f NOTICE To Jvha Howell and all etbmy: h'giie p hereby given that I have hai bated for taxes In Raberaoavfl* 11 iab| by Joha Howell, at a sher- MTs aale for taxes. Ml the court hawse daur af Martia coaaty an the ted day mi October. Ittt and I shall Inn I a deed for same ewe year fraua date, wateaa indirmr I before Orteher ted. R. S. RROWK. THE TAR HEEL APARTMENTS ARE NEAR COMPLETE Will Mean Much to Wil lianiston From Many Stand|x»ints ELEGANT Bl lIJ>ING To Consist of Ten Apart ments and Two Mei - eantile Rooms t By J. s. p» The (evpe of HiHiam>ton -h «ul-r he unanssßvwsH Mrs. Junes ti. it she has displaje*! by makuic a wown Kal beubiane out of th. old IV-el i.Pithn stimcture o»s Main street. " The Tar Heel Apartment- will lie j tke nam of the buiktiiij;, ami whe- | completed wdl cost aiwund no. On the first floor there are twoj store rwms with attractive plat.- j.-;.,- | fronts. merraSare in the ivar. ruhbei flooring ami bui tin fixtures. On thr : second ai«l thud loots there are 7 j mo>trm faaaily aparinM-nts. an.l iw. J hnchdor apanmrsis. The family apartment- will contain j ena a large h\ing room, two com | friable bed r*««nis, a dining room, kitchen. pn«atc hall, bathroom I Kit ler's pantry . clothes deeeb, etc. The bathroom will be onipjrtr'i tiledjiave luvariant plumNtt«r. and the kiuhei. ! will be n>drltd alter the most sani...! tary kiccheens now heir.g built in th* ' greatest ctty apartmewt- There will • he hardwood floors generally through | out. fire escape.-. jamt«r service, auto matic passe*;cr service, fn-iirht el«- »at r. back porches. l>ack yard an.' playcronn>i for duMisu. In the rftt. of this baildieig there will br indiini tial gaiages. a>«l triar\k l«ckers. In fact, no moaey has lew -pared to make this Isubhng oih- of the finest ia appomtmeat- awl the most roai- Pleee ia its detail that is tola) te le '■ -un-k asi^'sheie. \\ illiimstM has uffero! a buil*li»r -lump for the pa;t two years, an.l it hi 14«- a neat deal of far! and ciuuiage for Mr . St a ton to make the -pfandid wmumest that lift has.. h wdl stand a> a Inonunienr to her buyalty to W iHiam-ton I l er. are %ery few other- amonr the writ er's acfpiauiilaince.- oho w.*uld have thus for the u>wm. This u»self ish ace of Mrs. Sltf.a's should he an evample to those who wish t«» see Wilbam b» ■dstiaar to liye an.l |>ro-- prr. and ««r only I-ope for existence lies in having ju t this sort of .iti ie«v- in oar town. Thts inintnrst aill bring 'he town a kawbone tai revmae; It will brine the k«a « ante vnovat each numtli from Ue re of water aixi e.'ectncity : al o there is tie iiuuiaicr man. the nerUiw. the iri ami many «eber> who Inefit therefrom It .bias this, ia new hoe? are a.ble.l to lie town, and two new stoies: tkis mean® a gieat .b-al to us No dnoka. eventually, tbi- piece of prop erty srill le a paying investment frun every *ta*«!|**at. and Mrs Stat... riehty deserves a hand-ome net in torn fnm ict aiadard. ami |nunnK a IS arce ftebl of waterme-1.-ns in ll.d;e county re-altoi ia sir cars of melons avrrag inr K pmiab e»Hi beife sold Kwn cars oU for cart on the track ike msli-i ia the other two were sit* Uned an! were Al for lit" pe car oa the track Those growers wh. d»l ul p«wue aid spray -old then for f 117 «• per car or. the track .Fewer aehas but bette* .{oalt'y can-*d the dJennre," aajr* t ouaty Agent I- H Riaadsa. Mr. Anliev Clark, manager of the (loam*' Auto i ma pariy of Everett.- was a hwiiai visitor here today. Messrs. C. C. awd Jaioes L fd traia wera m town for a few hours ••day Mi llamhkn and daarhter. Miss Char Hamiltoo were here tr«lay a-t " * The fair ■* taa place to display th arrfewltaral wealth of a commumtv What wiß yoa add to the display' thi.- year Mr. W. A Bran of wa a haiiae 11 visatar here todsy. ——————~— Wiwler is wbg. Keep only those farm najmals wikb pay their own *ay-. , • - * 1 Mis Martha Uam Anderson left ik~ gnarsiing far Greensboro where she wR enter cwllege again this »es- TWO HORSE FARM Wi MKT - Gaad Isilliaga. bams. etc. switabie for aN trips Located oa stale highway. See or write W. W. IW. nil', la—earillr. N. C A 7 4t-F FOKMEB WILLI \MSTONIAN PASSES AW AY IN SCOTLANIf NEt K—BI'KIAL TO BH TIMM) Mr. GUcw Laab Is V«j PWauath Here By rhd4« "4 AtquiMaom Mr. Lamb of Scotland Ned died Thursday alui will be buried lhri> today. , Mr. Lamb was a native of Kluabtth City, coming to Wdliamston in boy ttood wiser* he lived for a number o( > ear*, liter making his home in Sort land Neck, and for a numbrr of year was engaged a- traveling s »ies inan for Daniel Miller Co. He was a brothei of the late «'ol W. G. I-Mih of Williamston an I u (I. C. lamb of Henderson. who wa register of deeds of this county f«> several years, al-o having several is ters. He had reached the ripe old ago 78 years when he was called to tht world beyond. ENTERTAIN M ENT IN HONOR OF MISS MARY WATTS Mrs. J. \Y. Watts Enter tains In Honor of Bride-elect (Vniplinmtiw hw sister. Miss Gb •Ijr- Watts. Mm. \\ H Watts was ho-tes> >n Wednesday if ternoon flora four to six with a ht rrllanrou> SHOVT. The attractive home wa» decor: *e* with charming effect. rx>n- evlorol un on and »now w th« mountain I* mr ! u-fl in the mriititw hal!. mu.-* anu living rwm>, an.l pink r»n cwmUn r>i with candle.- and pink ami white tleroiaUoos ma-ir ih* timing ruum into a nn.-l attractive place. The rutfU weir rtrdnl at the dooi by little IIIMT.- I.uirewia Hoyt an«l Frances- »iliwuu ami were taken to the putu K bowl which ni (imkled over by Mi— Lucile iia» •II WIM! Hiubdh «>ur|;anu> Ahhoiifh the weather n> nut -frrraUr «miA most of tS M eu were present and they were eater fined in the music room by Mr- Watts aixJ Mis.- Klixaheth ila->self at the piano until all hal arrived when they were inv ite-l into the ilinir»|t rooaa. latlle lime* Aill-v then brought >n a iiuncature flik-d with pack ar« of all kinds and descriptions. ami gave them to hef a«Mit, Sli-s Waits. Many knrl; (rift.- were from the b-xl of fnrtHh of the yoonjj lady who «- | a leader in the w-unpr social set of | the lowa ami who is also a favorite i amour all aire- usl -|as»e> of the e | tire town —■ An ice ranrif P>riyl>ir out the col or l« pw of pauk and white m lk» we anil fancy rakes f«lhwnl by »M. and salted pmiuk were served kj tMtle Mii«K Susie J a me- a»l Wynae. I> \IMt MEN WILL ATTEND IHK ANNUAL SHOW TKe National Dairy -h«-w and the , W'«iM'- Dairy will be M>l 'at Syracuse. N. V . Orl*b«r » l« IS Indus nr. John A. A rev, in cKaip •>r •birr extension for the Slrtr eel le|>e aiMl Department of arricwloorr. wants a rani representation of inn 'Miners from this state. He plan- '• to have a special car from North Car olina to leave Green b»r» Monday night. October K. Ttmr dairy farm ers mho «i»a to make reservations for this trip should write him for details at the lioiry fate'lin aAre. State tdlefi Matron. Kalei(h. N. C. I'll I LATH K A CLASS TO WKKT WITH MRS. HALL The llulathra class of the Memorial Itaptist ciiarrh will aieet Friday after nooa. Sept mi I 7th. and J:3tt o'clock at the home of Mrs. G. P. Hal'.. A fall attendance «f the member is earnestly leyiMed. Have you bought your silk llnoeT Our special line is Rrvelie Haoe. If you have not bourht. stop in and hay one pair. We are surr you will hay aitaia. Abeyouais' Stura, Wa hi»r tor.. S. C. __ - - Mean Loais and Arnold bWma ware in Wißiamstaa this monitg. Registered sows aad better ti|a> meat followed a demonstration with pastures Car hogs in IVnjuimans n—- »y- Mr MeHia ||ngp»ra of Wim is m torn aatlaft the R«ie;-Wdw> Tibtiri company oa this market- LOST A BI'NTH OF RETS IN matainer with ita|, with name tar rinib i plea-e talma aad leceiee reward, ffiaia I l»f. Wi lia—l—. N. C ®-T-tf THIS MABKET IS CAPABLE OP CITING SERVICE WTRn WITH ABSOLUTE COCBTEST—TBY IT ifSTABUSHEO UN *. SCHOOL f NNEXT SESSk,.. SEPT 17TH Splendid Faculty Chosen for the Session of 1923-1924 FOl R TRUCK BUSSES Will Operate to Trans port Children To and From School Tbe -late «es for the opening of the Oak City Hj«rb school „ Monday. r I «th_ I*upil> rti|iKstei to be pre*** tfch day of „peni, iK br-rg prowMiion cards for proper tradmc as.d classifying; Bu!h puptU as>i tea«-.*:e» - will have the at vantage of a mvoeni brick -chool w tt equipment an«i cour>es of jJstt that will place the Oak City school. Ob !i* fiaifc accie«iit«M list, a-td "ill pr»young men and women both, for Use Oaxianl cvlegrs of the state, or for life. '• the gra-ar m ork the tegular stile cwwt h of stuiy will be followed. In the high -cto>4 courses w ill I* offer ed tn LagW. mat Hematic-. Ijt.n, his tory asnl cincs. Ftench, hunic eco •omncs. iMajiiif; b»me making, cook «"'C- Agriculture incluies farm cat pew rv. fruit ex-wing, and thh cantor of farming in general sciences. ' ncf'aOing haodOgyr a***i gen« ral .science We rtpwi to offer adfantaghs here t hit will C'-' f»—».' closely to futta.l i» the hr ! rrral high school of North Carolina. awl hoys and girl* gratuii'ir from City will be a.! rntHed HMooadit tonalh to any cdlege in the tale The - * -ol tat# a very an.i boafi of trustee-, who feel priHial of thhir school, a'. are c»«op tntisj to rak.- it one of the best »■ the state. A strong faculty has been tnfhiol and everything point toward a *wrre*sful year. Four nhw *dW tracks ate heinr placed on th. rsnfW to be o(>erated hy careful an! r\(mHw»J driwr>. in ordhr that ev ery child will he given an opportunity of mm Maolmi We have Seen as sated that the road suphrvi or- are willing to Cttopenlg la keeping _lhe. •n as good coiilition as possible .«• that daily tr»p* can t» ma-le mithou* i»tennf*i—s Fawn- an>l ftsrad of the Iht Crty ate atg*«l to he present on ll* day of Supninlemloit l"of>e will be prfe-eol an. I -peak t" us at thi- titwe -H M Ain-ley. principal. '»ak Crty .VW! LOCAL HAMILTON PERSONAL ITEMS W J Star ieit HcJie-na) night fo« I:.- j V \,, where he will >Bit bus b;«4feer. ko» aad Mrs. J K Hrfulriwii ut IVoUair ipral Tur-ii) «itb Mr. an«i Mrs. !•» Mai tineas. Mr?. K A. I >W«I and u* of More lead aia !»iac sometime with bcr parents. Joe CwHtfj of lU> k\ Muum wa beta Nadi) Mn*> MaijM* lutiihill «f kobersoa > die ■» * in! r.»- Mrs. I' 11 Davenpurt. kr k»i of Italtiinore is hUag a it>.a! her. in the ltapU>t tha»«b- Nus Kanb l*> t|«eo spent a few hours ia Rderwtii die Monday. M» J- E Hacs and daughter -pent Miofa> a «;reeaviU>. Mr. iM Mr-. Herman Hutchinson of Narfoik «f*at tbr week end heie wtldl Mr aid Mrs. W. A. Dixon. Mr. atd Mrs J. U. I*urvt* and Mr. a»l Mrs W. A- Dtxoa spent Mondav m Rocky M«ur* Mrs Suams of Itoeky Mouat speat last Week Wilb Mrs. R_ A. Kdmund- SERVKES AT kAPlut CHURCH A. V. Joyaar, pastor Sunday srb»a J ti a. m., J. C. Aa- Aenm. >nf*-i later. Jen L. * ?'i riioa by tin pastor 11 a. a iVian by tbe pa-tor 7:45 p. m. fray. • amiac Krdaevlay eienmf, at » • -Tbo sua who uses Sundays only to steep, to loaf around the house, to read secular papetes. to visit tbe wateiu« places aa-i to Joy ride, puts a mtKtogr -asll valar on his soaL Life «■ he fcaer. courage higher, if * yoa at" end Mae rbarck regularly" Wa extead to you a cordial iarita Uoa to attead all tbe anim of this Half tbe ralae of tbe North CbrwU aa rottoa mf roes to feed the farm muck aaimilr of th» state, feds Earl Hatrtkr of the ripnimiat station. NIFTY. STTLISH SLEEVELESS. ■ j nil" SUR. »op ami see them C »-T-K

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