THE ENTERPRISE I-BSfaW m*TTj Till liy ai Wfcj kr *• •m tcrusK rißusßsc oa V.CNAKXINt i. F. tWMEC I 11181 —*■ M»Wgt Mwgfrfcn fri* • (Strictly Cash u. Advance l 1 year i. £ luoailkr >ftt i CL.ol.lllS 4 * Lbtuto at U»e *—*■ ocfcce at WS lantston. Naitk Car-baa as aacand tiesday. scttkmbek 11. na. UM -tk ». I MILKVMHiIi AS CANUUATi. Ft lit THE PRESIDENTIAL \tfHl\lu We hem* a ci.pfwir fr«a tk nii:ufdu rtMiuuio ui tlae I L kM. Altany, X. V, »ma bmt u & i« »o:Ui ntaiiutf •> iut. , Os car W. I nor:* w. - caMlkbr;' .u a, democratic mhiuLw. 'ot pnaMtu ■>. Uw I tutai dUUs: ~Oa«au Vi I iwrrv uui Ui iUi>« fj> ba( w ti* it pn»Mtr.'.ial Iftonw uika i,ua>.lxat or. , >s* a_* Uie ei|*ih i«« tc ni the .ai. notUk l>naMW.L ill bfe {CtAru hb »l(t iU tfir bvuxr ait-J !» -*Ult- \« ad 111 U«e ludUTi Ut.- iftt muk>g.- Uc need-, ji.-i of ut I aii »1 1 InLii Ibutiavul It- aUtii) u »u cuw •if. atitl suhlnj. feet ast * * ■*> on raitt, ajMi £t» b aißt}> r w iaeit- is one ibn« u I ouri *uwlt »ay, arul Uu: t> as ainwi uat. tverj o« u f tu> >-p|v m l:.- «u. juaetiy~ nai-e tae UjJ I ewi n'uui (tnn» from ,-wjitc- Ki KO4I if be ik*.-! Lj.'t a. part uf the l iuttu Scales ? Tu Gnu •till «k» -!) _•«-!.?? (ifV Xact lua :*«r h j" r. fa fouget l«. »Mii fur IM Mat. uki Kii|ki jw»~ as wfl as tn» witt. ife «at. aa»f L> *«■:. 1: j& a!»«! 'uo« i» ~-tay jujlMn. i« ruuii eu( tar-: Irr Ik kiutu (•! ilian try j .tj li»icr«t«iL ii* a&j - aj ulf, but, i.- tfciop r .iw twb;, 'la ■ierw vl (tiik a. «. (,&!) andadate.~ Mil l> HAWIMM. ' WITH Hit WILL HLMII "ll.OuuUnt:) B-uCt- has a) reao. UtL iiiM so Svrzm twrlba; thir itar in archie.-* 11l CVB.UtI ti«c M! mc«TI» T ate a>t*l lint ' _~ ■""«* ihi-." say. Ftaakiiii n.gef Id tttoaki.tfj f«r tat M-a> •,*• fege ai-i Kfftf jr:' «l" i "We lll*~lH Ty ~ * «*.laa*.*-| vir.lay of it"'*; !■? bd>. mrii J or puovto of • rjlct* f kiiirL- ku li» ■ ~fta arnere awil »cja(; wa- dwr m>j W hgiil. jet w* air tool wf §»-« -•*» j wfao ra»e i>«d 'rwnf:*j' i.r»i i«a j l«ou.* iM-ir is jury iijM' A-«K j Us* »i>* tku>k tney la>f «»atf« iw ■ j tfc* n«v;i, aiifiw, *a (art. '«* '•«* j vJ is e-.saa iy xaror .c tiicr f » • here w t\p» w i mraired !•- pi«t 'nni *«« L" Mr Saermar. t->j" >3 ;«* r* yiuG wtere injury iaj •!«* so b> *e ft tcii ah>t *Ae Rn«n *.«- | for li- - j lut rUr-iact *S* t |fv£>vG a&4 to t «•*»- * «€*■ csa! a«iake. wrjci m tot to term ►**»- | > tu: f tin the weevil ti.-; a|-9*'f- I Ui! to oat uat ! liett t- tarafsis j Hi inict>U't pn -f.t' A j f .amber of cvttvn fmarrs bnifU ai rkii*> am# aa>l 4»lni by da-1 iMtn-ie vitk p*! •( -ar I WHOLESOME ELECrRIC BAKED FOOD —' Meets all the requirements of the most exacting BREAD, CAKES, PIES, BI NS. Etc. Always Fresh. The following dak-re in WIIXIAMSTON will supply YOU at the same prices paid at our bakery. CI'RGAXUS & COMPANY, Phone 34 & C RAY, Phone 237 C O. MOORE & COMPANY, Phone 168 Buy READY BAKED FOODS and SAVE the DRUDGERY in the kitchen durinr these warm day*. Electric Maid Bakery WASHINGTON, N.C cana. There a*e «km ttewise equip-1 ' pad who have ■* allied >«■» , | ihd ta aad their Jntstatm k «taD Kat lieit are My others who tae}- would go one better oa ahe aftoa] advise**, allies Mr. Sker —- Itae deienmaed to aw ether farms of pauaa anu t# tafia whea the first aaenh appeared. They have w II il their paiae— repeatedly for isa maathf or more, and certainly tJo« SMK Kfnih, especially before , ;i|uom formed, but it is ka>*a today 1 tha: ia aaoy such fields there has bee*. 1 a* ital need of thir expenditure, anc uaa" u other field* the weevil injury j increasing in spite of their "treat — 4fcrnl injury is not equal and a- At in all fields,*" Mr. Shermar. -He who thinks that he roust ado»« i certain "remedy* into his prartto and a-« it whate\"er happeas. rfawfc it! > diance of wasting money ana Ifort He who follow, the stardan* ■Sr,al ice will prepare. a*i kil m apply Ik poi.-on wheat it is need ■d a»o wh re it is needed. The in* .pead r iaJmdly on a yet •aetiiod. the other uses his judgement t id kfxfwta-lre in Uk- tfinely appiira . of a known metho-1. There i » * *»t J .fference, and perhaps thi Srreucr will pro* wider a we rr -» n our weevil experience." CHRISTIAN CHI KCH A. J. Manning, Pastor w —--j- actioot V;tu a W. C i supt. Mi-ruing aervices 11 x. ■" arrvad and lourth Sundays. ug a«vaoea iJU p. ni., CknsUaa Udtav«r 6:46 p. m All aie tuidaally invited to attewu >UI l-. c or br.-.tLi. tun i a d liy lutiie vt an oruer o> oa jk tuuil oi alar- omiMy uaur in tne special pi - .ioiias> tiiUUcu "Mrs. V»ai«i, ol Jim. U kani, lie a«u, -,i> JIM. 11. Ward, Jr. et ai», . will ««. u»e inn J-j . iMi«i«iiiiAr i'JZH at ii£ a _: --i ■* - -n linf itoir a I V ' f— ■, t *•»«.« 1-r .-ale to tlae mutest U*»- %jl t lo« ra-ii tut luilvwiitg UeafiilUTi itt tt at town ol M lll.aoaluu. iv C. io-wit: m- had. l«-gitiiuaf at » atob ou it.ny iout wide avenue, parallel wall, jiaia street in Wiiiiauisloii, .N. C- run »u g ut-tK® a svutheastei ly direction iaiu J. Cieriy 'a woe faairth ei as an- iot lUZ feet tv a stub, fifly Itrl loitaactl uf center of A. C- 1- L-jnaal tract; thence a i.ortiaeasU-r \ aaucg «aad rulival tract *■ feet ao a iieaie northwesterly 150 fevt le I *«e aleie named thirty foot wado a ewi; tlaeoce southwesterly aU« g jtrnik- 7i> f«et to the begiaunK. ic Ui'iinr one-fourth of an acre, more :m le aiid U uig the .~ame premise-- io- .aeyxd to Janats 1' Leggrtt by deeat 2«ad day of Nov. IWS from Syl j iraer lla-v.-ell and of m-ord in Book jOOO at luge 23, puldic registry ol Mjsrljw wxiMy. ( 2wd- Trad. Beginning at a sto'- j 4*l y frrt fnun the middle of the A 1C L Kailtxai tr»«k on the north west *j«ae yf that track a"d at the -MUliiw*t>S carrier of Jeste Kobeisoi tract, !u:.tiuig thence |23 feet north ■ot along Jess* Kolersoq"* bur to an awi tie •* '«-et wide, parallel »itjt Miiai Strott an U illiamston, N. C 'tetiff teet northeast along aakl a*ei,ue to a stob; thence I*4 feat ;o a itcii; tSewe 102 feet soatbwest jJvsg '.lie A. C. 1- Railroad to the be j ri» containing one-fourth of aw lirir B»ie or les-s and being the same }■.;« -.»!* acu" -yed to Martha H. I largest In 4ee-i fiwq }* D. Cherry aad John l». t'nerry under date of tfee> 31th day of March 1913 gad of rwcard la the registry a* Hai tin m J h Book £-1 at page «• The akan two dftifcwl tracts a* a—a fa j, t the *mmm emieeyd to Jno Dl Ward by jiartke H- dead 1 tk tt day of Doc. 1916 aad of record in the public re*irtry of Martin County la Book Q-l at page 3rd- Tract. Be*ng lot No. »- of the Lagged property on Washington Street la the ten of Williameton. N C na shown ly lap and survey made by J. R. Hebley JnMiary 10th. 191 i ngiiilnid in the pridic reg:»r of Hartia County in Land Diva in boek No. 1- at page 3M, referent U» whack mn; be had for fall de.*rTr tian na ta adai aad bounds. Heginning at a ditch oa Knilrom Street in the town of Williamsto. thence along anad street south 5» paleo want 90 fnet ta Jan. W. Man ■mgV corner at Lot No. ft- thence north 34 woot IS? fact to a drtck -faeace along the ditch to the first and being IM. Na 9- as n bare stated. This the 16th day of August 1923 WHEELER MARTIN. Commissioner ft-»-r NOTICE OF SALE Under nad by virtue of the powei jf sale contained ia a certain deei O i ruM executed to the aaders g-«- -naatee by Jakn A. Manning ai.d 5 B. llairwaa on the Ist day of Der 1919. and necariag certain mrtes o e»er. date and teaor therewith, nr.. of record ia the public registry o Martin coanty in boak O l at pag* M 9. mpd default having been made i' tke payment af the indeUodnesa then Odor. ' ho uat a. etc, rmqakm |—fa when RED fiRAL lf» ■ ÜBnd to keep thap dean aad aaidnry. Cuts the howw murk in half 4f>m fc a lot better at that, Wc will tafl yon umtf other ways to uae Rn> 6KAL Lft Sand for booklet. Be a«rc bay only /mi me NIIP mmamm WAUIPTW, G G rajaeat af «he hoider af the aaid aater 15tk dar of UB in fi—t of th cmrtbmmt ter is the tarn of * 3 ij at 12 edscfc M. oder^foi sale to th* highes MMff fw cash the foll*mv MoM Rtl estate, to wit: Adjiwing the lands of W W Guikia nd Hsim Gurkin, and bounded as fallows. Begimmimg at t white «dk ifr i« the Palm* line: thMt don beep Bottam Branch 1« pokes to tk Mdk of Craft Branch tL« »w gp the Cnft Branch 127 pole; to the head of S«d b«a*h; thenc* S 41 E IS pales to Bed Oak is the Pollack KM, thn*» S 45 th lw ! !■■■[ t—tuning (4 «uara»fe u Th* the 15th day of Anga* l«» JOHK D. LILLEV. Trestae. 8-24-41 NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND I ader aad by niw of the aathori ♦y conferred a ae b) * certain deed of traat avcaM b» » Boebucl Furniture & House Furnishings STOVES AND RANGES jfe bay ■■ with several •'her stores, our prices are the h>we»t - Cash if >-« have it—Credit if you aeeH it. Oar Mi C R Bpndl is i* every o*her M*>* day. R. E. QUINN & CO. E. MAIN STREET WASHINGTON*, S. C Watch -Yog Pocket Book!! ratracw DlustialJon describes bow to make Mbest-pwe-pamt L&M SOB-PASTE PMfT is White Lead and Costly White Zinc to assure longest years of Ry rL L.» wear, as proven by 60 years of mtmpSm lC5SWB» utmost &#rfactory use. |6*sr«*l-l*e*uaeJn RetrlPast* form, and therefore you mix 3 quarts of Linsi i Oil Into tsacb gawp, IW w —iro Hi gallons Pure Paint for 12.82 per gaHan. Sato Salsbury - Johnson Co., I nc ., Hamilton STANDARD The Balanced Comincing proof* g J! in the face of the fact that the motor ing public is more particular today, « more people this season arc using !^Bi "Standard," the balanced gasoline, r : j than ever before. „ "Standard" is meeting the demand pf a large majority of motorists for an aU-round superior performance^n Stop at a "Standard" pump the next STANDARD OIL COMPANY , t nd liarvey Roberson on the 24tk d», , jl January U>2U aU o. ieikJ a ! jwhiic registry of Martu. Cot. jJeak A-* at page 478, ta -ecu .ayment of certain bands of «*c* date ' inerewrth; aad the supinations ia ** , aad of tzaat aat hanag hee. l iied with .and at the request a* J j jarthw interested, the aadarir trustee will aa Monday the 17U» da j cf September 1*23 at 12» M at !» • oarthoaae door of Martia Count: Williamstoa, X. G. offer at public sa* to the bitbin bidder far eaah, the iu lowing described real estate: A tract of laad in the town o I i him lc_ containing twenty two a* t *o elevenths of aa acre, beginning & a stake at the right away where t: \ eldon aad fiadna Branch of i> C. L. p-H"— l Co. and the I: Mount aad Wym&Ah Branch o. /tlaatic Coast Line Kailroad Co. i» ; tcrsact, the starting point be. the left hand side of the Weldan ar- Kiaston Branch going towards Kia* too; thence north 85 1-2 ea=t Ti 1 | poles alopg the right away of 11. y Mount and Plymouth Bra *\ af the A. CL- Kailroad Co. to a j ti>ence north 88 west SC poie the c* j south 8 west »poles: at-d 13 links: j thence south 5 1-2 ej»t 5 1-2 p e | ' iScnce mth • 1-2 east 8 paler; thence sooth 1C 1-2 Mt 48 poles; II inm north 87 onot Z3 pales and « 'links; thence north 4 w*t 29 pales; ihrarr north 88 west 58 plots; therce borth 4 east 19 poles; thence noith 82 mrrt IS poles to the right an ;of the Washington Branch of the Wd dot aid Washington Branch of tk A. C. L. Railroad Co.; theaee nor h V least 30 aad 3 finks; there I forth 21 east alone the Welder I ranch ef the A- C L. Raßroad's tig! my of KiiOoo Branch of ik A. C. L RrtK. d Cv; thence north * ij«t akx tie 1-in. to.i and WeiJo r ranch 29 poles to the beginning Saving and excepting from Ihe oper atwa of this conveyance a trart o l:ad 1«« feet fronting on the Rock; Mount and Plymoath Branch of U» A. C. L. Railroad baginaing at th» ]• artlng point fa the deprription a* Lbooa, ranning thence along the rigte FOR SALE The Abram Bigprs Farm in Bear Grass town ship, sevn miles from Williamston. Near pood school and two churches. Sixty six arte* with thirty acres cleared. One live wra dwelling, «ne four room dwelling, two story pack li-u-e. barn, s'.iUfs, two mules waro«. mt, cultivator and other necesary farming imple ment*. Will sell over a money crop this year For price and easy terms see or write iw at once. *J MM a I two Ivor-, farm in a nnaint) mt home owner*. lt;. HARRISON Real Estate and Insurance ■way of Ike Rocky Mowt and Ply mouth Brandt of Ik A. C L Kail Md COL Mtk 85 1-2 (Mt 180 feet to a stake; tloa south XI *wt 900 feet to a.dake; thence Moth 85 1-2 west 100 feet to a stake; thence north a east to the beginning- jf ThL« the 11th day of Aagqr* 1923. MARTIN COUNTY SAVINGS AND TRUST CO, Trustee. Wheeler Martin. Attorney. 8-17-4t MAY FEVER ■ yam court -get away, «oeo VMSSSS OwirJOaJbilWM FOR OVER 4• YEARS uu-iririaaa nnciiKkwkM Mi ■ ia Uk ti i a tin«■> m . CUurtk. ULLI CATABU IZHtlll tmm ■ri o« SB OlatKtat *Wrt QnHUr Bcßtnt by lo ml apMlaaiaa. and lb* latcraal Mrf w a Toitr. which acts h the Bm4 on the Hynw tar ten*, tkui ndKiK ths IctunuOa. SoM hj *S *u(cML r. J * Co, TDMO. OMO MR GOOD SALESMAN H \TB: | WC SELL GOOD GOODS: WE I'ftlt E IHEM RIGHT. W. K. ORLEANS V ilKan«a, N C.