■ iCT WIIJJ mWl\ HEAM)( ABTEKS FOB SELLING TOBACCO --- ' f Local and Personal News] «==■ — —— Jltasr V». K. Lifcs- st 4K J • li " neH of mm* t««3«So- vis itor? la V. Wsmm tor Thersjiv ever, tag .... , Messrs. LiUfy ai-rf John Be-A-* vert Na r wjg' th*.;>• U *ii- * hyi.if M- It; wa- it :u *•: tj>e li3rbe j rue *'« i Mr *u- j it -h* fawnil [ f 7 V bsr^tM, ... . A J|r IVm «' F**f*U «> ir Iwrm.. Tha •-*- V* ' "*■" '* Mrs. K A- O Wt»- ;•■ « 177 m Man *» 7i» s Sever H'orn a Cap Fmils "SURE-FIT" a Real Treat i Tlkti '* * i f fort to "Surf-Fit" thai no ft*.l can f\>rr gnt. Nor .tnv oth**r cap, frthti. In An devKf tiplitfn 1 it or loowns VMM I it tc s ill an* nrtd. Just likf ■ oclt. [WK ,\ND—thrrr's a ihlr in "St rf-Fit" ctjuul : 111 a i tc tiut of ilk b»-*t felt >ou r\rr *orr. |IhI |ibi fn cap comfort—»Tth o »c of the fine i*-» iaU driij. -s in "Surr-Fit". "—"■f •> i IIVV. 0- jT. Nfw York ' T** I'Bm r^urfwbtw u-r.^J Margoli/ Bro/ £ Brook/ %HSQEK^^EEHZnHB v4-r ( tirand *£lothrs a/tjM ■. • ' i 1 •********■»■ "ii ■» ««■■■■■■» ' "■" ii - ■ ■*—■———— * r r ■' * I Cotton Gin Ready \ ]| J [ i!>tal « ! a i)i'\v LiIHIKLLS latest model («IN which is * « s>s ims known "loans the seed i>erfectly. You do a\«.* : «an; v. -in a I,ale evvry fifteen minutes. » i : i Highest Market IVices for both cotton and seed. NEW Stock of FALL GOODS j We ka>\ a full st-Vk of new an lup to date FALL GOODS. Our " ice-? cannot U- u u even in thelarire cities. See our Shoes, Hats, l>ress and Suits, in fact e/erything to wear. We're anxious i foi \ou to examine the quality a id get our prices before buying. L. Farm and Building Supplies || Y\ e also carry a good line of i inn supplies and building mater ial. We have just received a ca* load of wire fencing- and a ear load of the Lest irrade shingles at moderate prices. J[ at • * u I[j Reaapmbcr when you buy from us you can see us every day; if rou buy from a foreigner you have no chance to adjust diference& f ome to see us where a hearty welcome awaits you. Bailey & Bamhill J In KVKKfITS. NORTH CAROUNA „ . . iho4) ir: \Vi-n.-,,10»i, t.» guests m Mrs. Anjrus Cox. > Mis Olive Murr-»li left for I-oui- Kriiia* when- >he ha.- acc*|»^ a position *£- stenographer. ••• * ' l»r. ami Mr . J I». liicx-- ami Ms ! a.m All . A T. Crawford motniH t« ' Atlantic City Thursday. I LECTKII M.MtTTXKES—RAISIN I'.iun i a*. ! Orange cakes, bun-, e't thi* i» =t quality: Kwsh bread r> (CACIi ila ■—S. C. Kay, The- Ee»:«-| K-lT"f I - THE ENTERPRISE, Williamston, N. C WANTS! BUGS TAKEN UP -ONE SPOTTED sow unmarked, one spotted .-boat unmarked, one spotted shnat mark ed. two slits in «*ch ear, the so* weighing about 80 pounds and the slwab about 30 pounds each. Own er can (pet same by proving owner ' ship and paying all costs. Roy La nier, \Villiam ton, N. C., K. No. 4 Box 100. 9-14-atp ;IVE THEM A HEARING-the New j VICTOR RECORDS ] TODAY ANI) \ EVERY FRIDAY ! New Victor Records Will Be On Sale Special: Call for j 19122, "Somebody's j Wrong:/ 4 Fox Trot. . j RI'SS BROTHERS The Picture Framers Washington, N. C. * » _ - LUST A STERLING SILVEB pK-krt knife with initial "M" en- I graved on the handle, between Mrs_ 1 "age's and the Dixig Warehouse. I ir-der will |)low return to T!.e J i terprinf office u/t'i rec«-»ve a i*- v r.rd. ' {" ~! !} NEW FALL COATS j AND DRESSES j For women and mis- 11 | ses in all the wanted j 11 tronds and styles at JI i j RUSS BROTHERS j ! 11 Washington, N. C. ! N i 1 ■- r I w - ■*"«- : w FOR KENT—MIOSIS PARTLY rot- j py at thia a*oe. or phone 46. 7-27tf — r~ FOR BENT: til ACRE FARM. 12 hw ate tallii ■limi, one aile from Oak Gty.Eigtet room dwelling liuwt, Oak Ctty, N. C. 8-VP*. I HAVI MHJ Fl« SALE f*OV tubercut farted Jfrsfj caws. De liveries aaade 7 a. m. and t p. it. Phone 2M. Willianvton Dairy, Faal Ballard. aui«rr. • ll>- FOR SALS A ONE HOKSE MOW nnckint, cheap for rash. For further partitili' see or write J. O. Manning. Chief of police. Wil liams! oa. N. C >-21-41 IJOST— NEW 30x3 1-2 TIRE ON him. nek, and tin* cover, and N. C state brenw No. .'Bl7, from Ford coupe; tive cover carrying name of B. R- Bamhill. fiealer, between Jameavillr and Will«amston. Finde will please return to Dr. J. D. Bigp or H. D. Taylor. Jr.. Williamston. N. C. *a4 reward. S 21-2" Rocky Mount | F AIR Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Oct. 2,3,4, and 5 - : EVERY DAY A BIG PAY HORSE RACING Agricultural and Live Stock Exhibit* Fire Works Every Night 0 FREE ACTS EACH PAY i on Wednesday Morning During Ihe Fair ! Norman Y. Ommi>li«s, f J . C. Shore, ♦ Secretary president ROCKY MOUNT, N. C J I i I-'-. •; '-- I f It is our aim to sell your Tobacco for the 1 I Highest Market Price i ju; %-J . S A good sale means a satisfied customer and we endeavor to In i ■ B nave a good sale every day —li ' M _. - ■ .' ___. '■-■■ ■ ' v 1 That is why we get the name I | " The Old Reliable " | First Sale Tue. & Fri. Sept 25,28 th. J I " COME TO SEE US " j | The Farmers Warehouse I |"'«|£ J. W. HIGHT Proprietor j — - a -_ ■ - ■ ' S | Dr. awl Mr*. W. K_ Wfmnmm rimi.- jad in NorMk tMm weak ion, K. C la Sprush etot at eleven o'clock at ■fht tkelMnrf aH raamfiag homes are dated and lacked Alter that how «ai|«a *5 calling the gaaid or watchman of h* partis alar Mack. Tlaa is an aid Spanish rudoa which holds amer to the pre* ' ent day in fce**ly aD the cities of Spam The artthmaa aw a lan ten MH the key* |f all hane * under kirn charge. r _ _ Wasted I«W* P *f aenp j The Farmer-- Waiehmaw, William* I ' N. G. i ~ ~ I DUES-STINGS D VISSI Lf«t «lkk W tke poasr «. «*■' lianlHl ina ad woe taudw at tracted to each other by as ktidfc fane. "HigM' derives its mm from ita al point of (tftwwj Wa*M ISMOO pounds mi aHtap- TW FaiM Vankwc. WiDitai Ua.ll. C Japan has retired Ss# (ttcm, »a iliahag wm iw* Aapu«t waiii tomt it will shortly d» charge fi «ai the aereiee add*- ir U ——— »« FALL & WINTER : COATS EXCEPTIONAL VALTES Into the assembling- of these beautiful Coats have gone endless care, forethought and planning. There have been on the one side the securing of price concessions In connection with certain uncommonly at tractive garments, on the other judicious selection of exclusive models and very suc cessful have we been on both counts. SOFT, RICH GERONAS FASH EON A, ORMANDALE VELVERETTE - AND KRAMI Havo adapted tkcasdm with tiebphtfal prare to the adi'f of these coat->. Note lhe new ideas arhich the) dfcylay—the fatter »«, the s'-ender liae from hip to hean—the collar! so hf aad haaiu« —so all eaTdapiap. FUR LENDS ITS ALiX' REM EXT Models that are rnanaiaply collared—«nh Heater. Vtatka. S-«a>> rH. Viuna. Wolf aad Lynx. AS KOK CUJJOKS- ihrv whde the TADTS That ate fathsta FT ■ • . .i,_. »: § eorod —M fco*. Taape. Aataautai Unas, Xatj aad Harfc. $16.50 TO $159.75 aha include lite »J> lr» ate* Mpd to hiyt wooaea m «dl as the iegula> . J. K. HOYT ."THE STYLE CENTER" WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA | . llf — m • ~~ i V. W. Lew c ictanac to North Carohaa to help the fuaOt of tfce pi nhft'y. Bra my jmm Hhe'te daep wder a hlsahet aah fiaes nd frr" pear cvn shrep? Maa> seed farmers of , North Canlai at* 4m *o mum. - I Nov b (to bae to U peach hor - j hard to pitiwn hat hears the faafe m, saps C. D. Mall heas.

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