FOfc HICH ntn TOOK TOBACCO AT TIB M ABKET THE ENTERPRISE v ery Tuesday and Friday by tho SSTSki-UL-S I'L'HUSHING CO. MiLiam .on. North Caiwliaa W. C. MANNING, Editor j. F- CKOMER Lessor and Manager Fric* (Strktiy CAsh in Advai^ej 1 year SLM j C mciith» —— Wt' % monli.J Entered at tbe l ost o«ee at WO- 1 North Car-Una as seceed iass scatter. C 5 V*" K -V 'a s, fix;'"-. . ■ *_•>• _ \ NEW ASSOCIATION ML.'iiitK NO. -.->.7 TCESDAI. M-KifcaiiiEii iS-X j iltOUibiiiON Tfiwbgu I) U UfilieC aitlitUiit-iii «h|g.t»tfc.-» ptCaia. «3LiUlv« UiC w» ki* 4r ll»K aU. ->■ J a** Cw., 4t it yttiU •.« L«a—> | oiy L..C v., AMWVVU, i.A iii »..« % *HaW*4l A#. Al*c C 1 » * liiia Uit' I *m.iLc« a.e uv'-u iiiw'u.i Ui*. 1 *4 tiiU-Ai U; dctUiti U«. Uc l«4*~ Loltt U* UiC c UmM j r ■ ei* 1 -*« i* niiUM: Uwlj ilk U liOm tul U. M «."O Lo LKi il/tilMl Ux ikta w.a* Ik.c >k i-w. F LLIL.TF. I. ULJ ——* l S TUFEI^ M»i oi JiidC iul t"ti| i-.» « UM. u .*.c i JCl»j - 11k ujuia uf u.v. I aim o; atiik. 1 .wl k ' « L' j L*. • iXii ;, 1 *-*l> t-* **-4 A.- 4..1 Oi I-. Jjrfc»i«=J. M-1ti.1... IMt .»-t-1. ,iui«. l(*ii fc.-.-* "i t.. ... o—^ •>-1 Livsi. H*ifi •UC .U | *'■**■ -" 01 i u i pij il.ulllMfl»l .vlliiCii tatonwi. i fee iut Lut these a.e »«u, Loatve., nov cO tar mu**J t'3e t.jd of u.e la* a B.uider 01 ueiu V.i. w , - iLeo, »n ji-i ikit b Mil c «aur ithe p.vintiitio*. l±Sj on L£4£ Uu-y laiicui it tttlurctu lL* lUt vkrfatMM ol live V«tfk»! ut .e wule spread ai»: f»—; —m«r' U* ofViaia *L. tfcciM tt« tat it u we, oijMsJdii- t« perform Uieit duty, '...ere '* iiiii Ibuca to liuieve liai because o the kit, UK gtntial (OiKktUvu ci t.f> is far better tUu it w» wfae i tbe , of L. t tior was pr«r.i cal.y mrej-u*U*L While it uu, I* ytif. beftn th«s l me wiil come wher. tfewre wii© want l.,uor Will to •bUin it, the fuel that tiie prohi bition laws have tua»k- it iuirdrr to jeet -ttd moth iiiOie t i» n-ive. ia operated to the bectfet of a ci«» that wa.- greates-l >uff*-ner> uivk r the old rt-jr.a.-e. !o the-e iays moi. ey whick formerly went arross the har cooi.ler at the end of e&ch we*V is now fjei t :n pa; ii.g for 'he iiule Smmm vws «Wb there was a |»«d jtal ml talk ol W far tfca WA a hvaad alt A* city maa ■■had: Tiow 4a jmi 4enra ta ka ■ " "Wd.-aMA.finß —itfc £ anile efMoy Iwowl, **|op dtT talks aagM start k by frow ■■g a better daaa of city bojnim" j: :i " ■ . • ' Cooper-Riddick Co. (Incorporated) WHOLESALE FEED AND BIILDING . MATERIAL We have in transit snonl can mi wtnl Ofcta -1 ;.«ca AND Triac :TD» N Oat*. TL«F air 11A1U) •he- Lest qaafal} oats that M* km mm » the Etttfn Eirkrt. We al« have **»«**! can mf r.iakf J, M.duian Karsa Kje. We will be pleased to have your inquiries -147 EL Washington St. ; Phone 32 SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA f hone, ia cwdMto liar Ike family, on the vile and dnUicn, bet ter loco, ia a great ma£y cases, for an -» :« be uo) for 2ei fteatax Ikes, too, were u now I u ■ *°y **-' maay a family the bank { jixwtai where is being nuuie I *£-"»-* a Ekay oay. Tte«- ivuuU«t> me much iaitr loineily. Constitute! a> is ue present tao gic», of the \oT -lead Oititua any topr for the mkr» of » iiwi wiuch iiaj. HI vwc Us.* ri intite repeal 01 the act. ' Cjk.«|ut*U their rioiis »I>l be M aa - u-uift to secuit I oflgigg.-i-Hi i •mkm.h will rwi 'def {Wftjit tu of tight wines iaixt beer, .here ran be iitile doubt I Oat r oliiealMt of the act I wjuk be a akel uaumodnt to its cua;i>?e c libriotm. I'eraustioii u« mU &tnti beer with a eettain akv&MiC would dtaWtß >,«aii>} ait in tbe vei«iiog of the a-tnof-r t kr.ritfe» jui the last state u. tke :i! 00 mouki br worse than tie fir t. l ih-i.. F!i~ent we !f-ve t.l She w.a* coor* lui the y.r of lae I Male.- is to p. »:o*;g m -Jk %«*i-ies«s act just as U*ey 4> * ti uUer laws, of the coun try' • B"orve 1; to tar bee of their atxlil; Its repeal or modification would be to sttp backward which du ration ; ,«uU not, for i's own 14.-1 I ialtwla. le willing to con^ier. - LacL «-f suAe «e-as wa-"e: t»r one of che rm; fnine- of iecrea>- eU milk sa> faury extension workers of the State roller«" and I>e p&rtik>tr. f m~iv ailiir HOOEI iii (jUmfe will sooa le on the market in the form of vurculent krant hk h a nt*w cooperative en terprise pomoted b> workers of the tfriciit" rs® I *rn e. Sih t rtov/n Cords make your car lock better and L * They gIW ' fc-J ihc • esi li'J.n Xi vour lilt u.einrfni. - Sikatown | CORD TIRES &cst u> the /prg fytn Ask Your | Dl KANT QUALITIES WILL BE EXPLAINED TO OCR BEADEBS .WTI«UK(S That SbnU Be Smw by Purchasers Eqhi—i In Serin of .Un. The Champ:on Aoflo company, of Ereretts. with Mr. Andrew Clark at the head with progressive- manage ment, lefiK with this issue of The Enterprise a series of shtrtuewnti showing with illustrations as well as explanations, qualities that are worth 'while demanding when purchasing an automobile. The iHi rant has been sold ia Mar tin county by the Champion Auto com pany for.about n year, and thourh they have used moot of their efforts in intnwiuciw* the Star car since sec uring the agency, it being a lower and more popular pricnl car. Purant *ale* have been made with increas ing rar wf'ty, and they have placed a numhri of cars in the oowatv during this time—all giving as perfect sat isfaction as car* of several hundred dollar- higher in price, and many of them Mter service. The prospective *»•« boyw will «k» well to watch ««t l*»tn v !««■» of TV Enterprise for these nh*rti-»- IN RICHMOND- You find the markets of the world I IT'S a ddi;?ht ji: t to walk through Miller & -i Rluwk Slurp ii> Itirhmond. It's a joy to the !f Pi eyes just to see tin t.Muiiful army nien'h.indue gathered froi j everv mriicr of tin* uoritl. lAc a erwit bazaar in its variety I I '' A iVCI V « Here an- tlie very things you want, hut just a I fliaii l-IS Mi w| little different ! a little better than *1 find Us*! 'i"'$ Y. | tl**m clscwlr re. Many articles cannot lie (hipli- , I 1 * catedanywliere. For instance, the exquisite hitsof - jewelry and leather goods fnmi C'zii-lid Sluvakia. • These are in; th* hy cxjiert craftsmen in tin- Miiall siwpsof tlieir native country. Tliev work by hand o - and they make only one artiele of eaeli design. iw.. w.\v~ 1 _ I '■ üb> ww Mr bprJirx •/ Tlierc are ?jnarf dresses. Many of them froin _ «t* •■' Jtrelrj .Vnliaa. UNew York. I'iftli Avenue, of course. and then I?,'JOZZ?«h | HZI)mJZH't tlwrp are v»n-e fnun Paris, fashion center of tl»e \'.L,"Z~£ world. There are charming frocks for ehiklren, ~ Krmt " Mttm - /'> Tm*'md'rSL.^ 4k '**" Iwautifully hand nutde hy the |»easant of . France; fin«* linen- from Belfast; dainty laees s*\ fr» ni Belgium. Ijfi;dg ami Austria; |iearis and r\ j k»vely negligees from Japan; color-. I You must wonder Imw we ean reach out into I tin* markets of tlie world and gather together SIK*H ,r jF f \ \ BP P an arra > wonderful merchandise ami values. / K lllllr - Bm||l We have buying connections everywliere. 'Hie I ] WBRI B head of eaeli •Iqwrfu.riil invkts frequent trips to I I MM New York for tlie pttrpt jsc of selecting large stocks 1 | / M&jFk l of merchandise. Ami one of our representatives ' journeys to fcuro|K' in vardi of even Letter tilings. f V Nowliere will you find lietter values than at j V .. r ** ff l TMiller k Rhoads. We are constantly reaching out i V '\ *"** for new and lietter sources of mercfundise. Buy- T tITT & I f. m,«# Zm ~—- iiig in large quantities enables us to sell to you at 1 HB* rf iT!LIj f ' jt! reuiarkaW>' low prices. That, in a few words, is *'S'* t4mm » our aim. . m-«/iMa«w CmW lalm K. V Pay Miller it Rlioads a visit on your next trip to aZJZ.tH^ZI Richmond, and judge for yourself tlie values you I i NNS'mv €tm kt find here. TTiere is a quality to suit every taste ' JZI 7Ud*s+!Z and a price to fit every purse. UPr "J**"* RI CHMO ND, VA. | v •• . • .. - * ■ '• - : \ THE ENTERPRISE, Wflliamston, N. CL bmbU vkidl will he edura'inx -« i "• stnctm ■ U* J»i> imlit*fs tkU fhM'd be •bcx r-1 w a car when putkasw; tW features have km dr -ir.e*i by I'je Curaat yctple rto bare been connected with HtomUe engineer ing and designing aancr the begmmmr of the MtonobOe aal are giving the public the be-wftt of their life's labors. The Duiaet is a mcJeiateiy pneeu car, built to stand the near and tear of ordinary t—try mnus. and ac cording to the iW'W obtained (rem them by owners M Martin. roobtv MM! other sections of the loaatrT. 'He-, are sorceediag m performing tae fei ties- they were halt to perform. The first off this .errs of adver tisements shows the room that dwul l be secured in pwrrhairr a car. to inwe riding comfort for all passcag ers. ia both front anJ nrar seats. TV series contains tatnKtfoo Thar wi I be worth mach to the pwpedhe an tomcbile jHirthaner. Last vrar where Wt Ibiwlw T.«*nr serrfsl (kildir 3 K»c *li!f»r nrc* *r*« nfltftl ta tiwir health. w home ilrraoatnltlni » 'Ur« of the State college and IVpi'iirfflt of «- rioiture. Apple rust oivt I IT* «r>tboir ML cobr lre». The inoial ;««en is in cut oat the cnbr vitkit a mile of valuable orrlunlf, jar Horticultural workers : t the Stair college and De partment of apinHnrr. FOR OVER 49 YEARS ULLI C mum ■EDM MEbubtf* Ciliilfc uui miun H3Nrm «■- ■Ma or an OtaiUMt vkkk Qurkty M*w 1-T V>- *1 awtkalM. ud It* bhflnl Ilrf.iw « T«lc. «tek arts llr«|k I K Woo 4 on tkr ttmijm f*»- fat-*. thus rtdi*in( Ikr —*——— - - »*d fcr ill IreronL F. J Ct mrr A Co, TSpWj. OMO. joct COTTON We heKcve the ntfirt mil advance to 3k this falL lint sell taar ntlaa no* bat consign it to a» to br aald. W- will a~nfce liberal adsaaces on soar ih pmewl (. SAVANNAH OTTTON FACTOKAGF COMPANY Saiaaaab. Cr«(u JMIYC Tort TOBACCO TO WILUAMfITDIf WW SEASAOfV *"'l~■■■~ L ■ i - ■ i i _ ;| Nothing gives Com fort like a Watch 1i i i | - *r \\e have them in all grades. Y If you have one, let ns repair it. Our \vork is guaranteed. ! | | WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF j JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, GLASS AND 1 CHINA IN THIS SECTION (lifts for all occasions. Will be glad to } { show you any time. j ! ! STEWARTS JEWELRY STORE ! 1+ WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA L_

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