FARMERS, WILUAMSTON 18 THE PLACE TO SELL TOUR TOBACCO IST ONE OF THE HOUSES HEKK VOLUME 24.—NUMBER 64. -HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPALS MEET IN WASHINGTON Will Consume Two Days Friday and Saturday, October 5 and 6 PROGRAM IS GOOD To Discuss Vital Prob lems of School Work / for Session The High School Principnl's confei ence for this Action wi.l be held in Washington two days next wees, Oc tober ii and 6. The cunieieace oeguis 1 nday morning at 10 ociuca ami win Uist Saturday at 12 o .iocs. An interesting anu iiiHiicJve pro gram has been airangcu to* tne con i ere nee, and it is cxpecteu inai i. goodly number of the principal v. uus section will aiteau the coniei ence. The program is as louusa: rubUc mcetmg Insay evening at H o'clock. A. T. Alien, superintendent oi po» lie instruction, tne twiuy time flan of Organization. N. W. WUker, dean >cnool of Edu canon, U. N. C. Address—u»t*.c to be iclecttd. J. Henry llighsmith, high school su pervisor—High School Progress. General P*egram The Teaching of Citizen diip, C. R ilwsbaw, Aulandcr. Supervised Study—V nat In Actual ly Being Done. A. U. Conk, Eliza beth City; Miu IVart Bnnsoe, >«o.e- Mwl City. How to HaiMlie the Study Hall Pro blem, J. K. Carroll, W inter* iih, 1. U t nix, Ji -, Hertford. High Scnool ClnSisiftralinn anu S and annulw»n —(Should any Class C High School teacher be allowed to tea*h u. a taiMiani high school ? ) The lilggest I'ioolc.a 1 Had Last Year ana How It Was aviruL—C. V* L. Pittmaa, H. Lee Tnomns. Dover; Miss Elisabeth 1 othert. West Edgecombe High School; K. 1- ilaj har, Ahnhia; W. A B.\ea . Pali field. Mrs. IL M. W. Tack. Cre»we.l- The Place of Science In the iiigl. School—B. Vk. Wells, #. C. State col lege, Raleigh. A elating the High School to th Community—Some I'tactical Sugges t.ons —Miss Ctnra Pigg, Mas. Hill H S.; D. M. I'lt man, Chowan H. S; C. L. Williams, iVfdar Breach; A I Uramlett, Stonewall. What is the Platoon System—J. S Dry an, Wilson. Round Table Dkcussioa—Anything affecting the work of the high school Routine Matters—Records, and re ports, daily schedule, school hour keeping. The High School In Its Relalioashit to the County Wide Plan. High School Surveys What ha- Ixen done? Is the Athletic Situation What I: Should He If Not. What Should B* Done? TEXACO FILLING STATION WILL BE COMPLETED SOON SIMON LI {.LET AND S. COLLI N PKKL HAVE LEASED THE "SERVICE STATION The Texaco Fißmg station wiJ cmoi he completed. The lAjOnO gallcastoi ' age tank is nlready buried, and the) an preparing to build Jthe Uiild at once. When this is compie.ed, f. will be one of the most up to date filling station? in this port of the State. The Harrison Oil cenpary wi.l fee thai everything pnssiUe is done to make it attractive and as conven lent to the public as po^iWe. Mr. Simea Lilley aad Mr. S. Colin. Peel have leased this filling station and will operate it themselves They expect to grin both day ano aight service. We do not believe thai the Harrison Oil company could have leased the station to two better boys Simon and Collin They hope to Imve the station ready and ia full opentlon by October XSth. Then b«s will give the public the hunt niiltf and treatment in every way that they possibly earn and that anyawe can ex pact at an up to date Tfcnn filling They know they ban the bast le catasa ia to«a —at the depot; they knew that they cannot get better oils and guaahne; and they fcnow that it wfll be second to none in eastern way the Haiiiaaos do thiags Gone to Wilismall before yau buy RLHCTHK MAID CAKRS—RAIfQN. fhand nnd Orange eahna. bans, etc- Rny. The MaZ am* Gneny. MTtf THE ENTERPRISE MRS. VANDERBILT I APPEALS FOR MORE STATE EXHIBITS Impresses the Object for v Which the State 4 Fair Is Held -SHOW NORTH STATE Every Enterprise Should Have Exhibit Show ing Progress RALEIGH, Sept. 25.—The object «t the Mate fair is to "show North Car olina,' say*. Mrs. Edith Vanderhin, president of the North Carolina Agri cultural society in a statement today attention to the importance o having all entries in by October lsi and 6th. "Send your entries to Raieig i ir i -j. she urge*, alter calhi g ate - tioii tc UK- ;act that duniig .ne »eti ci Cctobi: lMh, the prwl-icts ot ill ..'A . I i; rth Carolina >.il be u. display at the State fair. 'Some excellent exhibits have al ready been arranged," Mrs. Yandet bilt states, "and are now being in stalled. Other* are coming i i daily.'' "The list of exhibits will range fron. huge power looms weaving doth down to ladies' handkerchiefs made by th* busy housewife," (die explains," anu adds that there is no limit to what may be exhibited. **l wish as president of the Stat fair," she continual "t® urge every person in the State to send whaievei they may make or produce to tlx fair at Raleigh, so that it may be ex hibited and compete for the many prizes offered. "By sending in your exhibit you cat do more to make the North Carohn: State fair the greatest in the" count! than by any other mean*. It is ; public institution for the public geo and it is your duty as a citisen o the State to promote the interest of such an institution whose one objrc and aim k- to serve the public To progress and properity. _ The State fair belongs to ever man, woman and child of North Car olina, and I should like to see the da when every one of you take an activ. part in its development." DEMONSTRATION AGENTS PAY WILLIAMS'!ON VISIT GETTING COrrON DAT- Investigating Possibility of Pea"ui. Relieving the Situation Ceas ed By Roll Weer.l Mr. K- W. Galphin, county fan. ilsnsni Uatioa agent, of Pamlico an. Mr. C. B. Ferris, agent from Cravet. county accompanied by Meiers. C. M Lhuuel, merchant and L C. Holdei. farmer of Stope wall, passed throu; I Williams ton Thursday. They an tour iag the peanut belt for the purpose of pleating peaautk as a suUtitut* for cotton, where the boll weevil ha practically destroyed cotton this year Many acres, they say, will not product to exceed 25 pounds of lint per acre. This should remind our Martin coun ty fanners of the necessity to nag an open, strong fight against the pes aad the fight against the boll weevil m a 345 day flgbt each year. Bury his houn in the fall, burn it in th* winter and he is not so numerous ir the spring. THE BARACAS AND PHILATHEA CLASSES WILL ENTERTAIN MRS. BUCK NEK The Atlantic hotel «itl be the scene on Monday evening of a reception in honor of Mrs. N. Buckner, of Ashe ville, general secretary of of the Nortii Carolina Fhilatheas. The local Philatheas and Baracas are being bestowed with the bono, of a vvat from Mrs. Buckner, and in ■ppmrittion of the interest she ie tak ing in the local classes, they will entertain her Monday evening, show ing the hospitality with which a da tiagujharl visitor is aacotded when in Waiinmsten. SERVICES AT RAP-JUfT CHURCH A. V. Tsynar. peeler Sunday school 9:46 a. ax, J. CL An derson, superintendent. If yen are net no connected with any ether Sunday school, we give you a cordial invitation to anike with as. Sermon by the pester 11:00 n. m , , abject: 'How Gnut Things An Ac i mapluhrd" Regular eveaing service at 7:45. Mrs. N. Buckner of AsheviUe, N. C, will apes* at this hoar. "To stay nwny from church ia a veto to nuke the church fail. To this that would he m en leauty." We extend to envy one n cordiel invitation to won hip with us in nH the sen Ins of this church. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTOrPRBE » i WILLIAMSTON. MARTIN ODI'STT. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAT. SEPTEMBER 29, 1923. HARRISON OIL CO. IS NOW PLANNING BIG EXTENSIONS STORAGE CAPACITY HERE WILL BE DOUBLED IN THE NEAR | FUTURE We are fix' to note the progress the Harrison Oil company is making in the oil and gasoline bminess. 1 hen : business is growing bigger ukl big ger every day. Mr. Hanv«..j le A Wednesday night for Xortolk, Va. : and Ualtinoß, Mil., in the interest of the Harrison Oil company, who *l •ojW planning to double their stomg. capacity at the Roanoke river and al so to enlarge their cylimtei oil tic pan mem on the Atlantic Lib* tracks. * it is talked on the Anas that the> u« planning to install one or l>t. orauch stations at another pwM. How MXNI this Will be we aie onabte to say, but plans are now being pcriect ed lor the enterprise!*. Mr. Harrison has gone to Norfolk to take this mat icr up with the Texas people an>. to work out some plans by which to enlaige their plant trom start U> &ii ish. Their present equipment in no large enough to take care of °then enormous and growing Inuimm in a manner satisfactory to them, IhougL we have heard no complaint fiom ih* public at all. George and Gus Harruon ate wiu« awake boys; an always on the job, and Uiey believe they have the best gasoline and motor oil that the work produces today. They »und back o every gallon they sell and guarantee same to be all right ui every rf»f*cl If we had a few more Arms in town like the Harrisons and some other here, we would iOoii be saying "the City of Wililamston." If there is anything you do not understand about the Texaco oils nn> want to know, we will suggest that you take the matter up wih eithei one of these boy's ami they will ex plain same w they are prepared am in shape to do so, with the smile that coven their face every time they Texaco products. SUfil RBAN WEEK TO BE OBSERVED DURING PAIR AT ROCKY MOlVi Merchants Anaeeialien Then Offer lag Additional Attractions Neat We*k ' Our wide awake neighbor, Rock) Mount, has inaugurated an extra at traction for the people of the ,ur rounding counties during next week. October 2nd to sth inclusive, whi their fair is in progress, to indue* them to Rocky Mount. This addi tional attraction is in the nature o cut prices on merchandi e of a I mf chants of Rocky Mount during then* days will be offered at reduced prices With this double attraction at Rock> Mount during next week, it i > ex pee ted that a goodly number from thi aection will take advantage of the tw in one attracion. BANK OF ROUER^NVILLE SHOWING I'KOtaKKiiSIV L.NES. In this issue of The Enterprise Ua liank of Robersonville carries a state ment of their condition in d«fday form, which is interesting to all eon cerned in the bank's welfare. It will be temembered that this bank was re organized only a few months ago al ter a suspension of Inmmh, nhid. makes its statement most remarkable Showing the approval of the uffcen in charge of this fttituiiM by th* people of the county is their state meat of individual deposits of I**. 4W.1&. which puts thejn amoi.g th* leading banks of the county ia de posits. Thip fact witnesses that ev fry courtesy Is seconded patrons by the officials, who are as folio*-: J H. Robarson, Jr., preidtnl; R. A. Bai lay, vice president; A. S. Robersoa, vibe president; D. R- Everett, rashiei and L Mayo Little, asslstnnt ca. hier. ENTERTAINMENT IN HONOR OF BIRTHDA) |Jttle Mjps Nettie Ferrel Me.dor en tertained quite a number of her lit tie friends Tuesday afternoon in hon or of htf seventh birthday. They wen met at the doer by Lit tie Miss Nettie FerrelL After sever al Viet rata aeieetieaa wen enjoyed, they wen invited to the yard where games wen played. About 5:30 they inn invited to the dining room where iced enn were served by Mine HHrsbath Gurfcin and Hand Edmond Mrs. J. O. Manning and drildra, Christine and Jim, Mad Mrs. John A Manning and children, Jack, Ben and Reginall, motend to Kington and Reeky Mount CUs week WILLIAMSTON SCHOOLS OPENED ENCOURAGING ll.i . :318 Pupils Report for Duties Thursday at Opening PROSPECTS" BRIGHT For Progressive Session During 1923 anil 1924 Here / • • 2 The Williamton Graded ami High school opened its (loots Thuisday morning at 1U o'clock with an en rollment of 31fc pupils, which is uu>r* than has ever attended the schoof"ln a»y pni wus year. Ixipenuteiideiit M. J. Uavi , tn eiunj tne preaeidcu ICex. M U_ Caantbcis, pastor of the M thorn*, church, who lead a scripture .e* on, whiirfi *m lollowed by 'an earnest I prayer by Rev. A. V. Joy net o: the Memorial Baptist church. May or John L. llassell made a short opening Welcome aihliea. U> the tacul ty ami pupils, in a few Well chosen and to the point words, Wuich coni- Duiklnl dose attention front the en tire audience, and expinnl the .pii t of Williamston Guarding* iu school. Mayor llassell waa followed by Rev. A. J. Manning, retired *upei n.temi ent of public instruction, tylio ma«ie a short but very timely addres.-. Jim ing his inteivst in the schools of the county, j-.«i though now lot actively cußiitxtnl wiUi the Hchool system of the county, his heart and Work when not engaged otherwise will lie with the Martin county schools. The last address of the morning \»a also .Jiort, by Mr. K. A. Pope, pres ent superintendent of pubic instruction of the count). who expreaed in a few derisive words the aims of the educational system of the county in furthering education in Martin county which will be in keeping with tin nokbl* progress Martin has made li the few yarns in iu educational With the enlarged attendance ami J two additional teachers, the outlook i* bright for the Williamston Graded ami High school to have the best yeai ia the history of the school. A notable fact at the opening of the School was the praent of so man;, parents, f bowing their interest in tin education of their children by at ten*! ing the opening exercises of th» school. This internt should he main taiard by parents throughout the yeai ami if done, wrill greatly aid the teach cr* in their efforts to give training m the school that will advance th children more rapidly, and eliminate a number of "flunks" at the end of the school term Walton Jails His Political Opponnent OKLAHOMA CITY, OKla., Sept. 26. —Campbell Russell, former chairmai. of the slate corporation cummiaiuu and a liittrr political enemy of Gov ernor Walton, was arrested this af tarnooa by the executive civilian op eratives. Russell wa, taken to the military hea«liuai tt rs, and later to jail- A crowd of seveiai hundred pet soa« followed the o cers and Ru» #iL He was char got wiitii "disorder ly conduct and attempfing to incite not." He had been distributing- pain phlet* attacking the governor whet, arrested. The rtraightest of th world's sur veyed lines is that niniiint; north wan. between Alaska and Canada, frwu th. coast of the Arctic ocean and const! tut ing the boundary line between th two countries. Tha line consisht of i clearing twenty feet wrne cut throng all timber, of aluminum br rue monu ments set at iatervisible points no" mora than four miles apart, ami e map in detail of the i«np of cour try two miles each side of the bourn' ary proper. In 1867, the American and British treaty makers laid a rut er on a amp and said, "This shall be the dividing line." The li"e tra verso• COO alias of country over great moun tain' ranges, swift rivers, quicksand glacier* aad bottom Irs*. morasses. A scorched corpse picked up on an ally, wreck strewn sea was evident* of the fate of the tanker Swift* ar R iN believed that lightning atrucV the tanker amidships, disabling the niialaia iaunediately and exploding one or two oil tanks which lore the ship apart, each half going down with all as board. Splintered wood and raidwhw Ufe boats with the letter iag "Swiftstar" aa each one were pick ad ap lilsw Cuba and Jamaica to gether wtt the body of the dead ■■ Mr. 1. E. Peg ram of the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Ihdaa fa to tawa May oa bwka» STATE SECRETARY I OF PHILATHEAS TO RE HERE SUNDAY miLL HAKE AIWRESS AT BAP TIST CHIKCH ON SUN DAY NIGHT The local tlaraca ami I'hilathea classes of the Memorial Baptist churci, j wdl have the honor of entertaining their state secretary, Mrs. liuckuei of A&heville, Sunday and Monday. On Sunday uight at the usuaj . er vice hour at the Bapti.-t church Mis. Buckner will address the peop.e o Williamston on the Baraca-ltulathes cawss. She being familiar with thi work from years of experience, vrllt give information of the work Sunday aight that numbers of Williamson tans interested in the work will dr. well to hear. Mrs. Buckner has been personally connected with the liaraca I'tulalhei work being carried on at Oteen hos pital, where numbers of our sol diet boy*. who fought the good light ov ersea- - and were wounded, ate now receiving treatment, and she will very likely tell us what the Baracas and Philatheas are accomplishing at this hospital, relieving the suffering ol our boys who gave themselves thai we might live in peace anT at liber-. «y The least that can be expected on this occasion of Mm. Buckner's visit to Williamston will be some good al dresses, full of interest and infornia tioa, and addreares that will entertain as well. * Mrs. Buckner will nmain here over Monday in tha interest of the Baraca- Phdathea work anil will make another address Mondy evening, and those other than the members of these elapses can doubtless spend their time during these addresses any more pro fitabty than by hearing Mrs. Buck ner Sunday ami Monday. ITALY RETURNS ISLE OF CORFU TO THE GREEKS Payment of Fifty Mil lion By Greece To Close Affair ATHENS, Sept. '£i. —Tlie Island o Cofu occupied by Italy on August tin ;(Ut was returriKl to tlie Gieeks till mtMiung, it was announced in. dis [ patches received bete iwiay. lARIS. Sept. 27.—The lnier Allie.. Council of Ambassadors yesterday or dered Greece to pay Italy the aO.tMMi,- UUO lire deposited l>y the Gieeks in the bank of Switzerland as security for indemnity in connection with tin J Ati in ia muiiH-ir. 'lite payment was ordered as a penalty for Greece's di iatoriness in seaiching lor the assas . tn> of the buunitary misioii, which] biought about the ciisi. and the suUscttuent occupation of the island of Corfu- With the return of the Is . i Greece this morning and the payment of the indemnity hy Greece, the (ire cu-Italian affair was In ought to a due so far as the Council of Am bas*mtor> is conrerned, Greece having complied witih the other stipulation.- of the council. * J in MRS C AKKIK COWAN On July l»il, tlie death angle rune ami bole the soul ui Mil . Cai ne Cowan-away. Site was born Jan uary 4, IM6, making her slay on earth 78 years, 6 months and £A days. She was the wife of John A. Cowan, thg ■Hmk 1 ' 1 *" of Gardner anil iVntut Mtzelle. She was Uie mother of 10 children, and preceded ail to the grave except H. U J. W. and O. C. Cowat She leavea Li grandchildren and one great giaadctuld, ami a n% t of rela laves and friends to mourn her loss. But we mourn nut as those who hava im hopes, for tiod say» tuller little children to come unto ine. She wak confined to her bed two weeks aad two days. All was done for her that a faithful doctor ami lov ing bawds could do—no one can ktop the icy kamh of death. She Joined the Methodist church at Mount Zian in her eart>>- days. The funeral was conducted by Elder John Rogenoa and was attended by a host of relatives and friends. The both waa laid to icrt ia the family bury iag ground to await the ressurrection One from as ia gone, A voice we love is still. A place Is vacant ia our home > That never can be filled. Seep on dear sac* her And take thy rest; Gad called thee to the rhiniag shore, Where pun aad suffering are felt • *"*"• - - i —Written by ther daughter-in-law, Mra. D. C CfML DAIRYING AND LAND VALUES ARE DISCUSSED Comparison Shows Advantage Where , Cows Prevail JU) FARM IS NEVV After a Few Years of Habitation By the Dairy Flock DAIRYING AND FARM LANDS By G. A. CARDWELL Agricultural and India*rial Agent, At lantic Coast Line Railroad Co. "And I'll never again worry when t want a loan, » Eor 1 know very well if all othei means fail My cows, H well lad, will till up the pail v» uh what paid oil" the mortgage to Uay." —E. G. Bennett. 1 nis, lite ninth aitktc ot the "I'tos peiuy follows Uie tMury tow, ~e ».es is ute experience ot Uugn i. van licit, l'iie aiUcle it' oUe of tin r>iJ soties tor bankets and busin-. men, used by the Ueiie Meade liut.i coiitpany to encourage daily ilevei. tuent: A dozen years ago 1 spent Sui i.ay with my 1 trend, t. il. iveeuey in a valley in New \ ork t*ale. 'l'nat a I lei noon he drovfc me through the valley. Ou each side ot tne foau vvete terlile liunis, goon houses, laigt barns, silos, luxunant crops ot corn, oa%v clover and alfalia. Iu eveij pasture good cows glazed. 1 had heard of tiie worn out, ai>aii ■ lotted farms of the eaM and 1 be lieved my friend was showing me a tavored section. 1 asked luin to tjiow me some oi the abandoned farms. His reply wa«, "We have no abandoned farms—we did have, but learned our lesson." "For many years we have been Im porting bran from the northwq t, earn and oats from the middle west ami cotton seed meal front the south. These we have been leediug to good cows ami returning the fertility from them to our soils. The next worn out farmr you will see will lie in the mid dle west, the not lit west and the south. Three hundred years were required to wear out our lands. We did it with oxi-n. It it now being done with lour horse teams." That was before the day of thi tractor with which t hough tie.-- men exhaust soils twice as fast it. they could with four horse teams and im measurably fa ter than they did with oxen. Where are we headed for today? 1 localities in all of the sections le-, feried to by my friend, Keeney, bear evidence that he knew whereof In Returning front New York I met u spoke. financial man from Waterloo, la. lit was returning from New York city where he had been to maiket fai in mortgagus. lie explained to rue that he had personally takea tin**- inoit gages to New York, lieheving that the sum of liquns£ desired iu return fron them was exceptionally large. He h.iti been surprised to find that they wen eagerly purchased. He asked the hif eastern bankers why they felt so fa vorable toward the.-e mortgages. Tin answer was, that the vicinity sur rounding Waterloo had become a dal ly section of considerable prominent that it is well known that the produc ing value of lands in a dairy section does not decrease, but increatc.-, that dairying insures permanency of agri culture; that where soil ii lieing maintained and increased, whelt the producing value of land is In ( •eased, there, not only laud iellini.' values, but especially ami loan value.- become enlarged. He was also toV that as a result of this dairy devel opment the land loan valuei within a radius of 100 miles of Waterloo, hi increased on the records of Wall Street JSO per acre. The big eastern banker realizes the importance of the cow to the ci»m munity. He is willing to back up h> judgment of the cow with hi? mon ey. He doaat guess—lie know;. Of how much greater importance is 1* to you—a leader in yoar community— to not only know of the relationship of the cow to land values, but to take some active steps to insure this cow ocedpying a more important position ifi the agriculture of your community You miKd be the leader in this dairy development. I was not so greatly impressed wit this story until recently I told it to a banker ia South Dakota. Imme diately he grasped the v fad on of what a cow really means. In the pnrtaare of the banker h* Mid. "Those figures would mean SI ,000,000 added wealt' to this community." These two illustrations merely suf ftce to prove that where thara is dairy THIS MARKET IS CAPABLE OF K l7\ P RVICE MIXED WITH COURTESY—TRY IT ESTABLISHED 1898. I THE SOUTH NOT I LAGGING IN WORK . OF TUBERCULOSIS Progress Marked Meet ings of Southern Conference NEGRO ISTTREATED They Secure a Bi# Por tion of Aid C.iven In the South That the south is ready and will ing to take almost any step that will increase its efficiency in the fight ag aiirt tuberculosis was the spirit man ifested at the informal meeting of the Southern Tuberculosis conference held recently at Asheville. Two of the more important steps taken by the conference were tjje. decisions favor ing the reorganisation of the South ern Tuberculosa conference which met 'ast in 192t\ an| the organization of ti *: Southern Sanatorium association. The representatives which register ed from nearly every southern state agreed on all measures that meai t progress and success in the tubcrcu 0.-is work. One of the most helpful discussion* at the conference was that on stand ards and classifying and rating tu- Lerculosis sanatoria. Enlightening studies of this subject made bv the National Tuberculosa association were given. 'n the discussion of the vibject, "'•'anatorium Care of Negroe;," it was clearly noted that great progie* ha been made in the south in ihe i fi'w ye; is in treating the .'.la -nb us negro. Tuberculins and the negro is no longer a- hopeless condition. Ne groes themselves are becoming inter ested in their problem, which fact at ciit is the first t-tep leading to the Mu tation of the problem. That the ne gro is seeking sanatorium treatment ! was pointed out to be a nun t Kip* '"id sign. ' SAYS C. C. AND O. LEASE WOULD HE A CALAMITY Vice President Capps, of Seaboard Argues Against It WASHINGTON, Sept. lit!—Lea-M --of the Carolina, t 'linchttyflk and Olm> railroad to the Louisville ikul Nash ville and the Atlantic I'oui t Line rail roads, now being considered, would br a "public calamity of,the first magni tude," C. U. Capps, first vice piesi dent of the Seuboard Ail Line, tu ti lled today jJtefore the Interstate Com merce commission. Swell a control of the C'linehfiebi, be asserted, would withdraw ull ef fective competition in tram puliation from important areas in the.Atlantic Coast Line and the Southern railroad territory. Mr. Capps' argument was the first direct attack brought on the leasing proposal during the commission' hearings. Seaboard Air Line coun « l also called J. J. Campion, traffic man ager of the Clinchfiehl, who was ques tioned in the endeavor to (how that his railroad was modern in line ami equipment, and fitted to handle heavy traffic under its present independent management. "We take the porition that there is no justification whatever, for this lease from the standpoint of the pub lic interest In transportation," Air. Capps declared, "or for the protection of the owners of the Clinchfiehl road, or to fuither any reti-wnable or legit imate interest of either of the pro mised leasees. "We consider that every objective desired by the Louisville and Nash ville railroad with reference to the connections proponent with its Kentuc ky territory can be adequately secur ed by such connection either without a lease, or by a lease to the Louis ville and Nashville and other carriers in the southeaK connecting with the Clinchfiehl and competing with the At lantic Coast Line." m Trade In Wililamston ¥ • Mr. D. C. Harnes of Murfreesboro is in town today. Wanted lllO,OOO pounds of scrap. The Farmer* Warehouse, Williams ton, N. C. ing land, values increase and where land values increase the only form of agriculture that can be mad« pro fitable ft dairying. One crop farms exhauae the soil and results In poverty—diversified farming built around the keeping *f good cows, conserves and Increases soil fertility. It is a permanent sys tem of agriculture and brings proa a* _. . - ... .