PAKmxa wnxiAWTON is m PLACE TO SELL TOUR TOBA^Of TB : q?:p OF THE BOUSES HUB' VOLUME XL-%MH{ICK Cfi. PREVENTION y BY THE GOVERNOR . Emphasizes Importance of Every One Par m ticiating LOSS BY FIRE GREAT More Concerted Efforts Are In Urgent Need for Prevention * Below we reproduce tWpndimi tana of G*veoor Cameron Kant** Jwtoißf T—illy, October the Hk as Fin Frrvotion Day, is which he earnestly calls the afntm of thr paaple of North Carolina to the ip |*>tMee of file prrmdon: Every allusion to Fife Pmcaliu Day is a rebuke upon those who fail tc employ The arcasicn to rid their ppnauQi of uxfr cooMkmu. It retgured bat a single defect in a :hgl« residence to start the dif usirhi.- conflagration at New B»i* \f .how ms-iy iueml people tuf fried brcaue of it! Just such a de fect may exist unnoticed is your own koae or offer and jeopardise the Brer and property of Ui»um.i» who keep lt*ir premises clean sad free frer Ik bretdisg conditions, yet have Bo protectioa agams* their nurirf hn. That ilUividoal is derelict, that »fit • deemed that fails to letarsiu lb richt of every crimn to protect io . of hu life and property; yet we ntani tifl «*t'e concern for e.ther our •*: rtfety or that of oer neighbor :n per ra'tt'ip defeeV> In eonstractioi '•» e ,4 and fi.flamabte material to anuii- J» or premiac*. If w- accept the increasing « * 10. in «-»*! State as as Iru'e* to our daa an* jf fltitenship, it t" high til. - lL' our people became alarmed j t i . ' dagenetacy. |V». r, which is considered a iiaak i i orn i dpe, maN* full ofxvHc» a that fear footers the pt * JfiK l of ll'e «ad property frv-m k» l| bt. No* t!;*-re* ore. I, Camera* M is. n>. "irv riaur of Nor h Caro -ii, 41 »:>• l' promote a more gene-.' 'tc of tire breedißfr corsdttiann tl-al ft»- a hravy toil in Imp and prop.j-:. ■jot to stimulate, if (.asnUe, mate individual effort in making Kort * Carolina safe for life and property * do hereby .(.--igriate and act asi-V Tuesaisy, the uinth i»y of Ort»«be ; !«efS. the fifty eecoiHi aahmsiy a the rt«al Chicaro fin to le ahene a.- Fire Prevention lh;, .ut-' urge -adi abac ance of it aw will impieo up on our mints thr)«at Imw l*»r **'« u,-4ai'«d br U* through preventable fit** and the talat of indiviilua' 'o't t' War.l flif lift •««! aulfonllts »tteHier to repute* iaus, lr» prever. ton irdifOMts, on« 1 Irt tfrem f «™W ib* Ore ikpaKmmti i>qnU avl op t* i|!« apparatus for ire Id the people re«h»«* til* !»* hs aid by dnntnp tip Iwfc. rubbish, acd aa.-te /ram tMr [ '«■»* Lrt all hestinr »PP*ra 10 id rWm Myi he car*full-. |r>pertrd nd put ' in proper riiape for arinter «*** |«t all (wbiir awl pnnite mstitu turns b* carefully looked •«*» and all jMWsarr chanr** nade »• afejt*ni the live* of the occapaats. Let A people lead impetus to thv ■ movement by atteadinr pablic lta*b erinps called to devise pnveMim BM|as. Let tbe press aid by timely pub pertaia.n* «o «r* aad aeri- M ptlimitlaii- U( fire drills be b*M '■ iastitu tiar, factories Ja pahlfr. brachial, ami private achoofa, aad let the teach «f Instruct thdr pupils aa to tb* daa gaea of Ira and attkkau, aad tW Lrt «w> «» M*paS> arlth *e ftWt fiwiwn ihipailinl ia «tm |4make North Caniin aaCe fa* 2L* taady tkiw «4iab i Go«* i aor sTiti j " ■ THE ENTERPRISE CO-OPS. WIN AGAIN; CONTRACT BINDING Open 55 More Markets Oct 9 In Virginia and " Western Carolina Members of the Tobacco Orovers Cooperative staociatioa were preheat ed by two our* 61 eastern Carolina last week from selling iser tatarn «u Uie auction markets whs Jam d. Uoyu Motto* tt •• jHUft Frank lAaniess 11 asri lestnar ang «Otn> pertauaf ctgM mrantiri> a. .nc marketing «swiuias in* de u\cnu| their t—seen cstsnH of U*at «wa aaaocalMd. Old belt co-opo. sue ejft-V a*sit tug me opening of bb more saittoiua caoftAe aataciaiios next T«a«hy, Uc tuber 5». 11* \ Upuia and acateta Aaiu. «.aionaa wben the Uus year by the organifatn a aid U posted'at every receiving po:nt. The high aivascta paid by the as sociatioo in the face of fahiag pane* on the auction floor* of taalers Cai adina and the South Chtebna belt, have resulted in a big gain p mam beohip. More than ten*thousand aev. members hare joined the saaatastii. during the past 12 months and *2. UOB have now signed the five year con Ulrt. North Carolina leads with a* er HJBOU tobaeco co-ops, Virginia ha 37J00U and South Carolina am 1«. Ml mfn-.beri. The tobacco association has already made a big gain » the mannse I» tobacco delivered by iu nembu- » South Carolina and eastern North Car olina compared with receipt* a yeai ago, is expected to gain a majority of the old belt crop a* ws the cax last par. MRS. PENDEB HOSTESS WEDNESDV lEVENING Mrs. Joseph Pender was halm to a number of her fnends with a caid party on Wedn««tay evening from 8:30 until 1100 o'clock- Her attractive little Item* was Jk orated for the occasion with fall ficw %rs and plants, aad tables weae ar ranged is the front parlor las hcidga wl for rook in thr back parlor. Miss Clyde Hassell made tfc* 1 * ■ core in rook, and Mrs. Enrrt IV in bridge, aad Mu>s Ha»sell *a gi» en rook car.b amt Mrs. IW s vanity compact. An ice course with fancy cakei * raltesi peanuts were served byte- aseted by ber sastar. Mis L. C. Bennett. TW enjoying Mrs: Pewder'i h« pi'ality were: Mivlime A. Ha?«eli 1 J, W. Manning. A. U. Ihtamag, Carr* Biggs Williams. Val Teet, M. O • Watt-*. Myrtle lawreace IVe gdv fiuiganut, Elbert IVel, ISA Ta* lor Jonlia Wand. 1. C. Beaartt. aaa! ... » «_ aa _x _s* Vlk. IL. I Mioses Mata Mitch*!!. Came WV White, Clydo Ha-sriL Bn»* snd Mesdames G. H- Harrbon. P. B Con*. Kor*r Criutar, Jotm A. Mi-«. nine. E- P. Cuanlngham. C. B- Clark Chariot James, and W. T- *'•*«» NIL W. JL HOPEWELL entertained in bom* OF HIS SdflH BIBTHDAI On Saturday. September »»h. Mi : W. M. Hopewe'l entertained I"*?* » , number of bis friends in honor U bit HRfa birthday. A# em* m*»« arrived they as»*na bled un-ler th* grape nms. Whib eating grapes a few of the good la dies and gentlemen prepared a *# At noon oa a |Uf tbie in the jam barbecue awl all loads af *%od thmps to est were **rve«i. / l— the iltdßMßt Rev. A* V- Jnjnet and* a very taltnrthc lg kee»B ' rial adifm which was fdbari by the stasia* af ""t goad eld hjmni At a lata how. the f prorlahning what a drtightfnl they had spent, aad wsahmg Mr Hope , waß many mora happy birthdays ' si ndA school at F BIGGS' SCHOOL HOCSK SI NDA T AFIBBNOiiN r All former i irtin am argad to be bo pat forth to mafca Ika school far btfter this yaar (baa aay year te the V past, and to da this amy water j Mat tab* a my adN put fa th* M. ■■■* • • Kit M. E fbel aad Mia. 4 Heavy C. Nanaaa rf »ti "Tie. ■pent Wednanday ia u»o* vwftiag serf 111 /• *f '■ • v*. .. •■ 11 * ' - VIUJAWTOK. MAkIU GOUNTT, NOitlU CAROLIN A. FBI DAY, OCTOBER i. 152*. VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE COTTON 1 STALK BE CUT Plowing Up the Cotton Stalk Deprives Wee • vil of Fall Food IMMEDIATE ACTION Necessary After Cotton Has Been Picked Is Urged ILALEIGH. Oct- 4.—Jhe reward foi upp ag up or ptowisg under tne pm os*.an stalks immediately alter pack •mg cotton and be lure tne plants ait asaM by tivst is aa increased cottak •.rap next yea., believe* *. Urwcc aatee, ah* do%i extern ma wart u. sat aeevil castnl for tne State cat •ege aad Uspartmeai at agncultaia nr. Malice has pat returned ta hta e%h Hum his betd neadquaitera a» ta#, where be worked with the ptaa* •4. m that section this year, ttm ob •enaUMk, tbeiefore, are based o. Mtuutiahit experience with the war o*s oat m the fields. " Tkere are two reasoau for pku »ug aadrr the est tan stolhV says Mi Mabee. "The first 01 these as tha. (he ptactice destroys a large aambi > at young aad immature weevils t> be found aio'w in the young bolls as aapEiic Jiil remaining on the ifalk Stir tlae.~e weevils pelmilte-t to ma tune and lad they aoa-d Le bette atde to aithstaiid the aiater than t alder generauoa. ' "Ike second reason is that plo* iSf udder the stalks remova%i the we> Ids fao- thus making a M ger pr. aad Irum the time of tneir last sqaai meal and the fall until their first sse. ia the spnaig. Mu) of the isam thetefote die the wm-tt.* Mr. Malice stresses the point tha this protective aaesnire is aady efrr live wheai the dalka are p.owed ua «ser before they die natarally and th. As etfectneaeaa is in proportion I thr length af time the stalks a.e ptoa ed under brfoie frost. In a recet. letter addressed to the (stka groo eA of ea.«4era Carolina, Mr. orgas the growers ta pack their cat ■am uaai I«m * ipo « a., Her Uae .-talks. Col lege workers point out that Iht practare al o offers an opportunity t s.«Vmr fall crops far impro* iug It. sail aad far small gfatar . . HiUI Mil \ ) PABTt ON SATI MOAV ENJOYED HY MANY CHILIMCK\ Oa Satuiday a'teraoon, Seplembi 31. from two to five u'ritcfc. Wd.ian &and Matjorie Taylor e*tertaiar. of their llule friend? iu boimr a Uaear tentk and twelfth bartk>lays. Whta the little folk* began to cow- Knirti llcwtn aad Marjone Tajb mot the gaasts at the door, and mvi; *d them into the receptwa roou •"hent they spent some time in kak ■ag at the many beautiful ai>l «scN pewants, such as, .~hoe», U(», ilrtMW t*c. Then they went forth to th. fraat yard, where Mx Mac TajrU entertained them by p'ayiag intn games .while Miss Ixuailw Taylor en tcflaiaed the oldrr loik with ma-ic. At /our o'clock they were *ivea i pot' ia a bottle wheh wv ia tb* ihape of a pig. This ifoiinl mac faa for the little folks; Oscar IV gucariag nearest the aamher whirl w*. 339, aad was awarded a prise. After th* coat est the boys dm the names of the girts they shook au«h with to th* diaiog room. arher the raadlrn were lighted .and all lb ehddwea icpiatail th* Lord's Prayer. They had a mnj good time eat lag ia* una aad cake. The an! thing that ■aarred thmr pbwwc wa, A boot Cve o'clock they aS depart*, declariag they had a j*By good tiaw aad wuhiag WißHm B aad Jbrjori Way. many happy hirth^yv A GOOD COTTON PICK EX AT M TKAKS OF AG' Oar friead aad aa«hhor. Mr. Job' aar heat cotton pfcketa. Mr. Simp sea will be M years aid ffefatda; October Cth. Oa Monday. Octobi ■ let ha pefeed City pamade af cat tea a Cepr boors. He sapa he ptk ■ ad 12 1-* pi alt per hoar with com [ apeak Wa birthday w»C» Us eaagbtcr. Ms. 8. klaaad Newell of Lam batg. | aad ha le gaiag to drive has car or f Bepaa la aot a gcod aattor pkka. hat a goad ante driver m ; Mayor DM. Ctertc of GweaiJb MARTIN COUNTY POULTRY WINS AT ROCKY MOUNT Roanoke Poultry Yaixls Exhibits Get of High Prizes Mr. Then done Robert look lab. I While frwm bin Kuanok. i*Wuitiy Butts, ud «»'. 11 pmmunb. and Ike dcrlaiM ihat some o! to chkkeas were as feu. a* tne> ha. o*r seen. Friliwt «* "*• prun won by Mr. Koberaon's chwke*. at the fair: Kin* prat on juung pei., nx* ■Vict«4 prize « cock 1 tw- Kim ud tN«ad prize on cock , wb _ ».«, Kin 4 «m MMad pnu> on hras (d> Seconal aud thud prize.- .n pul ho 3fr. Special IVrmium.: ifedl BaW. Hftglsh tW 3u Baft l«naffi lagtisli -la > 3 0" Swep *akrs, lor lx-j( |mi in shorn oa all wteir." cum fill ■'• -• - • ■■«..• . IU.UL Beat bra in .-ho*, all \anftm, competing -J4 Mr. Kctersw expert.- to put IhcK chkltas ia the Sue fan .u compe tition against the world ch.u «» for »inning* are |.s«|, anwti ng to the judges at tin K. cky Mount fair. • SMALL IHMhKT Hilt THL> (Ol Kr 11l Kr: UN II CSUAV I'retreedings of the Rr»i>m'a court ranahy, Ueuher 1 IK., with JoJrr J. C. Snuth an.! So. xritor K. S. I'"rt pru erutinn. »rn as foiltaws. State vs W l'. Itakri, inanufac'tur >ng liquor. pleat! guilty. Prayer foi juagnnit ruuUuueat until I;obei 3»». a*d deftadant vat RijiliMM U> ertfi into a tS* ki«d for hi- appestrance oa that date. \ Slate w Hei b>-rt Gray, almidMi rueht. plead na.i ruilt), but adjoalgan guil*> by iLr couit. ami |MiUik, . w the KdpHW»br m»i. f»iJbur awilh> State vs Levy n W\. f*c ta. «kJ |inc ««I •a A»:Ki \>K I.ICKNSH IMKKASKII n\IK ANY MOVTII IbL'KkTLY a vial; Two loupUa l>lrd As l" criait ljcr—a lhuW| Voatk of September Marriage licenses unci in Maitii. OMHat) ahifii'g thr month of Septem «r ate greatl) uarreased itt nuinl >rrr -■> rrmd month, rnuatri n>r > tiHiaiing Uutii whtte ltd rutoinl ca jhc The list seruiing licet, #- a«- flßit: White (Midi Mnklr), U; ltr»- r Itavi 18, * Haul Ihxcn, 23; Mad* I (HI Ml uts at. Rbixrit J. Ilanuvr.. fl; Fannie M Ed. V. Aktui, I'H fjWijr. Va, 1 '•iae 4o!ly. 19. Kofct- F. Hfjnxlrnrli, 23, Mary Ctr i\» Wait*-, 20 Brt Ixmil- Hamll, 26; Ann..- M •Iran IK. Williaaa K Ultlr, M: llai, Boyu t2 J«**ie Bailey, 23; lida « lutehur-t «. Albert FbuuKW, 21; CIM Bimt> II Krnartli Helen Grif Jsjikc C. r>alkck, 19; Uttue VVii.t ikrr. 17. Wa Hairum b«tiurk, 43; IX*k- KtArraa, II Jefcn KawU, 20; 100 Ull* Mini!* 19l L K Andnv, 23; Gotra tt hit' Sur»t, 19. Cihwi Aastin HamhU, W; G. Anair Wii" V4d. 2. ffljlmlir Gnra, 21; Sdaa Cain, IS IJ»)«1 Jenkins, 21; Pene.lhi S«* «■», IK Ge*. Sftilrr, Itfitv rwiLl):, 34; R»p y Ry an. Bertie count)', Tl. Mai Clark, Bert if aunty, 21; Ma ry ffalka. Bertie Gouty, Ml S K. Gnm . S3: I mna Jar iigaHaiiiid. 21; Malina John am II Charter WDliarr*, 0; Alice Davit M. . !S HONOK OF MBS. M. J. DAVIS AND NEW MEMBERS OF THF SCHOOL FACULTY The kme teadim of the W3Kam>- (tan Graded aiha nl urrite the paapk jarhoei to wet Ma. M. J. Darn awl I the new irim of tho faculty. al '.the km of Mn. A. R. I>| T Fri | day, Octaher 12. ftmm «=3ff to MM 1" GERMANY MAY ! HAVE DICTATOR UNDER MILITARY Government Quits Of fice Owing" to Atti tude With Ruhr RESIGN WEDNESDAY' « Socialists Cause of Offi cials Tendering: Their Resignations BERLIN, Oct. 4—With the rei.rr j m«-at of Oaance lor Slio-nurr. s cc» j alition cahine*. there » talk oi the! establishment of a civilian dK.jU>i i supported by tnarttan Saw. Slir» ; man, himself. is - poke*. of as «ti titled for VKI. an olfVe Ikiaitaii.K w has lev 1 " ifeviUd by Frewkn'. Kb- . 1 cr. to am ru a new nunastrf. I'r. lln-'a* ami iu» nui. ; asters ner.t in their resignations las.. - :ugul to I'h-miUui Kbril. It was oi j hruli) antuaunceil tlui the was illio to the attill*U» of tha So - cialisls. The Strw man p»»mn»f.t r*tirew ft.Ma with the nriini|UL4nnl : oi passive resistance in the Ruhr - m l the Khiueiaitu as thr wily active at compliahment to its rrtalit. M. Poincare, the nurf, l- blamed lav the tienuan (Oit'innei ! anal the lceicluirag leaders for Ik- ctv lapse of Chancellor go* ernnmit, insomuch as it nvtld have been spared the Xsatiamaist onslaught ' which Kait only gained nwnnitu through the unconditional Kaihr set ' vender, but also fioro the swiftly co lap s ng internal situation. The ' Socialists alo not opp.t* I•- Strx\ Milan's plans ft>r getting the ba • * jt-n back on its feet, so far as- »he> 1 concern financial reform; anal tasa Hon. but insist that these plans must not obtrude thmelvts u|»« the *o cial laws governing rhe wtrkers The 1 iivmster ol labor, I'r lleifuch Brant rtump'.oit the extension of the work n.g hours to such limit a- i rappat • *IJe wi"h individual heal.h nxadit-ort in the cit ie.- anal the nreal of an eight hour day in the rvol mining at>s4Virts WHereier the cikara.ter of the a4l suggn a n.a*nar>- to h*ul;k he fa vers the rv tent ion of the Irl.l hour ■Lay. hut i> of the opinion that over . time should lie compulsory in m Juj trial branches, as well as in the riifl afl vice departments. RESPONSIRHJTY FOR ACCIDENTS ON GOVERNMENT Absence of Supervision and National liDjrisla- tion Partly Klaimtl An appalling number of people »rv killed injur* i e»«f) >«ar w U* highway.* of this cowntr>. «-riuit.- are nu>k in citw». , iwna'ly by to cur* the e\ ilk; «tnsiaiiuii iiwi nfuLiliua of iraur .iotai4> in «|xxii lijrht Uw>, but *Hh«*ut uiurti *«l«r TLc reason is that aul MswltiKhh are nut the (.iwao of highvay attukau. Lxtminaliaa ai to thr ratk»*» of ar i idents ahow* that the |tworal far IM ate sharp conns uafaiiol »»>* • tue to frttw. overbading Ire*?, em loi kmaU, « tc_, tuaiaht grades, U« narrow bridges, slippery saifac e. % dangerous detouns, defective am yurfareft, weak bnd*«, »t ton nar row roads. If the national or state g*.**nanen permitted a railroad In kiß and nan ■U passengers beruu e of ton ahart curves .too steep grade*, deter iv raiU, knpropnr aignal*, or ton neal bridge*, tho peopfe ««U «pen ill; diang« the government! Bonds have gmwn alnart «pH eeptibly from path? through the for to highwiysw TS'e aitUntkl iraflir waa bam alaaont otenughL, an '» inrmtii.r by leaf* and liwi Government ia a.-ed to h«hwa)» a safe ribbons to tnhr. It I* ye taken little cognisance of thr- dhager which the road, safe far n bane an buggy, providns for n car. „ It a inevtaWe that the I'nito States construct a rntea ot trvu.l line highways tank ad watt, m and throughout the conatry Such highways will nat have lapr mk -iirfacn, carve*. h«4gi i. iibn.fc ■ ncals or crneaiags. A* «4aa an Wa> county and ton ruad haMear «* th» difference in the death and jajary tato r an property built and ■niatoiar* high f ways, own standar4a of taw | Until that dhy fit, it ia 'mapamM. tntiialy to. llnF i ga unanialal h I difference Vrwa i aaaphi ij in Mglia aj jnaridento. COMMISSIONERS OF COUNTY HOLD REGULAR MEET Have Small List of Mat ; • ters to Attend to On Last Monday The of Ma - tin county mri M««t«ta> nwraii*. Or -Ist. snh the membeiv ! pretest: H. C. Grf»n.; J. C. Rarnhill. V. K. Taylor. C. A. A> kr* and It. Harrington. TV proatitinp of the county while ia rrimlar session Miwlay were as follows: Oniercd that O. G. Carwi he pawl for land of A. J- ISntt. *ui. en or. 0 rede ted thai H. T- Koberson sher iff. he paid *7.50 for taking E. Ilyvie 1 in) wife to the county home. and th-V the h»nl send hill for same to N ,T. Bn"m. J«m \> Morris was to l!w 1 ount\ hotrxv The hoard orvleievl that m> peaaltie ' hpcharged airain t tax payer*. AaMi Kiddick was allowed j*- month, account of outoi-h- |wi. 1 pon iMtMW. the salary ot C. I' I "at ««arphen. treasurer was increase JSIW per month. Natural Flowers To lie Exhibited at the State Fair This Year KALKIGH. (Vt. 4. Flower* of nu ny varieties will he exhibited at the Xorth Carolina State fair by the rt«»r i«U of thf State dniinir »he w«*k o Hctober 15 to 20, bat one f the most interesting exhibits will be one 'hal Mrs. With Yanderbitt. of the State fair, has provided in U* way of naturwl flow erv- Mrs. \ ainlerbilt ia Mroou for Ik-w ers anil her estate at Hi It more has a world of them, bat when she l-wl charge of the State tr>r two year* lfd the gsoumts were iwrrrn of m> thin* that urti marked of beauty. Today it it very different. Zennias of all mutes anil varieties- have heei. plantod amuix! H«nJ hall, the rem Iral building of the Stale fa'r (frouiti . the* have been |>ruiws t .lowa with a view to them in full bloom when tl»e fair on. IVi will pivv hV a %ealth of rotor. . HAKIHSON MILL LOCAL MENTION M: ainl Mrs. C. C. l4iiui» an.. ,«id ij unv iii U j»hn>i;ton \llul lU) opP"K ami Mrs. J. A. Hli> and Miss ila>.K- Uk> and dauglitei, Mi * llrt lie iuttu i«il to tt a -lung ton Saturday O d« SOftie pping. ■ .to .-■«« tT *Jn K. lllV ft. T. liutlHMill iOkl Ml» As lau lliu-llr rvuinwl (run \\-achiUt- JIMK k«|MUI .Surnlay. Thtir many 11 urtxl' are (rla.l l« thrm blr lu I far out ifiio. Mrs. J. 11. Oka aal fumi ) visit - ri NBT-vCk in JUl>K> Sunday Mr. U«1 Mis. Juhn A. Knfu >|ai>. mull) with Mr. and Mis J II- CV «*>- Mr. Jukii A. lUnIiMW »%*.- in tti! la«.4wi Mui«U) alUinlilK U> Ul> Mr. Juhn I» Muelle was in jt. ! ag ton Tt»-xlii un Mr. Hula lii Kg* of w»i I-""! l« is ifoxlibr this »«k with ieW««« . Mir Miss Oanir I Mir Maiiß II." »«th alt I IW who iutvr parts in a play »lnct I •ill far as -own a> pu».fde. i» l I at Mapl« Unit citurrh la»l nigibl t> I practice. Mr. John A. kiWey »W Mr. Gc*ig« tiofcenoh of Liiley's Hall writ hen ynstentay. Mrs. A. D. Mizrlk of Gferatilli ■s visiting rehuw heir this vwk Mr. and Xn. I_ U Ki-b*-i ara hoppers MI V»IIIKTMI Tliiudajr. M(WL W. I. and Oyde Brown anil -JSTN. MM I-ma were p».-F»»b\ •• j joule to Washington woe -lay thirl Mr. Jarky Ann KorWk is ?pen.!-... I the week with Mi-. W. E. Mauuf A fanner in IVrqunnaas cunty it ports a profit of *lW> fron his hop tfch year as a result of a fenbut InaaniirtraUoa whirh he wotttod * foaperalioo with County A rent L Vv Varirrson The law mpuriair the nfntntM* •f all . motor e art with the Secretary of State went iato «AM October the lot. Caaplanee with this taw vil . pnrvrat much aatsaasliili stealtac, aad all win of can ih—lil Haakrie ly coaaply with the tow of the taw The foa far the regis* rattan ta ftJM. • r , In. Jcaeph A. MtaaM af Higf a -»• ' MHIH GITIXC snmcE nxß wrra ABSOLUTE COLKTEST—T*T IT - ■ • - _ . * IEX-SERMCE MEN OF FOUR COUNTIES MEET tfOV. 12TH - Will Cdlnpose of Martin* Hyde, Beaufort and Washington ATTENDANCE PRIZE County Having Largest Attendance To Be Awarded Prize The American Legion has planned a (vnrrai ret-together of all the ex sen ice roeo of Martin. Hyde. Beaufort and Washington counties, for Soiuy ber the 12th. This meeting is far She purpose of uuking the works «t the Legion more and allow ing all ex service men of these coon ties the r".unily of teaming :ae laßsr of t»* Legion. There will be offered a prize for . the county has the largest num ber of ex-seixice men pracel at the meeting. which is expected to stuaa- ulate aUtniuEct in addition to the =__ •ie»ire of the ex KO ice men to aee thesr omra-les of overseas days, and hav. an en>->a!4e day. The militia coiapunies of lhashicg ton and llyreoUUh will stage a coaa drill, tiw winner to be awani- - e*l a worthy prize. This drill will be very mtcn-M.i* lo all eL-emtc sea a. -trong competition exprvce* be tween the twx» o-mioniei. liw ■ • .nix 1 - will be serve-i ail «*- servire n» r« who ate in aiMMKi at \\ jL-kiairt.w on this date ~eiv ce men can expert a :nat tnL r will br lemembered for tint M MVVa -■» nothiec is being left prepare a dinner that ariN boys fwCTt they ever the )fl tack aM beef they I irijchc-v. The Lemon is engaging h that the country afford ' without, and work that is saving the ■ wou-xsi boys in the lu'wa's botspa tals much suffering, and saving the Inn of many who wvte anfortuoale 1 in I-cine placed in where 1 facilities were it-ade«tuate for thai prvf*; Care, arid the Wait every «*- - service man can do is sta»! with kk aft > knthris in the I/rwm av 1 of lh«»-e who are unable te c«iik w 1 themselves An ex-acrvice vaparfß make the aiMtrs-i of the day. telling of Ihe plans of the Lrat«t far the refief of the suffenap ex service aaaa aM what the I/fwn ha.- already Am* ia IKI line, and other tmportaaat is le *• over the country, since the ar , raniiatioa of the leriML I ff'ift s will le put fofwanl ia the near futuie to organize an A memo M I car p in Maf-in ciwatr. an! t will l»- «f importance for every e*- servire »ai in the county to atteaad the «e--;imr at \\ ashif.gtoai, Noveaaber tin- for this one rea.>un ahw. IIK.II SC HOOL CONFERENCE BECaINS TODAY Noted Educators Expec ted To lie at XVashr in irt on Today j TW Hljrli .00l Principal'*' caa -1 'eirwcr kfriki in W 11 hing.toa today - in aix'iiunum of the feashiactaa I.4l«rv»tr i titute. with Dr. J. H. i lli.4>ioik .«.f Kaleigh. |ir inli^ • far KIFH -HHUI teachers fraaa the I '*raty tbire . ithtattn i iln i af I North ar.-I-na will he pneseat at the I twijy. Aiaone the tM-trd State ntantsn le&pnrfed ate: State Supt. A. T. Al -1 lea. IH. SL W. Walker, .lean af achaal . I A edwration, '.he University af Xorth I' and Dr. I. H. "~|* ml ill, I '•nth -rfcoiJ stipe rraar af high mM ;fofii3.- aa.| others. T -ri* will he a public nrainr at 8 o'clock, at wtach baa ' the puhiir mill prt taforaMttaa af Ike I «narkine- of the State high aihial I yarn, that will he aMmtiag a| I faearficial ! The pragma for the —t. ■■■.. whirl, was paihliahed ta TW KWr---. prise last week. »rtj vital ta the mw af |a^B roafrnearr tr4ay,«| •Meenaw ta*tlm prove Wv ltwha! ta the 'earners who are | the aa- \ fetearc ■ NOTE OP THANKS We wish ta express mm timmm Mrs. J. Ease* L*ey. J|jjp '

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