W, - • - • nt HIGH ruci __ TOMCOO AT TMB MAntt THE ENTERPRISE CWT TWriar aad Friday kf tie »viunosi rußLunw cu. . r r - - ———— ——— - *. c manning. X F. CKOMCB T«k«lll|liw Frice (Strictly Cash is Adcaree) I year *»*> 5 months ** 1 months ——-—— * £otool at the "art Ofc* at \kil jridm., North Car—Gca as aeean- - ■ass matter. NL'USI»AJ*OI ASSUII V it>N MtMBEK Nt». 3S+: i%iha>, «h loan; x i«*. i tx> Motlest to Si«eai» ! » amniwii) I Jill ir UK cMtliiUvr: ut ?i{* - I Ity u» caelp in Uva t Tm UU.-i li.UfUuUtHi .l-i? I*l it j feeni«g i» now w'l an U I •iesirc U« (Rij' Ifttni g tne ia. i lanci-cw eait; ■ «juak. JaptiX cotu :tw uiKitQ autaciibnt '•> 1* J * *«• j twe WO.-C 1 tw'.! »«. ! '»'*' , Tfeis uru— •' r* t +°~* - - ■ J n«>!t liotabie au«i rMianrtuai > lo tl.c fatct : M-e ua-- 3? "- a.. Ua t>y kei osea: p - • *«-' - J aH . • ■: tie r • 6 HR t- »»*"* ►' » o 1,.-- »«'■ r sii .1 ain.. ' .• ■ i'-e >■ * W iiirf . .ri WW Cjl u-luil irf-r •- '*- arnv - * •' n - )L A* her a f flC —wi - njj i t ; .»- w. ■ t.'ai!. t>« San 1 ■» -'*■*. r*" j •-Jl--UJ. art •■>'! Ip Si iKl' I"ur J .- e-- "" j 1.1..! U e\jirt■ c'al- t*-fie i Asiness Thi-oujrls u»f i Air - T »• Anrncai p«i.i»r will ■«-• * lia fe foster l» n»-'- - «'* a- n—e I tii -'i! o rvjfe '> l. • I S •, A usuries liw r, " _ " J. f! r I rnutnej er- • - .. r .f a -«'■ * er,et.'ci, I •'. I ". .. f-t - -W »! j ?ve -' A* - - «i. K r - T f S3= J Gef t . S V. .- t- » ia j • % , v ■ :: I -a-.I v .-. •• -" •-'. I :*.*4 i- - ' - ij- r . a* -" u. I " i I • ex. at. I.i .. ( ".u nN , ■'. A 'a | «: o c • ■:. ' . fr»-i --a"w j P" »t» > «•. - .-f»a'. t. ~!• p.,-"' I of 1"- r, .U Ace '.«««* •. * .V ' J- w.-rj. " w >• - .;.#?tss ■ \» '' ate»-.a*l« ! aitf" ! r t r.. .• ny -i.'ttiUrtj'j con:rr»,-»v« at i t>r' r r■= r' -,« i rsow ) ? ie*~ : . ; . .■. . •- ' j.*t *> j m- 'r.- • * tht -.»••••- i" l* Tic' j ewsnp:.- -n.- O' - p-a-uf ' - WojMf 666 ITEEa XALtKIA. CHILLS A\f» j • fkvek. uexci e «»k iiujiii • >F\KK. IT liFSIKOTS CI KVS. KveryMeal| W jMM ;vMr ■ilifciu tektraphy their will | ' mm follow a tm pntap r.eqeliy snip—dons nlnnalmial ru 4>e eiephone servicr. I» thif latter l j *lkiu the enriww # the Aacn | caa Telephone and Telegraph ' «"P ] r.y aad th«c of the Radio Oyn lion of America are collaboratiaß. - ANOTHER VOTE FOR USING LIME AND CLOVER [I W ill Enhance Fertility of Land to Very Sur prising Degree STiAW. Oit. 4.—Another vote fo i ■* and clover to improve She soil I |u. aruliaa iu> been rxit Thit tm j li. is- i»; Uf rniiHi übl maa of tht | ■si 'ion urns. A. G- Hftnln-s. who fo I y-ar~ has worked I I • ue. ivui.ii fur the ext*s» w* di I km, of :he State oJlep ami ll» 1 .nw t of arr.i u'tuie. Mr lie. ■rut, ha.' J«»j« U ,-t. iu> ankat a alf t>' soil improvement :ai «tu ; « the entire time that ht h» J - J ii thi.- county, tie hi- pre-acivc - jibe \aiuc- uf hmr an.l letrumn J*~. ive ajrnu in h> iping it th» wort j Gmimr to town recently frvm atn j ■»« tin n«i>ty, Mi. liranrr. report: I I iaic «en om- -p.endtij tienMus- i t -»•» tin- uivk t> wiuat luiie and cle«« . -! wJI ut' for tilt poor, rnlrUi uv | W K. Fi.-teher i»f I'urii u p>»Y ..i I Ske ha- a very poor uptai'i fa.n | • htf of h»i fiel'i- lies, along a mat ; nmt of the county ami ver j W |«»r. I supp««e this -oil «uu i>ir»rf abuut five i>r -a hunbes i , wn K' acre. Two years ago. h> ■ I ■ »er. M r Fletcher lenunr mtr'* 4 j_ih tin- im of linie ai«i d«ier II * i*«ugftt four ton- of grotfttd Irm&tw t Mitt used it on four arm. s»«n j wheat if «icuJer ami planting rv ■ Ham Keu oier the vhrat be irt -- Thi- stand «a no* sv ver t«*iL but fie iet it stay a.- it n ■ 48-.1 l ti»e i«L-t winter. He than 'urn un e 1 the Mtwni rn>p of rkvt *i i«_th»' helfi iti o»ri» thi> >iiin I j"" '! w astonishing to ,-ee thi- cor i> cornpang: "o that the other lam ig'ii by the M«ie of ':t. Tht- >mm. I • "fitK«i is ir a -«-ctior where the.. l*-eri 'Tn Irttie illttr u-ed be ' ales 1 believe it wdl show im j "* people the need for U n.f lin. i ami fcrumw." I - NOTRE j Xvrtto liiuviiiii. ; AS«*ft*i* «*urit \, I iuf. m mm; tonrr I i., Pittnun, I'. I: I iitinan. Ku4xr. I Fannie I'lUman, May la. I k«i. ii*l iier liu l ai»l. I* K I'arke. I I aiil.llfT*. * \i ' W iliain, ar„l Mary Uil latiir I ~-j M.iry hup hiltiaib.-, amu* I ! l-.'Mm tt lilianir. ief« nuaitt* i hank U ditaat. ab I I *wj_ A .iiiams, and Jl- iy hin r W.i j' . fiiloa vi By nun. Uil uiu-, j >'f >ou * ill not ire Ua I *- -*tw« .-tiled a- ai.o»e ui- Ur j - superior nrnrt' j *•- t J " wun'jr. North t'arul.rj. to (t I eyu*;:j .-itu.ite ir. tlie :>»■ „ j lUm!l;«n * ('., i«r jar itkn. .. j arfe*rfc you and lite pUmtiff? are lei j - n " - m common; and and ear. : l f •» further take n,4ic ' ">«•¥ an- rnjiantd to apprja u, * | ***> •! tie «>tk of it* Sajwiw.. iM.it Martin county, m the court I owe ir: the town i.f \* i Liam toa. ,\ ' - >'-• .lay t .f (V tul. r lyj; j*-« a*iiw*-r ~r -ientur to the prt.t--, i ir thfc, or th . j»sll apply to the court f lkf -J*. i |re3»rf ln i i mp|,ii k J . , «"h fk «f til,. Superior !'««, \ Tlii> If-th «lay uf Sept 1>23 H Ila. i :nptoti. At'tKwyvdor FiaintrtTs Nt»l It K»K SALK 7 | I ri.«-r iikl by \,:tue of i M a«th- * lenty c tamej in a certain -j .... .1 NORTH C'AROUNA . j ! STATE FAIR ! i , - . ' i RALEIGH, Oct. 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19, 1923 Make It Week—No Brtle Outing M More Profitable Va . ... c 7iw^v^*. > * W,,r Wth Carolina State Fair 1 %1 ««>AL KMEKIAIMNG INSTKI tTIVE t r-atot UkdabM of Cattle. Swine. Sheep ! «. la the Slate J r"-* ' ,u ® ts "J~ aad Girt- a«*i Êoal Studeau Will Participate in laemopstmaoa Work Tbaa Ever Krf«r. B,g KxhiibiU of Fruit. J \*r abk», Flowen. Ibiry Products. Hoary. Home Lc onoiaiMßt, Haw* Faraishiags aad CkAhlar WONDEKFt L FINE ART SHOW I SPEATAL EEATI KES | F:ve Textile Machines la Operataoa Working Pottery Exhibit | 3' Ton 10-lach Government Gaa Furniture Factory Exhibits Laierf War Radio Urmkatisg and Rem ring Sutsoai .. State Phf graptiT." Asxciatun FAiLt The Veo Best Carnival Corapiay for Fnterta nu.ent Row I ireworks Every mghi- the Nary- I l-xte aive Line of Free Acts. Both Day and Night, Featured by . May Wirtb. the Gmtorf of All Fplr'nn DsgShoy Wi.a. t ; RetdMr, Number Nor Psdigrae R*X|*ired 2M Hones Pram 222 States and Canada WW CtaM tar the NO ML MOMENTS—KTEXY MEAT A BACK. Spcnal Rates of One mod One H«tf Plire on ALL and Special TRAINS -IT SHOWS NORTH CAROLINA" • trost mbmsM or. the Xtth day of Ap ril by A C. Moore and rmm did ia boat G-2 at page 281 ia Mania coua ijr registry to ecu re the fayaeat a certain boa da af even date these* aad the HipMau at said deed 4 umm not haviag been faiyßwl witi the aailiisigiiail tnshe aril aeJ a of Martia caaaty, at WilUaaatoa. N jc, to the highest bidder for cash a 112 o'clock at, oa the 15th day • ' October, US, the followiag describee tract of land: Bounded oa the east by the Johi Hanhsaa mill pond or Gardner's creel aad mm the south by the lands o Buck Gardaer; oa the east by th iaad* of Henry Moore; on the nor>i by the lands of S. L. Wallace, coa ia all CU acres more or Its aad being the tract of land oa wh e* Name* Mooe aad Andrew Moore nora fesidr This, the 19th day of Sefltembri lIKX R G. HARBISON. SMI-4! Trustee NOTICE OF SALE Default having been made in pay j*n: of the indcMedness secured t>. Jhat certain deed of in** to ne a .rusiee lor Jefler.sou Standard Li » insurance Company, by G. A. Croftoi im wife. Ida Cml ton. on the Ist da. A May. ISKSI, ami recorded in boot •2. parr «», etc., 1 will under am ay vir.ue of tlie power of sale verte« a me by -cud deed of trust, and a. the ic.juest of tlie reutui que trust ib! for the purpose of discharge Jbe «ieU x-cure.l by the said deed o trust, (.iiemri to .ell to the nijrhes wnin. for cash, at the court lious 1 lour in Wiltiamstn, North Carolina. AT 12 OX'LOCK. M-. ON BATI K OA V. IHE 3RD I»AY OF NOV EM BLR. 1*23. Ibe following ik»rnM lan.lt, ituat* .a tbe cc«nty of Martin, and mor> l>oundeil an.l tletribed a .allows: Tract No. 1: Beginning at R. j NewiaV resident lot corner in cen ■er of said Main street, running tben»> a weilrriy couise with .-aid K. J . K et ana's line aad the old G. A. Guilfon it* u> a ditch; thence on westerl with center of said ditch to an iroi 4cl. a corner, o lablished by thi Ind; thence a southerly, a straigh line to said Fannie Bazcmon's cor art; then.* on southerly with su> Haxemore's line and H -S. GrayV liu* to Grays corner iu center of sai- Warehouse street; tho'ice easterly at «g center of said Warehouse itrce ■ «o center of Mam street; thence s •MMtherly coarse with renter of sai. Ma n street U the beginning, and t* ing a par of the old G. A. «uilfor>" Win* place in said town, and betty the same bal conveyed to G A. Crof Up by H A Gray and wife by dee. dateai November 13th, 1918. which i -»f record in the public registry o Vbnn county in book L>-2 at pag> 412. Tract No. 2; Beginning in the cen tec of said Broad street in said towr of at the Methodis church lot coiner, over an under ground ditch; and running thence along center of said ditck brine the old Guilfonl ditch to G. A CroftonV comer; thence southerly ai on« said Crofton's line to Mrs. Fan "* Bf-'i man's liar ami corner; 'he«c> ■ esterly along said ttazemore's line to J Ales Roebuck' ■ line; thence al ■»*ig With said RoehuckV line amt J j T. HulWk's liae. its various courses i CONSTIPATION • - bu« he awllil or torpM lim.WKiii.imr.tii IHi IIUS aad *w>f pain* r—M. CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS ■ —SM im MKT~i 2£M5-:a«s; ju^-^k,.,rpi wa«odki»tmlt i>iui« (Tutfs Pills) »r. :• ' 5?.. ™ THE ENTERPRISE, WiHiaimbai, N. & . parsonage let liae to earner nf aw panaaga let 6ue to Bullock*? liae lot hae ad J. 1* liae v center of toad Brand sbwt; tkenc. with crate aT said street no-then; toads dashed ia a —atoto dud Tran H. A. Gray and artfe te J. T. Ballad of record to Mania eatoy public teg ■try to bnok T-l. at page 135. ana being the .now laad enact yed to Q. A Ciuftoa kg J. T. ftdlock and wife by dead jpdeil the IMb day af Jar. -mry. 1»20. nkich » of record to th. lahlir legiatrj of MaXa caaaty, fc book D-*. to page 4«" This the 1U day ef September IS2X JULIA K FKK K Brook*. Hiar and Srn»tr . Attorney*. l(> 2-4t G'»Ka«r*. V C. MmCE OK MLL 1 * Under aad by v.rtur of .he pon« if .ale rutom»i ir a ce saia cec af trad tsn-atd to uv u'doirx raster by T A on tie 11 by of Januar... iWh. u»i ueel c rest having born girea fo; ti c- pu: "ba>r price of tto lar«l fcw KfU leacribed 2ml said «*r-c- of :rwt U np recorded u. kuefc F -2 at |*-ge > of the registry of rojn!.. xai •leed of trast hac-sr hen- r vM ' secure certain sou-* * cm. it t» »»• ci-ur the" a-ir. 2nd -Vfii i •ti'in «*• nvic in the jaj rsf it »' .1 .me and the ;upa':. - -n- cr-liiu in the said mm of tru»t i ui.i ceen crmi'> * ai*K atr-» at t«- r«.| : t'f tie iiud r f-' .aid -K-c. J» uj* -signr j trcsir. ai 1 oa s -.a-'c. tue of OrU-brr. PS a« I oV ock in. to front of .he cmt '«. I '.ot • ia the tam of ViUrjai >1 IC. rliaa mf*f for sale to th bidder for (a-4 the MWhb} • » rril »d real estate, to nil: All thaF* certain Mb- of L I • 'ng and srtaatc ia the county vf Mat tie aad sttoe of Soitfc Oro iu i and near the lawr of tiul being lots mac l> ■ an>i Ira !' on plat of land focwi.;. »»'d 1 V H Smith a»( kaonn jl- llom r Mill property as mne-io! :■») yfr te-1 by W. and G. A C-*_ pat ? *n;Hi is aa recui m Mir t- • oji! nfir registry oflre »r. b ■ V ; ' m'.jHi raid (f it * '*«-*»+■ r.uat e for a aaore pet«M d» - jtaoo. Sots nine ($• lb! t>a » •" Thi-. the 1* a> o' S-; "ml» 113. j w. maxmm:. S l" 4t. Vnr-tee. MUKI OF SAl>! Indies ai»l b* «r-ae of the pwr of sa>e eaataeaed m a ceitafo ire gggi p Goodrich Sibertown CORD TIRES A*k Your Dealer HHRMKVR^b • " "a. •fMonltlkr tte tVfh r Bui to the ■■ li rii^if tranee, ad tosu —g Me af August i. 19m, Kd u min i ■ tt« 1 fqMn « Mr - tie flj. N. C, to beak F-2J« page 93, aaad toed af Ut k..«i iM fito to xnic tkr y; ■» >l' at the wpit af the hedtor of bJk j W.l Ij. the »«t to af Octete. at 12 o'efeek E, hi Aat af the cae. hoaae tor af Martin notj. el WL far each, the fallewtog *entol tea writr, to ait: Fint tract: Ptgewag at a l»r Hanpieg short leer ptoe to Alex Se aaa (eaL) aa the iirtturt sade e CarUom aaap to reaeirg nort 30 dagraee cast alosr a Itoe cf char to trees Z2C pales «• a lifhtw. j takr to the hp heirs liae fr 'auai piaj; thence ahwr the F-* j "e» tocthr4 twardly tr Sra tms vest 27 1-5 poc* t« a .iib , hrace sonh 24 drrreo 35 U t' e a stake; thence «at>i 41 1-2 n»* east 22 14 poles a't •' e to mad; thence ap the ro-d to ? . *U« heirs Itoe: ther«e «!« - j toe eak twardly aad snuthwaidli « ] ikiu- cwraei to the canrj -a Ccr ans'i >nnp: thearr up -be far * • the raad; theire d-aa raid rap". *• a ptoe ia Alex Weis «■'« l«ne; tfcrr- I I '—r Xd»«a'« liae te the hipiiMfJ nauintog one haMml and r(l:l ' ei*a 11K71 anas, more or less. Second trarC Beirnnlnjr a* tto " Haauito* and Greenville road in t'« ! •**gr heirs Itoe: thence dm --aid ice ' o Julias AadrmV line: thence nr I aa«r aorth S3 1-2 »trw> "•* t I V-5 paler to Saaauel 1- A>drr«t cm er. a stake: Usan ato( aud *■ tw as Itoe ta the Ptoe heirs Hue: an«? - hence aJan* their line saath 20 de :m» eat ta the sard mad. the 1" iT"~r. containing three and enr -«htks (3 14) acraa. aaare ar If' Third tract: Beginning -V a stake a the line of the Krt heir- n rite loag their liae narth "*® de "tee ear* _ & 1-3 poles to a stake; thence sout» 2 degrees vest 27 1-5 poles to : take; thence laath 24 dee-ae* ear. & 14 pales ta a stake, thener raa tog ta the hegiatoag. «m to —g in 4l arm more or TS* ah>»* -hree tracts af land are tld saw ract that nor* conveyed to W. C j HathavaT by W G Rarnhill by die . lated Va i»»ato r 2Mb. 1906. rt cfc \ •-corded in the pubrtr i*~* U *' Martia canal* la hook SIM at ISI. to which I he- H aade far* Mora iafurao ian |ivi «1 scriptioe. Foarth tract: Regtnninr la th j •iimnciße aad Hamilton rocd to lb-' Pace heirs Itoe; theace alang the Par«^ |l|llll II II II II II II nil ''■ ; i Ifarrimm Unn>. aii & (£umpany I n !| | Regarding Your Family g I and Yourself. | Jlf you knew that by spending about one hour iof your time in looking: over our large i&wr'iner t of Ready to Wear, Piece Goods, Sweaters, La- derwear, Shoes, Oxfords, Hats, Etc., for all of j your family, that you would be able to SAVE a good many dollars for yourself you would not re ft fuse the opportunity. ! If you wilcoicii aad let us show you through j I our LARGE STOCK «nd the QUALITY OF THE GOODS we have for the PRICE WE ASK for I fhem, you will readily see that this is your oppor 1t unity. WE WILL LET YOU BE YOUR OWN JUDGE OF EVERY ITEM. I | Harrison Bros. & Ca I COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK - WILLIAMSTON-S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE I " nn n ii ii " ■ b ■ b =*■ .. »*!s•■» - . *-* >-* '"ru- v : ; "?» Bffl nocn Stu TOCT TOBACCO AT Tiß MAKXET i twin fae a mm to D - & Pc*Hl-s KM; mMk IMli £ Jine to B. T. tne; theactj " along U. T- Andrews* iw to Will Ay- j 'i«i' Hue; ihtoirr with Aym' tot icj * *. Ii Willi Mas' line; tkncc the Dw , , aaa ■wmnf line; tig— the Dw or S* to aaid road; theme with to. . nai to A* amd lirwg tic .|nw tract of land win)« to W. Cancers Successfully Treated at KeDam Hospital . 1W Ktflam Hospital treats wnaMj (torn, Twdot, Ukm, X-Kay t-was and Chloric Sates withaat the ate of the fa..*. X Ray. Rafism, Aod» or Senas, and at have treated at .n fatly over tt per cent at the —ay hM of offerer. t.aMeri dam* tke part twtSay-thre« yean. I " KELLAM HOSPITAL, toe. :*l7 West Mala Strert >' , i Vu t«ia PENDERS VELLOW- FRONT'STORES "FLOUR 121b. at lb. 481b. 981b. Wonder S. R. .45 .88 1.65 .125 Cornell Beef Hash, Kingan's 2 lb. can _ 15c P'w i. P-eef. Gov. Issue. 6 lb. can 49c Su:i Maid Raisins, large pkg. 14c New Stock, just arrived—seeded, setxlless Shredded Wheat, pkg. ; 12c Cream of Wheat, pkg. 23c told Medal Pancake or Buckwheat Flour, pkg- 12c Pillsbury s Pancake Flour, pkjr. ?4c Pillsbury's Buckwheat Flour, _. 17c No. 2 can So. 3 can TOMATOES, extra quality 10c 15c Sma. can Ve L can ■ La? Cabin Syrup r __ 29c 58c 1 ARD, Best Pure, lb. . ; l?c Butter. Rest Tub. lb. _ 53c Prairie Rose, 1-4 lb. cubes, lb 58c Salt Pork Ribs, whole side, lb. ... 16c Salt Pork Plates, whole, lb 14c A i mow's Rmoh. ;ov. Issue, 12 lb. can 51.5:» Strip averaKe 3 lb., pound.' —. 15c DJ'. tX)I'FKE, 1 Ih. scaled pk*r. 33c AHSOLLTKLV THE WOBLirtf BEST • c. = C. llri t* Andrews m; AKe Aadtewc, by deed «ktod IMw««totar Sfch, 1"H which is af rer ead m the pafejir registry of Martin riaati ia book C i. at pace lis. Rtf J "tol to wiir*t U Withy gim for Tin the rti A»y of September. * cumx MOORE. I**-* ~ Trmxee «to

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