MAKC WILLI AMSTON IfT 1 |||||MIMMIW* SBLLLNG TOBACCO Blackburn Family pF|,. V>iu» Bf-MUt 'lWdk*! to U»unum li*3t bnL i i&rsz: If* niiriVt, ami tne oay was accounted ■ -peal success by ii» I'WiMS'f®*! P • American Legion, which *> preseu itig tnis BpiendMl carnival coujpani V- for the balance of the week, closing r late HttUmluy night. * * Th» joyouti throngs ' ewwited the I if- ' «levices, "Over the Fails," the gt«a J laughing ride, and the tented vauik- J viile unu unimal shows anil thrilli"; ; * aniphidromu. The Jaunteel League o. F * . Notion* with the Blackburn tamil> of juveniles, pro veil one oi lite m«st popular attractions. The litile !*'«• _ ' • pie are certainly finished pertomit u with remarkable voices, and are ac I ile dancers, and feature a dinunu . • tivc comedienne Vrho is well know. | in vuudeville. _ * i The organisation of Capt. J >bh • *i Sheet) ley ha* met much «u*or in tiiu I g local it \, it being exceptional in tl." j quality oi shows, modem riding >• I vices and coiidaci ot people \ ith ti;* \ •arnival, iftui is without doubt tiie 1* and largest outdoor show tliat. •' • , ever appeared in thi»- section —Evening Copper Journal, Hancock and Calumet, (Mich.), July 5, 192H This is only one »f the numert u. endorsements by newspaper; in town ■where the G reu. i Sheesley h w have played engagements. We !•* that the lnanußement of the Koank fair was \\ry forrunate in securinj this attraction for the. fhir here tn,. fall. From all information availably .the show headed by Captain Slieet-'le. has met with the .wine uiiauini.-ii approval every who IT he earrUn his show, and likewise we expect tl" people of this section to get tie money's worth when tne show conn here for their four days show at ?! fair grounds, November 1". 14. t and 16 during the Koaflioke .air. A solid train of 35 ears is mpnr ed to haul this mammoth #iiow. ati tne sight of the e»|U" nient alone wii be a worthwhile a>iruction for t people of this section, in \;e* of fact that it will he here. - I(KMMIf> poiiiid of-*rrr,v The Farmers Warehouse, W .Ih.uu,- ton, N. C. W KKGILAK MKKTINC. OF NO* sou is » 11 :». I » Till Nit. Hi ()l):am,.e Alhlctu ion u r I' to 'Make flings Lively In Athletics This Year , Last night oui > ut w-v ing was held at tiie lia'l. Ne» | patrols well iiriungeil -and i.e-A t! were eleete^...... We regiet »er> ue)i t.. t i*«ii some'of OUI larger be).- iia'.r 1 •-- 1 • j terest in t'ie Soul. mow .ieot ' i had their names eia--l f'or the I 1 The 'loop has l»eii -1 fhe l« ys pronne lo '.> on ,-h IN-': In t■ If future I ha•• nt i e ~st .. V I ret mu.-h the los •' e ! »■•• , I|||>> ami *he\ helilii have ' «i-«i or. fur the Mtrjler o'e>: l>u " * Ihe ci nne• 1111 nof the 11*1.1:1 '.n ■ * tl;e tov. " at i ree. v> ln-la • 7 He a .- to h: * e p, ie rh bef' ' op in the f> I*n' 1 ' .11 ;'1 lir - i rumhei of ' 1 •«■ uma' >nt* !■ ap| e; •• t> le ve ta'.e'i renev i-l r'!• j e ' ;1 ■ the mo\eiiii'i.! .r ' v • «*. .»>• j I. > much for !■'. gi -I>r •' J troop j »flef iie iiKf'.i," :.«!JI nee*l 1 j ho's |'e 111 a'n»il r a .-'• .*hi'o org vir epn athletic .' a' .• the 1 IAV vid l 1 v . ~i . :•> n i»ti«og eompi'' tor! or o .t'h.i' t anvs in tnt sect .iiti ■- . \VillianisUer T• n p No. 2. Simon Lillev. . Scout master Sl .ND A V SKinUIIS \1 MLTHOIMSI CIIIKHI 4 Kev. M. K. Chamhers, pusiou Sua- J day school at 11:45 a. m.. Mr. J. K. j Pope, superinteiuieiit. FresichiUg- at 11 a. m. aiui T p j in., by the pastor. Moinuig .Miiject j "Keligion in the Market I'iace." Sac I ranient of the lyi'il's s'upp. . at t.'H-j morning sen'ice. Let every nu inle j of tlie church be present. The evening services during Octo ber will be of an evangelktic natuee. and personal salvation will be stress ed. -* The pastor will preach at Vernon at S:3U p. m. Sodatol, a new explosive from sur >'US war, is now availabb j for the price of packing' and siiip ping. Farmers internal may order in car lots through their county airent> or write the intension division, S'aU college, Raleigh, N. C. WillianMtnnU being well rep re. e lit ed in at the fair and suburban week there this week. A good number are uUending the attrac tions there each day. WANTED MAN WITH CAR # T j sell aomplete line high quality i sad tubes. A money making prop ositton for either full or part timr J p V inclusive territory. SUrlingvorih | Tine A Rubber Coanapay, Ea«t Liv Fader and by virtue of authority 1 contained la * witaiiv deed tf tiW executed or tha IMb «rf %• Julius S. Peel, and recwdel In hook "U-1, page 266, in Martin eoonty tag! try, to mmg tfae frayntem of a «=^« D and tiie iilN'nT«W>ia| " trust net having eompTfkd with -the tmdenrfgned trustee will aell * public auction at ttMMrt hanse door of Martin count*, ##|P , tlliauwrtou ) N. to the liighwt Wditer for cash, ai 12 .o'clock, noon, on the 29th day.©' \ r — —-r*- *— 1 FRESH MILK AND CREAM We are now delivering Fresh Milk and ' Cream twice daily*, 7a. m. and 6p. m., from ! Tubei culine Tested Jersey Cows. THE WILIAMSTON DAIRY j | T. A. Ballard, Manager . * . , Phone No. 204 WiUiamston, N. C. , - - -f Fresh Oysters The Famous Norfolks that Always Please. Any Quantity. SERVED IN ANY STYLE PROMPTLY FROM 8 A.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. GIVE US A .CALL u» JIM'S CAFE - I ' I Stylish . Buying a good new suit of clothes is not I an expense; it is a ninvestment and a * g«>od one. " ■ ' ' ——— : (.ood clothes cost but little more thui poor clothes. They wear longer and look well all the time. ' j Come in and let us slip a new suit on you; ieel the good materials and learn our very reasonable price. You will buy and be sat to iszed. Tyr it. i WE SELL GOOD GOODS; 4 : WE PRICE THEM RIGHT W. R. Orleans L I rr- WILIIAMSTON.N.a -r 'I ! > i®. -.i THE ENTERPRISE, Williamston, N. C. Octdber, 1925, the following describ ed lands: - Lots numbered S, 4, S, 7, 8, •, 10, 11, US, U, 14, Ift. 1«, 17, Ift, o, n 23, 2*. in Baaalawn Subdivision on the WflHamton and Hamilton rand, and aa shown by map in Land Dirt* lon book, survey of J. R. HUB %jwb He racords of Martin oonatjr. This tha at* day of Saptemtor, !»'•. :• • ' *tsM fa." 4.' ' IW. C MANNING, J 10 [j TnMtaa. HIM iII TIIB [ all know it is nothing but a bluff. But when the old hen i' | cackles she is teffing the world that she has accompli sh i ; . . ed something. " - ' g •I .\i -ft • I-'* • - ' • I In other words, she is advertising:. There is a differ* ' ./*■' e % escc between crowing and Advertising, In the case of N -|j % the fowls, the difference was an egg* Our bank adver * '* V * iv ' * ' %s ' /"* ~- . * - y J. tiscs, but we try to avoid crowing. speak of . , T '- the real accomplishments of our bank we are not crow ing, we are advertising—cackling if you please. And we have a cakle coming, don't forget that. "WE DELIVER ✓ ■"* THE GOODS." * ; # Fanners And Merchants Bank > • £ - •' >&.*' 3S WILLIAMSTON, N. C. "LARGEST BANK IN THIS CQUNTY AND SECTION" I . ■ i "ji ' ' " ■** ■ 7 - I Mr. Tobacco Farmer w —» 4 gj I Medium and common tobacco is selling s I about like it has been for the past several 1 | days but good tobacco has advanced from 1 | $5 to S2O per hundred. Below we give a 1 I few sales made this week. I f MRS. KATHLEEN LILLEY | -fit H R SMITH 52 15 /2 $ 8 H fi. xvj>mtxa 32 n 541 n M ** - $46.30 24 28 9.52 t jSfe 8$ 214 30 . .( 64.20 48 28 ~13 44 m ■ 100 33 > 33.00 84 ~ 30" 25*20 ® 80 40 32.00 50 39 19.50 30 -54 1600 40 40 16.00 || ffl 24 43 ' 10.32 Vflß & M 632 - $192.20 -18 52 9.36 I Average $30.41 _— 8 382 $116.84 | G. T. MENTON Average $30.59 124 1 41 $50.84 k . * B.L. GARDNER , : A 56 44 >. 24.64 ' 84 18 • $15.12 ft 36 47 46.92 12Q 30 > C H . 36.00 &Jgßt |i 16 62 992 o4 32 20.48 B J! Average $44.10 360 $113.0(J 3 gj w . 7 Average $31.38 \ M ]; Bring us your next load, we will please ybtfs • 1 i Mangum and Taylor, Props. $

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