FOB HIGH PUCKS SELL YOfDt TOBACCO AT TBS MAJtm * eorx«iwif t»u MAN hM pnniirj the Editor thai h* *l*l b»1» tba'MriM the brichlnt and lapp Mat apotin th« whole paper. The FAT MAN ia*U t«, Lave LsmJcnacad h..n bits of ' *"*• KinerKkaand.icv.-rparacraphe— Um«m-thiaca t! at i»ut rwrycaa in hich, £o i tuqior mil ehueliinc inaiile TW nr*rr. ti* t«*trr.a»l k« at th»ra eof one •fcOara pieee for tka wVn » itable for ha eormr. t'waaUa eontrihutioca will n.* he -tamed nnleaa Wrora>a ..J by a .Jmanl MuipJ The l AT.MAN. Editorial *jn . National Pt torial Neaa. Wasliin«tnn. D. C . , SELLING OUT Bill: 1 make it a rule to pay "a? t I *«• Dill: In these days you are mighU* lucky if you dont have to pay com ing and going.—Cartoons Magazine. A NATURAL PLEA "Do you want the shoulders pu«i | ded?" asked the tailor of the mothei I * who was buying a c-uit for her boy. "No, Mamma," pleaded her son, "tell him to pad ths pants.". TAKING NO CHANCES The train came to a grinding st*i| at a small tofcn in the i»>u'h and the liMtd of a gentleman of color pro truded from a window at the end o a car. Seated by his side could be seen a brown skinned maiden. "Does yuh know a cullud pussou b> . de name uv Jim Brown what lives > ®' n \-ah?" he 4 ked a station lounger, mu si becon>xin't never heerd o' no Jim Brown home l, e ah, an' Ah lived in dis hvah (own it ytears." * yo' right s"huah dey-ain't nev [ted lOO,OOO pounds of setup. armer.s Warehouse, V\ iliiams . C. NOTICE Oi- SALE H CAROLINA, lN wIM V, ic tioluo is hereby giv.n Uiu and oy vitiae 01 ipowi■ a..i. U> Uit* JloUAit CL jty, of Mucky Moun>, »«. i>-, ( !, lii a iciUu.l uced Oi, ed June by t. it. i uno wne, AUuj t. L.ia\t», llu>ll Ultie.iL la iwOKttU in liu. ip^isto of couit. y, u. jhigt' i by saiu ueeu oi trust I*ll4, Milt, anU U't f>u>tx: oi tlie iH.i. MliMsas, to wr., Hie I*-- uoinpany (oi Liiciu i>ttU4>n airt -1), unulcu, having niaUe w«»i {beta ol sa.U uance to exfc.cisi pi sale toniaintMi iii dee., it, Will, on VNeuuesday, Atvem 19&i, at 11.0 V ovlocK, a. n-, lit 01 the court house door »• rnnuii, Martin county, N. t. ~ r sale at public auction, to the t bidder for catui, tins loliov scribed lota of land situate it. wi of Williams ton, Martin iou« C., bounded and ilt*criLe.l i >, to wit: That certain lot of land begin -4 ad iron stob located at Uit ast corner of the driveway, on S, 20 feet and 10 inches Horn tilth pillar, from the ditch of jam plant; thence north 27 de wft* with the east line of the ay that lien bat #een the Koan obacco Warehouse company s illd the steam plant, a distance feet and 6 inch%s to an iron thence in an easterly diretfion «t to an iron stob located on a of a branch between J. G. 1 anu J. G. Station's lands; and up the run of the branch and i southwest couae to the iron he beginning, and; That certain other lot of land ing at an iron stob on the right' r, F. W. Graves northwest cor tience Uong said right of wa> degree* 121 feet 10 inches, iron stob, a corner; thence N frees E. 308 feet to an iron i a branch; thence along said S. 44 degrees E. 51 feet, fc ;rees W. 43 feet, S. 23 1-2 de W. 22 1-2 feet to an iron **ake branch; thence S. 62 1-4 de- W- 300 feet to the beginning iron stake on the right "of way; g the two lots of real estaU ively conveyed to the rai«i aves by J. G. Staton and wife ir deed of October 4, 1919, o in the registry of aaid I in deed book Y-l at page 397. ■ their deod of January' 2, 1920 ,nl in said registry in deed book t page 344, to which deeds spe ference is togethei ill improvemenU and fixturr tcated thereon. the 4Kb day of October, 1923. ; ROCKY MOUNT SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. 4 Wins low, Attorneys t Rocky MMt, N. C. ah been iiajin Brown aroun' hyah." s -Postlutely." "Den," announced the arriva , I'eacli ing for a suit case, 'Mis is w huh h i I new «6n in law gits off."—American Legion Weekly. WHAT SHE HAD During dinner the other eve' ing the eight year old daughter of the house suddenly interrupted the ci uverssi tion. "Dad, you and Mother can'i icuchs what I have under the table." Then, after the manner of parents who like to please their childron, they Kue-sed all kindi- of things, but with out success. S« they aid: "V.'e give up. Tell us." Whereupon the kiddie, drawing her face up in a grimmace, replied: "A stomach ache." WHY THEY WEAR "EM St|uibb (looking in a iirqnei*i' window l: I wonder whv women wear switches any way? (■libb: i suppose for the same rflkt son that railroads use 'em. Stpnbb: Why is that Gibb: So » to got by.—Cartoons Magazine. \r Save meat-scrap* and grease make your own Soap. Five and one-half lba, ' u* waste greaso, one can of |tXD SEAL Lye and a little water make 10 lbs. at the beat soap you ever used.. Follow directions carefully. No trouble or fuaa. Thousands at women ara saving a few dollars every year by using RED SEAL Lye to do the unpleasant work in the home. Write for booklet of help ful hints. FuO C;r:..:oos in only the genu ine RED SEAL --- vfl L i 7 MB. GOOD SALESMAN lAYS: WE SELL GOOD GOODSi WE PRICE THEM RIGHT. W. R. ORLEANS THE ENTERPRISE, Williamston, N. C. " WILUNG TO GO THE USUI Paying teller: ltastus, you'll have to endorse this check. Rastus: . Endoire it? Say, boss, 111 eulogixa dat cheek if you'll fr vc me dat good old VirtiK,i. £ Magazine. JOHNNY RNEW "Johnny, "* said the Sunday school teacher at the annual picnic, "do yoc know what to eat ami what to drink nd wht to void?" "Sure I know," said Johnny. "Eat all you can, drink' all you can. and avoid bursting.** FIFTY-FIFTY Muggins: There is no one more timonie than the fellow who u con stantly talking about the things he has done. Buggins: Except the fellow who is constantly telling about the things | he is going to do some day—Chicago Ledger. * y——————p——« I ' " |° I i Your trip to Richmond A. It I jlvil >n Richmond, a cordial welcome flfejfr ~ 4v Vt A »* awaits you at Miller & Khoads Store. I Vffi Make it your headquarters. Cheek your j>ar w|b flk |j I eels ami refresh yourself in comfortable Ub j 1 r rest rooms, and simp amuiul to your heart's JTW OB 11 content. Miller & Khoads Store is tlic shopping place iflk 4 not only for the people of Richmond, but for —\/ MM 3 all tin V irjiaiisN and Camlinas. Through its k x A 'W| F * polity of good iiK'tvitaiuiise at fair prices it *" \j lias deservedly won tin- confidence and *'* Nowliere in theSouiii v. ill you lind anything twu rmtjni htm nil ;»,*i hk«* Miller \ IMiskuls Store. It is something *^r. *4«~ Ait jtatk. /iii wii more than a "stamping place." It is a House TTpbi ~ Service—everything for your convenience. ' * tmsi m frm lf » n irmm Sh c.pping in Miller & Khoads Store is plea- . . Millm # Mk**ds Stmt, * 9 mmmmdt wf, sant and comfortable—wide aisles, high ceil- TV " y"^/ r^ r ~ t -£ r inged. siiacious and airv floors. Electric ele- g—'. w « Mrti Mi OfAflff vators whisk you fn«n floor to floor, relieving *»•■■■. **■ you of tiresome stair climbing. Your packages are drlivered by autouK»hilc or sent by express _ I * or parcel post, free of charge—no need to carry Shopping at Miller & Khoads makes a trip to ■■ ijfc,. Richmond extraonlinarily worth while. En- jj rTy. *PW the beautiful and interesting sights of this charming old capital of the South, and at Ml the same time make it a protitahlc visit by shop- I ■II '£ £ '■'* I! IB Ht_ I ~ ping tor ti»e wonderful values at Miller & *rz? r* C«*ne directly to Miller k Rhoads Store at ** Broad, Sixth and Grace Streets on your arrival „ f ._ Richmond. Take a trolley car, a bus or a H""T7*s"*'>~T »! \j "jitney" from the railroad station. You will T'T •* 1 r U L I find us friendly and glad to serve. JT_ "—y *** j RI CM MON D, VA. \ / MORE MONEY ON TOBACCO CROP OF 1922 Final Payment Will Be' Received as Soon As Tobacco Is Sold Another advance will he !■-. ( the Tobacco Growers asraxiiion «-•: • the 1922 tobacco crop ir. a very fern , days. The money is now on «lep».-it in tse ' local banks and check nut U • c ■ pectc.l as soon as they can hr deliv- ' ere.). AH of the 1922 crop has a.>t yet been sold, and another advance and M .ettlement will he nuiir «)r!' the balance of tjjo crop ha Wen m-'.I A shortage of 700,00i hon>e- n this' country is estimated. but n.- one >et | ha* hal courage to estimate the «ta rase tiioitate Pitts hurt; Ca/rttf | T me*. ' ■"» T T mnr» = {COOPERATIVE M \KKKT IVi ASSOCIATIONS TO MKET 11 HEKE SATI KI»AY. (HX .. I A ec*Uß"y mee.h.g n" ike F&rme l l-rpfiitive Mit'.ttitg awociitior is 'to be hell at tie home. Sat urday, October €*.h. at 2 p. i % AH farmers are urgently requa e»li to attend. i I A JOOBC man going '• call o-» his heart car 1 po fast en.mrh. Af • U-r she is in the pr he can't slm it J—ii fi .»uj-h_ Sort is life.—Ai Biil Hixiges. , OKDKK OF RKSAI.K i t I ad* r and by virtue of the power of «oil_. rse ! in a cert;un .i»-e«i t»f trusf r\eoi!el to tlx uinlfnißiMd trustee by L !>. K-«-i'Uck and llar*e\ Rahc rson od the 24th iay of January. ■ I?2®. an«l of npo>ni in th»* public uy ••■tn of Martin county in l««>k A 2. at pare ITS. t«» M-cufe certain no'.if • of e*en .late at>d tenor therewith ai»l i .default having been made in the pay-1 meet of sakl nvkrhtedness thereby ,v I ■una TOira toitooß k cured and the " fTiat.—i «» — r I in said iM of u«t m kvuif bee omplieU mitn aM irili i aM b> \u lue vt uk aathMtt) couUuAl in l tenaia s. leiiat •: u* super •or court o: Je.:i = wr.> tru .e*. %J5 «, i« a fc» v of October* l-#_- it -»-r twu; ■ door in the ttfVL o. ~A u,u: ' -*• -' ' ' \ C.. at 12 ocWk J(_ odrr f.r wu to the highest for cv* tix fat | lowing nut ee«ale: j A tract oi land ui ifac :c*x of J'ji I mete, c»ntaiiun«r twenty ten ai«i ta, fltWllll I cf Kit. begwmfeg al . -lake at the rtjci t »( *sur tin Wi'lJon ami kutt.-a biaadi of thi A. C. L. K. K. Co. a.-*i | 4 v Hock. M*unt ami cwaih boxdi of th A. C. I- K. K Cfc iHer eel. tiie .tul *"K point being on she left tuna sad> of the Wriiion kra. vd bvxt j mg to wants Kinston. thncr aorti 85 1-2 Ki>t 2T 1-2 paler. « c th. right of way oc tfce R««tr Moon an.l Plymouth bramrh of the A'larti iVasi Line Kail!«>! l"«. i»» a t:ak J. C. Wjmns cornet. Shew** west 9 poles ar.k |» Ink.. tl»-nre ft 1-2 east 5 1* paltii; tSse-r**- iwaH'. 69 1-2 h po'e>; «*ith 1 12 west 4S po!e»: ihcxr north h east 23 poles and i Inb; tfcewre «wrtl j 4 west 29 poles; thenar ** w»-m 5« poles; thence north 4 cml 19 pu. Lheuce nor h yj wtt 15 yd* |» She njrfit of way of toe T n branch of tho Wewdoc. aad " wiling •JOB branch of the A C- L R_ 8L Co.; * hence north 14 30 ata S •"A.-: tr.eoce north 21 cw; ai«c ux *>koß branch of !« A CI- p - - ro>i Co.'s right of way of the £ c ,t»n of the A. C. I_ B- R. Co.; ir.enee rorth 21 «-! ii-jcg dr Kmstnr. an>i W tl-ioa branrh 3 poles to the bfi ,: naii»f - Savin it rtcpJitif :>b the T 'raUor. of this t tract of a»»-l 1*«» ff*« frurtmy «**» t.** E-«h> Vinu.t an.t PI i nwvth t mm of ttte V. C. I~ R R. at tie -tan njr point :n the 'leKlip! -« a- above. r» »iHe thence ak>ar the right of nj »f the Kfk- Mount a"-; drmmlii hrwfh of the A. C L t R with Si 12 ea*t ft*', to a •J*nrf i«Ki*h 21 west feet t«- « •take tiwmce south >5 ' i west, I4 feet to a -take; tkeece -«>rtk to the he*ir.ntm». !92S M XRTIX COI'NTY SAVINGS AXD TK' >T O0„ Trs«t»e- Wfeeler Martir.. lO.VJt Attorwe? This the 29th bt «»f S^irtaler.