VV : JMPD TO wniiAMsrow mg SEASAON SnndaySdiool: * Lesson, T Sr >n. r._ i_ ntCTATOL g ». * ■tb imam « ainM i i LESSON FOR OCTOBER 7 t ABRAHAM. A BLESSING TO THK WOULD n-ii*aS»-i . *" *** GOLDEX TEXT—"to TW* •&*!! all a€ Ot wti be ki«W --•W 111 f PKIMAKT TOPlC—Brtlc a K«A| I *■ oikm k. JTMOt TOPIC-* Maa Wtj Pi ■■■ ■ Biiw iig t« ikr Varit I IXTTKIIEDUTE AM* SENIOR TOT ' ID—AWakaa. a H*awt. . toiso rn>PUE AXD AIOT-T TOMB L Abrakaali AmoM J4i M. Akrahaa'a paptf w* Terj bkrty as a ]«•>{ au. be taasnf worshiped idth. Tn»litv-- rurnio-* » wttfc waf btfmtt* H«ri» Maftof bis atiw«le a«ataat Main Ai »-? nlr. Us rqiohMc was «A as «• «HI iwlify fcia to krlkf kn4 a r~»*» ■ho« God was the Lm4. He karw horn dSa«ra« IMnn ■*» the aaerals of (he pee|4e nd. ttota-V fure. ««M kr at-to to trad ttaa hack to Gad. • 11. AkrakWa Can (C«s U:L ef. Acts T2-1). > God cut to kia kfrrf tU Ckal- Area aad Mid aaio Mn: L *Gtt lk(* aot of tkj »■■"? * OH la dad to Ma taauuj •» ■ atroac kMd. Aknlwa bad !I«*A taa« acats to has coaaary. X. -Oat tka* aat Ina tky kMnd" Ibnlaa was aat aaiy to Ira** to kind kfia Ma aatlaa hal bat kls rda tlT«a aa «*C mm Ms talker's kaaaa. am IMI* tksa. Ahrahaa was to ktrria» a frflgrlaß. to to ■Hk«at a kaaaa. Bna la Csaaaa. tw oolj laad kr nrr «nfd. aras a total >hw. X -lata tke laad tkat I will An lbr»" Ha waa aat taM wkat ar aWtt tkr laad waa. Ha mat aat aat ka*> i to« wUtker ka went (HA U« L»kUr ka dwelt M Man daitot Ma Mkrtkly asfoata. fat "kr laak«d far a ~ rttT vMrk katk kaadalkai wkaae kollder aad a.kirk OV*. B:K>K Aad Ikn ka was a typtral ha- Br\ar ealfad aat fNa Ms faatly aad aad RMack| Malalij. ka walked kr faith testifying to Ms aad ■adndn iiumtoi to tka Mikfd aesa af Gad. It rate* to atwj Gad. kat III. Pn.iln to *h al mil , (Gen. 12 2-3: Urll tfl I L Tka Iktktr af "a Onal FMIMVi (a. X). Ak ka* krra KKnOj faftlkrd. He was aat to aat prtaarflj (to wkat ka caaM pt kat kr wkat ha my tw|it tknr sal |m»aal Mia kp k Ike aptat )« d tkdr «a ■tits aki ar* tka A Mis af ttolr lakar * Ko aaaa la aB Maury eqaala tkat at' Abr&ksa to lis koaankto taAaaaee Ilia Is tka aaa* af kiaw aaanac Jaw*. all atlaawkd|» Ma as (ktker. » i I Itliai at ta Otkera (a*. I S) He aras m ®alj to I mat pmt aad to dair GaA Wntop kat to ha a htraaiac to atkrra. He has linai a tiUaala» to Fiaatu II aakltaiia ThJa Is tke na«al»toK hrdkt iplikaM life- kritf Mraard to he a TViaa wk. ran iad to tM» law lariat that Gad «■ MM tWa wka Maaa Gad aatea caatoaa nan *Bk Hk people Sa tttdj la Be aaa attK wa tkat It Is a aarta— tkto* to "to treat tkea. Ta aaltliat Gad's rkfl Area Is to Hit tka kaad ajafaa Gad impr Nor aaly la tka aa with nf ■«aa«a to wBfM acts aftoat Hta cMk Area. kat aegfact ar i ifaal ta Aapaad to tkaa. Ckrtat ppids all acta Da as in. *"* ' Atokaa'a Mk was k«jy to tkat k ka Agt 'l B* «aA af Gad sad Ml Ma toad aad Iktod. hat Ma IMA MAM? ******* kaaat at A arw aula aad Ar artdH Into ft* DW ■■PBMBAi -joctCOTTON SAV ANNAH COTTON FACTORAGE COMPANT - IIIIMSA Gaarato INTRESTING LETTER |> | REGARDS TO BATKIMONIAL DESIRES OF YOl'N MAX | JWrts Girl Dae.. Nat Appear la lli. i [ far a Coaperit - for R nzm der of His Life Williamson. X. C_ October 4. 1923. | 11. Observer: 1 ipo!ogize for asking s word of j advice from you. but 1 have nacke>> i the ace that I feel it my ihitf t ;e»akiish for myself a home cm! it | ha* always been my belief that the ; ooiy »hft)T that makes a hap;>y home Is a jwi companion; this if why ? in asiriafr for advice. I »e l(4s of pood looking al an 4 e«*r>- week; they teem nice to me. aad 1 have a real fotdtes for j-m. !«ut I rea>! of so many ili\ orres a»l disappointments that I am just * -aid 'kai 1 couM not keep up r * man in the mo.Vin fash.on aixi ■rtlr her happy. 1 kn.iw I am ui> - Me to keep fintlerfie» on t l * ariee all the time, ro I tl'ink 1 shojhl nar- Vy a nr" wro will bf cont>»ntc»l in a more hjmb'e station in life. If re*j know o f such a prvr r. ' will appieda'f it if you will a n 1 me Her n-_-!»>e and address. V**y truty. Deeply Intc TSV'H. fkear Mr. Peeply lnterestel: Your quq tion is not n ir tki> hi > flivt | certainly feel ny ' elr "este.s» in tryir.jr to impa;t lij:';* tr. .o«i. MI so »e-jrlity a subject. Your |ue«tion interest me fr.' kurk yfj mar have net he re :i • em» wea'th. it that yen kf»e r pwd riirfct eye and that ywu if* usiftfr it to a rood purpose. I had the opportunity to oh erv* a yoanr ladv recently who was ' rav- Hi»* witfi her mother. 1 noticed that die let her mother do «os' of the Ulkitf. She did not lau;:h loud, no: en—m: she showetl !ue ivsied fo- Ser mother and panted her oa> ■ ■aoletv quite wel'—no * : irns of nra art She r*s neither paii te.l ■"w+ie-j. ijxt from your letter, I 'ldol k4 riri would interest you. and fo» I »r rante »nd address. se*"d yaar an* oa shall ha*e herf Your friend, Obeener TURKEY SWAMP LOC AL ITEM £ Mi J. 11. I). iVel an>t •bufiilti Is. laary MoMey pent : atur>L) ifkt j I Suiulay wiUi Mrs. llaud.. >xmer tieai Itwbersonvilie. Sir. and Mi*rttennis Bailc-y of •ia*-- Fprnt Suriday *ith Mr. and M • D. A)*rs. Mr aial Mrs. J. E- (iurfranus aw mother. Mrs. Martha «.ur-»anus it "rvlol the laioii at Flat St amp • 1 Sunday. J Irs VV I. SUlii of W illianbtu {« at Frkiay riph* with her ,h •> he» M« M. G. Hal lock. "!r. Ijraris Hu loik ami mdher, Mrs V G. ISullock went to William t«» Fh ..rsday en businee*. i!r. K. Ob ii Bailey and Miss Vi«l WlleHttlfl moU.re»l Ui Eteret's Su lay aftera^w:i. Mr. Henry Peel uyi Mr. Mad Wjane a'tende«l the I'nioa »• Flat Snoni Saaday. MK. J. 11. Ayers fpwt las' •• rf w«h Mr and Mrs. J. M KiKtnoi. Wallaee Whiteiijrst a"« *!«)«! Coaren end Misses I'.-td'e ai- MarhitM BuMnck spent. Sun.h*» a' ereaom Kith Mr. a*id Mrs. J. A. An Imr- war l*a-Ti»ele. M'i s Vetwa Whitehurst erd Maticm Gar*ar.u.. m'.toie>t to G.eei ville Tuesday. Mis>es IJlilan Ro s an>l Mini ie Ma ya of Norfolk are spe >dinr a few day, this week with Miss Estel'e I?u"- lack. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. lilfey spent Saadav afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wynne. — SANDY RIIXiE ; LOCAL l7F!lkS| M,r J. Hopkins motund to Williaa«- i ua Wedaesday on business. Ma . J. K. Jones and children -pea; . Sa«*ida K ai*ht with Mr. M:».| V 8L Cherry. Mr. THad Hopkins and Mr. Kewto' of Ruaneke 1 Rapids spent the week ftianyo shoes today mm Zmf Shoe Polish If improves your per sonal appearance and leather. ■■ ■ T , 2. - - L, - *. . « i t r In) Robetsoa, Haywood. Pat* and cad with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hc_»- kiais. Jibs Martha Hanfew i spendin-. the week with Mrs. L. D. Ka«dr« _ "M»s. S. E. Hardisoa and SOB-. Jo*»rt nie a-wi C. B-. seat to Pkir View rc Saday. Mitts Katie Mae Cherry. Fannie Roland Godard, and Messrs. BUSMESS" CAkDS r J. L. Peele, Jeweler Second Daor from Foaden's REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY Ax*at for All Staadird Makes af Batches J f SI_I.BR. Gattcvias. Spaatia*. aad Plaa*das Fixtanrs aad Sapplics I' WILLIAMSTON TINSIXG AM ' PLI MBING COMPANY j C ft. Harrison. Mgr.. Liceaaed , and Reentered Piuml-er .PlenhiaK aad Sheet M.tal Wort | Williamston. K. C. !w. C. BROWNING | Jeweler Near Hank of B'ashinjftoa Caaplet* Stark of Jewelry (■IFTS THAT LAST f laptit Batch A Jewelry Repairing I WASHINGTON. N. C » » - •| I:KTIER SERVICE THAN' EYEK | KEFORE SPECIAL Attention ; | fancy wawts and all delicate fa- | ■ brira, such aa silk, satin, crepe de j rlrne aad |.mi|tte crepe J. D. GRAY 1 CLEANING. PRESSING. DTE- j ING AMD ALTERING PHONE FS AT NO. 111. V SEE ROEBUCK and WHITE FOR PAINTS OILS VARNISHI> AKD WALL PAPER __ PAINTERS AND DEI ORATORS lA7 Mala Strert WILUAMSTON. N. C I I Fmer I V jaot"' g CARDUi |IB VmaftTa* | 1 l*w» brtet. I Z k ItokdbjbK! S 9 I took twel. ebonies (otCardai) & § MJtaftalkadikililMkk § 2 kwkJlia'rii capeile-icea la S X kacof Cardad. wkick pm K 9 lataaM ItUl wkef* oAtf § B acAM» kid lifcl & V Il iM § \9 liMa*B. # B l« C * f THE ENTERPRISE, WiUiamston, N. C. 1 Fi»Pk HopL.ni went to Rocky Mount i - Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. IL C. Kobetsen spent • !• i Snuu; JaC2e?viUe. »:ila Ku.toufdi and * I - ilv £*i*«!irk ai»i Jit. i'o»stf J nl 'jjal. llr ax) Vrj. i'jai Dive« it. r j |f! t® lutci/. .lie i-'uiidsy aften.v p j Miaa Hilda av] Esth: 80. i -| ■««!'- ai«l Mr. Jasper Weave, *. . j the t •>i Misses l»uali e u;.J >! rie Kiddatk Tuesday eveninfe. Mr. *r«! Mrs. tusi* sr n ' Sunday nth Mrs. hum.udi> stste Mp. (mm. Mts Sar Ashley entertainer a i.uiu ' b*T of fitendi- Sunday. Mrs. J. H. khkixk and *attjrhUr. j Miss- Lnoilir. sprrt Sunday mom>n - j with Mr. VI L Jone- and fami'y Boyistr t2* k'iehci; e»tupm« t ' 1 fbetr Hub was toe tetvnt CXpi •:« ..• •of the llbnt Y IT Home IVmoirf re! ; on jlctar. in Trans>l\ania maty. Tiv [ j hocie iifi.' aor *npa'.ie! the e:r!- . r [ J their .ih'pmiif tour and pave I- .. i tin how to asd buy ni2*. | that are nmiftL j Corn y ie"«t» may he m»rc suit'K .. | %.Jrdy b*. the u-o of j■ . . -** d 'ban in an; 4he> way. The v . - to -elect tbi seed b; front the f. ! ., ' in the falL , A r •ope.a-, i.' -hinnrtetit of f.« • . pountb of erunon clover seed jt. d ; jtrib«ite«l m (a>x«ll . b.., 'l* farm *tn!. Oniers lor ! .«•»> pour*!* of wUh and two t• -t - of lime have been ri en the atrenl in lee oeaMy. H ; j\ Furniture & House Furnishings STOVES AM) RANGES I W' buy in vith several wher store. «u r |'iw> ae tb«- kw«t '»* f yi* have it—Crwltt if vim neel it. • 0»r Mr. C !I Spruiil is in Williatswtwn every other Monday. R. E. Qt'IXX & CO. E. MAIN' STREET WASHINGTON", X. C " I COHHI M( \lf VI IN JONES. SQN & ca* I I NOHrOLk.\IR(-M4 J roHI '*• >*• EXCELLENT STORAGE FACILITieS LATEST JIAFKE-T IfiJ OWMAJIO*! FUfUtl3nEZ> Oft RCQUCST I fWF OF" CHARGE. BY Of* T£t_EGRAP!I ■ co*rosro2oeNceiNVfTto^MovM^22"y2E^22J | | II *hc IMPROVED f ( LOOK! A New Per- \ I fection OIL STOVE | wi*h new style chimneys which I gives more heat und an extra shelf f on bottom for comrni«'nce and | makes the st"ve more rigid. and | a stove with a better finish than (he old model. Come in and look them over we'll be glad to show you. Trices right and terms if you need them. rife , , .1 f-- WffiaMfr'-r ' . ~ ... WANTS! ioh ki."*. r: ta A* BE FA KM. i;j * Is©* e• un .e.' ctt t'. «> e m.l. i irom liak City. ii. m dwell t tour -- . Apply S K. | tiines, Oak City, X. C. VJK-? I . - ——. _____ . ; - ! k«»r sulk a one Rok.sk mow. ( Wi; mac'une. cheap for c-~h f'„ further puTuniLrs «cc or u: .te J. | O. Manning. Ci i•?:' cf jtii-i, Wii iiamslon. X. C. - 9-2! P. ' - i Wantdl IOOJkO p. u!i !- o - ' sc-n- j Tie i'ltmer \Vaneh«>use» Wißiasr • x. r. /' ! i FOR SAIaE - STOYKK vas eritrine on wheels, suitable for running peaj nut picker. First class shape, practically new j First reasonable offer uets it. I bouirht a trac-j tor and don't need it. It j is a bar-rain. Come anoi ! >ok it over. J. 8. Whit- 1 'oy.phoftelTl. 10 2-tf /*/•/•» rues M\I.\KI %. ithikl ll nil and FEVKB. |lß\(.| K « MLLIOt S FEVER. I FOR HIGH PKKT.S SKI L OUTS-SORES j ' \_» oll,m> thoroughly—than, i - / 1 "•** wMheat raHnf. tppiy I ' VICKS f ▼ Vapoßub -joKmr Om*r I r le-bmm Jcrm IM ».1^ Hall's Catarrh Medicine vi TSr-ae *ho *r- in a " rvr\-tcr£m- roe*. U«« win notire tfcat ' »larrtt bothers tbm \ / ■ aorv than >hn th»y are ta «-T*>! x. X b««ttlL Tht* fart fr>rt n that vltk . ' **"*•** ?*.* *"■*? it m rrrm-tr 35 m*TT4 TZLzgj* 7; a SALKSMAN SAYS: : Tr»»iiw«i K. v , h WE SELL GOOD GM»DS; t» r at &m ha«t tj ,- rMl f _t m >l. m-l—t Of Oafarrh for * K I'KICK Til KM BIGIII . AUC* IMS a- n g|p| »■ • * . I **• J Cliwiy Jk Co.. "TVWo Ofefto WilliaatlM, S. C. r Cooper-Riddick Co. (Ineorpoi-ated) WHOI.ESALK FEUD AXI) IH |IJ>IN; MATERIAL We-ha»e m Irao»it •cirril car«. ®f «M t»kU t.«.taj jtsJ Tr\a> sma Oats. are prohaMt Ifcc best qiiiitt lhj( ha«e ever hern oMer>d on the f-vl.-rn airlrl. Wr j ! ~o ha*r >rirta| f;r» of Ruaibr 3 M.clucan R»e. ♦ \\ e will be liafe your inquiries 147 E. Washington St. I'hone 32 SI FFOLK, VIRGINIA ir=^r __ Qfancuaamcnt The new Food car* arc now ready lot your Inaprrinw, blmAtring dwy tbat Imptov* the appaomo* oi th* miw body type* and increase their coaaiort and ntlliry. I They ofirr you not only canonical and drpa»d dhle tranaportation, but alao a More attractive •tyie and a greater ahaae of Battcrinc convenience —e nftaii itiiei that makee the outstanding value at Ford cars mr iaftivs than ever. See the new Ford models now on display in 2riM»^iw(bLii^ I •CAMS * TRUCKS - TRACTOHS >| B. R. Barnhill ■ ' FORD—FORDSON—UNCX)LN Authorized Sales and Service Phone No. 201 WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CABOIiNA •bacco at ran MABarr

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