JUNG « V. _ , MOOD TO VOJJAMStON TUB SRASAOK LINCOLN CAR PRODUCTION IS NOT HINDERED Despite Fact That Plant Is Enlarged and , Machines MoVv d r DETROIT, Mich-, Oct- L-Ouipi j including the t ranj»pca»iucn of a aam ■ bcr of nnaufacturing d-pirtinnU. -earirg completion at the Limk piaat dsvisioa of the Foid Motor c\a> puf, form an interesting ikHijb on cfidewy method- of 'he orjs«i uuw. •* Whca a manufacturing plant * cat ' ryinjf on a heavy production, it s ? mutter of eottsidei-ab'e difficulty U ; n >»e a large portion of the nuda- • en frag one place to another. Yc-: |nis is jtid what is being tkne at tiie- I-incoln plant, and without the In* : I halt in the output In fact, with the steadily -ncre* { ing demand which the Lincoln is f* joy tug, production, through the intra-,, •suction of greater facility. ha& kee mmrd op and a new output rem- j was established in Aueusl wi*lt ship-, rrvnV of 897 can daring the ir.ftNL a gain of 97 over Jul)*. Daring the eleven months of r«ri, ownership in 1922, Lincoln car «bi> menu totalled .*,242, whi'e so far this . ear 5,273 Lincoln* have been r«- - ufactu red- Moving of the several depanmoiti' into the new additk-** which i»cre- - ] « the plant floor space squa e 'eet. is bring nffectoi unler a hirv, ly scientific arrangement. The pbt provides that raw material* and stork shall enter one end of the r«*ehiir| »f* L ■■■■*■ "■ 1 ■ 1 *■ ■ 1 L J - « > FRESH MILK AND CREAM K We are now delivering Fresh Milk and *i Cream twice daily; 7a. m. and > p. m., from 1 Tuberculine Tested Jersey Cows. THE WILIAMSTON DAIRY i T. A. Ballard, Manager I|* 1 I Itione No. 2ftl Williamslon, N. C. | | V ♦# Buying a good new suit of clothes is not "an expense; it is a ninvestment and a | good one. ' f Good clothes cost but little more than poor clothes. They wear longer and look well all the time. , I Come in and let us slip a new suit on you; j feel the good materials and learn our very reasonable price. You will buy and be sat iszed. Tyr it. WE SELL GOOD GOODS; v. WE PRICE THEM RIGHT - v" " 1 W. K» Orleans I - I WILLIAMSTON, N. C. MM and gradually pars through the —■afiMiiiiH process to emerge at j the ctfcer end of Jhe a? fin ished products. Conveyor system, new an t impr edmachinerv and many other facti ons are being installed to bring freat !er quality ami refinement to Lincoli mrnnr cae. Illustrative of the dose attentici ■ to detail which enters into ever plate of Lincoln car production r one mall department where clock; • wed on Lincoln cars are reeeive*L ;Thae are manufactured by one o. 'the country's foremost watch maker- Nevertheless. in this department, cv jery dock undergoes an eight day te> ' before facing permitted to tale it place on a Lineo'n car inrtrumm hni MOTOK SAFETY CODE " In line with their Kifety campaign | the Chicago Automobile Dealers' as ;Kriati— has gsued the follow ing rod* of .nlef for pedestrians: ! 1. Be on the alert at all times, i "1 Don't he in a huTy to enan * the , treet. Wait until the rood i perfectly clear of traffic. i i liememker that it is better to be a few minutes late than to never arrive at all. !t- Don't cross the stivet in tlx nrtddle of the block. | & Don't dart out from in fron' !•- Wind a car parked at the curh ft Drnl depend upon tie motor M to see that he does not hit you. TW is a fifty-fifty proposition. Do not -rtargaxe"* while crossing the j*treets. !» 7. Remember that yea hare year 11share of n i|iwnibililj in the pntcn' safety campaign. r & Al>o re-member that tie COJI. doe; not always deride in law. t. the person injured. A grea* man | timet his njahet are due tn nothitf more than has own carelessness. Some of the diiiets of heavy tracks tiave railed our attention to pedes riair- who willfullj crass the stree dowly in float of thrftr. neretctat nf putting the truck in reverse gear to ' avoid running over the pedest.-ian, A Heavy track loaded with several ton cannot be stopped in an in 'at! w .t" the brakes, though it may ret be run ning over 10 miles aa hour. Some pedestrians of Wiliiamstoa will io well 'o read the above rales and do theii Part in avoidiag arridents. COAL PKOFTTEKRS I NDEB TIXCHOT PACT CO OX I'NCHECkdi Profiteer in the New England and Middle Atlantic states are already ad ding to the price of anthrarre the ta ciease of fljP« a ton authorized ir. the "Pinchdt Pact" for the stoppage , of the coal miners" strike and in some . nw are taking all they can get. Ev en in Philadelphia almost wthin hail of the biggest anthracite mines in tba» o*iF»ry. the price has risen from fljO' , to 91-2S a ton. WANTS I# FOB KENT: «!• A( KK FARM. 12 I hoM uauer ctbiiatrao, one mil*- ■ from Oak City. Eight row dvrir n r L fw tMMt how-. Apply S. E. Mines, Oak City. K- C. 9-2SM K>» SALE A ONE HORSE HOW-J mg naehme, cheap for ca*h Foi fun her particulars m or write J. O. Man nine. Chief of police. Wil liamston, K. C 9-21-41 I * anted IOIJbO puund" of scrap j [The Farmers VaiHwatr, H illiam* I 'on, K. CL I I FOR SALE STOVER !Kas engine on wheels, | suitable for running* pea I nut picker. First class l-hape, practically new. First ifasonable offer gets it. I bought a trac ! f or and don't need it. It s is a bargain. Coine anti I ! ook it over. J. S. Wh't-I Icy, phone 171. 10-2-tf WANTED MAN WITH CAR ~'C seil cuinplete liar U|ch quality lire* and t übt». A money Makinp p' • p ( Mtmn for ettker full or part tir.* I Kirlutirr territory. )4riliJ:|r>a l - Tire A Kxtber Coaiapoy, East Ut- I -rpool. OhML 10-1 2t' , . I - ' ' ■' . I Furniture A House Furnishings STOVES AND RANGES Vc buy ia wjtk mcial #kr stores, cmr prices sit Ik lasot Caah if jmm km it—Cndd if jm seed it. Our Mr. C. K. Spraßl U f WOlimmsUm ewj other MouU, . * R. E. QUINN & CO.~ K MAIN STREET WASHINGTON. K. C, / ---> i'» .Cooper--Riddick Co. (Incorporated) WHOLESALE FEED AND BUILDING . MATERIAL We have fa Inmmt uunl csnrf wfcrt jltb the M mi^TartTdUt have em keeu «a Ihe rpstun usifert. We aba have several can tf We will be pissed to have your inquiries 147 E. Washington St Phone 32 s«fNu,vmGin THE ENTERPRISE. Wflliamston, N. C. r The coal osi'f orraniutwa in Phil adelphia jn«ify the inawc b\ quo) inp the term? of ikr "Pirdirt Pnr:.' | i and "he of the F4m! i'oai I Mtrms;-! n_ The r.nwr in pi ire J I - the tual of that otv. i : «»j 'nbriim-ly innilaMr from th.'> U of the Pinchot rttlnant «.f t|-. strike. ~ The federal Coed, eemnSk.- k* » also dtchnM to have found that "it wa* at'eHy impovsibe" for th» dralen to absorb an increase in 0m cost of miiinc anthrarity . Governor hnrh.it. folio* e ih "part"* rhirt he m cotlatMl for the stoppage of the strike. the op eraior* to "ahsorb" the increase «>l 0I» o nj> a tan in the co t of pn» darin* anthracite. President Cooli.'v no* sorre>t* tha* the adjustn- •% at pri*** i* a local pnMen. The Fe-i --«al Coal commieirw. after fail.tr t prevent o. stop the miners* rfrV has rone into the discard. But the profiteer L on the jol. an.t is takinjr a bir toil. REMEMBER THIS: Your voice owr the telephone »ir. i* * pcojecUon of your pen ciulu- O urtes? and ennxideratioa are as dr a is hie in a telephone talk as In r face to fare conversation. A person BUSINESS CAKDS J. Lb I'eele, Jeweler ScnwJ IWr fsom FuwJfn'* REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY | j Acm f-r All StsaUard Mates ml Watches V > ' i SUluc. (iallTW(. *"psi|tiw| sad j t | Itashat I'nurrt ia| Sapfiu^ j WILUAMSTON TINNING ANI» j PLI MBIM. COMPANY > I (i. W. Hkiruos, Mgr.. Lirt>xi ' | and Rfj.l'rfJ ISmJwr {PlaaaMag aW Sknt Mrtal Wartj ' { William*tan. M. C. | I W. C. BROWNING I Jeweler .Near Hank of Wacfaingtoa Caaplrir Slack sf itslrj GIFTS THAT LAST hi pert Watrfc 4k Jewelry Rrpunac WASHINGTON. N. C. MR. GOOD SALESMAN SAYS: WE SELL GOOD COOKS; i *E PRICK THEM RICH I. W. R ORLEANS V C 1 *> "SJ be b\ hi iWrphocc nun vers. A t« : r|i:one person ality U a •ei =anr.! &r»i it Help; |it imp.'j • the enrw, . . i l\ IIONOK OF MF.S. «. j. DAVIS AND N KHi MDIREK'i OF TOE SCHOOL F It I IH "3, The home teacher* of the William t«n Graded schoo? ini'f the prr|>!) of Wi'liamston a.-ni patrons » • th j M-hoo) to roctt Mt»-. M. J. - r ' he cew nse»r!er> ©; tre faT- !i. the home of Mr?. A. K l>ir.n : F day, October 12. from S:'o "o !!i j p. m. "IHE RK\L TEST "A >nac H !i: , t> | r.L, -jind." "Tine." rep;MS; Senator So Rut what calls for his f rtalr-1 u • •w»m is recejrnizini; li e moment for m:dc nc the rhans-e ~ - \V:i»hinirton Kvrninr Star. CHRISTIAN CIH'RCH A. J. Manning. Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a m_. W. C Maijranjr. supt. M. mine services II a. m, second and fourth Su~da>.» Evening services 7:31> p m . Christian Endeavor C:4j p. m All are cordially invited ta *t'e» all these services. ou are welcome in U i!liant-«>i! ,/*|V*CIRES MALARIA, tk.lb- ODD ud EE\'BB. DCNGI E or I KILLIOI S FEVER. I— SEE ROEBUCK andWHITK | j FOR PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES | AND H ALL PAI'EK PAINTERS AND DECORATORS I#7 Main Strvet WILLI AMSTOX. N. C. Hall's Catarrh Medicine TVoa.. «ko »r* in a * [O« jow*- tmH. U"« »'H r>o»>-» that f»t»»rli Mkcts ' much Bo* than «hm th«y are la fH ! «ltli ThlJ (»f| i* .1,1 iKat «•>«. atarrh Is a 1- *1 Akaw. it tm rr*ally UiXvikm) Kt wtltl'llkiul . .--*4 Tmu HtlX-S « *TtRM>« *131*4 IH » a riniHnp) Trxlamii k.ih t-al and ta t«*al. and ha* t**n w wfb| to IV of Cktarrfc f.-r U («r foftr jr*am Sold k* all r. J. CktMi A Co.. Tl** Oki* "Clean oi* ttluii in your va A CAR had i*ttl (en i »ucd in. It io«>V ihv f !fct buM IAU a inoar: f.wiih I- trnj.,l cxptnnu' u> ftrj t! -t' *ible. Mrtor wu i ! Rrad- g /"N- {\ ]k daily die d.>wi» au.i -u f If ihrv %•i ; ir! a o inuic I [rust I it houIJ run agiin, K only fcr a few tccoaJs. I 1 • 1 • Mutt every Jti .« a- !«e it cK>* up «ii« * iIH I jkir ! ii)> J I dirt to kno-A there is a * -«uum tank tiraincr sis hi* I #f »#3 f I I "gas" line. Experience i > ate» the unimu! things, I . / as well as the obvious* i t£b&lCn£t\ I !-Lon;; Tears of rdining a.. !ii d: haw vl«••**:» u> a thousand and one prato.il »f«ing» motor oils that couldn't be lej-nc»! •«* any other way. You Rive >our motor ti.. Un.-ht of it when you 3«> use Polarine «siilaif>. Ihe reasonably - priced, n I f • IJ qualitv oil, developed Kv cincriencc to meet uII rourine \ reuuirrr- -:»!». V- • . . . - _ , —not jwsr STANDARD OIL COMPANY M U inutrt of Oil" j, % (New Jersey ) ■ Tkc PkiiMi! ("W KJ» Joy ycjrt erf »n«fWir «TTT 4 ry hi i—m fla iW rl|_hr fn—iarafTnf Maiw %# far i ami. ( -Wt at at %vyr FOB HIGH PRICES SELL »KHTTQ AT THIS MARKET Wte IMPROVED BimChsmmy NEW PERFECTION 'LOOK! A New Per | fection OIL STOVE 1 with new style chimneys which I gives more heal and an extra shelf/ on bottom for convnience and j makes the st«>ve more rigid. and a stove with a better finish than the old model. Come in and look them over we'll be glad to show you. Prices right and terms if you need them. I i _ , TELL THEM THROl'dl TIIE ENTERPRISE iVOt'LL SELL THEM YOUR MERCHANDISE