FARMERS. VILUAHSTOX IS THE PLACE TO SELL YOL K TOBACCO. TRY ONE OF THE HOI SES HKKf VOLI'ME Zi—M MBER 71 SEVEN TO HAVE BOOUIS AT KOANOK r, tAii. Exhibit Spaces Secured Monday By 'iheir Representat i vcs Miss Proline Smith aM Mis- Alex ander, district aui home fiwn Washington were _n towa Monday, aac made arrangements for booths tot sev en of the eastern cwMifc to (*'• «' exhibits at the Ktuub- fair here. Nov. i:;th to 16th. The (uunue> to .have booths a.'e a.- follows: Washington, lieanlc.t, lib fax. Craven, Berth _ Ferquimar The er trance of t« - in the Roanoke fair this year . big step towards the gob! of t- e associate, it a ijstr.-. iai which it has been the jtit- of association to make it. Akmg wmh this groap of coui.t • would have be»n Nash cmul). bat i- i the fact Oat the NVfc beeti selected as «* of the j«!( during the fair, which bars ! county from ronjxt.:.**:. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stat©?. aui 341 J. 1- Holiday accompeexi! Mi- - Smith and AVxif.->r to the R ar.oV fair ground.* Mo* j) where they viewed ike butklwgs. nukicir very ewae? on sKe bu 1> ings and groasd-. a»i «> spaces for tb*.r ex»d*t#, w'>id> « I a.1.1 much to this >Vportmeat of it fair this y»ar. THE WHOLESALE TRADE LARihST IN THREE YEA I li Resei-ve IJoard's Re| >Ol Also Shows Retail Trade Increase WASHINGTON. Oct. 2&-Kcp»i** |i the fe.*ral board lornwr bu»iwv> O/fi-IrUpt- .-.jrfr.r tW |»*-t tlx week* »ho"w trai l:a«se was the larp»* m tkree yeao, '.hat retail trade en# per lent over a year ajr». aitr.oujr*i the ai increase oier IV r ty»n«^ waj> smaller Itan ■•ol anal iwuliir lion of ba»tr (MBPtMUtMs -V* Kmpiv; *ret>? vaj •f! at the high le- el of the- iav te>eni MIL Whak a revsew o* j* iaaa.u, BU«t' pitbiic today. sh'» - a decline of I er rent in pr*nart*ot& ■■ the -u mtri period ai» da roljr.**. »f In pe. eet.i mm .fee peak reached in Ma.- *«»ne «wmm. dnie-. laditlt wi>: an! H. jrar melunp. were prolan I la larg er than la IL months im mediately pnmiiig. There also n> aa kvi«ar is eon tract award* for bu>ae-« and indus trial buildup*. I)K to the ia contract for rrnfcn . 800 Imilo injf construct un, as a a ho!' . however, showed a redaction a* (t«paitl wit> preceding wratfct A nlsUaual re duction ia the peodartiea of iron an-' steel alio was recorded Distribution of all citnr of ccir. uuxJtiias by the mlraafc ouiaiiea M a high rate m September aad eaHv Otoner this readtti—. the rrrie* points, out, i*Ccrti the armel re tail am. wholesale «rade 2* well a the hea\y stacks held by retailer- at the end of Sepli alii Jle hoard foun-' That retail «ocki were 13 pe: cent L trr%s at the end mt September •fer-n -* *L« . sere dde a year aro Tosa Ta'heot says that the «ptti farmer who doe—l pU« ap kh «r tan alks tais winter wd pte Mw far food aad feed far mi year la plaialjr dkaster. Ttr-E ENTERPRISE rOEiEE; GREAT DLMNu r»»R ENGINEERS itiiait uil- OCT THE I Ml ED ST %1 E. CHAPEL HILL, Oct 27. h lianlqi, sccreUr) of the American i*. ciel> of Civil Engii-efr.-, the William Cain Civil Engir.eenng .-©ciety, the student chapter o! t! • American Society of Eng.neers he t Thunday night, predicted tha' > demand lor engineers during the •»« lO years Will be in far etctst of t! upplv. \ He said that estimates show tk within the next 10 years 40,000 gradi it«s of i school? will itcednl each year, while, engineer.! schools at present are graduutinr Ijr about SMO" a year. Thu . d clared, the opportunities for tW w* fit themselves for this new era * •e unequalled. fHE FARM LIFE SCHOOL OPENED ENCOLRAGIN(,L\ Many Friends and Pa trons Attend Open ing Exercises School opened here last tuning, October 22nd. j|an> jn. trvfi* and frSnd- were present to wi: '.ess aii enthu.-ia.-tir opening- CVmic. ty Superintendent Pope wa» with u -■n.f after .speaking in a forceful ma?. tier nuuie a gw»l impression m, the people. Tl«e following are li« teacher* (u th- present } ear M»*s Ma.ige B -1 ott from Davidson; Hlv Nellw Sptv '} fflrfa Kich B|uart; Mi.-.~ Keu Jet fer>on from Wa&hington; Ni-> ('arm IMIe Manning, Mrs. C. T C.ibrnot ami Piof. Goo. W. Smith, who are re uxietit-s of the community, ukl th> Ust tH'o named were cm last \ ear".- faculty. The ,-chuol bev recently |>iwurri : fti«e m t of -lage curtain." anil ihet add mjch to the attractivene»- of tl audfrwium. We are much indebted to the n» - chant*. bankers and Uminea met. \ (•urchjMil the adverti.-ing spare on th. curtain aim thereby maile it pn»>ib> for us to obtain the nicely painte set of curraina an.l stage setting. W, A hope that when our farmers go >h-| fun* they will remember our adiet The vocational agricultural Ua- ■ • carrx-d the following boys to the S* fair at Kalcitrh: Gate Kubfr-on. >>, A- Geo. K. Koberson, Gn-\ w Lilley, Hubert Harditon and K rnofid Peel. These boys did crop at« Mock judging at the State colle* The boyr were given a baU>|urt the college and were fiw ,-peo privileges while at the fan. I>e> ali report a rood time and say the trip wus very educational. Mr. Joha E. Manning a.>d twa mom-. Edwin and Joseph, Mr. A. T. Whit ley. Mr, Harmon Koberson and Mr David Koberson .all of this communi ty attended the Stale fair. The Asa Manning Farm Life sefcaol will observe Friday, November 2»> as Arbor day. PHILATHEAS TO MEET WITH MRS. ROGEK CKITCHES. JK The Philathea clas» of the Memo rial Baptist church will bold their reap ular meeting Friday evening at 7:30 at the ham* of Mrs. Roger Crftcfcav. Jr. All member* are urged te b present. "If yon rant via. make the one ahead of yen break the record." r a cood slogaa for Tar Heel farm ddb WILLL4MSTON. VAk - IN COUNTY. NCBTH CAROLINA. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3fl. l»a COUNTY CLERK MA\ BE INDICTEO I N SAMPSON Cases Are Presented u the Sampson County Grand Jury RALEIGH. Oct. 27.—lndictnu :»t i the Sampson county clerk of the ecu is expected to follow as the re»u ol state auditor's and state er's records produced before the g«a». jury Friday m an effort to probe ti lettsMNi warrants of the county. Major Baxter Durham, state .. tor, and H. K. Williamson, teller . ;ne other of Irtatwer Lacy, are bat They aent before the grand jury with the state's book* which gate the piocc s of pay uig «>ul state's peri iowr Tea of such cases were before ibe grand jury and many others are to coae. It is alleged thai pension warrants hate been to per iods who are not entitled to receive them anu that money has U-en pa-, to the dead. The state officials ha\e feared some thing of this kind ever since the au>. itor- last spring Itfgan to inquire in to the system of check> arvl balanre which the state had not set up in > accounting. The Price, Waterh«»use and conipan accountants made very shaip wumai. versions on the State's way of lOlll things. There was no allegation th anybody in the State's administrat * had .tone aay shady bookkeeping, hi there was #wtet testimony that s he put over th. State- If the Sampson case pans • thi- will be aa e\ iderice of the inaai «|UA!I' bookkeeping. ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY EVENING IN HONOR OF h»HI LAR HKIOEKI.It Ifv IJWn S_ I'rrl Nat 1 tuf i •••>!«• (MfiiMlar) Is Mho WpkiM ltaii> OB !X-I Friday ttniag fr IN !» nr. Ul 11. Mr,. S. Fee I eate. a:» ed at three table cf bn.i(rf. rompii t« MIN Jowphint Data bn-lf elert. The Inuig roum was d«roralhi wit' red zinnias and ferns Krid?e a.- played for an hour and Vi„ ' *"*• te»»fonl, another pt-putr. n( thi- wa-w mult th high score, and »** presented a b»3 °f far*y stationery. TWn a parre P°"* b»y btMighl a Urge package f« Mat* l*a» i>, and aheo *he opened * pretty rift* all pre* | An we rour-e, followed by mint •*» eemed- Tlfct Invited wen-, W tfce bonoree: Vises Mar.V Crawford, Vdla Andrew M: - Siade Haasell, Margaret Ev. et Mr* J. W. Watte. Jr.. , Heydenietfb, *«• A»V* Mr*. »Mn Martin. Jr., M>v K» Oorgxnaa. Mrs. J. G. Godard, Jr_ Mr*. A. R Dunning. Mrs. E. P. Cm airgfaaan, Mia Came Deile White and Mr-. J. W. Maaning. j HERE'S THE PfN'-HOOKUt (Editor Jot KitktnU. , f Mr. Titian ■ in Aoooeiatioa hr»w * f •■*** F«lw P»U f«r crop b T pin and speculator: What an you ruaig to do MY that tke fin liukir and the spervl*- tar descried fw? s wi, Cmm fate the ■■■■ T.l , wit* r «■* "»«»■■■; why not «M» CERM A N SEPAKATIST n ARE LOSING Ht.Lt M»« liar, la«a4aa* Pan. lU-.n* Safcpnrtnd tm Gwtuu M arrf^r, B? ifcr Lrums COBLENZ. Ort_ S-Th, new KhaneUaJ reputtfir toda> o. j n m^h I ' the saw as a trv days agt ■Srinrat H" villi tikaltt retain (kei >.«*! «a Aix la Oiiffi IV. Un-li».i . i ' Bonna. Ibimc. Dnulurp, 1». ia*ad CivftU, *tiir (bar be: remains* to be see*. At m>n4 pu.. . * the trpibiiciM 3IC briny Mibjer'xv: . I a sort of mmlla mut'tr' by tl- TW. however* ft. | qur&t wlfnflw mi Ike Frenrh .-J. j Brigeas troops l» uitu 11 oidr* miNC ARE GIVES ' STAND OF FRANCE AT AN UNVEILINC. ! America Must Abide li> ' the Versailles Treaty He Asserts SAMPIGNY. Fm"-. Oru 28. Pteourr IV xarr is a -«f«erx-n lierr to day -ktuml t liter *«A to alo* Uf irfaiHiM ruamiuioii t« be lirtubil of its °uKTiion or re gbcru !» M«r 4Wr kniy. He jaw Fiar«t cmald mC afir* to any rr l»1x a ia the (rnua The pmer awM that tie «ret out- Amencaa KftrrfijaLfli on a omnitlre (tai|H k tbr reparation (otumiMM to i««rtjra> Otnaii) V i Hjl ilj to par. Wl rrm *Vt of 11* n——ittre pmai« m ithm tlx ter« Laid tan hi ttr Yet treat>- Tk' p*enuer. «! • «4- Irverrd a l'»if -pfrrfc at thr of a m«»aiu mflil lv iW mmw of \*~- \(||3ft in nhurh hi* (■Mi i; »it lUllfi ,s«KI "We nMuUi air tArig asl >1 U> proceed to a fir-L r-r mat* of Ger »»«) '• QfUirrt to puy. KUI «h*.- that I fat Birau b) a itwinl >'•«' "»J to r*-ar§ a iimn.ut.iMi of M* tWraboa £ -V* ii a rwnli.'iu t«o» «e are rr>*i»' 1. 4 lu favor. "If it Bnfe> a* ' .mate i.f n'ui Germany ou pa -—•i-.rrow an.( it the Boar fiiliir. •...*•• r it rnore i>rt than arii as. »-amination ' Tke («»»>»■ "• ;r|uiabwi~ i» rturrru by \Ur treaty with nrh ; aad there ar» o (maaj. t take one of Ms aurt •r ; purta-t funr tww fraa SL' M. IVoaearo -»* thr onai-MM ■« above iwyii , it had ik.« NsHf naptM atxl im|Oitiai; it v obliged to r»r r«aay with e.- a fair «fr r -"nit) to pir her ahuKiwat. JIDGE ht.KK TEVWJtS HIS KESIGV«TIo\ TO WIVKKNOt: | K.M.Kit.i on. rr John ii 1 | he it of Maim ■ rVHftl to rot- , j r»» T la thr nm.l («nal rlmiin i to t e sera oil da-tr-w. >e.-ter>lay a|> I *"*»t at the of the fmrioti a-d presented h» rr-q>»ti«i fro i the mprnor nan !ewt of Xom Cawli— Hmtiua N «a> aiaMV f" kf * 4ia> of U« exerativeV '■«t. Wdl forreal'y mfn—int Thorn? V. PWtMfta «f HnrSrr-O, mwatu.i to Jidfe Kerr •• fair return from a ■ «*r of the «wm put of thr Stale. .5? . | The HiMli i raumg *rrt prizes far aKriokan! nLUi =t tie State fair this year are thaaeoturh rayki • *w pnpu of aerirahirc f—terr I Vr Co«*y Agent J. T. Laar, n. the [ftmpte. j MEXICAN BEAN BEETLE SPRKAIks IN NORTH ST A. Indications Are That It . Will Be Very Destruc tive Next Year | KALEiGII. Oct. *».—"it stem* a. if life is ju.-t ore but; after an-.4hrr. MIS Prof. Franklin Sherman, ch.e. j division of entomology. "Wsule «u. J ea-ttem farmer.- are all astir over tho 1' boil wervil, our frienal- in ti:e moun U>ins hate abundant cau.-e for un easiness over the Hr\iran U-au bee tle. "This insert bwjn.c rtaUi>kni i! AUbunta about ll'IS ami ha.- spnra.: AS~* chieflv to the northeast. x>nc I h intentions of a prrlVn'.icr tor rath er high. cool climate. It iniaikf oui j counties of Cherokee and Clav in IVjl i and by the end of I'/i! wjl-. in « i |MX or eight Counties. Mi airahilr i i s}trraJ acru»- north to-orgia ani »♦. I |to .*k>uth Carolina, art.l at-o tfiioafr, i and into ka-ntucky. I »ur u!k 1923 it has sprea>l into the ,-oo«b western part of Virpnu anal iiAc Ohio. , "Messrs. Mitchell an-l Hani.* of ■% force have just n-turned froi.. a J in; tour to aletermine the limit- of . it spread in our Stale for this year. They have found it in portions »r | the counties of Polk, Rutherfor.l. Gas lU>n and Cleveland, this prruiiul>!i ! representing its northwest -pieu*! from South Carolina. We a! -u kiu » i to lie » Madison which e. k-i'-1.. Is a ffsuft of spreading up the Fi««« j l;r al river from TIHI» MT An.! • > { our>e our own State-bml Irrtlr- are j .-pieu.luif; fioin count} to county aii ! through our mouiitain.-. It i> alr*-a>it , kiM'o n to l>e at Saai.nanua in |!u' Icorol-e. "Mr. Crawford of this divi.-ion l*en locate.) at Hrv-on Cisv for t ,-ea.-ori, wheie ho has maie stioii* at"l tot.-, looking toward tie roatru of the pest. He is working in i light of facts alread} e -taoli h.-l t» stale a»w| federal worker- in Alahan a While tlie control of this beetle pi, sents some prvuliar •hffirultie-, >e there are melhoais which promise »ei | aixl tlaese will be worked up for puMi ' '■!' »»n le fore the next plantine I son. 'The insert is of the lady beeti-- family, ami ran both crawl an- 1 t freely It is about one fourth H. long, yellow or brax.-y. with sm;- ,! Mack sput>. A ckvlv relate-l prc» with larger spots is oft on foutwl «r pumpkin aiul squash. This new core er ha.- » te«aded preference for bra' the table variety. "On a recent trip I went into Cher j okw county to sense the attitude «, the people who have now had it full force for two years. Some think j it ha been lew* destructive than la.- j >eur. In many gardens earl) bean | were "eaten up', hut later planting-. ! though damaged, have mark a farV crop. "It looks to me a* if it will prexn* *s serious an issue, with regard tm table beans as the common pofat. Ireetle dial with regard to Irish po tatoes fifty years ago."? f ■ " • • ' I- - Mr. T. F. Harrison left this m- rr ; "* for the northern markets. «h>: he will purchase new gooils for hi i firm, Harrison Brothers and compc-i In order to secure the latest goo for the mid winter months, Mr. Ha#r "mi is making another trip to tr. market* this season, and in keepir - with the policy of his firm, will * - «» the best offerings obtainable - the northern markets. COME To Wilianuton! t-iate Lmii} cusnj X C GREATEST SHOW OX I AKIB TO I XHibIT l\ lftll S*Mt V»o*ld» lea lnr> tim>— BuKi HnM Ik. »a. Th« solid's omr :->/ cim Ki'-c liujr Brota* r - u»i ll».. ue and Bai! 'e> oinbnrvi .Ira*- emer and ** it* hundred cars «dl («a* "tee ih*i nM ««Oiirr>~ to eikhJ n *il» - S-tarday. \«- 3td World loaiei au »*iU inK thi. tndy riolr-! si** « cart: ( u> now fully a thir*i 6ar»r»r xhan it ' was when it last »i-itol lii- !«ali'j In aAktmi to thr un I offered the*, ike present WH«'r p"» | cram number ten more trained *i> animal display^—making thirty in i and t nuel «pnt> traced hor art- that Europe Ur ever pioiw««i The wild ißitnul ai.) eipue ia»pta> of the past were Mtfodoced mere... that the lUktW Bralhm m>*r juOjrv ot their p piliiit). So et | thuMi tnliy aere tWsc ■—ihi i- r» t ceived that the faaux&s showaaea in* . ( medialt ly amagi I for the punrHa.— | of the vuritTi finest arts of tko km>. An entire opune nmu wa> barti outrirht anl bfvarnt to thas «»■» .r> last winter. And while the k»rlac Brathci and Barnam and Bailey ateat- were >«-curing Uus and the iiaorj t«rr polar bear, law, Sropaud ar*4 |i«rmi .r.-ups .they had enter, to enga* i former-* of the I anpru And the-e stars fnm ;hr crty a", junrte are ail to h- *e*a wrt>. tl . I • * ort.ler rimif of I XT" There are 6%e of tiaiM*^ 1 eal-. many .V*-. !•.»«. nmoheys, |«r and pfr.ow- A-Urd f» r p«l mea ' ure as the luaMwtf Tirinai, « titan 1 .'■*■*> aonoU I" ■ (far lirrest riioas |-f >/.a». mi! (_ l "er *eon. pvt* «Mn !)«. Uir> l tent. ! tKtmiKS I IJN k 111 ■ HI. Itsil\ 1. li-rx :t UrAikc Jir n |mlct 'MiirM b> ImUt «•» Mmm- jI Ikr »piia«g »■ Ijitalrt Strt?lr> .SM-. South Ff» I im>nl mi SHki a\«a ■ • lu*»i •ralkri has i-H Bu>) **>} fr>. the 'iiaiAf U* •«**. U -IKbS pi«frii ■ hi*' **** n |ian(*>i for fcu«rht .*«©•« rimiii mß mr>L. This »» Us* L»* ki«ta —i it»' He? Lal ar«l « adl bt afima-4 a ,-S o-s if nrjUbrr t»» asu anct vi Umw mfc. hnr*. b \* L»* r ifv ; the Ur uMaaji, «■> »Si»r •» ii» sn m rwlrs, vl tJw «Vfj.;Li i | Ifffl) -Miur a t»4 «Srr W>a«« | jTbr |*-f a»l » |(irm are f* paiii *nk ;W «■ «*-> ! a..- vril u u » ; the wri all Uhr •*.«. j « sfc»*t-. >itw» ha has- kkt M tfw» »r : iraniza'a"* kric Ika* thr Shwlf . ; .Sfcwrs, aludl ai» buiaa a* thr an | irnnVrt mi the iw>i A fir' thr cfcae of lib -ime-ful nm«««9i. p4a ■ ill be pm t trr a> f« a irtan loukiMT *f this avamart! wnau. Uki rs—it 'niaa—topjha. IWi*.• Sers, May 15, IJ2I 1 The Ikiit WarrWir ka» s*aar «r\ | rout aTnajis ilnl ■ their aim li-mm >a this uhf af The Eater pn*f. Sua a# »k**a« h» ability as « lint an—, ami ■*' ku Jw Tajhr ami Crfml SWaaher. aakf a Umam that fc kari U , THIS MARKET IS CATAHLB OP GIVING SERVICE MIXED WITH ABSOLITE COURTESY—'TET XT ESTABLISHED ISM. ARMISTICE DAY TO BE (iALA ONE IN WASHINGTO Ceiebartion Comes Oti Nov. 12. Arrange ments Being Made V\ ASHIXGTOX. Oct. 29 Plans anr ww (ut piling into shape for » the -lOrest Armistice day cHebratwa is l!« hu4«o° of W a-hinrtuo. As Arm -Ik* day this t.nie falls on San day the celebration will bf puik>i off w, Vnmlay. S«nwil*r 12th. The or ■'■H of the day will be Han. William I mtr»i of I hirhain. who was a mem ber of the famous M>t division. Oth er of note if also mt the program. The committee on arri iire mrnU -ay that the jo'-a-te will be ore of the outstanding features' of th>' day. Added to this the big oy*»-r !>u 1 anl competitive drill berween fa ~l ~ IJU uifantry of Ily mouth ami Hatter , "*C.™ of thi> city hesides oth er attract MIS not yet out means an rorason lons to b»- rrimnikernL 1 >rn men rice man in 1 Beaufort Co tilr is kwkel for an«l an invita tion ha> been extended to every" «- •rrvirv man from Washington. Bertie. Tvrell. Martin ar-l Hvile counties to mne a"d help in the cel. bratiiur of •ne of the mo«l memorable ii*y- is hi-lory Thousands of \ isitors are onminjr. I»K. SLEUD THINKS tIOKE «»»• MIHHEKHIK>I» THAN Ot POETRY U \kt iwt J» l»t- l>t SMd otif cif th** lo\e*f I mffblfi of th** Wok** !■•»**-4 faculty. Irwtnitl) WiKf» lluil nwlhenf«» J i 4 higher rjlluu' than \ . r>iliruti«M» I uili i> Ihf ciißflusm" that «** j mduM draw* fi«-«ii a iHtrr shirh Kf ni4e. \t, uLtiw.l n* -1 uitmait -*f>t the * •■>» » cMir a lißf |-*m **> J M t>S. "MM,. Nalurr ai d with j Ihr ir*|U- 1 thai lw n*l ami critxb* | li* |«*m. I»r. Mr>M i> irpnitnl t« laM 1 l«- |di*»>3 ') nli-ia>Nc, "\\ hrn )vu aj>- jnarw>l an-i hai' iai-*»l -i* rtitl.irw. I l|Tftt«r lx-ni (V |i|+ier altmtum. I I .-lull f- r!a«l t« 'f i'l aid friliow I' \iitr |«n " I»r Sle>l-1 i- litwta a a »»r( »i-f a -4-iwJar thnMj()i"Ut tfc«- -outh. P-Jrt- I ai«i «mW Ir ofteit Mil th*t I i«r* t« tun fT frith i-m. . ei ri. the effort.- re» h tin- W. ■*' l«t* tb-v \rt -« by l»r SlwM has »rll I i«»i\»j, Ju l iio whe is rutherinr wn'rruJ for hi.-. "Ilan»l* Acru»- If* eVa^~ Li IT LE Kill lit. CLARK ENTERTAINS IN HONOK Of SEVENTH BIRTHOAt littir I; til Mr ■ Ijrk . ntertairnei aft ,v* fift.. of tu> little )t»t« u> afternoon from three until fixe oV 3» k at the h«m* of his pwte, Mr ai.l Mrs. C. It. Ctarfc in Xp» Tw». Ib boiaor of his s«v«nth birth day- TV little fellow is very populai with hi? little fr*n.l- an>i ns hap pily n wilii mf' .%it h maay prett > lifts. OM door punes were (ajtyol am hour, an) then debcMi ice crrar aaH rake ie« xnft) in Um dininr nw. wfcetw Halloween dmnliMn wi* attrari irrty unL N'ane the fam thi* winter CSirir Cwt laraa Wtcr than :

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