THE BIGGEST AND BEST FAIR IN EASTERN CAROLINA THIS YEAR—THE ROANOKE FAIR, WILLI. N. C, .. , ™~*'H TO I6TH, INCLUSIVE. BE AMONG THE CROWD AND THL BEST ENTERTAINMENTS EVES HEIJ) HERE. SI.OOO HORSE i!ACESL BIIXKST AND BEST EXHIBITS OF ALL KINDS. * ARMKRS, WII4JAMS7ON IS THI i'LACE TO SLLL V«>l.: TGUCO) TRY ONE OF THE HOUSES III": • VOLUME il NUMBER 77. ROANOKE FAIR! OPENS TODAY TEACHERS OF MARTIN COUNTY HAVE VERY BENEFICIAL MEETING AT WILLIAMSTON HIGH SCHOOL. HAVE LNTKUBSnXG AND BENE ] FILIAL MEET AT SCHOOL AL IMTORII M On November it, the lliiiw iWt ty Teachers* ioo ne: is U* j \\ illiauiitoß school f»r I first meeting for the \«x iaS. ait. Preening the regular Uasi***.- *e- I *k.n was a --holt devotional ex«;rh. ! appfuptuUilf by Bw. I>- * - Arr.ol i. After *he iia#ing of "Amee ira," he r ad the Beatrice*. Then the teaciiers >aitg Quirt!*'- Soldiers." Following Oi'.t Bnr. A:- 1 notl offered prayer. Sept. K. A. I'oje uf««l *ht with a few r*n- -' k-. *»- cng these he aipnl thai ku' * their h**e Uaf u«i> cob aii> a f»'- red history of Use scUri jear lit Ibn Mated that Mr. 11. J. I*3 VI nu outline -a hiief the -ulijul ~Y si"in*. I ard that Mr* H. V Aiwlej ««»•* J **Tbe Library." In the short feme allot*.! to Kifli Mr. Davis rsr phaSJed 'fct th the .-chool U the t-alair.g 'o the eh >l.l, aisol deplete*: the fret t%-' > eirphasi hereto for* Las rwrv d r. j self Biitfc more aih tie iwf'i! . with the ia! -par.ti-a! jf---wtY I of the child. TJe !rmd is rhai»pri- a'"*! it L- hof»d shut F l ' par iotnte gi«oik cf sll tre pewer | of the (h hi wlf :a tmve t.-ull H* ( pr- p»^»«* three Bad *'■ v**f | first »x "Itow bra)4 a g+* ! parents' fonS-irxe." »->i was MpUW nl them arr»f>l ajr to- ki- W* f Th I the confidence of po.enSs "" His s- j luti.« 'hat a knoarle>ig» | of pir« rt> will do ttii To real- I k: ow ('ijtab, t»«H*Tf niift TO ' I them in their homes i*d :bwr j of Too, they Bt»t -ho. I I a real interest ta rial * of liir interest to paml-*- That », the_ I mu.-t let their armati he knead e: I ough to include and the pc I suite of those for wh«B they work I His ijue-U«s was: "ilow w. I a teacher fell the Mca of ekaotK j to persons who ate 'Aw.' physical ly, spiiiiually, me*tally. socially. cei turally a*d economically?" To A this a teacher mast he urtere-te*! u ail rwerxnb fwiTht of ft*. heaJth, in ito Kt>vn». Encst he ait mtt let tual pruiuct kubcif wd bml-i be *JbU to lire ob hi* urit. He must, m other wnit, be an exaoflt •» wia he proposes to effect. His ikir quo tion, "What benefit is Use re h ri*- itiag parents he art katv« to puu.l a child?"* wv amend 'hum. J of a m tame life an! ideals help* is i r :nfr»ti9|[ kas aaiito and prtfTM in irhi rl, and a fa«v ledg: of a parent's "lies and Hi likes" wiD often help the tenrbrr t> purati' will and wishes and yet cor rective to its —tan. A aWcMCK and !«riwr wfl miM a aWia SapeiiateMeac hpe henrtgj eadar »sd what Mr. Dmh had and W •THE ENTERPRISE j et. ue» is uae tie. ihr it.* j working lagtUe. l*r Ltac ouim ; good. | 1 oiivviaf the liirfntoini. Mr. tL k. I uikM far a short »kue «-a ■ "Flans for grtutj, rendu irwa a 1- ! brary. He fim gate the eaceaiia s j o! an rf«Ute library >\>tem. the a- ' ! o.' proper c |iiip— iy. the a j i ce»ily of projwr Mfja-üboa. Ue I e*e*9*ly of Mn>'r bkar> i«k> at i j t* BMK»ay of care, a! ■■jmi niwi j lie imir his pom: i ritar by concrete ; ( • vample. The Oak City xi*«d libra ry sj ftetn ieno) Ms porpo«e h .'Utti! that dellaite -*it i aiir for the re»pe>l->* fialo aa hat all thoee ahw rail to do Um , i locnboi rer Jing are •unpe.lrl to I cumiatMa. TIMM t w CMU ,>l) *wh u« it>uatttrsU- are r | i ouaftd to do f i»it!wr irau '.-t ii , wer to gee oa the hoc«r rdl j i Aftor lus talk mm «kjertiio.> s* ir ■ . radr- as to the prsctAiht} of the|t -■-k pu— of sach in all school- M; I'ope answcre>l this by saunr thzt' i ■ r ijßliw HiimmMi n aa.ght be| ("Teemed m any -chooi if on a wtr , •swUx smaller aV He Mfrsestec |;he n»«eseity. hswier, •' right (to. i : "*g •>* the put of the teacher. ll* j stateU hat the ml for bw IM-I-St' ( th- rend hg of at ku f«jr Lm-« J , —the-* to be alerted fras j i lalfMß u fr«4i»i i he •« piifclh hi ' by Ooen *i ! | | c«|u: j, Ihrnllr X. Y. K mi r1 1 I ir(» -»t cards 1 old to wed for b }' t-'Bie nadicg. 1 1 Mr Pofe neit »p~&e of «raes4>w-! ' elathe to monthly reports. Ateragej j -lady atter-taKr i- mm mm all ch l j' {•lrea who have altnrinl ten 4ai - or I | | | raore. If child attend- a> mnrh a_- j one half tine he is to ke iminn '■ the blank opposite *aidlnK!,' ' I lon the fMt sole of report: oc the I ! reverse side if be attends lr» thai I ten days. lie orrel Ifadm to encoarage an , I itht ■ oaf hi tern in their districts. |He spike d t»e necesary of w-h j i He arged 'km to "sing e«kt ■imtli' and to itwtp br mj sare that the diKsNatt kHo mt opposi-wn are j Irowned —in the hir»—y prai h the siegers Next U Mwi alt thr teachers to "Trtick to the 9toto's au fW lift of Inlr ** Too, he fan rr ed on the ne« -«ny of a adtodnke •>' each euoL The tenrhen in we teacher scheols can he supplied with :xxfrraa*s fnn the ogee, hr» a Mded that prograaks wfl he prwd. -OC* ta aid thoae ta the 1 — trnrhn He asked mpiliviaiinU and pet* cipnb ta Bake an age 'grade tzhl of their nrhuli to aanao how th pedagogteal age mt their pqpfls aes' sues ap nth the rh naidsgn il ag* -r the ait Then he spake of the |H i ikuh . of the trwck rydna. kasang his ar dm ami He. liadtj. the fowr. ap ■iaaiii)ißl «f th* Washington mil t. dtkeOak Gig aksd. !T" - -as . V fLLIV STON. M.iK I\ COlMl", NORTH l \KOLiNA. TI'ESDAY, NOVEMBLS l 3 l -1 * KtULS SOW KEADY I'IHK K AKINC RETURNS TO REVENUE COMMISSIONER !' t ling ■* bri) ltdM% b Creed b> Knnw PtfirttH to AnM (MtMin The f«ik>*>ar ■! is b> tic I. S. Collector of Inntai ..(tout uE ibt district of .\or.h Ctt*- JU, -l kileifcft iv.u ,«b? ua l«i Im Uuuk »« * L.>vfnuL«i Jirc avjilifck UM lMiarT «d Uk i. !k. luiktJw of U> i >cißi mcur ■»» >l lukig*. Iw tart) itmft mill lar o« *->- u> kiau, (MfiiatiMa Mat byfiuwr-- i ia{ Uijr (MCr», ctuda * i i) are lo i«;n>rt to the It*.- uu.. jM M( ul lehikkl rrtcttue A* I* oty, pitmhiu of UlM' •m aMt — 6 - w daring 11* |»r«reaii t t'iamr j«i'. •% jtfanu retaia of aiorniaOi»i I far racb fßipb>r »W .-•laij f«H l»! «w tIJUOIi or Mr i> »T*j«i.r»-. •« form MM, f»i* l«X. ©a whin, mur ( be jbuaa Ite fUr of - ualt ntuib, arne a> a Icilcr «i mwiiiiil UnAi awl i»m1» myaai■ tlx—- ai I » ir*j aifil Ui nprt MlcrrsC paad at : r mutad to a AfMHar i 1 (kr tola •Imjic tbe )tu n(ulM or rute. nl 11 J>l lalf 1' rrturas aa I ' , jr» tfnij deiM vilk ndindiai r I i*tw. If a l iif )tr~« ladniliui i |*»> "wi.t rtptrttal oei aa u.fotiitk frtin. is taittnl, actiM by li» M_ ir»ii of Intnaal Krittw- Ulck> of the form- wilt be iraiL U* a* lif I". S. rJlntV- fu Ihu- atw iIM xauiar irt nr.i> i« ISC. IV hliar period is fnaa 4a J oar;. Ml« Malik lj(k, IK4 I th itrtobf I, MHfex paid »o prwdarer* of all Hatre 9 for tf* fcf *ix 1 irtW ra 274 per cer* birber tbaa a >*ar ar», »i per cenl b%b*r 'kia la* ajro u.4 l!J per f«( lover Ibu -be average of tea )ni - Yoa are nlrwr la William-an reap* of aaade repoib TV. vtatitn far aotelal « aa a like aaaarr be fnM* l ' «p* icecap* of undralal aiipa. Xi*atT lie teacher* aa.-aned lb rail aiL &at> S»* «f iWie jniae (be Maitia nuty braaeb of Ik >tai imwiiia b) tbe rW-iibli ■ of iH ■eaakerabip fee. oae dollar Tbe gtatnl arpaintba of L . : cal nut tbea took place. Tbe »a lane Jmb am aima—ly ale.. «d: SapL K. A- I'apt, pwiiifcal; Sa|> M. J. Uam, vice pwiiltH; Mia En Im* Fed, secretary aad litasui Tbe rraiiitui aide rroap lea in met ae*t —| iirwl Ha— Gnu> A, arjrb M J. Ank, a* leader aa. G- V. Rbadti at illiiidt. stud Brook- -Edrata— for Duamir? Qiwp B. wmk H M. Awlqr aa lead er jad H. L ElAs alii laib. anT C. arfcb Gaa. W- II l ib, leader a» Mrs. J. 1- i aketaxr d ■d f«*J darda *a a baab Grasp D ' ' *? . "J' I ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETE FOR great event j I*ropri-aiTi Excels Any- Ever Offemi People of East Carolina AMISKMHNTS ALL VOI R DAYS GKANIiEST IHSTLAI OF EXHII ITS H EX; WD EN 1 I K 1 UN. VENTS TIF. BINT The Km**e fair (may Tw> Tbe cnal f.. o ens tt» day. TutxU). milh a autr.:»l mirth ar>l rwlowf I:HKW jlli n> in a tis» *- •- b) il-rtf The eatcltaii u»« |»n of the pfat!f*rm frer acta, coat.i t of x a>ch nd« artt, nL. j tlie.r iirJ apariuaarc- u the Suir vf \»ith Car mill be this iftnw« i at Jin oViork - rta'e TV puuNr shall be i|lV errsx..J stami wti*a the n»«> start a~»i ri v t4h mf of the complete aho* 11« .« * be a fljnW 4i|a> *'>'> njr tM«te oMlmautK lit ■ ?. IKp rrnaimlrr of the fair, with a rhaas» ■f free arb «-.» i irhl a> well i J lays. All act.- air i - 4rd .l.rirct frcii New Vuit and ae Ji new, novel w j TV art. «•': lei, Kui»|e.n h> / aa«i head IMIW rn - NOCUUMK neve before ««9 ia li- Ma"e *f N« rt; Crnkn. The Cycluf HjiiiiiMs, a n f,..« .-ouple, lad} aM ft- !>an, will |>r«- «at a ty*b*g art »J ffiA ana f.j* Gaylm arwl tiavlos the pant f«; ata, the awl} act -! its IUIKI OH «■. HI boat au*a li. The Kaar'i Ihrimr art pice.- aid am jwt ntuacrf (ran IM Mm w>4 -StaJi fair of Eaglia.i. that pb)i>i all iht fair (isF im the »«rU Sf Ptftiu ab. fcf lady wh> sua if aad n t|> « the Midway »R «T HMM. T"*j Maw lia> »•>! lop, Twaf Ha a-, is a dw> a -l hb tl. a Ot> •'**> a 'ertaui. the kddiet, who wi* «rraa with jfc*. i»l their trouble «li fce TU an «ill be ia frtn f the rna» >lu. La Toy. the (Tr««e pun**, the wly ac. afte luad o«- eartc. #r» eiUa«»karjr )«!«■« * 'wlaar ag of shiHar Mates »le pre AM the akn ad* wOl he prmtoea -■nar the day w ■«£ as aoa> at her »»d the extra addad f Haw Ouh •car ram by hnwn» fraa all net OW Mnka. wf he « the ai.aail The high pai»i i affend have brwd^ the hut harwi ia the nafey to W aad we will In* aa aaa.' jMK SAMUEL M. HARDEN DIED \T HIS lioME LAST FRIDIY NH.K * |Uu INk »l iar HucUi Cr -prrt.i tMin*s *4 ill .'»««■■ ,\lr. Sjavf! SI Iluiio. loi j i ■ iiusrc in L ar»i*j. U.-; Fi«aj up£. , iir. «-a- a}|M7YC.xi? m ir.v Ifcenl'H. Dt( alter *.•» as. ? U-r to hi-- biV'i. «. it »«>• l3*r -t | ii|s.v sad riljdiex. It. urti.;- i,g t*-* x | at-.: *;*.» KMk-uaiE_. j«dL He Mir joi a' hs. umuJ t: w.. «on. ; pla ne! cf fe**w - zjf \ :?« J»*®s i injr nvt« ctnt.'-it.' «-* « - AJ! > • *Mlb« lb> - -M.. U . I Ijr he brtwnl ht «-• >Vi. ( imt l>e- J fore a Aurttr cwM (•» m 1- : ite»l. lit- WTfc* > J *5.-*. «-"!» V- !•«»-»» * ! lie lite (*nw4i>uF IW»V«. II ■ ncu | r ,exj Jllso ISrttw iV •laajrt ter *-f iht* til# If. I*. C rU. j -urtire- h m ll Ir - **» -*» .». fw«»- ( W il'irtn ait I Jmsr in nx>»e. foer Jbs,"fcl»-s J-arV Willi ford. Mr?. Flrr f S-*tS> n> irejlh, a»J Jt . ."«» • a r. .»-.•>•« u»I Keel. [U.-4m -4 > He a) m> !«•..- !'*•-> is .«• Par«fc -i »if Baktmn 1 is! I*' * I* vie** t> . i J i Annie U vli* « ?■> r dfc* ! 1 - - te.trre* i» - • ~.»*> , n ja4rtt.-al aa.t b.3 «ue- nuvie *. l ' »a> far a Ikw iMr. I at • j « n| Uu ck»e ttu» ll«ne. «"• "ii- wry efc-.rfsf fiwt.l- adr Je s.a - calteH li.e !»•* ■-* » « ilanl: e a»l*»»iAt-i rmaau. V.. **» zltdi tjwtenl la mn ■ -» I V fa»*» u • a*- >«r the »—■ iw I 4iw w ■tnuurnb. - -en.eterj at lbnh«: ». *i>« «®n, aßwl a ti'ge rw-f f «c (ei*s~* - ;jul TVe (imml Servian* *at ror.«hW*»l I) the Rrr. Mr liW. #*.- tor *f tWHttWiit n al li t >l*k Wt !w J-t kit ' !*-■ a a«-Bit*r «-f ll* Me*J"«.':i * i ' i'»r many }«wv iKul fn, qr» t to- kraMT al! >*ut rta|> Iu1a((b to sfef* flint "sJ *it hue, WiliaKtM, \ C. 11-115* Mr. Ij-e Qtu wi «c tSx f'l In) Surnla> —prtJhaM'. -w, atmaC «ft . l» Bf aW u e* I* Cnr«' «He—lx 15 up a**f aluu m*. I» mar f- «ee»t will he rla>l I* Inn. J RULERS OF SPAIN =-.» TM» gMiavav'k. JM traa t Akii MIDWAY \tILL lit. 111! Olf A All btAihAlS !>»*!.k >MUVk> >0 \i AhH IIiI.Ik OItt»AMZ.A HON ! - ihr buc abiii.'CiKii c i.. pi»\iSt«t l>. ' ( «u.n Shw.-k; 2m.vw> .vi u« i .air it H ] !>« - jit by nuf.c .Mooaat on t .« iatr ci .uiKt. ami tin* snomiaic J, j* i . ;»»tiuei>, jL.iiui-, ;irak>. "M o»k kbilpo and all the * II t ■ Hwiaejj aiul laaiUnj thrr . ' t : If the x anjruar>! rhifor* * iiA r • rvilrruni lo make Uus e\m. _ f«v\»r»l fcieakcr in the w>ui. a: tj„ I | lauiukc annual e\n»! I'he >lhtdey Shorn* apprai by fa) . i»» l« the bn;MI and i»s->t tr» .» r\|v.itwa * nark e\er a|ftci I «-i n Uils sect too, the canvas » >f j and -ho* tr\-«t attractive, o« i"? to-, «eil kfj>- up 2 m ua j, tmael fte»M and CMiitMu, twajin t » *i notices .-f th. Qeit 1 • c*iJnie » of the mk]luUn« I tipt. John 11. .Shradr;., «>■*■ #? ,%«i «=rie»V» '-i« must ihamii, JMI j -r in.- the "Vb-an up' awMe wh.t (run (hp wlilmi 4«» I ' I* '.'wlr>iwfcl-» aiuHt in « n( { ■ t r._-t -lark n-l!rr'iufc U|« " 'u)l«vr ,-h..w kofU t. ;Um . y * .tii li lit his private car. * ." -buna,* r>l ha> attuned per-—«i I tk>t(e **i i lie nuliiv, worker «»«*••- li*' sb£a* "f tw Sht.lfßM. |jr*sla ire ( x inuttrc of An*, iki. ~t.» | «iit twili clean, niM.' a tiu. toiiLs lu oppt-e iKjul riitm-M bmr away with bnjcrtipuh*!* |« a.>, dirty jr»rt .-hui -. r.'«k(>i : aoir >bl l il* i an>l i!uf* p4Jlii«.' I*ia- Ural!) all «>f the .-!»■»* |CkU|4« rr...l ia> U*.i br«.upll tu *h»ch will ha\e the »s«j e > y 4iar.ta- mt the "lue, of K •—? \ + * i.jch was i« well rmlKvl a" U Cite fair at kalcifh Featured anung the nine "he ra"" caterpillar a- 1 the butu ly, fresh fiwna Coney bland, b ' ■ rupjniir IW fno» circle-, mti' (111 awl uxl to b the last *or m thrill Bukur Tic «tLe imr w fpn-e iny go twM. wi'h fjjO i*e«t oqna; F«m- *M. k-i«i-es Mpla»s, the whiHiiv whip and Oi cr-the Falls, the fret fun maker, er pfalar with belles aid beuu There are mm than a Inn lent id attracti—i: Tttuc V«ue Mbf pit' llwll% »->th Cum and k. Ckmrtk, Be-%a Itucl and KM Bit, all chm jnfinn; Shstiiry" Fww • Gcaifia Miaitrcfa, wiA the. own crack hand and wihutia. u> • BiS MARKET IS CAPABLE OF C.l\ INC SERVICE NIXED WITH ABSOLUTE COURTESY—TRY IT EST ABU SHED l«4e. PECULATORS' PET 1 HKASE EXPLODED Itt EX-liV.LOWDEN . S apply Law Is Worked btrangeiy By the Sixxrulatoi-s t V ),-u\rii;of Lovura of iUauti, U>t ciuifiaui of ;f* tvns .iut n- of wytWULvt .e«ier* to ui awing lr«- dutre*ie«l mse-t :arm «.s. '-*» •* ,|K.tnc nuikrtiiib » 45 IW- *»»• .. ii (me U—- iclaUve ,«w ».!««•>» V ICV-- jtr «Kt(iUulO- '» ** m >u ['^i» aim BU" • ® **" vvHi jar Uus L»», jvm /" "* ri iUic u»i»a- »> i*ra»- v .» ilk'* ****-«•»» w ' vaiur>, too- *£•*«» »■ --* rteJl -«-tl .u. '.«• timUl -a bujtoi >*" , .Ufc it 1 »«« i«««> *«la*. *( ,09|Ml U.« Li* b *•* iiM-riectl> >m b«*» -I am iL-tfc-J Uva: Iff e»lj P" ■MMBi renal} tw fw*n 11* nuikritug I** »■ w|*-nu!ie #iixt*tuig -If linwn will M »rrm I* o * v »n (v«|K!at»e .■««*"-*» mono* ha*e dicaJy KKipM gmt smrll -> ;•( iSt®. iWfi 1 say Uut :'artoe«> or u*»« i* l I .im-i? aUvturet) w ab>-ul loni ÜBto. erative Jry?' -- u* i»}- y q{ (CMP MtllV Mtliil A**2 )4>u moke « *Jrttaa »! i«-A L..,., i iIII I- nuilrti- rJ- ua»« tl»al ,k«> I*4 have llw puit of its nwnibri?. Ifarif can always !«• itfcfcl C-t* »h« in their rffuiti t*» UsluH a far mers' joll f» «i l>a> a |>n-miaiii for * jl»rf Ike a> «ciat «*•> tuifik" fur a !i». jm ihry * i!t iu«k-utapi!: n-,1 * rtiua £lmi|> tf fam,rij kiiv Mill tear I;* wi;iiuullUA kb>n Uiil lift t:-- |ukt )■) iii|, 11* '>+b of lie a - at»l gvthg W Iho ilhlitMatl |u> > n g Uie "In nates of stnfe we always lw% lu l) farm for asaukMf —men a** w—am if vt ilo no* A. t'" alleviate the «g'~ utturai satwaiat* li It* an its Ht UUr t (•lace this great ikhatiy oa a pit. hie Uu>4»—then I fear history will i«wa iepca&. Mk lianu Kulettiw ilm i> itatb ■i« in ku.~t.-ft -|*iit the week rmd at hoitx- m ith her |»r*»ts. ■ .ate to W UawUa Before jw fcaf. IkM.'t futr> t to hue all )«M J -ray toharvw to the Farmers Ware no«uet VI illuaMM, X- C- * 11-IJ-4 k peryAtrulaf wall! Jaauteci Naa )de. while |Wf at lay 'I" * " ) al cutuedy, a company of ml am; linjm aarf duMts; I »at of *« - lets, mith fifty freak aaiaaats, ame noae of theaa rtpuknv; On. the ver ier (ill; Ralph, the EkfkaM tan Hay Mile, the little Catifwrna ami Mne; Toaj. the lfi|ii tay, ami There will ha ifrtal umtmwf hr

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