WILL| W ,,. L gE THE CITY OF ENTERTAINMENT WOYEHBEK 1»-1« tHE ENTERPRISE, WHliamgtOti. K. C. A ■ ' 'I Local and Personal News J mpj —— Mr . and Mis. Tw ' boro wck visitors at Biut hotel t , Sunday. Mr. Itf>d Mis. W. 11. li-okei «-'■ 1: " ooro spent ">ne wovk tin. he relatives anu ineiui». j Miss Minnie U°k*r*on Teachers college speni t "*' wctk c " at home with her paients. •» • • Mr. lien ferry ol txeie-u. w town \\ ednestiay »> busines*. »• • • * Mr. Join, .v Whi ie> 3 was in town Mou.la\ •nmuhu .- • •«» * * The new experimental . the bureau ot bioluK»cu> ed SUile, Departuie: t >: i.- located 111 tlreenfnid >•' atofTa county, N. V I suits of about ZV -'» '«• " ml and woodeit Und furm house wi al. is U-lwr .er.i.vtc u> be UM-d- a> a '" —* "* ! " * ♦ ,i . PreM'M p..u tit uf. liitHfeiiv u ' " foxes, marto'i .-ku: K au«. ot u ,'ur beaiers. T. • a.'.imni, a • • inent woie n»«'X« ■>: !.•••• •■ the new faun during Oci«>b.>. Don't forget X" b.-mr ai. >ar scrap tobacco tne i'aiiai house, WiMiainston. .V * ' DONT liKi OMI. t AICKI ■> Many citie. h\ w- lecen.i.. tanvlu-i t a, »R'«iHluU» observrai'tr \ •. i. ** i MI, vent ion week. file prevent u-n week t ne and ful'x P ev. at... •••« •' served throughout tr.e v The lesson u- t-nf , io• • -* 1 tiT a %»!»».t lt» all danger of t.ie, our p. *et*l« back to the «»«' habit • ami pe.ni ll,- u.-ual '• " "••••• ''' , - again. I- i eve. ' 'I. - '-a ■ call a '.en'.nii.i to * • 1 ' ' •'! " v isls on every side !'••«.»«.«»• ■ which rii-ult-- 111 t ions,. I! fue pre' eii'i- " »e«-k h.u- ta ■*"! anything, t■ i ie>.-«'r iH' lie x lost in tilt wet k i "i • ContniUe to bf w.i'. i 'ul evj ■ \ .(:> alii! krep fire pre\« nn we*k . i week in the ye. r. T I IK> l I KI I l ll.l) M.I.H t,i:i»\v\ m \ i ! | I i til til t I p.', »y vl lilit ! ii. 'A \ ...a i n %.. re ; •i» •• n-i-' luiee year- •• eou..- i} laroi iH>y Oeiongu>iC l« oiie of ... I*>\h' ciut»s i 'i.u„cu .1 i>) loumy . agricultural *.\l« .is:ou . >,eiu. ii,g to tepti.U to the I ai'.e i Sla i>epaitiueiit or Agmuliuie. 1 lie ■-■ . iX'si. iX thus LHjy ai.d oiher i'»UO iiu.'li. liers, it is fell, na» contriW- eil n.u.. IvWUi'd liidueiltg faiiUiei'.- in X.uW^u - j county to undertake -«..« i certified seed p>» ai' i . low a pi.itiui Lie of fariinnj. in Uns dry u.ia county. A cou.'.iy ceitihed ] glowers asjw>a'.iou lias he; a nrj.a l .. Ed to aid ill hula.ln.j Hie pioilaci I Abou'. 100,00 i busliea-- if i.np; \eii p tatoes were produceil in the ci l i in 1922, some 40,000 !.u. liels of iv,n were certified seeit. Tiu; ira-'iOi. a child mip, no less t', the food cr«|>s, conies mainly from American farms, says UfaC. J. Grjpin; in charge of fanji p«)iuljtieii s udki for the United Stales Agriculture. Of the :>n,t»oo.ooi. f:.i,n population as compare*! wi'h the .-aii.c number of urban popjls'ion the num ber of children under 10 yea--s o r age on farms is approximately 2/KXj, 000 more than in the rftti*. There an approximately 7,700,000 childivn under 10 year* of mge on farma wit; HIGHEST OF ALL CHUYWEYS H Belongs to a Smelting Company St Great Falls, Mont, and Riaee SOO Feet. The highest chimney ID the world la at the smelting work a of the Boa tou and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver llii.ug company at Great Falls, Mont. It rises 000 feet above the surround ing district, and tins an Internal di ameter at the top of GO feet. It can remove 4.1100.000 feet of gases per mln tite. ul an average temperature of frflO decrees Fahrenheit, Bays London Tit Hits. »n account of the rigid requirements imposed lor Its construction. Including extraordinary stability against wind pressures, ability to withstand the ac tion of acid formed from the waste gases, and strength to carry GO feet of additional height with only a little Increase of the maximum bearing pressure, both Its design and con struction Involved feutures of great In terest Imposing of the notions gases high enough above the surrounding coun try to render them harmless to vege table and animal life was, of course, a great consideration In the selection of the site. The chimney has an outside ladder from the baße to the top, fitted with hodv guards at every second rung. The rungs and guards are formed of •\ mcli jiulnted round iron rods; the rungs are 12 Inches in length, und tlie guard loops 30 niche* For a distance of 100 feet below the top they are coated with lead. About 13.000 tons of radial blocks. •1,1 "0 barrels of cement. barrels of lime, 4,180 cubic > arils of sand, and 200 tonß of acid-proof mortar were useil In the building of this enormous structure. LIKE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Moat-Sought-After Publication at the _ Government Docket Room in Washington. It If a standing Joke In Washington tluit nobody rends the Congressional Kecord if lie doesn't have to. and then only under great protest. For this reason It comes as a surprise to die cover that the Record Is the moat sought after publication st the docu ment mom of t tie government printing office and that the foreigners who pat ronize the document room consume Records in large numbers. Other government publications on ail subjects are in big demand among the foreign element, particularly the Japanese. Almost any day In the week will find the document room crowded with bespectacled Japanese waiting for documents pertaining to agriculture, shipping, the navy and all manner of American governmental »c --tlvities, or leaving the printing office with large volumes of Congressional Kecrds under their ariua Among tbe other nationalities thst appear to like the form of literature issued from the big printing office sre the Husslans. »ne day recently tho writer saw u big Kussian. who rahst have read English more fluently than he spok it. get rhree bound volumes of the It nurd and depart all set for a festive session with the extended re marks of the gentlemen from various well-known states. PhllsdeJptiia Pub lic Ledger. Care of Dog. After Distemper. A dog, after having had a severe case of distemper, should not bo worked to any exti-nt for at least two months after he has recovered- Tt»e hot nose and the signs of weak knees Is a clear Indication of this. Feed lilni good, wholesome food several times a day, the diet to consist of at least two-thirds meat, the other third stale I ire ul. dog c:ikes and cooked veg etables. Occasionally feed raw meat and give hint ler-e green bones to gnaw upon. If he does not recover ills normal weight and strength rap- Mly. give him a trbieapoonful of cod liver oil in his food, or Just before It, nlgbt and morning. Give him time and good care and the dog will regain his former good condition. Sport man's Pigest. Trumpeter Swans. According to the Zoological Society Bulletin, the interesting flock of trumpeter svvuus i.ow carefully guard ed on >i secluded lake in British Collimbi» numbered nineteen In tbe winter ol' 191ft-20. but was reduced to nine in 19L&21 and showed s gain of ortly two lu 10CI-22. The trumpeter swan is the largest waterfowl known to have existed in North America *j,d for many years was ■ i.-.idered to be ec tiucL In ltH'J Canadian ■•aturaliats announced the dist-overy' of nests o€ the great swans on the Islands la Franklin bay. but reports of their ap pearance lu the United Statre after ISS4 cannot I* confirmed. TV Cana dian government employs a guard to . -protect the flock. Air Camera Helps Fix Beuwdary. The aerial may All aa Im portant rule in determining the loaf disputed boundary between Colombia and Venezuela. The Swlaa eenunia sion of ex|>erts charged with nettling die question ' have I'l'tagrnphe that rover 2.00U.U00 acre* of the srlMcet part of the territory concerned. The pho tographs clearly show even the moat minor details of the gronad and make It possible to draw aa exact map of the System of vrateraheda and allow the placing of all the elnatfaML evaa those which until now had never hoaa seen It tonh only about 28 hoars la the air to make the plctnrea i. ?r. - Dont forget to Mag al ymm scrap tobacco to the Farmers Vw» ilaaMkeMH i NEW VICTOR RECORDS ARE NOW ON SALE i Don't fail to call and hear jT Paul Whitema*'# new record No. 19161, "Satin* In the Corner." Sheet music and p»- i ano player rolls. f -A.- { , KL'SS BROS. ) ) Washington, N. C. » J $50,000 GOAL FOR THE SEAL SALE WINSTON - SALEM WON STATE AND NATIONAL HONORS LAST YEAR No less than $60,000 is to be the K oal of the 1923 Tuberculosis Christ j mas Seal sale in North Carolina. Lael ! year the amount rised was $43,093. While the North Crolina Tuberculosis association, under whose auspices the Tuberculosis Christmas seals are sole! in the State, feels that an increa* of only $7,000 is too smtall an imur,' to work for, in view of the urgent needs that Christinas seal money can l»- used to it urges every seal .selling organization to increase it* budget .everal thousand dollars and to work to double its sale if possible. There arc 150 seal selling orgam cations in the State. These are com posed of well trained women and men. leaders in theiir communities, who are responsible for the s&ile of Tubercu losis Christmas seals in their town and community between Thanksgiving and Christmas. In many places the seaj selling or (ninization is the health department of the Wrman's club. In Raleigh th« m>ul sale is conducted by the health department of the Woman's club c" which Miss Rose M Ehrenfield is t ; I chairman. Last year Winston-Salem lel »' ' ! only the cities of the St.it* in s*ll-1 ing S7,tK)O worth of seal.s but won Na tional honors in making t'-e lj»rges per capita sale of any C-ty in the foiled States having a population of r.0,000. She proposes to i'lcrese her sale this year to SIO,OOO. Don't f" i uriap ail ; »k. scrap tobacco to the Farmeis Ware house. Williamston, N. C. 11-IS-2t Our Softwood Timber Supply. The largest remaining supply of eoft wood timber In the United States la In the three slates of Washington. Ore gon and California, which contain* more than half of all the n»w timber In the country and more than two tlvLriJs of ,Uie nation's entire supply of conlferotis woods, according to the rnlted States Department i)t Agricul ture lucludlng the /coastal forests of southern Alaska, tills Pari if ooest re gion Is credited with 1,214 bMMof hoard f«et, yearly half ef which le Douglas fir, followed by western yel low |>tae, western hemlock, tin tna firi of several species, Cgll/ornlg gef wood, spruce, western cedar, and sugar pine. The amount of timber Is the* three states too small for lumber ufacture probably aggregates 000 cords. Raising Qoldflsh. Perhaps twenty years ago a farm la the Middle West had several small spring fed ponds In which base wera raised. A few goldfish were pat lata the |Kinds, suys the Culds to Natnr% f&e venture was so succesafttl that today tue goldfish farm produces more than i**lf the goldfish sold la the I'nlted States. The greater ooa ber of the hatch are marketed the first year. The remainder of the flat are specially fed to bring them to the larger size required by special cna tonicrs. Varieties raised for cootaser clsl purposes are comets, nympha, fan tails, teleacopea and Chinese moon, that amazing variation which la ef a dee*?, velvety black. Mexico's Msw Import Law. According to a new lay la Mexico all goods will be regarded M Import ed, If on account ef the fatare ef their packages, msrka or Lfcbelg they appear to be of foreign «Hgtn. alLhoegf they may actually have beea *a4e l| a Mexican workshop, hi erfag la force this regulation persona wha b»»e goods of this aature la their pease* slon end are unable ta prove the pay ment of Import duties will be dealt with aa smugglers. _ __ u ._.^____._ r _ n _ n _ n _ ru _ j __ ,-.g- - FEATHERS A large shipaeit of Feather* Just received. Eatiaate ymmt needs and let na farnuJi JM with pilloya, boaters and hed. *•- •—— • -At —- RL'SS BROS. WaahingtM, V. C. Y> > -NT S ■ FARM For SALE Containing 150 acres, 20 cleared, nea. good school and church, & miles of jameeviille on Jamesville-Washington | road. Adapted to corn, cotton, pea j nuts and tobacco. Mule and all farm ing implement- also for sale Cash , or terms. A. E. Lilley, route 4, Wil- i liamston. N. C. 11-9-»tp HOG TAKEN uP—Red Jersey, male, under keel in right, swallow folk in I both ears, weigh about 100 lbs. Owner please call for same and pay ex penses. Willie Perkins, Williamston, N. C., R. No. 3. 11-9-3tp WILL KKfT TO SMALL FAMILY 3 roonj, one furnished. Mrs. Jen nie c. Yarrell, 211 Kay St. 10-14-tf ONE LOT F"R SALE ON THE HILL S«« Asa T Crawford. Williamsto' 1 , N. C- 10-28 41 I FOR SALE NICE LOT OF HOGS just right f«r peanut field, for salo. W. W, Griffin, Williamston, N. C , Koote 4. |l-18-2t UKST ONE EXTRA LARGI:. black and tan hound with extr long head and ears. *2.50 rewa> I for info- n: ion or return of hound. John VVh■ »!«*y. route 3, WilUamF t. r k r U-IS-tf WAN -il> SALESMEN OK IN | divvißgls to solicit purchaser.- foi ' fiujt far™.- in the Sard Hill se tion of the Carolina*. Experience not necessa ,y. Good pay for s*r vie*. Carolina Peach F'arnni an ' Development Co., 220 South Tryo i SL. Charlotte. N. C. IMS-Ui NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having this day qualified as ad inini.-Uator of tlie eptate of F V lloyt, defeased, native of Martin cour- WALL PAPER A large variety of .patterns to -elert from. The mosi ec onoiairal way to beautify >oqr ifaoose is to ase W all Paper. EI'SS BROS. I Washington. N" C. — - =*== An Invitation To Our Many Friends And Customers .« „ * jV••' * • ' • ■ MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEAD IOUARTERS DURING THIS FAIR. OUR FOURTH ANNIVESARY SALE N IS IN FULL SWING AND WHILE AT TENDING THE FAIR—BE SURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE NUMER OUS BARGAINS . .. Visit Our Booth At The FAIR I Mflrfloli/ Br(u £ Brooh/ I where (Mnthes are sold I WILLIAMSTON. N. C. —' " ' " * 1 - I TOYS! TOYS! i; Of every deacripiion bow being ; 1 opened up. OUK STOKE as in (arner years will be headquar-_ ; tm (•( Old Saul* Clayi Watch j ; for opening date. RUSS BROS. Washington, N. C. > ■ ' ' " J ' r "' ty, 1.11 persons are heieby notified 1 to cW:e and make settlement of all i account* due the said estate. All per sons holding claims against said «s.- . tate will present them for paymen. on or b»ifore the 12th day of Novem ber, 1124, or this notice will be pica.: • in bar of their recovery. j Til*, the 12th day of Novembei : 1923. C. B. HASSELL, 11-13-4t Administrate — .NUiitli Ul O.tiu' L luiiand by vm,ue ox uie c vi saie contained in a m uc». Oi lllk k ciVCuUM uy ami w. tu. u> —• aerslgi.ed Uu»«ee, a.iu UK*U ii't; Ui-U. w,i Mini ju Siu, iIH"J, o. record »*' jio registry oi *UiUii r ji toooi. A-2 at page 4», said uttu • .rust having oeen givea to secure trie ,' ,/a.yme. to. certain no.c.i oi e\fca u.. , .aeriw *,h, aiia tnc tenia, and cum ' I .oils ti.ereui stipulated and contain#'.. ; j ot ha - iiig been complied wiui, a»«. j at the request of the holder ol sain J note, ti-e undersigned trustee will oi. 1 .Saturday the lbui day of tlecembei, i!>23 »• 12 ©clock m., in front ol tin court house door of Martin county ... Williaiiuston, M. C., offer for sale, a. public auction, to tiie highest biddei lor cash, the following describe, racts cr parcels of land, to wit. First tiact: Those two ceitab iracta "f land, adjoining the lands o I HL G. Sexton, A. F. titalluifcs and otn ens, taid tracts being iully describe.! n a deed fix*n L. E. Corey to Joi.ri L». Liiley, of record in book K-l, at r nage -04, Martin county registry, which - aid deed is hereby referred u and the description therein contain ed is hereby niade a part hereof ioi die pu.poae of giving a more r.c u iate description of the lands intend ed to be hereby conveyed, one of the * aoid tracts containing 30 acres, more - or less, and the other tract contain i :ng 120 acres more or less. Second tract; Th#t certain trac 1 known as the John I). Lillty I»o»m. i place in the town of Jamesville, ar.ii being the premises where he now «i ~idet, and fully described in a ieoi. from C. A, Spruil and wife, S. ! Spruill to John D. Lilley, of i*cord in book E-l, at page Martin eoun 1 y regi -fry, which said deed is here . i by maile a part hereof for the pu r :>ose of giving a better description •if said tract, said tract containing ' litres more or less. Tliird tract: That certain tract I j Vnown as the Muses C asking tract, jr. I joining the Jands of John D. Lllley. the Roinoke 1-uniher company, »ni ! / hers, and fully descril-ed in n deed Mf.cm V>ses C.asklns and wife, Mar Cmskln-, to John D. Lllley, of rec ! r.xi in book T-l, at page 26, Martin | cfunty registry, the description in : w'tich said deed is hereby made r WILUAMSTON WILL BE THE CITY OF ENTERTAINMENT NOVEMBER l utereoi lor t&e purpose ox giv- | ...£ a ueuer descnpuou ui c&e i..ueouuU u> be aereuy cuave.,t*i, a— j ii&ifk containing 60 &ue&, Uiuie o. J less. louith tract: A one half dim. j viucti inters, m the ftume *»a.e i • L-. u. Ijiiltij, Mill* being *iUi/ , «1 iU > deed liotn L- li. W : dock i>. Lility Jtiid MttUJt A.. ! w iCk., of I'twO. a if. book 'l-i, •»- j ui, Uanm (A.au ~ cm.- juuiiTig is ai.ts, lime o. L«;i I tiescioption in said being uei- j j by made a p-rt 1 >cwot ior iiie pur- ; pose ox giving a tetter description j of said tract. tutu tract: i~wo irati, contain- j 'jug 10 «ctes each, arm known an u(j . i turbor land, and lulJy described u. | u dec-u fiuni li. W. barber ami wiiv j iO jviiii V. LiUmy, ol recoru in book j i-1, at page ioi, Oi une Mar win coun- : t y public registry, the description u j wmcn said tieed is hereby maue a pail thereof for ih» purpose of giv •ug a better description oi said two (2) tracts. aUUi tract: That tract cammc.nl; known a* the Fisher land, adjourn* i tne lands of L. E. Corey ai.d others, containing 250 acres, more or R and lully described in a deed from I. U. Stalling* and wife, and R. L. . ings, to John D. Lilley, of record i' book L-l, at page 162, Martin cun ty public registry, the description tn which said deed is hereby made a part hereof for the purpose of giv ing a more accurate description of said land. Seventh tract: A one half undivid ed interest in nine lots situate James ville, N. C-, and designated a- New Furniture For The Dining Room i 1 j THE KIND OF FURNITURE YOU WANT IS THK K'ND WE SELECT FOR OIK STOCK—FURNITURE WHICH WILL . 1 CREATE THK IDEAL HOME AT SOI AUK DEAL PRICES. WHY NOT DRE.-iS YOUR ? ' Dining Room In A New Suit J * FOR : :i« THANKSGIVING FESTIVITIES WE HAVE MANY NEW DESIGNS iIEHE IKOM WHICH YOU MAY SELECI', AN"* ONE OF WHICH WILL LH» YOUR GOOD TASTE CREDIT, AND ' YOUR GOOD SENSE JUSTICE. 1 LEI QUALITY TELL THE STORY .OF YOUR HOMK LIFE —ON THANKSGIVING DA*, » 1 fZSESES^Si^SSSmmSSmSmmSSSSSSSESSSmmSISSESmSmSESSSSSS^SS!^^ » ! ' 1 559 «, BUSS BROS. Washington, N. C. SHOES! JHOESI You will feel no en iarrass | raeisi or r»"d to apologize for at rance of your ftei If you buy iram oar well se r-.-ted o! .shoci. BUSS BEOS. Vt s- ■. 'ng'ion, N. C. iiuiubei's oue, two, Uuec, ioui, five six, seven, and w 'J** l ii, accoruing to piat registere-.i u. book N. one, at page d£>, Maiu,. county registry, winch said pia- - uerebj referred to for u better de scription of said lots. The above descriptions are iiuetrfi ed to cover all the ieal estate of Joan D. Lilley. This, the 7th day of November, « 1923. A. R. DUNNING, 11-13-4t Trustee. BOYS! BOYS! . | Have you heard about the ' 500 WATCHES { To be given away at ®ur store ? j f A Rood watch tree with ev- j j ery Suit of Clothes. A/ woi- j ' der ful olT?r. / —At / KI SS BBkn. Washington,/?*. C.