FARMERS. WILUAMSTOX IS THE PLACE TO SLLL VOI R TOBACCO TRY ONE OF THE HOUSES HEUi VOLUME 24—L MU£R SI CHRISTMAS SEALS MOW ON SALfc. iii LOCAL COMMITTeJ^ Majority of Proceeds to Remain for Local Benerits The Tuoeicuidsis Seal saJe oh£- paign ba» been onpaiieJ for 'M ChßMmfc «!* of Pl*vivßsl>, all the money mJucd from the sen* sale has been sent to the North C-a oljju Tuberculosis ass-idal** to W used in a Stat* ami national cam paipi for teaching ihe public to* .« control and eradicate lubi rfiilo'i* Tii» year, however. otJy twenty fr.e pn cent of the William4an sale f«i«! go to the North Caiolina Tu'.eici. losis association, while seventy l> per cent is manned by the town (*■ a local health erusi«le and for help ing the needy one- in our mid-t w are victims of tubeieu!^saik You, yourself, may be in per?*- health, jour child may be healthy, but the person who si's i«x to you at the niovkS or the child w.« plays with your rhiid at .-diool nK be suffering front thus disease. You and your child are constantly ss.- jprt to tuberculosis so long as yo come in contact with those who car- , its By lilierally investutg in Chiistm-.- seal.- an! health bends buy protects for yourself and dear ones and at tw time give a Christmas preset to thos.- in your community w*o «ee- ; help in fighting- tJ*milosik Seventy five |e cvU of U* ri>o'e obtained through the sa!e of s#ab b> the Williamson school children is t lie retained b« the school fo«- the |-u po» of huyinr modem cru~».le supplie- and a scale for weighing tt children. It is to le h»f»d that every ma t. w. .man :.iui child in Willam>!« v Imy at !ea.-t one dollar's work Christmas seals. A list of tho>e i«- vestin» a dollar or more in seals • health bonds will I* published in T.« Enterprise with mention of the an ount purrhase«i Dr. W. L Warren, county heahfc «48cer >i. torses this work and »)>' "The selling of Chrij-tmss seal? t- protnir a fund with which U- tgi tuberculosis is a sphndid wuFiUk in p. Our community needs health e ocat.on in the schools witn!:«i._ rias.-e-. health publicity iad exhibit.- visiting nurse service in the horr. clinics for examination of suspett/. cases and special service a.- ei:*rgen cy arises- The seal sale campaign provides just such a furaL Everyone shoald be eager to contribute to : Muse so helpfui to hunian.ty." .Those in charge of the can.paigf. »• are as follows: Chairman, Mrs. Luke Lamb. Treasurer, Dr. P. B Cane. Publicity Chairman, Mrs. Elbert S- Peel. * ■ Campaign Committee: Mrs. Wheel er Martin, Sirs. A. V. Joyner. j| r .. , Clayton M -ore Mrs. P B. Cow, Mis J. S. Rho . Mrs. J. G GodanL Jr. Miss V'e'ia .• vl-cws. The expe r"j#, re of the mare> col Vtcted wi>l le bi « ; urre of the follow rag committee Mrs. S-i'iic Mrs A. R Dae ning. Mr; \V ». Warren and Mrs. John D ■ • All the Year Round Texaco gasoline and Texaco mtsi oil stay the same winter an isun nter. There is no other ail that wiil do this and keep your car ia a spsod shape as Texaco Cold and snowy weather Texaco gatdiat aad Texaco mate- ofl stay the saw. Everybody lte Texaco.—adv. THE ENTERPRISE.- TOBACCO CO-OI'KRATIVE HAS MADE BiU INCREASE IN ITS MEMBERMI.I 2.244 New Members AdM Site- Or rfUdf: ol Market la Sen . ( anliu Tkh> Vear The followirg is a comniunin on in part .received from the RaVipi headquarters of the Tobacco Grower. Cooperative association: Your local will be glad to know that our association has welcomed new ntenil>ers since we opened tu markets in.South Carolina last Auj us - . South Carolina leads with 8i ew member-. North Carolina is Ft oiml wth 719. while Virginia ad e 657 new members since Aumist. This steady increase in menthershij »-■ P""l evidence that our association s going ahea t Mu-y of these r.« vv members were among those who sai "wait and see" last vear, and tht v Hs-.e .-irce become coti\»nce«l that then is no hope 'or a grower under the •id dumping system. Oat in Kentucky they call all con tract breakers "dumper" 2nd sa !-at it is the "dumpers" who |.rei;» down tobacco prices. Receipts of bright tobacco last week were 7,7»1,155 pounds, or more thai * nulfion pounds a «!av. w.ith the crop mov, nient not yet well uniet wa i " ,in tlie belt. Receipts this wees I will l« -welled by much dark tobi. Co. al! our markets having opem-i: for oark and sun cured Virginia to l*«co oa November 3M. To give Mime idea of the volume of business done by our association. s he finance department reports th:-i |« November 9, ft pai.l out l f»w ft>t advances on tobacco deliver eJ fcy members on one day, Thurs day, \ovetnlier 8. On some .lays t. amount is even larger than this miii. Tfc.s large figure for a s.ngie day"> advance pa> lienb shows what a hug haxnrss we have created with noth i behind it e> *pt the pledged fairh «- aur fellow t- tkaeru growers who-e 93,- 000 signed on tracts make it p»*jh . to exoperate for our own protection (Mil BLE IHKiSTENING l.\ THE lOKIt CAB FAMIL BKINt, TWO NEW NAM*. DETROIT, Mich, Nov. 2£—Theit teen a double christening in the Fo: car family. When the newest member, a smart sedan with two doors, arrived on th« scene, a——■cat of which is jus' made, there came with it the que* lion of a aame For several days the folks just eoul not deride what to call the baby of the family until, from quite an un expected source, there came the hap py suggestion: "Let's call it Tuder." And Tader it was christened, a name quite in keeptag with the aris tocratic apearance of the new car. "How about re-naming the otuer se tan?" some oae asked and thea camr this reply: ' "We might call it the four door Ford or—Ah. that's it! Ford-or, Far dor. Simple and Mpmrive, isa't it? * So we have two Ford cars with brand new aames, the Tuder and the Fordor. , Inspection of tires aad rims fie quently will prevent unnecessary trou ble aad annoyance, aap. Firestone ser vice experts. Rim cuts and breaking of wire cables at the base of the tin )* may be avoided if pnapet inspection -s made regularly. Fashioa aots says the "tight doit m eoariag back." And ia the** days WILLIAMSTON. MAK L\ COUNTY, NORTH fIBW 1 I FRIDAY. NO\"EMBER IX i*-~> SCHOOLS STRIVE FOR THE MERIT CERTIFICATES 'Hie Hijahv ly Education Boai J j . Jew; rd Institutions WASH INGTON, Nov-. 22.—One of the features distinguisJiHif; the thin! lUiunal safety campaign is the offei o certificates of ment to schools fo 00. picuous achievement during uu unto months, according to announce \ n.cnt by the Highway Education board. Aside from the safety essay an »a-"ety lesson contests, open respect ivtly to pupils and teachers, the cer tit fates of merit are proving one >. >ho most popular phases of the can. I**n- The certificates are offered to any .-c'.io.. or to any class room malting a satisfactory record in certain saft tj activities. They will be ayantad on a point basis. Tlttee hundred point out of a possible 450 will entitle tlu : clnjol or *Jass room to an engsavel certificate, properly iiiscribed, ann and suitable for fianting, testifying to the school's interest and concein in Aafety education. The iMKtnl announces that descrip tive literature giving conditions undeu which the certilcates will be awarded will be sent upon request. If the en tire eligible student body contributes essays on the subject "Highway Safe ty Habits I Should HNI point.s may be counted. If twemty five pel cent of the pupiL- participate, twen ty five points are counted; if more than twenty five per cent, one point for each additional per cent. For twenty five per rent of teach ers writing safety lessons on the sub ject "Tnuning Children in Habits of Safety on the Highways" twtnty five points will be given, and one point f. each additional per rent 'lhe boaid announces that requests froiit sch o!.» or individuals for infor n ation on tlw campaign as a who!' will have prompt attention. Its ad dress is the Wdlanl building, Wash ington, D. C. NOTED PICTI'KE TO BE SHOWN AT WASHINGTON The New ThoUic at Washington will k»ve the distinction of showing one of the best pictures ever product WeiM&day and Thursday with a ma - inee Thure-iay afternoon—Mrs. Wal lace Re id in "Human Wreckage." Thi-s picture has been the sen*a tion of the day in all the bigger ci ties of tki. section for the past few weeks, and now has reached this ser I to*, and will be seen at the New Theatre at Washington. The picture gives the life histo> of Wallace Reid, starring his widow, Mrs. Walact Reid, and has educatior al features never before seen in the movies, combined with thrilling reali ties which Mr. Keid experienced in ha remarkable career as a movie ac tor. There is a lesson in this picture that should be seen by every man, woman aad child in the country. The Demand Is Here Ghriaf the customer what he want* is the surest way of pleasing him. When your ear needs gas and oil, the surest way to take care of it is to We believe Texaco motor oil an' Texaco gasoline will give you more mileage par gallon thaa aay other oil that you can one. It costs r' more, so why not use the best, for «iitijhoily likes Texaco.—adv. I "THE OLD Ni. I. i H STATE- As soon as you get to Notfc C-'- '.-i The roads and the towns get ne»=' . flnah, Ihe peopie .v.ik a jtei- And even your motor has More pen . The hookwoiiu's bani-hed, the rot try has A lot more energy, pep and jazz. The livest Northerner t .let sign a l.ivlier state than No"th Cb'!>i a j The farms look better, the Hamkcs .f ■ 1 i ain't Quite ignorant of the sight of pair.: They're building roals. a»i they'n not content With sand and clay, but they use ce ment And the schoids look goad, and ih j mills are busy And each inhabitant owns a little Or a big twin six or soqtttfcing finai As soon as you get to Noth Calina This State's not • I reaming of day; gone by. There's a modern irlint in each nh>r fell's eye. And the village belles and the village b«>aux Are as smartly div-sed as the crowd which flows On tint ham's streets. You must give 'em credit. These folks are fully make, you said it. You meat the "Boostah"; you 100-. the "Whirtah," t , As soon as you get to Noth Calina. Brale). SANDY RHX;E ■ LOCAL NEWS Miss Katie Cherry sprnl Stluxlai night with Miss Glady- Kuiirti»n. Miss Sue Asb> ent*-t*ta'ne-d a nur* I* r of friends Sntunfoy nii»ht to r sugar stew. Miss Maggie Woolen spent the ww-S eiul with her parents. M : ss Marjorie Jones >|*-nt Satur day night with Miss Marie K..ld.rk M iss Ilessie Grt-en spei.t llie uee end with Miss Neaiie Jon* .. Misses Helen anil Dora lu-nnett an.' Messrs. I>e.«n Willian*. ar,.| Roam •-egret t were sibhb'eeis ovei the g»o«» roads Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Jones spei t Smbi with Mrs. N. S. Cherry. Mrs. S. C. Hardison sp*-nt Suntia\ afternoon with Mrs. N .S. (Iwny. OVETTE NOVELTY to. TO BE AT THE STKA.MI THEATRE NEXT WEE Williams ton will be vbiicd by a company of artiats, who will appeat at the Strand theatre- next Wedce.- iay and Thursday, by the Ovette Nov elty Company, presenting a class o. slow seldom seen on the n»l, Mring o the variety of acts. - Th. company consists of dancer, comedians, jugglers, a crystal read er, ioij other features, that vt ae. iotn «ee;i combined in u«e cumpaii). The Ovetto Novelty Company viii be here two nights, Wednesday nm*t Thursday, Novmber 28th and 29th, giving a change of program each »• thse nighta. TYSON REUNION ASSOtIATiON Tre foarth annual reunion of tbe Tyson families and the descendeats, will be held at Tyson's church, thm miles east of Farmville, N. C., Thanhs giving day, November 29, 1923. V ■ I Si ii MI * The Chilean government is consid- L "A •» ering a proposal to establish c ■mui cial aviation ia that country. FEDERAL AGENTS IN THIS SECTION ARE NOW ALERT Combing" Eastern Sec tion of Country to Abolish Liquor WASHINGTON. Nov TW 1 ' tir-> eastern section of thf (jumr\ -s. j brint! combe*! bv Wera! ajrents in an: eiTort to -amp out liquor smuir *?>®c |aml nurketint. ; : The (Dbfinry is «ies.-ritw\i x- "one I lof the m«il cimntio combination known" «hether legal or ilbtal. j Working on clues obtained by the i Savannah Rraml jur> which inaix :o a hurxircs! ami twenty six persons f* i ': Hf (wl violation of th.- prohi^a-ior I lam -. tJie airpnts, a>-ronliit)r to iTsie I'ui s of the bureau of irvestttration !of ' tie Ueuartinent of jib* ice. hav.- work before them that is e-:pecte»; . 4 . pro* ule sensational rvsu!c&. HIGHWAYS (RKATK \M> i:\IKMt I'ATKIuriSX Nml «l National Koad- Mr* I Ne» Memorial • I The George \Vit.-hiKirt>Ki Jlx-««k ; memorial, being r>x-te>i to c ton the by the Ma_'e XI- • lof the I mini State*, on Sfconlf- - i j llill. ju.4 out-klf tre taty of Ak-v , anilna, Virginia, and baif way be tw«* lh«- city which beats the hi , ,pu iilcfit's t'.ame ami the ti inS ie «hk h hb remains lie at rest, l- r»oJ ' u|-on a national iuhl. j 'I he home and Umb of tta | ton. at ML Vernon, is rv>t ictcliri « ie . ( | anywhere by a national rued. | Theie mu-t inevitably iun> a tim thi.- nation will rise in rni-ll against a penurious" policy «hici . I !e*\ees to a |>atritific order of devote*; women the care and preservation «f the prceie.-- relic.- of Washington. ] which are in his estate, and make a I •Ut Vernon what u ought to I—. * government charge and care. Ihe fraternity ha.- alr» >t, pr~ tided foi a monumental |.*a.«- for the Hxsonir relics of George I Washington |!ut will we al*a> • !■»'* «o Virginia the makinr. the re I palling, and the |>re-ervation of the "«"t movement, although she h»- home. temple ami city V "ginia, ha.- not, so far, hen to list herself amonr th>« state* prominently nlentified with the rvui •uada movejin.-nt, aPtr»u|?h she fca> male vast strides in recent veaii. Tl* road from Washington to the tempV aed from Alexandria to Mt. Verno*. is a good ro»l, but it should he tfw work of the I'nited States govent nmit to see that so important a roa ! |*rfeet. la this is seen another among many arguments, as to why this great nation should itself bufl-i and forever maintain the hartbo**- raads which connect these three will serve all the people all the «;■» *EEK AMENDMENT TO PREVENT EMPLOYMENT OF LABOK OF CHILDREN WASHINGTON, Nov. o he-. » introduced in romtM '• "in'er an amendment to (he muti -tuttoo prohibiting child labor n "»chcl at a aseetinr here of 25 or ganiaations of men and women, com pricing the permanent confereare far •he abolition of child labor. Samuel Gompers, presides* of the America Federation of Labor, presjrf ed at the meeting and declared "there «* no queethm that should appeal to the hearts and minds of the people of our country like that of protect ing children from exploitation.* ASKS PIELIC TO AID IN CHRISTMAS MAIIJ* tuopr'alMW la Maibag of CknMaa« ' Gifts Is l!e|iiested By the lvpcrt^.rut WASHINGTON. Nov 22. —Comier .■tion in nsaihrg Christmas gifts 1.- leing -ought by the postoflfioe «iep;irt i ieuL Here ate a few .-is mi .inn H Itartiet;. first a.«.i>uiit pc-- generaL J.i early 2 :vpay Uij-e fully on sil W tei. i Addro-- all matter plainly and com pterly. giving street aldres. whenev er possible. llaor coder's iur:ie an.i address in 4>per left corner of iddnrss si«le. I'ack articies carefully ui strung, Jurable awulnerf. A\ rap patcels seeurely but do no jal them except when bearing a prin ted label or indorsement reading "Content.-: Menrhjmli—Fourth (lass Ma i l'>-tmaster: This parrel may !•* of* ned for p>-.-ta! inspection if nr iwsary," a.- *aW parcels not so la- U-W or i"':*>r-ed are subjeit to post age at the letter rate. Van*!- max be maikeol: "IV not open until Christmas." In. aie valuable parreU IV not eticl*«- letters wrh |uicels. as dang so would subject entire par ceCs to letter postage. Written greetings -uch as "Merrv t hrutmas," "Happy New Vear. "With ISesst Wishes," ami names, nnni •*rs or symbols for the purpose of »Mriptiv* may be enclosed with ail lo'jrth dan (panel post) mad. Books '-•ay Usr simple dedicatory inscrip te. n not of a nature. Othe w.-itten al.iin>n- subject |>atrels t« s*-tter pfc-tage. Commuisicat ions pre f» «d at the first clax* rate may K sen! with parcels prepaid a: trrt /« aitS cla se rate by securely attach i*-i* the en\el«.j»- containing the let t. rs or other written matter to out so* of parrel.-. t \K>: WALK AT BK%k GRASS H M»\KSI» VV MtiH'l r»«e«e will lr a rake aalk an-1 »- b*-i patty at Hear Gras* srhuol o.: m» rt. November 3Mh Hate you ever seen a real cake «a!k ? If not. come tu Bear Gia.- tt«lM»>lay niitlit an-i lake part i» •MM ■* -rth while. L\eo U-l> i» invited to rume "to Grb>> sfoitl hou-e, \\ «->ln«-lav airh 1, November 2mh. I»i. «"Haile- II Ha>u, of Mi-,.«ta, say*, "It caji almost l« .•aid with certaiaty that the average man rin live live years longe th." he k«4 now. If he would. pre-s«-.t hm -e!f at every birthday for a tbor «!»' n,e«i«cal and dental inspectio -A after he leac'jes the age of forty, he maintain a state of healtli thai sow.! defy the incursions of disease. Smarter**. iHlattoos of the heart, d: *oTi«a of diffenst organs, cancers, tun —r~, and mi on, can be nipped in U* M. The-* is too great a' ten «*ear> to think that people past the age of sixty merely waitiae for death. SUM way will be found to keep them vigarsras." TV* luinu of iUadardi at Wash mM M|l aluuMn paint applied to tfcc übder tidr of an automobile top Will greatly reduce the amount of beat absorbed from tbe sun ana radu'ed mm tbe wkr sde. The tern pernor* inode tbe or will be more nearly tint found ia alaial shade, a* ander a tree. j COME TO WILUAJIBTON . I .. k THLS MARKET 18 CAPABLE OP GIVING SERVICE MIXED WITH USOLUTE COURTESY—TRY IT ESTARLISHED U«>. McBRAVER HOLDS OFFICE TO RULING SUPREME COURT Attorney General Gives Opinion in Favor of Sanatorium Head KALF.I IH, Xov. 21.—I'ntil UH su preme court xets a rw before it »i" jpiDU.iik *s tonight arf that Supfr inteiwleiit. L. B. Mcßrayer will swing on to whi.t he has at Sanatorium. Attorne.. General Mann. ng"> opin ion is the law until the court speaks ana lie I ales informally todav thai Dr. Mcßrayer ha.- tus odWe by right of election. Thii opinion Ri*en lo Chairman T. W. M. Long and I. L Sp«itae, t>»lh in town tuuay. settle* the altair until trere ® a This complete disagreement witj. Governor Mon»«jn's position is "«» Isolitary thing on which the fo«» hen* to. lay predicted a eonUsst witn Governor Morrison. It is the vtrv general opinion of lawyers that the Mailing vit w is the lega! one. In exp'.ailing l>r. Mcßrayer" s pw ont status, Attorney General Man ning saul that iti is the same as that of a defendant conviced «n any other criminal charge who has ap pealed to the supreme cou.t He iiiaite a comparison: "If a man is convicted of muriier arid ientniwl to t«e electrocuted ami if he appeals U» the -upreme court >ou can not w ahead ami have the execution before the case is heard by the supreme court," said the atton*e> K«-neral. "It is the same in l>r. Mcßra>-r\-. cirf He pleaded guilty to ht* charge aaa was smUwul to pay a fine and va cate hi- oflice. He appeal**-! and fur mshed IM>IKI and uruit-r ine la* he hold,* his position just as he «1H! be fore until the supreme court rule.- on his appeal." LAND SINKS IN A IT It lO IS MANNKK l.antl ami I'wrl) icrl • Water Apprarnl In Its A curious event happen- -I a wrat ago near Piney Nitk South west of Vaiinliotu, on the fji in »l kit Wills, when a la r ire |»Swt i f about 30 yards in dlametei. i«l cir cular formation, unk about stl «-( blow the surface. Forty fn tof satrr is in Die centre of * hat is n>-w a v? bowl shaped welt ami when Sir. tt .1- l« |>ut down an iron io>l to tm the • lepth, the iron went tlown to b»l rock, the depth of the water. About two yean, ago a similar (Mere of (cmuiiil near by the pi«sei>t one ~unk in the same way, which woukl indicate that the remit, t be sub terruieaii river beneath that jKtkn. The fact that no matter how heavy the rainfall might be the holes Meier fill up, the water running away from some unseen passage. Mr. Willis is at a 10... to account for the two sink holes. There is no •* ream of water near, ahhoogh a swamp it close by so that Lhere must be some uader-**** " 1 | ——f or body of water which is the cause of the land sinking. Washington Daily News. I nion «mm will h* held by imnl of the WilliaastH churches at the Manorial Baptift church on Thonday, November 2MI POT a number of years it baa been a custom with the Mathadi*, Baptist, aad Christian eh arches to bald a HM Thanbihrhf snrice and t» li hull the offerings to wri—i oifhaa hMK TW ThanhacirißK mnmm wHt be pnmihiil bjr A. J. "