IARKEILX »ILUAMSTON IS THE PLACE TO SELL YOUR TOBACCO. * TBT ONE OF THE HOUSES HERE VOLUME M NLMBER 87. TEACHERS MEET HEIiE SATURDAY ENTHUSIASTIC Much Interest Sho\\ n by All Teachers ot Coun-_ ty in the Meeting The Martin county teacher H ia general session in the WilliaJ ton tdwoi audiluium at 2:-'W o'clock on Saturday . December Bth. After the singing of "Ament., u•• Beautiful." Rev. D. W. Arnold Paul's addict on Mar's Hill to i: • men of A\heas, found in Acts 17:22-3!. Folloviig the reading, "Come Tlioj Almighhty King" was sung. Rev. . A. Phillips then offered a short pr •' - er. The devatkmal service wts «.•»! eluded l»y the singing of "Old B 1 • Joe." At the beguiling of the Superintendent I'ope fcJii for a tealiK' of the minuses of U» prevtou- meetu-g. As no one oCc' any correction to the same the> weix adopted as lead. Supciintoukrit Pope then read . Jute B. Warrens letter to the sec rctary. (dative to membership in the State orgamralkwl In this Mr. Wai re«t acknowledges the receipt of t. secreary's cherk for f€s, and hear*, ly «» nKMMtI the effective work the ottccn of the local unit in seeu: iag a membership of .-jxty five of it leathers. Farther, he insisted t every member of the local enrol as i fembar of the Su.te orgaaixaUon. M Pope turwiarnl thir. an*l askei tlw all who desired to join might 1 ijraate tMf wish an the mil call ca - \ thac had been tr«-tributed As a ret u Kvctß teachers indicated a desire to jpia and pa..i the membership let , me dotlar. Mr. Pope spoke of his appreciate of the aiutiMe ot the teachors towai ■aeetM'fs.- abl of their rca«ly re »po«lse l*> i*he iemanls mail* «l* u them. Mr- Oeo W. Smith of Farm Life pctxial wa* aaked to give his repott on the "Mill t.iaiik." .-urh a caril, he fUUii. wxwl-i «f >urx, have blank far Ibe name* of the visiting tee-, er, the pain.!-, and the child or cii dreu m that teacher'* grade. It. he suggested question? that he tho« fc talmiie kU proper in the prepu. Uta of IM caia Mr. I\4« al unre recognized the eork actwp r» the prrpor.tiori 1 tb| card, acd .-tated that mimeoirrapl ri pirr of it »s>uld later be u*ued U all the ttbrbm. Next, Mr. Pope explained a type agt — grade table, which he him-seit had pupaitil Oa this chart the agei ranged from six to K, and the gnule» from 1 to 11- The former extern* arwr the fceet from left to right, aad the latter from top to bottom. Upon this be showed the relative po ■1 ill of the numbers indicating th* children who were normal, accelerut ed or retarded. Mr. Pop* urged > teacher* to follow his Instruction!- carefully and to make a chart of then Thea he briefly diaruwed the cause* which tend V* keep the retarded .-stee sa high. The** we** th* ones fcr listed: Too few month* of jrrammat pah tiaiai&g; curable mental bark- ■ |ifcil»; incurable mental backward ana; failure to have been "reached" by teacher; the lock-step'* method of the naiss of rfady, largely a result *t af a ready acceptance of the Stat* ''» ■ »■*■ wßheatiawattgatioa; Ml ■atiHlsa. phadral defects, and dio tiea Mr. Ftope explained hi« chart: - •; * THE ENTERPRISE SHIPMENT OP lUK US POK CHRISTMAS PRESEM ilr. B. K. EirJiill lus maile assui aitce that a(l wi.-hir.jf Fowls for Chri.-1 i mas pncnU this year will nut U tii»appointe>! This morning he if. ceived six car loads of cars includir al! the different types, and his large i force of mechanics are now workii : like bees assembling them so the I will be ready for the ChrL/jnaa holi _ i day traiie next week. Mr. Bamhill has organized ciew of mechanics who can erect shipment of car; in record time, a, he states that all these cars will I ready for delivery by the first of thf coming week. This ir> an achievemei >-*t Henry Font himself would sn upon and commend "visit homes.' Schools, lie ttaled, should be fitteu to give oppoituniu«s> to the children of each class. As c. matter of ;act, Uivy are not meeting thsfe needs, because their couiHes :we not varied enough. M>*. Smith asked that all superin tendents and principals who would > tc work out a basket bai k>chedule for the schools of the county meet hin. dirctly after the meetingp of the v. nous groups. Mr. Pope advised a ten days' Chit nuts vacation to be given ill accoi ance »*h the diiections of the boarii. M trustees. Before the general sn«ion adjourn ei so that the various reading circle might meet. Superintendent I'ope an nouacel that the next meeting woul be held tti Katu(da> afternoon, Jau uary _v»lh. Supt. R A. I'ope, president. Eva Irene Peele, Secretary. M»TICE OP SALE We, the uixlersigned heirs of tlie Itfe Dr. L. S. Haseell, will •t 10M o'dork «- m., 011 Tuesda) December lMh, W23, offer for sale to the high—t ffcJi uiutr all the per NMUI propertv belonging to the kbovt named, 10 wtt: Four mules, four carl«, one wagun. two rding cultivator*, one mowing machine, one hay rake, two automo biles, and all other farming imple : menu such as hoe--, rakes, shovels, plows, etc.; also corn, hay anil hogs. Sale to be at the farm o fthe above named. MRS V- H. HASKELL MRS J. E. EVANS MRS. J. 8. GODARD J. M. HASBELL 12-7-21 Heirs. Mil ILK OF bLM.HO.NS AM> V» AKKA.N 1 Of A n ACHVIfc.N 1 .\orth Carolina, Mania County . la the KecMhr * toad C. V. Canon aod T. K- Weyber trad ing a» Carbon arid Ueyher VS. J. W. It. Coburri The defendant above named wn take notice that a summon in the a bove entitled action was issued igaiL. '.he said defendant 011 the 6th day of December, 1'.*23 by K. J. Peel, cleik of the superior court of Martin coun ty for the sun of $3»1.1Q and interest from the 24th day of February, 1923, due said plaintiff by note, which said WtmmtM * returnable before R. J. Peel, clerk of th* nvowr court of Jbitia county and ex officio of the recorders court at his office in Wii liamstan. S. C, en th* 7th day January, 1923. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was L | ■Md by said R. J. I'eel, clerk aa afoia-1 aid oa the Mi day of December,: IMS, acaiftt th property of the amid ' defendant, which wamat k returna ble before said R. J Peel, C. S. t at the ti—e aad place above name-" Cor the retan of the summons, whe aad where the defendant is requlre." to appear aad answer Of demur to the wplowit or the relief dwilwhid will he created. TUe the Cth day of Dec., 1923. R- J. PEEL, * Ctak of the Superior Court. E* Ofllcio Clerk of the Bworfcrt Court IWMt of Martin Osaaty. | WILLIAMSTOX. MAR i IN COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. DtCKMHKK 14. 1923. NUMBER SMALL CASES IN SHORT TERM OF COURT Judge Connor Makes a Record for Speedy Disposition The following cimanal cases we it disposeu of at this week's term «. the superior court: E&sex Spruill, r«Uing liquor, i v pros, with leave. John murder, nol pros, with leave. Herbert Gray, abandonment, u fendant dead; case abates. Leroy Coffield, A. D. W., nolo coi tendere. Judgement suspended upc payment of cart. Leroy Coffidd, abandonment. PL guilty and required to pay $lO n month for two years for use of u's! John Page, assault; plead guilt) simple assault. Judgement suspen ed upon payment of cost Claud Whitaker, A. D. W; plea guilty and sentence*! to jail for six months and assigned to Edgecomi roads. Commitment not to be is*u for six months. / Ziita Hy man, selling liquor; guilty and sentenced to Edgecomi' road for six months. Sampson Hathaway, manufacturing linuor. Entered ploa of nolo conte deie; judgement was suspended upon the payment of the cost. Kneeaer Williams, manufacturing liquor, nolo contendere. Judgement suspended upon payment of the cost. W. P. Phelps, A_ D. W , plead not (ailty. TWt jar;- found the defend ant guilt) Prayer for judgement continued upon payment of co*. Chu*er Little, selling liquor. Jury found defendant guilty arid he was sentenced to road for six months, sen tence not to begin if cost is paid with g»od behavior. Abner James, Jr., L. and R. Guilty, with judgement suspended upon pay ment of cost. Elijah Sign*, inurder. Found guil ty ami sentenced ■to jail for four months »$ be hired to J. C Keel to pay the tost. Alexander Taylor, secret assault t €' >» ■ li Found gudly and yo th« iiutv prvmn for a term «f not up>i than live nyr las* |hai( th|«e year* One of the .maddest (hiw* appear inn before this week'* court was fivt pers«na asking for divorce—t-polled lives for ten people. And when we look over the divorces granted an. seee mora than twice *» many as we had ten years age, it gives ground for alarm. Some say, too lax divorcr laws, but the principal trouble toe lax morals. W hen married people be have them selves more becomingly • here will be leas divorce cases'. Several dvil cases were datpcaed of on agreement, and court adjoumc' Thursday evening. ! Judge Cqantir paa complimented by I the court officers, lawyers and others 1 who appeared in his court, for hi | fairness to all and hh high sense of IM H f m ■II. n J,. TCMInf Tor 9VVfyDOoy ( The local tobacco nidioute of th« Tobacco Growers Cooperative a*ocii tioa will close Darember 80th, and will re-opea Tuesday, January Bth. All farmers having tobacco graded are re uested to make delivery before ( dose for the Christmas holidays. T«K MX IK WAREHOUSE 18 THE PLACE TO GET THE HIGH EST PUCE FOR TOUR BGRAP TO BACCO. MR. FARMER. MANGO ft TATLOR, PROPS., WILLIAMS TON. M. C • , JAMESYILLE LAD) PASSES : AWAY AT DAUGHTER'S HOME • A Miai Charity Jordan of Jamosrille died at the home of fcer liauir ihter, Mrs. Laura MaKl-, Twmu.. . and Iras buried in thft Wiiliamstt;* orinHct;, Wednesday afternoon. Runerr' h>. vices were n ttdacCed by Kev. Mi. Lowe, pastor of the >!•"-: of Plymouth. Mrs Jordan »». 74 years oi \ ! daughter of Sin-rt Lrtlara ar«i ra \\LM">y I. i. -m. She i n i ' seph C. Jvi.iu: t V"t 4 - .av vinj he precedi' g her to the grave l»v ; 1 i -'mher of year*. She leaves two daughter*. Mr | Maggie Drvis of Suffolk, ard Mi- Laura Martin of Jiira ville. SN was a very consistent member of Methodist Episcopcl church for mo ' of her life SERVICES AT THE BAPTIST CHI'Kt I Rev. A. V. Jovner. pastor. S»r «lay school at 9:45 a n;_. J. C. A nor: *on, superintendent. - Sermon by the pa»t*r at 11.-09 a. 1 R. Y. P. U. at «:4& p Serm by the pastor 7:30 p. m. %» a. / lou are cordially incited to afcerxt all these services. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power o* saie ivu» u .oi ui cnuui ur.i iiu*4«u u. IMC VM 1 -| v day Ui JJUk (Ml), Ujl AItAJUiUCI • 1111 iuiu * lie, Coia lull, «ail ui I«x - Old 111 iIiUUB Cuu.lj lCgUii> ill book t -1, page v *ec44iuqg a Col Lain bofitl oi t.m «yi» wd teooi therewwh, and U* not navmg been coanpuu nui, and at Uie requeot ol ute hoiujet wl the satu bond, 1 will 00 Uh» i«i iay of lie ceinoer, l*4i, at vdkuca, aoon, in t roil 1. of the court bouK iwr wl iiui mi county oiler at puUw auction to the highest bidder fur cuk, the lot lowing described real e.-tate: First tract; The mhiU> sade of wy larm which begiiM at luu ixuwl at the end of a small ditrh ivnaui); easi to Molasses brmr.rn, it*no- .town branch lo S_ L V\ alUcr > i.at, litri'Ci along said lute to Ike nuun raid. This being a lute betw.en nj m ttx south from llotiLv«» biaixl) ami Uir j*an«l of S. L. Wallace* um«c *»t to the main ruail; thence nuilh a north course to the hnj Malmi.. lewg t»'«*i iy hve (2&) arte?, inoie or less. Second ract: Uexun-io- at a |n»t oak at Browning's corr.*-r. running south 2 degrees east |«c to a pine in Cedar biaarit, IMmac W p»i~ to Ward's line; than** m- »a«g Sard's line 1»4 poles to \\ aii • n>n«r; tfarmy north by east to the hot -utwo, con •aining acres, m>-«- «r less ait-i being the same tract »f > .ed «•» re sided on by the mm A uunlrr Hill tnd wife, Cora HdL This the 23rd ihy of November, im a DI KE tkITCHER, 11-30-4t lnuMe. Sin It K OF Mil. Under aad hjr finer «f the power of sale naUuvl in that ciUM M 1 of trust executed by fVitey L l"e--r> to the umlcnigud iia-u*. aid Utar- j ing the date ot Srfi a-c« ■ 13fth, ISI», and of recent te W«k A-t. at page; 193, ef the public i»t ' 0 of Mar- j tin county, aaad dci of trust having bfeh give* U mwc tee leyenl o! certain motes ef si«a *»•"« therewith, , and the Itiae aad caeuii therewith containing net bavin* Uea ceaapiied with an dat the wy J' of the hold er ef the said —te*, the t»aden>igti ed trustee will /m Meday, the ■ day ef Juwiy. >*£«. *t 12 o'clock m., tat froet ef tbe CMirt fauese dooi of Martin ceuly, n the towa ef Wil liamKoa, N. C. efrr for aale. at jk; lie HCtiwi, te the haghest Wder, 10. cash, the fsHowaag desnM proper ' * That eertoha htee aed let be»a the tow* of 1 iHuatlon, N. C, art being in that pert ef fata! toere com monly bom as Kew Tow*, aaore pat Jsacntirii as faMo«s: Dpwta* ea the east by Watte street ea the aoeth by Fearb street, «a the «p( by Itaiittaeiih suert, aad ea the north by the let of Roland H Boh eraee, eaataiaiag ahaat 3-4 ef aa ac re, move er lees, aad be*ag the ht aad resideare ef the late SL T. IV r. rcafaM at Ike tiaTdfa 4Mb This the Mb day ef Dtoake, IMS . CLAYTON MOORE. 12-7-dt Ttln HONOit ROLL OF WILLIAM STON CITY SCHOOLS For the School Month of November Given By races Following is the honor lell of " \\ liiiainston Otj school , lor t sch'wl montii al Novemb-.. TlM itiiil rati, g are :»> iOiiuW : A ' 100; B—9o to «»;>; C— \e t!.ei al .... tardy for month. G.ade II: A—-itiyai *. C t n |« li -William Hodges. \el"'.a s'„i C—Bryant Caivtarphen. W 'liam ! ges, lat Karris, Ye'ma lia r'ser, t . rie Ixv IV-til. Sadie Ferry. M \V viute. " Grade JO: U —Maiguiet al.u. iauia Oileans. C tie jamu t»i.i ' i»ey, William llain.on, 1., yi. id I rison. Robert Manning, Fie>l la\ I'attie Fdniondioii, Maigaiet M. mag, Laura Orleans, Josephine S\l.« Grade 9. B—Cecil Taylor; C— M. 1 ry Melis->a Atuirvws, Evelyn llain >un, Kuth Manning'. Ttulah I' .i:e, J. 1 Wads worth. _____ tirade S. B—l armelia |o' e-, ii« l ha V%y i.ne; C Sm-ie Janios C;.miel la Jo.es. Manila Ijegyelt, Mat' e 1.0-; K"prsoii. Dorothy Thrower. M lb' | Wynne, Eli Barnhill, Thomas Ciau fold, Jessup llarii-on, Raj laorn Joy - nei. llenry Manning. Charles Piti, James Herbert Waul. Uiauc 7- B— Hasel EUUIOIML-00, V. uliani liuigiuiu. , Eugene Hoy t, kdui «'**!, Franc- Williams; C— Kobe i i«t|| 'ffM ii-ireu *uwoi]| Edmonilson, Bulh I'eel, Frances Wit . lianK I'atne Wynne. > " tirade 6. A- -Claud Baxter CI. ik. Edwin I'eel, Cariton Lhertnan, Elliei. Moore; B—William James. Mary Cai -tarph« n, Margaiet Rogerson Thelma Cook, Alton Daniels, Virginia Harr. M, Catherine Hai.li-on; ai Car tarphen. Anna Ma)' W 11 Wain. Vir ginia Harrison, Civ .le Cook, Margar et Fojrerson, f'laud B. Clark. Carlton I-iverman, Edwin IW-I I'aul Simps n. tinnle 5. B- Buck Sauialer*, N r ma I'erry. Malville Wynne; C— El /. :U>e»h (iurkin, Josephine Harrison, Ju lia Mildred Ban.lull, Elsie An liirws, l»orothy Modlin, Mollie l>a\rn port, Johnnie Frances Edmond-mii, Mark Simpson. Hewett Ed wank , Her- ln-rt Cowen, Ollie Marie Roberson. Grade 4. A —Charles ISuml, Albrit Leslie Clark. Charte.-, Manning, ¥*■ tona Weaver, Shelton lianiei; It —He- ra F. Joyner, Edith IVI, Cb»rl Fleming, Eliza lloaid; C—Ruby l»: venport, llazel Brown, Comer T; ylo Mildred Gurgatnus, Rtna F. Joyne . Halieie Latham, Gladys M"on>, !!a el Moore, Fannie Kay, Lilliaui liu - Itoberson, Mary Willims, Willia: Cherry, Albert; Leslie Clark. CliarUi ' 9 Fleming, Earl Harris, Charles M.v •tag. Gra.le S. A—Ruth Ward, Wheeler Martin Manring, Reginald SinipHHi; B—J. K. Rogerson. JeJCe Price, Frank j; r. Jones, Ernest Harri. on, Leslie Cbrganes. Jin* Rhodes, Jr., Geraldine leed, Rel«ecca Harrison, Sarah Our ; anu«. C—Reginad I Simpson. J. K. Regersoa. Marvin Cobum, Eva Har ri--on, fii twa llarn-on. Sarah Our. •anu> Oo* in Brewer, Mary E. Rog er s-«i. JfiKf Gurganas. Ruth Ward, f. Secler > -.'tin Manning. Tom to*. Robert Cowen, Ernest Harri yon. Jes se Price, George Harrisan, Marvin StNDAV SERVICES AT THE METHODIST CHI Rt II The Christmas season is i whirl, means tired business and profa*rton al men. perplexed house wives, peo , pie of every walk of life need th }«jU;et hour of worship; it brings re ■ newed faith. hope and enthusiasm; it ill greatly help you in the struggle the coming week. If you do not wo r - • hip elsewhere you will be welcohi !at the Methodist church Sunday nt |!la. m. and at 7:30 p. in. I Morning subject. "Love," based u on the first Commandment. Ereninn -uhject, "Cooperation." E. D. Do pastor. tirade 2. A—James Bond, Billic I.iverman, Sarah F. Cone, Myrtle H. lirown, Julia Daniels, Lucile tiurgti nus, Marjorie Moore, Mildred I'eel, Jennie Swanner Moore, Jennie' Given Taylor, Pete Fowden, Jr., Grace Barn hill; B —John Cherry, John H. Gurga nu>. Billic Watts, Henry D. Harri son, Kri nt Whitley, Clayton McKeel, lliiKh Bland, Onward Koherson, Sal lie Lee Brewer, I.oui.se Cherry, Mary tiuiganus, Belia Teel, Nettie F. Mai •low, Susie Wynne; C—John Hatton C.urßanus, Henry D. Harrison, 7m met Whitley, Mark Chesson, Myrtle W'oolard Brown, Grace Barnhill, Lu cile iluiganus, Nettie F. Meadow, Mil-, died lVel, Chri tie Rogerson, Reba Teel, Susie Wynne. Grade 2-B. B—Mat tie ( -Mattic t.unj '">i>, James T. limn hill. tirade 1 A—Josephine Anderson, i»o.-a Ballard, Nell Harrison, Kathryn llurii.son, Virginia Nicholson, Oscar Audcnon, Critcher, Jr., Wil liam t'laik. Wheeler Martin, Jr., John Jack Manning, Hor;ue Kay, llardy /. Rose, Jr., Ituss Sc'uKKs, Jr., Her licit Whitley, Krauci.s I'eel, Jume.s Divoii; It—Herltert Cherry, Del I wit 51i.11.-.; Alonro Bland. At wood (iurjfn nus. AIU-ita Weaver, Dnrris Tee I, Itil lie IV>|«e; C -Dennis Wynne, Q rnr Anderson. I lerbert Cherry, lt Cntcher, Jr., At wood Curtail US, iilieU l«n llill. Wheelr Mailin, Jr . Jack Manning, i- l.ee R u.ion Ho a«c Kay, Iliuiiy Rose, Jr., lU.' Nooiofs Jr.. HerlM-rt Whitley, FWn cis I Vol, Kutli Mailin, Virginia Nidi olson, Carrie W illianv , Kuth I'rici Annie IVrry, I>ena May (ilenn. I;a-k« t Udl Tuesday night, I>ecwit l*i IMii; Windsor ""V« Williamston; game called B:tMi o'clock, at the Dix ie Warehouse. Admission 15c an 25c NOTICE OF SALK ——— i - j L i.«k» ami by virtue of tin of sale cuntainied in that certain dcci. ui lrust executed by himon lagan and wile, Etta lagan, to the undcrsigniM, trustee, and bearing the date of Jan-1 uaiy 6th, l!»20, ami of record in book A -I, at page S, of the Martin county I puonc registry, bald deed of trust hav ing' been given to secure the payment of a certain note of even date ami lenot therewith, and the term* ujh conditions Uierein contained not hav i!»j« been complied with, and at the the request of the holder of said note .the undersigned trustee will on Monday, th 7th day of January, 1924, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the coui. house door of Martin county at Wil- ■ liumston, S. C., ofTer for sale, at pub lic auctun, to the highest bidden for cash, the following described proper ty to wit: Manila ythe 7th day of January, 1924, running thence down the various courses of said btauich to the Duggin branch, thence up the various course: j of said branch to an elm, Eason's cor ner, thence N 80 W. 100 poles I Noah Riddick's line, thence along the aid line north about 6rt poles to I comer pine in said line, thence S. 60 E 58 oles to the beginning, con taining 54 acres, more or less, and being the same premises upon whirh Simon Pagan aad wife now Hve Beginning at a poplar in Dog branch CLAYTON iIOORL, 12-7-4t Trustee. Library con»P ' ir \ i IS CAPABLE OP GIVING SERVICE MIXED WITH ABSOLUTE COURTESY—TRY IT ESTABLISHED 1898. RECORD RECEIPTS NOW BEING MADE AT CO-OP. HOUSES Over Eight Million Lbs. of Tobacco Receiv ed Last Weel^ M«t* tobacco «f the 1923 crop reached the warehouses of the Tobac co asociation Uu.t week ttian at any time this seoson. Steadily increasing deliveries by the organized tobaco CariiTs brought the marketing asso ciation exactly 9,948,1)73 pounds of to bacco hist week, according to the re ports of the warehouse department. Members of the marketing associa tion in eastern North Carolina whi will be the first to receive cash pay ments from the three million dollar distribution of the association wh: • begins its third advance on the 1922 crop next week, are increasing their deliveries, the association having re ceived up to within one and a ha I: million pounds as much of the 192.'! crop in the east as the total deliver ies of 1922 from that section. All bright markets of the associa tion in North Carolina and Virginia will close on December 20th and re open on January Bth. All markets of the association for dark and suncur ed tobacco will close December 20th, and open January- 2nd, according to the latest announcement from head quarters. STALLINGS-WILLIAMS Vs One of the iuo»t beautiful hume wedding* ever witnessed in Williajna ton was that of Wednesday morning at eleveen o'clock ut the residence t>i Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, when their daughter, Lillian became the bride of Mr. Joe H. Stalling* of Tur bo ru. t lhe |»arlor was Iteautifully and «•- ti.stically decorated with long leal pine, ivy, cedar, holly and green ami white jra per. The bride wearing a navy blue suit with grey acces*o>riei., entered with the groom and approached a beautiful arch where the ring ceremony was performed by l{ev. It. S. Cowan, pan tor of the Primitive liaptist church of ltobersonville. After the cefemony a dinner was given by the bride's mother and the young couple left for a tour to north ern cities. The bride is an unusually charm ing and attractive \oung woman. She hi*4 many fuiends and admirers. The groom is a prominent farmer and i« well know nthroughout the State. Mr. and Mrs. Stallingg will make their home near Tarhoro. When you take a business or pleas ure trip phone 46. Your friends want to kno"' of vour travels. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the authority con tained in a certain promissory note ex ecuted by J. F. Jones to the Peoples llank, bearing the date of January 7th 1922, because and on account of de faulut in the payment of said promis sory note, and the failure of the mak er of said note to make any arrange ments for the payment thereof, the undersigned will on Wednesday the 12th day of December, 1923, at 12 o'clock m., in frost of the court house door of Murtin county in Wil liamston, N. C., offer for sale, at pub liic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described collat eral, to wit: «-=s- One note of Jas. S. Rhodes, dated November Bth, 1919, secured by a deed of trust, said note being in the sum of *1,600.00. One note of Jas. S. Rhodes, dated November Bth, 1919 secured by a dew! of trust, said note being forlhe sum of 1600.00. This the 4th day of December, 1929. J. G. STATON, Receiver for li-7-lt The Peoples Bank.