FRARMERS. WTLLLAMSTON 18 TD PLACE TO SKU TOUR TOBACCO. THY ONE OF IHE HOUSES HERE ▼OLIVE ZL—M i»iiE« 89. WILLIAM STON SCHOOL CLOSES FOR HOLIDAYS Will Reopen Ajrain In January for the 1924 Session * —: The fall \oa i/f tiw padrd tck«l 1 r dosed Wedi«4»y with a aire pro * (flam of tec" ticM and music, fa!-' Imd by ?n attractive Christmas tm, given by the faaihy. The tree was beautifully decorated and bore many beautiful gifts from teachers and pupil?. The spring session will begin on Thursday, January 3rd, and the fa culty hope to have every pupil in at- V *m*mm on the opening day. The number of pupils enrolled has increased by about 30 over last year and the avenge daily attendance u about the same proportion. The gain is principally in the grammar grades The Williamston school this year has made exceedingly good progress r all lines of its work, and the fac> I* j and both .iave appeared to bet ter understand each other, and work for their common interest. The stu dents have beet more interested in their woik, and consequently have r.ade more progrea» than is done at the average school. With the beginning of the New Year it is hoped that this condition will continue to improve, that the Wil liamston aciiool mcy take a higher place in the schools of the State. KING AND QUEEN OP GREECE EVACUATE THE THKONE AND COUNTRY National Regime lo Decide Regime Fitting far the Ciitrj ATHENS, Dec. 18.—King George and Queen Elizabeth will leave Ath ens for Rumania tonight, newspapers have aaaounced. The government informed King George in writing last night that it considered it abvisable for him to leave Greece until the national assem bly decides what regime is best fil ing for the country. The king re served his leply until later. * LONDON. Dec. 18.—An agency | dispatch from Athens say* the kirg and queen are leaving for Romania tonight without signing decrees md that Admiral Koundouriotis will be appointed regent. Another telegram reports that representatives of the amy ami navy last night iafoimtil Colonel Plastiias that tdfiters of bath wniua regarded the removal of the lj a national necessity. Til ins Gonatz. and Colonel Plasti ras, advices say, signed the letter re quesriag the king to leave. A central news dispatch from Athens say* the king is leaving far Bucharest this ev ening and that it is staled en good ■athmitj that the king telegraphed , ViniaHn appealing to him to take the ram of the government. The die sis has amumcd the regency mrtfl """ the fnture regime is decided. Colonel Ptastiras who is one of the o of the mflitary gonrnaaut is quoted as ih filling that a new oh | met wfll be formed after the uliiail . " NICE DROVE OF TURRETS for ale at SSc per pound, at my hsnee. % - Don lihsim. Williamson. JL C ' 1M» DOUE WAREHOUSE IS Jj rua TO GET THE HIGH rtXZ FOR TOUR SCRAP T» I CjOd UL FARMER. MANGUK « . /AIUR. PROPS. WILLIAMS-"* THE ENTERPRISE ttXXAV AR'i . kfciAUS a ANY TOWNS IN THR PA! *. OF .HK REBELS I * JMt*. As. Fvoruatasg Than f Stiea£he|_» Ifce Federal Timepa Advance 1 " | MEXICO C TV. Dec. :« The rev iin: abb l'lirhlo tonight wj- Jejr r aa"* acneareed- The federal traopi have occupied Almasa Federal troops have takea San Ma rie**, an important strategic poiat be tween Vera Cm ad Mexico City and are advancing toward the ten port stronghold of the rebels, according to adviees to the Mexican consul. Af ter sixteen boars of fighting the fed erals captured an immmie arr.on-t of ammunition, guns aad several trains •j~ed by the rebel* for transportation purposes, the consul was informed Impetus has bee- added to the rev n'bliocary rrrvefer». by the surrender of the port of Aeapulco. together with the announcement o' adherence of Carlos Greene. Pablo Kodngnez and other officer* in soatbera Mexico to the rebels, according to information received at the de la Haerta junta. Fifteen hundred revolutionists and railway nea in Yucatan have adher ed to the revolt a was said. Basket Ball Team Has a Biff Schedule A total of 14 games will be played by the Williamaton high school this *.cur. Thus far. return games with Nashville. Windsor and latent on have net been definitely arranged. The game v.ith the Farm Life srhool aad that with the Oak City school on their courts, may not be played on account of the outdoor eeuit. Other games will be scheduled daring tic seaman with the remaining county high school The ganes scheduled to date are as follows: January S—Benr Grass at Williams ton. January 15—Farm Life srhool at Williamston. January 17.—Washington at Wash ington. Isaaary S—Fdent so at Edenton. February l-M City at Williams ... February R—Farm Life school at Farm Lafe, (pending! February 15..- Benr Grass at Bear Grass, (pending t » REV. A. V. JOYNER TO TAKE PASTORATE IN WILMINGTON Rev. A. V. Joyner. pastor of the Memoriol Baptist i honh handeil his day a the dm* of the morning ser vice. It coone as a surprise to bis con gregation. though it had been known that be had lUJU»UI several calls to Mr. Joyner experts to accept a call to the Temple Roplirt church of Wil mangton.' This is a new chusch, but dty. three years ago. January Ist, and ex pects to Isane for Ins new field Feb runry Ist. He hue not only ptuien feeibn, but a good aad nifdd» aea as wefi. ml w* he gruntly aria* ad ia our town. From C h tt | | h of salable wniiimm. MARTIN COLNTT. WKTH FRIPAY. PETKVBEH :L I»2L CT9 BO Co Clhurch OfTfS Sak Christmas "- ; M CHRISTMAS SERYICES AT CHCRCH OF TME ADVENT I Eleven o'clock a. a., Matins and , celeb* otion of the holy communion. Sernpn. subject: "Ihe Christ Child. ~ J. E Warner. . Priest in chnrgn SI NDAT SERVICES AT THE METHODIST CHURCH Sandy school at »:«. n. m. J. E. Pope, superintendent Let every teach er make a special effort to be on I Preaching by the poster at 11 n , m_. and at 7:30 p. m. At the evening hour there special nnM and the Christmas vice. Let every Methodist ia Willmsnstou Mke a real effort to attend ha church next Sunday. E. D. Dodd. Pastor CHRISTIAN CHURCH A. J. Manniag, Paator achaol Ml a. m, W. C Evening aerrieea T^fipT^. EMenenr 46 p. m all theae servican. SI'NDAY AND CHRISTMAS SERVICES AT MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH AV. Joyner, pastor. Sunday rti ' *■ m -. J- C. Anderson, inpenn tendent. Sermon by the pnstor 11.«0 a. m_. subject: "Aa Old Theme" R Y. P. U, 45, Sermon by the tor 7: JO p m There will he special Christnw music at bMh services. Piajei meet ing Wednesday 7 :30 p. m. Van are cordially tavited to attend all these services. Dr. J. R H. Knight, the eoruner. ■n called aad an jai|aiia was heM.I the jnry finding that Robert Sber red came to his death from dnnkiar and exposum He wns rppirr il to' have died Sunday mghl. as no «ae' he was found dend. She rind bore a goad nyatdiaa, hat be that he drank of a m deadly brand thaa usuaL Man Dies From Drinking Whiskey TWsday afternoan the hody of Robert Sherrod was found cald in death oa the rand aide m the m I hut ftp "tod the fact aad r^T" GOOD STATEMENT FROM MAKE OF NMONVUS statenvest- « [this aartiia of the State. I.- - i WILLIAMSTON TOBACCO MARKET 8 Full Set of Buyers Will Be On Hand After Christmas At a recent mecging of the Williamston Tbbacco Board of Trade, ft was decided to reopen*the lo cal auction market agr ain after Christmas. All the manufacturers who have had buyers on the Williamston market to date, will be represen ted here in Januaty, and the? farmers of Martin ana adjoining counties, can feel assured of get ting the high dollar for every load of tobacco brought to this market after the holidays, just as they have done dur ing the earlier pail of thesea9on. As has been stated be fore, the warehousemen have tested out ttjp pri ces paid on this market and have found them equal and in some cases better than the piices paid on the larger mar kets of this section. These tests have prov ed the fact, without a doubt that the Williams ton market this year is equal to the best, and is saving the farmers of section much- ex peifce in transi>ortation, eliminating the long and expensive haul to the larger markets A large number of thej i farmers of this section ihave realized this fact "which is evidenced by 'the increased amount of • tobacco sold on this mar ket over that nf last year, and the warehouse men and manufacturers are showing their appre ciation of this by keep ing the warehouses op en and buyers here un til the remainder of the crop is sold. AAETOI NB OPENS BRANCH STORE IK WASHINGTON J. A. Akr)«tni», ako for a numtm of years kit mdartal a santbfri ■K af a knack store across the stieet mt door to the Nee Theatre. Tua Tarheel says: A real coaaaa- Hr leader ■ a pricchu article- He pats lata action his ova ami •then' a halter place ia which to Bie he caaae af the groap taun af Ma pa»- ■la. J • __ j 4 _ •A, i, I COMMISSIONERS SELL BONDS AT A (MK)l> FIGURE All Bids Made Were In Close Proximity to Each Other As hnd l«r previously adverti>*«l the Ritanl of County t"omm:.->iorer. | offeml for .-ale at the court Thursday Jlt«.!«», i 1-2 per cetit se rial lamb. There were present and hkMing. thirteen hnndine companies. The high est bid was by A. T. IJell and company of Toledo. Ohio, of #a prem ium of 13^33. titfier hnbhis were: Spitzer-Roenck company. Toloii>. 0.. »10i21». Pr\>vidence Savings llank and Trust company. Cinciniwi. $10'!.l«fl. . Harris. Korbe anl roni|sa»v. by Wa chovia Trust company. Winston-Sa lem. A- B. Leach and conipati>. New York City. *I«£.IU. John Newera and compuny, Chirac", SIU2JMI. M>9Bts»ipp( Valley Trust company, St. Laas Sinusal Prndon and eompai.y. Toledn. Ohm. SMO>IA. N. &. Bill and company. Cincinnati. HtUlk Itrennen-lU«.m i'.n arid company. Tt. leilo. JM2.TM- W. K. Terry at»l company, Tnled». SIH*ML Weil. Roth and Inn r coni|Mn> . Cincinnati. IIIC.IK'- (•eorge 11. Burr. St. UxiLs Mo. 9183.1 ML C. W. McNear an.l rompaiiy. Trin ity. N. C. $1«!.1.%7. The price received for the bund was very satisfactory. Bear Grass I *ady Dies In Washinxrton Mrs. Aman Ifawls of IVejr (iraa, died at the Washington H«»>pital •• Tiwday, following a mw«s opera t*on last week. 3* . Mrs. Rawts was a young woman, IX years old. and m.«rrie«l Mr Gil bert Rawk one year ago. She leaves her father ami mother. Mr. and Mrs. Churrh Cowing, one ben thrr and one sister an>l an in far t Imhy. beride her husband. She was buned Wednesday at tte Coaon burial ground near Bear C.ra,* church, the funeral -errices beiag ro dnrted by A. J- Manning. Farmers of Alamance county »avrd more than S3jfrt> over the retail price of uplnitts by cooperating ia the ordering of a carload of Sodaiol through the agricultural extension itrvice They will ue this materia! in blowing stump*, reports County Ag ent W. E. Scott. ■ - ■ The old short day pipe is dbnp piuiini. and a r mrer of the lips hae greatly decreased ia Great Britain. . Mr. Abeyonnis has always styles himself "the valne giver.- 'and has built up n goad business on the priis dple of giiing good value for tmj , st!L!IER BONIS BILL IS AGAiN TO THE FRONT l is »he Measure Now V. aat ■he KniMw Washington. He*. jo ucpub lir.t i*r |etf«UTK the committee ir-Af nday encounteret 3 ««". t t 3,1 vhen the meeting *f 'he x 'I rrass committee was ph> . tc up the Mellon tax |.nK{SiP» "'C- " •" - hr bonus question. TS.e « t -' • ; se the drUv was due jto thr» >r Iks* there vouki be in -u#i eat «0"« put the taxation .;>al o he bonus. The re {rjl lira-.s make no explan ation- Tw» tjirKri of the vays ani ■MOB r«iaitter— Fear, of Wiscon «-u. a iffaUioii insargeht and Rai tejr. •irawmt. Illinois announced yfstfnby tk»" thej vouM offer res ohitioat td> side-trark the tax rev is ton un'fl t!-e bonus bill is re portal to the bw*. Favorable committee neti»■ will be soar hi hy the bonus oropuoeats m the measure introduc ««l by KepßMaUlivr McKenzie, re publican. lllims which in its essen tial is the tafe as the bill vetoevt by PitKuknt Harding. Fountain Lipscomb lHes at Laurel Hill Tite rsews. ef the -ieaiih of Fountain l.ip-cw«sb at Laarel Hill. N C . Wed nesJjy air hi was received by ielati\e> in loan "tlan^ay. Fvwi'ain as; raised by his aunt. Mrs. Elizahrth Ikclh. and for sever al yean worked ia The Enterprise olßte. ktmniar as office boy He then worked for the Coast Line npl way a few year*, finally taking up kMwk keepum*. aiid accuuating and r.w»le good a* aa aadrtor in tlie firm of A. lee (Lkwirur* t u., Norfolk. Va He b— M.' fcaaevea. been able to work for years, aiui his tea)h was n»i* u~uexpnrte>l. He aumH Riu Luta MH'all. f. ««« lesarher. for a tear in the Wil luootaic rr-W She with one .fc;oichter »*e. l!«- i> a • >liew ■>f Si-itf * J. 4 1". K .lodges. SUtSCkIBL TO THE ENTERPRISE MlfHi: OF SALE ladarr and by virtae of the authority nmUiaoi B a certain deed of trust rmiittd by A. F. Harrison ami wife, Ltlttaa Harrison, said deed of trust tartar of tKMoi ia the public registry •>f Martaa roaaty ia bu4 A 1, at papi- JC*, aaxt barii« dale 24th lay of January. I*3#. saad deed of trust hav ing bcea gnea to -ecwre the payment of a tntaia Mfr of even date and tenor tkmrnCk, aud the coaditiuns tkeena aot having been CMBplted with aad at the request of the putats atrrotetl, the ui«iersign ol trastee aiU on Monday. the 21st •lay of Jaaairy. MM, at 12 o'clock, a. ia froal of the cuurt hou.-e door of lbitu I'laa^. Williamston. N. C-, utfti for sale, at piMc aoctMXi, to the highest hikr for cash, the fol toaing «keHcrahed real estate; Fir-t tract: Br» aainu at a stob. tt M IbitMa'i line, thence along W. M Hani oa's liae to a ditch, liea try bnak; tkrat down the center of -a>t ditch alarc Ciatha .«rraau»' ttae ta a kn%e over canal. Redmond Hartaaa's liae. theace along Redmond Harma't liae to the beg nun ng, eon taiaiag tea f l«i acres more or less, and beicg the sane tract of land con veyed to A. F. Hariiiaa by Redmond Harrnoa, aid deed beiag of record ia the pallir registry of Martia natty Sicar I rvt: A tract of land ia Rear Gna twrukip, Martia county, North Garatiaa. adjiaiiag the latals of Hyaaaa Cawu « the aorth; the hadt af Saraael Rogers on the east; the laaAt. off D. C- Oowaa on the south: aa #he hah af Joha Coaraa on the ■at, coataiaiar tweaty ire (SI ac taad t— i eyed to saad A. F. Harri- Tka, the- Wk day af Dec—hi r. ISZX WHEELER MARTIN. TMw TOMB MAIM IS or «smno SUVKZ MIXED «N ABSOLUTE COUBTEST—T*T IT ESTABLISHED MM. MARRIED MAN LANDS IN JAIL ON SERIOUS CHARGE * Staged Fake Marriage With a Girl From Washington On Sit unlay night. December Bth. a Mr. Mrti. who is in the tobatro business in Washisgt— took Miss Mary Battery of Wistoj ton to Williamson in a car. propos ing to marry in Williams&ea. After tiikinf Miss Buttery to the Britt ho tel. where she retrmrrysi for spml hours awaiting his return frw pro curing marriage health certificate ««l license. They departed from the hctd |M( •lowii the*street where the >o( la dy says a company of several warn met them arxi performed what she understood to be a regular n ai uige ceremony, after which they drove to Marsden ami U« k a late Northere and Southern train and went to W registering as Met: x-J wife rf Washington. I>. C. The next «lay they iccuttd to Washington. to the home of the NMK lady where they lived as oaa ivi wife ami no suspicion n> arwoecd until Metz seemed to grow >hiiai aiid inquiry dr\e!upni that Metz bal a Wife and three children in l«ai Olive, N. C Sheriff Hams arre>toi hiaa aJ he i. now in jail awaiting farther de ■leveloproenta. It now looks like Metz iktaU be gin to realize that the way of the transgressor is hald. «d if the char ges are ywm true, thee the had of the law should rent i ■ ilj apan him. "ZA7.A- TO BE AT THE NEW THEVTBE NEXT WKI.'K IN WASHINGTON Next Moixla*. Twmliy as«l Wed nesday the New Theatre ■■ Washing ton will be the vfne of the ■ irt 4s produus love drama. "Zaxa." in nhiil • ■loria Swanson play* "he Seaafang role, ami though this pta> ha> twew ri—- memlril very highly even std p'«T '• I by more inferior wtort thai Gi*- na Saansoa aikl k*r c» nyi ■. it » receiving higher pm-r when pte-esst- KI to the public by this c ifini. This pii-ture is d.aomg caor'-u—i crowds in every city it is h»a». ar»i that everybody in th» sevts**; who • wishes to may !h portafe. Mr. l~ournage. the manager of the New • heatre has be-kr.l this partare for three days—llonb*. Twshy and Wednesday. •• * A ItE%L MABTIN tOI Vn HOC KILLING On December the Mth. Mr W. C. Whitley calle»I in his aeighhon. wad after an early breakfast, they peo ceealed to kill bog*. At five MMH past nine they hal killed, fi—i md weighed 27 hogs, wetghn* Uii ks. the heaviest tipping the tula at S9 pounds. For speed at bog kilter we ds Mt know of anybody that hntds a betser record. And a hu with that ■ «rli aMt certainty cajil rnmpiaia of hard ttes. Forester H. M. Outm reports a new indastry for the aawtas see blnck walnats and vh the THE DOUE WAKEBOCSE IS THE PLACE TO GET THE EST PKICE FOB TOUK 9CXAP TO BACCO, MB. FABUB. MANCTM * TATUMC mm, VILUUS TON.N.C _ _