ADVERTISERS WILL FXXD OCt COLUMNS* A UTCMKI TO ISM Hniras OP MAITUi OOUXTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 4 MAYORS COURT \l DOCKET HAS \'i FEW CASES!) _____ Three Women Go To Jail 1 To Await Proper j Bond . 4 I The Mar" Court docket sfc»« - bwl few om> tried recently. T«J of . which go to the direct credit of lijmrjt rad wt to rmTiaf a disorderly ; Mamie Breaks, the Mulatto. v!m p*»> |: gimi mock previous "rouble ruV>»- •' tertain-ag Florine Hopkins aad . CToad fr. toe latter' a j' negro r>H from Hertford. Their act* in the neighborhood »f • tie Sycawaore park were (« . • ful that complaint as made and liey " swe brought before the Mayor Mstr-f day Bcraiar and each was fined J30.» l i aad cost. They were all jailed nti! ■ the fiaes were paid. | The BCfRSi, Bf rtr Chandler. was l recjuired to lea*e at once for her in Hertford. The two dnnkinr cx-*» ■■nhtdl' , Haywood Pate aad Pet Bullock lr Pate's caae he wa> fined sl_On a»! the coat* for bnn* drank aad fa»r- , 1 derly. The other Town versus Pete Bullock drunk acd disorderly. Hi j case present* the fruits of the habit of so often seen in such fW , Prte is aa h—i ahlr darkey, clever . and of good standing ia every- way ex- " cept dnnking, which habit *oartia» - pti the hex of hiaa aad then he daes ■ thitp a snbar man is idfctd rf | In this case be was chained with h iatia| ap the famitare around the bouse Mayor Haseell let it coat him _ M2S for breaking his owa furniture while draak. LOCAL NEWS OF BEAVER DAM! Mil Saaford Kohersoa jad Mr -_ Lather Kichalaaa went to Wdluadoa Szturuay shopping Miss Virgd Callipher spent Santa) with her raster Mrs. J. H. Messrs. M. G. Peel and Rmto* Pr«l aaotared to U illiaan 4«a Satarday Messrs. Lester Roger- and Join Callipher were the guests of Mu». Bcasie Mai ore night Mrs M. G. Pre! spewt Sunday at | hiaaiu with Mrs. W. T. Calliphec Mr. aad Mrs. A. L Baynar and Mr. I Mdtoa Perry spent Sunday afletto a j with Mr. and Mrs. John Cherry. Messrs. CaH Oakley and Roeeje I Peel motored to Bethel isaaday after j Mr. Ira Prad went to Fveretts ; Wednesday to a tend to besieees- Mr. MOtoa Perry motored to M'fl- j liamstoa Thursday Ma Sylvester Kiyn>r sper.t Friday afternoon Mrv W. H. Roger* Mr. W. F. Allen west to Wilhams taa Friday «a business Messrs. Joha Cullipher. Milt— Perry. Bklha Callipher aad Ah«n A 1 « ***- _ Mr. Eli Kay motored to Wdliamstoa ] Tharsday Mrs. W. A. Burroughs spew* Satar day afternoon urith her sister Mrs. 1 Sylvester Rajruor. Messrs. William Calliphar aad Mar* Haidasoa went to WOUooastow Safer- . V Mr. and Mrs. Bi Kay anotcred to i W Uiamstea Satarday shopping. * Mr. Miaca »i|tn «f Bear Grass spent Satarday night and Swadar with his parents. Mr. aid Mrs. * H- Mess'v A. L. Rajmor. Miltan Pwry '' aad H. A Col!«*er motored ta »d »i«-tt» Saturday afters a BEAR GRASS LOCAL NEWS' * I ■ Mis Mary Mq speat the week end with Miss VMb The Hear Caaaa basket ball team played Grifia'i achwl team Friday zl terrosa ami was defeated 23 ta 5. the aeekaad wRh lis. Ptanie Roger- Mr. A. B A yen and faaady t»r*. Sunday afteraaaa with Mr. Calra Ayera. —_ Mr? H»ry tot»r«n u mj iXj Mr. aad Mix. Dennis Bailey w the gasiti of Mr. Mrs. A W.. mm Mi Taylor spot Ike wW «ak Mr. M 4 Mrs. tnaaie Thjhr I Mr. Walter Biil j ami famdy fjM" Sanday with Mr. aad Mn Toa White -1 POUND: ONE BLACK MALE HOC. ■■ * THE ENTERPRISE THIRTEEN COUNTIES! 1 TO FEATURE LOCAL EVENTS AT KINSTON Prologue Smows Spirit! of East Attracted by Natural Beauties The pageant "Eastern Carclira in j, Action" which * ill he presetted en the ! of AprU llth during the j CinCisa Eipwtwe, will Icve a his- J ( ttfriea! background ia which erh of , the tlsrteen cocatie* that zre meshers , af the Eastern Carolina Chamber of , CisnuM rtr wil! be featured indh xluai !y ia as historical episode showing . a= coLtntwr historical event rf the , r.diXy. The World War wdl be repr» tfi! memhars from the Ame ricar Leg- i I are. the Red Crass, Y. M C. A.. Boy J fv-maa aad Szhatua Amy from each j i cncaey. i The swead pert of the pogean: will i sSarw Ea-tem Carolina, her present sa-! f-.'"-re. t>p;fie>l in her ereat agrv- ; cjtu-il ar.d indwtsnal I brr civic, tdirvas an I -i-1 represented by a!l the j cmiatiri j ■ The paguar-t will open with a pro- j • tague which shews the spiri* of East- j era Caraliaa at traced iiy the natural! beauts of the place, lyprfied in the j ;". LlleT fits, laser- woods and -:.TMW» I ' F«di3wirg the prologvr will cw* • . the lidiaa rpu«df The fir-t by Bertie . 'Cruaty. rejweseafing the treaty le jtvfn Gov. Eden and the TWi:«ra iatoai. This ail sfcow the >.gir.!-«g of •Ji? treaty, the bur;, tag of the iof warfare. anJ the prace pipe cere 'eMia! TV teroid ep sot*e k. th- In • dsaa perMHl wdl he represented by , Green Coaaty This will .-Ktw yM ln dmn vi;iage. The Indians e-ipgec n I tfeir« infa-ttw- ad «#the lr ,diaa daace.-. Tne arrival of U lodise ■r oat a t ourr. the capture of -01* pale fare - causes greut excitemet. Toe p lefare captives. Jvho Lawson. a surveyer. Dtgrflif.eid, a Swb. ■M-Ureaa. ami a negro were hroogh m and tiwd by the Indian t"h«ef». All are condemned to teath. bet DtfnU eemfs lJe is spared, because he clauns to he the Kir.g of the Swiss. The Earlier Settler or IHorseer IVt- J IMd will be- represented •>' Dapßij • C—-tj. This si!! ihiv the f »ui j- of Iran r «' rAt by Banian Gas- | ton :a llcp n County, and the excite- J not created among the towrspe*.ple I The further searrh dm act iw«a! I ucee gdi hat a woo.lerfui sprirg o'j I" clr~i pure water. The location cf thi spimg aas tfae cause of the reaacval ■oi the pteseat site of the esurt f-«»use *2t beaafi-viile to ihu- spot. Barbara [ (VwllU on Iks . o _L-km mscta her J • future John Be-.ervtte. a .»» ' crptaw Th ; s eputite will »Hw tj.e vstnwn-. c f the Ear.ier Se tier*. !■ he Penort tbe hist ep- j Kill he represented h> Pitt Coun ty. shwwiag the States R«rhts Con • intMr asd the DrrUiatiixi of State's. ■ Rights. Pnsuient race of l*i't Coua tj at that time will be lapertoado' i| by present rasadeats cf Pitt Count; 1 I a»d the women asd rb.l-irea will also' le rhowa an an interesting pacture. J J The ocout «-pi»odr wil! be repieamste 11 Iby Way* t«at> This will be >ks.wi j >|ia tww scenes. The fcr-t will show- the -1 dcpiitwe of Capt. Slocumb fturn j Wayne fount y to joia Cd Caswell ir, >;aa attack on tbe British airf Tarie |at Moote's Cnei. The aevon-i wil! ' | shew Mary Slocuii.k'» arrival at the ' I Battle cf Moatf.' Creek a ride -• of sertoty-five rule> thro j? .» tfce |cue.!ty to rid her hnsl«a- d. htsinj 'ldnawe.l that he was seriously injure-' -j The third episode ia the Cidjsiil 1 Period w-Jl tfeow the Barle of Moare's Creek by Peaaer Courty. This wi I al so show the women of the Cewur-wity * —-* it cap to use on the lor* «f " the br.dgv ta keep the British sad Tones from oauir^ I I TV fourth ep-.-aode in the Col glal I Period will fct represen'e>l br HiHu 1 jCjasty. and vitl shew the first Pro ~ j emnal f aag i i i the - tote CsartitoUsaa. - Lex r Ctinity will be h a i n!aual ball dariag the odw-invatra Jn of rickrj Cfcwvd. iW lr« Osveiser of North Caroirj ul *-■> tiaie nd ul-«ul fgare a. Ikat lint. A ftatarc of Uui eptswV aSkljc 4am mi the stately await Ctoaty * 11 feature the Vc- art tka: «v fire- to Cf |i "U'rsii flrj Then he tinted Tarhoro n kit !:ii ikraagk the Ssatb an 1791. | tie hwf. ■ijima—l h tIHB t W* *-> d the r»« at the bin ) iil > * i ole hr? mm eft is* el" Johun C-c" ! and ate by -*» c-r- —"e It >'* ah Coacty Atahc jih* si ' life mt Am: time mod the deader t""* fchattiicV, the to! Bad '• ia~ rrti rH i«e V:. iaii Reei. j SBt-r* ' wiD be then ia U rar'rz- - ther pnfms bein j rfnr CX Jadtic sad Coait ia jtfctCail r- * to the |tt of ther Eg: rj!fc«l di i ■ lapaivl Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, f ebruarv 26. BANKERS VERY , | MUCH PLEASED i The following letter was rece:«ev! by he Secretary of the Willianttoj I "lamHf of I "cm mere ■ Tuesday: (iree.iv.lle. N. f February iS. 19it. Williamson Chamber of C«r"w;r WiUiamst us. X. C. »ertloiwn: I take this method to express to wt |b- behalf of Bankers of Grocp Owe. I our sincere appreciation for tfce l->- S iiUtica to the dance Frt«iay r't-sj 1 v hich was en joyed very nur- » th«e who were able to ifrmi You prop e of Wi'liat iston ceii- '. >• ;reated us royally and we shell .« »\; forward pleasure to hold an j the' , ireetirg in Wiliiamston s.>metinie i" ■ . the future ! Yours very truly. W. H. WOOL \KI». Ex flair-" r ('.roup t>re. N. C-l Bnnk -rs Asicdtiion. i PROPERTY TAX RATKS | We hear a rreat ileal shout th. ex- j cesdve bun en of She property toi I psyer in North Carolina. an>l all strts I jef propitsai are beinc offe-r- i to luck- j i ten his ax lord. We hope the K»pett" i t tax pay 'rs will set much | lout o' thir stu«iy which -i-ow. rrnrlt.- j sively that the property owne- ran j.Noith Carolina IS assesst l at a lower average rate than in any «.t>i»r «!jie in the I sitM State*. I> in 1922 the assessed value "f all pioperty 1: te.i for taxati«»n lit X-»rtSs i'artdina a no-.inlet! to s2,>2l.l!iJ»Xß Tne l>ta' property tax col!ecte>l for ai' purpo*-r by the state ami all the sabdivisioas of the state— *he ere n«n •iml countjrs, the 47i» mfcl eities a»i tour-u. anl the inr urr.eraMe iocal d > tracts of vain u- :rt =—anfVißted '** The toC-'l tax lev. f*r hundred dlars of av-e»se»! rjiae averag*«i 11.4? and the average ra e was the lowest in the l'aite»l ;"tate>- Ir Florida e;_ch one hurdred •lollar>" war h of property on the bori. pen' m average tax fcr all pc"pases of J7.W I'iorida hail the higriest rate I«n the- I'niled State . -hie laiprlv to numteT of «:* farrtr and other «leve|optnee.« enter j l>!vers ty \e".s Letter. ! ACttlCI LTI BAL (DIRPOHATOX MAKING MAM UIINS . ! The North Cartlira Agricultural C:edit Ccrporat.or* is now making a ' lar -e numier of loans m Martin Cotan r | Ihc> - rece:ve«; lo iat>- caree .hnoug"- | tie Farrr Ih V .vd Tra -t Company cf j KdleM tivilie an*' the Al_:rt.n Coamty I Saints ami Trust Compar.y »f W I j 'iam&toa. TO MY FRIENDS IX AND ABOUXD WILIJA MSTOX: i If is with peculiar regret tha" I have to announce that I :»m unable to dtlr.T- meats in tc.wn. from my ma»- ' ket. as you: town laws smy that all ; meal: fkall be tlelivefvd frv.a» l was central market, cikl 1 art ckiMt to get a n»?rket stall there. Heretofore ' have been pemntte«d t» sell a* my ma/ket ho. e nn the »ak .r.gtoi roai because, until last y*ar | it way n't in town ami a .ea*«aM» tiTie has been alloweal me to e'nese " up my affairs. From present imlicrtior-s I fear I -hall have to leave the towr. a>i will give my prtrons due notice bdete daar so. Fcr the I wdl sell , for cash at my Tie 'ket. best ite k : 2t«r. Korft 13 an«l 18c. Stew tee' it "| to 12 12c parkciiops 2ftr. hams 2Sr. ' Sausage IS and ?* and Camtry ' Srusage 2Se per potind. ' I feel that my oriees and rmfity will justify tteighhots in fotming ! thr.pparg dubs. I I Very truly rears. I O. T XEWTOX. From the above summary of the PsjPHiit it will readily be seen that it U CM9g to Le the "Bir*e-t K.eaH tf h? kind" in the South. There "ill l« atuxit I.OU to tike part in thtt htr in-door show on April II darin* the mrek of the Expesition In Khr««- Mi» Olive H. Jarkeon. »t» director of thi* Pairea—, say* tkit x'JLtr of this Vied ha> been tared ia this r'untn, where the tale-t ►*- Uu tikes from such a wide area. It will be simplv another rase o' where "Katt ern Caroline lesd.* " Truly it will he nasd "That all reads will Ik I to Kia «t«n", duii* the week of April 7. . Kiwrton will welcome her visitor* wi*h open arms and a warm fce- la far: the eyes cf several stales wtl? he 4 reeled towards Eistr.n Crrelin rtomr >* this tatiimv week. Seeer'ary ; Manager N. G. Bartlett says that then j will be aothia* left aadaae to nab 'the mend Animal Shear what th I' teap!e ate einrt* aad «na wave Easter*! North Caraima sfl traly hi aeea "ia actiaa." WIUJAMSTON » ENTERTAINED BANKERS W. H. Woolard Presided Over Hie Two Sessions t 100 CANKERS HERE • New Officers Were Elect cd For The Group One i ■ V» fntfrUitiftl the •■anker _cf Carolira February 2. j , )iwv thai, ore hundred bankers were !-c a:iwiii*r from every sftkn of I;bf iort e-stern section of the Mate asd .several were from XroMk. Suf ami New York at the Asr. ol Meeting of Group Ore of the iS. C, Bankers Association lieltl he >• |'at Friday. Mr. tt K. Woolard of Greenville. p*r *lrtt of the Group presided with | irvr* ease and poise. Mr. W w'anl "S | a Martin c««nty mar ard one of the ISntfirt larkers of this section. The jW3eeedin|js of l- e business s-- | as from Ihe « pemr.r prayer t» 'he | sas* o' the go:.K was » >»thy |of the 'iension. V John I_ Has.-eH's wtlccme ad I iir>» xvired lo so" the home §re-* lof ar**d fellowship in every, !' r present. While iil! the were foil of (PK*i thir.i; . that of Mr 1 (OSbrit T. Stevenson wperhaps the 'jwest applsuiied because it wf-i i farther loan usual teßarrled is the I ■field of banking. He described the gßoiirn trust comv*"> as bei..c art | :a> Kaiior that affects the Lent* in |t»e mxi tof its sdrrow aii.l •mli. TV proper a.imrn.-trat nn ef ':;est.oes cf thaw who" have had ho es ''•WKK* ia handling business affair;. ' Mr. Stonun pave many instance.; ' w&irii tiu-t companies have held the property of estates together until nuikr'i justified settlements that caused lair r savings to the lejru»~.. ' «:heis tn which trust c(Beers have f | -japplie.! busir.ess methods that have * j naxvl BUIV orphans to pcucure edu. a r Jisoa that "would rot hail they been 'flifliw* in the hands o* an incompe 'ten* raradiar. ; Mr Paul I* Brown. Seere ary of the | St -*e lUi.keis Association in his ad ' t.Jress «n "A Man and his S»up" hwglit oat a jf.'« at lesion in life and I iS what may be achieve! w hen i every rsan ruitnbuto a bit to the - luirh of pti frrss He especially f|> .plsed t ti the l»a»iker. A hank with t|or|/ i I.JW, a building and monev r j nrniini vjy little to a eommuni y. ■ IT** reai of a hank embraces . J fan 1 thi' r-. It is he'ped bv helping | and 'ines rf a medium of both in- and community lielp. Mr. J C. Taylor, the |{o> - tor Ifcdl I W«vil mrn. male n rood talk and I Cakßttst raid that the boll weevil wr.ubl ,J affecT tie hank as much as the farm . jer. far the first half of 'he crop never I !(«ei to tie hank and if the las* half i | is tab«—i by the insect then the banks „ »will put wne Mr H. !-. Smth. Secretary i' the >PiU f :«-ty Association, ma«ie a - j»i»r tJk filled with pood thintfs r y The i.ricu; cuKirlttM report-; were r jnair tnd then the Association elect - f 'M the follow, nr officers: C. H Y»oo»l (of the C-tisens flank of Ealeiitoa. ' . l*:*Milnt; JesM 11. Hcs.- of the I tank ', jf Washington. Vice-President; J H. cf the Greenville Banking ' and T ras* CoMpany, See ret an -Treas ur. fur t'e erecu'ive c mm it tee the ' fellow were elected: G. W. Pre.* " cot: t-fl til Natural Ibnk of Ayden, V r \ft e'toJ of the Farmers Atlantic i'a- k of Aboskio, J. F.. Pope of the f I> Savings and Trust of W'llliamston; I). Kittle !of the (kllHna Itankmif ami Trust ICeaipaa; sf Elitsbe'h City and M- ft Gi'iian t tfce Citizens Bank of Wm ei**r .. ' , Ij■ At tlx ptt tse «. f the session the local I U aort the Chamber of Ci m I mem UtJk the visitors over our good r |:«ad ard tie b * br djje. . Pivs;tlr. at T:150 the visitors met !at the lLa*oiiic Hall w'lere the lalie rjAi4 of the ISaptist Church f t» 1 an elegant supper, f by the Wiiiiamston bankers. B ®The ha-.-iuet was attended by about t [ljO hanker - ami their wive.. The menu ef every *h:B|f jfood to eat. t Hon Clayton Mtore wis master of nnMifi'i aad presented a nainber of ■ speakers wuo m.uie snort talks, B >aag them the retiring president, c ,Mr. W. H. Woolard, ard the new j_ 'jrwdjs!, Nr C. H. Viooti. ■- r The qui-rtrt. from the Kiwaais Club F- "of Elizabeth City was one of the ISK* e pulai groups in the whole coave*- e tiu. They are rood singen and knew « jwt whea to sire and what to sin e !• aupiic aiL ir VflUamtM hopes that the bankers mill Mb this their Headquarters at SILVER TEA i 3 A SUCCESS lesfite ifc* ru> i'«i a«a the iftefn.n li«* were a jrejt ' . manv Wlm artee«»em tie i her tea a: , the heme •' Miss Arjva I* >pe on J ftiarntixi _reee jefter4aj aftem.» . | I: was very atttantfii cj:noi oat i wi:h the Ce»ne ».iea sal the eppt- Tfee rnes4> w«»»e J met a- th riw-r by !l We ! liverman >' ami M i-caret fcniaa 4»crs~ed as ;' Gc. ac»t Mr- W Krrra >-.»al j' •lames -erved ite cream ard ' Home nra«Sr c_ke- arJ . ; lijje*- A sum of K> wa- lej rei by tie la»! e- A»; dmnng a'ter-J 1 noon. I" I •, FRAKMKR OF KIK>E- W COMBE PLAN i TO CROW COTTON 5 i j (■ets Formula Mainly State Ot Apricuhure In a re'e-t v lh Mr It j I! |[ >»»t ef le ,he ijaes; • I wa- a>koi. how Km lair »' cntte?! did list lite l*-S mif." His r! was Of ejair?* She rwv . uesis « • j was ia rerai«fes to Ml weevil ?»1 j i its ar tvrties tfews yea?. "Kf!'.' He sa'd. "I am jeotrc t« pSi»l tl,- yeai ami e-. pe.'t t. ahft tie foH»*wir e p'a-> Of i>* I will fwwiiv fce?i e la" -1 i just as xii fa. —.us k>a>a it !■* ' prrpaiel e\cep« Iw Jl »».-1 bre k 'he I irr.ann very «Seiefi I a-e tr» w- « orm-ila ef fers» iie'. r \M~- 1 e«-: ■ mainly '« Ktte leycr ned of i ArrK-aftaee. Fer leavv laa. a hie?: percentage of ar J jAwnsf"* ate .me n! ! of » lo nH. | growth Oa ktit iar«t- I will M«wer t»* . ns uiil *4 ar«! af A i .icae ait M* ..a and peak I psji aVw *»« Ibu. cf thus rattnr —Ji r the c >!•«. » w»»l pCaat as ww is tie "and .hie ami wa. s-*s *f. hj| iV ! set r'a-it in mu»l a"!*l wil' u ttt .••ol iep « the earth. jaJ t» be ou; of si*;bt I>e »e- per ar«r of seed | is from I to I 1-2 la-be'. JT act , |>refeten«e_ C"V«e4as»d l«r !»"J1 varir" v. ( I When eottiiw k«g » fmun ay. i«r n plow tog: with aamc txKh harrows I W'e". it rets a foi bM in toe (ti««r d j an. I l« r«* o>. lJ.«t «iij I with a hoe rnea w>e. ♦-* !«a-.- mr 3 or 4 staJk. t» t*>e h-H. do wot thin «M This cil -"isare 4e ■ veiopewwr xiu4 ml. ma TV «*dy th cc that iw ail a «tt-»a C«*p .in b»4l weo»a sntHi 1 ™ Mr Howe{| saiys tlcat le tre!;U ro-t of h» «rm To tSe State*a«?«l I'. S ivp ftwn -if A icdtatr 11>a" a>st of hi* lei' oeas «tw- f w«: ? | otker*. bat ll t ie te-> ium to apH". thn kiaelf Me farther sate ti-at I there aie a tee fojJf e b*er*rV •h» kaow al tbei • aw", to k»* refuse to Ikeaa OAK cm Ql IVTO WINS ' LOSE GAME «»* EK I \KM Ul>: M Html. TRAM In a raawe liiiel atoe arusu=l rirna-lauO' (»»k '*"t» tlse Farm Life teara b. the rem* [ »>f l» to > T*e lane was plaverl the Vdlnn-tia o-j1 o a fl»r wUH had hm (f> fan- for a "seal havinr been. a tie l «r oiak ini- a ntle- sSck for fca-ke" laP Koch terrats «&a e4 aed orsler tie tsitoli'iam. It teaiitd ja4 me iai*«- lites befrsie et!« tears wa' able t«. sew e T>e pa- -■» of kft: teams w*-~ frtut Ho»e*ee. rfote rvaid 'T kept the score b«* The ni "■* of the vet playvt t'tWK tie taw tesjr. a">l wa* iB 0* way *br—ar*r a# neither a»s tib> t-. jr»t far a head «f the Blix rim JIXDStPt-\kING AT MIZELIE StlK*i! The pwP'»« t» »Ws_ailj- mule to at*e"-£ an. »s;«ifcr«eM. a b t partv aol a at ll 'S*Ce ?eh«J h >cse Fefcrwar-r ♦> Be save a»xf ate*™ la*y»r Harrv Stubbo of Vflbmt'o *iS •> 'iie- a «»lfc after rt-di wdi fdba a f*raw hy *he MbcaL iKMdaldv ifSer tl _- the hue* nfl be to the tufle-t bidder it happrar t» le e near sa -he eeatet a* Ike District aad is |erhaps the ■at amcdle fti«t«irt. The bather- did at* *i»*e their sw lioa al l "key lai po» ei malrtwcr of tliib to jl thate who had *> 'r balai ta the tales, cf the Bf»t mj>, Mr W H- WWaid -a- nr thst 'fee Cum i brd lad We of the left pweetiatr* A had ever hrU. A'tee llenw -h haahers aad ' their fiaadi aee ioi'iitd ta attc-l a da nee a* *be Line saiihin gtvea iia thrir h—r by the Wdliaa.stoa ENTERPRISE IN STALLS MIEHLE PRINTING PRESS; ■ i [)ld landmark Is Now Awaiting The Junk Man I With sh\ t The H:i:npri!»• on.-- from a trur! re* Miehle two: a!!fr in»le b. !rj* l"w? ( r.T|K»ny cf Chicago.' Ifret. fo-r «• have!? the piaper | f iiiv n-.-t konw-np »Vt-a we »vuM !»>! iWe to mail, but now the has I u!C«! a*>«! a.' we have :» rorr. ! iWh:'. is irettir k to pre-' O-j* !a- • | * k .i. h »a.; pnnte>t in :V ••!..! a") In: .iI. lenoinul or the pre s.- ! i ts- i>ef>!\' ».« wete ahie '>. the , icjwr- T'ie Uiys car ie! the forms to! Fri-iav inor". >k at lO.flo| "cV-ck avi a: l' rre the Itis* ptprr j o'ic I ihi urli. Purine the operation, '■'ir t»o* m«». - operated it. ore rt tart ! -*1 jr.! lie at !«oth ends. This «is | a.- n« o"e Ml. w where "he! ja'r- r.vul.l l>e •Win rril Af'er -i\ I iuV a>n-- hour.. runniri; the pri -- | rr._. ;V| iai>i prd itu- force was | h.-jTUsted n" >i n-.rd »i h it that .i ere *e:-t for lunch'. but secured ;i Je-ij-e haro«-i«*r an.i went '.o v. > rk* At' ; u .s that offered the least tit • f 1.'.. -Unr.' iV hamiwr was u•*. a~.l l»- Vlnu: a> i pull'i sj i' v. oat uf t!.* wa;. fiy lie next m>r i-i- Stierii fi-«rers uvif mrsheil lu! ,»:if of this »"«• membrt: of the forv rrnvuLis! t". .S re I a I "•••vet e-> ai r'. 'c Utter So the «!•! Canrpl»"!l i! _t ha- -»-ne! • faithfiiih . n«v the «'nl \i ar r » lies ; n the r>'»r aw;ul i r he arrival of the juik man. Sono-thine 'ather strange ;;b>ut tne inr >« tha* * e\ e*e newr able t" 1 na tie sfan- threw in to evervi "f v. ho i»l«i at el >t Why tl— It> m.ulil ius? ru". fr.o« t just as il it w ere a he:»r or 1 on I»r X-: no U.rjr a'-'o e: ch ir,f;rl*" of the force s«ul>! iv.-s the buck o'i to the other, One would la!" and in a rery few!-- he u> u!ii call nut to ar oihe- to tal;e hold whi'e he went u*> Site- -t • fr". for, and h— "ease While the first one was ; >it *re V>-rMI woti'-l call the third : , rwl wrhen tKt- Lil - lacmbej ilLlfct otivi immters would l>e out and II- tV cn'itcst p-ii s *-'»t ♦.» return unjil t" e acii" wj> over wth -v 'eiu iHni wore out a - no ci.e «uull «-r.-r J.,4 le (He the new o->e w:»s • or>- ilit-ii thr r!i-a'e.-' argument ever hr n! l»t»'*i th- mem&xn of thw fi.ite a* to who was poin— '• run t;ie Virhle We are ferry for the la'enes of th-. »--i»e Itot v.e thiiik it best *o lie peal late once insteail of beim late e»er~> Wue; so look f«r u.s »*» tin*- m the futu'e. Mr I'lr !»rer 'he eiec"er flow A'lan'a savs he is rurp ti |f• ve *i. a j'ood ,'tait ami th;-t we will mt lave any Uoubl* a,. f..i lie i concerned. MH'A'.S ANF> PERSONAL? »S. Maiy White. i. f I'.rwnvilie -pnt the Vff-kend h»-re with her nolltf-r. Mi? Moilie \\ hi'e Mr I K. Ht p e- .if Ka'e ch viiite.! fr*-' I- f ere Mon.!a\ Vi|,la l:lea..-, of New Vo k a'i! iJiffa! i> \i..!'.np her U'«'!e. Mr \alKui 11(li-a'i- ;ml Mrs Orleatt at 'heir Koine >n up;*r Mam stf. et Mrs. I!. St iMcher anl Mrs. It I' Cntehe- left Tuesday m rniT tlf j Ijr-Kinif.o i where Mrs. R. S t'r.'rher will vi>jt her-soi», Mr. Percy QHtrher aa i Mi.-. Crit«-her f'>r a month. Mrs M Iniki Cnt.-ier will rc-uin n**t «--ek Mis. 'f. C tlaniiinit is vi«ilitp lier •du;h'er In: S. S. aed Mi. I.: w ret -• for i -iek at their horse in Hic#im«> ± Mrf J C. St.i'on !.a« n-turr»»»l fr« m avi it to frsetii! in Kl.zal>eth City ai*' -Xarf«4k M.S. P ff lloyt ai.l Mr l'r«i»rirV lloyt -I»r.t tl,e week e"d in \orf»«k- Mr Goodwin' Dunning of Aulaf. !f TO th* f»e4 of Mr. a: d Mrs. A K Pu iiinr durirjr the past w••ek. Mef rs. Jan e? K. Griffin of lb Cst» ar«l |)(M.rks farter cf AjJtr.ille aisl stifleiiii at the l". of North Carolina spent the »Mke;il here *rtth tlie f.«mil\ of Mr. Hrs Fannie "arstarphen left Mon day for Korky Mount where she writ io le with Ui> W. T. Wail who is verr i^ MrsSwthur Anderson left verftnlsy ?fli r.-oc.n for Reeky Mount whri* ?h" will v srt her in-.ther, Mrs. Martha Hardi *«n who is still confined t > her lot 'oll'iw ii,,' a st oke of paraly»i . Miss Maree Hoilpes and Mr. BoSr.r of W .-h.nrton were in t wn Saadav. Mii« Helen Hodges of Waalßßft* i> visitinjr her sifter. Mrs- Arthn* -Wh-te ard Mr. White at their home - in New Town. WATCH THE LABEL OV YOi'2 PA PES. IT CARRIES THE DAIaC \oi K siDscKirraox EXPIRES EST A BLISH EI) 1898 .MONTICELLO IS SCENE OF DAY BREAK WEI>DING Rev. I>odd Weds ( ouple at S:)W Sunday Mjrn inif Tie *l-' ; te!!« Cafe • f W;i.-jl-t war ;. e «re i-f a vffj r.rar'y •e.:.:.. r Ml.;- a- '>• m.r.g _t i'av tevii U 'ui'e- "he * > of " ir-i $ . dot'. *>. i*.-. Jr:.r;e seme i"4 - - i.- .s-jtcc .." «i* are—l ■•- « arr _~e by Rev. M I> ImU. T v oj.j > ie" K V.: S.'Tt■ a. eve" t.r it - \ 'C; if! a"rrf' pf» -ir." •••->• '.r- - z z. Tie, r"-* the Kti.'e t IW.. ar«l ft «rji- - IV - -e „■ . -err ft t"» e~ «r s - r-*r:-t r-r \i.v ':c "• r ' h • i«:siape S.rt.=-;."C«> "en : ->r :/*■ f.wl A:.. iar;.i-vo' a - fcj. ?- a sac -•lact j," •. v a, -rr - we t* it. I* e--io?.ii >. he--** ic - t--_ . e""%vts ar.t j;re , r- eh: v *-■ ie j U'_" .a ." * »t"iS5: * ~5~-«- •- C-\ - «' --- " " - f -I . .-"I- U> ! \Tf ,'t. T"v •« .see rr"i'.r.\i- r t'-» Nc .:»» I ae.e Mis-- M. v, i -f r>e»'-S. . .!• !:•.?»-; - w . rt -i *■!'. i' n _r>. II .?-••" ,-f \-vl \ u-r "he ■~? V Sut -n muti-r-ol : • V, i-. \ ' w• • «• ' • \ w'! \ • t • ' t "e'. Mr--. A"b-"t \l-r>" i! • ' V i V I jiWKKRS r !?ESiH-i"nO\S Th.' : •: r TP" ''yiici f - v_:*j •*vk i»\ t> *jr o e \ , - r •lra \ r i > i* •«" ih t> tn %X-- k* > lOftrC, Nflh lu %> t»« t, " I «"ir-t- I'. ij f.-S «--r.-ti.ts I*e Ic.tir» i. ad li:.iie! -if \» r ••a" • reart» "*f» c.—t ■ - ;•> set. !.«*» ,f — «'•> •**"» r •ait \ lif rxivtb. m tu •hi\ m )!««3 I 'M ' afc- €*,"**,> in • fit' i v. • fc .. f:?t r, &i.« 3> .a fV. ~ ~~' * ~7* ~ . Res*- 1 * i—l. " Sec..: * t we . .r.i the I.- . A J. Ma hi • -. » w ia i a !•' a ' »'> i* *» "* r. f«- i -r.; A'i e-i ( Re^'vesl. T* si 1 .! e' hen br >tt thart-i M*! ; i>n 'PC !* . M:'y r Ha •• f - - > « ...» _ a-.:'»£. «' » lc-:ire e ■ •- h'- C. * i.?«l Re-«4.e!. F -a."+. * -• i_ie-a"T;. e •rir «' '■ "l! r- r . *' S# Six". a.- » etl fciy • r-.-prr-e ■?t v.-. V. -t '' z litn' Mat v. - are at a 1-a (■ i-ie fa .'*"> e . p". -s :•"' * ifci-. • tr-.uo * Mr I. T e._ r J. . vtr.r t:rr. i '--^rrsran* .i -fn- . •.» j»:«i * s». ""Per.» il iri !V Tru-t ~ V-> i>ie a! 1 S*ie."-t'v f Ttd i['l t, I» • in- .• with ix .Ebf t3rr-if^- ,;i -.1 nft ■ rr~':« o i* .r l- 1 • i K l ! * - "5 ■» II !• ;l. trtrtol t»'!! . Sv..«BC". I:.- • .*" . Tj. ii 'af i*i- •«. "atc ?"*e entire r-.r€» *4 tfce > - F^J i*. lir-WK a- State Sefr'AT. b*iz f *ar t,» ;V -»Sc» tirje ew>hw»ra »> sefrirte. • ;S"j.k Mr K.-owm for *"o •s*s. heir ft ai».l exjeu.- it a.!«iie>... - >ve*l. . erth. 1 list we st* J O. Ta- lor tl* itKee'jtWr. cf tie lln-i'i for h atte * iH to I*- |4;*eevi cs *m- ;-ro ran f« h>v e*elle*>' «*.N: ■ ar-t (Jei-E~» 3«l --«!re-s. Ke-ijvrf* FiM: That w »\te»l *•» tie s ttew *1 aiitm ■ '«V ..we-H #' f.S r, eitT •jr »r|>n c tvr- f« ii o ,bl*" riJe= reii CJ.' We -Vine fcer. ; V ' i i" i.»r for i Sr***. e'e**p; w i.ieh ?e all • .Jo e»* *ee*s IT JCH. J IS SPARROW. A. It. STPK"K! ASI>. •,--- J. I_ ROLujji'S, C*ii!BA!»e. t Mrs. 11. M S»=U* :ni Ktlie **. Harry esitol her si ster. Mr; faa Scott in CakUWro .eirnl cf this week Miu Mat IVikn« rf C wrgr s|.ent the w vktnl wita Mi»> Shr- Eve-etJ. lion Francis [>. W:Tt*e«» cf CTUmt fes-ol thr«rl> here rarftfr to Rale-jth wSeer he wnt U atV4 9 wwHi»t «f 'he S>te PrMMS FxecwLv* C«oni!tie. i Mrs. Val 1W wiH return IMv i f rv«i X«f:& where she has Its ia I the St Viamts Wjptjl far Ikr fmst I several weeks.

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