ADrssnrrss wax voa> on COUIOS A UTLUIU TO ISM HOMES or ' XABNX couxn VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 11 GRANDJURYMAN«S VISIT TO MARTIN'S HOME FOR POOR Conditions Arc Not At All Pleasing Says Mr. Green. s - .r OB M— it»r. Muck 17th 1 was mm the giHi Jnjr mt the gftiiir Cant the mi heuiar the bt-A charge I ever hcani k was maim by Judge V. M. Boci. After the charge I wrt a party of ethers was trirrtep to Inspect the County Hew fir the poor where to ay rural sarprise aad mmm I foaml it ia a Mac; imari tary gad ceaittioa. 1 ford 12 or 15 old shack* mf beds with *.§ ragged, cm la rtrav utlietsr, * with aid pieces of bonk far | and not a pair of tfrap did I frd | I foaml fire or sis eld pae-ei of chair? * ' for the poor aid ndi to sit ia. the! remainder of the chairs were radr ofj he wood and mU hrxet. The quarters ii which they lr*e uaanilid Be of a' eoamaon set mf cow stalls, built one or two a a place and buh of caa mon null slabs without w.ndows I If there is anything r the world J that I Bast highly respect, i* i these poor, old aad helpless pe. pie. who have spent their days * far this| > onager generation, a: d today, aawrt j of those ia the Ceaa*y Htar have nlaUm who are able to take care) mi then ia ceaafaetahle home*, bat who' instead disregard then a~d leave! then to go to the Cooary H ire ta I their old and feeble condition Sow, as to the taailifiaa of thei Home. I again say that it is a ahame aad a disgrace to the roaity Vkh the thiwisadi and hundreds of theasaads of dollars we are speadiag for good road* and good schools and varisa. other things it cerainly lacks as if we coald spead enough to haild a coaafojtabie hoaie for those poor, old, aad halplcas soaU who have dear what they coald aad wha are standi n , '•* «a the crave aad the other ia hoat ia East era Kerti CbwMML 4g| - —J it ii the date of car coaatj ■■in liiaai■■ LI J to get aow AHI haild aa aptodate county how with stetar heal, lights. e« Ard aati' : ■am* thing it kac ■* caaact afford to ; booat Martia cooaty may awic. aalesf I we da it in the preseace of thwe we • kaow will an« see oar preaeat Coos ! ty Home. la regards to the keeper of thei koaae. I wisk to say that he is in a. - j way responsible as be doe* what be I kas to do bat the blame nst- I or. seaaebody's shoulders. Doat understand ase to say tha I »a aot for gtx.i roads and school I hat !et*s have then and a good (toe-1 If home aad take those *he are re* 1 able ta do for theaaaelves aad the* comfortable If I kad to aead' ■T % *• the caaaty home I weald " want ta am to aaihrr caaaty he fere filling an appliratioa aa Isag as • the raaditiiiai exist as they do a* oar Everybody may tarn their backs aa *at **r aid another* aad gim-ai Mothers will always s-aad by yaw So let's stand by thesa dear old ladies, who ate anthers aad graad-mothte* aal haild them a comfortable bane. '«"ol to yea to get basy ard de (Signedi JXO. W GREEN" (j V i, SERVICES AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH I Sanday school a. a. I Evemag service 7JS pL at * { 1 •demt aad attendance has heo. J services ao Weteahy at "il ban* is orphanage day ia the Saaday arhacL ! I ta this waathy came. t«w years work wffl be - atam I 1 • neged to he piutat at "r 1 " A •«* ■ a poor vehicle aa which ' to ** j* *hl wait far HT J 1 i R. L SHIRLEY. Paster. \ , mU far the ofce of Register of Deeds j **- ""I tai served as Coaaty ' M - T* Ey ****" j ia |»»l tkaa amy aaa in oaw | "V" ■ He is a aery le -5253* *"•*" h "* hmt ' V. 1 I THE ENTERPRISE McLEAN POINTS WAY TO TAX REDUCTION « ■OanON CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR MAKES CONCRETE SUGGES- I TIONS FOR REDUCING STATE'S EXPENSES AND EQUALIZING TAX BURDENS. •whpaad af Iglldtail Induatry. Equitable Freight Rate*. Fairaaoa Ta Labor aad Farm Training la Raral Schools Adaacatad By Fnrtber development of the sgricuttural industry. reduo tia at tuei on land and personal property, economy in gov ! eminent, lower freight rates, and continual improvement in l the system of public education are among the policies advocated I by A. W. McLean of Lumberton, candidate for Governor of North Carolina, in a declaration given out Monday in con nee- ( ; tkn with the announcement of his candidacy. Mr. McLean pointed oat thst he will stand upon the plat- • I form ndwptoi by the state convention to be held April 17 but declares his personal vie* a in respect to some of the matters of state concern in which the people of North Carolina are all vi • tally interested at the present time. i » ■takes Cseerete Proposal. Mr KtLnt roacTMrl) .f«n a mtmma of niickf tun: (1) atrtrkl !■? k th- ataiaiitrttiM of Ik* (Ute (MHiMI. 11l oaaicnlM of ' parpaae of tke (teal tf ! kin at tke sair I ilwiilki a lark of aaiformity la tke Talaaiiia at liaii for Uutka. jke liilfiin to a—■— tke bardoa ' apaa all uif*Ftn alike He n;i that rfl«a iataactMe property «tapr« lax adoa. tkrreky tacrraanc tke taxes apoa isUapUe pnprrn Speakiac j mt fretakt MM ke uya North Carol ma *keaUl katre tke baaekt af fair. Jast aad equiiabl* [ irrtght ntea aai *ay rimiaatioa 'r~' tke mill ta tkis rcsjx-ct akaaM ka iiaotH at taj cost, ke tke i«i kakaral Maatrjr. laaklag ta-j akawky worth? teaaata aajr berotae tail aaraara aa4 tkat acrtraltaral fal tiluk As aaatker aaethod of alitec tke cottaa farmers ke aito j ■ld tke MUUukacat of a state faaa 11 k hkanurr far eiynataU Ooa k kaO awi« raatral Mr McLau'i coaapleta atateasoat Ik tka D» am irttr Vaten of North I aahait tka foOowiac (Ul»a«at •Mh wajiti to a/naMart for tka PaamHi a—«Hai (or Ooweraor of North rkrattaa I (Ml soak tke aaalaatiaa la tka' Irtaary « Jaaa Ttk at tke kaads of ait «■ ataa4 aa tka platform of tka fknp aa alijlal by tka OaitaiHa ta ka kaM mm Aprtl IM I akall aai atuaapt la ainat* af tke Oaaveattaa , ka atapt a platform of my own I j at tMa da* Mai* mj peraoaal rlews ■ttk ran i it aa aoaae of tke auiters of •lata |iHiy ta akHh oar people are Lat mm say at tka oatjwt la aU a*a aatj. tkat I deal a vary •aafwtef aaaaa af napaaaahfUty la aaplriac ta ta k k Aa higkaat pcftlaa af Iwr. trast aai a«a»tea with la tke 0m at tke imh a«n*vv. tke of j kra Is mmm ta skrft tka paapl* hare i a aaat vital ktaaai. aai tkay kara ta ta aapart tkat aay aaa wko -|*ii aa ft akall r« m pM*a «f pa aaltah aai taakfal a*rrk* L tVntaa ailiaaalj |*dn* tkat ■ 1 aa aaaiaimf aai tlactal I akall ■takaaie «nty p rsnaal lauraot Ml hjac aJB atkar tkiac* aill*. strlre aaraestl? aai akall kaarteily far tke aiakk ia aB af it* paiaiiaL aorai ■ il.ll If I IM *M W ■m I caaM fialir aaaaa >uaalraitl»a tka artaaaa Dto af tka alkc. raatiaaaaa oaMl'aMke State Bar kM aJlttea. U tka nsak af *■ aaa aaa. mmt ft 3a srttk partaaahk Willianiston. Martin County, North Carolina, Friday. March 21, 1924. i okinery of goverameat bat also kas largely Increased oar governmental | activities to meet tha aow sad con stantly incrsasiag demands for a i greater measure of aervioa to the ' people A meatal inieo of what k asaally tanned the State wiU disclose a great - business as weU as a (real civic or- 1 (aalaalloe la Its bustaees aspnti , tha State may be likened to a great aaterprtse with several haadreds of millions of dollars iasested for the . benefit of Us owwra. the people of the State. Aasoig ita assets ia a ' . icreat highway system threading every j I coaaty In tke State Kvery ictrlligeat dtisea most real : iar that witk tke constantly wideaiag j si ope of govera meatal activities aaw i metkoda mast be applied if tke busi ness of the State with Its maay de , partmeats. bareaas. cwlniona. ia , sUtatioaas aad other braaches is to be , managed wisely aad eSicaeatly aad at | the asms tima far tha eammim good * tboroaghly pragreoatve basiaees ad mlalatratioa of the State's affairs Is the paras Meat need at tke preseot time It ia my amSitloa to give tke State sack aa admiaiairatiuo Cannot Mention AIL It la manifestly impossible to refer here to every aaatter of public con * era 1 may. however, meatioa tke fallowing policies which. If elected { Governor I shall eadeevor to support i | with all tke power aad iaSaeace at j my coot ma ad EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. 1. Continued ■mpre»«mswt ta ear oywtaai af public education. ; keeping ia mind aa tbe ultimata gaal tbat equal opportunity abaU J ha given ta auary cblld ta enjny tbe beat educational advantages, both academic and vocational, tbat tke State can alfard. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. 2. Tbe development of our aprv I oultaara: industry, ee ee to pro duce preapenty and contentment among our tarmera ia at tbta mo ment our meet pret-lena. Among the things «*>c* may con tribute to the solution of tMb prebtaan are:. fa) teetering meane j whereby worthy tee ante majr bo come land owners: (b) establish ing a resesrch label at or f ta tbe cotton sa clone >ef tbe State Far experimental math ta bell seeevN control: (c) providing a ma no tare I training In tbe rwrnl ochoola tors af aetlvity far rural better TAXES AND GOVERNMENT EXPENSES. S. Taxes on both land and personal « property are tan high ta many eg tbe cnaantleo and municipalities af tbe State- There la admittedly a lach af anifenarty in the valua tiea of lauds far taxation, and tbta heavey a burden upon individual taxpayers. Often Intangible prop arty ex capes taxation, thereby ta are valued too for phtpooae of tax at on. A clooo study of the ■hole aituatien anould bo made ta aa effort to devme aeaae plan j nhsraby those heavy hurdcaa a» iattag In saie af the usuntloa may be relieved aad tbe defects and laogaalrtics eliminated- Tbe praa syc.:n whereby land aad par oaanl prepsrty are aaaesasd f» taxation, and taxed by tha local far lecal psrpsssa only, m tbe declared pat icy el tke j Democratic party and baa bam approved by oar people. I believe tbat at the piaeaod - ■- e Prmtr} FIRST FASHION SHOW CREDIT TO TOWN Staged By Margolis Brothers And Brooks 1 The first fashio sh-jw to be stageyi | in Wniiams*oa wii pat cn at the in door cirrus cn Wednesday evening of { ' this week by MargoiLt Brother? a u . Brooks. | I' va» a credit to the ?j*wr. of W-l- ' iitmitoii, there being many in tiae j ■ audience wkc had a!'.«iird >how> i larger taw s and th- mcdeU j ! and their costume-- we-.- abcre the; ' average The haaaati's 1 women and hjndsoi* men af W we~e' re«-er >tea to better adva-tage thar ' tHey were Wedneada; r»«-ninjr V i'h a • heater staqe setii~g tKey would have leen a eteeit to any city. Several cf the t=ort attractive | younger boys of the 'own w»nr cv- | ; tantil in Jack Tar Tor* a>l Cort'ev ' Jr. n:U. The Sdc»t Brar.! CTcthc-- ' were wom by ;om cf the be-t Uv-11 c of \Villiaaa-«ton*s yat h-'. Aivi the lovely chicken diewe- were w« rn by ( beac'ifid vi>aea and girU a-.i they j mai!-' very strfti e i»W- Tne ilanciag r Im'e jlisi Cveo I . Wa'ts ami 'be *i. cinr of J|» M-- r\ | Hyde Lerrdt aUe>l ruA *o the at- ! IrsCnwev> of tbe s?-cw which was* | ei/cyeil from the bem* aiag tc the (las- if. when Mis- Bisabrth Hassefl | ir aa at'rawtive CWBM MJJTJ >uit ; Katie them good nacbt. DIAMOND RIN(aS TO BE GIVEN AT EXPOSXITION IKiason. K. C, M-* rch Ji—T«i Kr-d ( erne dianraoaid ru-r- air «« d splay , here. '» he awadi.) te the ua * { vrmer -U-radrd at the cwa; -ectioical exftooa>ipp to bg tHe j>rett v-t pirls in Kaknn t'arolia a'd I rtr - r cca' t? rr~pertively. The contents will he •vpirate. Mary ioat't—nufes vrtll se 1 their ilisat ii beau es Is the Kipoai- j tioa. te fco he'd the week of Apri' ' T. The iSrongs in attea>lanee or- Than i ta*. night o* eipr-ataon will he asked to -teoke which of the ley is the must | |Mt|kn iKhn u» Thus feature was a treme doaas >ucces- at last year's Et posik'n. Newell G_ Itartlet*. Kastern far- lina Chamber of Oummerre eiecs tne who is maran- g toe bpaaition. spocisoml by the latter bo>ly. he | I liev«-t it will bnrg thousand* of I | rhampii ns of the \armt cities aatd j towms* "asoai'e here for the I roirw-'itKHi' next month I The beauty 'how will I* just one r eature of mi > at the Kxpo.-atioea. It wi!! prove popular beraae the raral ; er mmunity has nfal rhaues wi'h the ! city in wanning a bar dtstancio - hy ;. uran- of it. rings wete ch ue" by four ev | perls •->! a recent lerwon They are |of the very la'est Out of a ' large assortment of stwars the expert.* -elected oose. The Newborn Jewelry Company, swpplytr-g the geoas. order e.l aiK-ther to match it. becan-e the Exposition age-|.> were » exacting. I'KIM.KAV IOR MARTIN AND KKKTIK COI'NTY CRfH P MEET INC. WOMAN'S MISS. SOCIETY - - At The Silhawtm M. E (harch. March 27. 1 TH IS A. M- open* deva'aetial—Re* . E D. Ihidd. . Aiidress of Wdrme —Mrs. W. C. I. .-erm&a I>pe ae—Mrs. Mo«es ).ißam .Solo. Wkispenrg Hofx Mass Myr tle Wyaa. The Wtrk of Cur taa(fl —Mr-- Harvey Koaey. Oi.- Lbstract —VI-- Atsma D Gra ! ham. So!e— Mis» Rtajaoaia. It-port From of Aaxd aries. I A-.ikocmcetre' ts. Ir'eraaissioa for laancb. ItM P. U . Devotional - Rev M. F. Hodges Bervete Memara!-Mis- Barrey Rottey. Mirn«e-; of Meetarr Place of next Meeting ' j Hymn. Ptja.ilictior I » . " Rre Comwnv CilM Oat At Noon Todav What eaased rather neck excite meat ard cawied the vehmtaer Ire conaapoy to put aa its battling clothe proved ta he a small See ia Jiev Town The fire caaaapay was e-lled at 1M rd mpaailel umibli rettiag there ia time ta ase the fae ei'mgatshers instead af the base. The haw ia oc cupied bv eclsrad people rod brtaaga to Mr Marshal VOaaa. There was very little daaaage. f•'• . , a DIVORCE GRANTED J IN UTTLE CASE i i I Jl K\ G|\E\ CASE AT I»:io YEsrF.RDAY HO«\l\C AND KENDEKEi* I liS VEKDHT AII Kit DELIBERATING IOC ONLY FORTY MIMICS f i "lhr Gn-ial « irr\ailed Ikji J»rj A«y Ha*c Lat!lr «»r Xo ' KroaMe u l!r* lia c a Vtd«i «. TW I Jif - - ± ; „ fo , Bond began his charge and for thirty minutes j reviewed the testimony ami explained the law as : applied to each phase of the testimony. The cr.urve was unusually clear, concise and to the point. I TT*r (ihirncr J> heard m ;ne >i ' pri or inert r«:inuoi from t-ur last t !t. 11. .t, o. tsitn l"ni*>c | -rapi: iM ~7T Kwiv;>«ntilir ssml '"hi-S ho «\ ~Lt'Jr im be ai-«| jk-f» 1! s i «f««t Mik | ' Siine at h. little hen* :jw! that m- j !•»■! - rvvonl cf iiw b sacft. ins : «l*"|..a Jr- till i.m be; ufi-i) r tbirflior. r «-/ ti.i' t» £kJoe«4. ■ | Sril .ii> *._ !'j* _-«.i V. i I'M- i ;2 ian» !.1 ;; feiV or ls.> fin Eubrrso * i'r ■.. he -">1 >n tn» I*"- - j , ui.ny Ua; U n. Mrs. |j|l!r iml a ' ni: cu t.i ho «.«! n« k >.•« 2r«| s,-w| ti«r Lif* ri i>4 her hu>K-»wl Jr v- Mr lit'le". t—r tp a {c.h aU jget i»u. i.a-1 c> she ».K«i LeCwe~a ® 1 s« set *r»*i lar& and that be Sf>! ic!d | • Jir. It T TajW #' ihr j R_ T. Ya; «.r vura ca!k>l -a«! he; knr> Due' «.»i Wiilami a l that sai ® 1 Wul'aai t. i l hin he Mr. liHVj a:fcl a a>K driie up a ;*a*h sr-«i irrt [ftui and f» >itt» the (k-ra Tayk r. c ««*•*•. f>lir»ol st*j mas a e*-A in the I_itt!e h> iw in ISI ! I ami that hw ' tar«> men. ilr. IW* j luk. hi. M-irinin* and other- nx n f ill there C!art • .vapte-l imp. *»r ( , i r ease a d • est to bath roan. Mr--1 I j little we.s! w -'airs when Cfcrl was I : |in his ro> n> and she teW her to matt! ( 1 for her an I e» if Mr lJt*le ra-w a»! J •his haprene! jbodl twee. J M. Ilsrh-roith tf»!l#fd lha* he ha-l j know r. W J. little aiS his life ai>! knew h ~ charar'er aaJ it «i« r«1 - ! l*r;>o>i-K>ti- were mtrMtuml. all if ) which itatr-t that the wi!n«>-e J. C j Balk- and vift of Kwt\i.k. Te . mere prnfilr of ei«-llen* The«e •lepn»i" ions mfc-re cuub- k? J« hn j F. Nimbs »hole-ale nwukanl. K. C. | Ion!. J. H Bnitrt. broker. J. J Taylor. j.he*iff «>f Kr ox eou ty. Ira M. IVavor, mri- of injiiraw* c«» pc\ny K II !lart. r"i are>t Stale Mu'ual ln>want fomj " j, Fia'4 L *fi«. o urty a»se--rf®-. .I! Cowan, pmture broker. It. 11. Aflff, C., Mundy. e»ty rwnnlnian. a">l ITmHc- j Hi es, fwt tjf r clerk TSe plaintiff then "e-tnl iL 4 ea>e TV* - deferwlan' leanJe a m t u« for . n n ui*. which «i lr jrd by Jia-lr*-, Bo 1 antl t> art for the "lay. I Wedne>4ar*s Tt»ia«j "P e ile'rixbut. Jl:t. la'tle. put he» a"'«,rne. Mr M M '«• the witie» sand. m!.« -"a'.fd 'hat be we't j |3 Knoxville Te» n. tnd went '0 TOI V M.-in Are.. t»e home of * C. j Burke- a-d aife. Nellie torls *ni , that he toM them he ma- -l erw for Mr* Ij'tle a»i tha* Niv B-ark-j stated f>o-it»xelj to kin in tK- pre - e- re of Iker l.tasbemd 'hat "K, W l"'-#trr ael Mi?. La'tle «hd i®« stay in mea», together The -Jfit *itne>s for 'he defense | was Mrs Little, the defendant her- ! self. Mr*, little was lea'lj diesxd ■a a IJue wit and appeared calm and romposed, hut shomred >»■' sJrw cf a break down ic health, brm* amri I thinner thai .-he w?.« a year »ro She still re"ajned her «4d beauty. She testi ( lied that die was formerly Marie An drrson. li%«i* for S months L» 1918 ia ll'." and that while tkere •M' *' J. Lat'le paid n«rt to her. She ther went wi»h her father a*d morhrr to Tnlby. Fla. where her farther mvrt e- : )|.r the A. C.L R R Mr. Lirle A at rrilb}. fWjf w«t toI Tampa where Mr. Lltt> rejris'ered as man and wife, which rite did not know r!3 they icirhtd the room and they •pent the afeht a the -aar rt«n j was ia Jaasary. She farther j«al«d tha" Mr. W. J little and she were ■named ia Reeky Moat where she wa- then brier, an the 4th day of March IW. \«» of Mr. Lattle's people attended the naarnajse bat all of her pfflf wet* p**~eo" exrepci-r her father, and that she wen* then t* Raiersnrtille where Mr. Little is a rserrhaat aad farmer. I'pon iwjairy by her eoaasel she Catcd "hat she had aa ianrraper re latioa. with Robert Clark, did nat teil •he nlat I woman to watch far Mr. Little and he added that she heard I 70am> teti'y, aad say he sarar her; . 3 lath a i i-el out I" '«•» a nan aikl she jnxrmi itn- as j*r.Mir by iirtjii )r It t holiy. stating. !"■ «i»d »■* «i » s-._" She iV hti tat«"«i JlHa: -he lived with Mr. Little :: years • Itt Iff: in January aftf 2 ft» i»r May.- Liitle. h.s j *•»*». that il* *«•: .0 the h«mr of ! i»er il !:«;kj M»u t and Mr. * I- -aid .f v,V «r aid leave he cuu!! 'cum 1 . swr .«!•*>■• a and a j~ar to «in»e. Ihj >be .-ia;.e«l lit days f a-«d .»rr father artf -aid it -* --•« !f a fara !> . i-erace. causing her to >.rpn«x' >1- !jt !e and he " savl cotr.e h», he wa> lcnexiii¥\ (kit she left a|r~i:: March > after !l* M' Little, eniflvl her out and ! 4t" I i" sV «fid M le. \t' ie Hottfd 'cV - the Kite a' >! live a: the hotel She «a*l -h' :ber left liome. »fi! tc Kr: \v 'le. Tesn and visited Mi-s . a t- -i fr i»l of her . She ?ai«l sre kue». \t K W. Foster. he .' was a fwrj of her fathers a»i ha.i i Li>*n Mia lorn beftre her marr..i|re. ! She liniKl any k or'nlpr f any , teleph- tie rail-, or roe.- -ates and sta' 5 •?! »he dad IM4 rail Mrs. I'.urV or •elepkone hat she vent to bet home , She -art she had never see- the jdd«dhts. «ko had tstified awl ha.i i rev.-f itrrrr a i.iehs with F--ter a'. : th- Sw* of Mrs. Bulk- nfr any * ther place The ftw. runinatio- of Mrs. lit tle ■as ma-fa- by Mr. Ih»i:'nr a-il 'tsilc ntarh -eo-._it.-f was la ked for ' , by 'he irerhrd crowd. it was rote«l for Itl-e .-nMilhw-s di>playe«l by both the attorney and the witness- and wa.. renerally a >lrl .lenial ef everything that had bee said arain-t her. i She admitted a'.i mtera'nl her fgiiir statement that Mr. little ha«! registered ;hem a- man a"*! wife at Ray Yiew ho'd Tampa. Ha. ami » hat they ic.iipi"! the .ante »»w and W fr»«n lfl to this *i> Jin -jar- 11-HC wh ch was the only tim« > s" «1 piac* -orfc an • eruranc-e hapfe« jfd. Mr. lit'Se had been cwfit-.g. she iaal-jra'. me II iroetbs then. I maite BC atleuipl to jnH ropy of register I j «i-' "*ot advised to do so. ami th u«h' -ay word as rood as his I The man n«w rallesl l.urks is r«/t be aaw man I -aw th "re I taye»l at *he Iturks" h- me 2 week- and ha-! ! tiv : i>u^ I a rVr-l in a L»u'.!ry as c!-eekin-» . eerk. I -. mj frerw) I'ntgy j * irotv« who afterward (rot a room for 1 mr. I rever rot lrp-si" lor.- fr>ii Ter.n. because Mr. SluUs -a-d il w: not r.eres*ar-,. | K W F«»-l»r wa* in dutamwra when I feac'e-l Know-lie l*nvr s.« h«e hat «r «>ne r)«* in that was o*e >«ta.-iM wb»- lie c:nv , fir his taoadry I did not n-Se in Ford ear with Faster. I did a4 ro to po" fir» with mar I pot a letter fr- ni tt J lit'le • r—limiiy i Hct but no* a w id writ tew Mr Little told tre to ret out or j arc* ar-r of M.- >0 and Ft he! There was no other reason for his turr.i- r ITV away. We were friendly, fce rarrie.l Be to Itkraaeie aiwl kissed me gowl bye. ' ~ /-• I lived w;*h him 3 years, he treat- , e 1 me all riybt hot his people wen-! alwavs tsrr>rr He IULS. a FOCD 9 riß U I had an atfonchile. I p'e I) of rood clothes, hut ! had to j take WIMU to ret them I bnorh* very few clothe- hef se Wavier and wsed my —n. Mr Lit tle carried me to Baleigfc abou' j FAIWT and I baaarbt »K> « worth | of weariar apparel as I could nut get su aUe rlxbra in ftabersonville as •bey earned iiHetly iarb a- are boi'eht, by cow 'ry people I did not leave on account of Chattanaora ma I aaald bare teen j with him aaw if bfa> people bad lef 1 as al—r I trartod him tc meet away . hw« he odd not oa atiio—t of his bwj ina S» interests . Did not re >0 PanneV and t* H | I'luw 1 to Farter with Mas Feilell. dU M know Mian FVrreil gat tele-, WATOI THE LABEL ON YOL2 PAPER. IT CARRIES THE DATE VOI R SI &X RIKTiON EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 LOt IS LEE AR RESTED WITH 3 GALLONS OF RUM ,! Lee Plated In Town lail I'ntll Bond Was Furnished Wednesday Rt^kL 1 Ciief of P Jk* J. O Mx'tr.ra. whi'-f .raire his mjfui t«nmf >3»pin«« »i* t>e Tovt irw'.- of a -riri sn a .-air i * upon hilt f«a*>i be Kid three •allow cf !>- i»r chsef .irrp»;eJ the mi\ Lows Lee. c»" rr«i u** "tx>k the three rall«r> o' !: ;«or, the car' ami Lee p(M»: is the lock up «he re he rwt sta arli Thursday j when he save ktnt. It -eem. :K»- Le~ riairred the hut Cijftrrn? tje car. Jt is thouacit he ri- the wholesale r>-errh..rr* i». >he -ra-e asad that he *l.' going to «-(>.».- a- hz particular let arvuiui tcwr Ki »—j|J i*ji)i!»!r,tiits. His rw»! ; «ere e\er ~4>l_ CANDIDATE POR THE OFFICE OF RECi. OF DEEDS TOTIi:: !»I M> . KAT VOTERS OF MARTIN" IVI MV A r t«*r r -as*6 atNffi wd the endorsement a { the -*-I kulw? of my mar \ fne:»!- 'hnu*t«l the rouo- Iv. i ar* ..ure rrr* self a earriidate. and tili .t \>«r support. fw the office cf Uffi-V' of IV#>y of V..ft*' Ccilflty, sub*: to the *»f Jie LV-mo cratic I* .»*,•_»' • t«e »-e"4 ««» Jure the Tth. I9"*i If romiiaVl s«d yoar up p« rt «il! he r*»ar4>. Ht mrest ef fort *•» rer?«ter HRr e»t an I ."aithful as I alrap fii* «ia*e to all trusl crnfi-y-l to r» l if*tof«!r lie per'fall;. uhr -lis M~rch 3«'.. It'.'l , SYI %'ESTER PFEI TE U HER Ti» MEET The 'eacher* « f 'he nu*ty «t!I bold the - rfjfttiir eioclhly : -rrtiVf h'-re tI •« —' r-r T " fc * £!■»>•! rfvr| Li lid ' '•>■» A -!-«; d t* Mr. T I. H«i » " a I u_-i osc »M'l hefw yesterday. Miv. Louise K Aertier arrived Weil nfxhy 'rr>*n Hashmttn City U • tfi'. her aptrtt f« z fern weeks! (rami. Tele-- -are- wvr- prewtil a~l she -t.!te> vie ira>* "ei,-j xen t"ietn before XI:.. E F. A -Sec ■.« :.!w nWher of Mr* Lrttle »»s tie Ls * V'~en«la:' witness and -he ta> : t5. Mr Ijfh had taken h»*i * . Wilsor. le*> her -jr.d -he lac r« -e«;d he. other sc! m U« fcr Sir.*. Ar •terror* -'.itel that - ; ad not CO " Kulersni i lie .-ftes 't »e her i»U|t'- ter as she did r«. fri" f ea-e. »nl *-». much emfcrravwl at an art (f Mr |j"l» at the Wnl'ad ta'-V lenrnmr wharh «*« I ire «|y ro* she tieir>l hetwwn Mr ar ••* Mi* little f r »fctrh I "ere mas *«e - .a-e Ihst she w uld see. , llere the -Befe«.-e r' »~d a-d the [J»r "i:T reea!le»t Hr-- linrlt*. Mr. Kurk> J- I all ef wh*»nt re;~atfd "t-e -*a:e. •-«- # former,y • r>iale IK !h»m Mr W J L:it» «ki ii*T pa' •> ar I . . te "s*rt he -e*;r r.-j;. ve; at an fc«>Cel as man ae«t •rife *r?l« Vi.. Ai>ei tkat the; di I !'•• tn l . l»ft il " Aafaac *s ir> ;le jbl «".uraed the « .e' i z »*" the ? art:*- «ia . v — r v Sir. I M Lf'Ue >a*t i»■ a!k «s| to h i l.*"Vr af—-: * i.- ourn mat riitjre Lit.til a mcEtrt af rt Mrs. LrtJe left and'did A 7K»rr . -slil IV m**t IVeemher. ! • 11. II Pope. Wesretr la m a-en*, at K bn oov.lW stated tis. Mrs lit le pit ink' ftr Mis Ferurl! frtm Foster on ari«t- ocrasseas in Jan uary, Fein nary and Ma - cfc !S2I- T. K. Weir. > &■ perat r at farmed si:d Mrs. Liltle and Mir? Kerrell ka-l seat ■*»' ■?» to Fut-'cr i from hks »IRre. The PtaMiK fWa pa ca T. Jore- Ta Tor. Fli lUe»>. H. C. VwtKn, R 11. Hrrrw. C. IL CM. HP. Pcpe. I>r. M P. Maanttr, * T_ Han*. CL V Hurst. D. R. Emm, Dr. J E Ward. W II Htdlxtay. J G. BaraUl. W. H. all of thra les* that tV i rtpMf ti— af Mi*. LiUle ■ had. After the rfanf af "he tatiar r the attorney* StaMa ue! StaWw i»» ('obum ipke far the d-'endaat' ar-i . Ihraitf and Maw* for ti* plait*' ~ , The i piwh ■ were ac as hank r.- | mirht have ktea, aad tha*l the coo 1 uafortarmt* fcr the pa«€se» at iatxs+- laad the pcapl* af Ik *"*•!• caart- . the tiJw of trial cr* artthy "f i IV lfrikt if tfc» hr* ■ InlaU nne ta the »hi t* «